Falling apart...?

I don't own characters, but Jihyun's. EXO's personalities are made up from my own imagination. There is nothing much that might be their actual life! 

Chanyeol is presented as very bad here, but it's not like this in fact. He is precious boy and deserves all the possible love. Don't think he actually did anything, I am only using him for the story!

*There might be some mistakes, since I barely checked what I wrote....*

Enjoy reading <3


Baekhyun pov

"Hey, man!" I heard Kyungsoo's voice as he ran into our room without knocking. Kyungsoo had been my roommate at the campus of the Military University since the start of our journey here. He was my best friend. A friend who was always there with me when I needed someone to stand by my side.

"Soo, you don't need to scream!" I hissed and threw the last shirt in my bag. It was stuffed carelessly with all my things I owned here.

He walked to me and jumped on my bed right next to my stuff and looked through it, like it was his. Kyungsoo was my height, with more colour in his skin than me, round black eyes and plump, heart-shaped lips. He had a better posture, but never judged others by their appearance. 

"Of course I need to. We survived the third year of daily suffering here, daily torture. It is time to celebrate! We should celebrate!" Kyungsoo was always a very confident, open and decisive. He knew how to live a life fully and had a good sense for everything, especially relationships. 

"Celebrate?" I rised my eyebrows and looked at him. I had been expecting something like that from him. He was a guy for partying, having fun and celebrating literally everything. It was his way of living a life with friends and I liked it. Everyone did, especially when he was around to boost the mood on with his positive energy.

"What, you forgot what we were talking about a week ago?" he laughed and hit my shoulder to get my attention. "Having fun won't take you the tittle of top ten soldiers at the University. You are doing great, Baek! Now celebrate with others!"

I passed through my hair and sat next to my friend. People can change in just a few years. I had changed a lot in three years and it hadn't even required lots of work and effort. When I had come to the University and its campus, I had been a skinny and shy boy and after all had had a lot of mental problems — with a lot I mean A LOT, but let's just put that on the side. When I had started my life at the campus I barely had had any muscles or strenght, which hadn't been really ideal for a soldier. I was nothing. Bellow average. I hadn't been able to keep up with my mates and unit members, so I had gotten extra trainings to get to the same level as everyone else — well if I would have been honest, it hadn't been exactly like that... Training me had actually been a punishment for one of my trainers because he had messed up a bit with s scaring me literally to the point where I ended up in a hospital, while going crazy because of traumas from my past. Now, after three years, I was on the top among the best soldiers. I had promised to work hard and I had done it, I was doing great and now I was ending the third year with everyone else. 

"I would like to cele—"

"Don't say but you motherf*cker! I will" there was a monstrous look in his eyes. The burning one, which he was using to threaten others when something wasnt as he wanted. 

I kept myself quiet for a bit and just stared at him for some moments. "I didn't say it," I spoke out. 

"You were about to say it! I swear I will choke kill you slowly and painfully if you say it." 

He was right. I was looking for excuses and I wasn't going to lie to him. "I didn't say it." 

"Now speak up!" 

"I actually already have plans..." I said. 

Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes. "I am thinking about ending you, even though you never said but... But... I guess I will spare you today. Tell me about your plans maybe I can adjust mine according to yours, however, I still don't know what is more important than me..." 

"Chanyeol," I said without hesitation. 

"Oh, of course," he looked away for a moment and smiled, making a heart shape with his full lips. "Date?" 

"No, I was thinking about making a surprise dinner. I have to prepare everything," I shook my head. 

Chanyeol was my boyfriend. He was also the trainer who had gotten the punishment to train me three years ago. We hadn't started really well. I was under average soldier who hadn't been enough good for his high standards of soldiers. He had been a major and main trainer of my unit at that time and he had been making my life and life of literally every soldier there harder with his strict and serious attitude. 

I still wasn't sure how it was possible, but we both had had feelings for each other and we started dating, even thought we were in a student-trainer relation. That actually hadn't lasted long, because Chanyeol had decided to quit his job at the campus and continue his military trainings and get a higher rank. 

I had more peaceful life. I still had a lot of trainings and all, but at least there was no threat and fear that I might be abused once agian, like I was in the past. I had enough time to meet with Chanyeol in weekends and in free time through the week. He came to meet me regulary and we spent a lot of time together. I loved our life together, but soon we had to focus on trainings more and Chanyeol came to see me rarely. We had to stay in the campus all the time through the year, only on holidays and sundays we got free time from trainings. With Chanyeol we also agreed to come into Chanyeol father's house to hang out every Sunday when we both didn't have trainings.

The first year we did this regulary, the second year we did our best to stay together too, but in the third year of my university life we barely even saw each other. I was running out of time and Chanyeol too had a lot of work to do. I enjoyed to see him the first two years, but later on the third year I felt like we were parting into two and also kept myself away. I still loved him a lot and belived we would get onto the normal way once we get enough time for each other. This summer hopefully I was going to enjoy with him like we used to.

"Oh, I can help! I know what's romantic!" Kyungsoo offered happily as he heard of my date night.

"You sure you wouldn't spend time with Jongin?" I rised my eyebrow. Jongin was Kyungsoo's boyfriend and a capitan of my unit at the campus. They got along very well and with them there was always fun. 

"No, he said I can do anything until night and later we will go to a restaurant toghether, so I can help you. Besides this is what best friends do," he said and then closed his luggage. 

"Fine, Soo. You can help then, but I want to be alone with Chanyeol. I have no purpose on having you on the dinner..." I pointed out. In fact I was planning on asking Kyungsoo for help, but turns out he offered first.

"I told you I will be leaving with Jongin anyway," he rolled with his eyes.

"Let's go then," I said and closed my luggage too. 

We left from the campus, greeting goodbye to those we knew and then we headed to get to the town. Campus stood near it and it wasn't far to walk there. We got everything we needed at the campus. Clothes, food, entertainment, relaxation, night parties,... It was perfect for us to satisfy ourselves. We decided to take a taxi at the town, since non of us had a car here and at the campus nobody offered to drive us. Chanyeol too was going to come back late from his campus, so we had no other option.

We still had our military uniforms on, which were in green, brown and black colour. We didn't take our time to change at the campus and decided to change at home. Citizens were used on seeing us soliders, that trained on the University, walk around in our uniforms and we too got used on having them on a lot of time. 

Once we came to the house where I and Chanyeol used to live in holidays and weekends, we took our luggage and entred the house. I liked the house very much. It was not too big or too small and I felt comfortable in it. It was in white colour with a yard in front, for a car or just to spend time outside. On the first floor there were living room, dining room and next to it kitchen, also toilet and pantry. On the second floor we had bedroom, bathroom and Chanyeol also had a smaller room for his gym equipment. 

"Shall we start?" Kyungsoo asked as he closed the front door behind him. He was used on being here. We spent a lot of time together which included coming to our place. 

"I guess so. We got like 2 hours to prepare everything. Chanyeol will be late today, but we still better hurry up," I shrugged.  Chanyeol's schedule ended late today and he would need some more to get home.

"You will order food right?" Kyungsoo asked.

"No.... I will cook it," I shook my head.

"You know how to cook?" Kyungsoo laughed at it.

"I am serious about it Soo. I am not going to eat that cheap food. After all you will help me, won't you?" I said. I really wasn't the best in cooking myself. Even the times when I tried to prepare something to eat it turned out horrible and I usually threw everything away. I had enough food at campus and ate snacks or easy food when I was at home. Other was Chanyeol was the one that usually took his time to cook. I also liked to order food, but I didn't think about eating it now. It was spposed to be a date night and I had to put some effort into it. Luckily the food would taste good, since Kyungsoo was here.

"I knew you would need me," he laughed and then walked further into the house. He entred the kitchen and looked for things around him. 

"You got the food here already?" he asked. 

"Yes, its all in the fridge. Not much, but enough I hope," I said. Kyungsoo opened the fridge and checked the food I brought.

"Ahhh good," he said and then passed his hand through his hair. "You Googled what's romanic, didn't you?" he laughed, which kind of made me uncomfortable.

"I had to check. I didn't want to mess up," I got confused. I really looked up for something romantic and nice. I had no ideas what actually would suit for a date night, so Google was my only solution. I was emptyheaded when I just thought of a date night and, since I barely ever prepared something myself I was even more clueless.

"No, its fine," Kyungsoo shook his head and took out things from the fridge, checking them like they were precious. "You can help me though." I had bought beef stakes and some vegetables. I had also looked up for some drinks and at last decided for red wine. I felt like all this was too much, but it was supposed to be a romantic date night anyway. 

"Just tell me what to do, because I have no ideas how to do this," I knew I wouldn't do much work anyway, maybe I would just make everything worse, so I would let Kyungsoo do his work by himself. I was going to focus on other things while he worked.

"You really wanted to do this all by yourself?" he rolled with his eyes. "You are lucky to have me. I could demand some payment for it, but since you are my best friend I am going to just look through my fingers and let you live peacefully."

The next hour we were just chopping vegetables and preparing food to cook it. I also went to clean the house a bit, since I didn't want to eat in a mess. The house was pretty much nice, since me and Chanyeol were away most of the time, but this ment a lot of unnecessary dust around the house. Later Kyungsoo started to cook food and the room started to smell deliciously. I was spending my time with only walking around the house, looking for anything that bothered me. I was nervous and afraid that any little thing might destroy our night. 

"You aren't thinking about wearing this military uniform, are you?" Kyungsoo pointed at me and he saw me doing nothing at all.

"Ummm... No...." I hesitated and passed my hair with my hand, nervously thinking of what to do. "I will change, but I don't know into what," I went directly

"Something romantic," the answer was obvious and just made me feel awkward. 

"Obviously..." I rolled with my eyes.

"Well, go and find something," Kyungsoo told me, nearly annoyed by my clueless acting, so I obeyed. 

I went up to my and Chanyeol's room and opened my closet. I checked it from the top to the bottom and thought of what might be the best to wear. Most of my clothes were easy and not really for date nights. Me and Chanyeol used to go out a lot, to hang around and have fun, but rarely we did anything that would mean no casual clothes and no messy hair. I liked our free and relaxed moments, so the idea of having more serious night with Chanyeol made me nervous. I was checking around my wardrobe until finally I found a black suit, which I never really wore. I wasn't sure about it. I didn't wear suits that regulary, it was only for special occasions and even these were only at the campus, where we wore uniforms. Suits were more Chanyeol's style too. He looked good in suits and I got used on seeing him in suits, while I was more comfortable style. 

"Kyungsoo what do you think of this?" I ran down the stairs with the suit in my hands. I was ready to get embarrassed compliments from him, but i dealed ith this kind of stuff for 3 years now, so it wasn't a big of a deal. "Is it too much?" I showed him what I found. Kyugsoo was always hones. He would tell me directly if I looked horrible or perfect, failed or not the best thing to wear in the moment.

"Waah where did you find this?" Kyungsoo said as he saw he suit, his eyes suddenly shining. "I think its cool. Put it up. Is it even the right size for you?"

"I guess so..." I shrugged. I didn't even think of the size as I found it and here came another fear. If it was too small I would have to find something else and I was running out of time, while my wardrobe was useless.

"You are spending your time. Hurry up and put it on!" he said and pointed at the clock.

"Right," I nodded and then rushed upstairs again. I had changed my clothes in only minutes. Luckily the suit still fit me propperly and I got the chance to relax for a moment. I made my hair stand nice and down, also cleaned my face and then I went down to show myself to Kyungsoo.

"Waah you look y," he said with his eyes still shining. "However Chanyeol is ier in suits," he said and laughed. I gave him a smile, annoyed as he mentioned it. 

"I am not trying to look ier then him. Maybe I just want a bit of his attention," I shrugged.

"You should put on something else then," Kyungsoo said, but made me confused. 

"I didn't catch that," I rised my eyebrow. 

"You should wear something else to get his attention. Somtehing that would reveal you, not cover you. Super short pants and a crop-top, some accessories and make up to make you look ier. That's how you get attention from a guy like Park," he said and made me look at him in horror.

"You must be joking. When have you seen me in this kind of clothes?" 

"Never, but you could try. I think you would actually look cool in them. A bit b*tchy, but cool and after all you would get what you want. Chanyeol's attention! However i think oyu got all his attention already," he pointed out, but I shook my head. I could try the style he mentioned, but i didn't have Chanyeol's attention.

"Not really," I said and looked at the ground. "Not last days..." 

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"We don't see each other that much anymore. I'm busy with trainings and so is Chanyeol. We even don't see each other on weekends. That's how much attention I get," I said quietly, complaining about it.

"Ahhh it's because you two are far away from each other. You will see everything will be fine," Kyungsoo ignored it and focused on food again.

I was sad of how I didn't see Chanyeol that much. I missed the old days when we were able to spend the whole day together. We would talk all the time and have fun, but now even when we see each other its just awkward silence and no fun. I felt confused of our relationship last days. I myself didn't come here in weekend, because I knew I wouldn't do anything that I would enjoy in and Chanyeol didn't mind it too. Our only contact was through phone, but mostly messages. We even texted less and our contact was disappearing. I wished we would be toghether again like before. Even just a little kiss from him would be good, but I didn't get this too. He was cold around me and didn't show the love I wanted.

I did my best to keep our relationship. I didn't want it destroyed and did my best to at least say the "I love you" as we greeted. But in fact I didn't feel the love. It wasn't there, but faded somewhere to the end of my hear, away from me.

I and Kyungsoo then prepared the table. We made sure it was nice and romantic and he even insisted with candles. 

"I am sure we will burn the whole house with them," I protested, but managed nothing. It in fact looked really nice and Kyungsoo made sure everything looked perfect.

At last he decided to put the food on the plates. There were beef stakes, sweet potato and cauliflower salad at the side, placed on a nice cleaned plates, everything polished and prepared. I had bought red wine yesterday and put that up too, pouring some in the glasses.

"Soo, I think you can go now," I said as I saw no more work for us. "I guess he will come soon now," 

"I will go," he said, but at hat moment I heard a car park in front of the car. I couldn't belive he was that fast to come home. I looked at Kyungsoo with horror in my eyes as he was still here. It would make everything awkward if there was Kyungsoo around, no offence.

"I will go out from the other side..." he offered and I nodded immediately. He didn't spend his time, but packed his things and in only moments it looked like he never came here.

Once he left I finally focused on Chanyeol coming. I was more and more nervous for some reason, quickly checking everything around and myself. I thought of something to do for greeting, but my mind was too messy at the moment. I didn't want this night destroyed and embarrassing myself would give me no good too.

The door soon opened and Chanyeol appeared at the front door and looked at me, our eyes locking together after a long long time.

"Chan-!" I didn't end my greeting. I only stared at him, my hands fell down and I felt cold shivers take over me, but the reason for it wasn't the one feeling I wanted.

He was tall, built and handsome. He wore his black uniform, which was decorated with his gold medals which he got. His black hair were combed up and made him look taller than he already was, shining in the warm light from inside. He had broad shoulders and stood straight. His face was literally perfection and his black eyes looking at me, but there was something wrong. The look he gave me wasn't his. This wasn't the Chanyeol I knew. He wasn't warm, but looked at me coldly, more surprised and shocked.

There was more. Next to Chanyeol was a girl. Shorter than me with long black hair and bright white skin. Her eyes were black and she had a lot of make up on, making her look more artificial. She was skinny in a skirt, which came to her knees and blouse at the top. She also wore high heels which made her taller. Chanyeol's hand was behind her back and held her hips, making her stand next to him and the girl touched Chanyeol's body with her hands at the same time. She touched Chanyeol. MY CHANYEOL!

"Hello, Chanyeol," I said bitterly now, with my fists clenched. I felt a wave of anger take over me, my look almost turning into red as I couldn't belive my eyes. Chanyeol's look went into a scared one and he snapped his hand from the girl immediately. I hated how they were together, how very near they were, it made me want to explode. I was supposed to be the one close to Chanyeol. 

"Baekhyun! What are you doing here?" Chanyeol asked in shock, moving a bit away from the girl to make distance, but the damage was done. I knew what was happening and there was no way Chanyeol could deny the truth. 

"What do you think idiot!?! It's the end of school year! Will you leave me on the streets?!" I rised my voice angrily, ready to bite him to death.

"Who is he?" the girl spoke with pitch but quiet voice. I moved my eyes from Chanyeol onto the girl and stared at her with murderous look. I hated her already. I wanted to get rid of her so much that I barely held myself back from beating her up.

"Nobody. I think you should go," Chanyeol said nervously. The word nobody hurt me a lot. I felt pain from it just as Chanyeol said it. I was suddenly nobody for him.

"NO!" I shouted. "I am not nobody! Chanyeol, you dare say that! I see why I was feeling so lonely and weird last days! You were around with b*tches!" I screamed at him, I became wild and unable to stop myself now.

"You are very rude!" she pointed her finger at me. "I don't know who you are, but I think you should be the one leaving from Chanyeol's house."

"OUR HOUSE! It's our house! It's my and my boyfriends house!" I stepped closer to her and snapped the finger away. She gasped at my acting, but I didn't care. Non of her words, looks or orders would make me leave and let her be with Chanyeol. "Now, you get out!" 

She didn't seem like she cared about my screaming. I was going mad, but she just stood there upset at me.

"I don't think he is your boyfriend-" she started, taking a hold of the tallers arm and pulled his sleave to get his attention, but Chanyeol interupted her.

"Jihyun, please, go," Chanyeol said impatiently to the girl and put her hand off him. I felt how I got jealous as they touched, how the girl pushed into Chanyeol and kept possesing him. I wanted to be the one with Chanyeol, but he was far away from my reach at the moment. In fact I wanted to leave immediately. I hated to be with him if he was with someone else. I was not going to stand by his side if he wasn't going to stand my mine, fair play.

"You never mentioned him... Boyfriend huh? And I thought I am your girlfriend," she looked at Chanyeol confused. He tried to protest, opening his mouth to say something, but he was lost. So much happened that he wasn't able to find words again.

"I see you even made her into a girlfriend! And I trusted a jerk like you!" I cursed over Chanyeol and as I got the chance I hit his shoulder with so much force that he groaned and moved away from me. He deserved more than this. He deserved to be beaten hard in the moment. I would even enjoy in seeing him suffer. My soul was suffering from him, so he deserved more than just a hit in the shoulder. 

"Baekhyun, stop!" Chanyeol ordered, but I ignored him. Instead I turned my back at him and looked at the girl, separating them with my own body. 

"You dare touch him! You dirty ! One day you will pay me!" I went furious at her. She didn't like how I acted and did her move. Her hand flew in my direction, ready to hit me, but I caught it first. I lost my control as she did this. She started it and asked for it. As her wrist was in my hand, only inches away from me I twisted it and then hit her wrist with my other hand, feeling how it cracked and broke. The girl screamed at it, but I didn't let go. I wanted to destroy her all.

It all happened so fast that Chanyoel only had time to act after I had attacked back. He took a hold of my arms and pushed me away from the girl, checking her with worry.

"YAH! I am here, I am the one who you should be worried about!" I yelled at Chanyeol who showed me his back, covering the girl from me. I didn't like how he didn't pay me a bit of attention and only cared about the girl. I cleched my fist and hit hard onto Chanyeol's back, getting another groan from him. I did it again, until he finally turned to face me.

"Stop! You aren't at your mind right now! Behave yourself!" Chanyeol shot me his mad look. It was all cold and disappointed over me. I felt bad after it, sick and unworthy. 

"Yes, I am going crazy! It's your fault after all. You and your  tease at the door!" I pointed at the girl. She was holding her wrist, with teary eyes and complaining loudly, begging for Chanyeol's help.

"Chan-" the girl tried to get his attention.

"YOU BETTER NOT TALK TO HIM!" I yealled at her. I would rip her into peaces right now if I had a chance, but Chanyeol held me back. He had his hands on my arms and placed me away from her, almost pinning me to the wall that was behind me.

"He broke my wrist!" she complained to Chanyeol even though I warned her. I lost my mind as she acted like a kid next to him, like she was something precious to him. I was supposed to be this. I fought out of Chanyeol's hands and ran in her direction, feeling like a hungry wolf, ready to kill. Chanyeol struggled to get me away, but I escaped his hands. 

I got a hold of the girls neck now and pushed her all the way to the wall until she hit it with her back. My fingers digged into her flesh, making her choke and cry. She fought me, but I held too strong. In 3 years of military training I got much better. I was actually near top of the class and worked hard. My martial art skils, which were at the beggining fail, where now perfect and awesome. My own unit members feared to fight me. I didn't really become agressive, but the girly was making me act on my own away. 

Chanyeol pulled me away with such force that I tripped away and had to help myself withanother wall to get my balance. 

"BAEKHYUN ENOUGH! Jihyun I am so sorry. Call someone and get to the hospital," he turned to the girl quickly checking her. I saw how I made ugly red marks on her neck from my fingers while I was near choking her to death. I only hoped she would remember not to mess around with me anymore. She complained, but at last she ran out of the house and took out her phone to call. At least Chanyeol didn't think of driving her. Let her suffer for some more time.

Chanyeol closed the door shut behind her and then looked at me furiously.

"Why?!" he barked angrily, his eyes on fire from my acting.

"It's your fault!" I stormed in reply, fighting his aggression with mine.

"You most likely broke her wrist and nearly choked her! You really need to do that?!" he pointed his finger at me, threating me.

"Oh, sorry sir, for destroying your date night! MINE IS EVEN WORSE!" I screamed at him, snapping his hand away from me.

"Yes, you really did! After all what's all this?!" Chanyeol asked as he saw the table with dinner that I and Kyungsoo prepared. 

"It's nothing now! I hoped to have a nice dinner with my long lost boyfriend. Turns out he was selling his aroud to b*tches like her. You even dare bring her home. You knew I would be here! Into our home?! OUR! You must be kidding me. How the did I get into a relationship with you?! You have to explain me things first!" I said and messed my hair as I wanted to show my anger.

"I think you should calm down first," he said, waliking further into the house. He put off his suit and madly threw it over one of the chairs.

"Don't tell me to calm down. Speak! Who is she?!" I pointed at the front door. I didn't want to know. I only wanted truth and then I would leave. I would leave and never come back to see him. He disgusted me and I would never get over him again. He was different than before and I didn't like him now. He was bad, heartless and after all left me broken. Chanyeol didn't want to answer and instead he turned around  and cursed over himself. 

"You are cheating, you know! Is she good, huh? Better than me?" I hated to feel how my heart ripped into two. I was doing my best to keep us together, but in fact I could give up long ago.

"Baekhyun you don't understand. Let me explain," he said and turned again, doing his best to not yell over me. He was obviously looking for excises why he brough her here, why they were together and why he did this.

"She is right?! She must be much better than me. Gives you better pleasure huh?! What does she have that I don't?! You were out with her while I was alone! You even thought of me a bit? You just gave up on us and went around with someone else," I was nearly pulling my hair off from my anger. I was on fire, unable to end the maddness inside me.

"Yes, but I didn't want it!" Chanyeol rised his voice again.

"You didn't want it! You didn't want to cheat?! Then what was it, huh? You were afraid to cheat, but still did it?! It was too much of plesure for you to refuse! Stop lying!" I hit the dining table and made noise as the plates hit each other. 

"Baekhyun, there was nothing between me and her. I love you and you only!" he moved towards me. I only heard lies from him. I didn't belive he could still love me, while being around with the girl. He put all his love for her and left me with nothing. My love wasn't there too. We had nothing between us and it was hopeless for him to try and get me back. I was not going to let him have me agian. I was not ready for more heart breaks.

"You don't love me! There is more between you two that we ever had!" I cried and then I collapsed into the chair, exhausted and used.

"It was an accident. I didn't mean to do anything on purpose! I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing! She just insisted to be with me after it too! Get it!" he said desperately. 

"You didn't even think of telling her you got me! I am really nothing to you! You must have liked it the first time. Surely it was better than with me," I then snapped my hand over the table and one of the glasses with wine flew over the room and shattered at the floor, wine painting the broken peaces into red, wine making a mess on the floor. I was sure this would leave a bad mark on the floor, but in the moment it didn't matter. I was only focused on my anger.

"Baekhyun, no! Stop making a mess and calm down. You mean everything to me! Listen here I am sorry for this all!" he said and then he touched my shoulder, trying to calm me down. I delt disgusted just by him standing next to me and him touching me was even worse.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I shouted and snapped his hands away. "You did your mistake, now keep the consequences! I don't want you to touch me after her! Dirty hands," I stood up and the chair behind me fell on the floor too.

Just in that moment Kyungsoo appeared again. He loked like he was in hurry, ran inside like a fire broke.

"Baekhyun, I heard you shouting-" he said and looked at us confused. I kept my look on Chanyeol, looking at him furiously. I ignored that Kyungsoo came and focused on the problem in front of me. I would explain kyungsoo everything once I was done with Chanyeol.

"DON'T YOU DARE COME TO ME AGAIN!" I shouted at him and then ran upstairs. I didn't want to be around him anymore. I felt worse every second and after all Chanyeol's excuses were empty and meaningless. I threw my suit off and shut the door of the bedroom close. I couldn't do anything else than to throw myself on the bed and scream into the pillow. I screammed and clenched together, feeling pain inside me and I thought of what Chanyeol did. 

"Baekhyun..." Kyungsoo came into the room. "What happened?" he asked and took a seat next to me on the bed. 

I left the pillow, looking like a mess, but didn't care about it. 

"Soo. H-He- He CHEATED!" I hit the pillow like I wanted to rip it in two. "There was a girl with him. He thinks I will deal with him being around with others, saying it was an accident! He even cared of the girl more than me. I can't belive I trusted him!" 

"THAT ! He dares!" Kyungsoo went furious, clenching his fists and teeth together.

"I hate it! I hate that girl! I hate Chanyeol and everything he ever did to me! It is all dirty! He ment something to me before, but its nothing now! It all disappeared," I said with hoase voice from all the screaming.

"That's right Baekhyun. He doesn't deserve you! That he cheated is very wrong! Even I never cheated on Jongin even though a lot of boys look delicious to ," Kyungsoo commented. Were trying to make my and Chanyeol's realtionship better before, but now we were ready to end it immediatetly. There was no hope that we would ever get along again.

"You are not helping. I will break up with him. I can't stand this. I thought he would never change his mind about me, but turns out I will never be able to live that love life, that I want," I complained while sobbing. I was not going to cry over him. At least not around others. I was going to be strong with this, no matter what happened next.

"I am sorry this is happening to you and yes, I agree that you should leave him. Its his fault after all," Kyungsoo placed his hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down.

The door of the room opened and Chanyeol came in again. I hoped that he wouldn't appear again, but he obviously wasn't done with his meaningless excuses for me.

"Get out!" I said madly, but he shook his head, annoying me with it.

"You need to understand me," he said and came closer.

"I get everything, you don't give a about me anymore. Get out!" I said roughly, feeling my anger rise again.

"You are not telling me when to get out from the house," he replied seriously. Of course he was going to be hard as a rock. He was not going to give up and be stubborn as always.

"Yes, because its your house! I will be the one leaving!" I stood up and rushed to the door, but Chanyeol caught me by my wrist before I could leave. He pulled me in his direction, forcing me to step closer to him and then look up at him.

"You aren't going anywhere! I still love you, Baekhyun," he said, clenching hard on my wrist, keeping me close to him while I fought to get out.

"You don't," I fought and tried to push him away, but just gained pain as he held my wrist tighter. 

"Leave him you ! You don't deserve him! I thought you were cool, but turns out my best friend lived with a beast! Don't force him into it." Kyungsoo shot up, standing on my side and yelling at Chanyeol madly.

"Like you know. Give me and Baekhyun privacy," Chanyeol told him, giving him a nod to get out of the room. 

"I am not leaving Baekhyun with you. You just broke his heart. He needs something to cheer him up not your explainations of how you jerked off thinking of someone else! You messed up bad, punk! Now you better think of what you did, because it was wrong! You should be ashamed of what you did!" Kyungsoo cursed over Chanyeol and looked like he was about to beat him up.

"Soo go," I said painfully. "I will be okay, just go."

"But-" Kyungsoo hesitated, but I gave him a weak and unsure nod and he slowly left. I wanted to clear things with Chanyeol, since he asked for it and Kyungsoo would be just spending time with fighting. He looked at Chanyeol with his furious eyes, ready to kill him if I told him to. Once we were alone Chanyeol let my hand go and I sat down again. I didn't dare look at him and just stared at the ground while bitting my lip so hard that blood appeared.

"Baekhyun, I am sorry for this," Chanyeol said with his deep voice vibrating through the silence. 

"You aren't," I hissed. I didn't like his lies at all and it only made me more mad and diappointed over him.

"Yes, I ed up everything, but I still love you! I am ashamed and I regret doing it all, but please, don't give up on us yet," he said, but in fact I gave up long ago. 

"How did you even happen to run out with her! You should have left her right away! Or maybe you should have left me before breaking my heart!" I passed my hair, sighing in disappointment.

"I was drunk I told you!" he rised his voice again.

"Stupid excuse!" I puffed. Being drunk was stupid. He wasn't drunk now when he brought the girl here, so they surely had something between and it wasn't just alcohol's fault. Chanyeol was at his mind when he stayed with her and he had no good reasons for it. 

"I didn't know what I was doing, Baek. I woke up in the morning, finding out what I did! She insisted to stay with me after it," he explained again, trying his best to fight for our relationship. 

"You could lave her even though she wanted it so much! Why did you stay huh? Why didn't you tell her that I was here?! I should be the first solution for your needy , but you can't think of it, because I am nobody!" I shook my head madly.

"Because-" he cracked and didn't find the words to speak again. 

"See! I was nothing to you! You didn't care of what I would think and just enjoyed her!"I got mad again.

"I'm sorry, Baekhyun! Let's start over again. I don't want to leave you because of her. I know you can forgive me somehow!" Chanyeol begged.

"Ohh, you are begging for forgiveness now? Why? Because you weren't able to hold your in your pants! That's what you are asking for," I went furious. I hated how Chanyeol wanted to keep us togheter now, while he was backing away for a long time. He should have tried before and not now when everything was estroyed.

"No, I-" he tried to speak again but kept loosing words, proving that I was right.

"I bet she felt good. You felt better with her than me, didn't you. Were there more girls? How many of them did you , huh? It's important that you never thought of me!" I hit his shoulder madly, but he didn't react. 

"No, it was only her. After all, you didn't come to visit too. Where were you all this time? The weekends that we agreed to meet? Why didn't you come? She was my only company!" he said and tried to put some fault on me.

"I didn't come because I didn't feel comfortable next to you anymore! You acted cold around me all the time and barely even gave any love to me. Now I know the reason. It all went for that girl!" I said and then stood up. "I had enough! I am leaving!" I said, but got caught by Chanyeol again. I was going crazy of how this just didn't want to end. He wanted me with him so much that I was probably going to be imprisioned here. I didn't wait, but moved and in just a second punched Chanyeol over his cheek. He cursed as I hit him so hard that a red cut of blood appeared in him. He looked at me shocked, but didn't let me go. His lips trembled a bit as he looked at me agian.

"Hit me as much as you want. I deserve it after all! But Baekhyun, let me show you that I still love you! I can prove myself! Forget her and focus on me. I know you can still find the love that we had before!" he stood up too and showed me the height difference that was between us. He was much higher than me and after all much stronger.

"I don't want to! You messed up well enough! Now live with it!" I protested. 

"Think about it," he said and made me sit again. "I can prove you that I love you. Just let me do it."

I knew he was going to insist and I would loose, but I still wanted my win. I knew I would never love him again and he would never be able to repay so much for it. It was impossible. I looked away from him again and closed my eyes. I thought hard of what to do, but it was all blurry in my mind. I was too sad, broken, afraid at the moment to get a good solution.

"12 days," I said at last with calmer voice than before, keeping my eyes closed.

"What?" he got confused.

"You have 15 days to prove me that you still love me. If you fail we will break up," I looked up at him, knowing that he failed already. Chanyeol looked nervous about it and hesitated, but at last nodded.

"Fine. I will prove you," he said and then sat next to me again. I was not satisfyed with the deal yet. I knew Chanyeol would do everything to get me, so I had limit him.

"But.... I don't want you to cuddle me, to sent cards, buy chocolates, no dates. I want you to show me love from your heart. Try breaking my heart for the second time and I will leave immediately," I said. Chanyeol hesitated about it too. 

"Why no dates? This is supposed to help us?!" he asked.

"Because I don't want it! It's the same as cuddling and you destroyed one of the dates today, so no dates," I lost my temper again and spoke with rougher tune.

"Fine," he rolled with his eyes and gave up.

"But before that, you need to explain me why you did this," I said, clenching my fists again. 

Chanyeol sighed and protested at first, but soon gave up and told me about the girl, how they first slept together when Chanyeol was drunk at the party, how she then stayed around him and Chanyeol too felt like staying with her. It broke my heart even more, but Chanyeol insisted that I had to give him a chance to change. The explanation only caused more pain in me, but I insisted on listening. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep after that anyway. We have been arguing for a long time. I hated how he acted and lied to me and it made me go mad. I wasn't at my mind and after all I was getting tired.

"I had enough," I said after hours of arguing. "We are just spending our time here. I want to sleep too," I said and then headed out of the room.

"Where do you think you are going?" Chanyeol asked behind me. 

"To the living room! I am not sleeping with you and your dirty soul!" I shouted in reply, feeling my voice crack. I was getting hoase from all the screaming today. 

Chanyeol didn't say anything in reply and let me leave the room. Once I was on the first floor I headed to the dining room. There was still the dinner on the table, but it made me sick in the moment. On the floor there was the broken glass with wine, soaking into the floor. I only took the bottle of wine that was still on the table. I went to the living room and threw myself on the couch. 

I started drinking immediately, ending half of the bottle in only minutes.

You will never get the love you wanted. I heard in my head. It was the same sentence that I told my brother at the jail after I escaped him for the second time. He had me and I belived that nobody would like a person like that, with such a past. I felt the same for me now. I thought Chanyeol would love me, but got bored of me and decided to cheat. It was killing me as I thought of having the same future as my brother. I wouldn't have the love I wanted. Even if I asked for it so much. It wouldn't be there.

I felt tears gather in my eyes. I couldn't help it, but cry hard. It hurt me too much to hold any longer. 

The rest of the night I ended up crying and sobbing over what happened. I felt headache build in me, but I kept myself awake. I ended the bottle and felt myself spinning drunk already. It was 2am when I finally fell asleep. That night I had cried myself to sleep.


Yes, I am sorry, it's a very much ed up chapter, but please don't give up on reading. I promise it will get better! Well.... Hopefully.... If you guys are confused, just ask in comments. Tell me what you think and expect to happen down bellow in the comments. Subscribe and upvote! I love you all! Stay safe and always happy! Love EXOs!

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Oh my, it hurts me to see everyone giving up on my fanfiction. I am sorry


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
Chapter 27: wow nice story
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 27: Congratulations on completing the story.
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 27: Looool loved the ending. Am so happy for them.
LovelyYS #5
Chapter 26: I can't believe this end of chapter "Completed". Your story is amazing. Thank you!
Ventimiglia #6
Chapter 27: Glad for the happy ending ❤
atia1412 #7
Chapter 27: His office that was never there since beginning ^^ I love this chapter, it's so satisfying. And they're married!! TT thanks for the updateee
Chapter 27: I love the ending. Let's just hope no one finds General Parks office while they are in there.
Beau1996 1379 streak #9
Chapter 27: Super cute - the phantom office returns!! Thanks for this sequel - very satisfying 😁
Beau1996 1379 streak #10
Chapter 26: (sniffing and teary-eyed) I love happy endings waaaah!!💕💕😍