Chapter Nine

Faded Star

Chapter Nine


Tae Kyung was startled when the woman unexpectedly pulled him into her arms and hugged him. He was confused to why the woman was hugging him when she spoked.

"I'm glad that you're awake, my son," he heard the woman's quivering voice said to him and his eyes widen in shocked and confused.

"Is she...,my...mother...?" His mind wondered. He was questioning why she was hugging him and how come he was taken back by it. It was like he expected the woman would never do it .

As if the woman can sense what he was feeling and was reading his mind, she immediately pulled away from him and took a step back. She was staring at him as if she was waiting for him to say something.

Tae Kyung surveyed the woman for a moment before opening his mouth to speak. "Are you, Mo Hwa Ran?" he queried even though his instinct was telling him that she is.

"Yes I am," The woman answered, surprised by the question. "Do you know who I am?" She asked, curious to know how much he knew about her and what had been said about her.

"you're my mother, right?" Tae Kyung asked as if he already knew it, but wanted to get a confirmation.

Mo Hwa Ran nodded

Tae Kyung stared at Mo Hwa Ran as if he was trying to read her mind. Maybe he could finally get some answers to his questions that were left unanswered.

"Listen, I don't know how to put this but...," He started to say but got interrupted.

"It's ok. I had already talked to Doctor Ha Rin and she told me about your condition." Mo Hwa Ran said. When Doctor Ha Rin told her about Tae Kyung's amnesia , she felt devastated and her eyes were starting to get watery, but she knew that she has to restrain herself from crying because Doctor Ha Rin wasn't aware that she was Tae Kyung's mom.

Looking at her son right now, she knew that she could have a proper conversation with him without all the history that happened between them affecting it and that he would most likely want some answers from her.

She notices the wary look in her son's eyes and realizes that he probably knew some things about her already.

"May I...?" She gestured to the chair next to the hospital bed and Tae Kyung nodded that it was okay for her to sit down.

Mo Hwa Ran sat down in the chair and looked at her son, who was staring at her. "How are you feeling?" She start off the conversation with a simple question.

Tae Kyung shifted a little in bed and looked at her. "Tired and confused" he answered.

"How much do you know about me?" She asked, curious to know what he knew about her and wonder if Go Mi Nyu had said something about her.

Tae Kyung stared down at his hands that were resting on his lap. "Not much. I only know that you're my mother and that we are not on good term. That's all I know so far and I can't help but wonder why". He told her.

Mo Hwa Ran realizes that Go Mi Nyu didn't say anything to her son and begin to wonder why. Could it be that Go Mi Nyu was trying to help her make amend with her son? After how she had treated her, why would Go Mi Nyu want to help her? It made her feel awful, knowing that Go Mi Nyu would actually give up being with Tae Kyung just to help her be with her son again. She sighed and looked at her son. It would shattered her son's heart if he were to learned about what Go Mi Nyu was trying to do and if Go Mi Nyu wasn't by his side.  

"Should I tell him or not? Would it be best that he doesn't know?" Her mind questioned. She knew if she didn't tell him or worst lied to him, it would made him hate her more and probably never talk to her or see her again. The worst one would be that he wouldn't want her in his life and leave her. She can't bare to go through life with her son leaving her and hating her.

"How much do you remember?" She asked a moment later. She still doesn't have the answers for the questions that were lingering in her mind.

"I remember a fragment memory of the accident," Tae Kyung looked up and stared at his mother. "You were there and I was shouting for you. Then everything went black after that and I woke up here with amnesia". He told her.

Mo Hwa Ran smiled a little and begins to reach for her son's hand, but stopped midway. She retreat her hand back, worrying that she might frighten him since he doesn't remember who she is.

"You and I were in a car accident. We both were injured, but you suffered more injuries because you saved me, shielded me from most of the impact". She explained to him.

"I see," Tae Kyung said, looked away from his mother and stared ahead.

"I'm sorry that this has happening to you," Mo Hwa Ran apologized and Tae Kyung looked at her confused at why she was apologizing to him. "If there's anything I could do to help you, please feel free to ask," She said and stared down at her lap.

"Why are you apologizing?" Tae Kyung asked. "It's not like you cause the car accident". He told her.

"I know I wasn't the cause of the accident, but I still feel like it's my fault. If I haven't came looking for you and ask you to go with me, you wouldn't be here with amnesia," Mo Hwa Ran told him with sadness in her voice, still staring down at her lap

Tae Kyung  didn't understand why his mother blamed herself for their accident. "Mother, it was not your fault," He insisted. "You didn't know the accident would happen. There was nothing you could do to prevent it. I'm okay and awake, so please stop blaming yourself, alright?". He saw his mother looked up at him, gave him a warm smile and nodded.

He was glad that his words got through to her and that she wasn't blaming herself anymore about what happen.

Mo Hwa Ran suddenly got up from her seat. "I should get going and let you rest. We could talk more when you're feeling better". She turned to leave toward the door.

"Mother?" Tae Kyung called out to her, stopping her in her track.

"What is it?" Mo Hwa Ran turned around and asked her son, wondering why he called for her.

"You said before that I could ask you anything, right?" Tae Kyung asked her and she nodded.

"That's right". She replied.

"Why aren't we on good terms before?" He asked, making Mo Hwa Ran feel uneasy about the question.

Mo Hwa Ran knew that he would ask and that she would have to tell him whether she like it or not. "Do you really want to know?" She asked him.

Tae Kyung nodded. He had wanted to ask her about his memories that he can't remember, but unsure if he should or not. "I really want to know." He told her. "Just maybe it could help me remember because I don't like having amnesia and not knowing who I am".

Mo Hwa Ran closed her eyes. She can't bear to see her son like this. He deserve to know even though she knew that he would hate her for it. Also, she can't let Go Mi Nyu leave her son because she's important in his life and the only person that can make her son happy. She can't afford to lose him again so she decided that it would be the best to tell him everything, only if he's ready to hear it. If he's not ready, she would wait until it is the right time to tell him.

"If you really want to know and ready to hear it, I will tell you everything you wanted to know." Mo Hwa Ran said and Tae Kyung stared at her, wondering if she meant what she said.

"Really? You would tell me about what I had forgotten and help me remember again?" He asked, not sure if he should trust her or not.

"Yes, only if you really want to know about it," Mo Hwa Ran answered without hesitation. "Do you want me to tell you everything you had forgotten?" She asked and waited to hear what her son decision is.

Tae Kyung looked hesitant for a moment and looked away from his mom. He was afraid about how he would feel if he were to hear about what he had forgotten. Why if it something he would rather forget than remember? Maybe, it would be better not knowing. He closed his eyes and thought about what his choices are and what the correct choice he should decide on. He turned his head to look at his mother and nodded.

Mo Hwa Ran sighed, walked over, and stood beside her son's hospital bed. "The reason why we weren't on good terms is because of me," She begin to tell what her son need to know, knowing full well what the outcome would be.


A.N.Jell Place


Jeremy was preparing the meals and drinks while waiting for Shin Woo to arrive back with Yuri and Aria. Suddenly, his cell phone rang in his pocket.

Swiftly, he pulled his cell phone out, answered it, and placed the phone up to his ear. "Hello? Shin Hyung, where are you now?" He asked and listened. "You're pulling up to the house? Yes, the meals and drinks are ready. Okay, see you in a minute," He ended the call and put his cell phone away in his pocket.

Then he took off his apron and leave the kitchen to head to the front door. The front door open and Shin Woo came in with Yuri and Aria.

"Come on in," He gestured to them to come in and stepped aside to let them walk inside.

Yuri and Aria walked inside and looked around the place.

"Hi," Jeremy beamed and waved. "Follow me this way." 

He led them into the kitchen. "Please, take a seat," He gestured to the table in the kitchen and then left to grabbed the drinks from the refrigerator while Shin Woo sat down beside Yuri, who was sitting next to Aria, who had sat down in the chair at the end of the table.

"Yuri? Aria? how was your day today," Shin woo started off the conversation with a simple question.

"It was okay," Yuri answered.

Aria sighed, "Beside enduring the stress at work, everything was okay for me," She replied.

Jeremy walked over and placed to small tea pot in front of Shin Woo. Then he placed the cup of juices in front of the girls with two empty cup to let them decide what they want to drink.

"Would you like some juice or tea?" He asked them.

"I would like to have some tea, thank you," Yuri answered and Shin Woo poured the tea from the small tea pot into the empty cup for Yuri, who nodded and say thank you to him before reaching for the cup of tea.

"And I will have some juice. Thank you," Aria replied and reached for the cup of juice. She take a sip from it and then looked across at Shin Woo. "If you don't mind I ask, what is it that you want to discuss with Yuri?" She asked as she placed her cup of juice down on the table.

"Actually, I want to ask Yuri for a favor," Shin Woo answered as Jeremy sat down in the chair beside him.

Aria stared at Shin Woo and Jeremy as if she was trying to read their mind to figure out what favor they want to ask Yuri. "What kind of favor?" She asked them as she took a quick glance at Yuri, who was quiet and thinking to herself. Then she looked at Shin Woo and Jeremy, waiting for their respond.

Worried that Aria and Yuri might misunderstood, Jeremy spoke up. "It's not something bad. Please let us explain the situation to you so that you won't be confuse". He told them.

Yuri and Aria nodded and Shin Woo begin to explained.

"Ever since Tae Kyung had been hospitalized and had been in a coma, A.N.Jell has been in a predicament. We have been trying our best to keep the fans, media and the reporters from finding out the truth about Tae Kyung whereabouts. We lied to them, saying that Tae Kyung had been out of town to visiting a relative that lived faraway. It all went smoothly and good until a problem suddenly came up".

"What was the problem?" Yuri asked.

"The media and a reporter named Kim was questioning when Tae Kyung would return from visiting his relative. President Ahn had told Reporter Kim that Tae Kyung would return next week and will have an interview. That was during the time that we weren't sure that Tae Kyung would wake up from his coma. Lucky, Tae Kyung woke up, but now he has amnesia and won't be able to do the interview," Jeremy answered.

"I see, and how are you planning to delay or stop that interview from happening?" Aria curiously asked.

"We already have a plan, but...," Shin woo sighed and continued." In order for this plan to work, we need Yuri help".

Aria doesn't like where the conversation is heading. What is your plan and how could Yuri possibly help with your plan?"

Shin Woo looked at Jeremy and then at Yuri and Aria. He leaned forward in his seat and said. "We need Yuri to date one of us".

"What?" Aria's eyes widen in shock while Yuri tensed up. "You want Yuri to date," she pointed her finger back and forth at Shin Woo and Jeremy, "one of you?"

Jeremy and Shin Woo nodded.

Aria swiftly reached for her cup of juice on the table and gulped the whole thing down in one go.  Then she placed the empty cup back down on the table and stared at Jeremy and Shin Woo. "Are you serious?"

"Yes and we hope that Yuri would agree," Shin Woo answered.

"Um...," Aria cleared and leaned back in her seat, trying to absorb the information about Yuri being the girlfriend to one of the A.N.Jell member. "This is a bit sudden." She said and begin to wonder why they want Yuri to be the girlfriend until realization hit her.  "Could it be?" She muttered to herself.

"We understand that asking for Yuri help is a bit sudden, but she's the only person that we trust and can help us," Shin Woo told her.

"You want Yuri to be the girlfriend to avert the media and reporters attention away from Tae Kyung, is that right?" Aria asked Shin Woo and Jeremy. "But, isn't that too risky and wouldn't that put Yuri in the spotlight and possibly in danger?" She asked, not okay with Yuri being the fake girlfriend and worried about how the outcome would be if Yuri were to agree.

"I promise you no harm will come to Yuri. She will be taken care of and we will protect her from harm," Shin Woo reassured while Jeremy nodded in agreement.

"I don't know about this," Aria said, still not convinced, and was afraid that something might go wrong.

"Hey! This is not your decision to make, it's Yuri," Jeremy irritatingly said.. "Why don't you let Yuri decide for herself," He suggested.

"I understand that it's not my decision to make," Aria said and then look at Yuri. " It just that it's complicated to explain".

Jeremy was questioning why Aria would have a problem with Yuri helping them. Why was she so against with Yuri helping them? Does she not trust them? Suddenly, something occur to him and he looked back and forth at Aria and Yuri. Unless, Aria knew something about Yuri that they don't know about and was protecting her. If that was the case, then what is it that they don't know about Yuri and how does it affect with her helping them?

"What would I have to do?" Yuri suddenly asked and everyone looked at her.

"Just be yourself and act how you think a girlfriend should act. Long enough to convince few people and the media that you are dating and in love with one of us. It shouldn't take longer than two months if we both play our parts well. This would include you spending time here and there. A few public dates. Should be enough." Shin Woo explained. "Things might of course change, but we won't do anything you are too uncomfortable with."

Yuri and Aria nodded as they absorb the information into their mind.

"You have dated before, haven't you?" Jeremy asked Yuri. He noticed that Yuri was nervous and fidgeting with her hands, looking down at her cup and not at him and Shin Woo. He then looked at Aria, who was comforting Yuri, wondering if she knew the answer. He watched as she turned away from Yuri and look at him and Shin Woo.

"She has never dated anyone before," Aria answered for Yuri.

Jeremy's eyes widen in surprise. "What? Really?"

Aria nodded. "Would that be an issue?" She asked.

Shin Woo and Jeremy shook their heads.

"No, it's fine". Shin Woo answered.

"Will you help us?" Jeremy asked Yuri, hoping that Yuri would agree to help them. He notices Yuri's hands was gripping on the cup and the worried look on her face. Her worried expression was making him anxious about what her decision might be. Something tell him that he might not like her decision.

Yuri was debating with her choices on what to tell them. She would gladly help Tae Kyung without a problem, but to be the girlfriend to Shin Woo or Jeremy is something she's not comfortable with and find it hard to agree. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to reject them since they were sincerely asking for her help. How should she respond to them without upsetting them? What would happen if she didn't accept and how would it affect them and Tae Kyung? Maybe, she should try to help them. Still, something was holding her back from agreeing.

"I'm not sure about this," She said a moment later and looked at them. ""May I think about it for a moment, in private?"

"Sure." Shin Woo agreed while Jeremy nodded.

"Thank you." Yuri stood up from her seat. "I'm going to go outside for fresh air if that's okay with you".

"It's fine, go ahead," Shin Woo replied.

Aria got up from her seat and looked at Yuri. "I'm going with you," She said and Yuri nodded. Then she turned to looked at Shin Woo and Jeremy. "We'll be back in a minute or so". She told them before she followed Yuri outside.

Jeremy turned to looked at Shin Woo after the girls left. "Shin Hyung, Do you think Yuri would accept to help us?" He asked.

"I'm not sure," Shin Woo replied and looked ahead at where the girls had left to. "We'll just have to wait and see".

"You're right," Jeremy agreed and sighed as he looked ahead. "I just hope Yuri is alright and okay". He muttered to himself.


At The Hospital

Tae Kyung's hospital room


Tae Kyung frowned as he slowly absorbed the information about his mother abandoning him when he was a child for a man, in his mind.  Although he couldn't remember the pain he had gone through as a child from his mother abandoning him, the feelings were still there and it has just resurfaced, making his heart ache.

How could she do this to him? Abandoned him when he was young and hurting him, giving him a unhappy childhood memories.

He closed his eyes, unable to look at his mother nor say anything to her. How was he supposed to deal with the information that his mother just had told him? He was angry and hurt when she told him.

Was this how he felt before the accident? Was this the reason why he didn't tell his friends about his mother?

Suddenly, a fragment memory appeared in his mind, and he finds himself in the memory. He was standing from a far, watching the memory scene in front of him being played out. He sees himself walking away from a woman that he recognizes as his mother. She was talking to him and from her tone, he could tell that she was angry and was blaming him for something that he didn't do.

"Because of you, because I gave birth to you, I lost what was precious to me. Okay, you must have thought it was horrific because I left you. But when I lost him because of you, it was horrific for me too. " He heard his mother said that made the other him and himself heart ache.

"If you're going to claim some credit for giving birth to me, at least, at the very least, you should have remembered when that was," He heard himself replied back with sadness in his voice and watched himself turned his back on his mother and walked away without saying another word.

His hands that were resting to the sides were balled up in a fist. Was this the memory that he has forgotten and wanted to remember? If this is part of his memories that he doesn't remember, he rather not remembers it since watching it now is hurting him and making him upset.

Tae Kyung turned to leave, not wanting to watch the scene in front of him anymore when his eyes caught something. There was a figure hiding, lurking in the shadow, watching.

He squinted his eyes to see who it was, when he saw his mother walked away. The figure that was lurking in the shadow slowly stepped out to revealed who it was.

His eyes widen in shock as he recognized who it was. "Go Mi Nyu?" He muttered in surprise as he watched her left inside the building, probably going after the other him.

He snapped out from the fragment memory that played in his mind and find himself back in the hospital room with his mother. who was still standing by his hospital bed side. He clutched the side of his head with his hands, closed his eyes and wince in pain from the memory he just saw.

"Tae Kyung, are you alright?" He heard her asked him in concern.

"I'm fine, just a slight headache," he told her. "I would like to be alone now if you don't mind". He said, wanting her to leave so he can be alone rather than getting angry to wind up saying things to her that he would later regret.

"I'm going to leave and let you rest now," She turned to leave and walked over to the door. As she made it over to the door, she took one glance back at her son and then left out the door.

Tae Kyung didn't turn his head to look at his mother leaving out the door because he was afraid that he might called out to her and ask her not to go. He closed his eyes to hold back the tears from falling and to regain his composure.

He thought back to the fragment memory he just saw. He remembered seeing Go Mi Nyu there in the painful memory.

That was when he remembers what Go Mi Nyu had mentioned to him before.

"It was on the day of your birthday. I went to A.N. Entertainment to see you. The reason why I came there to see you was to ask for your forgiveness because my aunt had accidentally opened a package that was mailed to you from you dad, who lived in the US. When I arrived there, I found you, but unintentionally overheard your conversation with your mother. That's how I knew, but seeing how your mood was during that time, I couldn't bring myself to tell you that I knew and had accidently heard everything." Go Mi Nyu's words echoed in his mind.

Now, he understands what Go Mi Nyu mean when she said that she knew about his parents especially his mother.

The fragment memory he just seen. Go Mi Nyu was there. She saw and overheard his conversation with his mother.

Was this the reason why Go Mi Nyu didn't want to answer his question? She was concern with how he would react or feel about it.


In the hospital hallway

Mo Hwa Ran stepped out from Tae Kyung's hospital room and saw Go Mi Nyu and Go Mi Nam standing in the hallway, staring at her without saying a words.

They were curious to know what she had talked to Tae Kyung about and worried how Tae Kyung was right now.

She walked up to Go Mi Nyu and Go Mi Nam. "Please take care of him. He really needs you by his side," she told Go Mi Nyu and then left down the hallway.

Go Mi Nam and Go Miyu was staring Mo Hwa Ran leaving down the hallway before turning their attention on Tae Kyung's hospital room's door.

Neither of them made a move to walked in.

Go Miyu was hesitating on whether to go in or not, since she has feelings about what Mo Hwa Ran may had told Tae Kyung. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see her brother beside her.

"Go inside to see him," He whispered to her as he gently pushed her forward, ushering her to go in.

Taking a deep breath, Go Mi Nyu stepped forward and opened to the door. Then she walked in with her brother following behind her.

She saw Tae Kyung sitting up in bed, staring down at his hands on his lap. Quietly, she walked up to him and stood beside his hospital bed.

"Hyungnim?" She softly called out to him.

She watched him lifted his head up and looked over at her with sadness in his eyes. That was when she knew what Mo Hwa Ran had told him, but still question how much Mo Hwa Ran had said.

Without thinking, she pulled him in her arms and hugged him, resting his head on her chest.

She felt him tense up in her arm for a minute and begin questioning if it was a good idea to hug him. She was about to pulled away from the hug when she felt him wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer, refusing to let her go.

"Please don't leave me," She heard him muttered.

"I'm not going anywhere and will stay by your side no matter what happen," She reassured him.

Watching the scene in front of him by the door, Go Mi Nam took it as a cue to leave quietly, knowing that his sister would be alright by Tae Kyung side. He closed the door behind him and stepped out into the hospital hallway.

While his sister comforting Tae Kyung, Go Mi Nam would leave to go buy the items he need to prepare for tomorrow for Tae Kyung to leave the hospital safely without being seen by the fans and the reporters.


Outside the A.N.Jell House

Yuri was staring up at the stars in the night sky with Aria beside her. She was slowly processing about Shin Woo and Jeremy asking her to be the fake girlfriend to one of them. She haven't made the decision on whether to accept or not. It came as a shock to her since she wasn't expecting the conversation to be like this.

What should she do about this situation? Should she accept to help them?" Those questions were repeating over in Yuri's mind. Her hand were gripping on the necklace that she wore around her neck.

"Mom, what should I do?" She thought to herself. If only, it was simple for her, but it wasn't because Shin Woo and Jeremy didn't know about her past and what she had been through. If they knew, would they ask her help or even talk to her to begin with?

The answer would probably be no.

"Are you alright?"

She heard Aria asked her in concern, interrupting her thoughts, and felt her friend's hand on her shoulder.

"I'm fine. I was just thinking." She replied and turned to looked at her friend. "I don't know what to do or what my decision should be. What should I do?"

"How did you feel about what Shin Woo and Jeremy had said?" Aria asked.

"Confuse and uneasy," Yuri answered. "How am I supposed to make the decision?"

"Just go with what your heart say," Aria suggested. "If you're not comfortable with this, then you don't have to do it. Whatever the decision you decide on, it's yours, and I will support you. Just make sure it's what you want to do, alright?"

Yuri nodded and thought about something that just occur to her. "I was thinking. Maybe you... Maybe you should do this instead of me".

Aria was clearly taken aback. She was physically recoiled at the words and slightly stumbled forward.

"I what?"

"Well, since you had been in a relationship before, it would be better if you do this instead of me". Yuri told her.

"That is true, but the relationship I had didn't last long. Beside, they want your help, not me," Aria pointed out. "If I could, I would. I do understand why you're reluctant to help them. Maybe, you could try to explain to them why you are hesitating to help them. Hopefully, they would understand".

Yuri frowned. "If I explain to them, it would mean that I would have to tell them about my past, which I'm afraid to. I'm worried about how my past would affect them if I were to agree".

"If you tell them, they could find a way to make it work," Aria told her. Immediately an idea appear in her mind.

"I don't know about that," Yuri said, still having doubt.

"Go ahead and agree to help them. I have an idea," Aria suddenly said and Yuri looked at her confused. "Just trust me on this".

"Okay," Yuri agreed.

"Before we leave inside, I have to ask you something," Aria said to Yuri who nodded for her to continue. "Did Doctor Ha Rin told you that Tae Kyung might leave the hospital tomorrow?"

"Yes she did," Yuri replied. "Why? Is there something I should know?" She asked.

"Well since you are agreeing to help Shin Woo and Jeremy, I might as well tell you that Doctor Ha Rin want me to discuss about her job offering arrangement for you". Aria said.

"What was the job offering arrangement?" Yuri asked, curious to know, and was wondering if she should accept the offer or not.

"The job offering arrangement is to be the home nurse to Tae Kyung until he fully recover. She want me to ask you to see what you think about it and if you're okay with it". Aria told Yuri.

"Home nurse to Tae Kyung?" Yuri was surprised by the information. "But, what about my job at the hospital?"

"Don't worry about it. If you were to agree, I can make arrangement where you can focus on being the home nurse until Tae Kyung is fully recover. Then you can return back to work at the hospital. It would make it easier for you. You don't have to go back and forth to the hospital and here." Aria explained, reassuring that everything would be fine while Yuri is away from the hospital.

"But, would it be convenience for me to travel from my apartment to here?" Yuri asked with another concern on her mind.

Aria gave Yuri a comforting smile and touched her friend's shoulder. "Don't worry about that either. Like I said before, I have a plan to make this all work out". She reassured.

Yuri nodded and trust that Aria know what she was doing. She just hope that everything would be fine. "Okay, I'll take the job arrangement," She agreed.

"I'll give Doctor Ha Rin a call later to let her know and then start on the arrangement for you". Aria told her. "Are you ready to go inside".

Yuri nodded and followed Aria back into the A.N. Jell house.


Five minute later, Inside A.N.Jell house, in the kitchen

"Really? You agree to help us?" Jeremy asked. He and Shin Woo were surprised that Yuri has agreed to help when she returned back into the kitchen with Aria.

Yuri nodded.

Unexpectedly, Jeremy grabbed one of Yuri's hand and held it in his hands. "Thank you, thank you," He beamed. Yuri was surprised by Jeremy's action that she was unable to say anything. Noticing the uncomfortable look on Yuri's face, Jeremy let go of Yuri's hand.

"I'm sorry," Jeremy apologized, feeling bad for making Yuri uncomfortable by holding her hand.

Yuri shook her head. "It's okay," She told him as if it didn't bother her. "Don't worry about it".

"We appreciate and thank you for agreeing to help us," Shin Woo said to Yuri and Aria.

"But before Yuri proceed to help you, there is something we like to discuss with you," Aria said and everyone look over at her.

"Okay, we're listening," Shin Woo replied and gestured for Aria to go ahead and speak.

"If Yuri help both of you, both of you must promise me that no matter what, Yuri's past will not be dug up by reporters, detective or anyone else because it could be a problem for you and A.N.Jell. It could even hurt Yuri." Aria told them.

"But, is Yuri's past bad that no one can know about?" Jeremy asked, curious to know why Aria is so protective about Yuri's past.

Aria shook her head. "No, it's not bad, but Yuri doesn't want to be remind of it".

Even though, Shin Woo wants to know about Yuri's past, he knew this wasn't the best time to make Yuri or Aria tell him and Jeremy because they're not even that close and has only known them for a month. So, him and Jeremy would have to wait until Yuri or Aria are ready to trust them enough to tell them about it.

"We promise that we will make sure Yuri's past is kept secret and will protect her no matter what happen," Shin Woo promised.

Jeremy nodded. "We won't let anyone harm or hurt Yuri while she's here with us". He said to Yuri and Aria.

"But, why if the reporters question about Yuri's past and her relationship with either one of you?" Aria asked.

"We'll be prepare when that happen," Shin woo answered.

"Don't worry, we already have an idea for Yuri's past if that day come," Jeremy assured the girls with a smile on his face. "We will tell you all about it once the plan begin.

Aria nodded and was relieve to hear it. She just hope everything would be fine and nothing would go wrong. 

"So the plan will starts tomorrow since you probably aware that Tae Kyung would be leaving tomorrow, right?" She asked.

Shin Woo and Jeremy nodded. They had received a text message from Go Mi Nam telling them about that.

"Then I should let you know that Yuri will be the home nurse for Tae Kyung for the time being and she'll be here everyday to take care of him while he's on bed rest," Aria told him.

"Really?" Jeremy asked. He and Shin Woo was surprised to know that. 

Aria nodded. "That is what I would like to talk to you two about".

Jeremy and Shin Woo nodded and gestured for her to continue.

"Being a home nurse mean that Yuri has to travel from her apartment to here. I don't think that would be convenience since she had agreed to participate in your plan". Aria told him.

"I understand," Shin Woo said and thought about something. "Maybe, if it's alright with you and Yuri, Yuri could stay here for a while".

Aria stared at Shin Woo and Jeremy confused, "With you, Jeremy, Go Mi Nam, and Tae Kyung here? Just you guys only?" She asked, unsure if it's a good idea for Yuri to stay here especially when it just men in the house.

Realizing that Aria and Yuri has misunderstood, Jeremy spokes up. "No, it's not just us guys, but Go Mi Nyu is staying here too. She and Yuri can share room together".

Aria was relieve to hear that. She knew that Yuri would be safe here. "That's fine with me." She looked at Yuri. "Let me ask Yuri to see what she thinks". 

"I guess I'm okay with it," Yuri reluctantly agreed.

"Great!" Jeremy clapped his hands together. "How about we start discussing about the plan, shall we?"

Shin Woo, Yuri, and Aria nodded.

"First of all, we need to decide who Yuri will be dating." Jeremy said.

"How about we let Yuri decide?" Aria suggested.

Jeremy and Shin Woo nodded and waited for Yuri decision.



Hospital's Entrance


Go Mi Nam walked out from the entrance of the hospital and saw Mo Hwa Ran being escorted by the driver, who had parked the car by the hospital's entrance.

"Mo Hwa Ran!" He called out to her, stopping her from leaving,

"Go Mi Nam?" Mo Hwa Ran said in surprised. She wasn't expecting to see him out here since she had assumed that he was with Go Mi Nyu, helping to comforting Tae Kyung.

She watched Go Mi Nam walked up to her with an unreadable expression.

"You told him, didn't you?'' Go Mi Nam asked her directly with no hesitation.

"Yes, I told him everything he needs to know and hear," Mo Hwa Ran admitted. " He knows the truth.''

''How did he react?'' Go Mi Nam asked even though he already knew the answer.

Mo Hwa Ran sighed . ''As you can imagine, not well, and probably upset.'' She couldn't get the hurtful expression on her son's face from her mind. She turned away unable to continue the conversation. "Look, I'm not in a good mood to chat with you. I do appreciate your concern and wanted to talk to me, but I have to go". She begin to leave.

"You could have chosen not to tell him. Yet, you told him, knowing that he would hate you and possibly never forgive you. Why?" Go Mi Nam questioned, making Mo Hwa Ran stopped walking and turned around to look at him

''Because I have no reason to lie to my own son. He deserve to know the truth and need to know.'' Mo Hwa Ran replied. "After what I had put him through, I wouldn't want to see him suffer from his amnesia. Beside, if I don't tell him now, he would eventually find out one way or another".

Go Mi Nam unfolded his arms. "That's true," He agreed. "And if you didn't tell him, my sister would try to help you patch things up with your son even if her relationship with him fall apart".

"I know," Mo Hwa Ran said. "But, I don't regret telling the truth to my son. It was the right thing to do".

"How much truth did you told him?" Go Mi Nam asked, wondering how much Mo Hwa Ran had revealed to Tae Kyung.

"If you referring to my son and your sister relationship, I didn't tell him. It's not my place to say." Mo Hwa Ran answered. "But, I did mentioned that I abandoned him for your dad, who had never loved me. He's always been in loved with your mother and that will never change no matter what. I made sure that he wouldn't misunderstood about your dad because that was the reason that your sister and my son relationship fell apart. I don't want that to occur again because of my mistakes".

"I hope that doesn't happen either. " Go Mi Nam agreed.

"Does this mean, you have forgive me?" Mo Hwa Ran asked.

Go Mi Nam shook his head. "No," He sternly replied, causing Mo Hwa Ran to flinched. "It doesn't change what happen in the past, nor can I change the past, but I'm willing to give you a chance for my sister and your son sake". He replied and then left, leaving Mo Hwa Ran staring after him.

"Thank you," She muttered.


To Be Continued

Q: Who will Yuri choose? Will Tae Kyung be alright?

Next Chapter: Tae Kyung will be leaving the hospital.


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