Falling apart...?

Chanyeol pov

Day 11

The day was just fine until Baekhyun misteriously didn't come back from the grocery store. I was sure that he mentioned going there and nowhere else, yet he spent more than two hours now. I lost track of time with my own work and didn't notice that he was gone for longer than he should. With all this general papers and lists that I had to do in the holidays I found myself too distracted to notice him missing. It was the doorbell that snapped me out of trans.

Once I found out how late it was I cursed over myself and rushed down to open the door.

"Baekhyun, you know it's open. Why are you ringing?" I said and swung the door open. I got shocked as it was not Baekhyun in front of the door, but Jihyun. My eyes widened and I got nervous at the sight of her, however she looked completly calm. She was in shorts all exposed and I could see Baekhyun wearing the same kind of outfit as her. Her crop top showed her white skin and accesories shining in the summer sun. She didn't affect me anymore. I didn't care of her. It was only Baekhyun to be admired for me and nobody else so I looked at her eyes only. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked rudely. I didn't think to be polite now. We were done and I didn't want to mess with her anymore. 

"Thank you for greeting. I want to talk to you," she said and crossed her arms. Her pointed look was burning in me and I felt like something was going to be very wrong. I hesitated at first, but still let her enter the house and lead to the living room. She took a seat down on the couch, examing it as it was new, but she didn't question anything about it. 

"What do you want?" I asked and didn't want to spend a second of my time. I didn't mean to have a nice talk and tea with her. 

"You could at least act with me normaly and not act like a jerk with me now. You will have to change that attitude of yours, because I don't think it will be good for us," she said and only made me confused. I shook my head and then looked at her madly. 

"What?! First of all you don't need any of my caring and I can act with you as I want. You are not wanted guest here, so don't act like one. Tell the important and don't confuse me, because it is making me annoyed," I growled lowly. I probably shouldn't be so so sooo rude, but at the moment I really didn't want her in front of my eyes.

"I am pregnant, Chanyeol," she said and a fist buried into my chest. I stared at her in shock, suddenly feeling like all air was out of me and made me let out a choked sound of surprise. I didn't want to hear more. I didn't want it to be true.

"N-No, you- you aren't," I shook my head. I hoped that she would start laughing and tell me that she was joking or that it was April 1st, or something, but she reminded serious. Her look told me that she really was pregnant. 

"I am pregnant and you are the father. Now you better get yourself together, because there is a baby waiting for you to take care of! Be a decent father and stop treating me like ," she said and crossed her hands. 

I had to sit down on that and for a moment I covered my face with my hands, sighing loudly and grunting. How this was possible or how it happened I didn't know. It couldn't possibly be, but here she was and insisted that she carried my child. My eyes suddenly snapped up at this and I looked at her as an idea popped in my mind.

"I should treat you well?" I rised a eyebrow. "Why would I do that?!" I asked just as I was stupid. She rolled with her eyes and hissed at me.

"It is your child! How can you be like this?! You will treat me like and animal or something? How cruel are you?!" 

"I do care of the child, but why would I care of you?" I asked on. I was still in shock and all my words really made no sense. I didn't even feel conection with her anymore and to be honest the kid didn't give me any special feelings too. I didn't feel excited, but more troubled. I only felt pressure.

"I am the kids mother and I guess you still have the heart to be with me!" she said with her pitchy voice.

"Bull. I am done with you," I looked away and got stubborn.

"How dare you! So you still rather stay with him than me! I got you a child and you will still walk behind his back, while he doesn't even give you love! Do you think he would want you to throw away a child like this?! You think he will not see you as a monster if you don't take care of the kid? In fact everyone would see you cruel if you do this!" she said madly. She was a worried mother carrying a child, of course she was worried of her life. 

She was right about me. If I just left the child behind it would be horribly cruel. The child needs a father and care to live with. I was trapped between two. Giving the care to the kid and accept the fact that I will be a father or staying with Baekhyun and forgetting that the kid ever existed. Baekhyun would really see me cruel if I did nothing for the kid. I could just rise the kid with Baekhyun after it was born, but I knew Jihyun wouldn't agree with giving it to us. She wouldn't give away the firstborn just like that. 

I had too many thoughts in my head and it was killing me. I was most worried of how Baekhyun would react to this. Of course I was going to tell him. He had to know this and there was no point in denying the truth.  I was out of ideas. He was probably going to convince me in staying with Jihyun and make sure that the child was safe. Baekhyun was always this kind of person. He would put others before himself and forget of what he needed. But I loved him and not Jihyun. How could I live with her if I grew to hate her in this 11 days. I threw up all that we ever had and I had no purposes on pretending that I still liked her. I couldn't make a family with her. It would be a sad and destroyed family in years for sure. 

I ended up on a chair of the living room for some hour. There was silence. Jihyun waited on the couch for me to clear my mind, while I grunted lowly, sometimes sighing and feeling like my life just became a ed piece of . I was near accepting living with Jihyun which would for sure rip Baekhyun's hear and mine alongside, when I remembered. There was a problem in all this. Something was wrong with all this and it didn't fit in. 

I looked at Jihyun, glancing at her from the bottom to top like looking for something. She looked confused as I looked at her like there was something written on her, telling me things that I missed. I knew what I did with her and there was no way that she got pregnant. At least not with me.

"What now?" she asked impatiently, but I didn't answer yet. I kept garing at her and looked for clues. 

"I am not the father," I said, feeling the truth in my words.

"Can't you accept the truth for once!" she said impaitently. 

"But I am not the father!" I said roughly, looking at her like I had just solved a crime. "I always used protection with you," I said at last and a smirk creept on my face.

"Not the first time you had with me. You were drunk, you didn't care to protect yourself," she said and the realisation slapped me in the face. That night I really didn't care to watch out of what I was doing and remember releasing without on. 

I slapped my forehed into my palm and grunted on. It didn't take me long to snap my head up again.

"What do you have now?" Jihyun sighed and rolled with her eyes. I kept looking for ways to prevent being a father. I never asked for it after all.....  

"It was not from the party. That was months ago. It didn't happen in the party. You would have known sooner then!" I said and on that a flow of anexiety went over her and her body tensed. 

"I don't care when it was. Maybe it was your that didn't do it's job! Can't you just stop being a jerk and accept it!" she said madly and obviously offended. 

"No," I said and on that took a hold of her wrist, pulling her off the couch on her legs.

"Chanyeol, what are you doing?!" she yelped as I pulled her all the way to the front door and I got a hold of my shoes, pulling them on. 

"We are going," I said in hurry.

"Where do you have to go now?!" she sighed impatiently. 

"Hospital," I said and her eyes widened. 

"I am not making abortion! I am keeping the child!" she said madly and pulled away from me. I rolled with my eyes.

"Not abortion. No I am not this cruel, my lady. We will see whether I really am the father. It's just a quick test, I guess you heard of it already," I smirked as she tensed again. 

"Fine! If you can't accept it this way, then I will give you a proof," she said and crossed her hands. 

I led to my car and sat into it, Jihyun on the passengers seat. She didn't look at me anymore and seemed to be mad, but I didn't care. I felt like winning at last. I felt like before, but now I saw hope in me and Baekhyun again. 

In the hospital I took us both to the doctor where he accepted to do the testing to see whether I was the father or not. It took us another hour to get the results. I didn't talk with Jihyun and she didn't talk with me. We kept our distance until the doctor called us again to join him in the office. He told us to sit down on the two chairs that he offered and then eyes us both before speaking.

"Well, I made the testing twice, so we have clear results now," he said and passed me the copy of a list where some things were written on. "Well, there doesn't seem to be a trace of your DNA from blood and it is clear that the baby is not yours," he said and made me stare for a moment. In some time a smile creept on me. I looked at Jihyun next to me that kept her eyes fixed on the papers with results. 

"You knew, didn't you?" I asked and she nodded almost immediately. I hissed at her for that. 

"Yes, I knew. I knew you weren't the father," she said and looked at me with her serious look. 

"Then why didn't you just say it and spent all my time?!" I growled at her madly. I didn't care of her comfort now that I knew she wasn't carrying my child. 

She stood up from the shair, looked at me for a moment, then thanked the doctor and rushed out of the office. The doctor didn't seem to bother by us. He did his job, so he was done now. I rushed behing Jihyun and caught her outside on the white hallway that was completly white and deserted from people. 

"Why?! Why would you annoy me with this bull?!" I growled behind her and forced her to turn. She was breathing deeply and looked frustarated. 

"You can't think?" she looked at me madly. There was an idea why she would do this.

"You wanted money didn't you. You would get money from the original father and me at the same time if I belived your lies. You think I am that naive? I would be forced to pay for the kid and you to take care of. You did it for this, didn't you? You know that they test the father and childs DNA this or other way. I would know about it before the kids birth anyway. Your plan is stupid," she shook her head at my words.

"This was non of my plans," she said calmly. I rised an eyebrow at that and stared for a moment. 

"Then what?!" I asked. She grinned at me and crossed her arms.

"I don't like you and Baekhyun together," she said at last and realisation slapped me hard. I suddenly felt myself getting worried. Another thing crept into my mind. 

"Does Baekhyun know?" I asked and looked at her worried. She nodded.

"Yes, I told him hour before I headed to you," she said too calm for my liking.

"An hour before?! That was hours from now! THAT'S WHY HE DIDN'T COME HOME! YOU ING BITHCH! Do you have any ideas how bad this is?!" I got worried now. I couldn't belive I just let Baekhyun wonder around the town probably beliving the lie that Jihyun told him. He could be anywhere, doing anything- anthing- 

I didn't want to think of the worst. 

"He must be dead till now," Jihyun said with too calm voice. I couldn't belive she really said it. She was cruel. A whole monster to say this. 

"What?! How can you say this!" I growled. I was worrying, but didn't know what to do. The town was too big to search and I let him alone for hours now, he might be on the other side already. 

"Well, he cried when I told him. It would be a miracle if he still walked around now," she shrugged like it was normal.

"Where is he?!" I growled at her, but she reminded calm. 

"I don't know. Probably somewhere on the edge of the town, on whatever street," she shrugged and minded her own business.

"If anything happens to him! I will sue you!" I pointed a finger at her and felt like a mad beast roaring over her.

"It's his problem if he can't take my pregnancy,"

"Lies of yours! That's what he can't take! He belives I will stay with you!" I didn't bother her anymore and stormed away. I left the hospital with such worry that I felt like I was going to stop breathing.

The first thing that I thought of looking at was at home again. I hoped he would be there again, if not for staying there, then he would be packing out. 

It took me some minutes to get back to the house. I was driving like it was a race, but still made sure that I didn't go too fast, since I didn't want any mess with police. Once I finally parked the car I stormed inside and started to check for the smaller one. 

It was all deserted inside. There was no sign of him even coming back. I knew he didn't come from the fact that his clothes were still here. He surely didn't come because his things were untouched just like the time when he left. 

That was when I ran into my car again and drove to Kyungsoo and Jongin's place. If he wasn't at home then he was there for sure. I didn't know any other place where he could be. I had my hopes rising as I thought of finally getting the smaller back. I was going to tell him the truth and then things would be fine again. Right? I didn't care of the speeding on the road anymore. I had to get Baekhyun and my time was flowing faster than I liked. The sun was near setting and I still didn't have the smaller one by my side. I hated this day for being so short and giving me no time. 

At Kyungsoo's house I rang the bell impatiently and waited for anyone to open up. It took him some time to slowly and lazily open the door. Kyungsoo's big and round eyes found mine and he looked shocked to see me. 

"O-Oh hey. What are you doing here?" he asked and seemed to be confused of my appearance. 

"Is Baekhuyn here?" I asked immediately, hoping for the best. 

"Baekhyun?" he widened his eyes "Why would he be here?" he asked and on that my heart sank. 

"He should be- here-" I cracked.

"Why? I haven't seen him today," he shrugged and waited for explaination. 

"Kyungsoo please. It is not funny at all, so stop ing joking. Just tell me he is here that's all, please," I begged him, but he just got more confused.

"You can check yourself. He is not here. What happened between you two again?" he asked and I was stuck in my horrors. I had no ideas where else Baekhuyn might be. A flow of worry and sick feelings went thorough me as I feared what could possibly happen to him. 

"H-He really isn't here," I choked out of myself and felt too weak to do anything else. 

"Chanyeol what happened?" Kyungsoo asked, looking worried too. I couldn't answer him. I couldn't do anything else now. Kyungsoo sighed at that and got impatient. He got a hold of my shoulders and shook me harder than I expected. He was much smaller, but I still felt like an earthquake got me. I got in touch with reality again. "Tell me what happened, now!" 

"H-He- belives-" I took a breath to calm myself down. "He belives that Jihyun is carrying my child and I haven't seen him since noon. Please help," I said so quickly that I felt like running a maraton. I explained him everything very quickly and in the next second I felt a hand over my cheek and a painful slap was placed over me. I fell sidewards and covered my burning cheek that Kyungsoo just slapped. 

"What was that for?!" I asked madly.

"You come here after hours of knowing that he is not around?! You idiot!" he answered me with the same tune. He was on fire. Soon enough he pulled on his shoes and called his boyfriend Jongin to come along. 

"We are going to part in each way of the town. We better find him before night, which will be in ing minutes," Kyungsoo made a plan. It was better than nothing, but I felt like it was going to be useless. It was going to be dark soon and we wouldn't be able to see clearly. Street lights wouldn't be enough and he might be hiding in any street by now.

We all went in different ways that were away from the way to my house. I was soon alone in my car, driving slowly and looking through the bleak streets that were parting into many more side ways. I cursed over myself for spending all this time with Jihyun because it was gettig dark already. I would probably have more chances to find him in the middle of the day, but now I only had minutes till it would be hopeless. 

It was useless to call the police to help with the search. It would be too long for me to even explain what happened and at the same time they would probably tell me that he would come back himself and that he was probably just wanting to be alone after the news. He was not the only one that just disappeared in the town. 

I spent some 15 minutes when I noticed that there were dark clouds gathering on the sky. 

", no. Just not rain," I got more and more worried. I speed up to cover more aera at once, but risked that I would miss seeing the boy. It was going to be harder to see him in the rain too and all the cold wouldn't do him good too. 

It didn't take 5 minutes for the rain to fall and make everything around me misty. I kept looking for some minutes on, but gave up since I saw nothing at all. At the same time my phone rang and I picked up immediately.

"Let's stop here, Chanyeol," Kyungsoo's voice came. 

"But what will happen to him," I said desperately. 

"I don't know, but I think it's pointless to search in this heavy rain. I barely see what's in front of me. Let's meet at your place, alright?" he said in worried tune. 

"Yeah, alright," I gave up.

Night covered the town completly when I arrived back to my house again, Kyungsoo and Jongin waiting for me already. I walked to them with heavy feeling over my shoulders. I didn't look at them, but kept my look away as I gave them premission to walk into the house. He got rid of our wet shoes and ended up in the living room.

"He will die there outside," I muttered. 

"Stay positive, Chanyeol. He really might be just anywhere, but I know he isn't stupid and he knows how to survive a night outside," Kyungsoo tried to rise my situation, but didn't help. 

"What if something happens to him," my mind didn't let me think straight. What if he walked into people who would hurt him. If any car hit him in this weather. What if he made a suicide already?

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Oh my, it hurts me to see everyone giving up on my fanfiction. I am sorry


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
Chapter 27: wow nice story
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 27: Congratulations on completing the story.
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 27: Looool loved the ending. Am so happy for them.
LovelyYS #5
Chapter 26: I can't believe this end of chapter "Completed". Your story is amazing. Thank you!
Ventimiglia #6
Chapter 27: Glad for the happy ending ❤
atia1412 #7
Chapter 27: His office that was never there since beginning ^^ I love this chapter, it's so satisfying. And they're married!! TT thanks for the updateee
Chapter 27: I love the ending. Let's just hope no one finds General Parks office while they are in there.
Beau1996 1378 streak #9
Chapter 27: Super cute - the phantom office returns!! Thanks for this sequel - very satisfying 😁
Beau1996 1378 streak #10
Chapter 26: (sniffing and teary-eyed) I love happy endings waaaah!!💕💕😍