Chapter One

Faded Star

Chapter One


Go Mi Nam and Manager Ma walked through the airport in search for a certain person in the crowded area. Go Mi Nam was wearing sunglasses and a hat to conceal his identity from the crowds because he doesn't want to be recognizes by fans, paparazzi, and the media.

"Did you see her yet?" Manager Ma asked Go Mi Nam, who was looking through the crowds.

"No, not yet," Go Mi Nam replied as he continued to search the crowds with Manager Ma. "But she should be here soon".

Manager Ma sighed and stopped searching. He stared down at his feet, thinking to himself about something. From his peripheral vision, Go Mi Nam notices Manager Ma's expression.

"What's the problem?" He asked as he stopped looking at the crowds and turned to look at Manager Ma.

"I feel really bad about lying to your sister," Manager Ma replied.

Go Mi Nam immediately looked around his surroundings and then grabbed Manager Ma's arm, pulling him away from the crowds into a private area where no one can hear them.

"We have talk about this before and had agree that under no circumstances that we are allow to bring this conversation up in public," he scolded. "We don't want anyone especially the reporters or paparazzi to hear about this."

"I know but how are we going to explain this to your sister if she were to ask?" Manager Ma argued.

Go Mi Nam placed a hand on Manager Ma's shoulder. "All of us will tell her once we bring her home from the airport. So far, everyone including sis know that Tae Kyung is out of town visiting a relative and we want to keep it that way. ".

Manager Ma knew that Go Mi Nam and the others were planning to tell Go Mi Nyu when she return from Africa instead over the phone. It's better that way since they are also trying to protect Tae Kyung from the media. Still, he can't help but worried about how Go Mi Nyu would react when they tell her the truth.

"I just hope that she'll be alright when she finally know the truth," he said a moment later to Go Mi Nam.

"I hope so too," Go Mi Nam agreed when suddenly his cell phone rang. He pulled out his cell phone from his pocket and stared at the caller id that show his sister name.

He quickly answered the call. "Hey sis, are you here yet? I'm here with Manager Ma. Stay where you are and I'll be right there in a minute with Manager Ma". He ended the call, putting his cell phone away in his pocket and looked over at Manager Ma. "She's here. Let's go".

Manager Ma nodded and followed Go Mi Nam to see Go Mi Nyu.


Walking out from the terminal with her luggage, Go Mi Nyu looked around for her brother and Manager Ma in the crowds. She frowned when she didn't see them anywhere in the crowds.

"Where are they?" She muttered. "Are they running late?"

She grabbed her cell phone out from her pocket and check for any missed calls. No missed calls at all.

That's odd.

She looked up and wondered if they knew she would return today. Her brother knew because they had spoken on the phone on the day she was preparing to leave. So how is he not here waiting for her?

Did something happen?

Feeling worry, she decides to call her brother. She placed her cell phone to her ear and waited for her brother to pick up. To her relieve, he answered.

"Hey sis, are you here yet?" Her brother's voice asked.

"I have just arrived. Where are you?" She asked while looking around the surroundings. "Are you here yet?"

"I'm here with Manager Ma. Stay where you are and I'll be right there in a minute with Manager Ma".

"Okay," She replied before her brother ended the call.

She remained where she was at and waited. The wait wasn't long when Go Mi Nam and Manager Ma show up.

Go Mi Nyu spotted them from a far and immediately ran over to them beaming.

"Oppa! Manager Ma!" She waved to them while pulling her luggage along with her.

"Sis!" Go Mi Nam smiles and ran up to his sister, giving her a hug. "Welcome back! I'm so happy to see you!"

"Me too!" Go Mi Nyu said, hugging her brother. "I missed you so much". She then let go of her brother and looked at Manager Ma who was happy to see her.

"Manager Ma," She gave him a hug. "I also miss you too".

"I miss you too and I'm happy that you're back," Manager Ma replied while trying to restrain himself from crying. "We have so much to talk about".

Go Mi Nyu nodded in agreement.

Manager Ma gently pat Go Mi Nyu's back and slightly smiles before the concern was plasters on his face. He carefully removed Go Mi Nyu's arms from his neck. "Okay, that's enough hugging for today". He went to grabbed Go Mi Nyu's roller suitcase. "Let's go". He begin to leave with Go Mi Nam but stopped, noticing Go Mi Nyu's hair was longer and that her outfit look familiar. Where have he seen it? It didn't take long before realization hit him.

"What's wrong?" Go Mi Nam asked confused and looked to see what Manager Ma was staring. His sister's outfit. It look nice so why is Manager Ma staring at it? What's wrong with it? Before he could ask, Manager Ma spoke.

"Isn't that outfit...," he started to ask but Go Mi Nyu cut him off.

"It's the outfit that Tae Kyung bought me as a gift. I wanted to wear it to surprise him today," she told him. "I even wore the hair pin too". She added, pointed to the hair pin that was on her head.

"So that's why Manager Ma was staring at sis's outfit. It because Tae Kyung bought it for her". Go Mi Nam realized and thought to himself. "I can't wait to see Hyungnim , Jeremy, and Shin woo". Go Mi Nyu said with a huge smile.

Go Mi Nam and Manger Ma tensed up when Tae Kyung was mentioned but Go Mi Nyu didn't notices it because she was too happy and anxious to see Tae Kyung, Jeremy, and Shin woo.

They watched as Go Mi Nyu turned to looked at them, still smiling and asked. "Oppa, has Hyungnim return from visiting his relative yet?"

Manager Ma looked over at Go Mi Nam for answer since he doesn't know what to say.

"Yes, he's back and is waiting to see you," Go Mi Nam answered rather quickly. Clearly, he was lying and was hiding it with a smile on his face.

"Really oppa?"

Go Mi Nam nodded and Go Mi Nyu looked away, pressing her finger to her nose, creating the pig nose.

Manager Ma elbowed Go Mi Nam in the arm when Go Mi Nyu wasn't looking. Go Mi Nam turned to glared at him before looking back at his sister.

"Sis, Are you ready to go?" He asked.

Go Mi Nyu turned to looked at her brother and Manager Ma and nodded with a smile.

Together they left the airport, heading home where the others were waiting.


A.N.Jell Place

Jeremy and Shin woo were in the kitchen preparing lunch for Go Mi Nyu to arrive. They were anxious to see her and seem to be occupied in their own thoughts when their cell phones alert them of an incoming text messages.

They grabbed their cell phones out from their pocket and stared at it, reading the text message.

"Go Mi Nam and Manager Ma had picked up Go Mi Nyu from the airport. They're on their way here," Shin woo said and looked over at Jeremy who was still reading the text message on his phone. "Any good news?" He asked.

Jeremy looked up from his cell phone, looked over at Shin woo, and disappointedly shook his head . "No, still the same". He replied. "How are we going to explain this to Go Mi Nyu?"

Shin woo stared ahead, wondering the same thing. "I have no idea," He looked over at Jeremy who was staring at him. "But she deserve to know and need to know. She could help improve with the situation".

Jeremy nodded with understanding. "But I'm worry about how she's going to react to this situation".

"Me too," Shin woo agreed and continue to make lunch with Jeremy. "I wish there was some good news to put everyone mind at ease". He said, still can't stop thinking about the situation. It has been a month since that situation had occur and he and Jeremy had to deal with it. It haven't been easy for him, Jeremy, and Go Mi Nam to handle the situation with Tae Kyung whereabout. They have to tried their best to keep it a secret from the fans and the media even from Go Mi Nyu.

When she called them asking why Tae Kyung haven't return her calls, they told her because he was very busy and that he had left out of town to visit a relative, not knowing when he would return. They even added that where Tae Kyung was staying at wouldn't have cell phone reception to make phone calls.

Go Mi Nyu was worried when they told her that but they reassured her that Tae Kyung would be fine and would contact her when he return back.

President Ahn, who knew about Tae Kyung's situation from them, had decided to helped them keep the media and fans away from finding out Tae Kyung whereabout and learning what really happen. It wasn't easy from him and had been tough on him.

He had to come up with a plan to keep the media and fans distracted from Tae Kyung whereabout so they had to do a couple of concerts separately and together to keep the fans and media distract for the time being. It work for now but for how long. That was something Shin woo and Jeremy were both thinking about.

Jeremy and Shin woo finish making lunch when they heard the door open and voices speaking.

"Oppa! Do you have a girlfriend?" Go Mi Nyu's cheerful voice asked, causing Jeremy and Shin woo to look up. They stared at each other before leaving the kitchen to go see her.

"I used to, but it didn't work out," Go Mi Nam answered uncomfortably about the subject on his relationship.

Go Mi Nyu felt bad for asking. "I'm sorry," She apologized when she notices her brother unhappy tone when she asked the question.

Go Mi Nam shook his head and smiles, putting his arm around Go Mi Nyu's shoulders. "That's okay. I still have you to hang around with," He told her as Jeremy and Shin woo came walking out.

"Go Mi Nyu!" Jeremy called out to her while Shin woo stood there smiling.

"Jeremy! Shin woo!" Go Mi Nyu ran over and give them each a hug. "I miss you guys!"

"I missed you too!" Jeremy exclaimed cheerfully as he hugged her. Then he took a step back so Shin woo can hug Go Mi Nyu next.

"How was Africa?" Shin woo asked after he finished hugging Go Mi Nyu .

"It was great but I'm happy to return here to see everyone," Go Mi Nyu looked around, noticing that a certain person that she really wanted to see was missing from the group. "Oh, where Hyungnim? Didn't he know that I would return today?" She looked back at her brother and Manager Ma. "Oppa, didn't you said that he would be here waiting when I arrived?"

Manger Ma glanced over at Go Mi Nam while Jeremy and Shin woo looked at each other with concern on their faces.

Go Mi Nyu notices the room got quiet after she mentioned about Tae Kyung and everyone expressions was a worried one.

"What's going on?" Go Mi Nyu asked, looking back and forth at her brother, Jeremy, Shin woo, and Manager Ma. "Where's Hyungnim?"

Manager Ma stared down at his feet for a second before he stepped forward placing a hand on Go Mi Nyu's shoulder. "Mi Nyu, you might want to sit down for this because what we are about to tell you might shock you". He suggested.

Go Mi Nyu stared at Manager Ma confused. "What do you mean? Does everyone know something and is hiding it from me?" She started to become worried and begin to wonder if what they're hiding from her has something to do with Tae Kyung.

Scenarios starts to appears in her mind. Could it be that Tae Kyung doesn't care about her return? Have he decided to move on from her, no longer in love with her and has another girlfriend?

Go Mi Nam, Jeremy, Shin woo, and Manager Ma stared at each other wondering who should be the one to tell Go Mi Nyu. After few minutes, Go Mi Nam walked up to his sister, deciding that he would be the one to tell her instead of the others.

"Sis, about Tae Kyung, he's...," He started to tell her but got interrupted.

"He has move on from me, right?" Go Mi Nyu asked sadly and turned away from her brother not wanting to hear it because if that was what her brother was planning to tell her about Tae Kyung, it would break her heart and she doesn't think she can handle it.

"No, it's not what you think," Go Mi Nam said and Go Mi Nyu swiftly turned around to look at him confused.

"It's not?"

"It's not," Shin woo spoke up and Go Mi Nyu turned to looked at him. "Tae Kyung never move on from you and has been waiting for your return. The truth is what we had told you over the phone during your stay in Africa about Tae Kyung absent and the reason for it was a lie made by all of us and President Ahn".

Go Mi Nyu can't believe what she was hearing. They were lying to her about Tae Kyung when she had called them during her stay in Africa. She was very worried for Tae Kyung when he didn't return her calls and had a bad feeling that something was wrong. They told her that he was busy for awhile and had left to visit a relative that lived faraway and there was no cellphone reception there. She had planned to go back to Korea early before the return date to see what was wrong but after hearing what the others had said, it put her mind at ease and she decided to stay until the return date of her flight.

"We're sorry for lying to you," Jeremy apologizes on his behalf and the others. "But, we only lied to protect Tae Kyung and didn't want you to be worried".

"What exactly happen?" Go Mi Nyu asked as her eyes started to be watery. "Please tell me," she begged them.

"Sis, Tae Kyung was in a car accident a month ago. He's in the coma at the hospital," Go Mi Nam said finally and Go Mi Nyu felt like she was punched in the stomach and her heart was hurt by the news. She stumbled back a couple of steps and nearly fell down to the ground but Shin woo caught her and steady her with his hands holding her arms.

"What?" Go Mi Nyu's voice trembling as she tried to speak. "It can't be. How did it happen and why him?" She asked as tears starting falling down her cheeks unable to restrain her emotions.

Go Mi Nam sighs and started to explained the whole situation about Tae Kyung to Go Mi Nyu.


To Be Continued



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