Falling apart...?

Kyungsoo pov

I have been sleeping next to Jongin in our king sized bed. It was late at night and I enjoyed my sleep when it got interupted by a phone call. It was my phone that rang and I was forced to wake up. I groaned and cursed madly at it, but still took the phone and picked up without looking who called. 

"Kyungsoo! I need some help here," I heard Chanyeol's voice. He was panicking and sounded worried, but at the moment just annoyed me. I didn't like him since I heard the news that he cheated on Baekhun. It disgusted me that he did this. I would never cheat on Jongin even though I could be very wild and wanted to be around with many other guys. 

"It's 1 in the morning. Can't you solve things yourself?" I lied down on the pillow and closed my eyes, paying him only a little attention. Next to me Jongin woke up and yawned loudly, turning to face me on the bed. 

In  just that moment I heard Baekhyun shouting from the background. He was mad and really out of his mind, but I didn't have the will to wake up for it

"Please, come. He had a hard time in the evening, even self harmed and now when he woke up just went into panic and doesn't want to calm down," Chanyeol begged. I got shocked at his words.

I knew Baekhyun self harmed before, but I didn't expect the news about him doing it again. I guessed he did it because of Chanyeol and got mad over him. I hated the big guy just for cheating and that he hurt my best friends feelings. That Baekhyun was self harming now was too much. I knew that Baekhyun should have left before and that staying with Chanyeol longer was a bad idea. He just fell into depression. GREAT!

I jumped up and sat on the bed. With that I woke Jongin up, looking at me with his tired eyes. 

"You , you can't make one thing right! Baekhyun is hurt because of you and I will make you pay! Let him live normally for once!" I stormed. I didn't care that it was late in the night and was making noise. Jongin was awake anyway so I let myself lose my mind. 

I was so mad that I didn't even notice when Chanyeol yelled in pain from the other way. I just growled at him madly and cursed over him, while on the other side Chanyeol and Baekhyun messed with each other. 

At last I shut myself quiet and so did the other two on the other side. The atmosphere was tense and I felt like someone my words our of me. I heard Chanyeol's heavy breath even through the call, but I didn't dare comment on it.

"Come here now!" Chanyeol growled at last and ended the call immediately.

I pulled my blanket away and then stood up from the bed, sighing, as I knew I didn't have other choice than to get to Park's house.

"Where are you going?" Jongin asked as he saw me stand up. He was my boyfriend for 3 years now. Always supportive, loyal, kind, handsome, rough if needed, in all ways perfect. I loved him a lot and he gave me that love back.

"Help Baekhyun. Some trouble again," I sighed in reply.

"Can't they solve things themselves? I am not up to see you leaving at 1am," Jongin complained. 

"No, unfortunatelly they can't," I pulled changed my clothes to get going. I pulled on a light blue t-shirt and black sweatpants and at last took my phone. 

"Park will pay me for taking my boyfriend away at night. It's making me mad. He did enough trouble already," he kept complaining. Jongin just waited in bed, mad as he saw me getting ready to leave him. 

I smiled at the sight of frusturated Jongin and before leaving the room I walked to him again and placed a kiss on his lips. He hummed at it and looked disappointed as I pulled away and stepped a bit away.

"I will try to be fast. Wait here," I said and then greeted when I left the bedroom. I headed to the car that was parked on the yard in front of our house and then took my way to Park's house. I had no plans of what to do there or what exactly happened. I only knew Baekhyun was going crazy and that Park was stupid to help. 

In only minutes I parked my car in front of a white house, next to Chanyeol's car. I always found his car dazing. It was a whole machine, big, dark, monsterous, just Chanyeol's style. His and Baekhyun's house was actually Chanyeol father's house, but he rarely came to live here, since he had a high position in army and a lot of work. I liked their house a lot. It was just the right size and comfty. Last days it gave me a bad feeling as I knew my friend was here with a guy that was destroying his heart. It was only strange that Chanyeol called me, but it didn't look like anyone was awake. Through the windows I saw no lights and after all everything was quiet. I expected them to fight or something, but it was deadly quiet. 

I had a weird feeling like I missed a house or two, but as I was here multiple times before I still went to the front door to enter. A sensor made one light turn on, giving me light to see in the dark night. I didn't know whether to just enter or ring the bell, but since it was deadly here I decided to end the silence and rang the bell. 

In a while I got no answer, but still decided to go inside, finding the front door unlocked. 

I entred the hallway that was fully dark, not showing a bit of life here. I lights and revealed my way to the house, but found nobody.

"Chanyeol?! Baekhyun?!" I called through the silence, hoping to get an answer. It was quiet and made me confused. "Pft- they might be dead somewhere already," I cracked a dead joke as I didn't like how quiet the house was.

"We are upstairs!" I finally heard Chanyeol's deep voice. I sighed in reliev and took my way upstairs. It was dark there too and I didn't mind turning on more lights. Only when I was on the top of the staircase I found Chanyeol on the shorter hallway. 

He looked at me with his dark eyes, mad and full of hatred. As he was much taller and builded than me. He scared me, but I hated him too much to show him my feelings. I only gazed at him in the darkness. I noticed red lines of blood flowing down his forehead and face, making him look like he just fought for his life.

"He is in the bedroom," Chanyeol said, making me creep out, but he didn't move. I took my way past him to get into the room, taking my last glance at Chanyeol as he acted in a weird way. 

I entred a even darker room, complaining in my head as they didn't even think of turning on lights.  I didn't know what to expect as I entred the darkness. I found a switch on the wall and the room came into life. First thing that caught my eye was Baekhyun, hugging his knees on the floor with his head lowered. 

"Baekhyun?" I hurried to his side and placed a hand on his shoulder. he looked up at me with his eyes, red from the long night and suffer he felt. I found a stain of blood on his shirt, noticing his cuts on his arm, flowing with fresh blood. He was pale and looked sick, tired from everything. His white hair only made him more dead.

The room was messed. Sheets on the bed carelessly lay on the bed and there was a night lamp broken on the floor. Also white bandages which were soaked in blood. 

"What happened here?" I asked, while checking him from the top to bottom. "Let's move from here," I said and Baekhyun didn't argue. I helped him get off the floor and then sat him down onto the bed.

"He ed everything again," Baekhyun complained as I took his arm to check the wounds. 

"How? Didn't he say he will make everything work well again?" I wondered, but my focus was mostly on his arm.

"Yes, he said it, but is too stupid to think and make it come true! He just knows how to others and forgets who he should be caring about!" Baekhyun stormed madly. He was talking with pain in his voice, tossing his suffer out of him.

"He will pay for it, but right now you should calm down. After all you shouldn't have cut. You are not worth suffering because of that jerk," I said an then stood up to get medicine for him. 

As I came back he told me more about what happened before I came. He was mad over Chanyeol and obviously ready to kill him, but at the same time that panick and anger made him struggle with breathing and he kept loosing his mind. I decided it was better for him to calm down than to argue about how ty Chanyeol was. 

He let me clean his arm until he was free from the blood, but then stopped me as I pulled out bandages. He shook his head as he saw them.

"I don't want that. It just makes me feel wrong," Baekhyun protested. I couldn't force him into it, so I nodded and then placed the bandages down. At last I insisted with painkillers and after a few grunts he agreed to it too. 

"You better rest. I will go deal with Park," I said and stood up from the bed. Baekhyun kept his look on the ground. He was upset from the past even and I guessed the painkillers got effect on him. I knew they wouldn't heal his broken heart, but at least he would be safe from that outer pain. He slowly nodded and on that I left him with a kind greeting.

It was even easy dealing with Baekhyun. Chanyeol could help him himself if he knew how to, but unfortunatelly it was easier waking me up and bothering me.

Once I was outside the room I headed downstairs and for a moment thought of leaving. I hated seeing Chanyeol and now when I knew Baekhyun was alright I could just go home to Jongin. It was a much better option than argue with Chanyeol, but at the same time I had to set things down with Chanyeol. I was not up to fight with him, because it would change nothing between the two of them.

I found him in a living room. He sat on the couch with his arms crossed and looked down in front of him madly. He was screaming with anger and his eyes were on fire. On the side of his face there was dried blood, making him look like he just came from war. 

I took my way towards him and then stopped in front of him. He didn't look up, but ignored me completly, keeping his level of anger where it was. 

"Would you explain what happened?" I asked and then got myself a chair to sit in front of Chanyeol on the couch. 

"Baekhyun can't stand seeing me, that's all," Chanyeol muttered, still looking away. 

"Because of who, huh?!" I sighed. The answer was obvious. It was him who made Baekhyun act this way and it was only him to blame. 

"He could accept me sometimes! I can't get him back if he kepts avoiding me and freaking out every ing time I touch him," he complained. 

"It's all his choice of what you can do with him. If he doesn't want you to touch him, you don't touch him. Doesn't want you to speak with him, don't speak with him. If he doesn't want to be with you, let him leave, for gods sake!" I said and slid my hand though my black hair. 

"We have a deal. 8 days and he can leave," Chanyeol argued.

"Why did Baekhyun cut?" I aksed, changing the topic. Chanyeol hesitated at first, but at last he spoke up.

"Jihyun came...." he started. The news surprised me and only made me more mad, but I decided to stay quiet and listen to the whole story. "She came and talked with Baekhyun at first. I don't know what they told each other. They- they wanted me to choose between them too- and I- hesitated. It made Baekhyun mad and kind of kicked me out with Jihyun. Once I came back home Baekhyun was already unconscious with that cuts," Chanyeol explained.

"I knew he looked worse than the last time I saw him! He was unconscious! And man, can't you settle your mind and go for one. Its horrible that you hesitated. You can't help yourself and your relationship if your heart is somewhere else," I got mad. He was making so many stupid mistakes that it made me go crazy. It was obvious why Baekhyun was like that, but Chanyeol was just too stubborn to admit it. "Then what happened when you left with Jihyun?!" I asked. 

"You wouldn't belive me if I told you that I sent her off. I am done with her. It doesn't matter whether you belive or not," he rolled with his eyes.

"That's true," I smirked. I also didn't belive that he could make Baekhyun love again and for sure that love he gave Baekhyun was partly somewhere else. it was with Jihyun.

"Why did Baekhyun freak out then? He was unconscious, but what was the reason?" I asked and saw Chanyeol hesitate on it. He avoided my look and tried to find excuse.

"I-I just- uh- wanted- he had nightmares- and- I-" he kept cracking. I didn't undertand any of his words, but other way it made sense. I saw what he did just from his grunts and I went into shock again.

"You slept next to him, didn't you?!" my eyes went wide as I thought about it. Chanyeol didn't react, but just shrugged at it. "You ing ! You dare sleep with him while Baekhyun can't even see you around! You are the one crazy. No wonder he freaked out! Stop pulling blame off you because its only your fault. I would act this way too. No mater how much you want him or his attention, you can't force him into anything!" I growled madly at him.

"He could react other way, not nearly kill me!" he tried to protest.

"I would kill you sooner! He was even gentle with you!" I shook my head. On that the taller one leaned forward to me on the couch and then poinet at his bloody side of his face. He looked at me madly and his other hand was clenched into a fist.

"Look what he did! How am I supposed to work if he will beat me up everytime I try moving on with him!" he stormed in reply.

"It suits you to be honest. You deserve it!" I said and got a groan from the other one.

I hated how their relationship broke, but it was even worse to see it end so slowly. Next 8 days were going to be torturing for Baekhyun and next to Chanyeol he was going to suffer even more. It was only 4th day and he was ready to die. It would be all easier if both gave up and went their ways alone. Since I knew Chanyeol wouldn't let it end that fast I had to try helping other ways. I only wanted to make it easier for Baekhyun in this 8 days.

"You shouldn't rush with him. He needs his time and you better give him what he needs. You better not do what he doesn't like or is not comfortable with. Do what you are supposed to do." I said more calmly now.

"I only have 8 days. How am I supposed to wait for him?!" he asked desperately.

"I don't know. It's your problem," I shrugged and gave up on helping him. 

"Thanks for nothing," he hissed at me. 

"Maybe... Someone should show a up your and you would understand Baekhyun's position," I laughed as I cracked another joke.

"That's on my to-do-list now," Chanyeol joked in reply. 

I stood up from the chair again as I had no more to ask and wanted to leave as soon as possible. I was tired and Chanyeol and Baekhyun's relatisonship only made me annoyed and pissed off. I walked to the kitchen where I got a clean paper wipes and then I made them wet under the water. I returned to the living room with them. Chanyeol was still on the couch, not willing to stand up and do somehing useful. He got confused as he saw me aproaching him.

"Don't move," I said and shot him a serious look to make sure he wasn't going to fight me. Before he could say anyting I got a hold of his head and then I pressed the wet wipes on his wound on forehead. He groaned at it, jumping a bit, but I kept him in place. I tried to get that blood off him, but later I told him to hold the wipes himself.

He nodded and on that I was ready to go. I didn't have anything else to take care of and I wasn't going to hand around with Chanyeol any longer. 

"Clean yourself. You better not show infront of Bakehyun with that ugly face that you hold rigt now and behave! Don't make me come again, unles Baekhuyn asked," I said and then I took my way out of the house. Chanyeol did thank me for coming, but I just rolled my eyes as I still didn't like him and his acting . I was not going to be nice with him even if he was so good to me. At least he greeted a goodbye and I muttered something between greeting and cursing. 

It was going to be a long night for both of them, but I felt like I just made it better and a bit lighter. I hoped that they wouldn't argue on and just get along soon, other way I hoped they would end soon and Bakehyun would be free from Chanyeol and his bad actions. 

The other way I hoped that Chanyeol would listen and let their relationship heal slowly even though he got very little time. I didn't want Baekhyun to be forced into anything.



Okay, okay how do you like it? What do you think will happen next? 

Got some free time today since my biology competition is being cancelled bc of corona (ah so much studying for nothing)

Take care everyone, subscribe, upvote, comment and enjoy your day! I LOVE YOU MY FRIENDS!

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Oh my, it hurts me to see everyone giving up on my fanfiction. I am sorry


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
Chapter 27: wow nice story
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 27: Congratulations on completing the story.
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 27: Looool loved the ending. Am so happy for them.
LovelyYS #5
Chapter 26: I can't believe this end of chapter "Completed". Your story is amazing. Thank you!
Ventimiglia #6
Chapter 27: Glad for the happy ending ❤
atia1412 #7
Chapter 27: His office that was never there since beginning ^^ I love this chapter, it's so satisfying. And they're married!! TT thanks for the updateee
Chapter 27: I love the ending. Let's just hope no one finds General Parks office while they are in there.
Beau1996 1378 streak #9
Chapter 27: Super cute - the phantom office returns!! Thanks for this sequel - very satisfying 😁
Beau1996 1378 streak #10
Chapter 26: (sniffing and teary-eyed) I love happy endings waaaah!!💕💕😍