Chapter Two

Faded Star

Chapter Two

A month earlier before Go Mi Nyu return


A.N. Entertainment Building

Hwang Tae Kyung was alone in the studio working on his music sheet. He was seated at the keyboard piano with his headphone on, playing with the key notes on the keyboard piano.

Every time he hit a key notes on the keyboard piano that he like, he would write it down on his notebook and then test it out with the other key notes that he had written so far to see how it would sound.

Suddenly, his cellphone vibrate in his pocket and he took off his headphone, pausing what he was working on. He grabbed his cellphone out from his pocket and stared at the caller ID that show up on the screen of his cellphone.

A smile appears on his face when he saw the name on the caller ID. He quickly answers the call, placing the phone up to his ear.

"Pig rabbit, how nice of you to call me," he teasingly said.

"Hyungnim, am I disturbing you? I can call you back when you're not busy," Go Mi Nyu's voice sounded worry that she might have call him at the wrong time.

Tae Kyung pursed his lips together for a moment before he spoke.

"Go Mi Nyu, you didn't disturb me at all. I was expecting your phone call," he told her. "Beside, I am going to wrap everything up at the studio and head home approximately in an hour". He said as he was writing something down on his notebook." What are you up to?' He asked.

"Nothing much, just watching the stars in the sky from the window while laying in bed and talking to you," Go Mi Nyu answered.

"What? Stars?" Tae Kyung frowned. "Do you see any star you like?"

Go Mi Nyu's voice laughed, "Yes, but it's not my favorite star," She told him, which made him smile when she mentioned her favorite star. "I did take photos of stars that I have seen so far. I can't wait to show it to you when I return".

"I can't to wait see them," Tae Kyung said to her. "So, do you miss it here?" He asked.

"Of course I miss it there. I miss Oppa, Jeremy, Shin woo, Manager Ma, Coordinator Wang...," Go Mi Myu replied, causing Tae Kyung to removed the phone away from his ear , not bother to hear the rest of the sentence that was being said and glare down at the phone irritatingly.

"Aish! That's pig rabbit. She didn't mention me at all. Does she even miss me at all?" He muttered under his breath annoyed by her response. He then put the phone back to his ear.

"Ya! Is that's all you miss over here?!"

"Huh? Did I say something wrong?" Go Mi Nyu asked in confused. "I did said I missed you the most," she added.

"Ya! Go Mi Nyu! Are you...," He shouted and was about to say something else but paused when he heard her last sentence. "What? Di...did you said that you missed me the most?"

"Yes I did," Go Mi Nyu answered, still clueless to why Tae Kyung was upset.

Now he felt like an idiot and mentally hit himself for not listening to the rest of what Go Mi Nyu was saying.

"Hyungnim, are you alright? You sounded upset". He heard Go Mi Nyu said next.

"I'm fine. It was nothing. Don't worry about it," he told her. "Sorry about that".


"It's okay," Go Mi Nyu smiles as she turned to her side on the bed, facing her back toward the window. "Hyungnim, do you miss me?" She asked nervously.

There was a long silent on the phone and it made her wonder if it was a great idea to ask that question to him.

"I'm sor...," she immediately started to apologizes but Tae Kyung's voice cut her off in the middle of it.

"I miss you every day and never stop thinking about you," she heard him said and she immediately pressed her nose with her finger to calm her emotion down.

She heard him chuckle on the phone

"You're doing that pig nose, aren't you?" He asked.

She shockingly dropped her hand down and asked. "How did you know?"

"Because I know you very well," he replied. "You should be going to sleep now".

Go Mi Nyu pouted, not wanting to end the call with him but knew he was right. "Okay, I will," she told him.

"Call me anytime you like but not when I'm sleeping," She heard him said and smiles.

"I will," She cheerfully said to him.

"And there is one last thing I want to tell you, so listen carefully," Tae Kyung's voice said seriously.

"Okay," she replied and listened closely.

"Go Mi Nyu...I love you".

Her heart beat fast when she heard those words being said to her from her favorite star.

She smiles, " I love you too,"  she said it back to him.

"Take care of yourself and sleep well," he told her.

"Thank you. Also, you take care of yourself too. Bye". She replied.

"Bye," she heard him said and then the call ended.

She stared at the phone smiling when an idea hit her. She held the phone up in front of her and took a photo of her doing a adorable pig nose with a smile. Then she send it as a message to Tae Kyung.

After that, she placed her cell phone beside her pillow and went to sleep.


President Ahn walked into the building in the lobby area and saw two members of A.N Jell walking downstairs toward him.

"Shin woo! Jeremy!" He called out to them and walked over to them.

"President Ahn!" Jeremy cheerfully said as he and Shin woo walked up to him.

"Is there something you want to talk to us about?" Shin woo asked.

"Actually, I want to invite you guys out for lunch," he told them. "Are you up for it?" He asked.

"Sure!" Jeremy and Shin woo agreed.

"Great!" President Ahn beamed but stopped and looked around. "Oh? Where's Tae Kyung and Go Mi Nam?" He asked.

"He's still working in the studio and had told us to leave first since he's going to stay behind for awhile to work on something," Shin woo replied and explained.

"Go Mi Nam is visiting his aunt and is on his way back. He's probably running late," Jeremy said to President Ahn.

"I see," President Ahn sighed and then clapped his hands together, looking at Shin woo and Jeremy. "Well,  let's go eat then".

Jeremy and Shin woo nodded and followed President Ahn out of the A.N Entertainment Building to eat lunch at a resturant. 


Tae Kyung stepped out from the studio with his stuffs and was locking the door to the studio when his cell phone message alert sounded.

He pulled his cellphone out from his pocket and saw an incoming message from Go Mi Nyu. He immediately opened it and read it.

A picture of Go Mi Nyu doing a adorable pig nose with smile pop up on the screen made him smile. "Pig rabbit," he said out loud and slightly chuckle to himself. He then held his cell phone up and pose for a picture with a smile on his face, sending it as a message to Go Mi Nyu before putting his cellphone away in his pocket.

After that, he walked away from the studio heading down to the lobby area.

In the lobby area, Tae Kyung was heading toward the exit with his hands in his pocket thinking to himself when a woman wearing sunglasses came walking in from the entrance doors.

"Tae Kyung," the woman wearing sunglasses called out him and he looked up at her with recognition.

He walked over to her, turning his head to the side for a second before he looked directly at her.

"Mother, why are you here? Is it for another favor?" He asked.

"No, I'm actually here to see if you're available to have lunch with me," Mo Hwa Ran replied. "My car is outside so we can go if you're able to go. If you can't, it's okay. We can rescheduled".

Tae Kyung stared at her a bit confused and wondered if he should agree to it and also if it just him and her having lunch or is there someone else joining them. The last time she had called him out, it was on his birthday. It didn't went well and he left feeling upset. If it wasn't for Go Mi Nyu cheering him that time that left him with a good memory, he would still be thinking about what his mother did as a bad memory of that day. Since then, he would make up an excuse every time she had call him to see him to avoid seeing her because he didn't want to be hurt again by her.

As if she was reading his mind, she spoke. "Don't worry, it's only you and I having lunch. No one else is joining us. I hope that's alright with you".

"It's fine with me," He said reluctantly. He was shock by her response but didn't want to show it.

"Does this mean you agree to have lunch with me?"

Tae Kyung nodded"Thank you for agreeing," Mo Hwa Ran said with a smile.

"Let's go," Tae Kyung opened the door for his mother walked out first and then he followed behind her to the car where the driver was waiting for them.

The driver opened the backdoor for them and they got inside. Then he got into the driver seat and drove off to the destination.


It was mostly quiet during the car ride. Neither of them were speaking to each other nor have look at each other. Tae Kyung was looking out the car's window while Mo Hwa Ran was staring at her hands that were clasped together and was resting on her lap. She was thinking about what to say to her son when a message alert sounded.

She looked over to see Tae Kyung pulled out his cell phone and stared at it for a minute before putting it away.

"Did something came up for you?" She asked.

"No, it was nothing important," He told her, still didn't look at her.

They arrived at the restaurant and the driver got out to opened the door for them to stepped out and entered the restaurant.

Inside, they were greeted by a waitress who guided to them to a private reserve area where they can eat in peace and not being watched by anyone especially reporters.

The waitress took their orders and left the room, leaving them in silence.

"How's everything been for you?" Mo Hwa Ran starts the conversation with her son, breaking the uncomfortable silence between them.

"Its okay, I guess," Tae Kyung answered. "What about you?"

"Its okay for me as well," Mo Hwa Ran stared across at her son. "I'm really glad that you agreed to see me and have lunch with me. I was afraid that you wouldn't".

"I didn't expect that you would show up and ask me to have lunch with you," Tae Kyung admitted, finally looked at her. "I know you're trying to be the mother that I need but...,"

"But, you're not ready to accept it, am I right?"

Tae Kyung slowly nodded. "Even though, I had already heard your apology, I can't bring myself to say that I forgive you for abandoning me and the pain you put me and Go Mi Nyu through with your lies".

"I understand that it will take time for you to heal and to forgive me. I'm willing to wait and to earn back your trust". Mo Hwa Ran told him as she watched him look away from her.

A waiter entered the room with the drinks and placed it down on the table in front of them. Then he excuse himself and quietly left the room.

Tae Kyung grabbed his drink and took a sip from it while thinking about what his mother had said for a few minute. Then he looked at her.

"There is one thing that I need to ask you and I want an honest answer from you, mother," Tae He seriously said.

"Ask me anything,"  Mo Hwa agreed and listened to what her son wanted to ask her.

"Are you really trying to be my mother, to be in my life or you just using me to get closer to them?" He questioned her and wondered what her answer might be to his question.

Mo Hwa Ran shook her head, knowing who her son was referring to when he said them. "Honestly, I really want to be in your life again and be the mother you always wanted. It's not because of them that I want to reconnect with you.  I don't want you to misunderstood me. I hurt you once before and I'm not going to do it again".

Tae Kyung bit down on his lips, trying to control the emotion he was feeling. "Can I really believe what you're saying is the truth?" He asked her.

"Yes you can. Please trust me," Mo Hwa Ran sincerely said.

"I'm sorry I can't. I need more time to think about it," he told her.

"It's alright. Take all the time you need. I'm here if you need me," she reassured him.

"Thank you," Tae Kyung said.

The waitress came in with the foods and drinks and placed it down on the table.

"Thank you," Mo Hwa Ran said to the waitress, who smiles and then left the room. After the waitress left, she looked at her son, "I have already make sure that the food is edible for you. I hope you'll enjoy it". she said before she begin to eat.

"Thank you mother," Tae Kyung said as he grabbed the chopstick and begin to eat his food on his plate silently.


Go Mi Nam arrived to A.N Entertainment Building on Jeremy's motorcycle and was greeted by Manager Ma, who waiting for him by the car.

"Go Mi Nam!" Manager Ma rushed over to Go Mi Nam, who parking the motorcycle and took off his helmet.

"Is Tae Kyung still in there?" Go Mi Nam asked.

Manager Ma shook his head. "No, he left to go somewhere with someone".

"Aish! That bastard!" Go Mi Nam retorted. "I was planning to meet him here," he added.

"Why?" Manager Ma asked in confused.

"Why? Because that bastard want me to practice with the song that he had given to me before I had left to visited my aunt, demanding that while I'm there to study it," he explained with frustration.

"Oh," Manager Ma nodded with understanding.

"So who did he left with?" Go Mi Nam asking, changing the subject.

"I have no idea who it is but from what I saw, it was a woman," he told Go Mi Nam who immediately got angry.

"How dare he go behind my sister back to see a woman?! That's it!" Go Mi Nam grabbed his cell phone out.  "I'm giving him a call!"

"Go Mi Nam, let's not jump to conclusion," Manager Ma say but Go Mi Nam ignore him and make a phone call to Tae Kyung.


Tae Kyung was in the car in the backseat with his mother. They were heading back to the A.N Entertainment building. It was quiet in the car when suddenly his cellphone rang.

He grabbed his cellphone out and stared at it before answering it. "What do you want?" He asked in annoyed.

"Where are you?!" He heard Go Mi Nan's voice yelled on the phone.

"That's none of your business!" He spats. "Why are you calling me?!"

"Ya! I'm calling about the song you gave me and I wanted to see you to talk about it. Also, I want to know who you are with right now". Go Mi Nam's voice said to him.

"I'm heading to the A.N Entertainment right now. So go there if you want to see me." Tae Kyung told him. "As for who I am with, that is none of your concern so stop asking!"

"First of all, I am at the A.N Entertainment. Secondly, I can ask you anything I want because you're going out with my sister!" Go Mi Nam argues. "Unless, you want me tell my sister that you're a cheater," He added, making Tae Kyung angry.

"Ya! I am not! Take that back right now!" Tae Kyung shouted, causing his mother to looked at him, wondering what the fuss was about before staring ahead.

"Then tell me who you are with," Go Mi Nam insisted.

Tae Kyung pursed his lips upset, knowing that Go Mi Nam wouldn't give up unless he answers the question. "Fine!" He gave in but not entirely, "I will answer you when I get there". He said, hoping that Go Mi Nyu would stop annoying him.

He heard Go Mi Nam sighs in frustration before saying, "Fine, I will wait but you better...," he didn't get to finish hearing what Go Mi Nam was saying when his mother suddenly shouted at her driver.

"Watch out!"

He looked up front at the road and saw a young girl running out into the middle of the road after the soccer ball.

His mother's driver swerved the car to avoid hitting the young girl and was glad to see that he did. But by doing that, he lost control of the car and skidded to the other side of the road, right into the path of an on coming 18-wheeler.

Tae Kyung eyes widen in horror as he realized what was about to happen and swiftly glances over at his mother.

"Mother!" He yelled and lunged at her using his body to shield her as the driver turned the wheel, trying to avoid hitting the 18 wheeler, but it was too late.

The 18 wheeler slammed into the side of the car hard causing the car to flipped upside down.

The last thought Tae Kyung has was about Go Mi Myu before he lost consciousness.


"Tae Kyung! Ya!" Go Mi Nam yelled into the phone when he didn't hear any response. "Tae Kyung, What are you...," he started to asked but stopped when he heard a woman's voice yelled, "watch out!" then a screeching sound was heard in the background following by Tae Kyung shouted, "mother!"

"Mother?" Before he get a chance to ask, a loud crash was heard in the background before the call got disconnected.

He stared at his phone fearing something bad has happened.

"Go Mi Nam, what's going on?" Manger Ma asked worryingly,

Go Mi Nam quickly put his phone away, put his helmet back on his head, and starting the motorcycle on. "Tae Kyung is in trouble". He said,

Manager Ma quickly got into his car and Go Mi Nyu drove off to the scene with Manager Ma tailing behind.

The driver of the 18 wheeler had stepped out from his vehicle after he saw what had occurred. He quickly ran over to the upside car and checked for the passengers in the car and saw that all three passengers were unconscious and injured. Scared and panicking, he grabbed for his cellphone and begin calling for the ambulance while pacing back and forth. He told the operator on the phone what happened and pray that the ambulance would arrive soon before it too late.

Go Mi Nam and Manager Ma arrived to the scene a minute later and saw the aftermath. They immediately ran over to the upside down car.

"Tae Kyung!" They both shouted. 

Manager Ma went over to the 18 wheeler driver and asked what had happened.


"Owwww." Mo Hwa Ran groaned in pain as she slowly started to become conscious. She opened her eyes, and immediately recalled what happen earlier before she lost conscious. "Ta...Tae Kyung," She weakly called out to her son. "Tae Kyung".

She tried to move her body but was in too much pain and was being pinned down by something heavy. She looked to see what was pinning her. To her shock, it was her son's unconscious body lying on top of her with his head resting on her chest and that the two of them were lying in the upside down car.

"Tae Kyung? Can you hear me? Please wake up," She tried to call to him to wake him up, but got no response from him.

His eyes was closed and was unresponsive. From what she could see, there was blood coming out from her son's head that was soaking her shirt and his arm looked out of place. His breathing was very weak.

Mo Hwa Ran tried to reach over to check her son's pulse, but groaned when the pain shot through her shoulder. It was when she realizes that her shoulder was dislocated.

"Tae Kyung, please wake up," she cried as the fear of losing her son took over her mind. "Someone please help us!" She shouted, praying that someone would show up to help them before it's too late. This can't be happening. She was slowly working to gain her son trust again only to lose him again. No, she can't lose him again. Not this way. There has to be a way to save her son before it's too late.

As if fate was on her side, a sound of a motorcycle and car were heard close by.

"Tae Kyung!" Two male voice shouted and footsteps were running up to the wrecked car.

Using the strength she has, she yelled. "Help! Over here!" Her voice croaked and it led to coughing. She felt herself was about to passed out but force herself to stay awake.

"I have to make sure Tae Kyung is safe first," she thought

The next thing that happen was a young man who resembles Go Mi Nyu that she knew was Go Mi Nam appeared, crouching down next to her shattered window.


"Miss, are you alright?" Go Mi Nam asked anxiously, but was relieved when the woman slowly moved her head towards him. He immediately recognizes the woman as Mo Hwa Ran, the woman Go Mi Nyu told him about.

"Please, help my son," she pleaded in tears. "Save him," she cried.

"Your son?" Go Mi Nam said as his gaze fell on Tae Kyung unconscious body that was resting on Mo Hwa Ran's body. "Tae Kyung!"

He immediately check for Tae Kyung 's pulse which was very weak and saw Tae Kyung's head was bleeding a lot.

"Manager Ma, come here quickly and give me a hand!" He shouted.

"Thank you," Mo Hwa Ran said to Go Mi Nam before she lost consciousness.

"Miss! Yah!" Go Mi Nam checked Mo Hwa Ran and was relieved that she was still breathing. He check for any injuries on her and saw a cut on her forehead along with the dislocated shoulder.

Manager Ma rushed over after he and the 18-wheeler driver got the car driver out from the vehicle and had move him to a safe area, He ran over to Go Mi Nam side and gasped when he saw the condition Tae Kyung and Mo Hwa Ran was in.

He and Go Mi Nam carefully pulled Tae Kyung safely out of the wreck car and move him to a safe area. They lay Tae Kyung carefully down on the ground on his back.

"His head is bleeding a lot. We need apply pressure to it to stop the bleeding," Go Mi Nam said to Manager Ma.

He took off his jacket and gave it Manager Ma to hold it. Then he took off his plaid buttons shirt and use it to pressed against Tae Kyung's head to stop the bleeding.

The 18-wheeler driver walked over to them, carrying Mo Hwa Ran in his arms and placed her down on the ground beside Tae Kyung.

"The ambulance will be here soon," he told them and apologized. "I am very sorry about what happened and will paid for the damage".

"We appreciate that you haven't left and had stay to help," Manager Ma said to the 18-wheeler driver.

Go Mi Nam looked across at Manager Ma in concern, "We have to get Tae Kyung out of here and to the hospital quickly. I don't think he'll be able to wait for the ambulance to arrive. His pulse is very weak and he need to be at the hospital soon," he explained. "Plus, the media and reporters will be here and I don't want Tae Kyung to be on the news"

Manager Ma gave his car keys to Go Mi Nam, "Why don't you take my car and take Tae Kyung to the hospital. I will stay here with Mo Hwa Ran and the driver until the ambulance arrive".

Go Mi Nam nodded and with Manager Ma help, he carried Tae Kyung on his back to the car. Manager Ma leaned the passenger seat back and Go Mi Nam carefully placed Tae Kyung down in the passenger seat, putting the seatbelt on him. Then he got into the driver seat and drove quickly to the hospital while Manager Ma and the 18-wheeler driver stay with Mo Hwa Ran and the driver to waited for the ambulance.

To Be Continued


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