Falling apart...?

Baekhyun pov

Day 11

It was the best night of my life. I slept well and no nightmares appeared in my sleep.  

I slowly opened my eyes as the sunlight of the room woke me up and made me blink a few times. I found myslef pressed at Chanyeol's body and my head was on his chest instead of pillow. I had my hands placed on his broad and muscular chest. Chanyeol's left hand was over my hand and his other hand was under me, touching my back. I yawned with my head still pressed on the taller ones chest. I for some reason I liked it here. I was late to realise that Chanyeol's hand on my back was caresing me. I looked up on shock and found him awake too. 

"Good morning," he said with a bright smile. 

"M-Morning," I replied. 

"How are you feeling?" he asked me and I found the question suspicious. 

"I am fine. Why?" I got curious. 

"Oh, I thought you would be hurt after yesterday," the taller looked surprised that I actually didn't complain. 

I had with Chanyeol and I actually loved it. I missed it very much and it made me forget of the dreams and all other worries. I remembered how well he took control of me and pleasured me, how careful he was, yet still rough. How he ed into me and made me scream his name. I was not embarrassed of how needy I was back then. I wanted him to know that I wanted him and I was not going to regret anything now. I told him I wouldn't and it really was the best. 

"I am fine, really," I said. I too was surprised that I felt no pain after the night. Chanyeol was big. Like really really BIG and I expected my bottom to at least hurt a bit, but it was all fine. He really took well care of me

"I am not so sure about it," the taller one said and on that his hand slipped from my back to my . In panick I tried to move as I realised that I was all and exposed for Chanyeol, but only found out that he was too. I felt myself blushing hard now. At night we were too lazy and tired to even clean ourselves and dress up propperly. 

"Chanyeol wha-" I started, but couldn't end as a finger creeped to my entrence and rubbed my rim. I yelped as pain spread over me and made me grip on the other ones body. It was not that I was not hurt after the night with Chanyeol. He just proved me that I just found a position where I didn't feel the consequences of our actions. I whined as next to the pain of my bottom came my chest and broken ribs.

"Now I have a destroyed morning," I complained through my clenched teeth. 

"Really? Let me make you feel good," he said and on that he pushed his one finger deep into me with no lube or warning. It was only pain that I felt and on that burried myself into his chest to stop my whines.

"I-It hurts," I muttered. 

"Shh, I know. It will stop hurting soon." It really did stop hurting. In some moments Chanyeol could easily one finger into me and wouldn't cause me any pain. It didn't satisfy me though. I felt my  harden and want more. 

I ended up being by Chanyeol and came only by his fingers. I wanted much more, but he satified me only by his fingers and made me lose my mind just by this. Once I finally released he took me into his hands and carried me into the bathroom. We didn't mind walking around and all exposed, but I couldn't help, but blush hard everytime I saw the other ones body. 

We cleaned each other. Of course Chanyeol helped me, since I still had trouble working myself after the injuries that I got. He also changed my patch that was covering my wounds. He took well care of them, cleaned them so carefully that I felt no pain at all and soon a new brightly white patch was holding on my side of the chest. I thanked him for all the help. I felt really happy to have him by my side. 

After all I had a thought in my mind. 

I will stay with him. He knows his mistakes and it's all forgiven.

I belived in us and I was up to tell him this soon. He gave me enough evidences for me to belive in him. I didn't need him to put more effort in it, because he got my whole heart already. 

This morning we didn't stop sharing kisses. From little pecks on the lips to rough ones that could make my lips bleed. We just didn't stop. It was first Chanyeol attacking my lips and once he got tired and turned to his breakfast, I attacked him. I nearly ended up with empty stomach from all kisses, but the taller one insisted that we had to stop and eat too. After that we just kissed on. It was like we were going to be separated soon. Like there was no tomorrow. 

Till noon we were on the couch, TV on, but we weren't watching it. We talked, laughed, played, enjoyed our time. It was awesome. On moments I ended up on Chanyeol's lap, kissing him violently and telling him all possible things that I would not even think of a few days ago. How we changes so fast, I didn't know. But I knew that I wanted this to last forever. 

When it was lunch time I was up to make us some food to eat, but found out that we have run out of nearly everything. I could have noticed before that we had an empty kitchen, but for some reason I didn't. It was literally deserted in the kitchen. I couldn't help but feel bitter at the thought of having to leave Chanyeol and the house to get food. 

"Chanyeol, do you mind if I jump out to get some groceries?" I asked, wondering why I was even asking for premission to leave the house. 

"Oh yes, you can. I have some work to do though, so I hope you don't mind going alone?" the other one answered like he expected me to take him with me. 

"I was planning to go alone anyway," I sighed and laughed at it. 

"Take care of yourself, okay?" Chanyeol walked to me in the kitchen and put a kiss on my lips again. His eyes then fell from me to something behind me. He looked tense now and all shaken as his eyes fell on me again. 

"Baekhyun, where are the lists?" he asked in worried voice. " I am sure I placed them back on the fridge after we came back. Where are they?" he asked. It was true that there were no lists anymore and I didn't mind it.

"We don't need them anymore," I said with a smile on. He looked like the realisation just slapped him directly over the face. He didn't say anything, neither did he move, but he tried. He could let out only little choked sounds, but nothing more. I laughed at how shocked he was. 

"Enough words," I said and pat his chest, still laughing at how numb he got. "I need to go grocery shopping. We got nothing to eat!" I said and turned away from the taller one who got out of his shock. He shook his head like he had just woken up from a dream, but he looked much more happy. 

"Y-Yes, I will see you later then," he said, kind of confused.

 I left with a smile on and thought of how well our future will go on. Who cared if he cheated, he was over it anyway and I trusted him. He was not the same as before now. When I gave him the time limit of 12 days I thought he was not going to make it, but turned out that he was actually winning this game. I decided to let in completly. There was no changing mind anymore. I had already decided and I was staying with him.

The way to the groceries was relaxing. It was not so hot summer day and wind was making everything fresh. I felt my smile creeping on me all the time because of my thoughts of me and Chanyeol together. I greeted people with a smile and happiness, feeling delighted to have this day so good. It was going to be one of the best days for me. In some minutes I finally came to the streets where shops opened up and a smaller crowd of people that were also around for shopping or just walking around to relax. 

I was just a step away from the shop where I wanted to enter to get groceries, but a voice stopped me. 

"Baekhyun!" I heard a high pitchy voice. I felt my legs get weak and it took me a while to finally turn and look at who jsut called my name. I didn't want to know in fact. I feared to turn around. 

I forced myself into it. It will be all fine. I have no point to worry now, I thought, but something told me that I was wrong. 

My gaze fell on nobody else but Jihyun.



HERE WE GO!  Kind of dirty chapter, but I won't mark it oka? I didn't want to destroy the previous chapter so quickly, so I split this chapter into 2 smaller ones (good and bad half lmao). This one is out now and the other one will be out later today, oka? 

The two lists are gone :)) Baek decided~ 

Jihyun will make trouble again of course (some of you already know what's up with her too). I would recomend not reading comments coz there might be some spoilers.... However comment something down please. I wanna know you all are alive!


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Oh my, it hurts me to see everyone giving up on my fanfiction. I am sorry


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
Chapter 27: wow nice story
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 27: Congratulations on completing the story.
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 27: Looool loved the ending. Am so happy for them.
LovelyYS #5
Chapter 26: I can't believe this end of chapter "Completed". Your story is amazing. Thank you!
Ventimiglia #6
Chapter 27: Glad for the happy ending ❤
atia1412 #7
Chapter 27: His office that was never there since beginning ^^ I love this chapter, it's so satisfying. And they're married!! TT thanks for the updateee
Chapter 27: I love the ending. Let's just hope no one finds General Parks office while they are in there.
Beau1996 1379 streak #9
Chapter 27: Super cute - the phantom office returns!! Thanks for this sequel - very satisfying 😁
Beau1996 1379 streak #10
Chapter 26: (sniffing and teary-eyed) I love happy endings waaaah!!💕💕😍