Chapter 11

Do I wanna know ?

Chapter 11

“I heard from uncle that you rented out whole Disneyland for a day .” Yuri said over the phone.

“Yeah pretty much.” Taeyeon answered nonchalantly as she look through her documents at the office.

“I wonder why Disneyland. You know you could have booked Paris or something, it’s far more romantic.” Yuri asked.

“ I have my reasons. I will tell you about it later. I’ll hang up, I have work to do.” Taeyeon answered in a rush.

“Okay, talk to you soon cousin.” Yuri answered.

“And Yuri, make sure you don’t tell fany about this. It is a surprise.” Taeyeon reminded.

“I won’t don’t worry.” Yuri said as they hung up the call.

It was a week after the trip they shared at Bali. Taeyeon was swamped in work as soon as they landed in Seoul and so did Tiffany. They barely had any chance to talk to each other other than short questions within the day. However, they agreed that the they were going to fly to America tomorrow to visit Miyeon.

Taeyeon was nervous about the meeting despite Miyeon being a 2 year old girl. Tiffany and her planned on spending time together for a week in America which led to Taeyeon preparing a special trip to Disneyland so that they can have some fun in hopes to get on Miyeon’s good side. She pulled in a few favours through her uncle to ensure that they get full privacy on the trip. Thankfully her uncle has some connections with Disney and they agreed to help Taeyeon.

There is also something up Taeyeon’s sleeves. Ever since the revelation by Tiffany about Miyeon, Taeyeon realised that she haven’t proposed to Tiffany. She felt responsible over the halt on Tiffany’s career and she decided that maybe it is her turn to show her commitment to their relationship now that they have taken things to another level. In Taeyeon’s mind, she would like to include Miyeon in every way possible including when she proposes to her mother.

“Hey beautiful! Are you ready ? I am on my way to pick you up.” Taeyeon said with a tired but happy smile as she drove her way from the office to pick Tiffany up to head to the airport.

“I’m all ready. Aren’t you going to freshen up first?” Tiffany asked curiously as she saw Taeyeon still in her office attire.

“Too lazy..” Taeyeon answered.

“Arraso. I will be waiting boo. Muwah.” Tiffany said with a big kiss.

“Okay. See you later babe.” Taeyeon said with a smile.

“Where is my kiss ?” Tiffany asked.

“I’m saving it for later when I see you.” Taeyeon answered with a cheeky smile.

“Not fair!” Tiffany argued.

“I’ll give you double kisses.”

“I will be waiting bye boo!” Tiffany said before she hung up.

‘If anyone saw us, I’m pretty sure they would be vomiting rainbow.’ Taeyeon said to herself as soon as they hung up.

“Hi boo!” Tiffany’s loud voice echoed through the lobby. Taeyeon just laughed in response by how extra Tiffany was being.

“Did you miss me ?” Taeyeon asked as she loaded Tiffany’s baggage that seem like a whole house move. However, Taeyeon knew that’s how Tiffany liked to travel so she decided to save her opinion to herself as long as her girl is happy.

“Of course I did baby.” Tiffany said cheerfully with her beautiful eye smile.

“Me too! I missed you so much.” Taeyeon said as she gave Tiffany a long hug.

“We better get going or we will miss our flight.”Tiffany reminded which Taeyeon agreed and started driving.

The journey to the airport was quiet as they were both tired. However the silence was not the bad one but a rather calming one. As Taeyeon was driving though hangang river Tiffany suddenly got reminded of a memory with Taeyeon.


It was a rainy night, on the bed laid two teenage girls in their fifteens in their sleepwear lying flat on their chest.

“This is boring. Sleepovers are supposed to be fun Taeyeonie.” Tiffany whined.

“This is fun. I’m studying and gaining knowledge.” Taeyeon said pointing at her books.

“Such a nerd. You should be thankful that you are cute or I wouldn’t have been friends with you and you wouldn’t have any friends.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I am sure my father would pay some random teenage girls to be my friend.” Taeyeon said joking about her father’s wealth.

“Ha ha ha, funny” Tiffany said sarcastically.

“I’m serious Taeyeon. I’m bored out of my mind right now.” Tiffany whined again.

“What do you suggest we do ?” Taeyeon said closing her book.

“Let’s go to Hangang River!” Tiffany suggested.

“It’s raining and at night. I don’t think Appa will let me go out.” Taeyeon explained.

“Come on, we can just have a late night drive there and stay in the car.” Tiffany tried to persuade Taeyeon.

“But still it’s night. I don’t think my driver would be okay with this. He is off duty.”

“Then you can drive us there.”

“I don’t have a license. I barely know how to drive.” Taeyeon argued.

“Your dad has bail money and you do know how to drive. You have been sneaking out and getting me McDonald drive throughs at night whenever I am hungry.” Tiffany reasoned.

“That is different. Those were emergencies. You were hangry, angry and hungry. A hangry Tiffany is an emergency.”

“Then consider this an emergency. I’m so bored. I think I might die from boredom.” Tiffany whined again and added her secret weapon to the table.

“If you do this, I will let you touch my .”

“How long?” Taeyeon asked tempted by the offer.

“5 minutes.”

“Fine you win. But only this one time.” Taeyeon agreed in defeat because she would never win against those y looking .

“Thanks boo! Let’s get going.” Tiffany gave Taeyeon a short kiss on her cheeks as she skipped her way to put on a hoodie.

Taeyeon just rolled her eyes in annoyance but secretly liked it.

After Taeyeon puts on her hoodie and they both sneaked out and got into one of the many cars that Taeyeon parents owned. They bucked up and drove off before anyone can catch them.

Tiffany looked out the car towards the city lights. The city was dim as there were only light streets as all the shops were closed midnight, only a few colours could be seen from nightclubs and some stores.

“Hangang would be really dark at this time. Are you sure you want to go there?” Taeyeon comfirmed once again.

“It’s okay. I still want to go there.”

“Arraso.” Taeyeon said before she drove there silently giving Tiffany’s mind the space to wonder around.

On the radio was playing “Cry” by Cigarettes after .

She had a rough week dealing with her emotions. She heard the rumours about Taeyeon having a crush on her. She knew it was the truth from Taeyeon’s actions. Even with the look from her eyes, it was obvious the way Taeyeon felt for her. If she were to be honest with herself, she too share the same feelings with Taeyeon. However, she also knew that Taeyeon would never confess. Taeyeon is the type to burry herself with her feelings. So she knew, if she wanted anything between them, she had to be the first to make the step.

However, Tiffany knew that she’s confused with her feelings. She wouldn’t want to let Taeyeon go through a false love. She needed to be ready and sure of her feelings before she acts on it because she knew that once she break the latter’s heart, the latter might not love again. Tiffany was aware that once they cross that line, there is no turning back. Too clouded with the thoughts of her heart changing and making the latter cry, she decided to keep those feeling somewhere far and deep inside her heart that only she knows and can reach the truth.

But I need to tell you something
My heart just can't be faithful for long
I swear I'll only make you cry”


‘Maybe one day, when I am sure about my heart, I will tell you how I feel.’ Tiffany thought to herself as she listened to the song.

I hope this clears out the thought of Tiffany liking Taeyeon randomly or moving too fast to commit to Taeyeon. 

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Taking a hiatus for a while due to covid


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aerolcaroline #1
Chapter 16: Update? :(
NekoLS #2
Chapter 14: Waee taeyeonnaa why are u not ready!?
And what's mr kim hiding about??? Im curious
lalatreese #3
Chapter 5: i love everything in this chapter omg
aglaonema #4
Chapter 14: Tae agh :"
ilovetaeny1989 #5
Chapter 14: Taeyeon, why you are not ready? :(
1130 streak #6
Chapter 14: Tae you f***** up big time... Why do I think that Mr Kim is terminally ill and he wants someone to be there for Tae once he is no more or he is protecting he from something and the only way is for him to get her married off to Tiffany
Skye1234 #7
Chapter 14: Thank you for the update.
Chapter 13: Although it's out of the initial plan but I am happy that they got together :) Mr Kim is such a cool dad