Falling apart...?

Chanyeol pov

Day 10

I was late when I realized that Baekhyun was nowhere around me and a wave of worry splashed over me. I didn't see a bit of him around and I was sure that he was here just a second ago. This could mean only one thing. I immediately dived under the water and looked for the smaller one. It took me long to finally see the small and limp figure fall further into the depths of the water. He didn't move or fight the water, just fell in silence like a dead body, all pale and bleak. I feared for the worst to happen. I dived to him, grabbed him aroung his chest and pulled him up to air. 

I found him unconscious, his head falling to the side and not breathing. I shook him and kept his head out of the water, but it was useless since he didn't breathe anyway. I tried to make him breathe and show any signs of life, but there was nothing from him.

"BAEKHYUN!!!" I screamed in fear and immediatelly swam to the shore. I had to do something to get him back and this was impossible to do in water. It took me a long time to reach the land again. 

I laid the smallers weak body to the sand and checked for any sign of breating again, but there was nothing. He was all pale and not a flinch came from him. I was trembling horribly, but I knew I had to focus now. 

"Someone call the ambulance!" I called out for anyone and luckily people around noticed what was happening. I focused on the smaller one again and thought back to what to do. For a moment I forgot all that I learned in the university about saving someone from drowning or how to help someone who was unconscious and not breathing. First I made sure that there was no water that would prevent him from breathing, but then I had to make him breathe too. Whithout thinking I started to do the 5 rescue breaths that they taught me in the university.

I locked my mouth with the smaller ones and hoped for him to wake up and and breathe himself. I was afraid that my effort would not be enough to wake him up. After 5th inhales in his mouth I checked him again, but he reminded the same as before. 

"B-Baekhyun please!" I pleaded with trembling voice. I placed both my hands on the centre of his chest and went over him on my knees, praying for this to work. I started with CPR and pushed my hands down onto his chest. After 7 pushes I felt Baekhyun's first rib break, but it didn't make me stop. I kept pushing and prayed that he would wake up and breathe. It took peoples attention but I didn't care of them. It was only Baekhyun in my mind right now.

"Baekhyun, please. Please, wake up. Breathe," I chanted along all the time. 

It felt like forever when the smaller one finally gasped up for air and coughed. Coming back to life. My fears were gone and I couldn't help but pull the smaller one into a hug. He whined at it, but that was all he got out of him. It was only then that I realised that he out again, but still breathed. A man pushed me away from Baekhyun and I realised it was an ambulance that arrived. 

I was forced to back away as they took care of the smaller one. Someone questioned me what had happened, but I couldn't get out my words. It was too big shock for me to speak up. In some time they pushed the smaller one into a van, all secured and were ready to leave for the hospital, but I stopped them.

"W-Wait I am his boyfriend- I need to go with you!" I nearly screamed, afraid to leave him with them. 

"Only family members," one of the crew said and then the door were shut in front of me and they took off, sirens screaming and making their way away from me. There were some people trying to comfort me, but I didn't listen to them. I ran away from the sea and to my car that was parked in front of the hotel. I only put on a dry shirt before taking my way behind the ambulance van and to the hospital. 

I came late as they already took Baekhyun to the hospital room for checkup. A nuruse told me to wait in a waiting room. I ended up waiting for hours for them to take care of the smaller one. I was constantly sorrounded with my fears and thoughts of what possibly could happen to him. 

Somewhere near 3 in the afternoon a doctor came for me and told me that they ended with his checkup and that I could go and see Baekhyun. The doctor showed me the way and then we entred a small room with bed on which the smaller was asleep. There were machines beeping around him, but it didn't seem like it bothered him. It made me sick to see him still pale, breathing slowly, but only with an oxygen mask on. They had changed his clothes into light blue ones and cleaned him from the sea water that he was covered with before. I was trembling to see him so weak, not even knowing what was wrong with him.

"It seems like he fell unconscious while swimming, because of the infection that he has on his chest. He should have seen the doctor immediately after finding the wound. It surely didn't appear in water," the doctor started, but I didn't know what he was talking about. Each of his words only made me more confused.

"Wait, an infection? Wound? What are you talking about?" I questioned and he noticed that I didn't know anything about that. 

"So you didn't know about his wounds?" the doctor rised an eyebrow.

"No!" I answered immediately.

The doctor quickly eyed me from the top to bottom, like looking for a sign on me. I didn't understand what he meant and my cluessness was beating me. The doctor sighed and slowly stepped to Baekhyun's side and took a hold of the smallers blouse that he got here. He carefully unbottoned it and it fell to the side of the smaller's body. There was a big cotton patch on his side of the chest. The doctor removed it too and found the other side of the patch covered in dark red colour, blood. I felt dizzy when I saw the painfull side of the smallers chest. There were ugly, swollen and glowing red wounds that trailed down his side like red lines, parting his skin. The wounds didn't bleed, but it seemed like they were screaming to hurt the other one. 

"It must be some days old wound. I am sure it was not something that would cut into him in water," he said once Baekhyun's chest appeared in front of my eyes. 

"Do you have any ideas from where this could be?" the doctor questioned me. I knew. But I didn't want to admit it. I didn't want it to be true, but looking at the wounds it was no way this was anything else. I didn't feel well. I felt sick at the thought of how this wounds appeared on Baekhyun's chest. I didn't want it to be true. It was too bad to be true. I looked away from the smaller's chest and did a step away. I sighed loudly and burried my face in my hands as I feared that I really was right of what Baekhyun did. I was on the point where my view got blurred and a headache took me. 

"He- He- self harmed- again-" I choked out the painful words. The doctor sighed at it and covered the smallers chest again. He noticed my position right now and handed me a water bottle to clear my mind.

"I guessed so too. I was dangerous to wait so long with the infection and sea water didn't help it too. It's a miracle that he made it out so well," he told me, but I saw no good in this. I was caught in my own thoughts.

He self harmed. Why? He said he wouldn't hurt himself. It is my fault that I let him stay in that bathroom and cut. I was only sitting there while he was suffering. Why didn't he tell me about it? Why did he lie?

"What is so good in this? He has infection and lies here unconscuous! He nearly drowned and you tell me that he got it all well!" I got mad. 

"He is not unconscious. I put him in sleep because of all the pain. He will wake up in some hours," he told me. I sighed in reliev and then stared on at the smaller ones pale body.

"Is there anything else beside the infection?" I asked and the doctor nodded.

"He had got 2 broken ribs from the CPR, but this will heal eventually. It should take some time for him to recover fully, so I would suggest for him just to move less and rest. I would tell you to keep him away from self harm too. The infection might appear again if he continues this way," he told me.

"Y-Yes, I will try my best. T-Thank you doctor," I said and shook his hand. "Can I stay here till he wakes up?" I asked at last.

"Of course. We are done with our work. There will only be a nuruse to check on him every so," he said and soon I was in the room alone with Baekhyun.

I sat down on a chair next to the bed on which Baekhyun's sleeping body was. I took the smaller's hand in mine and careded it with my thumb. His hand was all cold and so pale, that I felt like he was fading away from me. 

I hated it to sit here, while we should have been enjoying our time on a beach and the trip. It was making me furious to see us here now. It was not pleasant at all. Instead of love kisses and cuddles with Baekhyun I got everything that I ever wanted. Having him on a hospital bed made me sick. I only wanted him to be healthy and happy like he deserves to be.

He had cut. I put blame on myself for his cuts. I could stop him when he closed himself in the bathroom and this would never ever even happen, but here he was with this ugly cuts on himself. I was stupid to wait and just sit there till he came out. I knew he was not locked in the bathroom just to cry himself out, but I just ignored the horrible thought and belived the lies that were given to me.

I didn't hate Baekhyun for lying to me. I understood how he felt that moment and I belived it was hard for him to just speak out about it. However I wished he trusted me and told me what bothered him. It could end better if he told me of his cuts. I wouldn't force him to swim and he wouldn't have gotten infected, yet he went into water even thought it burned and hurt his wounds. Nothing of this would happen if he just told me everything from the start. 

It made me realise how much he tricked me with his lies. At first I thought he didn't harm himself at all. Second I took him to the seaside and after the kiss we shared he fell into water. He didn't tell me that it was his wounds hurting and just pushed me away. The next day he told us to wear shirts to avoid sun, but now I knew that he did it only to cover himself from my eyes. He didn't want me to know what he did. He didn't tell me of his pain in the water as we swam away into depths and even resisted until it was too late and he out. 

I hated to know what was happening all this time and that he did all this just to get away from me. 

"Baekhyun, please," I quietly whispered. "Please, anything I ever wanted, was for you to stay safe. I will do anything that it takes for you to be in good hands. I-I love you too much to see you suffer this way," I shut my eyes close and felt tears gather in my eyes. I leaned down to Baekhyun's hand and carefully lied a kiss on it. "I love you."



Well, Baekhyun will be in trouble later :) Chan be mad for lying. 

Guys I noticed that this story has super little upvotes. So is it just that this fanfiction is ty or do you guys just don't know how to upvote? Upvote now!

There will probably be no updates till friday, coz I got a important competition coming, sooo.... Studying

I love you all though~

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Oh my, it hurts me to see everyone giving up on my fanfiction. I am sorry


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
Chapter 27: wow nice story
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 27: Congratulations on completing the story.
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 27: Looool loved the ending. Am so happy for them.
LovelyYS #5
Chapter 26: I can't believe this end of chapter "Completed". Your story is amazing. Thank you!
Ventimiglia #6
Chapter 27: Glad for the happy ending ❤
atia1412 #7
Chapter 27: His office that was never there since beginning ^^ I love this chapter, it's so satisfying. And they're married!! TT thanks for the updateee
Chapter 27: I love the ending. Let's just hope no one finds General Parks office while they are in there.
Beau1996 1379 streak #9
Chapter 27: Super cute - the phantom office returns!! Thanks for this sequel - very satisfying 😁
Beau1996 1379 streak #10
Chapter 26: (sniffing and teary-eyed) I love happy endings waaaah!!💕💕😍