Chapter Ten

Faded Star

Chapter Ten


Two kids were running through the dark forest, trying to navigate their way home through the pouring rain.

The boy was holding onto the girl's hand, running ahead to lead the way while he took a glance behind him to make sure that they weren't being followed by anyone.

"I'm scared!" The girl cried as she held onto the boy's hand.

"Don't worry, we'll get through this," the boy turned his head and looked back at the girl, reassuring her. "Just don't let go of my hand, okay?"

The girl nodded and tightened her grip on the boy's hand as she kept on running. In her mind, she was praying for herself and her friend to make it safely home where her mother, who had been worried about them and wondered about their whereabouts.

She was lost in her thoughts that she failed to notice the tree root that was sticking out of the ground in front of her and ended up tripping over it. Her fall caused her to lose her grip on the boy's hand.

She landed on the ground on her stomach and yelped in pain, realizing that she sprained her ankle from her foot being caught on a tree root that was curved out of the ground.

She heard footsteps running toward her and looked up to see the boy kneeling beside her concerned.

"Are you alright?" She heard him ask her and she shook her head.

"No, my ankle hurts!" She cried out in pain while clutching her foot.

The boy took a look at the girl's ankle and saw it was swollen. He immediately tore a piece of his flannel shirt and wrapped it around the girl's ankle carefully to avoid hurting the girl's ankle. Then he checked the girl's hand and saw it was scraped and bleeding. Again, he tore another piece of his flannel shirt and wrapped it around the girl's hand.

"Hurry and get on my back," he told her as he turned his back facing her.

Quietly, the girl got on the boy's back and wrapped her arms around his neck. Once he was sure that the girl was secure on his back, he slowly stood up on his feet and swiftly walked ahead, praying to find a way out of the forest.

As if luck was on his side, the rain was slowly ceasing, and he was able to spot a road ahead.

"There's a road ahead," The boy said as he glanced back at the girl. "That should lead us home. Hang on tight, I'm going to walk a little faster, okay?"

The girl nodded and the boy picked up his pace and walked toward the road.

They made it onto the road and began to walk toward the direction of their house when they heard the sound of a vehicle coming toward them from behind.

They turned around to see two bright headlights came into their view.

Alarmed, the boy slowly put the girl down on her feet and had her lean on him for support. He swiftly shielded her with his body and had his back facing toward the headlights when he realized how close the vehicle was coming toward them.

"STOP!!!!" the boy screamed, praying that the driver would hear him or see him and stop the vehicle from hitting him and the girl.


Tae Kyung's eyes snapped open as he gasped from the dream confuse. He wiped his face with his hand and was wondering why he had that dream. The boy in his dream was his younger self, but who was that girl with him? Why does he care for her as if he knew her and wanted to protect her from harm?  What was that dream about? Was the dream part of his memories that he had forgotten? Maybe, it is a fragmented memory from when he was a kid that he couldn't remember.

He slowly sat up in his hospital bed and immediately shielded his face with the back of his hand from the early sunlight that came seeping through the hospital windows, illuminating the room, which was hurting his eyes. He groaned and turned away from the sunlight and looked to the side, noticing Go Mi Nyu asleep in the chair beside his bed.

He recalled that she had returned to his room after his mother left and had comforted him.


Tae Kyung's Flashback

"Hyungnim?" He heard Go Mi Nyu softly call out to him.

He slowly lifted his head up and turned to look up into Go Mi Nyu's concerned eyes staring at him.

Did she know what was going on or was she going to question him about it?

He prepared for her questioning, but it never came. Instead, he found himself in her embrace. Shocked by the gesture from Go Mi Nyu, he was unable to say a word nor pushed her away.

He remained still and accepted her hug, but it didn't last long when he felt her begin to pull away.

Did she misunderstood him again and assumed that he doesn't want to be hugged? He wondered silently.

Not wanting to have her misunderstood him and wanted the hug to be longer; he wrapped his arms around her waist to keep her closer to him and to make sure she doesn't move away from him.

"Please don't leave me," He muttered out loud.

"I'm not going anywhere and will stay by your side no matter what happens". He heard her say it and was glad she had said it.

End of Tae Kyung's Flashback

After that, Go Mi Nyu  had stay by his side for the rest of the night. She told him more about her stay in Africa, which distracted his mind from the conversation he had with his mother.

He was grateful that she didn't question him about what happened while she was gone. She might probably know what happened but chose to remain quiet about it. Even though she was asleep, Tae Kyung was still relieved that she was still here by his side.

Quietly and slowly, he grabbed the sketchbook from under his pillow and begin sketching the girl's face he saw in his dream and then draw how the dream had ended.

After he finished, he stared at the sketch and closed his eyes, wincing as the girl's frantic face appeared in his mind. "Who is this girl? Why did I dream about her? Do I know her?" He wondered to himself.

"STOP!!!!" His younger self's voice echoed in his mind. The images of his younger self shielding the girl from harm and the bright headlights of the oncoming vehicle appeared in his mind once more.

Tae Kyung opened his eyes and clutched his head in pain from the headache after his attempts to remember has fail. He closed his sketchbook and put it back under his pillow. Then he lay back down on the bed and ponder to himself as he stared up at the ceiling.

Why can't he remember who the girl was and what the dream was about?

Not wanting to think about the dream too much and avoid getting more headaches, he turned his head to the side and stared at Go Mi Nyu, who was still asleep in the chair beside his hospital bed.


Asa arrives at the hospital earlier to visit a relative. She was walking down the hospital corridor, holding a bouquet of flowers in her hands, and arrived at the door of the hospital room.

She knocked on the door twice before she opened it and entered the room.

A middle-aged woman was sitting up in bed. She was staring out the window of the hospital, but immediately turn her head toward Asa when she heard the door open.

"Asa," the middle-aged woman greeted with a warm smile on her face. She was happy to see Asa and was gesturing for Asa to come over and sit down in the chair beside her hospital bed.

"Hi mom," Asa warmly smile back as she proceeds to walk over to her mom's hospital bed and placed the bouquet of flowers on the table next to the hospital bed. "How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good". "What about you?  You look like you haven't had much sleep".

Asa walked over to the chair and sat down in it. "I have a lot on my mind". She told her mother.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Mrs. Hee-Young asked with concern plasters on her face. She was wondering what was bothering her daughter when it suddenly occurs to her. "Is it about Sara? Did she return from her trip and cause trouble for you?'

"Sara has returned from her trip safe and sound," Asa replied.

"That's good to hear," Mrs. Hee-Young said but was still concerned since she knew the problem is much bigger and it has to do with Sara. "But I have a feeling that something happened between you and Sara. Am I right?".

Asa sighed. "Apparently, she is giving me trouble".

"What kind of trouble? Is it about the movie I had asked you to do once you have the complete cast?" Mrs. Hee-Young asked.

Asa nodded. "She wanted to have a role in it".

Mrs. Hee-Young was surprised that Sara wanted to be part of the movie and that Asa was working to get it done for her. "Why is Sara suddenly interested? Is there a specific reason? What role did she ask for?" She asked, knowing full well that Sara wasn't interested in the movie before. She had spoken to Sara on the video phone call during the time Sara was in the US. She had mentioned Asa working on the movie. Sara had told her "That's good to hear, but let's talk about something else. How about your health?" She had changed the subject to not wanting to hear about it. Now, after she returned from the US, she was suddenly interested in the movie. Sara wouldn't easily change her mind about anything unless there was a good reason to do so.

"Yes, there is a reason why Sara is so interested and persistent to be part of the movie. It's because of who I'm casting for the male leading role." Asa told her.

"Who did you cast for the male leading role?" Mrs. Hee-Young asked, curious to know.

Asa sighed. "Hwang Tae Kyung". She simply answered.

"Hwang Tae Kyung?" Mrs. Hee-Young frowned and muttered. She begins to wonder where she heard that name before when it suddenly occurs to her. "Isn't he from the group band name A.N.Jell?' She asked, recalling seeing the A.N.Jell band on the TV before.

"Yes, he is the leader from the A.N.Jell band". Asa replied and grabbed the magazine out of her bag, showing it to her mom.

On the cover of the magazine were the A.N.Jell band members posing for the camera. Tae Kyung was standing in the center, holding the guitar while others stood beside him.

"He's the one that will be the male leading role for the movie". Mrs. Hee-Young looked up at her daughter. "He is perfect for the male leading role". She commented with a smile on her face.

Her smile quickly faded when she realizes something. "Does Sara still have a crush on Hwang Tae Kyung?" She asked, finally understood why Sara was interested to be a part of the movie.

Asa nodded. "She still does. I'm afraid that would be a problem, especially when she is insisting me to give her the female leading role. Even if I could, I can't because she's not fitted for the role. Besides, I had already made a promise that I'm unwilling to break". She explained.

"What was the promise?" Mrs. Hee-Young asked.

"I promised Hwang Tae Kyung that I would allow him to choose who would be the female leading role". Asa replied.

"I see," Mrs. Hee-Young said with understanding. "Has he chosen one yet?"

Asa shook her head. "I don't know yet. I'm still waiting for his call".

Mrs. Hee-Young grabbed one of Asa'a hands in her hand and patted it with her other hand. "Well, whoever he had chosen for the female leading role, I'm sure she will be great. As for your sister, I will talk to her and try to convince her not to be involved with the movie. Instead, she'll be behind the scenes helping you out. How does that sound to you? "She asked, willing to step in and help Asa with the situation before it gets out of hand, especially with Sara being stubborn.

"That would be nice". Asa agreed and smiled a little. "I just hope she would agree to it and not cause problems for me". She said with uncertainty in her tone.

"It'll be fine," Mrs. Hee-Young reassured her oldest daughter, knowing full well that she made the right choice to ask Asa to help create her husband's book into a movie. It was her husband's unfulfilled wish that has never been accomplished because he had passed away due to the car accident that she was involved in with him. She was lucky to survive it. The only thing that she had suffered from that incident was broken legs that confined her to a wheelchair.

She remembered the incident as if it has happened yesterday. Her husband and her were heading to finalize the adoption papers for her husband's daughter from the woman who was his first love. The same woman who had sacrificed her happiness and left town while pregnant. Her husband never knew about it until the woman's friend show up and told her husband and her about it including the part where her husband's mother had lied about the woman being unfaithful to her husband and had left town with another guy. Even the photo that her husband's mother had shown turned out to be fake and was photoshopped.

It hurt her husband so much that he blamed himself for not finding out the truth for himself. Instead, he agreed with the arranged marriage.

She and her husband had agreed to search for the woman, but the woman's friend told them that her friend had passed away after giving birth to a baby girl. Her husband's daughter was living with a foster family, but she doesn't know who the foster family was.

It took years for them to locate where the woman's daughter was. When they did, they were very happy and immediately start the adoption process to adopt. They never asked for the daughter's name since they wanted to meet her and asked for themselves.

The night of the car accident, she had learned after she had woken up in the hospital that her husband had died along with the foster mother of her husband's daughter.

She was driving the car that they had crashed into that night. The rain was pouring hard, and the road was difficult to see, which caused the car to lose control and crash.

When she asked about her husband's daughter, they told her that she had left with another foster family who had finalized the adoption paper before her.

"Mom, are you alright?" Asa asked, noticing her mother was lost in her thoughts. "You're not thinking about the incident, are you?"

"I was, but I was more thinking about your father's other daughter. Your older sister". Mrs. Hee-Young told her.

Asa gently squeezed her mother's hand. "Don't worry we'll find her and hopefully this movie will reach to her. She will come to us soon". She assured.

"I hope so". Mrs. Hee-Young said as she turned her head and stared out of the window of the hospital.

Asa watched her mother and can't help feeling sad about how much her father's death and not being able to adopt her stepsister has affected her


Mrs. Hee-Young turned her head and looked at Asa. "What is it?" She asked.

"About dad's book," Asa grabbed the book out of her bag and held it in her hands. "I had read it and it's very good, but I need to know one thing." Her mother nodded and she continues. "I understand that the main characters are based on real events that happened in dad's life, but I want to know about the female main character...," She started her question, but got interrupted by her mother, stopping her.

"You want to know if the female main character is based on me. That is what you had wanted to ask me. am I right?" Mrs. Hee-Young asked, knowing full well where the conversation was heading. Seeing her daughter nod as a confirmation, she continues. "The female main character is not based on me. It is based on the woman that your father had loved before he married me. Judging from your expression, you already knew, didn't you?"

Asa nodded and immediately bowed her head down, placing the book down on her lap. "I'm sorry. I understand it is not my place to know about this". She apologizes to her mother.

"It's okay". Mrs. Hee-Young reached for her daughter's hand and gently held it in her hand, patting it with her other hand. "You should know about this because eventually you and Sara are going to have to know the truth about your father's past".

"But doesn't it bother you that dad didn't write about you in his book?" Asa asked, concerned about her mother's feelings.

Mrs. Hee-Young shook her head and smiled. "It doesn't bother me at all because I suggested he to write it. Your father and I were hoping that the book would reach the woman so that she would know your father's true feelings". She sadly stared down at her hands. "But that won't happen because the woman has left this world, not knowing your father's true feelings for her".

"I believe she had already known". Asa said without a doubt since her instinct was telling her that her dad's book may already be in her half-sister's possession.

Mrs. Hee-Young smiles a little. "You're probably right". She agreed, believing her daughter's words. "Asa, how do you know about your father's past?" She asked.

Asa stared down at the book in her lap for a moment before she glances up and look at her mother. "I found dad's journal in dad's office way back when I was moving into his office for my work. I read his journal out of curiosity. I didn't tell you about it because of your health so I kept quiet until now". She explained.

"And how does it make you feel?" Mrs. Hee-Young asked.

"I was upset at first". Asa admitted. "I didn't know the truth and had assumed that he was cheating on you with this woman. It wasn't until I read further into the journal and read the book you gave me that I realized my assumption are wrong. I finally understood why you ask me to make the movie with the book. This woman was dad first love that has a sad ending. Dad wrote this book with a happy ending to send a message to this woman and her daughter. I will make sure to get the movie done as soon as possible." She told her mother, who was glad to hear it.

"I know you will". Mrs. Hee-Young said with a smile.

A knock at the door interrupts them. They looked over at the door to see Aria enter the room.

"I apologize for the interruptions, but I'm here to inform you there have been some changes," Aria said to Asa's mother.

"What kind of changes?" Asa asked for her mother and herself.

"First of all, Mrs. Hee-Young's health is good. Secondly, Yuri had been assigned as a home nurse to a patient who had awoken from their coma. So, I will temporarily take care of Mrs. Hee-Young in Yuri's place." Aria explained and then asked. "Is that alright with you?"

"That's fine with me," Mrs. Hee-Young replied with a warm smile.

"Could I ask when Yuri will be back?" Asa asked, worrying how her mom would be without Yuri. "I do trust you, but my mother has been used to Yuri caring for her. I'm worried how the change would affect her".

"I understand but I did say that it would be temporary and that it will be until the patient fully recover. It will be for a month or so, depending on the patient health. Don't worry, Yuri will sometime visit your mom when she's not busy". Aria explained.

Mrs. Hee-Young patted her daughter's hand. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Besides, Yuri and Aria are best friends and they had visited me together very often". She reassured her daughter.

Asa nodded with understanding and then looked at Aria. "Thank you for letting us know and for willingly offering to take care of my mother in Yuri's place".

Aria smiled. "It's no problem. I'm glad to help". She told Asa, who smiled and looked over at Mrs. Hee-Young, who was smiling too.


Go Mi Nyu woke up and wince at the feeling of the stiffness in her neck and back. She sat up straight in her chair and rubbed her neck with her hand to ease the pain.

"Sleeping in a chair was a bad idea".  she thought to herself as she stretched her arms and then covered to yawn.

She opened her eyes and was surprised to see Tae Kyung's gaze fixating on her.

"Good morning Hyungmin," she greeted him with her voice a little horse from sleeping and he gave her a warm smile in return. "How long have you been awake?" she asked him.

"Not too long. I woke up before you did." Tae Kyung answered as he sat up in bed and leaned back on the pillow that Go Mi Nyu has just propped up for him.

Go Mi Nyu knew that he wasn't being totally honest, and she could tell just by looking at him that he hadn't had much rest during the night. She opened to question him but was interrupted when the door opened, revealing Doctor Ha Rin and Yuri.

"Good morning," Doctor Ha Rin greeted with a smile while Yuri walked over and check the IV bag and the monitors. She wrote down on the clipboard what she saw and then walked over to Doctor Ha Rin.

"All good?" Doctor Ha Rin asked her.

Yuri nodded and handed over the clipboard to Doctor Ha Rin to read it.

"Perfect," Doctor Ha Rin smiled.

"Does this mean that Hyungnim could go home?" Go Mi Nyu asked.

"Yes," Doctor Ha Rin replied and saw Tae Kyung smile in relief that he gets to go home today. "But there are some paper forms that need to be signed, and we need to run a CAT scan of his head. We want to make sure everything is good before we release him. Plus, Yuri will be coming with you and will be Tae Kyung's home nurse until he fully recovers". She explained as Yuri pushed a wheelchair over to Tae Kyung's hospital bed.

Tae Kyung sat up in bed with Go Mi Nyu's help. He slowly stood up with Yuri and Go Mi Nyu supporting him. They led him to the wheelchair, and he sat down in it.

"Don't worry, we'll have him back here as soon as we are done with the test". Doctor Ha Rin reassured Go Mi Nyu, who nodded and looked at Tae Kyung, who was staring at her.

As if she could read his concern, she gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I'll be here waiting for you when you return from the testing". She told him and he gave her a warm smile before Yuri pushed the wheelchair out of the room with Doctor Ha Rin, leaving Go Mi Nyu alone in the room.


Two Hours Later

Hospital Lounge Area


Shin Woo and Jeremy entered the hospital from the front entrance and saw Aria walking over to them with a smile on her face.

"How's everything? Did it go well?" Shin Woo asked.

Aria nodded. "It sure did. Doctor Ha Rin and Yuri are currently running a CAT scan test on Tae Kyung. Once the paperwork are signed, Tae Kyung is good to go".

"That's great!" Jeremy excitedly said while Shin Woo smiled.

"Are the reporters outside?" Aria asked while she cautiously glances over Jeremy and Shin Woo's shoulders.

"Yes, and so are the fans. An actress is filming a scene with the children here at the hospital for charity". Shin Woo told her.

"I knew this would happen, so I parked my car in the back of the hospital," Aria grabbed her car keys from her uniform pocket.

"Which means we're going to have to sneak Tae Kyung Hyung out in the back," Jeremy said.

"That is precisely what we are going to do," Go Mi Nam said in agreement as he walked up next to Jeremy, who turned to look at him.

"Here," Aria gave her car keys to Go Mi Nam, who took it and nod his head at her. "I need to go check on the other patients. Call me if you need anything else". She turned and left down the corridor of the hospital.

"Go Mi Nam? Did you just arrive here?" Jeremy asked Go Mi Nam.

"Yes, I have to do a quick errand before I came here," Go Mi Nam told him.

"What was the quick errand that you did?" Shin Woo asked.

Go Mi Nam lifted the two bags that he was holding in his hand and show it to them. "I bought some items to help Tae Kyung hide in plain sight from reporters and fans".

"Good thinking". Jeremy patted Go Mi Nam on the shoulder.

"So, have you two decided who would be Yuri's boyfriend?" Go Mi Nam asked in a serious tone.

"Does this mean, you're fine with our plan?" Jeremy asked.

Go Mi Nam folded his arms and pursed his lips in annoyance. "Absolutely not! I'm still against the idea of you two using Yuri for this plan. She is a sweet kind person that had been through tough times in her life. She doesn't have to deal with this issue. Couldn't you find someone else to do this?"

"We don't have much time to find someone else because the interview with Tae Kyung is approaching soon. I understand why you don't want Yuri to be part of this plan. We all understand that Yuri has a tough life and that she was an orphan like you and your sister. We wouldn't want to cause trouble for her". Shin Woo explained.

"Besides, Yuri had already agreed to help us. We even promised to protect her and allow her to choose who she would be comfortable with". Jeremy pointed out.

Go Mi Nam unfolded his arm and sighed. "Even though I disagree with you using Yuri for the plan, that doesn't mean I would stop you from proceeding with the plan. Just make sure the plan doesn't fail or get exposed". Shin Woo and Jeremy nodded. "I would ask who Yuri had chosen, but I'll just wait and see for myself".

Shin Woo touched Go Mi Nam on the shoulder and said. "Thank you for understanding".

"Yeah, whatever, let's go see Tae Kyung," Go Mi Nam walked ahead with Shin Woo and Jeremy following behind.

"If I didn't know better, I would have assumed that Go Mi Nam has feelings toward Yuri or a protective brother". Jeremy muttered to Shin Woo, who smiles and shakes his head.

"I heard that!" Go Mi Nam spats all of a sudden and glared back at Jeremy, who held his hands up in defense.

"What? I was just saying. There's no need to get upset about it". Jeremy told Go Mi Nam, who turned away and walked ahead without saying a word.


They arrive at Tae Kyung's hospital room and see Tae Kyung sitting on the bed signing the paperwork that Doctor Ha Rin had given him. Go Mi Nyu was standing beside him.

She looked up and was happy to see them. "Oppa! Shin Woo! Jeremy!" She rushed over to her brother, noticing the bags, and point to them. "What do you have there? Is it for Hyungnim?" She asked him.

Go Mi Nam gave the bag to his sister. "These are for your husband". He smirked and jokingly muttered to where his sister could hear him

"Oppa!" Go Mi Nyu glared at her brother as she took the bags from him. "That's not funny so stop it!" She elbowed him in the arm while Jeremy and Shin Woo stared in confused to why Go Mi Nyu was a bit upset at Go Mi Nam.

"Fine," Go Mi Nam held his hands up in surrender to stop his sister from hitting him more. "I will stop teasing you for now". He dropped his hands down to the side when his sister was not angry at him. "The bags have clothes in them for Tae Kyung to change into when he's ready to leave". He told her.

Go Mi Nyu nodded and looked at Tae Kyung, who has finished signing the paperwork. Doctor Ha Rin looked at the paperwork to make sure everything was okay and then looked up with a smile. "Everything is done. You are free to go when you are ready. " She grabbed a card from her coat pocket and gave it to Tae Kyung, who took it and stared at it. "If you have any more questions, you can always call me, and I will answer them". She told him.

"Thank you." Tae Kyung said to Doctor Ha Rin, who smiles at him. "It's no problem at all. Good luck with your recovery." She said and then turned to look at the others. 

"Remember, be patient with him and remind him of the good memories you each had with him. Hopefully, it might help him regain some of his memories back". She told them and then left the room.

Go Mi Nyu walked over and gave the bags to Tae Kyung, who looked at it confused for a moment before he took it. He peered inside the bag to see two new sets of clothes that were neatly folded and wrapped.

Tae Kyung took the clothes out from the bag and held them in his hands while staring at the size number on the clothes. He was surprised to see that it was the correct size number that was shown on the tag of the clothes. "How do you know the size of the clothes I wear?" He looked up and over at Go Mi Nam and asked, surprising everyone in the room except for Go Mi Nam, who shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. Let's just say I'm good with picking out clothes, knowing that those clothes would fit. I even buy clothes for my sister, and they fit her". He simply said.

Jeremy walked up to Tae Kyung with a curious look and asked. "Tae Kyung Hyung, you remember your clothes size number?"

Tae Kyung looked at Jeremy a bit confused. "Of course, I remember what clothes size I wear. Why?" He asked confused. "Was it something I wasn't supposed to remember?"

"No, not at all. We are just surprised that you actually remember and glad to see some progress of your memories slowly returning. That's all". Shin Woo explained for him and Jeremy.

"I see. I guess it's good news then". Tae Kyung said, and Go Mi Nyu smiled at him.

"Are the clothes good for you?" She asked, worry that Tae Kyung wouldn't like the clothes and that they might not match what he like to wear.

"I'm okay with the clothes." Tae Kyung told her. "Thank you". He said to Go Mi Nam, who wasn't expecting that.

"You're welcome." He cleared his throat and replied quickly.

"You should change your clothes so that we can get you home. I'm sure you want to leave". Shin Woo said, and Tae Kyung nodded.

Shin Woo, Jeremy, Go Mi Nam, Go Mi Nyu, and Yuri turn away, facing their back toward Tae Kyung to give him privacy to change his clothes. They heard the rustling of the bags and wrappers and Tae Kyung struggling to change his clothes.

"Ya! I refuse to wear this!"  Tae Kyung retorted and tossed the black wig at Go Mi Nam, who turned around and swiftly caught it with his hands, giving a stern look to Tae Kyung.

The others cautiously turned back around once they were sure that Tae Kyung has changed out of the hospital clothes into his own comfortable clothes.

Tae Kyung was dressed in a black outfit with a peach coat on. He pursed his lips and glared at Go Mi Nam.

"It's a disguise to hide yourself". Go Mi Nam irritatedly said.

"Why would I need a disguise?!" Tae Kyung spats, refusing to wear the wig.

Shin Woo stepped forward to help Go Mi Nam out before it escalates into a fight. "It's because you are a famous star that's loved by many peoples. Reporters are outside the hospital and if they see you and snap a picture, it would be all over the news and the internet". He explained.

"Besides, it is just temporary," Jeremy said, trying to convince Tae Kyung to wear it. "We all have to wear a disguise when we go out sometime".

"Temporary?" Tae Kyung stared at Jeremy and then at Go Mi Nyu, who nodded to answer his question. "Fine," He reluctantly agreed.

Go Mi Nyu took the wig from her brother and carefully placed it on Tae Kyung's head. Then she put the hat over it and the sunglasses on Tae Kyung's face. "There," She smiled and took a step back to look at Tae Kyung, to see how he look in disguise. "Hyungnim, it looks good on you!" She beamed and put two thumbs up.

Still pursing his lips, Tae Kyung put on the face mask and reached for the sketchbook under the pillow, and put it in the bag that Go Mi Nyu was now holding with her hands. He then grabbed the crutches next to his hospital bed and stood up with Yuri and Go Mi Nyu helping him. "Let's go". He said and began to walk to the door.

Go Mi Nam tapped his sister on the shoulder. "Here," he said as Go Mi Nyu turned to look at him. "Put this on". Go Mi Nyu nodded and put on the hat.

They stepped out into the hallway of the hospital. Shin Woo turned his head and looked at Go Mi Nyu and Tae Kyung. "You guys followed Go Mi Nam to the back of the hospital where Aria had parked her car. Aria will you to it ".

On cue, Aria shows up and gestures for Tae Kyung, Go Mi Nyu, and Go Mi Nam to follow her.

"What about you and Jeremy? Will you two be alright?" Go Mi Nyu asked in concern.

"We'll go out the front of the hospital to distract the fans and reporters". Jeremy answered. "We'll be fine. You guys go ahead".

Go Mi Nam put on a hat and sunglasses and nodded. "We'll meet you guys at home". He said to Jeremy, Yuri, and Shin Woo, who nodded in agreement. "Let's go". He said to his sister and Tae Kyung.

"Yuri, are you coming with us?" Go Mi Nam asked her.

"I need to finish up my shift here. I'll be there later on." Yuri replied and Go Mi Nyu nodded with understanding.

"Don't worry we'll make sure Yuri will arrive at our place safely". Shin Woo reassured Go Mi Nyu. "Now hurry and go".

Tae Kyung and Go Mi Nyu follow Go Mi Nam and Aria down the hospital corridor while Yuri stays behind with Shin Woo and Jeremy.

Shin Woo turned to look at Jeremy and Yuri once Tae Kyung, Go Mi Nyu, Go Mi Nam, and Aria was gone and out of sight. "Are you guys ready for this?" He asked Yuri and Jeremy.

"I'm ready," Jeremy answered and then looked at Yuri. "What about you?" He asked her.

"I guess I'm ready," Yuri nervously replied while fidgeting with her hands.

Noticing the hesitation in Yuri's tone, Shin Woo placed his hand on Yuri's shoulder, causing her to tense up. "Everything is going to be fine". He assured her with a smile.

"Here," Shin Woo gave the jacket with the hoodie to Yuri, who stared at it for a second and then took it. "You should wear it on and use the hoodie to cover your face from the camera". He told her.

Yuri put on the jacket and covered her head with the hoodie. "Thank you". She said to Shin Woo, who nodded and said, "You're welcome" to her.

"Let's do this". Jeremy said and began to walk with Shin Woo and Yuri toward the front entrance of the hospital.


Aria opened the door to the back of the hospital and poke her head out to make sure the coast is clear. She then glances back at Tae Kyung, Go Mi Nyu, and Go Mi Nam and gestures to them with her hand that it was safe to leave.

Quietly, they walked outside to Aria's parked car, and Go Mi Nam unlocked the doors to the car. He turned to look at Aria, who was standing at the back of the door of the hospital, and gave her a nod that mean "Thank you for your help".

"Aria, Thank you so much for your help." Go Mi Nyu bowed her head and said to Aria while Tae Kyung slowly nodded his head as a thank you.

In return, Aria mouthed "You're welcome" to them and then gestures for them to leave.

Swiftly, Go Mi Nam got into the driver's seat while Go Mi Nyu help Tae Kyung get into the backseat.

Go Mi Nyu sat in the backseat behind the driver seat, next to Tae Kyung, who was about to take off the hat and the wig because he was feeling uncomfortable. She grabbed his hand, stopping him from doing it.

"Not yet. You should wait until we are away from the hospital to take it off. We don't want the fans and reporters to see you". She told him.

Tae Kyung sighed. "Aish". He muttered and lowered his hands down, leaving the hat and the wig alone.

Go Mi Nam put on the seatbelt, start the car, and drove away from the parking lot. He drove passed by the entrance of the hospital and saw it was crowded with reporters and fans.

"I sure hope they can handle that". He muttered to himself as he thought about how the outcome might turn out for Jeremy, Yuri, and Shin Woo.

He suddenly frowned and pulled out the hand-free earphone wireless Bluetooth headset, placed it in his ear, and make a phone call. "Manager Ma," He spoke into his wireless Bluetooth headset when his call was answered. "Where are you right now? I'm driving Tae Kyung home from the hospital," He pursed his lips. "Listen, I need you to head over to the hospital to help Shin Woo Yuri, and Jeremy. They are leaving the hospital from the front entrance. Reporters and fans are there by the front entrance. You need to help them safely leave the hospital. Call or text me when you arrive there". He finished talking and then ended the call.

Tae Kyung stared out the window of the car and saw fans and reporters at the entrance of the hospital with cameras. He was glad that Go Mi Nyu had stopped him from taking off the hat and wig.

He was wondering why the fans and the reporters were there in the first place. Was it because of him? Do they know about his stay at the hospital?

"Go Mi Nam, do you know why the fans and reporters are there?" He asked.

"From what I heard from Shin Woo; an actress is filming a scene with the children here at the hospital for charity". Go Mi Nam told him.

"I see," Tae Kyung said, realizing his assumptions were incorrect. He glances at Go Mi Nyu, who was praying quietly to herself and knew that she was worried about his safety and the others.

He saw her put her hands down on her lap, so he placed his hand on one of Go Mi Nyu's hands and gently squeeze it.

"It's going to be fine". He reassured her.

Go Mi Nyu nodded and warmly smiles at Tae Kyung.

Go Mi Nam accelerates on the gas, driving away from the hospital, passing by Reporter Kim, who had just gotten out of his car with the camera and was heading toward the entrance of the hospital.

Reporter Kim glances back at the car Go Mi Nam was driving. Not recognizing Go Mi Nam in the driver seat, Tae Kyung and Go Mi Nyu in the backseat because of their disguises, Reporter Kim turned away and head over to the hospital entrance, hoping to get a headline for his story.


At A.N.Jell Place

Go Mi Nam parked the car in front of the A.N.Jell place and got out of the driver's seat. He notices that President Ahn and Coordinator Wang were waiting in the driveway. They were walking over to the car when they saw the car pull up into the driveway.

"Go Mi Nam!" President Ahn called out as Tae Kyung was getting out of the backseat with Go Mi Nyu.

"President Ahn? Coordinator Wang?" Go Mi Nyu said in surprise as she gave the crutches to Tae Kyung, who use them to support himself. Coordinator Wang appeared by Go Mi Nyu's side to help Tae Kyung steady himself.

President Ahn walked up to Go Mi Nam and smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Go Mi Nam asked, not expecting President Ahn to be waiting at the A.N.Jell place.

"I heard that Tae Kyung was released from the hospital, so I came here to see how he is". President Ahn replied and looked around. "Where are Jeremy and Shin Woo?" He asked, noticing that Shin Woo and Jeremy were missing from the group.

"They're on the way here. They had to stay behind to distract the reporters and fans so that Tae Kyung could leave the hospital safely". Go Mi Nam explained.

"I see." President nodded and looked around. "Where is Tae Kyung?" He looked back at Go Mi Nam. "How come he's not with you?"

Go Mi Nam slightly smirked when he realizes that President Ahn didn't recognize Tae Kyung in disguise.

"Go Mi Nyu?" President Ahn said, noticing Go Mi Nyu was walking with a person on crutches that was dressed in a black outfit with a peach coat, wearing a hat, sunglasses, and a face mask. "Where is Tae Kyung and who is this?" He asked, eyeing the person that was next to Go Mi Nyu.

Coordinator Wang sighed in annoyance. She walked over to President Ahn and punched him in the arm with her fist. "Ya! Hwang Tae Kyung is standing next to Go Mi Nyu!" She pointed out.

"Hwang Tae Kyung?" President Ahn said in surprise as he looked at the person dressed in the black outfit wearing the peach coat that was standing next to Go Mi Nyu.

"Aish!" Tae Kyung muttered in annoyance. He glances over at Go Mi Nyu, who looked over at him in concern. "Go Mi Nyu?" He called out to her. "Could you please help me?" He asked her.

Go Mi Nyu nodded and removed the face mask, hat, and wig off Tae Kyung's head. She then fixed Tae Kyung's hair neatly.

"Thank you," Tae Kyung muttered to where Go Mi Nyu could hear him. Then he looked over at President Ahn, who smiles at him. He nodded his head to say hello.

"Hwang Tae Kyung! I'm glad to see you!" President Ahn patted Tae Kyung gently on the back. "I'm sorry for not recognizing you earlier". He apologizes. "Let me introduce myself to you". He touched his chest. "My name...," he started to say but Tae Kyung interrupt him.

"You're President Ahn". Tae Kyung said. "I had been told about you, but I don't remember you. I'm sorry". He apologized.

"That's alright. You still have a long recovery ahead of you. It takes time, so I understand". President Ahn smiled. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm okay." Tae Kyung replied as Go Mi Nyu stepped forward a bit to speak.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but Tae Kyung need to go inside and rest. His leg hasn't fully healed so he can't stand for too long". Go Mi Nyu said to President Ahn.

"Okay then. Go ahead and don't mind me. I need to speak with Go Mi Nam. It's nice seeing you, Tae Kyung". President Ahn stepped asides to let Tae Kyung and Go Mi Nyu walk passed by him with Coordinator Wang following behind them.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Go Mi Nam asked after he saw Tae Kyung leave inside with Go Mi Nyu and Coordinator Wang.

"Mind telling me what this is about?" President Ahn asked as he pulled out his cell phone from his pocket and show photos of Jeremy and Shin Woo leaving the hospital with a woman whose face was covered with the hoodie. Jeremy and Shin Woo were shielding her from the camera as they got into A.N.Jell's van. The next photo shows Manger Ma blocking and stopping the reporters and fans from getting close to Shin Woo, Yuri and Jeremy before he got into the A.N.Jell van. Go Mi Nam knew the woman was Yuri, but President Ahn didn't know since he wasn't aware of the plan that Shin Woo and Jeremy had come up with. 

Go Mi Nam didn't expect the photos would show up on the internet that fast. "Aish must be that idiot Reporter Kim!" He muttered as he recalled seeing Reporter Kim show up at the hospital entrance.

How should he explain the situation to President Ahn, especially when he doesn't know who Yuri has chosen? Should he tell everything to President Ahn, or should he keep it as a secret?


To Be Continued


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