Let the Quest Begin

Children of the Gods



Somehow, they prepare for the quest just upon midnight. Chanyeol is more a morning person so he already feels his eyelids fall every few seconds as Alec runs down everything with them once again. 


“I’ve made sure all your backpacks are equipped with ambrosia nectar. Don’t forget to Iris message me when you get to Paris.” He explains.


All of it was gibberish to Chanyeol, he could only think about one thing, sleep. 


Baekhyun had walked in a few moments later, carrying his own bag. The demi-god hadn’t been speaking to anyone ever since their quarrel. Not that he willingly spoke to anyone anyways. Maybe it was better off like this. 


From the days leading up to the quest, Chanyeol had gotten special training from Kyungsoo and other campers on the field. He had learned in a short week just how easily he had gotten used to using a dagger. On top of that, he also learned about his ability to send small shock waves to others. Like lighting. Of course, nothing big at this point. Elemental power would require more training. 

Alec had gifted him his very own dagger. It was bronze and had a golden . It looked magnificent and fighting with it would be like a dream, Chanyeol imagined. The camp counselor had explained that he could channel a lighting strike using the sword if needed as well. He called it, Damen. I guess it was common ground to name your weapons here. 


After flying in some weird magic carpet thing, Chanyeol and the rest had found themselves in a train station. Looking up at the sign above them, it was written in french.


“Well it looks like we’re here.” Kyungsoo shrugged, curiously looking around the mortal word, never having seen a subway station before.


“Now what?”


“We wait.”






Chanyeol hates speaking too soon but he often does. Suddenly he could feel a crushing weight beneath him as soon as he uttered the words, “Now what?” 

He had forgotten that demi-gods in the mortal world didn’t do so well, hence the whole entire purpose of camp half blood. In fact, Chanyeol had been sent to the camp because some weird monster, a gorgon they called it attacked him at school. 

It was no surprise that the monsters had already picked up on their scent. Unfortunately, they especially noticed the son of Zues. 


“Ah!” Chanyeol yelled as he was dragged on to the cement ground of the subway station. Some mortals gasped around him, unsure of what was going on.


Mortals only saw what the mist had conjured up for them. For all he knew, they could have been seeing a random fight against two passengers erupt. They really didn’t have the demi-god brain connections to understand the fact that a fricken minotaur had attacked Chanyeol.


He felt his head bulging from pain, he took out his dagger, but he was already too late. Baekhyun came in just then, by throwing an arrow right into the minotaurs left arm, making it shriek in pain.


“Kyungsoo!” He announced, as he ran towards it, taking out a sword of his own.


“Yah!” the son of Ares yelled, slashing at his monster to fight one on one. 


Baekhyun ran to Chanyeol picking him up by his arm, “Thanks,” Chanyeol mumbled.


Kyungsoo continued to fight against the monster, trying his best to use his sword. All of sudden, it was knocked from his hand and as the minotaur was about to whack him, Kyungsoo ducked. He laid his palm flat on the ground and suddenly, the earth began to rumble. 

Chanyeol felt the ground beneath shake but most of all, he felt Baekhyun hand clasp his arm for balance. It only lasted for thirty seconds, but somehow, the son of Zues felt an electric static radiate off his body.

Chanyeol glanced at him awkwardly, but letting Baekhyun hold on nonetheless.


Somehow, Kyungsoo had made the ground open up with his scheer strength. It was like a real life earthquake except it was all conducted by none other than the son of Ares himself. All three of them heard the minotaurs wailing cries as it sunk beneath the ground. Before it could come back up, Kyungsoo quickly closed off the cracked surface, making it look brand new.


“Whoa...that was AMAZING!” Chanyeol exclaimed in excitement. 


“We need to get out of here.” Kyungsoo interrupts his moment.




An hour later they were roaming the city of Paris. It was huge. Full of crowds of tourists and lots of amazing smelling bakeries. They walked past the louvre which was a huge museum filled with ancient art. Or at least, that's what mortals called ancient. All demi-gods knew that the gods surpassed all these measly things in the museums. Gods were immortal. They had seen everything. World War I, the rise of Hitler, the fall of rome. Pretty much everything.

Human history was a measly speck in time.


“I'm hungry,” Chanyeol complained. 


“It’s been two hours,” Baekhyun scoffs. 


Kyungsoo closed his eyes in annoyance, feeling the tension build up between the two of them. 


“We’ll get someone in a few. Right now, we have to follow the path of this minotaur.”


“How are you doing that?” Said Chanyeol.


“I can sense the microscopic depressions he’s made on the cement as he made his way towards us.” Kyungsoo explains, “By the looks of it he was taking his time. Meaning someone knew we were approaching Paris.”


“A mole?” Baekhyun offers.


“Who would it be?” Kyungsoo asks.


“I have my bets on Junmyeon.”


“Weren’t you guys friends before,” Chanyeol interrupts stupidly.


He wished he had never said anything because Baekhyun suddenly glares at him, “What?”


It was a piece of knowledge only older campers who were there during the time of Baekhyun’s first quest would know. The fact that Chanyeol had said that as if he’d known for a long time was suspicious. 


“Y-you and the son of Poseidon. I don’t know, I just have the feeling that you used to be close.” Chanyeol said. 


Baekhyun clearly looks distraught at the mention of it, but he only looks away quickly. Kyungsoo purses his lips, giving him a  sad look. That just confirmed it for Chanyeol, so they used to be friends...what happened?

The demi-god only knew so little from his dream. He was sure that Junmyeon and Baekhyun had been on a quest together. But that Jongdae guy was still a mystery. Did he even exist? If he did, where was he? He hates guessing he just wishes he could ask but he knows now is not the right time.


“Okay, here. This is where he stopped.” Kyungsoo looked up in confusion.


It was a donut shop. Not just any donut shop but dunkin donuts. Had Chanyeol's stomach brought them here, or was it the minotaur? 


“No, this is a monster donut shop. Mortals can’t see this.” Baekhyun confirms his thoughts. 


“What is it doing here? Unless ...”


“We gotta go.” Baekhyun tells them.


They are able to run away fast enough to avoid the shop, but Chanyeol still feels uneasy about it. They camp out in a small cafe just across from the eiffel tower. The coffee shop smells amazing, and Chanyeol can’t help but give in, he orders a pumpkin spice latte with two scones.

Baekhyun gives him a weird look, before getting himself earl grey tea and a blueberry muffin. Kyungsoo got an iced black coffee with chocolate chip cookies.


“So what’s so bad about monster donut shops?” Chanyeol asks with a mouthful of scone.


“It’s related to a Hydra. The monster with a bunch of heads.” Kyungsoo begins, “They say if you see a shop nearby, it's growing its heads one by one.”


“Holy hell.” Chanyeol says.


Baekhyun snickers, “Is that what mortals say? Hell?”


He was referring to the fact that at camp half blood there was no hell. It was called the underworld. 


The demi-god who sipped his pumpkin spice latte gave him a look, “You lived in the mortal world before coming to Camp Half-blood right?”


In some way, after Baekhyun had helped the son of Zeus, the time they had been fighting the minotaur made them on speaking terms again. I guess both of them realized just how serious the quest was and fighting wasn’t going to help.


“I did...for a short period of time. I only lived there until the age of twelve, I’m not accustomed to their ways of life-much less their slang.”


“Well It must have been nice not having monsters annoy you all the time.”


Baekhyun nods, perhaps the first sign of acknowledgement he had given Chanyeol. Ever. In fact, it looked like he had a small smile on his face. 


          "I wouldn't be too sure of that. I had a handful of monsters to fight when I was on my quest."


          Kyungsoo nods enthusiastically, "He was a tiny kid back then."


         "Right...this quest, who accompanied you?"


        Baekhyun's heart best felt quicker. Not wanting to make it anymore.obvious he quickly said the names, "Junmyeom and ...the son of Zeus Jongdae. We were out trying to find the golden fleece to save the camp and its border.'


          Chanyeol had a lot of questions, but when he heard Jongdae's name he immediately hit the spot. He knew that Baekhyun didn't like sharing his personal life but he realized this also included him


 "So I have a brother?" His eyes brighten.


      Kyungsoo glances at him with a worried look, "Chanyeol…" he drifts off.


       "Had." Baekhyun corrects. 


       Then, there was a loud bang and the three of them jumped out pulling out their respective weapons. Baekhyun's the first to notice the large lion type of monster hurtling towards the group. Mortals begin rushing out of the cafe, screaming.

The odd lion-type creature dashes towards them with such speed Chanyeol doesn’t even think he had time to blink. 


It opens it’s claws and just as it's about to jump on them, an arrow is struck in its leg. The lion’s expression twists in pain. Baekhyun breathes heavily from having to jam the arrow without actually using his bow. It may have looked like it was enough to make the lion stand down, but it only grew stronger.


It’s hair stood up tall as the arrow remained in it’s leg. It roared loudly, making the entire cafe quiver. CHanyeol took out his dagger now. He hated feeling like Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were doing all the work. So, he took it upon himself to charge at the lion himself.


“Right here big man!” Chanyeol yells, using his danger to fend off the long claws that were jabbing at him but missing thankfully.


“This fool.” Baekhyun curses.


Retrieving an arrow, he flings it across the cafe, missing the lion completely. Chanyeol looks at him in disbelief while clenching his jaw from the amount of strength he was using to hold the lion off. He couldn’t believe Baekyun missed.

Except, maybe he didn’t.


The arrow strikes the fire alarm, making the entire cafe sound a blaring siren. Additionally, the overhead sprinkles also turn on, dousing the three of them in water. The lion didn’t take a liking to the water though.


Genius, Chanyeol thought in his head, perhaps he didn’t want to admit it out loud just yet.


The lion furiously began to bump into tables surrounding them, crashing and flinging himself, trying to get away from the water that was leaving his golden man drooping. CHanyeol stepped back, letting Kyungsoo finish off the beast himself. It then disappears into the abyss.


“I have so many questions.” Chanyeol says, out of breath.




Two weeks had already passed. A lot has happened. For one, they had gotten into so many battles with random monsters around Paris that they were slowly running out of energy. From what Kyungsoo had learned, these monsters were specifically ordered for them, by Oceanus, the titan of the ocean. He was keeping careful watch on the demi-gods, after all they were attempting to kill him-send him back to tartarus. 

Chanyeol was exhausted. He wanted nothing more than to find that titan and finish him off once and for all. In between battling monsters, he had learned so much from his partners, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. In fact, he had even improved in his fighting skills, like it came naturally to him. Like he was on steroids. 

He could tell Kyungsoo and baekhyun had been at the camp longer than him. They were highly skilled. Trained to almost perfection. They didn’t have steps when they fought, they were strategic, a plan that could always work and change. It was no wonder Chanyeol began to feel like he was dragging them down, holding them back from finding oceanus and getting the quest over with.

Ambrosia helped but it would only sustain them for a short period of time.






They had all reached the one month mark now. It was crazy to think they had spent one month in Paris. Drained and out of energy they were losing hope at this point. They had searched everywhere for Oceanus. First, near the lakes around France and then later near the seashore. With no luck, they were left exhausted and almost out of ambrosia. 

Chanyeol had sustained his own injury while trying to fight a gorgon back in a museum they had to hide out in. It’s long talons had made a reach for his heart but Chanyeol thought fast and jumped to the side. Unfortunately, it had aimed for his calf. It hurt like a , he wasn’t going to lie. Most of the remaining ambrosia was used on his deep cut.


They were now in the south of France, a suburban place with green farm fields and a lot of lavender. Chanyeol kind of liked it here more than Paris. He found mortals to be a little distracting when it came to fighting monsters. It was nice to be a little alone now, with the three of them.

One of the gorgons they had defeated back in Paris had surrendered and told them where they could find Oceanus, and he led them here, to this isolated area. The demi-gods weren’t sure they could believe him, but they had no other lead. The unofficial leader being Kyungsoo was sure that they were making the right decision.


“Guys, I’m getting tired. My leg is killing me.” Chanyeol whined.


They’d been walking along a gravel road for an hour now, aimlessly looking for a seaside to find the titan of water.


Baekhyun side eyed him carefully, before reaching in to pull on his arm.


“Get on my back,” He said, crouching down, so Chanyeol could climb on.


“What?!” the demi-gods cheeks immediately began to burn to his surprise. “T-thanks but no, I’m good really.”


The son of Aphrodite raised an eyebrow, “Fine, Kyungsoo let's take a break.”


Chanyeol was without a doubt, surprised by Baekhyun’s behaviour in the past month. At first, it seemed the demi-god wanted to rip his guts out but now, he was...bearable. He didn’t have the energy to start fights perhaps. Besides that, he was helpful even to Chanyeol. He was the one who had dressed Chanyeol’s wound, charmspeaking him into breathing and trying not to look at the deep gash.

Blood made Chanyeol woozy so he was glad Baekhyun was there to calm him down with his charmspeak.


They sat in a large cow farm. It wasn’t the best hideout but it’s the best they could do, sitting behind a huge tower of hay. 

Chanyeol opened his wound, while Baekhyun checked over it carefully.


“It’s getting better, here drink this ambrosia.” He handed him the flask but Chanyeol shook his head.


“No, it’ll heal without it. I don’t want you guys to use it all on me.” 


“Don’t be a fool, we won’t be needing it anytime soon. Besides, we can always send an Iris message to Alec and ask for some more.”


Chanyeol wanted to protest, but Baekhyun’s arguments were good. At first, he was suspicious of the demi-gods behaviour but now he had accepted that Baekhyun wasn’t so bad afterall. He just took a lot of time to open up to. 

The son of Zeus also found himself staring at the boy a lot. Like a lot. Baekhyun was...to put it in the most objective way, kind of cute. He’d always had a sort of charm, but the more time he spent with him, the more he realized how seriously beautiful he was. After all, he was the son of Aphrodite no doubt. Still, he had this charm about him the way he walked and even when he fought.
Especially when he used his arrow. It was like...Chanyeol froze for a moment, feeling like he had been thinking about his quest member a little too much.

He felt his knees burn with pain but decides to ignore it since he’s caused everyone too much trouble already.


“We should camp out here, wait till morning.” Kyungsoo takes out his sleeping bag unravelling it and putting it down to sleep.


Chanyeol agrees, they’re lost at this point, maybe some rest will give them a fresh start tomorrow. 

Still, he finds himself feeling restless especially considering his dull ache in his knees. He twists around, finding the right position to sleep in. Accidently, he see’s Baekhyun who is sitting on top of the haystack, staring out into the empty space. 

Chanyeol stands up, limping towards him, “Can’t sleep?”


“Last time I went on a quest, the prophecy said one of us would perish. Now we don’t even have the prophecy and It’s killing me inside.” Baekhyun says.


“Maybe it’s better off, then. Not knowing what’s going to happen.” Chanyeol replies.


“Jongdae was just like you. Always optimistic about everything.” Baekhyun looks down, a tiny smile adorning his lips, his golden hair covering his eyes. 


Chanyeol wasn’t going to lie, he was kind of confused at how much admiration Baekhyun had for his supposed brother. No, he might as well have admitted that he was sort of jealous of their bond. He wanted so badly to know about Baekhyun- unveil his mysteries and yet, all he ever talked about was Jongdae. He felt kind of stupid.


“Well, I’m glad I’m here to continue his legacy. It would have been nice to have a brother.”


Baekhyun frowed, “I’m sorry.” 


“For what?” 


“A lot of things. How I treated you the first time we met. And…”He’s glassy eyed now, as if he were about to cry.


Of course, Baekhyun couldn’t tell him. That he always has an aching feeling in his chest about his brother. That day, four years ago on his first quest, he felt responsible for Jongdae’s death. He felt like his powerlessness, with no actual real abilities was a burden. Baekhyun believed still to this day, that he would amount to nothing. He couldn’t tell Chanyeol this, much less anyone. 


“It’s okay. I kind of needed it. The reality check I mean. Demi-god life isn't all rainbows and unicorns. I always thought it was like the avengers. We’d all get unstoppable super powers and we’d have great lives. The more I’m here going on my own quest, I realize how idealized we are," Chanyeol says.



          The side comment didn't evoke any form of laugh from Baekhyun, of course he wouldn't understand mortal words and jokes. A short silence surrounded them. Chanyeol was probably too busy staring at the son of Aphrodite to notice it had been awkward. 


“I don’t know who the avengers are, but I presume there is some type of superhero. Demi-gods, we’re not heroes. We’re the pawns of our own parents. Used for these quests, used to entertain the thought of being a hero. Hercules wasn’t nearly close to being a hero. He murdered his wife, went on a meaningless quest to justify his killing. In the end, he wasn’t doing something for the greater good, he was doing things that were convenient for him. So-I don’t think demi-gods should ever be called heros.”



A comfortable silence overcomes them. Baekhyun continues to blankly watch out in the distance, eyes following the movement of a cow. While Chanyeol steals glances, admiring his side profile. The way his nose slightly dips down right at the bottom, and how there's a little mole right above his lip. Everything screams...perfect. He imagined this is what meeting Aphrodite would be like.


“We should sleep,” Baekhyun interrupts his gaze,


“Y-yeah, we should do that.” 


Immediately Chanyeol feels his cheeks flush and his ears tingle a little red. He felt weird in his chest area. This feeling...he recognized whenever he saw someone pretty, but it was different. Like a more intense form of attraction.


         "I like you," he blurts, "A-as a friend! And I don’t hate you.” He waved his hand to hide his embarrassment. 


          "I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I hope we can become friends." Chanyeol completely changes the actual meaning of his sentence.

Baekhyun’s violet eyes grow wide, as if he’d never heard the phrase before. He opens his mouth to respond,but is interrupted by a strong gust of wind.

Kyungsoo jolts up from his sleeping position, immediately grabbing his sword.

Baekhyun looks confused, wary of the sudden change in environment. Oh, and perhaps the giant monster that’s approaching them with three heads.


“What the-!” Chanyeol scrams, reaching for his dagger beside his sleeping bag.


Baekhyun curses under his breath.


The monster was at least ten meters tall. And that was just the body. It’s long neck and head reached to about double the size of a regular, two story house. The heads. They were...kind of disgusting. It reminded Chanyeol of the Jurassic Park movie. They had scaly faces as heads and goopy, venomous drool dripping from their mouths.


“Be careful! Their spit is poisonous!” Kyungsoo warned. 


The two demigods could only stand their ground before the creature could attack. For now the Hydra hadn’t seemed to smell the blood of the three. Though, it did seem to respond to a familiar voice.


“There they are.” A sinister voice called.


Baekhyun turned to the demanding voice, realizing it was super natural. It has a ringing undertone to it. Think of anything and everything evil-this voice was all of that. Yet, when the demigods turned around to face the deadly monster they were not met with a fire breathing dragon, but a large rock like titan who glowed a tinge of blue.


      "Let me guess…Oceanus?" Chanyeol said in an obvious manner, mildly surprised that he’d gotten used to some greek monster interrupting him every second.


Now it was a tough situation. Not only would the three demigods need to hold off a four-headed hydra, but they’d also need to simultaneously try and fight Oceanus. They weren't nearly as prepared. With Chanyeol’s injury and Baekhyun and Kyungsoo having no experience fighting a titan-they were basically doomed.

     Baekhyun was the first to attack. He launched an arrow and aimed right at the titans chest. That sound woke up Kyungsoo who looked around in confusion. 

        The arrow was surprisingly fast. It actually reached the titan. But when it hit his chest it deflected off like it was nothing. 


         "…" Baekhyun cursed at his failed attempt.


        Chanyeol looked around for his dagger, wondering if he could even dent the titan if Baekhyun couldn't hit him. 


        "I'll go near it." Chanyeol said carefully.


        Baekhyun was already launching another arrow. He ignored the demi-gods words, focusing on something in particular. 

         He thoughtfully mumbled something under his breath before aiming the arrow. The string of the bow depressing against his nose, leaving a thin mark everytime he released it. One eye shut and the other eye in focus. Chanyeol was so sure Baekhyun would get the shot. 


 Except, if didn't land on a perfect target that Baekhyun always shot. Instead, it sank into the leg of the titan


        Chanyeol looked confused, wondering why Baekhyun looked received for missing and hitting a less fatal area.

      Before Chanyeol could ask any questions he watched in awe as Baekhyun began chanting something in Greek. It was almost like he was in a deep trance. His eyes were closed and he continued to recite something. 


       Kyungsoo grabbed him from his collar and dragged him out of the way..



     "What's that-"


      "It's a special kind of charmspeak. While he does that we need to get close to the monster. Charmspeak can only hold a titan off for so long"


       "But how can he charmspeak from meters away?' chanyeol asked. 


      "It's through the arrow," Kyungsoo pointed at the arrow in the titans leg.


The arrows had a rippling-pinkish dust come off it and it was stuck in the titans leg. Chanyeol wondered if this was some magic potion, but he had other things to worry about-namely, the hydra that was coming at Kyungsoo and him full force.



        Chanyeol nodded, retraced his dagger running  around the premises from behind. The titan was still used on Kyungsoo. He finally found the enormous legs of the hydra. With all his might, he lunged and stabbed the creature and stabbed it’s chest.

He knew enough not to slash their heads off. One off-others grew. 


    "Yah!" Chanyeol dug into the flesh.


The Hydra groaned in pain, but it wasn’t enough to weaken it. It flung Chanyeol off it’s body, making him land on his bad leg-causing further pain. It used to be a stinging, now it was turning into a huge bulldozer ramming over his leg.


     He saw Kyungsoo from afar who had been busy fighting the titan-who kept coming in and out of the charmspeak trance. Everytime Oceanus did, Kyungsoo would gather all his strength and stick the charmed arrow into his thigh.


“We need to leave, the charmspeak won’t sustain him much longer.” Baekhyun grabs his things, pulling Kyungsoo along.


“Guys, this Hydra is too powerful!” Chanyeol pleads, running back up to slash his weapon again, but missing terribly when the one of the scaly heads of the hydra slams him back into the ground.


This was it. This was their enemy of their entire quest. He didn’t want to sound impatient, but he didn’t want to go around looking for them again. 


“He’s right, Baekhyun. We won’t run away in time. Unless-”


“Unless?” he asks.


Chanyeol looks back at Oceanus, noticing his twitching arm reaching out hesitantly, while still entranced in charmspeak trying to summon his powers.

“We dig a hole. I can use my strength to dig a hole big enough for us to hideout, long enough for us to figure out a plan.” He suggests.


Baekhyun closes his eyes and thinks for a minute, “Okay, fine I’ll help you.”


“But then- who's going to hold off the Hydra?”


There’s a surge of courage that flows through his chest when Chanyeol speaks up, he feels like his injured leg has almost healed from the sudden surge of adrenaline.


“No, you’re not going you’re injured.” Baekhyun takes Chanyeol’s arm, “We’ll both go-”


Kyungsoo sighs, “Baekhyun I need you here to charmspeak the Hydra while Chanyeol holds off Oceanus. You can’t fight while you charmspeak-you won’t be powerful enough not for a titan. The Hydra can sustain in charmspeak longer..”




“Let me do it.” Chanyeol interrupts, gently releasing Baekhyun’s hold. “It’s only a couple of minutes. My leg feels fine. I'll be okay. You need to trust me.”


Baekhyun looks at him in disbelief, he stares back at Kyungsoo who's already busy channeling his power. Then he looks back at their enemies, slowly regaining their powers. He’s stuck. Caught between two realities. Of course, just like how he can almost read Chanyeol’s mind, Chanyeol can read his. His eyes read that he just wants to give up. He doesn’t want to give  Chanyeol the same fate as his half-brother Jongdae. Still, he had no choice.


The son of Zeus expects a quick fine, that Baekhyun usually gives. However, it doesn’t come. Instead he surprises him.

Baekhyun awkwardly pats Chanyeol's back.  The touch lingers for a moment, before Baekhyun leans in to whisper.


“Don’t let me down, idiot.” he said in his ear, before pushing away, making Chanyeol stumble.


He could have sat there all day wondering what his name was, or what on earth had just happened, or why his cheeks were burning like crazy, but he needed to focus on the task in front of him. 

Oceanus finally releases himself from the charmspeak trance and holds not his hand but a glowing blue trident up in the air. Circling it around the above him, the faint sound of a rush of water fills Chanyeol's ears. The titan summons a huge tsunami, bigger than the first. Baekhyun runs to the hydra, speaking strange words where a pink light comes out of his mouth. 

Ignoring the commotion on both ends, Chanyeol decides that his dagger alone won’t help him. He needs his father. He needs lighting. His elemental powers that Suho had taught him. 


Alec had told him that his golden dagger was able to help him summon lighting. He hopes he was right, because he really needed it right now. Looking up at the sky and then nervously back at the tsunami that was hurling his way, he did a small prayer.


Dad, I really need you today. Sending shockwaves through his body he hears the small sound of a spark being ignited at the tip of his dagger. It’s lighting. 

He holds up the dagger, transferring the light from his hand into it. Yelling with power, he runs to the tsunami, defying all the laws of psychics and sending a wave of lightning towards the body of water. It dissipates within a second.


Well , I just did that.


With this small piece of confidence, he makes Oceanus hesitate in sending his next attack. The water user scowls before raising the trident again, but this time making a small wave for himself to approach Chanyeol.

He holds his dagger up in defense as Oceanus slashes with the trident. It misses just barely when Chanyeol dodges. He squats, taking his dagger and aiming for his arm, but he’s blocked by the trident. It’s a huge massive piece of magical metal. While, Chanyeol’s dagger was pretty small. They go at it for a few more minutes, Chanyeol barely getting by, as he gets a slight cut along his cheek when Oceanus and whips the trident again.

He’s about to summon lightning, when he hears Kyungsoo give the signal, by waving his arms around. The hole had been dug. Now was his time to escape.


With the little time he has on the charmspeak, Baekhyun joins Kyungsoo shortly, ignoring the Hydra. Chanyeol kicks Oceanus in the shin with as much force as he can and quickly runs away.


“Hurry, Chanyeol!” they both wail at him, jumping into the tunnel.


Chanyeol shuts his eyes, and forgets what’s behind him, the hydra and the powerful titan. He just sprints like never before, using his long legs as an advantage. Somehow, he manages to make it and takes Baekhyun’s hand and jumps into the closing tunnel. At once, there’s darkness.




“Oh my gods, I really did that didn’t I? Please tell me this isn’t a dream- actually ya know what, I thinks it’s better off is this is a dream.” Chanyeol says madly.


Kyungsoo and Baekhyun have been ignoring his bickering for longer than they should. Sitting in a s cramped, underground corridor wasn’t really where they wanted to be. It was dark here. Baekhyun hated everything about it. He didn’t want to think about the bugs and worms that were possibly creeping around.


“We need to walk along this path, hopefully by then we’ll be safe from Oceanus.” Kyungsoo says.


They walk in caution because they know it’s too dark to run. Baekhyun stands at the back, Chanyeol in the middle and Kyungsoo at the front of the line, leading. They walk in slow steps, nervous and fearful of what was to come. 

They walk like this for an hour straight before chanyeol speaks up again.


“I think the pain in my leg is starting to kick in.” His voice echos in the tunnel.


“You’ll need to pull through until we get to the end.” Kyungsoo says.


“We can rest,” Baekhyun interjects,


“Hmph, aren't you having a little much sympathy for him, Baek?.” Kyungsoo laughs.


As if a button has been pushed, Baekhyun immediately pulls in a sharp breath, while Chanyeol waves his hands in embarrassment.


“...” Baekhyun says nothing. 


“It was just-uh in the spur of the moment, right?” Chanyeol suggests, inquiring.


It’s a shame they couldn’t see each other's faces in the dark because Chanyeol really wanted to know the answer to that question.




They make it to the end of the tunnel. By then, Chaneyol’s out of breath and his leg’s condition isn’t looking too good. Kyungsoo looked up then, towards the small beacon of light upwards. Whatever was up there, they weren’t sure, but they knew that there was no way Oceanus would be able to find them.


Kyungsoo is the first to attempt to use his body weight to climb out, but then he looks back at his partners and decides that even if he climbs out he doesn’t know how he’ll get everyone else out.


“There has to be another way out,” Baekhyun looks around helplessly.


Like his call has been answered, they hear a voice. It’s deep and it echoes through the tunnel.


“Is anyone out there?” It calls.


They all tense up, but realize the voice is kind of friendly and decide against taking out weaponry. Staying still, the voice projects again.


“I can get a rope and get you out! I’ll be back!” The voice is drifting away now.


The three demi-gods stand there, in their dead-end tunnel waiting for this mysterious man to come back with a rope. After a couple of minutes they see a rope sling down, making them jump. Kuyngsoo holds on to it, and climbs up with no problem.

Baekhyun, having weaker arms, tries his best but still manages to climb up the rope.

However, it’s clear that Chanyeol is not entirely sure how he’s gonna make it especially with his injured leg.




They finally see daylight again, and it's just about time for sunset. Still in the countryside, the meadows and sound of mooing crows can be heard nearby.


 The man who was nice enough to pull them out, introduced himself.


     "I'm Adrian, son of Athena." He says.


His smile was dazzling, a full set of pearly white teeth. His body was lean and he had just enough muscle to be a farmer out here on the fields. His notable French accent was unmatched with his impeccable English vocabulary. Adrian wore a white tea and a burgundy cardigan on top. Compared to the rest of them, he looked in good health, clean and proper. 


          "You're a demigod?" Kyungsoo asks.


           "What's with that tone? Do you not believe me?" He says.


         "How are you alive? Aren't you supposed to be at camp half blood?" Kyungsoo asks.


              "Silly demi-gods, I've long out-lived my time at camp half blood. After my last quest in 1999 I decided to live out here in rural France. I’ve developed my very own barrier from monsters. "


          "Nineteen ninety nine? That was twenty years ago. Have you not aged since?" Kyungsoo asks 


      Baekhyun takes note of this. This man was indeed a mystery.  Not only could he tell that he was hiding things from them but he also seemed very cunning about what he was saying. Adrian definitely knew something they didn't. That's why Baekhyun was ready to trust him just yet.


         "It's a time capsule. You've been here for twenty years." Baekhyun guesses.


        But why? He wanted to ask. 


          "You're rather smart for the son of Aphrodite," he says.


          No one first glance would assume Baekhyun was the son of the Aphrodite.


          "How did you-"


          As if the man already knew what he was going to ask, he gathers Chanyeol’s attention.


        "You." He says, "what colour are his eyes?" He points a daunting finger at Baekhyun. 


         Chanyeol looked at him with a lot of confusion. Until this point he had been behind Kyungsoo and Baekhyun confused and his leg throbbing in pain. He didn't really get demi-god jargon so he was glad to stay out of it. He wonders if this question is a trick one.


        "Uh...violet?" He answers. 


          Baekhyun and Kyungsoo give their rookie demi-god a look of disbelief. 


         "Are you blind, they're hazel." Kyungsoo argues.


          "Both of you are wrong. They’re dark brown." Baekhyun tightened his lips.


Surely the man himself would know the colour of his own eyes that he had looked from his entire life. 


         Adrian holds his hand up to silence the demi-gods. Like a wise old man. That perhaps was very true, since he had technically lived on earth for forty years, but hadn’t aged a day. 


          "I hate to say this, but all of you are correct. One of the more interesting effects the goddess Aphrodite has with others. She's the goddess of beauty. It's widely accepted because she has the ability to adapt to everyone's standard of  beauty. It's why we see hair colour, eye colour differently from this spawn of Aphrodite. The God of beauty makes you see what you want. What's beautiful. Because beauty is subjective, even in the god world.” He says.


        Baekhyun felt vulnerable all of sudden as all eyes were on him. Beauty? Beautiful? These were all artists' languages he didn't care for. So what if his mother could do that and it had been passed on to him? So what? Did it help? He could say so much; nothing in the world would make a child of Aphrodite special enough to become a hero. He knew that much.


        "Anyway, I'd like to invite you all to my humble estate for a meal. You all look…terrible." Adrian smiles.


       The three of them followed him through a small cobblestone path, looking at his cottage in amazement. Built completely from stone it looked like something the Roman Empire could make.


       Adrian walks besides Baekhyun leaning in to whisper, 


      "To me, they're green." He winks.

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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Interesting take - I love the Percy Jackson books but have been disappointed with the movies!
Geraltihista18 #2
Chapter 13: you published the end of the third part in the first part of the trilogy
Vampirella77 #3
Chapter 13: Beautiful Story ❤️
Chapter 13: Ooh the final?! It's been a while, so glad to have another chapter of this, it's been a fun story and i really enjoyed reading it. Thank you so much for writing, you did a great job <3
Chapter 11: I wasn't expecting Jongdae's death but it was necessary given the circumstances. I really enjoyed reading this book. It's well-written and loved chanbaek chemistry and the dynamics of other characters <3
Chapter 10: I hope Baekhyun would not do anything rash because of his overflowing emotions.
Chapter 9: Awwwww that confession. Pretty sure Baekhyun forgot his pain for a while 🥰
Chapter 8: It's a relief they're back at camp half blood even though they have to face an impending war
Chapter 7: I really like how the story is turning out to be; back to back surprises with great timing!
Chapter 6: Jongdae is ALIVE?? And why the tension? This is so good