
Children of the Gods



Perhaps Baekhyun had spoken too soon. Before he knew it, a flood of demigods were already out from the dining hall. Some ran out of their cabins and even in the middle of training to fight the new wave of monsters that was hurling towards them. The barrier was getting weaker. Considering that several demigods were in the larger branch of the infmary,  they were also low on man power.

Junmnyeon took out his sword from his sheath resting in a sling on his shoulder. He sighed, cursing under his breath as his moment of relaxation from constant battle had ended abruptly. 

The son of Poseidon was stopped by Baekhyun’s delicate hand that held his arm. It was a small gesutre Junmnyeon understood.


“You’re not going back into battle,” Junmnyeon said sternly, glancing at Baekhyun’s leg wound.


“I know...I just wanted to say good luck and...please take care of him.”


Junmnyeon nodded sincerely, not having to be told who Baekhyun was talking about.




“Junmyeon you’re back? We got more trouble.” Chanyeol ran up to him after he’d come from the dining hall.


The son of Posiden nodded quickly, watching several demigods in front of them hold off large cyclopes. Five Ares kids were ganging up on one of them, including Kyungsoo. They were so preoccupied with that one monster, another cyclopes rounded off adjacent from them storming towards Chanyeol and Junmyeon.

The children of the big three held up their weapons in preparation, but were surprised when several arrows began to hit the cyclopes one by one each hit, perfectly aimed at his body.


Turning back, Chanyeol smiled back at the Aphrodite kids, who’d basically saved their asses off several times up until now. They’d been going at it for days now. At one point they’d run out of arrows.

Aphrodite kids made him think about Baekhyun. He desperately wanted to see him again, hold him...kiss him. But last time they’d seen each other Chanyeol had left him with an ultimatum. Baekhyun, whether he liked it or not, had to choose between Chanyeol and Jongdae and the fact that it was taking the demigod this long to respond was killing him inside.

He knew that Baekhyun didn’t hate him now, but did he even like him to begin with?

Chanyeol’s dilemma was that he didn’t want to waste time on someone who didn’t feel the same about him. Especially if that someone was harbouring feelings for someone else. 

Next to him, there was some demigods were were screaming for help.

“ that…” Junmyeon squinted in the distance to see from afar where the barrier of their camp barrier had a gaping hole.


“No way,” Chanyeol grew tense.


It was like a huge weight had been dropped on his shoulders when he could see Oceanus and his huge titan self walking over behind his large army of monsters in the distance. And standing on his shoulder was Jongdae, holding out his own sword, his eyes sparking of lightning. every step he took made the ground shake. Minature earthquakes spread across the camp grounds.

The circumstances were bad for the camp. Not only had a lot of demigods become injured, but they were running out of artillery. Last time he checked Athena kids were low on boulders for their canons and aphrodite kids were trying to create makeshift arrows from scraps of sharpened wood. 

If Jongdae and Oceanus had come at any time for now, perhaps they would have had a chance to beat them.


Junmnyeon didn’t waste any time, he summoned a wave and carried himself to the height of the titan, making sure to look him dead in the eyes as if to say: you're fighting me and now one else.

Chanyeol was so mesmerized by the demigod's bravery he hadn’t even noticed Jongdae had disappeared from the titans shoulder.


“Well, well. If it isn’t the son of Poseidon. It’s about time I get back at that foolish god and his spawn!” The titan rumbled loudly, making the ground shake a little.


“You’re all talk,” Junmnyeon spat.


“Watch me, petty demi-god,” the titan lifted his glowing blue trident and threw a large wave of water that appeared out from thin air towards Junmnyeon. 

It flung the demigod back to the ground and washed him over with a dreary looking shade of water. Like it was contaminated and looked nothing like the crystal blue water Junmyeon usually summoned.


“I’ll hold him off,” Junmnyeon stood up from the impact, “Go get Jongdae.”


“Where did he even go?”


Chanyeol turned his head in all directions, trying to catch sight of a familiar slanted upwards eyes and permed brown hair.


“Where do you think!” Junmnyeon ignored him, lifting himself up with another wave as he continued to pester the titan.


It didn’t seem like he was trying to fight him, rather...distract him.


“No..he wouldn’t.” Chanyeol immediately ran in the other direction.




Baekhyun tossed and turned in his bed that afternoon, wondering when the sun would fall and he could lay in the darkness and no worry about seeing things that would keep him awake. When his eyes finally felt like they were falling he was disturped by a rumbling beyond the infirmary. 

Quick on his toes, the demigod threw on his regular clothes and changed out of his hospital robe painfully so. He could feel a thousand little burning fires in his inner thigh from his injury. He limped to the window and saw the commotion that was happening back at the barrier of the camp. It was like a bomb had exploded. All the demigods began fighting monster upon monster. It was infinite. 

Baekhyun knew he had to help. There had to be something he could do. He could feel the rumbling of the ground-probably from Oceanus. 

His injury would heal. He didn’t need to be bed ridden for this long. 

Baekhyun reached into his leather jacket where he’d kept his dagger wrapped up, but just before he was to exit the infirmary he saw the nurse come in with a terrified tear stricken look on her face.

She was sniffling. Her hand tied around her back and the tip of a bronze blade up against her neck.


“What…”Baekhyun tried to understand her expression.


“Where do you think you’re off to?” Jongdae said.


He was holding a dagger to the nurses back and a finger to his lips making sure that no one moved or said anything.




“What are you doing here?” Baekhyun held his dagger up.


He watched Jongdae carefully, especially his right hand which had  a dagger aimed behind the nurse who’d given him his stitches a few days ago. She wasn’t someone he’d noticed up until now especially since Baekhyun had been in so much pain at the time.


“You weren’t really going to go fight with an injury like that, Baekhyunee, were you?” Jongdae mocked him.


“Let her go and I’ll talk to you.” Baekhyun said sternly.


Jongdae’s eyes were in broad daylight, a sight to see. They were no longer the solemn dark grey he remembered them to be. They were yellow-sickish jaundice like his eyes were rotting in acid. It wasn’t him. This wasn’t Jongdae. Baekhyun knew.


“Very well, run off.” Jongdae stepped aside.


The nurse covered from crying as she ran off out of the infirmary on her way perhaps to tell other demigods what had happened.


“She won’t be going very far.” Jongdae laughed.


“Spit it out. What do you want. Why are you here to destroy the camp.” Baekhyun cut straight to the chase.


“Whatever happened to hello, how are you?” the demigod smiled evilly.


“You’re aren’t the same person that I knew.” Baekhyun said bitterly.


“Oh really? Or are you just saying that so you can conveniently forget about me and involve yourself with that big three scum son of Zues Park Chan-”


“Enough! This isn’t about him-you disappoint me,” Baekhyun said.


When Baekhyun says this he catches the slight shimmer of Jongdae’s eyes from yellow to grey. It was like Jongdae was trapped in someone else's body, like he was begging to come out.


“I thought you were on my side, Baekhyunie. I was the one who was on your side when no else was.” Jongdae reminded him cunningly.


“Those times were different.” Baekhyun held his ground, but voice trembling.


Then, he did something he’d never thought to do in a hundred years.

Baekhyun attcked Jongdae. He aimed his dagger at his limbs first, hoping to get a good jab, but Jongdae quickly dodged.

Jongdae was quick. So quick, it caught Baekhyun off guard. He fell on the ground on both his palms. He looked up in disgust watching Jongdae laugh at his sorry attempt at fighting him back.

Baekhyun's knees buckcled. Jongdae was the one to catch him from falling. Pity. 


“That injury isn’t doing you any favours.” Jongdae said.


Baekhyun got up again, thrwoing Jongdae's hands off of him.

Jongdae let him as if he found humour in seeing the demigod struggle. His face flushed and eyes red and eyelids hooded. He couldn’t even stand up straight. Even doing that one simple attack move left him breathless. 

Gorgon's poison hurt like a , but it wasn’t going to stop him.


Baekhyun pursed his lips together and used his strength to slash his dagger to the side, hoping it would somehow penetrate the demigod. 

Still, that left Baekhyun catching his breath.


“Give up already. It’s that simple. Join my forces and my army. Lets live the dream we always imagined, Baekhyun. One without demigods, without treacherous monsters and evil spirits. We can finally-”




The infirmary window busted open making thousands of pieces of glass spread across the floor. The setting sun’s rays were let though.

Standing on the sill was Chanyeol. His eyes were an angry because his eyebrows were furrowed. It looked like he was prepared to kill anything that came in his way. 


Baekhyun didn’t even have time to say anything because Chanyeol already flitted past him. His eyes were trained on Jongdae as he swung his sword at the demigod over and over again, but kept missing as Jongdae almost teleported from each miniscule centimeter to dodge his weapon.

The son of Aphrodite watched helplessly as Chanyeol lost every hit. Still, the demigod didn’t back down. He continued to fight Jongdae till his last breath.


Turning back to the window he could see demigods fighting monsters that never seemed to end. It was chaos. It felt like they were losing. Baekhyun couldn't take it anymore.

He brought his hands to his ears and yelled in an echoing voice.


It was loud, demanding. Like the voice of a siren that could force you to do anything. Baekhyun had his last straw. He’s used up all of his physical energy. He still had one thing left.


“ENOUGH!” Baekhyun yelled.


The room was silent. It was like a pin had been dropped and you hear nothing else but Baekhyun’s ragged breath and the sound of distant fighting.


Chanyeol dropped his weapon and so did Jongdae. They stood there frozen, struggling to get out of the state. Baekhyun had never done charmspeak on the two people at the same time. Yet, here he was. This was new.


“You’ve gone mad.” Baekhyun was talking to Jongdae.


Chanyeol stood frozen in the spot, his weapon raised but unable to move it further. His face was twisted like he wanted to say something, but was still frozen in Baekhyun's charmspeak. 


Jongdae didn’t respond as he was still under the influence of charmspeak. His yellow eyes flickered and suddenly they were a cloudy grey again.


“This isn’t you,” Baekhyun crawled forward as he couldn’t even stand up from the pain shooting up his leg.


“This wasn’t the Jongdae I knew. The Jongdae I knew and looked up to would never do something to his family-the gods, demigods, this camp. He couldn’t hurt a fly.” Baekhyun said, his voice cracking.


Baekhyun painstakingly took out his own dagger and sunk it into the leg of his old friend, making a pained grown release from Jongdae.


Jongdae dropped to the ground, his eyes looking up at the ceiling, but his body no longer in a state of charmspeak.

With his back to the ground and his body no longer able to move because of the dagger in his leg, Jongdae let out a small breath.


Baekhyun came beside him and held his face in his palms, “I missed you.” he cried.


In the back of his mind he processed the fact that Chanyeol was behind him frozen, without any power. Baekhyun knew what he was doing was stupid, but after his dream last night things were finally making sense. 


“Baek...Baekhyun.” Jongdae whispered, it was like his voice was being held hostage.


“I know...shhh…” Baekhyun held his hand tightly watching the colour drain from his eyes.


“Kill him...kill whatever is inside me. Please.” He begged.


Baekhyun nodded, closing his eyes tightly before handing Jongdae his own weapon and placing it in the palm of his hand so that he could wrap it around tightly.

With one swift movement, Baekhyun took a deep breath and charmspoke:




Jongdae took the dagger and penetrated his own chest. His vial organ. The one thing that was keeping him alive. Yet, the one thing that if remained any longer would have destroyed the camp.

His eyes still remained open, but Baekhyun was happy to say they weren’t yellow, but grey like they used to be.


“I let you down.” Jongdae said, tears falling from his eyes as he took the last moments of his breath one, by one as blood began to pool around his body.


“No, it's not your fault.” Baekhyun’s voice trembled, “I wanted to say thank you. I don’t think I would have been alive right now if it weren’t for you. I owe you my life.”


“Don’t say things like that…”Jongdae winced as he finally began to feel the pain on his chest, “Do you still love me?” He asked.


Baekhyun bit the bottom of his lip. He’d been thinking about this moment for a long time and after his dream he’d known exactly what to say.


“Yes, as a brother. I loved you as my family. I couldn’t bear living a second without you.” Baekhyun admitted.


He quickly glanced up at the still frozen Chanyeol whose expression he could not read. Except...Chanyeol wasn’t in charmspeak anymore. Baekhyun could see had his arms to his side and his expression stern as he watched Baekhyun do what needed to be done. For the good of the camp. For the good of the world. He watched Baekhyun make the biggest sacrifice of his life. They were in complete chaos. There were thousands of monsters fighting their friends outside and all Chanyeol could think about was seeing Baekhyun alive. 


Before Jongdae could let out another word, his face went slack and his eyes flickered yellow one last time before his heart gave out. His dying body lay there, blood soaked up in Baekhyun’s hands and jeans.

Baekhyun laid over his body and cried like he’d never cried before.



Chanyeol was the one to pull Baekhyun off Jongdae’s bloody body as some demigods ran in to take him away so that no one else would be traumatized by his sight.


“I’m sorry, I looked weak.” Baekhyun wiped away his tears.


After a few minutes of crying, Chanyeol had to gently remove Baekhyun from Jongdae’s bleeding body and let some of the Apollo kids take him away. 


“Are you kidding. You did the bravest thing imaginable.” Chanyeol said.


He took his arms and wrapped them around the demi-god tightly as Baekhyun continued to shudder and cry. Chanyeol felt his cheeks heat up and as he thought about the brief moment that Baekhyun had told his old lover that he liked him as a brother and to confirm he’d turned back to look at Chanyeol, sincerely. It was a moment he could never forget the innocent and yet determined look in his eyes that told him...maybe...there was a slight chance that Bakehyun liked him too.

Still, he knew bringing it up right now probably wasn’t the right time. That, and even though Jongdae was gone now as well as the demon inside him Oceanus and Ezo were still rampant. 


“Chanyeol!” Kyungoo ran into the infirmary.


The son of Ares looked at the scene in front of him in slight confusion as he saw Baekhyun hugging Chanyeol who had just gone red in the face. 

Awkwardly, they let go of each other.

Kyungsoo didn’t really know what was happening, but it seemed that he had more serious matters to attend to.


“Junmnyeon needs help! Oceanus is way too strong for him.”


Chanyeol nodded quickly, taking out his sword to finish this war off once and for all.


“Wait-I want to fight.” Baekhyun said.


“No,” Chanyeol and Kyungsoo said at the same time.

Chanyeol didn't like the idea of leaving Baekhyun in such a vulnerable state right after Jongdae had just died, but he needed him to stay put. Chanyeol needed to finish this mess. Once and for all.



This wasn’t exactly Chanyeol’s idea of fun, though.

Chanyeol ran into a scene of complete chaos. He’d only been in the infirmary with Baekhyun for twenty minutes and so much had happened. For one, a lot of demi-gods were being rushed to tend to their wounds and the Athena kids were trying desperately to repair a canon that had gone down. 

It was mostly Ares kids who were left fighting off the monsters. There was small smokes and fires scattered around the camp, the endless clanking of bronze weapons and the yelps of pain were rampant. 

Chanyeol and Kyungsoo hid behind a boulder, trying to catch a glimpse of Junmyeon and Oceanus.

It wasn’t looking so good.

Junmnyeon had his armor almost torn off, and his face was flushed and tired. He was pushing for waves, large amounts of water with no break. It was going to exhaust him regardless. Even though Oceanus knew that Jongdae was dead, he still continued to fight him-perhaps this plan was his all along and not the rouge demigod's. 

Poor Jongdae, Chanyeol thought. All this time he’d blamed this entire war on him, but in the end he’d sacrificed his own life so that he could save the camp. He wondered what their relationship would be like if he was still alive. His own demi-god half brother? He wouldn’t be alone in his cabins anymore. Imagining all these memories and the relationship of what he could have had with Jongdae made his heart twist in agony. Even though he didn’t know Jongdae personally, he was affected by his death.

If he was going to take Oceanus head on it wouldn’t only be for the camp it would be for Jongdae, for Kyungsoo, Junmnyeon...and Baekhyun.


“I have an idea.” Chanyeol’s mind clicked.




Kyungsoo nodded his head after attentively following Chanyeol plan. It was quite simple actually and didn’t require much man power. 

Chanyeol had already figured that if they defeated Oceanus, his monster army would retreat. Demi-gods could pulverize thousands of monsters, it was the large titan that was slowing them down. 


“,” Chanyeol saw as Oceanus threw another hit of his poisonous water at Junmyeon.

If not for his fast reflexes, it would have burned him alive.


Chanyeol gave a quick nod to Kyungsoo to initiate his plan and immediately, the son of Ares put his palm to the ground and opened a small hole to which he could only fit. 

Then, when Kyungsoo jumped in the hole disappeared. 

Chanyeol ran towards the titan like his life depended on it.


“Come here big guy!” Chanyeol yelled.


Slowly, his attention from Junmnyeon shifted to Chanyeol. Oceanus’s reptile like eyes were scary. Chanyeol in that moment would have probably retreated, but he was too far into his plan. He raised his dagger up as if to taunt the titan. 

In response, Oceanus ignored Junmnyeon who looked at Chanyeol in shock.

The titan bounding towards him at a pace unimaginable to a mortal-speed wasn’t a concept, this was an abnormal pace he was coming at Chanyeol with.

The son of Zues didn’t expect the sudden speed. 

He ran to the left as Oceanus turned again to try and catch Chanyeol.

Before Oceanus could even lay a finger on him, Chanyeol pointed his dagger up in the sky and closed his eyes for a second. Immediately, the dagger became gauged in electricity. It sparked and had an electric current that was deadly. 

When Oceanus was only inches away from him, Chanyeol jumped as high as he could with the little wind around him, kicking the titan in the face and then subsequently aiming the dagger at his eyes.

Oceanus retracted in pain, holding his hand over his gouged eye.


“Nice!” Junmnyeon yelled from the other side.


The son of Poseidon was busy fighting Ezo who was still in a manic state and had since run after him. It seemed that he’d left the goal of defeating Oceanus to Chanyeol. 


Chanyeol landed back on the ground, his dagger still sparking with lightning. 


Just a little longer. He needed to hold him off just a little longer until Kyungsoo came out from the ground and gave the final hit.


“Yah!” Chanyeol stepped forward and stabbed the titan in the leg.


“Curse you! Son of Zues!” The titan howled in pain.


Oceanus threw a fit. He took his glowing blue trident and aimed it straight at Chanyeol, who nodded his head in anticipation.


“Come and get me, big guy!” Chanyeol roared. 




Suddenly, the ground began to rumble and it began to split it two. An earthquake that made all the monsters around them fall flat on their face or hold up their arms as an attempt to balance. Once the ground had opened up underneath Oceanus, causing the titan to fall right through.

Then, out came Kyungsoo who took his own fist and layed it flat on the titans head, earring a loud groan of pain. 

Kyungsoo’s fist was as strong as a thousand hammers combined. The impact of his fist hitting the titian was nothing Chanyeol had ever seen.

Just like that Oceanus fell deeper into the hole.


Did they do it?



Had they really defeated one of the strongest Titans known to demigods?


“That was genius, Chanyeol!” Kyungsoo waved happily as he ran towards his friend.


Chanyeol couldn’t believe they’d actually...but wait-


For a millisecond it seemed that Oceanus had been defeated like his body had been transported back to the depths of the underworld, but suddenly Chanyeol felt a small rumble from the ground. 


No,no,no,no, Chanyeol thought.


The titan was going to attack this time again.

and without any mercy.

Kyungsoo, Junmnyeon and even Chanyeol who’d already sensed the danger weren’t fast enough. It was like everything even their bodies were moving in slow motion. 


He could see the titan’s eyes, the glowing anger in his body. He aimed his trident at Chanyeol.


The son of Zues waited for the impact.




Chanyeol's eyes blinked slowly when he realized.



A few minutes before...


Baekhyun stumbled out of the infirmary feeling hopeless and stupid. Not only had he just witnessed the death of a Jongdae right before his eyes, but he wasn’t even able to fight in a war he’d blamed himself for. Wandering around he squinted to see the chaos ahead of him.

If he went on the battlefield, he’d be dead meat. And although death was an intriguing offer after what he’d just suffered, he knew many demigods, namely Chanyeol would be furious with him.

Still, he couldn’t stand here and watch his friends loose.


He found his sisters hideout, where they had  sandbags towered over them. Some of them were out of breath-others out of arrows to aim.

Seulgi noticed her brother limping towards them.


“Baekhyun, what are you doing here! You should be back at the infirmary!” 


“I know, I know-Seulgi I can’t stand lying on the bed anymore. Just tell me how it's going.”


His sister looked at the ground, “Not good. Oceanus just keeps getting stronger and stronger. Junmyeon and Chanyeol are-”


“Let me see,” Baekhyun shoved a few people behind the tower of sandbags, snatching a pair of binoculars from them. Out in the expanse of the camp fields he saw several demigods, mostly Ares kids, continuously fighting monsters.

They never ended. It seemed that when one was dead another one would pop up randomly.

Amongst the mass of people he saw their camp coordinator, Alec using his arrows to defeat several monsters one by one. Even Alec wasn’t going to be strong enough to hold off the infinite amount of monsters.

He saw Junmyeon Ezo at once, handling them well, but he could tell he was losing strength.

Turning his head to the left, Baekhyun caught sight of Chanyeol who was waving his arms around like a lunatic at none other than Oceanus. Meanwhile, Kyungsoo was nowhere to be found.


“That fool,” Baekhyun cursed under breath knowing exactly what plan Chanyeol was trying to do.


“Give me the arrow.” Baekhyun demanded from Seulgi.


His sister shook her head in protest, “You’re in no condition to fight. Chanyeol told me not to let you-”


“Ugh forget what he told you, give me the weapon.”




“Look at all of you. You’re tired and out of it. You can’t hit an arrow any better than I can. Please Seulgi-I’m begging you.”


His sister pursed her lips together in consideration. Her hesitance shifted into acceptance as she shoved the bow and a satchel of arrows to Baekhyun’s chest. It was like she forced herself to in that moment-any second longer she would probably have taken them away from him.


“Thanks,” Baekhyun limped over to the view of the fighting demigods.


He could feel his heart pounding in his chest. There were only three arrows. One of them broken in half and the other not having a sharp enough head. There was only one viable arrow, it shined brand new. It was like that arrow was made for him.

Baekhyun’s siblings watched him with dependence. It seemed that although he was younger than most of them-they all looked up to them. A strong-independant son of aphrodite.  If the other demigods hadn’t given him a good name he could count on his sisters too.


“We believe in you, Baek!” One of his sisters chimed in.


Seulgi nodded in desperation, “Give it your all!”


Baekhyun wanted to cry then, but held it off for now.


He took the arrow out gracefully, and held the string of the bow to his nose such that when he pulled on the string it depressed on his face. 

Baekhyun’s perfect form when he aimed an arrow was a sight to see.

He closed one eye and watched in caution as he saw Kyungsoo run towards Chanyeol, seemingly cheerful.

Baekhyun knew better. He knew that their plan wasn’t enough to defeat Oceanus. They were celebrating when it fact, only making the titan stronger.


Baekhyun took a deep breath, his vision tunneled. He focused on one thing. Oceanus. The fact that he was now standing up ready to throw another attack at Chanyeol.


The arrow soared into the sky.






Chanyeol’s eyes widened at the sight of a glowing pink arrow that landed right at the centre of the titan’s heart. It struck so fiercely the arrow alone knocked the titan back, making him fall back into the hole Kyungsoo had dug up.


Turning his head to the left of where it had originated from Chanyeol’s was speechless when he saw Baekhyun who was in the middle of grabbing another arrow and flinging it at a cyclops from afar.





The son of Aphrodite lowered his weapon to look at the man straight in the eye. 


“I don’t need my legs to shoot an arrow!”  The demigod yelled at Chanyeol’s appalled expression.


Kyungsoo held in a strained laugh, “He’s unbelievable.” 


After a second perfectly aimed arrow, the titan seemed to falter in energy. With Baekhyun charmspeaking under his breath Oceanus was no way in hell getting back any energy.

Chanyeol took this opportunity to pick himself back up and run towards the fallen titan. He needed to seal the deal. 


Jumping on top of his body that was punctured with the two glowing pink arrows from Baekhyun, Chanyeol went on one knee.

He aimed his dagger at the sky and within one swift movement, stabbed the titan so hard, it seemed that chaos itself had died.




The celebrations were unending. Chanyeol couldn’t catch himself a break when the entire camp erupted in cheers as the camp barrier began to replenish itself and all the monsters simultaneously began to dissipate. 

Peace. This is what peace felt like.


Junmnyeon ran up to him and playfully punched his arm, “Didn’t you have that in ya, did you?”


Chanyeol shook his head in awe at the fact that they’d just won a war against an outnumbered amount of monsters and an entire titan. 

It was as if a huge amount of stress and burden had been lifted off his shoulders. Chanyeol would have cried in that moment if it weren't for Kyungsoo who rammed into him toppling him over into a hug.


“We did it!” Kyungsoo hugged him tight.



Alec galopped towards them, smiling like a proud father as the rest of the campers circled forward, holding Chanyeol, Junmnyeon and Kyungsoo up in their arms to cheer them.


Momentarily, Chanyeol had forgotten about everything around him and all he really wanted to do was the pass out and sleep for eternity. But his mind immediately went back to the one person he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Even when he was fighting and on the brink of death there was one thing that grounded him. Baekhyun.


He turned his head to find the son of Aphrodite, but he was surprised to see he wasn’t with his sisters anymore.

At the campfire, they ate a lot of food. More than Chnayeol could stomach, but he was grateful so he accepted all the deserts and presents demigods brought to him. He liked it-and appreciated it but the attention was uncalled for. Only a few months ago he was a no-body, but now…


Seulgi was the first to approach him.


“Don’t worry,” she assured him,”He’s fine just resting in the infirmary.”


Chanyeol sighed in relief, “Good. Thank you.”


“Sorry for um-letting him have the arrow,” Seulgi rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, “You know Baekhyun, stubborn as a nail.”


Chanyeol’s frown grew into a smile.


“That’s why I love him.”


Seulgi did a double take looking from side to side before leaning in so that she could hear that right, “Really! You like-oh please I mean all of us knew.” She said as a matter of factly.


A blush rose to Chanyeol’s ears as he watched some of Baekhyun sisters snickering behind Seulgi.


“You’re really obvious.” One of them said.


“A-am I?” Chanyeol pointed at himself.


“Extremely. I mean you have lovesickness written all over you. Although, that could just be Aphrodite instincts.”




Things eventually went back to normal. Chanyeol was so tired after their almost week-long war he passed out in his cabin.

When he woke up it was morning. 


His eyes tried to open but it was like he could sleep for ages if his brain let him. Still, although he had defeated a whole titan Alec wouldn't give him special treatment. He'd still have to get up and carry out his demigod duties.


Lifting himself off his bed he fell on his face when he realized he couldn't even move his legs.

When he looked up slowly he saw a pair of converse shoes, tapping restlessly at the frame of his door.


Chanyeol looked up to find Baekhyun, clipboard in hand, annoyed looking face and fierce purple eyes.


"A mess. Again. I'm giving you zero." Baekhyun quickly marks it down on his clipboard. 


Chanyeol stood up and watched in complete awe as this was the first time he'd seen Baekhyun since a day ago. Yet, it felt like an eternity.

Baekhyun was back doing morning cabin check ups and judging by the timing, he'd chosen to come to Chanyeol cabin first. 


Now Baekhyun was being obvious.


 Baekhyun's beauty left him speechless. His golden hair was swept to one side and his eyes were the strongest violet chanyeol had ever seen them.


“Although...there is one thing you could do that could make the zero go away.” Baekhyun stared into Chanyeol’s soul.

Since he was shorter than him his eyes looked up suggestively, making Chanyeol heart pound in his chest.


Without notice, Baekhyun dropped the clipboard on the ground and pushed Chanyeol on to his cabin bed, making him yell in embarrassment.


“W-w-what are you d-d-oing!” Chanyeol respectively had his hands to his sides.


Meanwhile, Baekhyun had other plans as he straddled the demigod making his senses go from 0 to 100 real quick. 


Baekhyun leaned down and softly let his lips rest on Chanyeol’s in a chaste kiss.


Chanyeol’s burning ears and face were enough to make Baekhyun laugh at his cuteness.


“I like you, Chanyeol.” Baekhyun said after he parted from the kiss.


Chanyeol looked up at the demigod after hearing those words he’d wanted to hear for so long.


Immediately, Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun’s waist and brought him down, turning him around the other way so that he was on top of the demigod instead. 

For the first time, Chanyeol could see a blush across his face.

Baekhyun’s golden hair fell against the gravity of laying down, exposing his forehead.


Of course, Chanyeol couldn't resist. He kissed him again. 

Baekhyun naturally found himself cupping Chanyeol’s jaw in the palm of hand as they continued to kiss like their life depended on it.








Chanyeol quickly took Baekhyun’s shoulders and made him move away from him to see who was at the door. 

It was Alec raising his eyebrows at the scene in front of him.


“Um-were just-” Chanyeol immediately began to explain himself, while Baekhyun smirked at his embarrassment.


“I’d rather not.” Alec shook his head, “You guys need to come with me, it seems that you’ve both got an invitation to come to Olympus.”


Baekhyun looked at him in disbelief, “What?!” He jumped up.


Alec nodded, they have the invitation back at the dining hall. That made Baekhyun quickly grab his camp clipboard and barge out of the room leaving Chanyeol alone with their camp instructor.


Alec crossed his arms over his chest, “I’m sure aware of the camp rules. No campers can be alone in a cabin.”


Chanyeol blushed even more.




Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were being personally invited to visit Olympus and receive high praise from the gods. Chanyeol was more excited than ever, but even though Baekhyun was surprised by the invitation he immediately frowned upon the idea of meeting his mother. 


“You should meet her,” Chanyeol said.


Baekhyun nodded sadly, “I’m not apologizing for anything.”


“I know, I’m not saying you need to make amends, but you should probably meet her.” Chanyeol advised him,”Maybe she wants to talk to you about something.”


“All that woman ever talks about is how she’s going to ruin my life,” Bekhyun huffed a bitter laugh.




Nonetheless, the three of them plus Alec arrived at Olympus personally escorted by a golden chariot with horses. Usually, the way they’d reach Olympus without it would be through the empire state building in New York, but this special treatment left them with a short cut.

Chanyeol was the first to step foot in the palace. It was for the most part...cloudy. He’d never been so close to these large puffs of gas. Intrigued, he stepped closer attempting to step on it, but Baekhyun pulled him back.


“You could have fallen though,” Baekhyun sneered.


“Oh, I can’t float on them?”


Kyungsoo covered his mouth to hide his laugh, “You’re not a God, Chanyeol.”



They all walked in a straight line along pillars of old greek architecture, some he’d never even seen in museums. He saw gorgons and cyclopes engraved in the stone, the head of medusa in another and a throne on the ceiling. There was a slight overlap of gold on top. This palace would have cost millions in the mortal world. 

That made Chanyeol think. If the gods were so loaded, how come some of their children had to suffer so much? While he had grown up in a pretty-low income family, without his mom living pay-check to pay-check he wasn’t sure how he survived. Then, there was Baekhyun who hadn’t whose God parent hadn’t even batted an eyelash, much less the gods.  He was an orphan, never able to see his own father or mother, wandering around the earth like a misfit wondering why he was the only who could see scary monsters at night.

As time went on, Chanyeol was starting to empathize with Jongdae and Ezo’s decisions of leaving camp and going off to defeat the Gods.

They were monsters, frankly.


“Welcome, demigods, centaur.” Came a loud and authoritative voice.



Chanyeol almost fell back from hearing the voice all of sudden. When they saw the owner of the voice Chanyeol had to blink several times to make sure he was seeing right. 

Not like he’d ever met his father, but he was pretty sure that was his father sitting at the end of a large semi-circle room on a throne.

Around Zues were other gods, to his left, Hades and to his right, Poseidon. 

Chanyeol’s vision was so tunneled on his father he didn’t even notice the other gods.

In fact, he was so distracted he didn’t even realize Baekhyun was yanking his hand down so that he could kneel down or bow.


“If you don’t want to be obliterated right now, you should bow!” Baekhyun hissed under his breath.


“Oh-oh, sorry,” Chanyeol rushed into a kneel bowing his head down in...respect? 


When they all stood back up Zues beckoned them all forward with a simple movement.


The gods were much bigger in person he’d heard, but somehow for this occasion they’d shrunk to normal human size.

Chanyeol’s father had a stern expression, but when he saw his son it softened a little.


“It is my pleasure in honouring you three demigods with a bronze medal of bravery,” Zeus held out his hand to the two gods sitting at the very ends of the semicircle of thrones.


Chanyeol really couldn’t tell you who they were, but he noticed one of them looked much younger than most of them and she was glowing a slight orange-like the hearth of a fire.

She held the metal in her hands delicately before gently putting it over Chanyeol’s head when he bent down.

Then, the god did the same for Baekhyun and Kyungsoo.


“What else do you plan on giving them, my lord,” Hades rolled his eyes.


“Hush, brother I merely invited you to be here, not one forced you.” Zues said.


“You two always find a way to start a fight,” Poseidon scowled. 


“Those poor demigods are standing there like lost chicks, hurry up,” Athena slammed her hand on the armrest of her throne.


“Very well, from my intensive observation it seems to me that Chanyeol, my son, has lead and conquered the titan Oceanus. For that reason, I will be giving him a chance to wish one gift. As I am a god-I can grant it.”


Chanyeol narrowed his eyes a little bit taken aback by his fathers overconfidence. Well, there was a reason to be like that if you were a god, but he always imagined his father to be...humble?


“For you, my son? What is it that you desire the most?” Zeus looked at him then.


Chanyeol blinked, truly unsure if his own father was talking to him.


“M-me? I well...nothing in particular…” Chanyeol’s head automatically turned to Baekhyun whose eyes looked straight ahead, avoiding eye contact.


Zeus tilted his head in confusion, “There is no material item on this earth that you desire?”


“” Chanyeol said.


He wasn’t sure if he was nervous, but he truly couldn’t answer the question he was being asked. Sure, he’d love to have money and be rich, but he was a demigod now. All of that stuff didn’t matter. He would spend his life fighting monsters. What was the point of wealth?

Chanyeol grew sure of his answer when he saw the gods mumble amongst themselves. Yes. He didn’t need or want anything.


The gods looked amongst each other in confusion. It seemed that this type of incidence had never occurred before.


“Well...I mean there is one thing,” Chanyeol said.


Zeus looked at him waiting for an answer.


“This entire war wouldn’t have started if it weren’t for the rouge demi-gods. And...there was mistreatment from their parents. I want to ask that all the Gods tell camp-half blood where there children are in the mortal world so we can get them-save them-have them properly trained and let them know they're not alone. I can be hard to live out there alone, not knowing you're a demigod.”


Chanyeol’s found Baekhyun’s who looked at him in shock. Nothing else could have made his day better than having Baekhyun look at him with those violet eyes.


“What kind of request is this?” Hades laughed deeply.


Some of the gods joined along with their confusion about Chanyeol’s request. Except for one.


“I agree with this demigod.” Aphrodite said, “It’s been too long that some of our unclaimed children remain in the mortal world having to fend off for themselves.” Her eyes were drawn to Baekhyun, “We should take his advice.”


Poseidon shook his head and looked at his brother, “My lord, are you sure about this? It seems rather..ambiguous.”


Zeus took a moment to think about his son's request. Had it been from a different demigod he imagined the decision would have turned out different.It seemed that as stubborn as his father was, Chanyeol’s deed of defeating Oceanus far outweighed his wishes.


“Very well, because my son has diligently defeated Oceanus I will grant this request of his.” He held up his hand and asked for a vote, “All of those in favour!”


Every single god raised their hand.




After all the formalities, the gods began a large feast in favour of the three demigods. Hundreds of servant nymphs floated around in silver dresses delivering champagne to everyone. Around the palace there were tables of different kinds of food, you name it: sea food to hamburgers and fries.

Chanyeol stuffed himself feeling especially hungry after not eating anything that morning at camp.

The palace had transformed into a sort of party as the gods drank wine and talked amongst themselves. Chanyeol declined the alcohol at least five times reminding people that Kyungsoo as well as Baekhyun were still minors.

The three demigods talked within each other, gazing at some gods they couldn’t recognize.


“That’s hestia,” Baekhyun explained, “Goddess of hearth, warmth, family.”


Chanyeol had asked since she was the one that stood out the most. She was standing alone, comfortable with no company.


“She’s one of the minor gods,” Kyungsoo added.


“And that one?” Chanyeol pointed.


It was the god who had been quiet the entire time throughout the meeting not making eye contact with either demigod.


“That’s hermes. Ezo’s father. You tell because he has a helmet with wings and two snakes on the staff in his hand.”


“And that one-”


Suddenly, a shadow was cast over Chanyeol while he was in the middle of asking both demigods questions. It was none other than...the beautiful Aphrodite. Chanyeol had never really been into women, but for some reason, Aphrodite drew him in.

She wore a shiny rose-pink dress, glittering against the large chandelier above the ceiling. Her eyes, like Baekhyun’s were violet eyes and droopy eyes. Of course, he imagined this is what she looked like to Chanyeol, and obviously Aphrodite more closely resembled the person he liked.


“Hello,” she smiled, “I’m sure you demigods are having fun. Is it possible that I could borrow my son for a tiny moment.”


Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun who narrowed his eyes. He knew Baekhyun probably didn’t want to be left alone with his mother, but who was he to barge into their relationship.It looked like Aphrodite had something important to say and Kyungsoo and chanyeol could just be in the way. What could go wrong?




Kyungsoo eventually started talking to his own father,  Ares, leaving Chanyeol to wander off into the palace on his own. He wondered how long they’d be here and when they’d return back to camp. 

When he found a quiet place away from the crowd, a familiar figure approached him.His father, shrunken to human form wearing a white robe and a gold laurel on his head elegantly.


“You’ve turned down a gracious offer, my son,” he said wryly.


Chanyeol wasn’t sure how to respond. For one, this was the first time he was meeting his father like this. Yet, it was so informal it felt like Zues wasn’t in any shock or excitement the way Chanyeol was. Perhaps, his father had been watching over him...or there was another dark truth he didn’t want to assume just yet.


“I was being honest. I don’t really have anything I want.”


“Hmmm…you were very much like him,” Zeus sighed.


Chanyeol tore his gaze from the earth below, “Jongdae?”


“Ah, yes, my poor son who lost faith in me. Please tell me you won’t do the same.”


“I hate to say this...but you should’ve talked to him. Jongdae needed you most in that time.”


“Wars come and go. People die, demigods, mortals. You have to understand one thing, my son. I’ve had several children over my immortal lifetime. You and your perished brother are merely a speck of dust in my history.”


Chanyeol opened his mouth to say something, but was at loss of words. He couldn’t believe he was hearing this right, did his own father just call him a speck of dust? Oh. Now he knew why Jongdae had held such a grudge.


“Whatever you may think I am. Just know that we specks of dust have half of your blood in us. We’re powerful.” Chanyeol said.


“I can’t fight with you on that. However, I will warn you. Be cautious of what you say. You can easily offend gods. It doesn’t take that much.” 


Just like that Zues disappeared.. 



Everyone was howling and cheering when the three heroes arrived back from Olympus. It earned Chanyeol several slaps on the back and nuggies. 

When they had dinner that night the campers lit up a bonfire to commemorate their last week of being at camp. After that it would be summer break.

Alec came to the forefront holding a tall glass of champagne.  


“As you all know we were successful in defeating Oceanus. For that..I congratulate all of you. However, this victory doesn’t mean our camp duties should be put under the rug. I imagine everyone’s cabins will be spick and span as of tomorrow morning.”


All the campers groaned in unison. 


Alec ignored it and raised his glass towards Chanyeol as if telling him to make a toast.


In response, he grabbed his glass of chocolate milk and held it up, smiling like idiot.


“Well...ah-I don’t know what to say. This has been an eventful first year at camp. Uh-I don’t think I could have done it without my friends.” 

He turned his attention towards Kyungsoo, Junmnyeon and Baekhyun who were all sitting either across from him or near him.

When he sat back down from his toast he rubbed the back of his neck in fear when he realized Baekhyun was glaring at him, perhaps from calling him his ‘friend’.

Were they...I mean they hadn’t made it official right?


Chanyeol knew what he was about to do was stupid, but he couldn’t help himself.


He stood up again, startling the demigods. Even Alec tilted his head in confusion.


“I-also I wanted to announce that-I am dating Baekhyun, the son of Aphrodite!”


Chanyeol immediately sat back down after his confession.


If Baekhyun could grow angrier. He did. His face turned a blistered red. He waved his arms around as if to deny the fact. Then quickly he punched Chanyeol’s arm. Hard.


“Ah!” He winced


Now the entire camp didn’t even care at this point. They went on with eating their meals, talking amongst each other, not wanting to get involved. 

Chanyeol couldn’t forget how Baekhyun had used the very hand he’d punched him with to hold on tightly to under the table the entire night.




The last day of camp was uneventful. Chanyeol went to his classes as usual. He’d finally managed to clean up his cabin, knowing full well that Baekhyun would be coming in to check on it.

Of course...inspecting Chanyeol’s cabin wasn’t the only thing Baekhyun did when he came around. 

They cut the kissing short this time remembering that Alec had barged in last time and they didn’t want it to happen again.


“Alec says there’s going to be another prophecy and Ezo somehow escaped.” Baekhyun said lying next to Chanyeol on his bed.


Chanyeol removed a strand of hair from Baehyun’s eyes to get a better look at his boyfriend. He knew about the possibility of Ezo returning even though the camp barrier had been completey restored. It all made him his heart feel like lead knowing all his efforts probably meant nothing. He didn't want to think about what would happen next year. All he wanted to do was focus on Baekhyun-infront of him-safe.


“Lets not worry about that.” He changed the subject, “Are you going to be coming with me this summer vacation? We could go to New York, my mom won’t be at home in the mornings. It’s gonna be fun.”


Baekhyun shifted in the bed sitting up now. It was obvious that there was something he had been meaning to tell Chanyeol. 

The son of Zues remembered when Aphrodite had pulled her son aside to speak with him. What had they talked about?


“Aphrodite told me about me dad. He’s still alive-in Germany. I-uh I’m planning on going there and meeting him.” Baekhyun said, his back turned.


“Oh,” Chanyeol sounded dejected, “We’ll call?”


“I...don’t own a cell phone,” Baekhyun reminded him.


“You’re not making this easy.” Chanyeol joked.


“I I said relationships aren’t my thing.”


“Okay, whatever. We’ll visit each other when we can. Besides, summer break is only...two months? We’ll be back at camp before we know it.” Chanyeol smiled.


Baekhyun sighed, turning back around and bringing Chanyeol’s face close to his own.


“I hate worrying about the future.” Baekhyun said.


Chanyeol smiled.


“I know mmph-”


Baekhyun kissed him to shut him. He’d never really need to use charmspeak on his boyfriend.



Authors note: Omg guysss yep thats the end. Let me know what you think about it. As you may have already guessed I"M GOING TO BE WRITING ANOTHER STORY about this. I've already aluded to their being another prophecy as well as Ezo still being alive. I thought that this story would just be a one time thing, but I've recieved a lot of good feedback and comments about it so that is why I'm going to extending it! Let me know you thoughts and perdictions about what the second book is going to be about and what you think the title will be called? How do you guys think Baekhyun and Chanyeol's relationship will be like in the second part? Is there some characters that didn't have enough written about that you want more chapter about? Let me know I really appreciate the feedback!

Anyways here is a cute chanbaek picture I kind of imagined they both would look like in this fic! Although keep in mind Baekhyun's hair was more a golden brown.

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Interesting take - I love the Percy Jackson books but have been disappointed with the movies!
Geraltihista18 #2
Chapter 13: you published the end of the third part in the first part of the trilogy
Vampirella77 #3
Chapter 13: Beautiful Story ❤️
Chapter 13: Ooh the final?! It's been a while, so glad to have another chapter of this, it's been a fun story and i really enjoyed reading it. Thank you so much for writing, you did a great job <3
Chapter 11: I wasn't expecting Jongdae's death but it was necessary given the circumstances. I really enjoyed reading this book. It's well-written and loved chanbaek chemistry and the dynamics of other characters <3
Chapter 10: I hope Baekhyun would not do anything rash because of his overflowing emotions.
Chapter 9: Awwwww that confession. Pretty sure Baekhyun forgot his pain for a while 🥰
Chapter 8: It's a relief they're back at camp half blood even though they have to face an impending war
Chapter 7: I really like how the story is turning out to be; back to back surprises with great timing!
Chapter 6: Jongdae is ALIVE?? And why the tension? This is so good