Falling apart...?

Baekhyun pov

Day 5

That night I didn't sleep much. I was mad and hurt again. The thoughts of Chanyeol with Jihyun were killing me, making my mind go crazy. I just started beliving that we might even be together again, but as soon as this thoughts came they disappeared. I wasn't able to sleep in the bed next to him and after everything he finally told me where he was with that girl. I hated him for this. I was burning from anger.

Chanyeol's car was uncomfortable to sleep. It was cold and dark and not really the softest surface to sleep on. I ended up looking out at the street lights for the rest of the night, hoping that the sunlight would come up soon.

Right after the sun started rising I left Chanyeol's car. I didn't mind going inside to get anything, but I took my way away from the house and headed to Kyungsoo's home. I didn't want to be home anymore and I needed some support at the moment. I was sure Kyungsoo wouldn't have a problem with me at his house... Hopefully.... But I had nowhere else to hide. 

I walked on the streets, still in my night clothes, which were actually just a black t-shirt and shorts, which I decided to use for sleep. Nobody would think it was used as my pyjama so I didn't change. I didn't want to enter the house again, knowing that Chanyeol was there.

I came to Kyungsoo's house in some time. It took me longer since I walked here, but I didn't mind it. I expected him to be still asleep, but as soon as I rang the bell the door of the house opened. 

It wasn't Kyungsoo who opened, but Jongin, Kyungsoo's boyfriend. 

"Baekhyun! You punk, how are you?!" he greeted. he obviously knew I was at the door as he didn't bother to put on a shirt or at least pants. He just came to the front door in his underwear and got me in a hug. I have seen him this way multiple times, since we were in the same unit at the campus, worked together and we were frends after all, but this scene just made me blush for some reason. 

"Jongin, you are a bit too confident about your body. However... Can I be here for a bit?" I asked. Jongin let me out of a hug and looked at me with cofusion. 

"Well yeah. I don't mind you. Come in," Jongin said and let me enter. I liked Jongin's and Kyungsoo's house very much. It was small, but cosy and nice. It was nice cleaned and things were well organised around the house. 

"Where is Kyungsoo?" I asked and glared at Jongin who now walked to their livingroom.

"Oh, he is upstairs. He wanted to get dressed before seeing you, so he should be here soon...." he said right as Kyungsoo entred the room. He had on a bright blue tshirt, with black patches and denim shorts that were actually pretty much girl like. It was one of my and Kyungsoo's hobbies now 'trying on some girly things....'. Asside from this, Jongin found it y and attractive. Chanyeol didn't seem to be affected by it yet.....

"Baekhyun you alright? I know you wouldn't show up just without reason, so speak up. What happened?" Kyungsoo said before even greeting  me, but still giving me a soft hug. I hesitated at first and just looked around like trying to get words. 

"Umm... I slept in a car somehow," I said and a gasp came from Kyungsoo.

"With Chanyeol?!" He said like it was a sin.

"What? No! But I was in a car because of him," I said, noticing how Kyungsoo relaxed a bit. "I didn't want to sleep in the bed, because.... He brought her there," I explained the situation to them.

"He's a , we know it. Baekhyun relax okay. You are welcome here any time whenever that guy is bothering you," Jongin said, surprising me of his calm attitude. His relationship with Chanyeol wasn't so close, but I knew that if Chanyeol and Jongin met again, they would kill each other. Even though Jongin was acting calm, Kyungsoo told me he was furious when he first heard of Chanyeol cheating. He probably just accepted the fact, while Kyungsoo kept being mad and couldn't be as calm as his boyfriend. 

"Let's just do something. I don't want to think of him anymore," I sighed and glared at Jongin. "Would you go dress up Jongin?" I nodded at him and remnded him that he as still only in his underwear. 

"Kyungsoo is not complaing..." Jongin marked and smirked at his boyfriend. 

"For gods sake, go dress!" Kyungsoo rolled with his eyes and on that Jongin's shoulders fell down and he walked out of the room with no other words, obeying the other one immediately. As Jongin left Kyungsoo spoke again.

"I still got some of your clothes! You could wear them now instead of this floppy clothes," he suggested.

"What's wrong with these?!" I complained. It was only my night clothes and it didn't even loook that bad.

"I don't like them and I want to see some of you in something fancier..." Kyungsoo said and once again hurried away from the room. I followed him to his bedroom, where he kept another bag of clothes that I and him bought. 

"You know I came only to get away from that Park... I don't want to bother and I am alright with just sitting in the living room or something-" I got interupted by Kyungsoo handing me some clothes and making me quiet.

"You wear this and then come show up... Don't spend time," he said and before I could complain the bedroom's doors were shut close and I had no choice but to try the clothes that I got.

In my hands I found denim shorts, that surely wouldn't cover my thighs, hopefully my will be covered... Then I found a white t-shirt with a black net on the back. It was kyungsoo's choice and I knew he was not going to let me out of the room without these clothes on. 

I could only sigh and put on clothes. It all fit me prfectly, but it was a new style that me and Kyungsoo were trying on and I felt very embarrassed to have them on. As I left the room and walked into the living room I found my bestfriend and his boyfriend waiting for me. My cheeks heat up as I appeared in front of them.

"Hell yeah! You look awesome!" Kyungsoo commented right away and walked towards me. "You should have this kind of clothes all the time! Park should be fainting for you!" 

"I don't think he will like it that much..." I commented. I tried some lot of my new clothes and non of them seemed to affect Chanyeol. Everytime I felt like he didn't like it or that it bothered him, so I went back to my usual style that was calmer and normal.

"You look stunning Baekhyun, I see no point why Chan wouldn't like you in this," Jongin said and patted my shoulder. 
"Thanks bro," I said and sighed, still feeling a bit sad of how Chanyeol didn't even notice some things on me and ignored most. Maybe I am just not trying hard enough.... I thought to myself.

Kyungsoo made me eat breakfast and then we spent our time just talking and trying to find anything to satisfy ourselves. It was fun and Jongin too was a big support fot me. He and Kyungsoo did their best to keep the energy up.

A door bell surprised us as we were chatting with tv on and enjoying our time. Kyungsoo went to open the front door while me and Jongin just chilled on and weren't bothered to pay the person that came any attention. 

"Baekhyun... ummm..." Kyungsoo spoke up as he came back to the room in some time. "It's Park.... And he is asking for you. Can I tell him you aren't here? I don't want you to leave now," he said with hope, but his shoulders dropped when I shook my head.

"I am going with him. Don't worry about me, I will make it just fine," I said and stood up from the couch. "Thank you both for letting me be here, it really helped me clear my mind," I gave a hug to both of them.

"You are always welcome here, Baek," Jongin said as I headed to the door to leave the living room and then headed to the front door that were wide open. Outside Chanyeol waited with me with a smile. I felt confused to see him that happy after what happened at night and for some reason I felt like he did something, but I couldn't think of what it could be. 

Even though he only had on blank oversized t-shirts and pants he always looked stunning, which I envied him. I wished I could look that good all the time, but with my luck I only looked dead after 5 minutes shorter sleep than usual.

For some reason my heart raced up at seeing him. The thing that didn't happen to me for a long while now. I soon started to cringe at my racing heartbeat and did a deep breath to calm down. I reminded myself of what Chanyeol really did to me and I shouldn't be falling for him again, only if I wanted to be hurt again.

I walked to him and for the last time glanced back at Kyungsoo and Jongin who just watched me leave. I sighed and then came only a step away from Chanyeol, feeling somehow sick to think of how I was going to go home again and feel that disgust for the whole house. He brought her in the house and I felt dirty to be in it. I let out a sigh again and pushed all the negative feelings away. 

"What's that now. Did you just get asthma or something. Stop sighing like that or I will seriously drive you up to see a doctor," Chanyeol commented my too many sighs. I smiled at it a bit for no real reason. 

"I would rather die than see a doctor again and you know it. You better not lead me there, coz I am going to hate you then," I stomped past him and headed to the big brown car that was parked a bit away from us. 

"Okay sorry, I give you my word, I am not forcing you in any doctor things, but if you sigh one more time I am going to kiss you," he jumped into the car and belted himself.

"Only in your dream, I am not kissing you again," I muttered and sat down on the passengers seat, looking out of the window. Cars engine started and in only moments we were on a road to our house. I wasn't bothered by the silence between me and the big guy. I just focused on what was happening outside until I fell into my own mind and started to daydreaming.

I had some lot of mood switches today and it was starting to get tiring. Yesterday I wished to at least sleep in the same bed as Chanyeol, maybe get along with him. I ended up mad and left him again. This feelings of madness however were mixed with lust for some love again. I wanted to be with Chanyeol again. For so long now I slept alone with those nightmares attacking me every night that I was slowly getting sick of it. I wished to just go back to normal again. I was ready to sleep in the same bed with the taller one, but it seemed like it was not the time yet. 

" this," I cursed over my mind for thinking this way. From all the mess I was going mad. I can't go back to normal ever! No! He hurt me too much! I tried to convince myself in settling my mind and once again I pushed all the thoughts to the back of my head.

"What was that for?" I heard Chanyeol ask and snap me completly out of my mind. I glared at him confused. I didn't even ralise that I cursed out loudly. In realisation I covered my mouth and gasped.

"I- I didn't- mean to...." I said quietly, still wonderind how I could daydream so much to not know what was real and what was my mind. 

"I see someone is not as focused as usually. What is bothering you Baekhyun?" he glared at the side and leaned a bit to the side. 

"It's nothing really...." I said and tried to get a bit distance between us. Chanyeol however shook his head at it.

"I don't think you would curse for no reason," he commented. 

"Now its you bothering me," I said and crossed my arms. 
"Fine, let's go inside," he just ignored my comment and parked the car in front of out house. I followed him inside and once again got a weird feeling, which I couldn't describe. I couldn't do anything about the feeling, but to ignore it and force myself in entring the house. I noticed Chanyeol smiling again, someone knock this smile off his face please. 

Inside I put off my shoes and headed further in the house and decided to enter the living room. I was disgusted by my bedroom now, since I knew that Jihyun was there too. Even though she was in the living room too I felt a bit more comfortable than in the bedroom.

Just as I entred the room I freezed. For a moment I just stared in front of me, my jaw hanging off me. On the place where stood our couch was now a new one, in black leather, shining. I couldn't belive Chanyeol just bought this new one in so short time without me knowing.

Chanyeol appeared at my side, his smile wide and proud. Some moments passed in silence for me to process what I was seeing. I didn't know what to say and just looked from the couch to Chanyeol's smiling face.

"Chan.... Explain..." I choked out of me and gazed at the taller one. He cleared his throat and made himself more serious to speak.

"It's a new couch," he said proudly. 

"I know this, but why is it here?!" I snapped at him. I was not mad or something, but I felt confused. The filthy piece of furniture was finally out of the house and it kind of made me feel good and relieved.

"You didn't want it in here anymore so I decided to get rid of it and get a new one. I only did what you wanted," he explained.

"Umm... This means... That- the bed-" I started awkwardly but didn't want to give myself too much of hopes. Chanyeol ended for me instead.

"Yes, there is a new bed too. Go check it yourself," he nodded. I didn't hesitate and took my way upstairs, noticing that the taller one followed me. For some rason I didn't feel bothered by him next to me and even liked the fact that he was around me.

For the second time today my jaw hung down and I ended up numb to do anything in shock. Bedroom was just the same, but the bed that was facing the front wall was now completly new. It was in black colour with striped, black white and grey sheets. There were even two new night lamps on dark wooden drawers. Chanyeols lamp got destroyed when I hit him with it, but mine was still alright. Even though my lamp was fine he changed it to match his. I took some moments to clear my mind again and then finally turned to look at the taller one. 

"You bought this. It's too much Chanyeol. You shouldn't-" I got cut off by him.

"Nothing is too much. At least not now, you deserve so much more. I will get you a completly new house if it bothers you, but just don't leave me. I want to give you so much more than just things that can be bought Baekhyun. I am sorry for yesterday and whatever I did before," he said with his deep voice. I looked down at the floor for a moment and got lost in my thoughts for a moment. I felt warmth spread out in me, making me smile. 

"Thank you," I said confidently and looked up again. 

I ment it for real. It wasn't forced and I felt more positive after it. It however made me a bit sad when Chanyeol patted my shoulder and then turned to leave me in the room. I didn't really want him to leave and acted. 
"Stay here," I said quickly and got a glare from the taller one.

"Mm? I didn't catch that?" he got confused and waited for me to explain my saying.

"Just stay here. Or you can go if you want, but I would kind of want a bit of a company here. You worked hard and I think you don't have to sleep downstairs anymore, so why not stay here," I shrugged and tried to force my blushing away.

Chanyeol's smile went wide up and in just a moment I felt my cheeks burning, failing in keeping blushing away. 

"But...." I started again. "I get to jump on the bed first," I said happily and immediately got a nod from Chanyeol. I didn't hesitate anymore and ran straight to the bed. Just a few steps away I jumped and landed on my back, messing the new sheets and feeling the soft fabric of the bed. I loved it to be on the bed, but then panick took over me. 

A tank of Chanyeol landed just an inch away from me and made me yelp away. 

", you are trying to burry me here now. I love the bed, Chan. It's awesome," I said laughing and then I lied down propperly and made myself comfortable. Chanyeol crawled to his side and lied down on his side so he was facing me and looked at me for a moment. It was in the middle of the day, but I could spend years here. 

"You know, what I love more than this bed? I love you. You are awesome," he said quietly and kept his eyes on mine. I fell quiet at this words. I didn't have anything to tell him in reply and after all I still didn't feel like really loving him again. I sighed and turned to the other side to grab a book and ended the awkward position I was put into.

"You are sighing again. Warned you that I will kiss you if I hear sighs again," Chanyeol reminded me and laughed. I frowned and pointed a finger at him.

"You are not kissing me. Kiss the pillow or something," I said with my serious tune. The other one really burried his face in the pillow for a kiss. I rolled with my eyes and opened the book that I got to read. I glared at the taller one next to me and noticed that he fell asleep in only a second like passing out. His eyes were now shut and body relaxed fully. We both were still in our clothes worn through the day, but I was not bothered by it. 

"Sleep well, Chan," I smiled weakly at the sight of the sleepy boy next to me. I missed this kind of relationship with him. It was killing me to be rough with him and something was forcing me to just stay with him even though he hurt me this way. I missed him horribly, but it was not the time to give myself to him again. I feared to get hurt again.



Guys don't give up on this fanfiction. It will end well.

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Oh my, it hurts me to see everyone giving up on my fanfiction. I am sorry


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
Chapter 27: wow nice story
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 27: Congratulations on completing the story.
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 27: Looool loved the ending. Am so happy for them.
LovelyYS #5
Chapter 26: I can't believe this end of chapter "Completed". Your story is amazing. Thank you!
Ventimiglia #6
Chapter 27: Glad for the happy ending ❤
atia1412 #7
Chapter 27: His office that was never there since beginning ^^ I love this chapter, it's so satisfying. And they're married!! TT thanks for the updateee
Chapter 27: I love the ending. Let's just hope no one finds General Parks office while they are in there.
Beau1996 1379 streak #9
Chapter 27: Super cute - the phantom office returns!! Thanks for this sequel - very satisfying 😁
Beau1996 1379 streak #10
Chapter 26: (sniffing and teary-eyed) I love happy endings waaaah!!💕💕😍