
Children of the Gods


Chanyeol was glad that he slept peacefully last night without having any more episodic dreams. He slept throughout the entire day as did Baekhyun and Kyungsoo and when they woke up they were met with Alec’s smiling face looking down on them like a proud father.


“Welcome back,” He said.


The three demi-gods smiled, greatly missing their camp counsellor. Before they could thank him, a group of demi-gods walked in holding flowers and thank you cards. 

Baekhyun’s sisters barged in, balling their eyes out and hugging their only brother tightly.


“Ugh, get off me-” Baekhyun protested.


“We missed you idiot!” Seulgi cried.


Then, came Junmnyeon and other demi-gods Chanyeol had recognized during capture the flag. They all waved at the three demi-gods like they were heroes that had returned from battle. 

It may as well have seemed so, but their journey was not done. Now the entire camp had to work together to fend off whatever attack was coming for them. Who knows when Jongdae and his army would come. They had to be ready.


“You’ve worked hard.”Junmnyeon told them, “I’m sure you're all rested and ready. It’s about time we get back on the battlefield.”





When Junmnyeon had said “battlefield” Chanyeol was expecting to have some over-the -op training regime plan, but it was almost as if they too were behind on trying to figure out how to save the camp. 

They decided on playing a match of capture the flag. It was understandable, the camp had just found out that they were going to be invaded by Oceanus and his army, they were improvising. Besides, capturing the flag was a good training strategy. It involved teamwork, but also working against those who you knew most.

The people who they were going to be fighting would have been ex-demigods (or rouge demigods as Adrian called them). They were going to see  and fight people they knew. Chanyeol considered himself lucky joining the camp later on, he didn’t know what he could do if he had to fight someone he knew...someone he loved.


All the campers spread out and put on their helmets red team and blue team both.

After their conversation, he watched the son of Aphrodite grow more and more silent. Chanyeol had his eyes on Baekhyun who was on the same team as his.  There would be a point where the man would need to fight off a close friend. Chanyeol felt bad for bringing on such a heated question yesterday, but he couldn’t help it. He was concerned. For Baekhyun and himself. 

After all that Jongdae had done...Baekhyun was still willing to forgive him.


“Okay everyone round up here!” Alec bellowed.


The camp encircled around him listening intently. 

The atmosphere was different from their usual capture the flag games. Mostly their would be a spark of excitement, but was a feeling of haunting sorrow that surrounded them. Peeople were more attentive, more on their toes. Capture the flag wasn’t a game anymore-it was reality.


“The camp must work together to defeat whatever obstacle is coming our way. I didn’t wnat to scare any of you-but our barriers are weak. And army of any kind could in and sabotage us. We need all the strength we can get. I want you guys to be quick, smart, work together like you have never before.” Alec announced.


“I heard Jongdae’s alive! Is really in cahoots with Oceanus?” Someone pipes up in the crowd.

Chanyeol is too focused on Baekhyun who seems to have tensed, to care. 


“I’m afraid...that one out ex-campers had joined an evil force. As have many other campers you may recognize. Don’t hold it personally against them-but don’t back down.” Alec turned his head to Baekhyun at that moment, as if he was talking only to him,


“Okay, everyone get with their teams-let us being!” Alex help up his arm signalling for the came to start.


Junmyeon was on Kyungsoo’s red team while Baekhyun and Chanyeol were placed on the other team. Chanyeol didn’t know how to feel. He knew the demigod was cross with him, but he also knew it would have turned out worse if Baekhyun was on the opposing team. He wouldn’t hold back this time.

Back when Chanyeol played his first match of Capture the Flag, Baekhyun was fierce, unapologetically cruel to the point where he almost aimed an arrow at his heart. Now that he was angry with Chanyeol he couldn’t imagine what else he was capable of.


“Okay, offense, hide in the trees. We have two attackers one west way, one east way. The defenders should have eyes on the sky and one on the ground. We need to be careful that the sons of Ares may come up from under.” A son of Athena said, taking his role as the leader.


Chanyeol wanted to ask if he could be defender, because he had no will power to even throw an attack, but the son of Athena he had other ideas. 

He positioned Chanyeol as an attacker. Go figure. 


Surprisingly enough, Baekhyun was also chosen as an attacker.


One of the sons of Ares in the team protested, “The Aphrodite spawn only knows how to throw an arrow-leave him up in defense.”


Chanyeol rolled his eyes at the comment, knowing full well they were doubting Baekhyun again. It seemed that the demigod however, was okay with changing if that meant shutting up the loud son of Ares.


“I can be defense-” Baekhyun offered, but their team leader held his hand up to silence him.


“No. They have been working on a quest together four a month now. They know how to work together-know each other's reflexes. For every flaw that Chanyeol has because of inexperience is balanced out with Baekhyun’s experience. It only makes sense to make them the frontline attackers.”


“Ugh.” The son of Ares groaned, accepting the line-up anyway.


Baekhyun had his arrows on his back while Chanyeol had his dagger in his pocket ready to go at any moment. If anything had changed between the time before their quest, they were way more serious now. 


“I won’t get in your way.” Chanyeol told Baekhyun.


Baekhyun didn’t respond, only looked straight ahead. 




They both ran in the direction of the other teams quarters. Baekhyun had climbed a tree right away. With his perfect vision, he was able to spot the red team's flag-waving about only a couple miles away amoungst the forested area.

He told Chanyeol to run along behind him while he would scan out the area ahead of him. They didn’t really know who they were up against in defense.

As if on queue the ground in front of them began to rumble and shake.

Trying to keep his balance, Chanyeol fell flat on his as Kyungsoo came out of nowhere with his silver helmet that had a red mane on it.


“Aha, I knew you guys were attackers!” He pointed at them.


Baekhyun ignored him, and shot an arrow, missing by an inch as a wave of water deflected it.

Chanyeol turned at the motion, shocked to see Junmyeon behind Kyungsoo his hands out to control the water underneath the ground.


Without hesitance, Jumnyeon surrounded a large wave of water, droplets rising from the ground. Kyungso made the ground shake, by holding his palms down as if to juice out the water underneath.

Chanyeol acted fast, as they wave hurled towards him and Baekhyun took out his dagger, aimed it up at the sky and pointed it at the wave of water.

The shock of lightning dissipated the water, making it fall to the ground.


They fought back and forth like that for about thirty minutes. Chanyeol had to admit, he’d improved. He could easily dodge Junmyeons and Kyungsoo’s attacks with ease. It didn’t feel like he was a burden anymore. Perhaps being in the face of death for almost a month helped you learn how to fight. Then there was also the impending doom he was awaiting.


“Yah!” Kyungsoo took out a sword, cornering his friend Baekhyun who was  quick to take out his own dagger and clanked the metal against Kyungsoo’s bronze sword.


“Looks like it's between you and me-” Jumnyeon began to swing his arms up summoning water and successfully throwing it at Chanyeol.


Chanyeol got back up and threw his fist up in the air . It made a cracking sound. A force of lighting was thrown towards the son of Poseidon.


Now that the two teams were divided eqaully, it seemed like the chances were evened out too much. Still, Baekhyun could tell Chanyeol was losing power, being not nearly as qualified to match Junmnyeon stamina and skill. 

He thought quickly on his feet, looking into Kyungsoo eyes with their swords still at each other's throats. 

Sowly, he moved his lips to charmspeak.


“Stay still.” Baekhyun told Kyungsoo, who immediately fell in a trance and dropped his weapon.


Then he turned his attention to a weakening Chanyeol who was on his last straw of power as Junmnyeon had his hands up ready to release more water.


“Chanyeol!” Baekhyun ran towards him holding out his hand, “Fly.”


The son of Zues nodded, grabbing a hold of Baekhyun’s hand and channeling whatever force he had left, lifting them off the ground.

Jumnyeon was to say the least...very surprised. No, shocked. It wasn’t everyday you get to see two demigods flying into the air, a pink aura surrounding them. They flew out of the distance together.


“What the-” 


Kyungsoo who had been held frozen in charmspeak gained consciousness watching in confusion as Baekhyun and Chanyeol lifted themselves off the ground like peter pan and disappeared into the sky.





The fighting started immediately. It wasn’t only Oceanus it was his arm of fiends and monsters. Other smaller titans, cyclopes, greek dragons, gorgons everything you could imagine. Chanyeol felt like he was watching a movie. A really, really scary movie in which there were flying species and crazy fireballs and canons began to be thrown their way.

All the campers who had previously been playing capture the flag had their helmets on as they all ran towards the sound of the horn. 

Alec was blowing the horn at the top of the half-blood hill overlooking the vast army that was approaching them.

With all the campers out of the cabin, Chanyel counted at least two hundred campers. He gulped looking down at the monster's blow-they were severely outnumbered.

Chanyeol spotted Jumnyeon and Kyungsoo who stood near Alec, concerned looks etching their faces.

As if to reassure him, unknown figures began to creep out of the tree’s. Fauns, Satyrs, other centaurs like Alec. Did they all live in the camp’s forest? Chanyeol had ever seen one. 


“Oceanus is at the back of his army. If we defeat the front liners, defeating him shouldn’t be a problem. This will take days. Weeks. However long, but all you need to hang in there. Hestia’s children are manning the infirmary. We will extend down to the Athena cabins with most injured staying in the protected building.”


“Ares kids will go front line!” A brave camper stood tall raising his chin.


Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at his brother's bravery. 


Alec smiled, sending the pride these demigods had in them, “Very well, you will take the front line. The barrier of the camp is not broken yet, it still holds power. You must fend off the monsters that pull through-we have enough buffer time.”


Chanyeol looked at the canons and back near the training grounds. His head clicked almost immediately.


“We should get the athena kids on the canons. They can man the machinery better than anyone else.” He offered.


Alec raised an eyebrow, surprised with the sudden leadership that Chanyeol was portraying. It was no secret though, that the son of Zues was a strong hard headed leader-it was only a matter of time before that shined through Chanyeol.


“Good idea, Chanyeol.” Alec nodded proudly. 


“We Hespheatus kids will start making weapons.” 


“Hermes kids will make bobby traps!”


“Aphrodite kids will take long-range combat!”


Alec nodded quickly at all the requests, the camp coming together as one, assigning themselves distinct jobs. Others volunteered to help in the infirmary, others with head-to-head combat. 

Chanyeol was immersed in the teamwork he’d forgotten about himself.


“I…” He realized all eyes were on him, “I guess I’ll-”


Jumnyeon joined him, “We’ll lead. Stand behind us and we are going to win.”


Chanyeol nodded enthusiastically, watching as each camper's face lit up with hope. He watched Baekhyun’s face grow anxious, his eyes trained on the foreground of the camp barrier, watching it grow weaker and weaker.




He slung his arrows along his back, Baekhyun hiked up with his siblings near the highest part of the cliff in order to gage a better view for long-distance combat.


“Baekhyun,” Alec called for him.


He turned, confused.


“I want you on the front line.”


All the campers had since dissipated from the group, going about various tasks hard at work. Baekhyun was going to go with his half siblings, and train with his bow and arrow as Aphrodite kids were taking long-range combat, but Alec had stopped him. Baekhyun wasn’t comfortable with the idea. Not only was he light years better at shooting an arrow-it didn’t make sense for him to be so close to the army considering...Jongdae would be there.


“Why?” Baekhyun asked.


“Jumnyeon told me that you and Chanyeol have discovered a new power?”


“It’s nothing really. A fluke.”


“If it's happened more than once, son. It is not a fluke.” Alec advised him.


“I don’t understand.” Baekhyun said.


“I’ve read many stories about different demigods having joint powers together. There was one in greek history that lived to tell the tale. It was an Athena child and a Hermes spawn. They had this inexplicable power and agility to move quickly. It was ten times that of their normal power. What you and Chanyeol have together is rare and can be used for good.”


Baekhyun nodded. He didn’t mean to say that he agreed, but more so acknowledged the fact that he and Chanyeol did have a connection that he sensed since the first time he’d come to camp. A missing part of him?


“I don’t want to burden anyone.” Baekhyun explained.


“You’re not.” Chanyeol came just then.


He looked much more confident now. His shoulders no longer sulked, his eyes looking straight into Baekhyuns.


“Don’t sugar coat it.” Baekhyun said.


“I’m not. I’m being serious. If anything we should be working together. We need to harness and enhance this power not be scared of it.”


Alec nodded, “I advise that you two train while you can right now.”


Baekhyun had worry lines. It was apparent that didn’t like to be held responsible for things. Alec was his mentor, his leader, the last authority. Sure, he wasn’t going to listen to Chanyeol, but it would be wrong of him to ignore Alec and his wishes. He’d given him everything. A home, a place of his own when he didn’t belong in the mortal world.


“Fine.” Baekhyun agreed.


It earned him a quiet yes from Chanyeol.




They stood there in the training grounds awkwardly. Since when was the last time they’d been together like this? Almost a month ago and even then, at least Baekhyun was able to stand in a comfortable silence. Now, it seemed like there was a growing tension between the two of them. After all, they had fought about something very sensitive to Baekhyun, his difficult past and his relationship with Jongdae. 

Chanyeol tried to ignore that gnawing argument for now.


“I want to try flying without the hand-holding.” Chanyeol said determined.


Don't get him wrong, he loved that he could hold Baekhyun’s soft slender hands once in a while, but he knew that that method of enhancing their powers was not efficient or made enough sense in battle.
To be realistic, Chanyeol wasn’t always going to be by Baekhyun's side; they were probably going to fight different monsters at different times. They needed to maximize their army. With Baekhyun holding his hand to fly-it made no sense.


“I can charmspeak onto objects. I’ve never done human beings before-or at least not long enough.”


“Okay, charmspeak me.”


Baekhyun tilted his head at the request, but nonetheless closed his eyes tightly. Then he began speaking greek, saying some witchcraft spell of sorts that Chanyeol could barely understand. His voice echoed like it always did when he charmspeaked as if nothing else was louder. Like sirens wailing in the dark night, like a scream in an empty cave. Baekhyun's voice was alluring-soothing Chanyeol thought of a million things he wanted Baekhyun to say in that voice. 

One minute Chanyeol was standing still the next his body was surrounded by a pink aura. He looked at his forearm in awe as it glittered pink and his feet began to lift off the ground.


Just when Chanyeol thought they’d done it, he landed back on the ground, the pink aura no longer there. He turned to Baekhyun who had since opened his eyes looking confused and hopeless.


“No, this isn’t going to work.” Baekhyun got up suddenly.


“Wait-where are you going? We were so close!” Chanyeol jogged up behind him.


“I’m not as powerful as you think. I’m a weakling. This power-its useless. I’m useless!” Baekhyun yelled out the last part to make sure Chanyeol understood.


Somehow, this sentiment only made Chanyeol angry. His nostrils were flared, fists clenched. He couldn’t stand it-seeing Baekhyun doubted himself every time and for what? For what had happened in the past? For Jongdae? Someone who was never with him to begin with?


“Enough!” Chanyeol yelled, overtaking his own voice.


Baekhyun who was halfway in tears looked up in shock, having never heard Chanyeol raise his voice.


“I can’t with you anymore.  Constantly making it seem like you're weak when you clearly are not! Standing here and acting like you have nothing to offer, but you do! You do Baekhyun, you're not worthless. You’re the strongest demi-god I know! You can fight and do things that I could never imagine doing myself. This isn’t about who your god parents is, this is about who you are! Your god parent may be your genes, but it doesn’t define you. I won’t let it define you!”


Baekhyun opened his mouth, looking as if he wanted to say something. Suddenly Baekhyun couldn't speak. It was as if all the confidence had drained out of him. He was scared.


Chanyeol himself couldn’t take it anymore. 


The son of Zues closed the distance between them and kissed him.


Baekhyun didn’t respond at first, perhaps overcome with shock, but after a minute he responded back, deepening their kiss. 


This was their second kiss, but somehow it was different from the last one. Chanyeol felt hot all over, his ears burning like a red cherry tomato.  Baekhyun tasted like sugar, maybe from the orange juice he drank at breakfast in the diner.


When they pulled apart, Chanyeol wanted so badly to go in for another kiss, watching Baekhyun flutter his eyes open, his heart ached and pounded. He was still waiting for it. He wanted Baekhyun to say it. It wasn’t so difficult. That he liked him too. How stubborn was this son of Aphrodite?


“One more.” Baekhyun held Chanyeol's face in his palms.


The son of Zues’ eyes grew when he realized he had no control over his body as Baekhyun began charmspeaking him for a kiss.


They reconnected their lips. Baekhyun had his eyes shut tightly as if he didn’t want to let go of this moment.


Automatically, Chanyeol’s hand reached Baekhyun’s waist, fitting nicely on the curve.


“W-wait.” Chanyeol caught him before he could kiss him again, “I don’t want to do this don’t feel the same. I don’t want this to be a fling, Baekhyun. I really like you. Actually, I-”




Their romantic mood was interuppted. 


The both of them jumped at the sound of a crater beginning dropping only ten meters away from them. Baekhyun let go of Chanyeol, taking out an arrow quickly and aiming it at the running figure bounding their way.


“Who is that?” Chanyeol took out his own dagger.


“It’s Ezo,” Baekhyun said.


“Well, well, well looks like you two demigods eventually escaped. Such a shame. Had you followed my rules, maybe your camp wouldn’t be invaded right now!” 


Ezo was riding on a large horse. It’s eyes were red and mane a dark brown. He soon got off from the horse, tilting his head in curiosity when he realized Chanyeol had a blush streaked across his face. Laughing, he held his stomach to stop himself.


“So the Aphrodite spawn has finally got you under his spell hasn’t he?” Ezo mocked them.


Baekhyun slung his arrow and fit it into the bow. One of his eyes were shut tight and the other opened so that he could see where to aim. Baekhyun was dangerously hot with a bow and arrow, Chanyeol knew so much. Knowing that he was also aiming the weapon at Ezo because of what he’d said-was...beyond attractive.


“Oh look at him-he’s getting feisty now-”


“Shut up!” Chanyeol was the first to charge.


He swung at Ezo who unsheathed his own black crimson sword. He waved it around dodging almost every attack Chanyeol had coming for him. It was almost like he was predicting his every step. That’s when he remembered that Ezo was the son of Hermes-the messenger God. He could fight at speeds that were unimaginable to a mortal.


They needed options, because right now it was hopeless.


Behind Ezo were several monsters. One gorgon and other cyclopes. As Chanyeol continued to fight with Ezo, Baekhyun fought all of the monsters singal-handeldy. 

The son of Aphrodite looked exhausted, worn out and tired, but Chanyeol hadn’t seen him look more beautiful in his entire life.


Ezo swung at him again, missing only by half of an inch from his chest. Or equally worse-any of his vital organs. Chanyeol tried his best, but just like Baekhyun he too was losing his willpower and energy. They needed help-


As if on queue, it came in Junmyeon and Kyungsoo taking out their own weapons and attacking the gorgon and cyclopes Baekhyun was fighting. 


“Did you really think you guys could leave us out of the fun?” Kyungsoo winked.


Then, he summoned a large earthquake making Ezo fall over from behind. Chanyeool took the opportunity and kicked the weapon out of his hands. Growing irritated, Ezo flung his arms around eventually elbowing Chanyeol in the nose. 

Falling back he groaned in pain.


Baekhyun in the meantime gauged one of his broken arrows into the heart of a gorgon, successfully killing it off. Kyungsoo and Junmnyeon continued to attack the large cyclopes hurling a huge wooden club at them.

The son of Aphrodite searched for Chanyeol and found that Ezo had his weapon now and Chanyeol was on the ground helpless.


Baekhyun ran as fast as he could, taking out an arrow and flinging it towards Ezo. But the demigod was beyond fast, he deflected it with the tip of his sword and as if to mock Baekhyun further laughed at the effort.


Ezo held up the sword so that it covered the rays of the sun, Chanyeol was drained. He couldn't do much about it. So this is how he would die. This would be the end of him-and what would happen to his mother? She’d be devastated. As much as he wanted to fight back he couldn't. This was the end.


“Stop!” Baekhyun yelled.


Ezo faltered, something in his eyes switching as he became entranced by the charmspeak.


Baekhyun ran forward knowing that he couldn’t fight with arrows one-on-one, he picked up Chanyeol's dagger which had skidded near him. When Ezo woke up from the charmspeak his eyes glinted angrily at the son of Aphrodite.

Ezo swung his sword, making Baekhyun duck. Then, the son of Aphrodite lunged forward, aiming for Ezo’s leg-but was met with the blunt force of his forearm that pushed baekhyun back.


CHanyeol slightly opened his eyes, his body coming in and out of consciousness to witness the fight in front of him. He knew Baekhyun needed help, but with Jumnyeon and Kyungsoo fighting off the oncoming monsters, Chanyeol was the only one who could help him.


Please dad. He begged his father. Please this one time give me some strength.


Baekhyun was already bruised from Ezo’s attacks-one more hit would put him over the edge. While Chanyeol began to stand up again he saw Baekhyun fight harder than he had ever done before, swinging a weapon he had never used before- Chanyeol’s weapon. He was good at it. Talented to say the least.


Chanyeol tried to stand up.


Something strange happened. A chill traveled down his spine-as if he could sense something awful was going to happen. In front of him, Baekhyun cried out in pain-a strangled groan. 


Chanyeol eyes widened, “Baekhyun!” but he realized he was too late.


Baekhyun fell to the ground, and only Ezo was standing in front of him with a bloody dagger in his hand.

Chanyeol’s eyes widened with every second of that dagger seeping into Baekhyun’s body.


That's when he could feel the blood pulsing in his body-his senses regaining strength. No one. No one ever-


Chanyeol held up his hand and threw a dangerous amount of the lighting and aimed it directly and precisely at Ezo. IN response the demigod froze from the impact. He dropped the dagger, letting it slide out-Baekhyun’s blood staining the weapon.

Chanyeol saw several monsters round up then-realizing that their master was hurt.

But Chanyeol didn’t care.

He ran to Baekhyun, watching his drooped eyes attempt to stay open.


“No one touch him!” Chanyeol yelled, “Get away!” He yelled at the monsters.


Ezo who has miraculously survived the impact of Chanyeol’s lightning stood up laughing maniacally, “Interesting,” 

Kyungsoo ran up beside him realizing Chanyeol needed to fight these monsters because if he didn’t get Baekhyun to the infirmary in time he didn’t know what would happen.

Junmnyeon threw Kyungsoo a nervous look as he threw an unconscious Baekhyun on his back, but nodded his head once as if to tell him to stay and fight with Chanyeol. 




Being in a state of constant pain was not enjoyable. Baekhyun whined out whenever Kyungsoo ran too quickly. The pain had been so bad he assumed he’d been stabbed in the chest, but thankfully he’d actually been stabbed in his lower thigh. Still it hurt like a .


“We’re almost there, buddy. Hang in there.”


On their way up the infirmary they were met with Seulgi who was busy flinging arrows at Monsters. Her face went slack when she saw her brother being carried by Kyungsoo who was also stained with blood.


“Wha-what-”Seulgi was visibly shaking.


“Get Alec!” Kyungsoo brought her back to her senses.


“O-okay!” She ran off quickly.


Baekhyun was laid down on a stretcher in the infirmary. He tried his best to hold consciousness, but it didn’t help when you were around hundreds of other campers who were wailing in pain and bleeding out of their limbs.


“I’m going to faint,” Baekhyun concluded.


“Don’t, not yet.” Kyungsoo pleaded.


“You better overdose me with ambrosia or I’m going to faint!” Baekhyun yelled at the top of his lungs.




After what felt like an eternity, the monsters along with Ezo retreated. It was almost like they’d to give up. That-and Chanyeol had electrocuted Ezo so many times it was perhaps wiser to retreat and hold off battle until later. The monsters grabbed their master on their backs and ran in the other direction, leaving CHanyeol and Junmnyeon out of breath and exhausted.


Suelgi appeared just then, in tears as if she were in the midst of going somewhere.


Chanyeol took his dagger and put it back in his belt, “Where is he.”


“T-the infirmary. It doesn’t look good.” She said.



When Baekhyun woke up he felt a little better than before he got stabbed on his upper thigh. He knew the gash was too deep not to leave a scar, so he’d come to terms with the idiocy of not dodging such an easy attack. Curse, Ezo and his stupid lightining speed. Maybe if Baekhyun had a little more power left in him that time...just maybe he would have been able to defeat that sorry excuse for a demigod.

Looking around the infirmary he noticed from outside the window that it was now nighttime. He noticed the part of the infirmary Kyungsoo had taken him too was an isolated area, rather than the main area-perhaps where all the minor injuries were. 

Last thing he remembered was fighting Ezo...Chanyeol yelling his name...and seeing Seulgi a crying mess. 

Were his injuries that bad that people were being so concerned over him.

He wondered where Chanyeol was at this point, alive? Dead? Had Baekhyun done his due diligence and fended off Ezo as long as he could so the son of Zues could get his strength back?

In some ways Baekhyun was indebted. He knew that as he watched Chanyeol become helpless he couldn't help but imagine himself in so many positions like that one. 

Baekhyun sighed, attempted to lay on his side, but winced at the shooting pain in his right thigh. 


The nurse stolled in just then, not bothering to knock. She was holding a steel box to which she sternly opened and began taking out various medical supplies.


“It’s going to hurt.” The nurse said.


Baekhyun’s eyes looked between the rubbing alcohol and stitching needle she had in her hand. This was going to hurt a lot, actually.

As if someone had come to save the day from his pain he saw a relieved face walk in. Chanyeol looked out of it. His hair was all over the place, with some tips looking like they had been electrocuted. Then there was the armor he was wearing to capture the flag. It had holes in it and the helmet he’d been wearing was nowhere in sight. Chanyeol eyes were bloodshot, his face a flushed-pale white. Yet, Baekhyun couldn’t help but feel an intense ache in his heart every time he saw him. 

Was this love? Or was his brain tricking him.


The son of Zues stormed over out of the breath, looking at Baekhyun’s injury in worry as the nurse began to remove the fabric of Baekhyun’s patient scrubs exposing a deep-bloody laceration just above his knee. 




“You idiot! I could have taken him! You didn’t have to meddle-I had him but you-ugh.” Chanyeol shook his head in dismay.


“Calm down, Chanyeol. I’m fine.”


“No you're not. You’re clearly not fine.” He said under his breath.


The nurse ignored their supposed lovers' quarrel as she began taking a cotton swab and dipping it into the rubbing alcohol in a dish. Baekhyun looked over to Chanyeol as if asking something with his violet eyes.

Almost immediately, despite his anger, Chanyeol rounded to the otherside of the infirmary bed and gently held Baekhyun’s cold and weak hand.


When the nurse gently dabbed the cotton swab into his wound Baekhyun was sure he could admit that this was more painful than the actual injury itself. Like a thousand needles sinking into his skin, like a cinder of burning coal rubbing on the insides of his leg. 


“Ah,” Baekhyun let out a quiet coo of pain, tightening his hold on Chanyeol’s hand.


Everyone knew very well that the Baekhyun’s expression of his pain was nowhere near what it actually felt like. Chanyeol knew that much, his eyebrows were scrunched together in concern.


“The dagger had gorgons venom in it. This may take longer to heal. I’m surprised you're even alive-gorgons venom is highly dangerous it's like mercury mixed with uranium.”


“That doesn’t help,” Baekhyun clenched his jaw as the nurse continued to abuse his skin such that she could close up his stitches. 


After sweating and feeling the need to pass out for a consecutive thirty minutes, Baekhyun gently, and hesitantly let go of Chanyeol’s hand. He didn’t want to admit that he found so much comfort in holding it.


The nurse felt the tensions rise in the room, so she took it upon herself to leave Baekhyun and Chanyeol alone then.

The son of Aphrodite, sighed a deep breath, still feeling the stinging pain down his leg. He looked straight up at the ceiling trying to avert his gaze from Chanyeol.


“I’m sorry for yelling at you.” Chanyeol said.


Baekhyun nodded, “It’s okay, It was stupid of me to even think I was anything up against Ezo.”


“Next time we fight together.” Chanyeol bent down to the level of his bed to catch his eyes.


Baekhyun turned his head to avoid his magnetizing gaze. 


“I can fight him alone, I just need to recover.  You don’t need to be caught up in this mess.”


“What do you mean.”


“This huge war-it’s my fault.” Baekhyun said.




“No-it is. If I had just talked to Jongdae-even tried to make him understand the things he’s doing he may have listened. I didn’t try hard enough.”


Chanyeol sighed, realizing where the conversation was going. Another big spiel about how Baekhyun thought everything was his fault-when it really wasn’t. Everything that jongdae had done at this point was his own decision. It had nothing to do with Baekhyun.


“I should talk to him-maybe if I can get close Jongdae will-”


The demigods' words were lost when Chanyeol finally put his mouth over Baekhyun’s pressing them firmly together. He knew when he kissed Baekhyun he would be catapulted into another dimension. Shutting up the man with a kiss felt good. It felt like he was finally taking control over this love triangle that entangled his brain.

And even when Chanyeol pulled away slightly such that they could feel each other's breath, Baekhyun kissed him again-and again. Not once, not twice, at least five times the demigod brought him closer with the back of his hand on his nape. 

It was like Chanyeol was in heaven.

Pulling away, he felt an instinctual need to cup Baekhyun's cheek in his palm, scanning his face to detect any form of emotion. Baekhyun had a tint of pink glowing along the bridge of nose, curcing down his cheeks. The golden hair that stuck to his forehead from sweat. His violet pupils were dialted and mouth still plump and moist from their kiss. He was beautiful-Chanyeol had no other words for him.


“I don’t like it when you talk about him.” Chanyeol explained, “I don’t like when you defend him. Because I love you Baekhyun and I can’t share you with anyone else.”



Authors note: AHHH chanyeol confessed that he LOVES Baekhyun what will Baekhyun's answer be? Well clearly he's slowly realizing his feelings for Chanyeol, but its going to be a while before he actually accepts them considering how prideful he is. That and the fact that he knows once he's accpeted these feelings that Aphrodite will meddle. 

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Interesting take - I love the Percy Jackson books but have been disappointed with the movies!
Geraltihista18 #2
Chapter 13: you published the end of the third part in the first part of the trilogy
Vampirella77 #3
Chapter 13: Beautiful Story ❤️
Chapter 13: Ooh the final?! It's been a while, so glad to have another chapter of this, it's been a fun story and i really enjoyed reading it. Thank you so much for writing, you did a great job <3
Chapter 11: I wasn't expecting Jongdae's death but it was necessary given the circumstances. I really enjoyed reading this book. It's well-written and loved chanbaek chemistry and the dynamics of other characters <3
Chapter 10: I hope Baekhyun would not do anything rash because of his overflowing emotions.
Chapter 9: Awwwww that confession. Pretty sure Baekhyun forgot his pain for a while 🥰
Chapter 8: It's a relief they're back at camp half blood even though they have to face an impending war
Chapter 7: I really like how the story is turning out to be; back to back surprises with great timing!
Chapter 6: Jongdae is ALIVE?? And why the tension? This is so good