Chapter 6

Do I wanna know ?

Chapter 6

It was their fourth day as an official couple. Their date that night ended with a simple kiss on the cheek by Tiffany. Tiffany wanted the relationship to have a certain kind of innocence to it despite their old age and Taeyeon liked the idea of that. However, the following day Taeyeon was already buried with work. She barely had time to even text Tiffany. It was still new to her and she can’t seem to manage her time well. Her schedule was packed with meetings with board members and clients. Her father decided to hand over more responsibility for Taeyeon ever since of the news of her and Tiffany got published. Taeyeon had no choice but listen to her father. She was the next president of the company anyways.


Tiffany has been trying to reach Taeyeon but to no avail. Tiffany was busy working on her album for now because she promised her company to produce an album during this break. In other words, both of their hands are tied. They both had different commitments and it was already hard for them to commit to each other. Honestly, Tiffany was already getting frustrated. It has been 3 days since they last saw each other. She was starting to miss her cute dork girlfriend but there was nothing she can do. She has to work on the album fast to be able to focus on her relationship with Taeyeon.


“Fany, there was a problem with the recording room so they are postponing today’s session. You are free for the next 3 days, congratulations.” Her manager Yunho informed her.

“Oh my god, finally!” Tiffany cheered.

“Let me just call Taeyeon.” Tiffany said as she dialled her phone. Yunho could only chuckle over her cute antics.

“Why is she not answering my calls nor texts? This is weird. She hasn’t even opened my text from this morning when it is already noon.”

“Should we go pay her a visit?”

“Sure, let’s go.”

It was a short drive between her studio and Taeyeon’s office and soon she arrived.

“Can you tell Director Kim that her girlfriend is waiting for her?” Tiffany said to the receptionist.

“Dae, Miss Hwang” Her secretary Hyeri said in response.


Taeyeon heard a knock on her door and while she was busy reading her documents that needed her approval.

“Come in!” Taeyeon said still consumed by work.

“Miss Kim, your girlfriend is here to see you.” She informed Taeyeon.

“I don’t have a girlfriend. You may take your leave now. I’m busy.” She said without thinking too much of it.

“Okay Miss Kim.” Hyeri said before taking her leave.

“I’m sorry Miss Hwang but Miss Kim said she doesn’t have a girlfriend. She seems busy at the moment. I think it’s better for you to take your leave.”

‘What is wrong with this ? I can’t believe she forgot about me instantly after 3 days.’ Tiffany thought to herself in anger.

“Excuse me but can you let me in for a while. It seems like I need to remind her of my existence.”

“I’m sorry Miss Hwang but I don’t think now is the best time.” The secretary tried to stop Tiffany from entering Taeyeon’s office.

“Step back.” Tiffany said in a scary tone that would make any man run in fear.

“Dae Miss Hwang.” She backed down in fear.

Tiffany flung the door open as she stepped in.

“I told you I’m busy do you not understand .” Taeyeon stopped mid speech the moment she saw Tiffany furious face.

“‘ I have no girlfriend’, seriously Taeyeon?!”

“Oh , I totally forgot about you.”

“How dare you disown me as your girlfriend like that ?!”

“I know i’m sorry. I just forgot.”

“3 days without me and you forgot about me. Do you really hate me as your girlfriend?” TIffany scolded her.

“No I just forgot. It won’t happen again. I swear.”

“Where is your phone? Why didn’t you answer my calls?” Tiffany questioned.

“I left it at home. I kinda lost it actually.” Taeyeon said in embarrassment. Tiffany could only facepalm herself over Taeyeon’s carelessness.

“I can’t believe you. You do know how ridiculous this situation is right? You just forgot about your girlfriend’s existence within 3 days.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you.” Taeyeon pleaded.

‘How can I stay mad at that cute face?’ Tiffany thought as her anger dissipated.

“Take me to lunch now and I’ll consider forgiving you.”

“I can’t do that…”

“And why is that?” Tiffany was mad again.

“I have a flight to catch in 45 minutes.”

“You are leaving the country and you don’t even care to tell me?!” Tiffany shouted once again.

“I’m telling you now aren’t I?” Taeyeon argued.

“Where are you going and for how long?”

“Bali,Indonesia for 2 days.”

“You are ridiculous, you know that?”

“I’m sorry. I’m just really having a hard time adjusting to all of this. I know how upsetting my attitude is but give me time to adjust things”.Taeyeon face fell and Tiffany felt her sincerity.

“How am I not upset when you forgot about me and I can’t even have a simple lunch with you? I have a break for the next 3 days and yet you are not around.” Tears start to well up as Tiffany hold back her frustration.

“Hey fany, don’t cry please. I’m so sorry. It won’t happen again.” Taeyeon held Tiffany face as she apologised.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” Tiffany said and Taeyeon went silent.

“Come with me to Bali.” Taeyeon said out of no where.

“Yunho, you have her passport on you right now?” Taeyeon asked Yunho who was sitting outside of the office.

“Yes I do.”

“Great. I’m taking her with me for the next 2 days. I’ll tell you the details later. Tell me her next schedule and i will make sure she gets back in South Korea in time.” He informed Yunho.

“Hyeri, make sure the team knows that my girlfriend is coming along.”

“Dae miss Kim.”

“Hold on Kim Taeyeon. You haven’t even ask me if i wanted to join. Secondly, how sure are you that there are still plane tickets?”

“Would you like to join me?”


“But why?”

“I’m sure there are no tickets left.”

“ We are going on a private plane.”

“I’m busy.”

“With what?”

“My album of course. Not everything revolves around you.”

“Oh ok then. If you don’t want to follow then there is nothing i can do about it.”

“Hyeri, you heard her. Now get the driver ready, i don’t want to be late.”

“You don’t even want to try and persuade me?” Tiffany asked in disbelieve.

“How can I ask you to prioritise me over your work when I can’t do that same?”

“You are dumb.”

“I am.”

“Everything that comes out of your mouth just makes me mad.”

“I know.”

“Shut up and let’s go.”

“So you’re in?” Taeyeon asked to clarify.

“I said shut up.”

“Dae Boss.” Taeyeon said as she followed behind Tiffany innocently.

She did a fist pump in the air secretly.

“Don’t be too excited. I haven’t forgave you. Make it up to me in Bali.”

“Understood.” Taeyeon said while Tiffany just rolled her eyes.


The car ride to the airport was quiet and awkward. Taeyeon wanted to talk but she was afraid that Tiffany was still mad at her. Angry tiffany is not the best person to have a chit chat with so she decided to let the car be filled with silence rather than screams.

However, Taeyeon did initiate the hand holding as they were in the car. Her hands were sweating due to her nervousness but she knew she had to make it up for the latter. She was trying her best but it is sad to say that her best effort does not seem enough for their relationship. Tiffany was seating on the other side of the car. Her hands were laid nicely next to her. All Taeyeon had to do was grab her hands and intertwine their fingers, it was very simple and straight forward.


It wasn’t the case for Taeyeon. She had always been an over-thinker and now was one of the moment where it was not doing her any good. She was hesitant to reach out her hands in fear of making Tiffany angrier. On the other hand, Tiffany was angry that Taeyeon was taking too long to talk or even make the effort to hold hands. Taeyeon was even avoiding to make eye contact. It was getting on Tiffany’s nerves but she knew it was probably one of the moments where Taeyeon is too hesitant to make any move. Just as Tiffany was about to forget about it and sleep it off, she felt Taeyeon’s hand slowly making it’s way into hers. Tiffany just let her hand be, letting her fingers hang there loosely as she wait for Taeyeon next move. Soon, she felt Taeyeon’s firm grip on her hand and she was relieved that her dense ex best-friend was finally doing something right. She secretly smiled in her seat, looking away from Taeyeon.

“It’s going to take 8 hours until we reach Bali. Are you going to be okay?” Taeyeon asked in a concerned tone.

“I’m used to traveling. Don’t worry.” Tiffany said while smiling.

“I’m suddenly happy.” Taeyeon said randomly.

“Why so suddenly?”

“Because I finally get to see you smile.”

“Technically you forgot about this smile within 3 days.”

“uations happen okay.”

“No, you’re just .”

“I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

“We will see Kim Taeyeon.”


The flight to Bali was a stable one due to the great weather conditions. Taeyeon took the time to sleep because she hasn’t been getting enough sleep the past few days. Tiffany was disappointed that she couldn’t talk to Taeyeon while on the plane because Taeyeon fell asleep right after take-off but she understood. Taeyeon has always been hardworking and that was one of her favourite traits about Taeyeon. Tiffany had no choice but to busy herself with her phone. As Tiffany was busying herself with Instagram and twitter, she felt a soft weight on her left shoulder. She also heard light snores from the latter. Taeyeon looked so cute that it was hard for Tiffany not to squeal. She decided to take a picture of Taeyeon sleeping.

“You are so cute when you sleep. Why can’t you be this cute when you are awake?” Tiffany said softly as she took pictures.

‘I should upload this on Instagram.’ An idea came to her mind.

-Wish you were this cute while awake 🙁-

She didn’t want to reveal too much about their new relationship status. She was sure that Taeyeon would disagree on going public about their relationship now. She just broke up with her ex and she doesn’t want Taeyeon to be seen as a rebound. She wants the public to be unsure about their relationship. Satisfied over her post, she soon joined Taeyeon into dreamland.


“Who are you texting?” She asked after seeing Taeyeon busy texting away on her new phone with a smile on her face.

“Did I wake you up? Sorry.” Taeyeon said as she kept away her phone like she is hiding something.

‘This seems suspicious’ Tiffany thought.

“How can I not when you type as if you want to break the phone?” Tiffany answered.

“Sorry about that. You should go back to sleep.”

“Who were you texting?” Tiffany asked as she came closer to Taeyeon’s phone screen. Taeyeon flinched at Tiffany advancement as she hid away her phone under her thighs this time.

“No one. It was just about work.” Taeyeon said nervously.

‘Lies’ Tiffany thought but still decided to ignore it for now because she didn’t want to fight again.

Tiffany pretended to go back to sleep. Taeyeon heaved a relieve sigh seeing that Tiffany was no longer suspicious of her. Taeyeon continued to text the person she was texting. Tiffany waited until Taeyeon had to go to the toilet so that she can secretly check her phone.

-See you tonight- She read the text that flashed on the lock screen.

Tiffany tried to unlock the phone but failed so she decided to just put it where it belongs because she heard Taeyeon’s footsteps approaching. Tiffany acted like nothing happen.

“You’re up?”

“Yeah I just woke up.” Taeyeon was not suspicious of anything because Tiffany was good in acting.

“We’re going to land in 30 minutes.”


“Are you tired?” Taeyeon asked as she held Tiffany’s right cheek and Tiffany’s heart skipped a beat.

“A little.”

“I’m sorry that you have to follow me like this at the very last minute. I know how you hate last minute plans.”

“It’s fine Taeyeon. I’m used to it.”

“Do you want to go shopping right away or do you want to take a rest first?”

“Are you tagging along?”

“I’m sorry babe but I’m not. I have a meeting right away until midnight.” Taeyeon said in a sorry tone.

“Oh” Tiffany’s face fell as she remembered about the suspicious text.

‘Are you interested in someone else Taeyeon? Are you giving me false hope?’ Tiffany thought alone.

“Hyeri and the driver would follow you around okay. Don’t worry about it. Just choose whatever you want. No credit limits.” Taeyeon said as she passes her black debit card.

“I’m not after your money Taeyeon. I can pay by myself.” Tiffany refuses to take the black card.

“I know but it would make me feel better. Please take it. Take it as a form of apology. It would really help me feel more relieved.” Taeyeon explained and Tiffany felt the sincerity.

“Only because you force me to.” Tiffany snatch away the card.

“Okay thank you.” Taeyeon said with a smile.


Tiffany saw Taeyeon whisper something to Hyeri as she got down of the plane. They were laughing together and it bothered Tiffany to no end. She knew she had jealousy issues and this is one of her ridiculous jealous moments but she can’t help it. How can she when she is dating her multi millionaire best friend that is also the bachelor of the year? Taeyeon was fine and she knew that. It would be hard to not fall for those cute dimples

‘Kim Taeyeon, you better stop flirting and come here before I get mad for real.’ Tiffany chanted in her head as she glared at the latter.

It was as if Taeyeon heard her silent threat that she suddenly cut short her conversation and came to Tiffany’s side.

‘Good girl’ Tiffany thought satisfied.

“The car is ready.” Taeyeon informed.

“Are we going in the same car?”

“Separate since I need to head to the meeting right away.”

“Okay” Tiffany said disappointed.

“See you tonight.” Taeyeon said before bidding goodbye.

“I thought your meeting finishes at midnight.”

“Night and midnight. Same thing” Taeyeon said with a nervous laugh.

‘Now this is getting more suspicious. Can I trust you Kim Taeyeon?’

“Madam, please come with me.” The driver came and she followed.

The latter then went shopping the whole day and when she arrived to her hotel room she was surprised to see a dress laid on the bed alongside a small note.

‘Wear this beautiful’ Wrote the small note.

It was a stunning dress. Simple yet elegant. Just like her.

A knock was heard on the door.

“Come in!” Tiffany shouted in response.

“Hello Miss Hwang, I am Jeremy and I will be your hair dresser for today.”

‘Damn Taeyeon must spent so much for this.’

“Hello nice to meet you.”

“Please do call me once you have put on your dress. Me and my staff will help you put on make and style your hair.” Jeremy informed the latter.

Suddenly a notification popped out on her phone.

‘Come out and meet me at the pier’

Tiffany just smiled as she got ready for her date.

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Taking a hiatus for a while due to covid


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aerolcaroline #1
Chapter 16: Update? :(
NekoLS #2
Chapter 14: Waee taeyeonnaa why are u not ready!?
And what's mr kim hiding about??? Im curious
lalatreese #3
Chapter 5: i love everything in this chapter omg
aglaonema #4
Chapter 14: Tae agh :"
ilovetaeny1989 #5
Chapter 14: Taeyeon, why you are not ready? :(
1130 streak #6
Chapter 14: Tae you f***** up big time... Why do I think that Mr Kim is terminally ill and he wants someone to be there for Tae once he is no more or he is protecting he from something and the only way is for him to get her married off to Tiffany
Skye1234 #7
Chapter 14: Thank you for the update.
Chapter 13: Although it's out of the initial plan but I am happy that they got together :) Mr Kim is such a cool dad