Chapter Eight

Faded Star

Chapter Eight


Go Mi Nam walked up to the entrance of the A.N Entertainment Building and saw President Ahn was waiting for him. As he approached up to President Ahn, he notices that President Ahn was holding something in his hand.

"That must be what President Ahn had wanted me to give to Tae Kyung," He thought to himself.

President Ahn looked up and saw Go Mi Nam. "Go Mi Nam! You made it," He beamed and walked up to Go Mi Nam. "Here," He gave the booklet to the Go Mi Nam, who took it and stared at it confused.

"What is it?" He asked.

"It is a movie script. Before the accident, Tae Kyung had met up with a female writer and director named Asa Hee-Young. He had agreed to starred in her film as the male lead with one condition that he would choose who the female lead to starred in the film with him. She had came here earlier to asked about him and had asked me to give this to him and to give her a call," President Ahn explained. "This is a problem".

Go Mi Nam pursed his lips. "Indeed it is," He agreed. "It is impossible for him to work on this project that he had agreed on because he has amnesia".

President Ahn sighed and shake his head. "It really sadden me that he has amnesia. I really wish there was something I could do for him". He said and was quiet for a minute as if he was thinking about something. A minute later, he looked over at Go Mi Nam and asked. "What should we do about this situation and the interview that is going to happen next week?"

"We can only deal with one problem at the time," Go Mi Nam stared at the booklet in his hand and then looked up at President Ahn. "Did she ever said when the filming will start?" He asked.

President Ahn shook his head. "No, She haven't told me about that. I'm sure the filming wouldn't start soon because they don't have the female lead for the film," He told him.

"Since Tae Kyung didn't say who he had chosen for the female lead, that should give us more time to figure out on how to handle the situation," Go Mi Nam said and President nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, something occur to President Ahn and he looked at Go Mi Nam. "Do you know when Tae Kyung would be release from the hospital?" He asked.

"No, but I will ask Doctor Ha Rin about it later on," Go Mi Nam replied and President Ahn nodded. "I should get going".

"Alright, take care," President Ahn patted Go Mi Nam in the back. "I'll visit Tae Kyung when I have the chance and please send your sister my regards".

Go Mi Nam nodded and turned to walk away from the A.N. Entertainment Building, heading to his car.







A.N. Jell Place

[4 pm]


Shin Woo ended the call and put his cell phone away in his pocket as Jeremy emerge out from the kitchen.

"Shin Hyung? Was that Yuri on the phone with you?" He asked as he walked over and stood next to Shin Woo.

"Yes, she told me that she'll be off from her work at six pm. I'm going to head over there in one hour to wait for her and too see Tae Kyung and Mi Nyu". Shin Woo told him.

"Can I come along?" Jeremy asked.

Shin Woo looked over at Jeremy. "Actually, I was hoping that you would stay home". He said.

"What? Why?" Jeremey asked, disappointed that he couldn't come along.

"Because I'm going to bring Yuri here to discuss about our plan with her and I need you to prepare the meals and drinks," Shin Woo explained.

Jeremy was about to ask why Shin Woo had decide to bring Yuri here for the discussion instead of somewhere else, but it quickly dawn to him. "You're bringing her here to avoid being spot by the media and Reporter Kim, right?"

Shin Woo nodded. "It's safer here and no one can hear what we discuss about. Beside, she's bringing her friend with her as well".

"Is it Aria?" Jeremy asked.

"I believe it is," Shin Woo answered.

Jeremy smiled. "Shin Hyung, don't worry, I will prepare the meals and drinks while you go pick them up". He give a thumb up.

"Thanks Jeremy," Shin Woo said.

Jeremy suddenly stopped smiling and thought about something in his mind. "Shin Hyung," He looked over at Shin Woo, who turned his head to looked at him. "When can we start informing him about what he has forgotten?"

Shin Woo looked away and stared ahead, thinking to himself. He seemed to be thinking about his answer carefully.

"I actually think that we should not tell him some things or at least maybe not for a while. It's been so long since I've seen him actually look less stress and relax without the heavy weight on his shoulders. If we tell him some things, this will probably go away. Well, assuming that he remembers. It's possible that we will tell him, but it doesn't register anything in his mind. But at this point, I don't know what's going to happen. So we just have to take it one step at a time and slowly fill him in the things he had forgotten to jog his memories."

Jeremy nodded and knew what Shin Woo was saying was true. He too had noticed the cold expression and stress wasn't showing on Tae Kyung's face and that they're actually staring at the vulnerable side that Tae Kyung never shown to anyone except probably for Go Mi Nyu. Maybe, it would be better to take it slowly at telling Tae Kyung the memories that he had forgotten. Hopefully, Tae Kyung would regain his memories back soon and be the Tae Kyung they known and care for.

Shin Woo patted Jeremy's back and then went to grabbed his jacket. "I'm going to head over to the hospital and will call you when I'm on my way here with Yuri and Aria," he said to Jeremy who nodded. Then he left out the door.



Doctor Ha Rin was in her office, seating in her chair at her desk. She was going over the documents on her desk when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," She said across the room without glancing up.

The door open and Aria came walking in.

"You want to see me?" She said as she quietly closed the door and walked over to Doctor Ha Rin's desk.

"Yes," Doctor Ha Rin removed her glasses off her face and looked up at Aria. "Take a seat," She gestured to the chair in front of her desk. "There is something I would like to discuss with you".

Aria nodded and took a seat in the chair in front of Doctor Ha Rin's desk.

Doctor Ha Rin propped her arms up on her desk and clasped her hands together. "There is sort of a new job that I want assign to Yuri, but I would like to know your decision on whether she would accept or not.".

"It depend on what the job is and if Yuri would be comfortable with it". Aria said to Doctor Ha Rin. "What is the job you're planning to assign to Yuri if you don't mind I ask?"

"The job is home nurse to a specific patient of mine," Doctor Ha Rin answered.

"Home nurse?" Aria was a bit confused by the job Doctor Ha Rin wanted to assign to Yuri, but then quickly understood. "When you said your specific patient, do you mean Hwang Tae Kyung?" She asked.

Doctor Ha Rin nodded.

"Could I ask why?" Aria asked.

"Because tomorrow he will be leaving the hospital to go home if everything goes well," Doctor Ha Rin told her.

Aria stared at Doctor Ha Rin in surprise that Tae Kyung would be leaving the hospital tomorrow. "Isn't that too soon to let him leave the hospital?" She asked, not sure it would be a great idea to let Tae Kyung leave the hospital since they don't know if he would be okay to leave.

"It is too soon to let him leave, but he told me that he would comfortable being at his home rather than staying at the hospital. With him staying at his home, he may slowly regain his memories with the help of his friends and family," Doctor Ha Rin explained to Aria, who nodded. "Do you think Yuri would be fine being a home nurse for a while until he recover?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure what Yuri would say, but I would have to talk to her about it. Once, I know what her decision is, I will give you a call," Aria got up from her seat at the same time Doctor Ha Rin was getting up from her seat. "I need to make some arrangement just in case Yuri agree".

"Sound good to me," Doctor Ha Rin smiled, but then frowned. "There is something I don't understand".

"And what's that?" Aria asked as she stared at Doctor Ha Rin, wondering what she was curious about.

"Well, you told me before that Yuri was not comfortable with taking care of patients that are men, but why is she comfortable with taking care of Hwang Tae Kyung without any issue?" Doctor Ha Rin walked around her desk and over to Aria, standing next to her. 

"What surprise me more is that she agree right away on the day that Go Mi Nam had brought Tae Kyung, who was badly injured into the hospital. Is there something you and Yuri are not telling me?" She stared at Aria, who was thinking to herself and notices that she was hesitant to answer her question. "If you don't want to tell me, it's alright. I was just curious. That's all".

Aria stared at Doctor Ha Rin, debating about what to say when she remembered the day Tae Kyung was brought into the hospital.



Aria's Flashback


Yuri was seated at her desk, inputting some data into the computer. It had been a long day for her and the tiredness was taking over. She yawned and stretched her arms when a cup of coffee was suddenly placed down on the table in front of her.

Confused, she looked up and beside her to see Aria standing there, looking down at her with a small smile, holding a cup of coffee in her hand. "You didn't get much sleep, did you?" She asked.

Yuri shook her head. "Apparently no," She replied.

"You had that nightmare again, didn't you?" Aria asked, knowing why her friend didn't get much sleep.

"No, I was thinking about some things and it kept me up all night," Yuri replied, which was obviously a lie.

Aria slightly chuckled. "You're not good at lying. I can read your expression pretty well". 

Yuri smiled and then sighed. "I guess I can't hide anything from you, can I?". she muttered.

"Nope, you can't not and you are not allow to keep secrets from me," Aria sat down in the chair next to Yuri. "Now, tell me about your nightmare and don't you leave any details out, okay? Is it the same nightmare?"

Yuri was about to tell Aria about her nightmare when a frantic voice suddenly yelled from the hospital entrance. "I NEED HELP!"

Aria and Yuri looked at each other in concern and immediately got up from their chair. They ran over to the hospital entrance and saw a Go Mi Nam carrying unconscious injured Tae Kyung on his back, running up to them, breathing heavy.

"I need a stretcher out here now!" Aria yelled as she and Yuri tend to injured Tae Kyung, who was unconscious on Go Mi Nam's back.

Paramedics immediately came rushing out with the stretcher and helped Yuri and Aria placed Tae Kyung down on the stretcher. Yuri quickly placed the oxygen mask on Tae Kyung's face and helped, Aria, and the paramedic pushed the stretcher down the hallway into the emergency room. One of the paramedics had stay behind to questioned the man that brought the injured man in.




A hour later, Aria emerged out from the emergency room and saw Go Mi Nam was being surrounding by two nurses, who were asking for autographs and pictures.

Aria sighed and shake her head in disapproval. "Really? At a time like this?" She noticed that Go Mi Nam was annoyed by the nurses who was being loud. So she decided to walked over to stopped it before it get out of control.

"That's enough!" She scolded the nurses, who froze and stopped what they were doing. "It's not the right time for this kind of behavior! You two should be working instead of getting autograph or taking pictures".

"But...," One of the nurse started to say but got cut off.

"No buts! Apologize and get back to work." Aria ordered the two nurse.

The two nurse turned around to looked at Go Mi Nam and apologized.

Go Mi Nam nodded to accept their apology and watched as they bowed their head to the nurse, who had scolded them. Then they left and went back to work.

After the two nurse left, Aria looked at Go Mi Nam and recognized him to be one of the member of the A.N.Jell,

"If I have to take a guess, I'm saying that you're their boss even though you look young," He said.

"Your guess is correct," Aria smiled warmly at him. "I'm sorry about them. You shouldn't have to be dealing with them especially with the circumstance you are in right now".

"It's okay but thanks for your help," Go Mi Nam replied.

"No problem. I should be going now so I'm going to leave you alone," Aria turned to leave when Go Mi Nam grabbed her arm, stopping her.


She turned and looked at him a bit confused by his action.

"Can you tell me how Tae Kyung is?" He asked her.

"Tae Kyung?" Aria blinked her eyes confused for a second but quickly understood and recognize the name. "You mean the new patient that was brought in a few minute ago?" "So that was his name. I was right earlier when I saw him". She thought to herself.

Go Mi Nam nodded and let go of the nurse's arm.

"He's still in the emergency room. There's no update on his condition yet but it won't be long until the doctor come out and tell you on your friend condition," Aria reassured him.

"Thank you and what is your name if you don't mind I ask?"

"You're welcome and my name is Aria," Aria told him. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Go Mi Nam shook his head. "No and thank you Aria".

Aria nodded and left down the hallway and saw Yuri was looking for her. 

"Aria, there you are," Yuri rushed over to her. "I have been looking for you".

"Why? What happened?" Aria asked in concerned. "Did something happen with the patient?"

"The patient is losing a lot blood and in need for a blood transfusion ," Yuri explained.

"Blood transfusion?"  Aria said and then turned around, walked down the hallway to where Go Mi Nam was waiting. Yuri was following behind her. "Go Mi Nam?"

"Yes," Go Mi Nam replied and walked over to her and Yuri. "What is it? Is Tae Kyung alright?"

"Right now, your friend need a blood transfusion and we would like to run a test on you to see if you're able to do it if that's alright with you". Aria told him.

Go Mi Nam nodded. "I'm fine with it". He agreed and followed Aria and Yuri to a room where they would do the test. He went into the room first.  Aria was about to go in when Yuri grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Aria wait!" 

"What is it?" Aria asked, confused to why Yuri stopped her from going in.

"I would like you to run a test on me too to see if I'm able to do the blood transfusion," Yuri told her.

"What?" Aria's eyes widen in surprised. "Are you sure about this?" She asked.

Yuri nodded.

Aria would ask why, but they can't waste time since they need the blood transfusion quickly. So she said, "Come inside and I will run a test on you after Go Mi Nam".

Aria and Yuri walked inside the room, closing the door behind them shut.






Aria successfully found a donor that was able to do the blood transfusion. Now, after the blood transfusion was complete,  she and Yuri are transferring Tae Kyung from the emergency room into the ICU room to monitored him while Doctor Ha Rin left to informed Tae Kyung's family and friends about his condition. 

Inside the ICU room, Aria turned to looked at Yuri, who looked at her confused.

"What? Is there something wrong?" Yuri whispered to Aria.

Instead of answering, Aria grabbed Yuri's arm and dragged her out of ICU room causing Yuri to accidently bumped into Shin Woo, who walking with Doctor Ha Rin, Jeremy, Go Mi Nam, Manager Ma, and Coordinator Wang. They were heading to the ICU room to see Tae Kyung.

Yuri's shoulder had bumped into Shin Woo's shoulder, almost knocking him over.

"I'm sorry," Yuri quickly apologized and was unable to stared at Shin Woo in the eyes because she was afraid that he might yelled at her.

"It's okay," She heard him said in a calm voice and she slowly looked up at him in surprised. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked her.

Feeling uncomfortable, Yuri looked away and shook her head. "I'm okay," She softly replied as she bowed her head down and then turned to leave with Aria, who bowed her head down and apologized for the incident she had caused. Then she left with Yuri down the hallway with Shin Woo staring after Yuri.

"Sorry about that," Doctor Ha Rin smiled and apologized for the incident too.

"Who are those two?" Jeremy asked.

"That's Aria. She was the one that was dragging the younger nurse out of ICU room to go somewhere. I met her earlier when I brought Tae Kyung in," Go Mi Nam answered and Jeremy nodded. "As for the younger nurse, I don't know her".

"She's Yuri, my nurse. She will be assign to take care of Tae Kyung during his stay at the hospital," Doctor Ha Rin told him.

"Could she be trusted and not disclose about Tae Kyung being here?" Go Mi Nam asked.

"Don't worry she's very secretive and will not tell anyone," Doctor Ha Rin assured them then gestured to the door. "You all can visit him now if you like".

"Thank you," Shin Woo said while the others bowed their heads. Then he and the others left inside the ICU room while Doctor Ha Rin left to checked on her other patients.







Aria brought Yuri into her office and closed the door shut. She then turned to face Yuri, who was still confused to why her friend had brought her into the office.

"So, is it him?" Aria straightforward asked with a stern look.

Realizing what Aria was asking about, Yuri sighed and nodded.

"I knew it!" Aria snapped her fingers and begin to paced around the room. "Because if it wasn't him and another man you don't know, you wouldn't lend a hand or help," She looked at Yuri and realized something. "You recognize him when you saw Go Mi Nam carried him in, didn't you?"

"Yes I did," Yuri admitted. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier," She apologized.

Aria shook her head and walked up to Yuri. "There's no need for you to apologize. I understand that we were in a predicament and his life was in danger". She touched her friend's shoulder. "It's okay. I'm just glad that you are able to do what your mother had wanted to do, but couldn't since she had passed away when you were just a kid".

Yuri smiled. "Thank you for understanding and I'm glad I was able to do it".

"No problem," Aria smiled. "So, what are you going to do now that you finally found him?"

"I'm not sure yet," Yuri stopped smiling and thought about what Aria had asked her. "Right now, all I'm concern about is that he will be alright and hopefully awake from his coma. That's all".

"Well, all we can do now is hope and pray that he will," Aria told her.



End of Aria's Flashback


"It is true that there is something that we are not telling you," Aria told Doctor Ha Rin. "But it's not as bad as you think".

"I understand and will not force you to tell me since I know you probably had made a promise with Yuri not to say anything," Doctor Ha Rin smiled. "All I want to know is if Tae Kyung is someone important in Yuri life. A simple yes or no is fine with me. Which is it, yes or no?" She asked.

Instead of answering, Aria nodded and that's all Doctor Ha Rin needed to know.

"Aria, Thank you for answering my question. You can rest assure that whatever being said in this room will stay in this room and no one will know".

Aria was relieve to hear Doctor Ha Rin would keep their conversation a secret and will not force her or Yuri to tell her until Yuri is ready. "Thank you Doctor Ha Rin. I'm going to go finish up my work and then find Yuri". She got up from her seat and bowed her head down at Doctor Ha Rin, who nodded.

"Okay, take care," Doctor Ha Rin said and watched Aria leave the room. She slightly chuckled. "I knew that there was a connection between Tae Kyung and Yuri. I wonder what their connection is? Perhaps friendship?" She muttered to herself and then went back to her work.






"Hey, Sis," Go Mi Nam said as he opened the door to Tae Kyung's hospital room and walked inside to see his sister turned to looked at him with her finger to her lips, gesturing him to be quiet. He glanced over at the hospital bed and saw Tae Kyung was asleep.  "How long was he asleep?" He asked quietly to his sister as he walked over and stood next to her chair and stared down at her.

"For more than two hours already ," Go Mi Nyu replied in her whisper tone.

Go Mi Nam sat in the chair beside his sister and stared at Tae Kyung. "How is he?"

"He's fine," Go Mi Nyu answered and stared at her hands that were resting on her lap. "Doctor Ha Rin had said that he would be able to leave the hospital tomorrow if everything goes well".

"That's good to hear," Go Mi Nam commented and thought about how they should help Tae Kyung leave the hospital without being seen by the media or Reporter Kim.

"Hmm, a disguise perhaps," Go Mi Nam smirked as an idea appears in his mind.  He mentally put a reminder in his mind that when he leave the hospital to stop by the store to purchase some items.

He looked over at his sister and notices that she was staring down at her lap, lost in her own thoughts with concern plasters on her face. He senses something was wrong so he asked. "Is there something wrong?"

Go Mi Nyu glanced up and look over at her brother. "There is something you should know," She said that made Go Mi Nam curious to know.

"What is it?" He asked her.

"Earlier, Tae Kyung had remembered something," She replied.

"Really?" Go Mi Nam was surprise to hear that Tae Kyung had actually remembered something. "What did he remember? Was it you?" He curiously asked

Go Mi Nyu shook her head. "No, it was a memory of his childhood".

"His childhood memory?" Go Mi Nam said in confused at how Tae Kyung remembered. "How is that possible?" He asked.

"We were eating homemade soup that was given to us from Yuri when it happened," Go Mi Nyu told her brother.

"So, you're saying that the soup trigger his mind and cause him to remembered?" Go Mi Nam asked, putting the pieces together about how Tae Kyung remembered.

Go Mi Nyu nodded

Suddenly, something click in Go Mi Nam's mind that cause his eyes to widen. "Wait a minute," He swiftly turned his head and look at his sister, realizing what was bothering her. "Don't tell me that you're actually thinking that there is a connection between Yuri and Tae Kyung that we don't know about," He whispered to her.

"I believe there is something between them," Go Mi Nyu quietly replied. "I was hoping that you can tell me anything you knew about Yuri".

"Let's talk about this outside," Go Mi Nam suggested.

"But," Go Mi Nyu looked over to the hospital at Tae Kyung, who was still asleep. "I promise hyungnim that I wouldn't leave his side until he wake up". She said and then looked back at her brother.

"Don't worry, this won't take long," Go Mi Nam reassured. "Beside, there is something I want to discuss with you".

"I don't know about this," Go Mi Nyu said, unsure that she should leave the room.

"We'll be back here before he wake up," Go Mi Nam assured.

Sighing, Go Mi Nyu reluctantly agree and followed her brother to the door. Just before she walked out the door, she glanced back at Tae Kyung's face, hoping that he wouldn't be upset or worried if he woke up to find her gone. Then she quietly closed the door shut after she left with her brother.


From a person point of view, a car pulled up to a mansion and a woman with short hair that reach to her shoulder stepped out from her car. She walked up the mansion's door, carrying her suitcase and ring the door bell.

The mansion's door open and revealed a maid standing behind it. The maid greeted the woman with a smile.  "Welcome back  Miss Sara Hee Young".

"Is my sister home?" Sara asked, not bothering to respond to the maid welcoming her back.

"Yes she is home, but she's in her office with a guest right now," The maid told her and stepped aside, opening the door wider to let Sara in.

Sara walked passed by the maid, giving her suitcase to her. "Take my suitcase upstairs for me".

"Yes ma'am," The maid closed the door and took the suitcase from Sara. "But, where are you going?"

"To see my sister of course," Sara answered in annoyed,

"But Miss Hee Young is busy with a guest at the moment," the maid told her.

Sara turned around and glared at the maid. "I don't think my sister would be that busy and would be happy to see me. After all, I just came back from my trip in the US. Now, mind your own business and get back to work".

"Yes ma'am," The maid bowed her head. "My apologies for upsetting you," She apologized and then carry Sara's suitcase upstairs.

Sara walked down the hallway to her sister's office and knock on it. Footsteps were heard approaching to the door before it open.

"Naomi? What's going on?" Asa asked, appeared by the door. She immediately stopped talking when she realizes that it wasn't Naomi at the door.

"Sara?" She said with a surprised look on her face.

"Surprise!" Sara smiled and opened her arms wide, waiting for a hug from her older sister. "Sister, I'm back!"

Asa smiled and rushed to give Sara a hug. "Sara, Welcome back! How was your trip in US?"

"It was amazing, but I miss it here, especially you, sis," Sara told her.

Asa let go of Sara and took a step back. "Well, I'm glad you're back". She said.

"Come on, let me tell you about my trip in US," Sara said and was about to stepped into the office, but Asa blocked her way.  "What?"

"I would love to hear about your trip, but I'm busy right now," Asa explained to Sara, hoping that she would leave and come back later.

"Busy with what?" Sara frowned. "Who is that guest you're speaking to?" She asked, trying to get in the office, but Asa refuse to let her in.

Before Asa can answer, a female voice spoke up, interrupted her. "Oh? Asa, Is that your younger arrogant sister I hear at the door?"

Recognizing the female's voice speaking to her, Sara move her sister aside and stepped into the office, glaring at the female guest that was sitting in the chair in her sister's office.

"Well, well, if isn't the National fairy Yoo He Yi in my house," Sara said with sarcasm in her voice and gave a fake smile.

Yoo He Yi got up from her seat and fake smile at Sara. "I see you have return from your trip and it look like you haven't change at all". She said in a calm voice.

Sara continue to fake smile and spoke as if Yoo He Yi's words didn't bother her. "Neither have you". She turned around to looked at her sister. "So, what were you and Miss National fairy discussing about it?" She asked her sister, changing the subject.

"Whatever it is that me and your sister are discussing about got nothing to do with you," Yoo He Yi answered to Sara dislikes.

Sara turned around and looked at Yoo He Yi. "Oh? Is that so?" She said in a serious tone that clearly show that she doesn't back down easy or like anyone annoying her.

She walked up to her sister's desk to find out what her sister was talking about with Yoo He Yi. She snatched the booklet on the desk and stared at the front page. Then she show the booklet to Asa and asked. "Hmm.. a film script. Was this what you were discussing to Yoo He Yi about?"

Asa sighed and walked over to Sara to grabbed the booklet back, but Sara move it away from her reach. "Was this what you were discussing to Yoo He Yi about?" She repeated her question again.

"Yes and you're not allow to touch my stuff without my permission," Asa told her. "Give that back to me," She reached for the booklet again, but Sara move away from her reach again and begin flipping through the booklet, despite the disapproving look on Asa's face.

"Interesting," Sara commented as she looked through the pages of the booklet and then stop at a particular page that caught her eyes. It was the page with the cast list: actor / actress names and the characters / roles they are playing.

"Hwang Tae Kyung is playing the leading male role?" She asked out loud to her sister in surprised.

"Yes," Asa replied as she managed to grabbed the booklet successfully away from Sara's hands. "But it's not your business to even ask about it and it's my work.".

"Who is playing the leading female role? Have you chosen one yet?" Sara asked, clearly not listening to sister and was more interested about the film script cast list.

"No, Not yet," Asa answered and it made Sara smile.

Yoo He Yi notices Sara smiling and knew Sara was planning to do something about the female leading role part. Not wanting it to happen and to wipe the smile off of Sara's face, she decides to say something.

"But, Asa,  it's not your decision to decide on who should be the female lead for your film, am I right?" She asked, causing Sara to stop smiling and turned to glared at her.

"Why you...," Sara started to spats, but got interrupted by her sister.

"That's correct," Asa replied.

"What?!" Sara turned her attention toward her sister. "Why not?!"

Asa sighed and stared at her sister. "Because I made a deal".

"With who?" Sara turned and glared at Yoo He Yi, wondering if it was Yoo He Yi that her sister made a deal with. "Is it her?!" She pointed her finger at Yoo He Yi's face.

Irritatingly, Yoo He Yi swatted Sara's finger away from her face. "Ya! Don't you point your finger at me!" She retorted, glaring at Sara.

Sara and Yoo He Yi glaring at each other as if they were having a staring contest to see who would be victorious.

"Sara, don't make assumption when you don't know anything at all." Asa break up the two girl glaring at each other. She placed her hands on Sara's shoulders and force Sara to turn to look at her. "I didn't made any deal with Yoo He Yi".

"Then who?" Sara asked, refusing to let her question go unanswered.

Asa removed her hands from Sara's shoulders and dropped it down to her sides. "You don't need to know who," She walked over to her desk and put film script into the top draw of her desk and lock it with the key. "Why do you want to know and since when are you interest with my job?" She looked up from her desk and across at her sister.

"I'm not," Sara folded her arms and was upset that her sister doesn't want to answer her question. "It just that....," She paused in the middle of sentence as she was thinking about what to say.

Yoo He Yi stared at Sara as if she was reading her mind and smirked. "It's obvious not your job that she's interested in," She said to Asa, who stared at her confused.

It didn't take that long when Asa realize what Yoo He Yi was trying to point out to her and understood why her sister was making a big deal about the female leading role in her film.

She walked over to her sister. "Sara, is this about Hwang Tae Kyung?"

"No," Sara replied, clearly lying.

Asa put her hands on her hips and give Sara a stern look while Yoo He Yi smirked.

Noticing the stern look, she was receiving from Asa,  Sara sighed and gave in. "Fine, maybe it is".

"Really Sara?!" Asa sighed frustration.  She knew about her sister had a crush on Tae Kyung, but never confront Sara about it. She thought the vacation trip to the US would make that feeling goes away, but apparently she was wrong.

"And maybe I want to take the female lead part for your film". She heard Sara said.

Asa slapped her hand to her forehead and shake her head in disapproval.

Yoo He Yi blinked her eyes confused. "You want to take the female lead part?" She laughed. "You got to be kidding me. Like that ever going to happen. You're obviously not fit for that role, so you can just forget about that!" She scoffed.

"Excuse me!" Sara unfolded her arms, walked up to Yoo He Yi and got up in her face. "It's not like you're going to get that part!" She argued.

"Maybe I will," She said as if it were true, but it was a lie.  A lie that she said to make Sara angry, which actually work because it look like Sara was about to lunge at her if wasn't for Asa stepping in and grabbed Sara's arm.

Not wanting the situation to escalate into a fight, Asa decided to step in and interfere with the girls conversation. She walked over to her sister and grabbed her sister's arm, stopping her from lunging at Yoo He Yi.

"Sara, why don't you go upstairs and rest and take a shower," Asa suggested. "I'll come by your room later on to hear about your trip, okay?"

"But...," Sara started to protest, looking back and forth at her sister and Yoo He Yi.

"Please Sara," Asa said to calm her sister down. "Don't ruin this job for me, alright?"

Not wanting to make a scene or embarrass her sister, Sara sighed and nodded. "Fine, I'll be leaving now," She said and walked over to the door with her sister, but not before giving Yoo He Yi a glare look that say "this is far from being over".

Asa smiled and patted Sara's back. "Thank you. I'll talk to you later". She said and opened the door to let her sister leave.

Sara nodded and left out of the office.

Closing the door shut, Asa walked over to her desk and sat down in her chair. "I apologizes for my sister behavior," She said to Yoo He Yi, who sat down in her chair in front of Asa's desk.

Yoo He Yi smile genuinely at Asa. "There is no need for you to apologize for your sister. She's a big girl and need to fix her mistake and apologize for herself. She can't just rely on you to solve her problem for her".

Asa sighed and propped her elbows up on her desk and clasped her hands together. "I know, but that was very rude of her". She said, staring down at her desk.

"Would you like my advice?" Yoo He Yi asked.

"Sure," Asa agreed. "What is it?"

Yoo He Yi leaned forward in her seat. "Stop spoiling your sister and put your foot down, control her before she causes problems for you, especially with that film of yours. She is very persistent about that female lead part for your film and Hwang Tae Kyung".

Asa looked up and stared at Yoo He Yi . "And what about you? Aren't you interest with the female lead part?"

Leaning back in her seat, Yoo He Yi chuckled. "I'm not interest with the female lead part, nor would I be taking it. I only said that I'm interested to make your sister angry".

"I see," Asa said.

"So, did he told you who he had chosen for the female lead part?" Yoo He Yi asked her.

Asa shook her head. "No, not yet. I'm still waiting for his call".

Yoo He Yi scoffed. "That's so typical of him". She suddenly wonder who Tae Kyung had picked for the female lead role and has a hunch who it might be.

If it who she think it is, it could be problematic especially when Sara is also interest with the female lead role. Sara could also problem for Tae Kyung if she know he's dating Go Mi Nam's sister.

She frowned at why she was concern about that when it's not even her business. "Why do I need to care about that?" She thought, yet her heart was thinking the opposite of that.

Asa, who notice Yoo He Yi's expression, can't help but wonder what was bothering her.

"Yoo He Yi?"

Yoo He Yi snapped out from her thoughts and glanced up at Asa. "What is it?"

"Are you alright?" Asa asked.

"I'm fine," Yoo He Yi answered with a smile. "About that female support role".

"Yes? I'm listening," Asa stared at Yoo He Yi in surprised that Yoo He Yi brought that up because the last time they had met, Yoo He Yi had rejected to take the female support role. Why brought it up now? Did she change her mind?

"I think I will take that role you offered to me before," Yoo He Yi said to Asa, who was surprised that her assumption was correct.

Originally, Yoo He Yi had meet up with Asa to provide the location of the film that she had search for Asa since Asa had asked for her help. She never thought that she would change her mind and take the female support role for the film. Not until, she meet Sara, who is a troublesome to her.

Taking that female support role might be useful to her. She can use it to her advantage and say to Sara that she got the female lead role just to wipe that smirk off her face.

That's the reason why she accepted the female support role. That must be it and nothing else.

She told herself that, but for unknown reason her heart was saying that it was for another reason.

"What reason could that be?" She wondered to herself.

"Really? Are you sure?" Asa asked and Yoo He Yi looked up and nodded.

"That's great," Asa smiled and extended her hand toward Yoo He Yi, who shook it. "Thank you so much for agreeing to take that role".

"No problem," Yoo He Yi got up from her seat. "I'll be leaving now". She said and walked over to the door with Asa, who opened it and left out of the office to walk Yoo He Yi to the front door.

As they got to the front door, Asa opened the door. "Thank you for stopping by today," She said to Yoo He Yi, who nodded at her and left out the front door to her car.

Closing the door shut, Asa leaned her back against the door and sighed. "What a long day".

Naomi walked out from the kitchen with the cup of tea and walked over to Asa. "Miss Hee Young, here's your tea," She gave the cup of tea to Asa, who took it.

"Thank you so much, Naomi," Asa gratefully said with a smile. "And please call me Asa".

"Yes," Naomi bowed her head down to her and then left to the kitchen.

Asa took a sip of her cup of tea and smile. "Delicious," She commented and then left to her office to finish her work.


Go Mi Nam and Go Mi Nyu was seated in the vacant cafeteria, drinking coffee and eating snacks.

"Oppa? What do you want to talk to me about?" Go Mi Nyu start off the conversation, asking her question.

Go Mi Nam drank his coffee then grabbed something out of his bag, and placed it down on the table in front of him and his sister.

"What?" Go Mi Nyu stared at the booklet her brother had just placed down on the table in front of her. She was confused to why he was showing the booklet to her. "What is this?" She asked.

"This was a project that your boyfriend was planning to work on before the accident happen. The writer/director, Asa Hee Young had dropped by President Ahn's office today, asking him to give this to Tae Kyung for her, telling him to tell Tae Kyung to give her a call back. On my way to the hospital, President Ahn phone call me, asking me to stopped by his office to give me this". Go Mi Nam explained.

"But you can't. Hyungnim doesn't remember anything," Go Mi Nyu disagreed, thinking that it was a bad idea to give Tae Kyung the booklet.

"Who say anything about me giving him this," Go Mi Nam said.

Go Mi Nyu blinked her eyes. "You're not?" She asked in confused.

"No," Go Mi Nam leaned back in his seat and folded his arms with a smirk on his face. "You are going to give him this". He simply replied, nodding his head at the booklet that was on the table.

"Me?" Go Mi Nyu placed her hand on her chest. "Why me?"

"Because you're his girlfriend and you're helping him, right?" Go Mi Nam asked and Go Mi Nyu nodded. Suddenly, he thought about something and frowned at his sister. "You did told him that you're his girlfriend, right?"

Go Mi Nyu shook her head

"WHAT?!" Go Mi Nam unfolded his arms and gave his sister a stern look. "Hey! You didn't tell him?! Why didn't you tell him?" He asked, demanding to know.

"Because I was worried for his health and that too much information would overwhelm him," Go Mi Nyu told him.

Go Mi Nam wasn't convince by his sister's answer to his question. He knew there was another reason that she didn't tell Tae Kyung. As if he was reading his sister's mind, he asked. "You're afraid, aren't you?" Seeing Go Mi Nyu was confused by his sudden question, he continue. "It is true that you are worried about him, but that's not why you didn't want to tell him. The real reason is Mo Hwa Ran".

Go Mi Nyu's eyes widen in shock at her brother knowing what she was thinking. She was unable to say anything, knowing full well that her brother was correct. So she continue to listen to what her brother said.

"You are afraid that if he knew that you and him are in a relationship then he would want to know more about it. That would then lead to him learning that his mother abandoning him because of our father. Because of that situation, it causes a rift in your relationship with him". Go Mi Nam explained.

" did you know?" Go Mi Nyu asked. "Did hyungnim told you?"

Go Mi Nyu scoffed. "Like he would tell me. I had actually did my own research on my own and learned the reason behind our parents separation causing us to be an orphan. The truth is that our father never betrayed our mother. It was all a misunderstanding cause by Mo Hwa Ran. She also made Tae Kyung misunderstood about our father. Because of that, he hurt you and made you cried." He placed his hands on the table and balled up into fists. "Speaking of that, I still have a score to settle with him for hurting you and for making you cry because of that misunderstanding".

"Oppa," Go Mi Nyu placed her hand on one of her brother's fist. "Please don't hurt him. He didn't mean to hurt me. During that time, he was also hurting and in pain". She said to him.

Go Mi Nam unballed his fist that his sister wasn't holding and placed it on his sister's hand that was still holding his other fist and gently squeezed it. "Don't worry sis, I promise you that I won't kill him. I'll just hurt him a little," He removed his hand from his sister's hand and held it up to his face, balling into a fist and smirked. "Think of it this way, if I punched him really hard, he'll see stars and get his memories back quicker. Then you two would lived happily ever after".

"Oppa!" Go Mi Nyu scolded her brother, removing her hand from her brother's fist.

Go Mi Nam chuckled. "I'm kidding with you. I would never hurt your favorite star unless he break your heart again".

Go Mi Nyu smiled in relieve that her brother was only joking with her, but then frowned when she thought of something. "But, aren't you against with the idea of me and Tae Kyung being together?"

"I am still against it," Go Mi Nam pursed his lips in annoy. "But if he makes you happy then I would accept it. Beside, I would rather see you happy than sad".

"I'm glad to hear that," Go Mi Nyu said with a smile.

Go Mi Nam frowned. "You need to tell him. He need to know the truth".

"I know," Go Mi Nyu muttered, agreeing with her brother. She stared at him with uncertainly.  Her hands was gripping on the cup of coffee. "But...,"

Go Mi Nam held his hand up to stopped her from continuing with her sentence.

"No buts!" He leaned forward in his seat and propped his arms on the table. "I understand your reasons, but I also know that Tae Kyung would rather know everything than not knowing. He will understand and will not be upset at you". He said, trying to convince his sister to tell Tae Kyung everything.

"I really do want to tell him everything," Go Mi Nyu admitted to her brother.

"Then what is stopping you?" Go Mi Nam asked even though he knew the answer.

"Well...," Go Mi  Nyu stared down at her cup of coffee for a moment, debating if she should continue with the conversation. Then she looked up at her brother with the decision to continue. "I don't want to make it difficult between him and his mother. I know he need her and she's important to him". 

Go Mi Nam sighed. "You are forgetting something". He said to her and she looked at him in confused.

"I am? What am I forgetting?" She asked, not understanding the hint that her brother was trying to tell her.

"It is true that Tae Kyung need his mother in his life, but she's not the most important person that Tae Kyung need in his life. There is another important person in his life that matter most to him and that he can't live without," Go Mi Nam said. "Do you know who that person is?"

Go Mi Nyu thought about what her brother said and wondered if he was referring to her as the most important person that Tae Kyung need in his life. "Are you saying the most important person in hyungnim life is me?"

"Yes, you are the most important person in Tae Kyung life. I understand you want to help patch things up between Tae Kyung and his mother, starting off with a clean slate since Tae Kyung has amnesia, but that is where you are wrong. By not telling him about you and him, and the issue he had with his mother, you are keeping him in the dark, and it will hurt him if he were to regain his memories back and knew about this," Go Mi Nam explained. "Patching things and making amend is something must be done by Mo Hwa Ran.  All you need to do is to stay by his side and help him remember. He deserve to know the truth. I'm not going to force you to tell him now, but don't wait until it's too late, okay?"

"I understand," Go Mi Nyu replied and removed her hands away from her cup of coffee. "Just let me think about it." She got up from her seat. "I should get back to Tae Kyung before he wake up and become worried about me".

Go Mi Nam got up from his seat. "I'll take you back," He said and then walked with his sister out of the cafeteria.








It was at night when Yuri walked out from the hospital entrance after she clocked out from her work. As she stepped outside the hospital, she notice that Shin Woo was already there waiting for her since she had told him the time she would be off from work.

She walked over to him and saw him turned toward her. "I'm sorry. I hope I didn't keep you waiting," She apologized to him.

Shin Woo smiled and shook his head. "Don't worry, I didn't wait for that long, so it's okay," He told her and saw Aria walked out from hospital entrance.

Aria walked over to Shin Woo and Yuri, carrying her bag over her shoulder. "Hi," She smiled at them and then looked at Shin Woo. "I hope you don't mind that I decide to come along with Yuri". She said to him.

"Its okay. I don't mind at all," Shin Woo told her and notices that Aria was cautiously looking around her surroundings as if she was making sure it was safe and that they weren't being watch.

"Great!" Aria said a minute later with a smile and then grabbed her keys from her bag. "Then is it alright if we take my car instead of using the van you came here with?" She asked him.

"It's fine," Shin Woo agreed.

"Thank you so much," Aria gratefully said to him and gestures for him and Yuri to followed her to the hospital's parking lot where she had parked her car while looking at her surroundings.

As she walking ahead while Shin Woo and Yuri was following her from behind, Aria turned around to looked at Shin Woo while continuing to walked backward.

"If you don't mind I ask, where are you planning to have this discussion with Yuri?"

"The discussion will be at my place," Shin Woo answered and Aria stared at him in confused. Worried that Aria and Yuri might misunderstood him, Shin Woo continue. "I want to have this discussion in a safe place to avoid being seen by the media and reporters".

Aria nodded. "I see," She turned around and continue to walked forward until they made it to her car.

Shin Woo pressed the button on the car key remote to unlock the doors to the car as he walked over to the driver side of the car.

Aria got into the passenger seat while Yuri got into the backseat. Once inside the car, Shin Woo started the car and drove off to the A.N.Jell place.


A sound of an 18 wheeler horn honking was heard in the background. In POV of the inside of the car show an incoming 18-wheeler, heading straight toward it in a quick motion.

"Mother!" Tae Kyung's voice shouted. It show him lunged at his mother, using his body to shield her as the driver turned the wheel, trying to avoid hitting the 18 wheeler, but it was too late. A loud crash was heard in the background as the 18 wheeler slammed into the side of the car and the screen faded to black.

Tae Kyung jerked awake from his dream and sleep, breathing heavy. He blinked his eyes confused as he stared up at the ceiling for a moment before realizing he was still in the hospital and that it was just a dream.

Was it just a dream or was it a memory of what happened to him that landed him in the hospital?

He slowly turned his head to the side and notices that Go Mi Nyu wasn't sitting in the chair beside his hospital bed. "She's gone," He frowned and muttered. "Aish, where did she went? Did she go home?" He shakes his head, clearing the thought of Mi Nyu going home. "No, she did said that she would still be here and would only left for coffee or fresh air. So she didn't go home".

Looking away and staring straight ahead, Tae Kyung groaned and pulled himself up to sit up in bed using his good arm (left arm).

He closed his eyes, testing to see if he could remember anything else. but got nothing. The memory of himself as a child, eating the soup that was made by a woman that he can't seem to remember her name. Yet, somehow she feel familiar to him was still lingering in his mind.

"Who was that woman?" he questioned to himself as he opened his eyes. "Why did he called her aunt?"

Sighing, he looked around the room as if he was trying to see if anything could help him remember when his eyes landed on the sketch book and pen that was on the table next to his hospital bed.

Using his good arm (left arm), he leaned on his side and reached for the sketch book and pen, putting them on his legs.

He opened the sketch book and draw a question mark in the middle of the first page. Then he stared at the question mark he drew and tapped the pen on it. "Why did I had that memory? Who is that woman I called aunt and that little girl? Why did I get that memory from eating the soup that Yuri made?" He frowned and asked out loud to himself. It also made him wonder what else would actually trigger his mind to remember.

He kept staring at the question mark on the page of the sketch book, thinking that he would get some answers to his question, but got nothing. "Aish!" He jabbed at the question mark with the pen.

Feeling frustrated and not wanting to get a headache from staring too much at the question mark on the sketch book, Tae Kyung flipped the sketch book to the next page and begin sketching something else.

After he finished sketching, he held the sketch book up to his face and take a look at what he had drew. It was a drawing of Go Mi Nyu with short hair staring back at him. He drew her how he saw her face earlier in his mind when he awoke from his coma. He pursed his lips and tilted his head to the side. "Are we really just friends or is there something else between us?" He asked out loud to the drawing of Go Mi Nyu.

"Aish!" Tae Kyung sighed when he doesn't have the answers to his questions. He lowered the sketch book down from his face and put it down on the bed. "What am I doing talking to a drawing? I must be crazy or something". He said to himself and then glanced over at the door, wondering what was taking Go Mi Nyu so long to return.

He looked away from the door and back at the sketchbook at the drawing of Go Mi Nyu as if he was trying to memorize her face.

Suddenly, he heard the door to his room open, and he swiftly hid the sketch book and pen underneath his pillow.

Tae Kyung quickly lay back down on his bed, turning his head toward the window. Thinking that Go Mi Nyu was back, he pretend to be upset. "Ya! You said that you would still be here when I wake up, but you weren't! Why did you took so long to come back?!"

He waited for her response saying that she was sorry or something, but got no response from her. Annoyed, he turned his head toward the door and begin to scold her. "Ya! Didn't you...," He stopped midway in his sentence when he realize that it wasn't Go Mi Nyu at the door.

Instead, there was a woman with dark hair that was tied into a bun, wearing a worried expression on her face. She was standing in the doorway of his room, staring across at him.

He squinted his eyes to see the woman's face, trying to figure who the woman was.

The woman slowly walked into the room, leaving the door partly open.

Tae Kyung watched as she made her way over to his hospital bed and stood in front of him, looking down at him.

He was shocked when he saw the woman's face. She was the woman he had saw himself saved from the car accident in his dream. There were tears in the woman's eyes

Before he can question the woman who she is, the woman took a step forward and unexpectedly pulled him into her arms and hugged him, causing him to be startled by it . His head was pressed against her chest that he was able to hear her rapid heartbeat. 

"I'm glad that you're awake, my son," he heard the woman's quivering voice said to him and his eyes widen in shocked and confused.

"Is she...,my...mother...?" His mind wondered.




To Be Continued


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