The Oracle

Children of the Gods



After a long day of training it was only right for Chanyeol to pass out completely that night from exhaustion. When he woke up at his usual 6:00 am, he got up and looked out the window to see the sun setting again. It rarely rained at camp half blood, so he was almost always guaranteed a sunny morning-compared to the dark place he used to live in washington where it always rained.

Still in his underwear, he walked around his cabin trying to wake himself up. He walked over to the washroom and splashed his face with freezing cold water. That somehow did the trick.

He hopped into the shower and tried to relax. Today was another day at camp. He wasn’t in the mortal world anymore. A lot of this felt like a fever dream. It had only been about three weeks, but he still kind of missed his parents. He wondered if Alec would let him go back home at Thanksgiving.

When he walked out of his bathroom a towel on his head and robe over his body he immediately felt chilly.

Chanyeol walked over to the window to close it and when he turned back around-he almost fell back when he realized someone else was in the room.


Baekhyun stood there clipboard in hand as he scribbled down some notes furiously. He mumbled “Messy, messy and messy.” 


Had the door been open? How did Baekhyun even manage to get in without Chanyeol noticing. Besides, why was he doing a cabin inspection right now? That wasn’t enough time for Chanyeol to clean up a bit. 

The messy comments came from the fact that his sheets were all over the place. They fitted on the floor and a pillow on the bookshelf. The ground was dusty and he was positive he’d left three week-old dining food under his bed.


From afar, Chanyeol could tell Baekhyun was giving him bad grades on his cabin cleanliness.


“Catch me a break,” Chanyeol said, “I’m new here. Besides, I don’t even have a clock-otherwise I would have woken up early.”


“I’m still giving you a zero.” Baekhyun looked up from the clipboard.


Chanyeol came over to the stand beside the son of Aphrodite and squinted at the clipboard, “What! Come on, my windows are at least cleaned. Give me a point for that.”


Baekhyun sighed, “You are the one that suggested not to be given special treatment.” 


“This is just cruel, though,” Chanyeol pouted.


“Take it however you want, now hurry up because the dining hall is starting breakfast-"




           There was an explosive like sound coming just outside Chanyeol cabin. Baekhyun dropped his clipboard before running over to the window to look at what was happening outside.


       Chanyeol heart was beating out of his chest, that's how shocked he was the hear such a loud noise. 


      "What's going on?" Chanyeol asked, concern laced in his voice. 


      Baekhyun was already ahead of him, he took out his dagger, seemingly ready to fight. 


       "The camp barrier. It's broken." 


       He ran out of his room, cabin check forgotten on the floor.







      Getting out of his robe, Chanyeol threw on a shirt and some shoes and jogged to where he saw Baekhyun run to. There were still loud sounds, some shrieks and of course the sound of water being blown up. 

       Chanyeol had his dagger on his belt, ready to die at any moment.


      He finally joined the crowd of campers circling around the lake where there was a huge tsunami-like thing whirling around in the air uncontrollably. 

       He saw the son of Aphrodite from afar speaking urgently with Alec, his violet eyes  showing confusion and concern. 

      Chanyeol was behind the crowd but he could see better because of his height. 


       "What's happening?" He spotted Seulgi in the crowd.

       "It’s a cyclops," she said, "right now it's not really attacking anyone. It got in through the barrier though that's why Alec seems concerned."


       "What do we do?" 


       "Don't worry, Alec has got it under control.”


As if on queue, the lake in front of them burst and a huge body of water was thrown into the air. Thankfully it wasn’t swept through, but rained on the demigods surrounded the commotion.

There were a few groans of annoyance, some screams as the water hit them, probably with the assumption that it was acid rain.


“...Or,” Seulgi tilted her head, “Maybe not.” 


Chanyeol looked back up to where the water came from, and began running along with the demigods away from the danger. The cyclops was nearing them. Instead of heading back to his cabin, Chanyeol found himself running towards Baekhyun and Alec who were busily discussing something, nonchalantly. 


“Hey-What's going on?” Chanyeol’s was soaked head to toe.


Baekhyun looked at his state and sighed, “Go back to your cabin.”




Then, Suho came into view, holding on his blueish-grey sword tightly. He ran up to Alec and the rest and rolled his eyes in annoyance, “You guys called.”


Alec sternly nodded his head, before telling all the demi-gods to back away if anyone valued their life. Baekhyun glared at Suho before stepping back and letting him set the stage.

Chanyeol watched in awe as the son of poseidon summounded perhaps the largest wave he’d ever seen. It was like those tsunami;s you’d see in an old natural disaster video that was impossible to imagine, only if you were there in person. The wave caught a breeze, and Chanyeo could feel the cold air that the water carrier. 

Whoosh. It hit the cyclops. 

The monster fell into the water, disappearing for a moment.



And then the 7 ft monster rose again from the water. Except, he didn’t seem angry. Anyone would be heated over being wacked over by a large body of water. Yet, this cyclops was stoic. Like it didn’t matter to him. 

After a few attempts of the cyclopes to run away from another attack, he submerged into the water. Just like that-he had vanished.

Nothing had left the camp more confused.




“Baekhyun! Wake up!” someone shook him violently until his eyes snapped open.


He twisted in his bed, removing the strong hold on his wrists, “Ugh, Kyungsoo what is it! It’s midnight!” 


The son of Aphrodite had just finished his extensive training that day and wanted nothing more than a good night's sleep since he’d have to repeat the routine again. For Kyungsoo to barge into his cabin where all his sisters were in their deep sleep, was an effort.


“It’s the oracle!” He squealed, lifting Baekhyun from his bunk so effortlessly it didn’t make a sound.


Super-strength aries kid wasn’t just all talk, he could just about lift anything. 


Rubbing his eyes, Baekhyun urged himself to put on slippers and walked out of the cabin with nothing else but plaid pajama pants and a white t. He followed Kyungsoo to a crown of campers who were gathered around a fire.

It looked like they had been partying or something, a bonfire of sorts. The bonfire now rose above them all, and he saw some kids gasp as a shining blue-ghostly figure came towards them.


Baekhyun immediately pushed through the crowd, making sure he was able to see the oracle.

She hadn’t changed since last year when a quest had been given to the Apollo kids, or even since Baekhyun had gotten his very first quest at twelve years old. What was there to change anyways? The oracle was an immortal witch whose only purpose was the prophecy quests. 


Her long black hair waved as she floated around the area, her eyes glowing white. Finally, she came to a stop. Blue smoke  was oozing from her body. It was just like he remembered four years ago. She was reciting a prophecy. Before she could open , something happened.

The oracle dropped to the floor, her entire aura of blue dying out with her.


Alec came then, rushing into the ground, to pick up the fallen woman. He flung her behind his horse body, and look at everyone seriously.


“Everyone off to your cabins! You all should be getting ready for capture the flag next week. Off you go!” He stirs the crowd away.


Baekhyun remains in his confused position. He had seen the oracle recite a prophecy. It had never done this before. This was weird.


“Alec what's going on? Why is she-?” Baekhyun looked worried.


“Come with me,” He said.



Both Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were now inside Alec cabin. It was small for a half-horse man but big enough to fit five people. Alec had since left to the attic to place the oracle back into her tomb where she belonged. While the two demi-gods were left restlessly waiting for their senior, they heard the cabin door creak open, revealing a shy looking face.


“Oh. Hi I didn’t know you guys were going to be here.” Chanyeol said, stepping into the cabin, bowing first and glancing at Baekhyun’s pajama pants before looking away quickly.


“Chanyeol! I’m glad you’re here!” Alec finally came down, holding an old looking piece of parchment.


He was in his wheelchair, no longer having to walk around with his hooves. He beckoned Chanyeol forward, making himself beside on a wooden chair beside Kyungsoo and Baekhyun who looked even more confused than before. 


“I take it you guys are very confused. No worries, we’re in the same boat. Tea anyone?” He had a tray in his lap.


A green kettle alone with three cups was then layed out on the coffee table. Baekhyun narrowed his eyes at the offer, wondering what his camp counsellor was hiding. Chanyeol nodded enthusiastically, politely accepting the tea. 


“Out with it, Alec.” Baekhyun slams a fist on the coffee table, making Chanyeol almost drop his tea cup. 


Kyungsoo holds his friend's arm back, advising Baekhyun to calm down.


“Alright, seems that there is a problem with...the oracle. Just last night someone broke into her tomb and stole the prophecy. Or atleast...the other half.”


Chanyeol’s mind turned back to yesterday’s event. The cyclopes who didn’t seem to want to fight. And suddenly he disappeared. It was just like capture the flag.


“A diversion.” He said randomly. 


Kyungsoo and Baekhyun turned their heads in confusion.


Chanyeol sheepishly scratched the back of his neck,” Well yesterday that monster that suddenly vanished. He had to have been a diversion.”


Alec nodded, “Unfortunately, you’re correct. The events yesterday stalled us long enough for someone to go into my cabin and steal the prophecy.”


The three demi-gods, one of which did not have any idea of the situation they were in, still listening intently.

Alec rolls out the soft piece of parchment in his hands, revealing a set of names.


“It’s the prophecy's name. You three are all in it. Byun Baekhyun, Do Kyungsoo and...Park Chanyeol. There's no doubt, you three will be going on a quest this time. Except, you won’t have the actual prophecy as a guide.”


The pin had been dropped. Not only were the three of them chosen to go on a quest together, but they were to complete the quest without even a small idea of what would happen to them in the end. Basically an impossible quest.


Baekhyun’s the first one to protest, given his nature, “Who stole the prophecy! We have to find them! And who says I’m going on a quest with a newbie! I won’t accept this!” 


Alec takes a deep breath in preparation for Baekhyun’s complaints. 


“Are you forgetting that you were a newbie in your first quest Mr. Byun? How do you think Jongdae felt taking you along?”


Baekhyun’s face twists with emotion as he hears the name. He hasn’t felt his heart drop like it did now in ages. He finally sits back down, looking blankly at their camp leader. Chanyeol noticed the change in demeanor. Who was Jongdae? 


“I think what Baekhyun meant Sir can you expect us to go on a quest when we don’t even know where to start? Isn’t that the point of a  prophecy.” Kyungso interjects.


Alec nods, “I understand that this is...a directionless quest, but the gods have offered to help. Oceanus escaped from tartarus  and...he’s reeking havoc on the mortal world. They need you. You’re their last hope.”




“Who’s Oceanus? What’s tartarus? Are you sure that was my name on the paper?” Chanyeol asks a lot of questions. 


Kyungsoo had to explain to the new demi-god in layman terms everything that was going on while Baekhyun crossed his arms and sat at the breakfast table barely touching his food.

The entire camp had their eyes on them this morning. It seemed that word had somehow gone out of the three and how they were to embark on a quest soon. Chanyeol was interested by the eyes that followed him but Baekhyun was not having it.


For breakfast they were served pancakes, one of Baekhyun’s favourites and yet, today they tasted bland. 


“Alec said to have out things packed by tomorrow. We’re going to Paris, he says. Oceanus is causing crazy floods and hurricanes.” Kyungsoo explains, “He’s a titan, really strong. Somehow, he’s escaped Tartarus. It’s like a huge prison for evil titans.”


Chanyeol stares at him wide eyed, “Whoa, so we’re supposed to defeat that thing?”


For once Baekhyun agreed with the idiot. They were only three demi-gods, one highly untrained and the others who hadn’t fought a titan before. Baekhyun was the only one out of the three who had gone on a quest but even then, he hadn’t really done anything...he had been useless.

Immediately he stands from his chair, making the campers who had been staring at him flinch.


“Baek- where you going?” Kyungsoo asks.


“No where.” He responds, shoving his hands in his pocket and strolling away.


After some minutes, Baekhyun found himself on the edge of a small cliff just on the border of camp half blood. He could even see the shimmering border falter only a millisecond to reveal a strawberry field on the opposite side. He always came here when he felt sad. Even when he was a kid, he would find himself here. Perhaps it had to do with the idea of seeing what was on the other side.

You see, Baekhyun was an orphan back in the mortal world. He had no family to go back to during Christmas or summer breaks. Looking out from inside the camp was really the only way of yearning what he had always wanted. A normal life. 

And then there were people like Park Chanyeol, who looked excited and happy to be at Camp-half blood-who would eventually become a hero-a prized possession. He would eventually become something important. He hated the goofy grin of his and he realized because it reminded him so much of himself four years ago. He too used to be preppy and curious, like a child. But he had lost his childhood long ago, he realized.
The longer he stayed in camp half blood the energy and life had out him to the point where he didn’t really know who that person was four years ago. 


“Hey,” He heard a soft voice approach him.


Baekhyun cradled his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around, staring out from the hill at camp half blood looking down on some demi-gods training below.


Kyungsoo comes to sit beside him, “We’re going to be okay, I know we can do this, prophecy or not.”


Then he felt an unusual presence come to sit on his other side, “Y-yeah. I know we just met and stuff. But...I have a good feeling about this.” Chanyeol says, making sure to speak confidently without that quiver in his voice at the end. 


Maybe it was the high altitude or the fact that he was tired but Baekhyun felt a little light headed. He nodded in acknowledgement of his two future partners as he continued to look over the cliff, wondering what the gods had in store for him.




That night, Chanyeol had slept knowing he had made Baekhyun feel a little better. He couldn’t help but rub off the dumb smile of his face when he heard he was selected for the quest. And to do with Byun Baekhyun? That was an achievement. 

When it reached midnight he found himself drifting into a deeper sleep accompanied by a dream. He felt like he was floating, but slowly he saw himself being dropped into a dessert. There he saw three figures. 

At first he assumed it was the three of them; Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol in the future on their quest, but when he approached closer, he was confused to find two unfamiliar faces looking up in concern. 

To them, Chanyeol was invisible as  he approached them, wondering what they were looking at. Once he could clearly make out their faces, his eyes were drawn to this man, with a strong jaw and slender figure. He felt...weirdly connected to him. But not like, you know soulmate type of family, you know.

The man’s eyes were grey like his own, and he saw a small shock of lighting in them. No way...this was Zeus's kid. That means...this was his brother.


To his right was someone he wasn’t expecting to see in his dream but he knew. It was Junmyeon, posiden’s son. He seemed young though, maybe thirteen? He looked different and his face was less mature than it was now. And then lastly, he was surprised to see a young looking boy. Who perhaps because of his height, looked a lot younger.

He stood a little behind the other two, and his expression was soft and concerned.


It was Baekhyun. He had his hands clenched in fists as he also stared at the danger above them.


“D-don’t do it Jongdae.” little Baekhyun said, his voice of much higher pitch.


“Baekhyun you need to trust me, I can fly up there and defeat him-”


“We can come with you.” He nods quickly, Junmyeon following his lead.


All three of them had their weapons drawn but only one of them seem,ed fearless. So this was Jongdae. Zues had another kid? Chanyeol hadn’t known about it.


“I’ll fly up there - if I don’t come back in an hour. Go on without me.”


“What! No!” a young Suho protests.


“You heard the prophecy, one of us has to-”


“No!” Baekhyun tried to raise his voice, “No, we don’t have to listen to the stupid prophecyy!”


Jongdae shakes his head in dismay, smiling sadly at the two younger ones, “Trust me.” Is all he said before the dream turned black.


Chanyeol woke up, wondering if it was a nightmare rather than a dream.




That morning at breakfast he was itching to ask Kyungsoo questions. This time, not about the quest though. Somehow, he had found Baekhyun sitting alone on a table sipping from a cup of water.


“Hey!” Chanyeol waved, plopping himself down beside the introverted man.


“For the love gods, keep your voice down,” Baekhyun moved his breakfast plate a little to the side, giving Chanyeol a little room. 


“So...where’s Kyungsoo?”


Baekhyun takes a  tiny bite out of his waffle, shifting a little away from the excited demi-god next to him. “Getting things ready for tonight. Don’t expect him to baby you everywhere. This is a quest. We aren’t friends. It’s a death mission, there's no fun and games.”


Chanyeol frowns, “Well not with you there it  isn’t.” he couldn’t help it. 


He had endured Baekhyun’s rude behaviour long enough, but now it was just insulting.


“What did you say?” He raised an eyebrow.


“I mean, I’m the same age as you and I’m being treated like a child.”


“If you wanted to fight with me you could have asked-” Baekhyun stood abruptly from his seat, making the entire dining hall turn, alerted.


“Well then go for it Lover boy-”


Baekhyun breathes heavily, like he’s about to turn into a bull. Instead, he grabs a hold on Chanyeol's neck pinning his entire body onto the table. 


“Say it again one more time,” Baekhyun says in a venomous tone.


Now, he’s just asking for it. Somehow, looking straight into his eyes, he has the urge to call him the name he hates so very much again. Before, he can utter the words, he watches Baekhyun say something else again, but in a much hypnotizing way. He’s chanting something over and over again.

Suddenly, Chanyeol is released from his hold and he feels his right arms being moved against his own will. He’s punching himself now. Right there, in front of everyone. He’s literally punching himself. His arm goes haywire, it can’t control itself and its being willed foreward sometimes into his gut without him knowing until he feels the harsh pain. 


“W-what is this?” Chanyeol says between blows. 


“Baekhyun!” Kyungsoo runs into the crowd, covering Baekhyun’s mouth quickly and moving Chanyeol away from the son of Aphrodite.


“For s sake Baekhyun! Do you have any sense! You could have killed the guy!” Kyujngsoo yells, wanting so badly to lift his friend and give him a taste of his own medicine. 

Instead, he decides to help Chanyeol up from the ground, asking if he’s alright.


“That was....” Chanyeol’s voice quivers.


Kyungsoo looks down, not wanting to meet his eyes, “ He’s only ever used it once before. I’m sorry Chanyeol. This isn’t like him…”


The son of Zues suddenly feels angry again, “Really? Are you sure about that? He always seems bitter about everything. So yes, I think he is like that.” He rubs his cheek roughly trying to get rid of the stinging feeling but it just ends up hurting more.





Authors Notes: Suho and Junmyeon= same person sorry forgot to specify that, just for those who are not familiar with exo. Junmnyeon is his formal name, while those who tend to receive him as a friend call him Suho. You can tell that Baekhyun doesn't really consider him a friend anymore, so thats why even though they've known eachother long, he talks to him formally. 

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Interesting take - I love the Percy Jackson books but have been disappointed with the movies!
Geraltihista18 #2
Chapter 13: you published the end of the third part in the first part of the trilogy
Vampirella77 #3
Chapter 13: Beautiful Story ❤️
Chapter 13: Ooh the final?! It's been a while, so glad to have another chapter of this, it's been a fun story and i really enjoyed reading it. Thank you so much for writing, you did a great job <3
Chapter 11: I wasn't expecting Jongdae's death but it was necessary given the circumstances. I really enjoyed reading this book. It's well-written and loved chanbaek chemistry and the dynamics of other characters <3
Chapter 10: I hope Baekhyun would not do anything rash because of his overflowing emotions.
Chapter 9: Awwwww that confession. Pretty sure Baekhyun forgot his pain for a while 🥰
Chapter 8: It's a relief they're back at camp half blood even though they have to face an impending war
Chapter 7: I really like how the story is turning out to be; back to back surprises with great timing!
Chapter 6: Jongdae is ALIVE?? And why the tension? This is so good