Chapter Seven

Faded Star

Chapter Seven


"I can't believe Tae Kyung Hyung has amnesia!" Jeremy exclaimed in frustration in the van. He was seated behind Shin Woo. They were riding in the van, heading back to the A.N.Jell Place.

"Imagine how Mi Nam's sister must be feeling right now," Coordinator Wang said as she was looking at her cell phone. "She came back to be with him, only to learned that he was in a car accident and now has amnesia. That poor girl".

Manager Ma thought about what Coordinator Wang said and quickly turned around in the passenger seat that he was seated in, to glance back at Shin Woo, Jeremy, and Coordinator Wang. "Do you think she'll be alright being alone with Tae Kyung?" He asked them.

Coordinator Wang put her fingers under her chin and was in her thinking pose. "Hmm, I really don't know". She said, wondering how Go Mi Nyu was feeling right now.

"Tae Kyung clearly has amnesia and didn't even recognize any of us in the room. The way he acted toward Mi Nyu is different and how he responded to us when he woke up was not like him. It's like he's a different person". Shin Woo explained.

Jeremy nodded in agreement. "Remember last time when he was in the hospital because of the pool incident? He didn't like to stay in the hospital for even a day and immediately sign himself out to get release from the hospital". He pointed out. "Now, after waking up from a coma, he didn't even complain about staying in the hospital for at least two days".

"That doesn't seem like the Tae Kyung we know and care about," Manager Ma said. "Could it be that the brain injury and the amnesia actually change him into a different Tae Kyung, a nicer version?" He asked and thought for a moment as if he was picturing a scenario in his mind. A minute later, he shake his head to clear his mind. "Nah, it's impossible," He said out loud, which earn a slap in the back of his head by Coordinator Wang's hand.

Jeremy put his hand under his chin and was in his thinking pose. "Hmm, could it actually change him?" He asked out loud and Coordinator Wang turned to glare at him.

"Nonsense! For Go Mi Nyu sake, we need to believe that Tae Kyung will remember everything," Coordinator Wang insisted.

Manager Ma nodded, "Yes, we need to have faith and believe Tae Kyung will get his memories back and be the Tae Kyung we know and care. I wonder why he had asked Go Mi Nyu to stay with him." He questioningly asked out loud.

"Maybe, he doesn't want to be alone," Jeremy assumed.

"It could be that he wanted to ask Go Mi Nyu about his memories," Coordinator Wang also said.

Both reason does make sense to Shin Woo, but somehow he knew that wasn't the main reason that Tae Kyung had wanted Mi Nyu to stay with him. Something tell him that even though Tae Kyung doesn't remember Mi Nyu, it seem that Tae Kyung's heart still does and it want Tae Kyung to remember her.

"Is it possible that Mi Nyu would be able to help Tae Kyung remember?" Shin Woo wondered to himself. Still, he knew Mi Nyu was sad, but was hiding it with a smile because she doesn't want her friends and her brother to worry about her.

"Shin Hyung, do you think Yuri would agree to help us?" He heard Jeremy suddenly asked, changing the topic, and interrupting his thoughts. He turned his head to see Jeremy leaning forward in his seat, looking at him.

"I really don't know," Shin Woo answered, also wondering the same thing. He then stared ahead, wondering if Yuri would called him later to meet up.


Yuri placed two bags on her desk behind the counter and walked up to a nurse, who has her back turned toward her. She gently tapped on the nurse's shoulder and watched the nurse turned around to looked at her with a smile.

"Yuri," the nurse said with a smile. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling okay," Yuri answered and slightly smile. "Aria, thank you for taking over my shift yesterday. I hope I didn't cause any problem because of my absence".

Aria shook her head and smiles. "No, there wasn't any problem at all". She reassured her friend.

"I'm relieved to hear that," Yuri pulled the chair out from underneath her desk and sat down in it.

"Yuri, You shouldn't be worry about taking a day off," Aria sat in the chair at her desk next to Yuri and turned to looked at her friend. "Beside, you were sick and it's alright to take a day off". Knowing what Yuri was thinking about, Aria continued. "I know you are concern about what the other nurses might think. They assume just because we are friends that I would go easy on you and treat you better than them. You know that's not true. I treat all the nurse including you the same. They're thinking negative about you because they are jealous of you, so don't let them get to you, alright?"

Yuri nodded and then grabbed one of the bag on her desk, giving to Aria, who smiled when she saw the bag and took it, placing it down on her desk.

"Yuri, You didn't have to make me lunch but thank you".

"You're welcome," Yuri replied and then started to organize the document folders on her desk while Aria was inputting the data into the computer.

"How is the patient?" Aria asked.

Knowing which patient Aria was referring to, Yuri answered. "He has woke up from his coma and is now resting".

"Really?" Aria stopped what she was doing and turned to looked at Yuri. "That's good news".

"Yeah, but it turn out that he has amnesia and doesn't remember anything except for his name," Yuri told her.

"Its only temporary, right?" Aria asked.

"I guess," Yuri answered uncertainly as she turned to looked at her friend. "But, we won't know for sure unless he remember".

"I see," Aria said and went back to working on inputting the data into the computer again. "It must be hard for him and his family and friends".

"It is hard for them," Yuri agreed and stared down at her lap, thinking about something while Aria was finishing inputting a few more data into the computer. She pulled out the small folded piece of paper from the pocket of her uniform and stared at it, debating whether she should open it.

After finishing inputting the last data into the computer, Aria turned to looked at Yuri, noticing the small folded piece of paper in her friend's hand. "What is that?" She asked and Yuri looked up and over at her.

"It's a phone number". Yuri answered.

"Whose phone number is it?" Aria asked.

Instead of answering and to be on the safe side since someone might eavesdropped on their conversation, Yuri gave the small folded piece of paper to Aria, who took it, but didn't open it.

She stared at her friend, wondering if it was okay for her to open.

Yuri nodded that it was okay with her, so Aria opened it to see the number and the name that the number belong to.

Her eyes slightly widen and swiftly looked up, over at her friend. "Seriously? Why would he give you his number?" She asked in her low voice to where Yuri can hear her.

"He asked me if he could talk to me privately about something and ask if I'm alright with it," Yuri explained.

"What did he want to talk to you about and did you agree to it?" Aria asked and gave the small folded piece of paper back to Yuri, who took it and held it in her hands.

Yuri nodded. "Yes and I have no idea what he wants to talk to me about in private".

"When are you planning to meet him?" Aria asked, curious to know but at the same time worried for her friend.

"After work. He's going to pick me up when I call him," Yuri answered as she put the small folded piece of paper in the pocket of her uniform.

"I'm going with you," Aria insisted but Yuri shook her head, disagreeing with the idea.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to come along".

"Well," Aria folded her arms and was slightly upset. "Did he said for you to come alone, by your self?"

Yuri thought about Aria's question and recalled that Shin woo never mentioned that she should go by herself. "No, he never said that".

"Then I see no problem with me coming along with you," Aria smiled. "Beside, I want to make sure my friend is safe when meeting up with a guy". She pointed out.

"But Shin woo is not a bad guy," Yuri argued.

Aria chuckled. "I know he isn't a bad guy. I just want to make sure that what he wants to talk to you about, wouldn't make it difficult for you or make you uncomfortable. That's all".

"But what about your job?" Yuri asked, worry about how it would affect her friend job if her friend left with her early.

"Don't worry, I already have someone who will take over my job for a while until tomorrow," Aria reassures her.

"Thank you for being here for me," Yuri smiled. She was feeling grateful to have Aria be there for her and was glad that Aria decided to tag along with her.

"That's what friends are for," Aria got up from her seat and stared down at Yuri. "Now as your boss, it's time to get back to work.  So no lagging off, understand?"

Yuri nodded and got up from her seat, grabbing the bag from her desk and left down the hallway with Aria staring after her.

"I wonder what Shin woo want to talk to her about?" She thought to herself before she resume back to her work. She has a feeling that what Shin Woo want to talk to Yuri about has something to do with Tae Kyung.


Go Mi Nyu was seated in her chair beside Tae Kyung's hospital bed, nervously fidgeting with her hands that were rested on her lap. Her head was lowered and she was staring down at her hands, unable to look up at Tae Kyung.

Still, she knew he was staring at her with many questions in his mind and she was sure that one of his question would probably be about their relationship.

Her mind was being ravaged with thoughts of choices and the best way to begin the conversation without being awkward.  She was debating whether she should explain to him about their relationship or not. Would it be too much for him to handle? Doctor Ha Rin's word still lingered in her mind, reminding her not say anything too much that would cause Tae Kyung stress and pressure.

After a few minute of debating with her choices of words, she decide that she would take things slow and go from there.

Taking a deep breath, Go Mi Nyu slowly lifted up her head to meet Tae Kyung's gaze.

"Hyungnim," She begin to say.

Tae Kyung furrowed his eyebrows. "Hyungnim?" He asked in confused, but quickly understood that Mi Nyu was calling him the name that she was comfortable with calling him. The name she was calling him didn't make him feel uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, " Go Mi Nyu immediately apologizes when she noticed his confused expression. "I mean, Tae Kyung," She corrected herself.

"It's okay. I'm fine with you calling me that," Tae Kyung told her and nod for her continue what she was planning to tell him.

"I know this is probably awkward for you to hear, but I just want to say'm so relieved and glad that you are okay," She let out a small breath and slightly smile while trying to restrain herself from being emotion in front of him.

Tae Kyung smiled. The same smile that made her heart beat fast and made her fall in love with him. Her eyes slightly widen as she stared at his smile.

"Thank you Go Mi Nyu," He said to her, knowing that he got her name correct without having to worried that he might got it wrong. He notices that she was staring at him intensely as if she was trying to memorize him. "Go Mi Nyu?"

Go Mi Nyu broke her gaze from him, realizing what she had done and immediately looked down at her lap. "I'm sorry," She apologized, worrying that she might make him feel uncomfortable or make him upset.

"You didn't do anything wrong, so there's no need to apologize," She heard him said and relaxed.

It was silent for a few minutes when she heard him speak again. "Go Mi Nyu?"

She slowly lifted her head up and met his gaze. "Yes?"

"Were you by my side this whole time I was in a coma?" He asked.

Go Mi Nyu stared down at her lap again. "Yes, right after I came back from Africa two days ago," She told him.

"Africa? Two days ago?" Tae Kyung asked in his normal tone instead of being upset.

Feeling awful, she was unable to looked at Tae Kyung in the eyes. "I'm sorry, if I had known sooner or if my brother had told me instead of keeping it hidden from me, I would had already been back here and by your side sooner than later," She apologizes to him.

Tae Kyung notices that Go Mi Nyu didn't look up at him as if she was afraid to. He doesn't know why or how but he can senses that she was sad about something and it made him want to comfort her and hold her hand to assure that everything would be okay.

Yet, he couldn't bring himself to do it because he was afraid that he might scared her. Instead, he spoke, hoping that it would help her feel better and not blame herself.

"Go Mi Nyu?" He said and watched Go Mi Nyu slowly looked up at him. "It's alright. You don't need to feel bad for not being here with me sooner. What matter is that you're here now and that I'm awake".

"You're right," Go Mi Nyu agreed with a smile that made Tae Kyung feel safe and at ease.

"Hyungnim?" She said a moment later, no longer smiling.

"What?" Tae Kyung asked, noticing the uneasy look on Go Mi Nyu's face. "What's wrong?" He was clearly worry about her and wonder what was bothering her.

"There is something that  I wanted to tell you but I'm not sure if it's the right time to tell you. Plus, I'm afraid that you might be upset at me when I tell you about it," Go Mi Nyu told him.

"What is it that you want to tell me and why would I be upset at you?" Tae Kyung stared at her confused. "I can't think of a reason that I would be upset at you," He noticed that she was fidgeting with her hands in her lap and wondered if he was a type of person who easily get mad. "Whatever it is that you're going to tell me, I promise I won't be angry at you. You have my word". He reassured her.

Looking into Tae Kyung's eyes, Go Mi Nyu found the courage she needed and took a deep breath before she start speaking. "What I wanted to tell you is about your parents".

Tae Kyung slowly nodded and thought to himself. So there is at least one person that know about his parents. That was a relieved to hear. Yet, he can't help but wondered how close were him and Mi Nyu that he would tell her about his parents.

"Did I told you about them?" He asked.

Go Mi Nyu shook her head. "No, I accidentally knew about your parents".

"Accidentally? How?"

"Here I go," Go Mi Nyu thought and sighed, "It was on the day of your birthday.  I went to A.N. Entertainment to see you. The reason why I came there to see you was to ask for your forgiveness because my aunt had accidentally open a package that was mailed to you from you dad, who lived in the US. When I arrived there, I found you, but unintentionally overheard your conversation with your mother. That's how I knew, but seeing how your mood was during that time, I couldn't bring myself to tell you that I knew and had accidently heard everything." She explained.

" I understand," Tae Kyung said a minute later with understanding to why she was afraid to tell him. "Do you know their names?"

"Your mother name is Mo Hwa Ran. As for your father, I don't know his name. I'm sorry". Go Mi Nyu answered him.

"That's okay," Tae Kyung smiled. "You have told me what I needed to hear. Thank you".

"You're welcome," Go Mi Nyu smiled and notices Tae Kyung lifted his hand up to covered his mouth as he yawned. "I should let you get some rest".

"I'm not sleepy," Tae Kyung said to her, not wanting to end the conversation between them soon. "I want to speak with you more".

Go Mi Nyu was about to say something else when unexpectedly, Tae Kyung held his hand out in front of Go Mi Nyu, who was surprised and confused by his gesture.

Go Mi Nyu lifted her hand up and move it toward Tae Kyung's hand. She slowly placed her hand in Tae Kyung's hand and watched as he held her hand and gently squeeze it. Then she looked up at Tae Kyung to see him smile warmly at her. "Go Mi Nyu, I may not remember you or what our connection is, but I would like to get to know you. It would probably help jog my memories. Would that be alright with you?"

Go Mi Nyu was surprised by what Tae Kyung has said to her that she was unable to say anything to him. She was wondering if she was hearing it correctly or not. "You want to know me?" She asked.

Tae Kyung nodded

"Would that be alright with you?" He asked again.

"Yes," Go Mi Nyu stared at her hand that was in Tae Kyung's hand. "But, you may not be happy when you learned about a particular fact about me and my brother".

Tae Kyung pursed his lips in annoy. "Ya, am I the type of person who would easily get upset?" He asked.

Go Mi Nyu shook her head, noticing the expression on Tae Kyung's face.

"Then, don't worry. I'm sure I wouldn't be upset at that particular fact about you and your brother. It'll be fine so don't worry, alright?" He reassured her.

"Okay," Go Mi Nyu replied.

"Does this mean you agree?" Tae Kyung asked.

Go Mi Nyu nodded wordlessly and smile.

The door to the room suddenly open and Tae Kyung and Go Mi Nyu turn their heads to see Doctor Ha Rin came walking in by herself.

"It's nice to see you two getting acquainted with each other," Doctor Ha Rin said with a smile on her face as she walked up to Tae Kyung's hospital bed and stood next to Go Mi Nyu, who immediately got up from her seat, right after she removed her hand from Tae Kyung's hand. She moved out of the way to let Doctor Ha Rin check on Tae Kyung. "So tell me, how do you feel?"

"Hungry." Tae Kyung answered. It was the first thing that went through his mind.

"Are you in any pain?"

Tae Kyung nodded and carefully touched the back of his head where the nasty bump was. "The bump on the back of my head is aching a lot and is giving me a headache."

"Let me take a quick look at at," Doctor Ha Rin said and Go Mi Nyu walked over to the other side of Tae Kyung's hospital bed. She helped move Tae Kyung forward, resting his head on her shoulder so that Doctor Ha Rin can get better look at the bump on the back of Tae Kyung's head.

Doctor Ha Rin take a look at the back of Tae Kyung's head, staring at the bump. She then helped Go Mi Nyu carefully move Tae Kyung's body to leaned back against the pillow. Once Tae Kyung was comfortable in the bed, she continue to speak. "Don't worry, I will have Yuri take care of that and give you some painkiller for the pain. She will be coming in later to remove the sling bandage from your arm and will be bringing you your lunch".

"Is the food safe for him to eat?" Go Mi Nyu asked all of sudden and Doctor Ha Rin and Tae Kyung turn their head to look at her. "He doesn't like to eat hospital food". She added.

Doctor Ha Rin smiled at Go Mi Nyu, "We are aware about his food allergies and will make sure the food that we gave him are safe and edible," she reassured.

"Thank you," Go Mi Nyu said.

"It's no problem at all," Doctor Ha Rin smiles as she looked at Tae Kyung and Go Mi Nyu. "Is there anything else you would like to ask me before I leave?"

"How long will I have to stay in the hospital?" Tae Kyung asked.

"You will have to stay at the hospital for two days for further observation," Doctor Ha Rin answered him.

Tae Kyung couldn't help but let out a groan of frustration because of how long he has to stay in the hospital much to his dislikes. "Aish!" he muttered.

"Oh?" Doctor Ha Rin blinked her eyes. "Is there a problem?" She asked.

"No,," Tae Kyung replied quickly. "It's just that I have never liked to stay at the hospital. I would prefer staying at my place rather than here. Don't take it personally, please."

Doctor Ha Rin smiles and shook her head. "Don't worry about it. I understand. No one likes to be at the hospital". She frowned and thought for a minute and then continue. "Hmm,  I wonder why you dislike staying at the hospital?," She shrugged her shoulders. "It must be the needles, and the bad food," She jokingly said, making Go Mi Nyu covered with her hands and slightly laugh. "I tell you what, if everything goes well tomorrow, I will allow you to go home, but you have to stay home in bed rest and no working for you until you fully recover and I will have Yuri to stop by your place to check on your condition. What do you think about my recommendation?"

"I'm fine with it," Tae Kyung agreed with what Doctor Ha Rin had suggested to him.

"That's great," Doctor Ha Rin smiled. "and don't you worry. We won't let you get bored here". She turned and looked at Go Mi Nyu. "Right, Go Mi Nyu?"

"Huh? Um....right," Go Mi Nyu nodded and answered.  Doctor Ha Rin then looked back at Tae Kyung. "Beside, you have your wife here to keep you company".

As Go Mi Nyu heard that, her eyes widen and she become embarrassed. In her mind, she was scolding her brother for telling Doctor Ha Rin that she was Tae Kyung's wife when it wasn't even true. From her peripheral vision, she could see Tae Kyung's eyes widen in shock and was staring Doctor Ha Rin before turning his attention on her as if he was expecting an explanation from her.

"My wife?" She heard Tae Kyung said in a shock tone.

Doctor Ha Rin was about to explain it to Tae Kyung when she got interrupted by Go Mi Nyu, who immediately apologize.

"I'm sorry," she bowed her head down at Doctor Ha Rin.

"Why are you apologizing?" Doctor Ha Rin asked in confused as Tae Kyung was wondering the same thing. He was also staring at Go Mi Nyu, who didn't look at him.

"Because the truth is, I'm not his wife. My brother had lie to you because he was worried that you wouldn't tell him and the others about Tae Kyung's condition. We are friends, very good friends, and of course I worry about him, but we're not married. I'm sorry about this misunderstanding," Go Mi Nyu explained and apologizes again.

"Oh, I thought...," Doctor Ha Ran realizes that she had misunderstood and apologize. "I'm sorry if I made you both feel uncomfortable," She looked back and forth at Tae Kyung and Go Mi Nyu, noticing that they were quiet with their head lowered. Wanting to lighten the mood and to make it less awkward for the two of them, Doctor Ha Rin speak again with understanding. "But, I do understand why your brother did it so it's alright. I'll leave you two to continue your conversation that I had interrupted".

"Thank you for understanding," Go Mi Nyu said in relieved. She was glad that Doctor Ha Rin wasn't upset about being lying to and had said those kind words to her.

Doctor Ha Rin gave them a smile. Then she walked over to the door and left, leaving Go Mi Nyu alone with Tae Kyung. Go Mi Nyu was staring at the door that Doctor Ha Rin had left.

Not wanting to make things awkward between them, Go Mi Nyu turned around and smile at Tae Kyung. "Hyungnim, about what Doctor Ha Rin said, it was just a misunderstanding so please don't worry about it". She told him.

"I see," Tae Kyung muttered and lifted his head up, glancing over at Go Mi Nyu, who quickly look away when she saw him looked up at her. "Why don't you sit down?"

Go Mi Nyu nodded, walked around the bed over to her chair, and sat down in it.

"What you just said earlier to Doctor Ha Rin, was it the truth?" Tae Kyung asked.

"Yes it was," Go Mi Nyu answered. "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. Please don't take it personally or be upset at my brother".

Tae Kyung slightly chuckled. "Why do I have this feeling that me and your brother like to get on each other nerves or do things to pissed each other off?". He asked.

"I guess that is your guys way of showing you care for each other," Go Mi Nyu assumed.

"You're probably right about that," Tae Kyung agreed and then frowned. "I wish I could remember something. That way, I don't have to feel alone and confuse".

"You're not alone. You have Shin Woo, Jeremy, Oppa, Manager Ma that are here for you and will help you recover," Go Mi Nyu placed her hand on Tae Kyung's hand. "And you have me here by your side. You will eventually remember again. It just take time," She comforted him and thought about the possibility that he may not get his memories back. No matter what happen, she would never leave him and would stay by his side. "Even if you don't get your memories back, I will always stay by your side no matter what," She promised him and meant it.

Tae Kyung stared down at Go Mi Nyu's hand covering his hand and wish he can move his other arm to use his other hand to touched her hand. "Thank you," He said to her with a smile. Hearing those words from her, gave him the courage to try his best to get back his memories.

"Go Mi Nyu?"


"When I woke up from my coma and Doctor Ha Rin asked if I could remember anything," Tae Kyung started to say and Go Mi Nyu listened as he continued. "I told her I couldn't remember and the only thing was on my mind that I kept on seeing was the person face".

"Who was the person face you kept seeing in your mind," Go Mi Nyu asked, curious to know.

"It was you," He answered and watched as Go Mi Nyu become shocked by his answer. "I don't know why or understand, but my instinct and feelings are telling me that we are more than just friends. Am I right about that?"

"Uh...," Go Mi Nyu uncomfortably looked away, debating whether she should tell him or not. She was worry that telling him too much information would be too much for his mind to handle and it would cause him to be stress.

"Go Mi Nyu?" Tae Kyung was waiting for her answer and notices that she was hesitating to answer him so he decide not to pressure her to tell him. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me". He told her a minute later.

"It's not that I don't want to answer you," Go Mi Nyu begin to explain. "I'm worried that I might overwhelm your mind with too much information since I already told you about your parents. Doctor Ha Rin had said to let you rest, do not overwhelm you or stress you out, be patient and understanding that is hard for you dealing with amnesia".

"I see," Tae Kyung muttered. "then I guess we should take things slowly, right?"

Go Mi Nyu nodded. "Yes". She said with a small smile.


Go Mi Nam was sitting in the chair at the table with his arms folded. He was pursing his lips in annoy, staring across the table at Yoo He Yi. They were at the fancy restaurant in a preserve area. Neither of them has said a word to each other.

Yoo He Yi smiled. "I heard that your sister has return from Africa. How is she by the way?" She asked.

"What is it that you want to talk to me about?" Go Mi Nam asked impatiently, not bother to answer her question.

"I don't like how we had ended things between us," Yoo He Yi said seriously,  going straight into the subject she had wanted to meet up with Go Mi Nam to talk about.

Go Mi Nam unfolded his arms and glared at Yoo He Yi. "There was nothing to end between us since we have never started our relationship in the first place," He pointed out. "Beside, if I remember correctly, you have feelings toward Tae Kyung and was only using me to make him jealous".

Yoo He Yi balled her hands in to fists and took a deep breath to calm down, reminding herself not to be angry. It would only make things worst and it would escalate into a argument.

"Fine, I was using you to make Tae Kyung jealous in the beginning," She admitted in a calm tone. "But, eventually it changes as time passes by. I no longer harbor any feelings for Tae Kyung".

"Is that so?" Go Mi Nam leaned forward in his seat. "Do you expect me to believe that? How gullible do you think I am?"

"I don't expect you to believe me right away, but I am telling the truth," Yoo He Yi insisted. "Why don't you read my expression and see if I'm lying or not?"

Go Mi Nam stared at Yoo He Yi for a few minutes as if he was reading her expression and mind. Then he leaned back in his seat. "If you're here to convince me then you're wasting your time and effort". He slightly smirked and looked to his side.

"The reason why I am here is that I want answers," Yoo He Yi told him, refusing to back down.

Go Mi Nam swiftly turned his head and looked at Yoo He Yi with a glare. "Answers for what?" He asked.

"I want to know why you are acting cold toward me. You weren't like this before and you did like me enough to want to ask me out". Yoo He Yi said. "Something must had happen to make you like this and I want to know what it is".

"Maybe, I finally realize that it was just a waste of time going after you, when your heart clearly belong to someone else," Go Mi Nam folded his arms and snickered. "What do you expected? For me to be madly in love with you and to beg you to go out with me. I'm not the type of person you think I would be or easily be manipulated".

"I never think that way of you," Yoo He Yi said to him. "Is your sister the reason why it won't work between us?"

"It has nothing to do with my sister," Go Mi Nam strongly disagreed.

"I think it is," Yoo He Yi irritatingly folded her arms. "Its always been about your sister and how important she is to everyone around her. I bet she told you bad things about me, right?"

Go Mi Nam scoffed. "Is that what you think of my sister? You clearly let your envy clouded your judgment that you can't see the truth".

"What's that supposed to mean?" Yoo He Yi spats.

"Let me say it straight to you. My sister never said anything bad about you to me at all. She so busy with her life that she didn't even told me about those times that you had cause trouble for her and being mean to her".

Yoo He Yi's eyes widen in shock and she unfolded her arms. "You knew?" she asked in surprised that Go Mi Nam knew what she did to his sister.

"I knew about it without my sister saying anything to me," Go Mi Nam admitted. "But I chose to pretend that I didn't know".

"Why didn't you say anything or confront me about it?" Yoo He Yi asked.

"Because back then I did had feelings for you and believe that there was a good side of you that you barely shown to anyone," Go Mi Nam explained. "Now, I'm not so sure anymore. Anyways, time is up and now I'm leaving," He stood up from his seat and begin walking passed by Yoo He Yi, heading toward the exit when he felt a tug on his arm, stopping him from going. Without glancing back, he knew who it was that was holding his arm.

"Please don't walk away from me," He heard her said with the tone that he could tell that she was being sincere. "It's not fair! Why do everyone kept on walking away from me and leaving me?" She asked and burying her face into Go Mi Nam's back while trying to restrain herself from breaking down.

"Because you never fully open yourself up to let someone in to see the real you. Try being yourself and people will accept you and be your friend". Go Mi Nam told her without glancing back at her.

Yoo He Yi lifted her head off of Go Mi Nam's back and stared at the back of Go Mi Nam's head. "I really want to make it work with us".

"How would it work for us?" Go Mi Nam asked with uncertainly and believe that it wouldn't work for them.

"I believe it would work for us this time around," Yoo He Yi insisted, not willingly to let Go Mi Nam walked out of her life like Tae Kyung did. She can't deal with another heartbreak.

Go Mi Nam lifted his other hand up and placed it on Yoo He Yi's hand that was still holding his arm, refusing to let go. "Yoo He Yi, I would like some time and space to think about it and I also would like you to take the time to really ask yourself and your heart. Are your feelings for Tae Kyung truly over and who is in your heart. When you do have the answers to it, give me a call. Until then, I'll patiently wait for your answer," He turned around to looked at her. "This time, I won't ignore your calls and will answer," He gently removed her hand from his arm and turned to leave when unexpectedly, he was hugged from behind. His body tenses up from the hug. He swiftly glances down at his waist to see Yoo He Yi's arms wrapped around it.

"Please, let me have this for a moment," She pleaded him, burying her face against his back.

Go Mi Nam stood still and allowed Yoo He Yi to hugged him for a few minutes.  Then slowly, Yoo He Yi removed her arms from his waist and took a step back, staring down at her shoes. "Thank you," She muttered.

"Goodbye Yoo He Yi," He said to her and left without glancing back at her.

Yoo He Yi looked up and watched Go Mi Nam leaving away until he was out of her sight then she collapsed down in her chair and a tears slowly fell down her cheeks.


Yuri arrived to Tae Kyung's hospital room door, carrying a bag in her hand. She opened the door and walked in to see Tae Kyung listening to Go Mi Nyu talk about how her trip in Africa was. They turned their heads toward the door, staring at her, pausing their conversation.

"Hello, sorry for the interruption but I want to bring in lunch for Tae Kyung," She told them as she approached up to Tae Kyung's hospital bed and stood next to Go Mi Nyu's chair, placing the bag down on the table next to Tae Kyung's hospital bed.

Go Mi Nyu got up from her chair. "You must be Yuri," She extended her hand out toward Yuri, who stared confused at it. "I'm Go Mi Nyu. I never gotten a chance to introduce myself nor thank you for taking care of Tae Kyung".

Yuri smiled and shook Go Mi Nyu's hand. "It's no problem at all. I'm glad to help the best I can and I'm glad to finally meet you, Go Mi Nyu". She then let go of Go Mi Nyu's hand.

Go Mi Nyu helped Yuri bring out the hospital bed's overbed table in front of Tae Kyung while Yuri removed the sling bandage from Tae Kyung's arm to revealed the white bandage that was wrapped on Tae Kyung's arm.

"Why don't you try to move your arm?" she suggested.

Tae Kyung obliged and tried to move his arm. It was a bit difficult for him to move it because of the pain and stiffness he was feeling in his arm.

"How is it?" Yuri asked.

"My arm feel stiff and a bit pain," Tae Kyung told her.

"Its normal to feel that way. Just keep moving it around once in a while and the stiffness would eventually go away," She told him and he nodded. "How is your leg?"

"Same thing," Tae Kyung answered when his stomach growled loudly. He immediately clapped his hand on his stomach, feeling embarrassed.

Yuri smiled. "It's okay," She walked over to the bag, opened it, pulled a thermos bottle from it, and placed it down on the overbed table. Then she grabbed two bowl and spoons, placing it down on the overbed table. After that, she opened the thermos bottle and pour the soup out from it into the two bowls. She placed the two spoons in the two bowls, and then gave one bowl to Go Mi Nyu, who stared at the bowl and then at Yuri in confused.

"It's for you because you haven't eat anything since you had been here," Yuri told her.

"Thank you," Go Mi Nyu bowed her head and said before taking the bowl from Yuri, who smiled at her.

"It is homemade nutrient soup," Yuri told them and turned to looked at Tae Kyung, who was staring at the soup for a minute before he reached for the spoon using his good arm, taking the first sip of the soup.

His eyes widen as he tasted the flavor of the soup. Immediately, he was hit with a fragment of his memory.


Tae Kyung's Flashback

In the kitchen, a woman was placing the two bowl of soup down on the table with the drinks when two kids, a boy and a girl came running in, holding hands.

"Morning," the woman smiled warmly at the two kids.

"Morning," both kids said at the same time as they sat down in their seat at the table and began eating their soup.

"Thank you momma," the young girl beamed and glanced up at the woman, who leaned down and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Its delicious!" the young boy beamed.

The woman walked over to the boy and gently patted his head with a smile on her face. The boy glanced up at the woman with a smile. "Auntie, thank you," He said.

"You're welcome, Tae Kyung," the woman replied.

End of Tae Kyung's Flashback


"Hyungnim?" a familiar voice called out to him, snapping him out from the fragment of his memory. Tae Kyung blinked his eyes confused and looked down to see he was still holding the spoon in his hand, halfway toward his mouth.

Dropping the spoon down in the bowl, he glanced over to his side to see Go Mi Nyu staring at him in concern.

"Hyungnim? Are you alright?" She asked, worrying about him.

"I'm okay," He told her and then looked over to see Yuri was still in the room. He cleared his throat. "Where did you get this soup?" He asked her.

"I made it myself. It was my mother's recipe," Yuri answered and stared at Tae Kyung confused. "Is there something wrong with it?" She asked.

Tae Kyung shook his head. "No, it's fine. It actually taste good. I was just curious to know. That's all," He told her and she nodded.

"Oh okay," Yuri smiled. "I should get going now, but I do hope you two enjoyed the soup". She said.

"Thank you," Tae Kyung and Go Mi Nyu said at the same time and watched Yuri left out the door. Once Yuri was gone, Go Mi Nyu turned to looked at Tae Kyung, sensing that there was something  bothering him that he was not saying.

"Hyungnim? Are you sure you're alright?" She asked him again.

Tae Kyung looked at Go Mi Nyu's concern face for a moment, debating if he should tell her or not. He then reached for her hand, grabbing it with his hand, and held it.

"There is something I need to tell you," He said to her.

"What is it?" Go Mi Nyu asked.

"I just remember something," He told her and her eyes widen.

"You remember?" She asked, feeling hopeful.

"I don't remember everything entirely. Only a fragment of my memories". He specifically said.

"Oh," Go Mi Nyu said, sounding disappointment, but she knew that it can't be rush so she decided to stop being disappointed and smile instead. "What was the fragment of your memories that you just remember?" She asked.

"It was a memory when I was a kid. A woman had made me and this girl soup to eat, just like the one we are eating now. The girl called the woman mom while I called her auntie. That's all I can remember," Tae Kyung explained. "Wish I can remember more of my memories ". He said, feeling frustrated.

"That's okay," Go Mi Nyu smiled and used her other hand, covering Tae Kyung's hand that was still holding her other hand. Suddenly, something occur to her and she frowned. "Hyungim? Was the flavor of the soup you just tasted was the same one you had eaten when you were a kid?" She asked.

Tae Kyung nodded. "The flavor and taste are the same".

"Is it possible that you tasting the soup may somehow trigger your memory?" Go Mi Nyu asked.

"I guess," Tae Kyung replied, agreeing that Go Mi Nyu may be right. He then let go of Go Mi Nyu's hand and continue to eat his soup with her.

Go Mi Nyu can't help but wonder. If the soup can trigger Tae Kyung's memories then what else can. Maybe when they leave the hospital, she can try to find things or take him to familiar places that can help Tae Kyung remember.

As she was eating her soup, Go Mi Nyu glanced over at Tae Kyung and questioned to herself. "I wonder if the woman in hyungnim's fragment memory is actually Yuri's mother or not? Does Yuri and Tae Kyung knew each other and are long time friends? If that was true, then why did Yuri acted like she doesn't know him? She doesn't seem to notice the reaction Hyungnim had gave from tasting the soup. Unless, she knew, but didn't say anything for a reason." She shakes her head to clear her mind, but the questions and thoughts were still lingering there. In need of answers, Go Mi Nyu decided that she would ask her brother about Yuri, hoping that it would give her some answers.

After she finished her soup, Go Mi Nyu placed the bowl on the table next to Tae Kyung's hospital bed and looked to see Tae Kyung had already finish eating. Swiftly, she poured him a glass cup of water.

"Here," She gave him the glass cup of water.

"Thank you,"  Tae Kyung accepted the glass cup of water and drank it. Then he put it down on the table in front of him.

Go Mi Nyu got up from her seat, move the glass cup of water over to the table next to Tae Kyung's hospital bed and then put the hospital bed's overbed table away. She then looked over at Tae Kyung, who was quietly watching her. She grabbed the blanket on the bed and covered Tae Kyung's body, adjusting it to where Tae Kyung's arms was sticking out from the blanket. "You should try to get some rest because tomorrow you may be able to leave the hospital to go home if you're well and if everything goes well, according to what Doctor Ha Rin had said". She said to him.

"You're still going to be here when I wake up, right?" Tae Kyung asked.

"Of course I'll still be here by your side when you wake up," Go Mi Nyu said and then frowned. "But, I still need to go out for fresh air and of course for the restroom". She pointed out and Tae Kyung pursed his lips from Go Mi Nyu's expression when she said the last sentence.

"You're making it sound like I'm a strict and mean person". He remarked.

"I didn't mean to say it that way," Go Mi Nyu lowered her head. "I'm sorry," She apologized.

Tae Kyung chuckled. "It's okay," He reached for her hand and held it in his hand. "You never finish telling me about your trip in Africa. I want to hear more about it".

Go Mi Nyu swiftly lifted her head up, stared at Tae Kyung and blinked her eyes confused. "Eh? Shouldn't you be getting some rest?" She asked.

"Aish," Tae Kyung sighed. "Just consider as if you're telling me a story to help me fall asleep, okay?"

"Okay," Go Mi Nyu nodded and continued where she left off from where she told him about her trip in Africa.


Go Mi Nam was in the car, driving to the hospital to check on his sister when suddenly his cell phone rang.

He pulled out the hand free earphone wireless bluetooth headset, placed it in his ear, and tapped it to answer the call. "Hello?"

"Go Mi Nam? Where are you right now?" President Ahn's voice asked.

"I'm heading back to the hospital to check on my sister. What is it that you want?" He asked in annoyed.

"I heard from Shin Woo that Tae Kyung is awake, which is good news!"  President Ahn's voice cheerfully said on the phone.

Go Mi Nam pursed his lips "Okay, that's great, but that's not why you're calling me," He said.

"That's very smart of you," President Ahn's voice commented and then proceed to tell him why he had called. "Actually I need a favor".

"What kind of favor?" Go Mi Nam furrowed his eyebrows and asked.

"I need you to stopped by A.N Entertainment so I can give something to you to give to Tae Kyung." President Ahn's voice said. "Is that aright?" He asked.

Go Mi Nam sighed in annoyed. "Ya! What do I look like, a delivery boy?" He shouted, not wanting to do it.

"Oh come on, be nice and do me this favor, okay?" President Ahn's voice pleaded. "Since you're heading to the hospital, you might as well stopped by to see me. It will be quick. Can't you just do it for your sister?"

"Fine," Go Mi Nam gave in and agreed. "I'll be arriving in a few minute".

"Great! I will be waiting for you outside the A.N Entertainment when you arrive". President Ahn's voice told him and then the call go disconnected.

"Aish!" Go Mi Nam muttered and then accelerate on the gas to get to A.N Entertainment.


Yuri sat down at her desk during her break time. She pulled out the small folded piece of paper from the pocket of her uniform and stared at it for a moment before grabbing her cell phone out from her pocket.

She inputted the numbers onto her cell phone and pressed the call button, placing her phone up to her ear, waiting patiently. She heard someone picked up and speak.

"Yuri?" the voice said in surprised.

"Is this Shin Woo?" She asked, unsure if she called the right number.

"Yes, It's me," she heard him answer,  confirming that she called the correct number so she sighed in relieve.

"Um...," Yuri bit her lip and debating it for a moment before she continue. "Could you pick me up at 6:00 pm. That's when I get off from work and we could meet up". She told him.

"Sure, I'll be arriving there before six and will be waiting for you," He said and was about to hang up when she speak again.


"Is there something else you would like to say to me?" Shin Woo asked.

"Is it alright if I could bring a friend with me when we meet up later?" She asked and wondered what his answer would be.

"Sure, you can bring a friend with you," She heard Shin Woo agreed.

"Thank you so much," Yuri gratefully said.

"I'll see you later then," Shin Woo said to her.

"Okay," Yuri agreed.

"Bye Yuri," She heard Shin Woo say.

"Bye," Yuri replied and then the call got disconnected. She put her cell phone away in her pocket of her uniform and continue with her break.

She grabbed her purse bag that was on her desk and dig in it, pulling out a gold circular locket necklace from it, and held it in her hand for a minute. Then she wore it around her neck and clutched the gold circular locket necklace in her hand.

"I hope everything will be okay," She muttered to herself.


To Be Continued

A/N: I apologize if the story is at a slow pace. It because I really don't want to rush the story and like to develop the characters more. I'll tried to update the next chapter as soon as possible.


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