Chapter 8

Do I wanna know ?

Chapter 8

As promised, they both were getting ready to get breakfast together the next morning. Taeyeon had to go straight into another meeting so she wore her usual office attire. On the other hand, Tiffany wore a black singlet with her denim jeans and heels. She added a cardigan cute yellow cardigan to go with her look of the day.

A knock on Tiffany’s door was heard as she was busy putting on her lipstick.

“Fany are you ready?” Taeyeon asked on the other side of the door.

“Coming!” Tiffany shouted through the door as she kept her lipstick in her purse and head to the door.

“You look wonderful.” Taeyeon said as her sight was welcomed by Tiffany’s beautiful eye smile.

“You don’t look so bad yourself.”

“What do you plan on doing today?” Taeyeon asked as she pressed on the elevator.

“I haven’t made plans yet. Maybe I should search up places that I can go while waiting for your meeting to end.” Tiffany searched for her phone in her bag .

“Wait I think I left my phone in my room. I’ll be right back.” Tiffany added before she headed back to her room.

‘Ding’, the elevator arrived and Taeyeon was welcome by the sight of a familiar woman.

“Taeyeon-nie!” The girl greeted her excitedly.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were in Bali? I missed you.” The girl said as she pulled Taeyeon in for a hug.

“Jane, what are you doing here?” Taeyeon said awkwardly as she let the latter pull her in for a hug.

“Looking for you of course. I missed you. Did you miss me too Taeyeon-nie?” Jane said cutely as she pouted.

“You look a bit different.” Taeyeon tried her best to ignore the latter’s question.

“Awww…you noticed. I got my nose done. What do you think?” She asked as she let go of Taeyeon’s body and tilted her face to the side to show off her new nose.

“Taeyeon!” Taeyeon heard Tiffany called out her name from across the hall as she breeze walked her way to them. Taeyeon panicked like a deer caught in light.

“Who’s this baby? Your new fling?” Jane asked Taeyeon who had terror on her face. Tiffany’s heart boiled as she heard the latter calling her girlfriend dear names.

“ Uhh…”Taeyeon was stuttering before Tiffany join in the conversation.

“I’m her fiancé. Who are you?” Tiffany asked ily.

“Is that true Taeyeon?” Jane looked at Taeyeon for confirmation.

“Uhh…” Taeyeon was still stuttering. Tiffany just rolled her eyes and pulled Taeyeon away.

“We’re busy. Excuse us.” Tiffany said as she pulled Taeyeon into the elevator.

“Call me!” Jane said before blowing a kiss before the elevator door closed. Taeyeon was still flustered and could barely comprehend what just happened.

“What was that?! Why didn’t you tell her you have a fiancée?” Tiffany asked angrily before crossing her arms in the ‘explain yourself position’.

“I was flustered. I’m sorry okay I panicked!” Taeyeon said panicked.

“Who tf was that ?” Tiffany asked angrily.

“A fling of mine.” Taeyeon answered nervously.

“When did you guys last hooked up?”

“A month ago?” Tiffany just gave her a deadly stare as Taeyeon nervously answered all the question on the survey.

“Was she good?” Tiffany asked further.

“She’s…” Tiffany cut Taeyeon before she could answer with “Don’t answer that!”.

Taeyeon shut right away before she trailed angry Tiffany out of the elevator to the coffee house like a guilty puppy.

“I’m sorry.” Taeyeon said guiltily as they both sat down.

“You better be.” Tiffany said as she focused on the menu ignoring Taeyeon’s sad gaze before calling the waiter.

“I would like to have a salmon salad and a glass ice tea.” Tiffany ordered.

“Cereal with hot coffee for me please.” Taeyeon said before dismissing the waiter.

Tiffany ignore Taeyeon’s presence and focused on her phone. It was becoming crystal clear that Tiffany was beyond mad at her.

‘Think Taeyeon Think’ Taeyeon thought to herself trying to find a solution to the problem.

“I heard that there is a massage shop nearby. Should we go there together tonight?” Taeyeon suggested.

“I am sure you would like that right Taeyeon. Someone groping your body.”

‘ wrong place. You are so stupid’ Taeyeon mentally cursed herself.

“How about I take the evening off and we can go anywhere you like?” Taeyeon suggested. Tiffany liked the idea but given the circumstances, she might need some time to cool off.

“We’ll see how it goes later.” Tiffany answered coldly giving shoulders to Taeyeon.

They ate their breakfast quietly and soon it was time for Taeyeon to leave.

“ Sajang-nim, the driver is ready.” Hyeri informed Taeyeon before leaving the coffee house to wait outside.

“I’m sorry but I have to go now.” Taeyeon informed Tiffany. Tiffany just hummed in response.

“Can I have a kiss before I go?” Taeyeon requested. Tiffany just ignored the latter and continued to play with her phone.

“Hey can you please look at me?” Taeyeon requested as she bended her knees to be eye level next to Tiffany. Tiffany complied and looked at Taeyeon.

“Look, I know you are mad at me. You have every right to be mad at me. I acknowledge my fault. I hope you know that.” Taeyeon softly explained herself. Tiffany’s heart was slowly melting seeing the sincerity in Taeyeon’s eyes.

“But, isn’t it too much to not kiss me before I go to work? How am I gonna go to work peacefully if I don’t get my lucky charm kiss?” Taeyeon further reasoned and boy was Tiffany melting.

“What if” Taeyeon speech was stopped mid way as Tiffany planted her lips on the latter. Taeyeon pulled Tiffany closer in response to kiss her deeper.

“Thank you”Taeyeon said as they parted their lips.

“I’m still mad. Just so you know.” Tiffany said.

“I know.” Taeyeon said as she smiled all the way to her ears.

“Hey just so you know. You can be mad as hell at me and vice versa but we still need to kiss before I go to work okay? Can we pinky promise to that?”Taeyeon held out her pinky finger.

“Okay” Tiffany said as she intertwine their fingers together. Tiffany was still slightly mad but Taeyeon was being too adorable for her to resist and it was hard to ignore the cute latter.

“I’ll get going first okay.See you in the evening. Call me if there is anything.” Taeyeon said before leaving Tiffany.

“Okay.” Tiffany replied as she waved Taeyeon goodbye.

The little midget had always had a way to cool her down whenever she is mad or upset. A flashback played in her mind.

Little Fany cried silently as she was looking at her lollipop on the sand ground.

“What’s wrong?” Little Taeyeon asked her. Behind her was her bodyguard and nanny.

Little Fany was scared seeing a buffed man standing in front of her.

“Don’t be scared. He is not a bad person. He just works out a lot.” Little Taeyeon comforted the latter.

“My lollipop fell down.” Tiffany finally said.

“Nanny Lee, do you have another lollipop in your bag?” Taeyeon asked her nanny.

“Let me check” The nanny said as she checked her bag.

“My name is Taeyeon.” Taeyeon extended her hand like a true business man despite only being 5 years old.

“My name is Stephanie.” Tiffany took the extended hand.

“Found it! There you go.” The nanny passed the lollipop to Taeyeon.

“Cola is my favourite flavour. I hope you like it.” Taeyeon opened the wrap before she passed the lollipop to the latter.

“Thank you.” Tiffany said as she took the lollipop into .

“Master Kim, your dad is waiting.” Her bodyguard informed.

“I have to go now. See you around Fany.” Taeyeon said as she waved goodbye and that was the start of their great friendship.

Tiffany chuckled as another memory came into mind.

15 year old Tiffany was pacing back and forth inside Taeyeon’s big mansion room as she was blabbering about her then boyfriend, Donghae.

“Taetae, can you believe he did that? That jerk literally kissed another girl in-front of my ing face.”

“What are men if not disappointing?” Taeyeon said in a philosophical tone as she laid down on her bed.

“I’m being serious.” Tiffany said annoyed.

“I know Fany. Do you want me to beat him up? My dad has the bail money.” Taeyeon said seriously.

“Of course not!”

“Just tell me to do it and I’ll really do it.” Taeyeon said.

“I know. I trust you.”

“Come here.” Taeyeon patted the spot next to her. Tiffany just complied.

“Close your eyes.” Taeyeon said which Tiffany complied. Taeyeon pressed on the remote and the room was filled with shining stars and moon.

“Now open your eyes.” Taeyeon ordered.

“Wow!” Tiffany was in awe on how beautiful Taeyeon ceiling was.

“Let’s just focus on the present shall we” Taeyeon said as she focused on the dancing stars before her. Slowly, they both fell into a deep slumber. Just like that watching the stars or the sky became their thing.





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Taking a hiatus for a while due to covid


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aerolcaroline #1
Chapter 16: Update? :(
Chapter 16: Drama is coming
Chapter 14: Update please
NekoLS #4
Chapter 14: Waee taeyeonnaa why are u not ready!?
And what's mr kim hiding about??? Im curious
lalatreese #5
Chapter 5: i love everything in this chapter omg
aglaonema #6
Chapter 14: Tae agh :"
ilovetaeny1989 #7
Chapter 14: Taeyeon, why you are not ready? :(
1120 streak #8
Chapter 14: Tae you f***** up big time... Why do I think that Mr Kim is terminally ill and he wants someone to be there for Tae once he is no more or he is protecting he from something and the only way is for him to get her married off to Tiffany
Skye1234 #9
Chapter 14: Thank you for the update.
Chapter 13: Although it's out of the initial plan but I am happy that they got together :) Mr Kim is such a cool dad