Chapter 13

Do I wanna know ?

Chapter 13

The light of the sun ray beams through the blinds hitting on the sleeping latter on the bed. Taeyeon stirred as the light hits her face.

“Good Morning Sunshine” Tiffany said as she saw Taeyeon’s eyes fluttering open.

“Hmm” Taeyeon said as she shuts her eyes planning on sleeping once again.

“Wake up lazy bum. Miyeon is waiting for breakfast.” Tiffany said as she laid on top of her girlfriend.

“I’m sleepy” Taeyeon said as she pouted cutely.

“I know baby but Miyeon kept on asking for you.” Tiffany said as she kissed Taeyeon’s pouted lips.

“Arraso” Taeyeon said as she yawned giving Tiffany a direct hit of her breath.

“Your morning breath is deadly.” Tiffany said with a dramatic sound.

“ Oh really?” Taeyeon asked as she flipped Tiffany and pinned her to the bed.

“Yah!” Tiffany screamed as she avoided Taeyeon’s breath.

“Here comes the stinky monster.” Taeyeon said as she blow air towards Tiffany’s face.

“Yah get off me and go brush your teeth.” Warned Tiffany.

“Mommy!” Miyeon said as she stepped into the room looking at Taeyeon awkwardly as Tiffany was pinned below her.

Taeyeon released her grip and quickly get off of Tiffany.

“Hey sweetie! What are you doing here ?” Tiffany said as she stood up and picked Miyeon in her arms.

“Hungry.” Miyeon answered.

“Let’s go wait downstairs and let Taetae go brush her teeth.” Tiffany as she eyed Taeyeon as she just gave a quick smile and ran to the toilet.

‘That was awkward.’ Taeyeon thought to herself as she brushed her teeth quickly before heading down.

“Morning everyone” Taeyeon greeted everyone as she make her way down the stairs.

“Good Morning” Tiffany’s dad and Tiffany replied in unision.

“Come have a seat. Fany made pancakes..” Mr Hwang added.

“Wow it looks great!” Taeyeon exclaimed as she sat down looking at the pancakes.

“Taetae eat!” Miyeon said as she forcefully try to feed Taeyeon which Taeyeon just complied with.

“Is it nice?” Tiffany asked curiously.

“It really is. You definately got better at cooking..” Taeyeon said as she chewed.

“Shut up Taeyeon, it’s just pancakes.” Tiffany said as she rolled her eyes.

“What are your plans for today?” Mr Hwang asked.

“I was thinking of going to Disneyland but some nutcrack rented the whole place for a wedding proposal.” Tiffany replied which made Taeyeon chocked on her drink.

‘Wait, since when am i making a wedding proposal? I thought i was just proposing her to be my girlfriend. Maybe Tiffany got it mixed up. It is pretty much the same anyways.’ Taeyeon thought to herself.

“Drink slowly, why are you worse than Miyeon?!” Tiffany said as she patted the latter’s back.

“Sorry” Taeyeon said in a struggle.

“Anyways, can you believe that dad ? Can’t believe someone would take away everyone’s fun just for a proposal. They can just rent out a restaurant or something.” Tiffany continued and Taeyeon looked at her with this guilty look.

“Why are you looking at me like that? Oh my, do you have an ex working at disneyland too ?” Tiffany asked with a hint of anger.

“Why would I have a girlfriend in the US ?!” Taeyeon said defensively.

“Well I am from the US so it makes sense if you do honey.” Tiffany sassily.

“Touche’” Taeyeon said as she continued to eat.

“So what do you want to do?” Tiffany asked.

“I prepared something for Miyeon and you.” Taeyeon replied.

“Wow, totally looking forward to it. Aren’t you going to tell me about it?”

“Nope, it’s a secret. You’ll see when you get there.” Taeyeon said as she made the latter be filled with excitement.


“Are we there yet ?”Tiffany asked as she was blindfold.

“Not yet.” Taeyeon said as her eyes were fixed on the road.

“Is the place still far away ?”

“ We would arrive in 10 minutes.”

“Great! I’m so excited.”

Tiffany said with a clap.

“And we are here!” Taeyeon exclaimed.

“Can I take the blinds off ?”

“Not yet. I will lead you to your surprise.”

“You better not let me trip over some stairs Kim Taeyeon.” Tiffany warned.

Taeyeon help Tiffany walk to the aisle where a banner was located. Miyeon followed suit the two adults like a glue.

‘Such a good girl’ Taeyeon thought to herself.

“You may open the blindfold now.” Taeyeon instructed.

“Welcome to Disneyland!” Taeyeon said as she showed the banner behind her.

“Oh! My! God ! Taeyeon how did you manage to get in. I thought there was an event.”

“I have my ways.” Taeyeon said with a goofy smile as she hid the fact that she was indeed the nutcrack.

“Come on now both of you. Let’s enjoy!”


“Are you hungry now Miyeon ?” Taeyeon asked the little girl that looked awfully tired after riding dozens of kiddy rides. Turns out Miyeon was just as adventurous as her mother.

‘It’s going to take a lot of energy to keep up with this two. I should start taking vitamins.’ Taeyeon thought silently.

“ She loves hot dogs. We should get some.” Tiffany said as she took her daugther’s hand and walked to the hotdog stall near by.

“Aren’t you tagging along?” Tiffany asked.

“You guys go ahead, I will go to the toilet.” Taeyeon made an excuse for herself as she slipped to see the manager of the theme park.

“Miss Taeyeon, would you like to do the proposal now?” The manager asked.

“Yes. Since there isn’t any rehersal on my part, I hope everything is well prepared on your part.”

“Of course Miss! I will walk you through the process. First, we would be bringing the two of them to the theater where we would be playing a video made by your family and friends specially for this occassion. Once the video ends, then you would come in and say a few words before proposing. How does that sounds? It was all Mr. Kim’s idea.”

“ Sounds great! Never knew my father was such a romantic.”

“ He also prepared a ring for you to give Miss Tiffany.” He added.

‘A bit too much for a dating proposal but I guess the event would be incomplete without a promise ring.’ Taeyeon thought to herself.

“Let’s get going then.” Taeyeon said before being led to the event.


The room grows dim as the video starts playing on the big screen.

“Test 1,2,3. Hello Fany, it’s appa here.” Mr Kim said on the video. Tiffany was confused and in shock but still continued listening.

“ I bet you are confused as to why I am making this video. However, I would like to take this chance to express how thankful I am to have you in our lives. Ever since little Taeyeon introduced a mushroom haired girl when she was a child, I knew you were special. You made my lonely Taeyeon so happy and till this day you still do. I hope you stay by her side and make her happy till death do you part. Sending love. Good luck Taeyeonnie!”

Taeyeon chuckled as she watched the video backstage. Tiffany on the other hand was confused but still decided to enjoy the show.

“ Hello Fany ! It’s Yuri here. I was asked by Uncle Kim to make this video. Although I don’t really know what I am supposed to say.” Yuri said awkwardly.

“Just say anything about them.” Mr. Kim’s voice was heard in the back scolding Yuri.

“Well all I can say is, you guys are perfect for each other. No one deserves Taeyeon as much as you Tiffany. I am also going to take this opportunity to tell you a secret of Taeyeon. She cried like a baby when you didn’t take her to prom.”

“That idiot! ” Taeyeon cursed under her breath.

Tiffany laughed at the secret recently revealed as she remembered the day of prom.

The video continued with a few more friends and family looking like they were forced to make a video but it can be concluded that they thought Tiffany and Taeyeon were perfect together.

The light turns dim again as the spotlight turns on Taeyeon who was standing on the side of the stage with a mic in hand.

“ As you know, I am not good with words like you but I am thankful that you have choosen to give me a chance to love you. Before I ruin the mood with my dry words, I will express myself with your most favourite thing in the world aside from me which is music. I might not be a good singer like you but I hope you enjoy.”

‘That’s a lie you sound better than me’ Tiffany thought to herself.

The music started playing as the stage light up. Tiffany’s favourite artist starts playing which is Justin Timberlake which his song ‘My Love’ starts playing, a personal favourite she mentioned she wishes to be serenade to.

Tiffany started vibing right away as the song starts. Alongside the catchy beat, Tiffany absolutely love the meaning behind the song.

‘How romantic’ Tiffany thought.

As soon as the music finishes, Taeyeon got on one knee as instructed by the event manager and asked “ Will you be my love?”

However, oddly, on the screen the question that was plastered was ‘ Will you marry me?’

‘There must be a mistake.’ Taeyeon thought to herself.

Touched by Taeyeon’s sincerity, Tiffany shouted from the seat “ Yes I will mary you!”

Ignoring the confused look on Taeyeon’s face, she gave Taeyeon her hand and the ring was slow slid onto her ring finger before Taeyeon was engulfed in a tight hug.

“This is the happiest day of my life!” Tiffany noted.

“Same” Taeyeon said faking her happiness as she was filled with concern.

‘I am getting married!!!!’ Taeyeon thought as a warning light in her mind.

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Taking a hiatus for a while due to covid


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aerolcaroline #1
Chapter 16: Update? :(
NekoLS #2
Chapter 14: Waee taeyeonnaa why are u not ready!?
And what's mr kim hiding about??? Im curious
lalatreese #3
Chapter 5: i love everything in this chapter omg
aglaonema #4
Chapter 14: Tae agh :"
ilovetaeny1989 #5
Chapter 14: Taeyeon, why you are not ready? :(
1130 streak #6
Chapter 14: Tae you f***** up big time... Why do I think that Mr Kim is terminally ill and he wants someone to be there for Tae once he is no more or he is protecting he from something and the only way is for him to get her married off to Tiffany
Skye1234 #7
Chapter 14: Thank you for the update.
Chapter 13: Although it's out of the initial plan but I am happy that they got together :) Mr Kim is such a cool dad