Chapter 15

Do I wanna know ?

Chapter 15

Taeyeon slept on the living room couch till morning came afraid of coming close to her fiance which was sleeping in her bedroom she pressume. She heard her phone ring from across the house, on the kitchen counter. Taeyeon lazily got up to answer the phone.

“Hello why are you calling so early ?”

“ it’s almost 9 o clock, you have a meeting in an hour boss.” Hyeri informed.

“Oh , I overslept. Do tell them I would be a little late.”

“Already did.”

“Thank you” Taeyeon said shortly before hanging up the phone and rushed to her room to get ready.

She was expecting her bestfriend to be asleep on her bed but to her dismay, it was just an empty made up bed.

‘I must have hurt her so much. I need to do something. ’ Taeyeon made a mental note.


Taeyeon got ready swiftly without any prolems. However, when she notice her proposal ring on the counter, her heart was hit with a wave of emotions. She tried to shook that sadness and guilt away, reminding herself that she is busy and had places to be. With a heavy heart, she took the ring and put it back in its box and proceeded to work not forgetting to bring the ring along.

The morning went by in a blink. Once Taeyeon was out of her daze she realised that she was already at her office parking. She was on auto pilot mode as her mind was clouded with a certain someone.

“Miss Kim, your investors are waiting in the room.” Hyeri said as Taeyeon arrived.

“ Are my materials ready?”

“Everything is prepared in the room.”

As always, business came first so she focused on the meeting instead of the confussion of her heart.

“Miss Kim, there is a visitor waiting for you in your office.” Hyeri informed her right away.

“Can this matter wait ?” Taeyeon asked as she was beyond starving.

“I’m afraid not Miss Kim. She said that it is urgent.”

Taeyeon went back to her office relunctantly with slight anger in her heart. However, the moment she open the door and was welcomed at the latter’s figure she was stuck to the ground.

‘ It can’t be. She’s back.’ She thought to herself.

“Hi Tae” Taeyeon’s ex girlfriend, Sunmi greeted her with a smile. That familiar smile took her back to 8 years ago. It was just like yesterday that she saw the girl’s smile before sending her off to America, where she continued her career after graduation. It was also that day that broke Taeyeon’s heart tremendously as it was the last time she saw her before she vanished.

“What are you doing here?” Taeyeon said in anger. It was all coming back to her, the pain of abandonment.

“I am here to take you back.”

“I don’t know if you heard but I am engaged.” Taeyeon said as she sat down comfortably on the couch as she crossed her legs.

“Oh yes I heard. I came as soon as it was confirmed. Tough competition I would say.”

“If you know I am engaged then what are you doing here?”

“To take back what’s mine.” Sunmi said with a y smile as she came closer to the seated latter.

“And that is ?”

“ You” Sunmi said as she put her lips dangerously close to the latter’s face.

“And what makes you think I would want you back.” Taeyeon said as she pushed the latter back and stood on her feet.

“ Because once I tell you the truth, you would doubt that bestfriend of yours.” She said as she sinked onto the couch.

“oopsie, my bad, I mean fiance”

“What the hell are you taking about?” Taeyeon asked angrily as she was getting a tad frustrated.

“Get off my couch!” Sunmi stood up lazily and came closer to the latter.

“It would be no fun if i tell you everything myself.” She encircled her arms around Taeyeon before she continued.

 “How about this? I’ll give you a few hints and once you figure everything out you come find me at Hilton Hotel. Here is my room key.” She said as she gave Taeyeon the room key and a peck on the cheeks.

“What’s the hint?” Taeyeon asked.

“Impatient now aren’t you. You have changed Taeyeon ah but I have to admit that this side of you is ier.” Sunmi said as she came dangerously close to her ear only to whisper “it’s in my bra.”, she said as she guide Taeyeon’s hand into her bra which Taeyeon relunctantly followed where a key was found.

“Everything you need is in the locker you have the keys to.”

“I will be waiting for you Tae. Goodbye” She said as she gave a small kiss on the latter’s cheeks and leaving.

“” Taeyeon said to no one as she sense problems were about to rise.

Taeyeon went to the locker and used the keys as instructed. She was welcomed with a bunch of photographs and screenshots of text messages between Sunmi and her father. She quickly put the files in her work back and head to the parking lot. She needed somewhere quiet to review everything that was given to her and ther was only one place to do so, her yacht.

She  drove like a mad man on the highway to where her yacht is located. Once she arrived, she parked her car somewhere nearby and entered her yacht.

Her heart dropped once she saw what was laid out infront of her. It was text messages between her father and Sunmi, telling her to break up and leave to study in America. Her father threatened to ruin her scholarship and reputation if she refuses. It really explained why suddenly her ex girlfriend left without telling her anything. All that she knew was that she was just hostel her.

Then a second photograph where Tiffany was seen with her second girlfriend Ailee, giving an envelop which she assumed contained money. Similarly, a third picture but with her third serious girlfriend named Julia. There were several other photograph but she felt too sick to even bother looking.

‘They lied to me.’ Taeyeon thought to herself.

All this time she thought she was the problem as every girl she got close with would either leave her or ghost her and finally it all made sense. However, there was still a big question unanswered. Why would Tiffany and her father do that? If it is true that her father wanted her to marry as soon as possible shouldn’t he encorage her to get into a serious relationship with these girls. It just didn’t make sense why he would tell the women she dated to back off.

‘Unless….’ All the puzzle pieces were making a clear picture.

“He wanted me to marry Tiffany from the start.”she said to no one.

She felt betrayed as those two were the only close person to her aside from Yuri. She felt hurt as well that they would do this behind her back. It still bothered her why her father would push her to this extend.

‘I need to find out why my dad and fany is doing this’ Taeyeon said as she compiled all the files and head back to her house.



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Taking a hiatus for a while due to covid


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aerolcaroline #1
Chapter 16: Update? :(
Chapter 16: Drama is coming
Chapter 14: Update please
NekoLS #4
Chapter 14: Waee taeyeonnaa why are u not ready!?
And what's mr kim hiding about??? Im curious
lalatreese #5
Chapter 5: i love everything in this chapter omg
aglaonema #6
Chapter 14: Tae agh :"
ilovetaeny1989 #7
Chapter 14: Taeyeon, why you are not ready? :(
1120 streak #8
Chapter 14: Tae you f***** up big time... Why do I think that Mr Kim is terminally ill and he wants someone to be there for Tae once he is no more or he is protecting he from something and the only way is for him to get her married off to Tiffany
Skye1234 #9
Chapter 14: Thank you for the update.
Chapter 13: Although it's out of the initial plan but I am happy that they got together :) Mr Kim is such a cool dad