
Children of the Gods



Just like that, Chanyeol woke up groggily from his long and episodic dream. It felt like eternity like he’d just lived an era in Baekhyun’s shoes when he had awoken. He heard quiet shuffling in front of him, Baekhyun light footsteps putting on a pair of shoes outside his bedroom door. Chanyeol squinted at the light realizing that although it was morning, the sky was still dark at 6:00am.
He yawned and took to his closet, shuffling through his clothes one-by-one no longer determining which one would fit him best, but which one would serve him best in battle. Ah, demigod life. 

He decided on a long black t-shirt that was pretty simple. On top he decided on a black and red plaid patterned shirt. 


When he peeled off his pajama top to change in he jumped when his bedroom door opened.


“Ah!” Chanyeol gasped, quickly covering his torso.


Baekhyun narrowed his eyes, “Oh please,” He waved off, closing the door to be respectful. 


         Still blushing even though Baekhyun was no longer in the room, Chanyeol quickly changed into his clothes, throwing on his satchel bag over his shoulder. 

When he walked out into the family room he watched his mother sadly hand him a plate of pancakes, the perfect amount of syrup drizzled on top with raspberries and blueberries to top it off.


“Are you sure you have to leave today?” Ms. Park pouted.


Baekhyun sat in silence on the kitchen stool, gracefully chewing on his food. He turned his head to see what Chanyeol would respond with.

Having those violet eyes stare him down made Chanyeol sputter his words rather than speak. That-or perhaps the fact that he kept having recurring flashback dreams about the son of Aphrodite. In his dreams, Baekhyun was a young twelve year old boy-a little immature at time and reckless. Here in front of him was a mature...fully developed, intelligent demi-god in front of him. Baekhyun had changed so much in four years.


“W-we can’t mom. This quest will determine the fate of camp.” Chanyeol explained.


“Ah...I see. Well all I can do is give you guys my blessings.” His mother admitted defeat.


“Thank you,” Baekhyun suddenly spoke, “For allowing me to stay in your residence. I’m afraid I don’t have any money in american dollars to pay you sufficiently, but I can work something out-”


Before Baekhyun could even finish, Chanyeol's mother wrapped her warm arms around the demi-god cradling him like her own child. 

This surprised Baekhyun. He stood with his arms out unsure of weather to hug back. Chanyeol smirked at his uncomfort. When his mother releases from the hug, she pinches Baekhyun’s cheek.


“Don’t thank me, really. You’re like my son. Oh and I could never forget what your mother did for me all those years ago.” Ms park says.


Baekhyun’s expression changes from surprise to disdain. He nods his head silently before excusing himself to retrieve his backpack. 

Chanyeol can only watch him in worry.




“You have the ambrosia, right?” Chanyeol asked Baekhyun.


But the demi-god was focused on the screen above him where the flights kept getting delayed and then undelayed and then cancelled. His eyebrows were scrunched together in annoyance. 

Chanyeol waved his hand in front of the demi-gods face, “Hello, earth to Baekhyun.”


“I just don’t understand why mortals have such ineffective travel methods.” He cursed.


Chanyeol covered his mouth as he laughed, “You really are a prince.”


Baekhyun stomped on Chanyeol’s foot as a response, making the taller yelp in pain.


“Don’t call me that-”


“Prince Baekhyun-” 


“I said don’t-”


Chanyeol’s eyes widened when he realized Baekhyun had stopped arguing. He held his hand up as if to silence the demi-god and looked around carefully. 

Did he sense something? Was an enemy here? An enemy they didn’t know of? 

Baekhyun finally breathes, releasing the tension that was building up across this quest.


“What-is someone following us?”


“I-I don’t know. I just have a bad feeling…” Baekhyun pinched the bridge of his nose as if he had a headache.


Flight 458, attendants please line up with your boarding passes. 


The intercom spoke, making Chanyeol quickly grab their things and follow after Baekhyun who was almost running at this point.


When they boarded, Chanyeol felt he’d healed a little. The environment and atmosphere, he imagined thousands of feet above ground would provide him a lot of ease. He was the son of the god of the sky. It only made sense that he felt at home on an airplane.

The two demi-gods sat in the middle aisle, with Chanyeol on the lateral side and Baekhyun beside him in the middle. The seat to the right of them was empty, perhaps going to be taken by a stranger. 

When the said stranger finally came to sit beside Baekhyun they both noticed his masked face and hoodie and large sunglasses.


Both demi-gods looked at each other as if already knowing who ever was sitting beside them wasn’t good news. 

As the plane inclined and finally reached a steady speed, Chanyeol could feel himself grow tired and composed. 

Meanwhile, Baekhyun nervously looking from the entertainment system on the plane and side eyeing the man beside sitting beside him. 

After what felt like an hour, the mysterious man s both his hands into his hoodie pocket. 


Baekhyun’s breath hitched.


And then suddenly, the son of Aphrodite had his dagger out.




Chanyeol stood up on the plane, noticing all the other passengers were all sound asleep despite the fact that it had only been an hour since they’d been in the air. 

The son of Zues was about to hold Baekhyun back, but realized the reason for getting his weapon. The man sitting beside them had taken out his own weapon, a sharp gold katana sword. Of course...Baekhyun had already gaged that the man had reached into his pocket to get nothing else but a weapon.

The two demi-gods, the stranger masked one, held his weapon out and Baekhyun did the same.


“How did you two get those through customs!” Chanyeol wailed.


Baekhyun rolled his eyes, ignoring the demi-gods insignificant observation in the face of death.


“Show your face!” Baekhyun ordered, charmspeak style.



The man in front of them hesitated against the voice, but eventually gave in removing his hoodie and mask. The fact the two demi-gods saw in front of them was…


A stranger?


No, Chanyeol had a burning suspicion that he recognized this man; he just couldn’t pinpoint it.

He had glowering brown eyes and a messy black perm. When the sleeve of hoodie lifted a little as he removed his mask, underneath was an array of tattoos. This guy wasn’t good news at all.

Once the shock had overcome and the charspeak control had dissipated, the man lunged his sword. While Baekhyun held the guy off, Chanyeol looked around to the passengers who were all somehow...STILL ASLEEP.

Chanyeol contemplated if he was dreaming or all the passengers on this economy flight were really heavy sleepers. 


“He put them all to sleep!” Baekhyun yelled as he attacked the demigod.


Chanyeol nodded his head, looking around for his own weapon-but he remembered he had kept it in the cargo because he was afraid customs were going to catch him. Of course, this wasn’t true he realized because Baekhyun had come into the airplane with his own knife regardless. He had forgotten that their bronze and gold dagger were not visible to mortals. They probably looked like balloons or something via the mist.

All Chanyeol had for now...were his fists. 

He had to do something. Anything...he was the son of Zues for god sakes. He did the next best thing, aimed his finger at the sky and attempted to channel the dark clouds above.

Suddenly there was a spark at the tip-he felt it a sudden increase in energy. The sky was his domain. His place. 

Yet-as soon as the spark came to him the sooner he felt himself become drowsy.

The last thing he saw Baekhyun falling to the ground and then Chanyeol too lost consciousness. 




When they woke up, they were met with a pinching cold atmosphere. Chanyeol looked around, realizing he was no longer in an airplane and that same man-whoever he was. With those sharp brown eyes was nowhere to be found. He stared at the tiled floor beneath him for a moment trying to gather where’d he’d seen him from. That was so familiar.

He turned to his side to find Baekhyun laying on the ground on his side, his body heaving up and down from breathing. It looked like he was still sleeping.

Chanyeol looked around, wondering where the hell that strange demi-god had taken them. Last time he was awake was when the entire flight of passengers were put to sleep-now they were put to sleep themselves. 

The place was vast. It’s lights dim and he could barely see anything. He looked around at the empty expanse taking note in a map on the encased over with glass. An artifact. Behind him was a huge marble statue of some old man with a beard. 

They were in a museum. But why? 

He would see from the ceiling dinosaur bones hanging down.

Among those strings of bones and dinosaur heads was body…


“Kyungsoo!” Chanyeol got up suddenly, realizing that his friend was dangling from above a museum ceiling along with prehistoric animal fossils.


The demi-god was tied up in a harness and was hanging from the ceiling completely unconscious. Chanyeol attempted to call his name many times, but he realized just like those passengers on the flight he was also cast under a sleeping curse? Whatever it was he could clearly see that Kyungsoo was breathing.

He turned to Bakehyun who was also still sleeping despite the fact that was yelling Kyungsoo’s name for the past ten minutes.

Worried, Chanyeol crawled next to him, flipping his body over carefully to examine him.


“Baekhyun! Wake up!” He shook his body slightly, “Kyungsoo’s here. We have to get him down!”


Silence. It’s like Baekhyun couldn’t even hear him.

Afraid, Chanyeol ducked his head down and placed his ear on his chest, waiting to hear a heartbeat.

Their bodies were close, but Chanyeol was too concerned with whether the demi-god was dead to care. 

His heart was beating, Chanyeol realized as he held his head closer, wondering what kind of shampoo Baekhyun used because it smelled nice.


“Get the hell off me!” Baekhyun yelled.


Chanyeol was pushed back landing on the palms of hands with his bottom on the tiled floor.

His cheeks blushed red when he realized he’s basically been in baekhyun’s personal space too long. He scratched the back of his head trying to find something to do, while Baekhyun attempted to recover from being so angry.


“I thought you were dead!” Chanyeol reasoned.


“Well I’m not.” Baekhyun stood up from the floor, dusting his black leather jacket. 


“I was yelling your name for five minutes-oh and by the way!” Chanyeol jumped up, pointing at the ceiling.


Baekhyun squinted to get a better look at what was above, when he recognized Kyungsoo’s face his face went slack. 


“We have to get up there.”


“How?” Chanyeol asked.


“I-I don’t know,” Baekhyun said honestly.


Had there been more time to discuss their game plan, he would have found a way to get their friend from the top of the museum ceiling. Unfortunately, their silence was interrupted by a huge swinging of doors. Out from the depths of the main lobby of the museum came one familiar figure-the same dude with hoodie and mask.

And then a monster..a gorgon? Something of that sort lurking behind him.


Baekhyun let his hands slide into his pocket, waiting for an attack.


“You demi-gods are so stubborn. Can’t even sleep under a curse for a few minutes.” The mystery man curses, strutting towards them at an alarmingly fast pace.


“Master Ezo, let's kill them, get it over with.” The gorgon hissed.


The monster was just like Chanyeol remembered from when he encountered one in high school. Long snake-like hair and an ugly grey face and glowing red eyes. When she opened it revealed talon like teeth with a long tongue. Her mere presence sent shivers down Chanyeol’s spine.

Wait-Ezo? Did Chanyeol hear that right? That meant-


“You fool, if we kill them Jongdae will have us murdered.”


The man walks up to the both of them, taking more interest in Baekhyun who has his jaw clenched and dagger ready inside his pocket.

Ezo revealed his own dagger, making Chanyeol flinch. He walked up to Baekhyun and lifted his chin with the shiny blade, chuckling deeply.


“For some reason, Jongdae has a particular interest in you.” Ezo said.


Baekhyun tried his best to move his chin away from the blade, but he knew if he even made one moment it would slide his throat open.


“I would understand if he likes a pretty boy like you-but what good can a son of Aphrodite do for our revolution anyways.” He rolled his eyes, dropping the dagger.


Chanyeol then had taken out his own dagger. He didn’t know what it was-the tone? The way he talked about Baekhyun in such a demeaning way. It made his blood boil. 

So these were rouge demi-gods. This was Adrian's ex? Ezo? The man who’d run away.


“We won’t go down without a fight.” Chanyeol held up his dagger.


“You idiot demigod. Filled with optimism and hope. You’re clouded by the fact that whatever measly quest you do is only benefiting the corrupt gods.”


“Is that what you told Adrian?” Chanyeol blurted out.


Baekhyun’s eyes widened, as he watched Ezo’s expression shift from calm to contorted. It was as if he hadn’t expected to hear that name in centuries or didn’t realize that his ex-lover still existed.


“How do you know of-How!” Ezo bellowed loudly, diverting his attention from Baekhyun to Chanyeol who’s shoulders were sulked in fear. 


Even the gorgon looked appalled as the way her master was acting. Impulsive and confused. It was unlike him to be uncomposed.


“Oh well,” Ezo calmed down, “I have no business knowing anyways. Adrian is dead to me.” He said, “Guard them, I need to contact Jongdae.”


Then Ezo left, disappearing into the entrance here he’d come from the large metal doors. That left Baekhyun and Chanyeol alone with the said gorgon. Two against one? Is this how it was going to be?


“I imagine you demigods don’t want any trouble,” The gorgon hisses, “So keep quiet.”


Baekhyun didn’t listen, he immediately ran for her, kicking her feet in an attempt to make the gorgon fall to the ground. Chanyeol took out his own weapon, feeling the need to fight. 


If they couldn’t defeat this monster then they wouldn't be able to get Kyungsoo out of the harness from above. It seemed possible that his gorgon was the one who kept the sleep spell on him. It made sense if they killed her off that whatever sleep trance they had put Kyungsoo on would dissipate. 


“Ugh!” Baekhyun cursed as the Gorgon dodged his attack too quickly.


The monster was much smarter and faster than any gorgon they’d seen. They’d fought a couple back in paris, but this one was on steroids it seemed. 



“Get the legs!” Chanyeol told Baekhyun, “I’ll hold the arms.”


They both worked together trying to take down the medusa-looking creature. Somehow, within these few weeks of their quest they found themselves working well together, to the point where Chanyeol or Baekhyun didn’t have to say anything without them reading each others mind.

Baekhyun put the gorgon in a choke hold, allowing Chanyeol to summon an electric shock through her body. She shook for a moment from the impact, but somehow was able to kick Baekhyun from behind him and spit something venomous his way. Thankfully, Baekhyun dogged looking at the small patch of ground beside him that sizzled with green gloop.


“Gross.” Chanyeol winced.


“Hi yah!” Baekhyun ran up to the gorgon again, aiming for the chest this time with his dagger. 


Meanwhile, the son of Zues took it upon himself to summon another lighting strike this time right near the ground the gorgon was beneath. Like an earthquake the floor shook violently, the dinosaur fossils and Kyungsoo swung a little from the impact. Chanyeol saw the gorgon trip from the deep laceration in the tiled floor. 


“Now!” Chanyeol told Baekhyun. 


Before she could even get back up, Baekhyun had his knife in .


It oozed out with that same green muck from before. Baekhyun made a face and backed away from the venom as the monster began to dissipate and decompose.


“Nice job,” Baekhyun said.


“Yeah, you too.” Chanyeol couldn’t meet his eyes.


He had never imagined such a great fighter like Baekhyun would compliment him in battle. In life and death situations Chanyeol could make do-but with Baekhyun’s help it seemed that they were an unstoppable duo. It was like they were made to fight with each other. All those times they ever fought with each other seemed so miniscule in the long run. 


They both stared back up at the ceiling where their friend was hanging. 


“How do we get Kyungsoo down now?” Chanyeol asked.


Baekhyun thought about it for a moment. Looking around the near empty museum that looks rather abandoned without the dinosaur fossils hanging from above. Suddenly, his face changed from lost to understanding. His lips were formed in atight line as if he were holding back, but his eyes said something else. He shook his head slightly before turning to Chanyeol in confidence. 


“We have to work together.” He said without hesitance.




What Baekhyun meant by work together was beyond Chanyeol. At first he thought that  he meant he would lift Baekhyun up and throw him into the ceiling to retrieve their friend, but his naive brain later realized the demigod was referring to their unknown powers.


“We’ve never used our powers together besides that time in France.” Chanyeol said. 


“I know, but it’s worth a shot.” Baekhyun told him.


This was the first time the son of Aphrodite had voiced his opinion about his and Chanyeol’s mysterious powers. Last time they had used it was unannounced at Baekhyun was clearly afraid of it. He didn’t seem like he wanted to talk about it. Now, he was more determined than ever to use them. 


“Okay, well last time we used it I summoned some lightning and then-somehow whenever you touched it would glow pink.”


“It made that dagger fly.” Baekhyun tapped his chin.


Chanyeol’s eyes brightened, “Which means...we could fly?”


“Okay,” Baekhyun gave his hand to Chanyeol.


The son of Zues looked at his slender fingers in confusion, wondering why Baekhyun had become so fearless. Chanyeol gulped a furious blush streaking across his cheeks as he held onto the demi-gods hand bashfully. He didn’t want to say it, but oh god, it felt nice. 

It was nice holding his hand and he wished he could do it more often. Touching Baekhyun felt like he was sensing a thousand volts of lightning charging through his spine. 


“O-okay,” Chanyeol repeated.


With his right hand in Baekhyun’s hand he took his left arm and faced it up to the sky. Praying silently, he hoped his father would help him out in summoning some lightning even though he felt tired enough. 

A moment past until-




Baekhyun let go of his hand in pain, moving like he’d just burnt it on a hot stove.


“Sorry!” Chanyeol leaned forward in worry, as Baekhyun was  hunched over on the ground.


The demigod winced and said with a shaking voice, “Try not to make the electric shock too powerful,” He advised.


“Okay, one more time.” Chanyeol was determined.


They held their hand again, and this time Chanyeol channeled a slight spark of lightning, enough to make their bodies become surrounded by the current, but not too much that Baekhyun would pass out. After all, only Chanyeol could withstand such an electric shock. 


“Okay I think-” Chnayeol stopped.


Baekhyun looked at him with wide eyes and they both...inexplicably began to...float. 

There was a pinkish sparkling aura that surrounded them and it lifted them off their feet. Baekhyun look at the ground that was suddenly gaining distance from him and then back up at Chanyeol who couldn’t believe that they were flying.


“I didn’t think this was possible,” Baekhyun blinked.


The demigod tightened his grip on Chanyeol’s hand because suddenly they were at least six feet away from the ground, where the son of Zues was leading them towards Kyungsoo on the very high ceiling.

Quickly, they held out their arms while still holding hands and made a cushion for Kyungsoo to land on. Baekhyun took a dagger with his teeth and broke off the harness that was holding Kyungsoo.

Chanyeol cursed under breath, he didn’t really have to do something so attractive like that right now.

Within moments their friend was in their arms and Chanyeol slowly floated them back to the ground. 


Kyungsoo was still in his deep sleep. They were quick to lay him on the tiled floor and retrieve their last pack of ambrosia. Baekhyun lifted the son Ares head up and forcefully fed him the medicine, watching in desperation as they tried to wake him up.

Once the first sip was taken, Kyungsoo's large doe eyes snapped open and he began coughing uncontrollably. 


“Felt like I just had the longest dream.” He whined, breathing heavily.


Baekhyun’s breath hitch at the sight of seeing his friend alive and well, he turned to Chanyeol and threw his arms over him hugging him tightly. As if to thank him. As if to say, we did it.

The son of Zues wasn’t sure what to do, he awkwardly let his hand hand from his sides as Baekhyun hugged him tightly like his life depended on it. Chanyeol just wished no one could see his obvious blush.

As they were having their reunion with Kyungsoo they were interrupted by the o[peneing of the same large metal door. Thinking it was Ezo, Baekhyun and Chanyeol took a fighting stance. However, they were surprised to see a familiar face, streaked with worry walk in.

The demigod 


“Junmyeon? What are you doing here?” Baekhyun asked.




“It's urgent, Alec sent me to get you guys.” Junmnyeon said quickly.


He led the three demigods out of the large abandoned museum where they’d been enclosed for hours. He was a fast walk and considering all these demigods had spent almost a month fighting monsters, they couldn't match his pace. 

Kyungsoo had been in a coma for essentially three days, so it made sense that he latched on to Baekhyun’s arm which basically dragged him.


“What’s wrong?” Baekhyun asked.


“They’re going to sabotage camp half blood. We need all the defenses we can get.”


“They?” Chanyeol gulped.


“Oceanus,” Junmnyeon nodded. 


“How are they going to get across the barrier?” Kyungsoo said, his voice croaked.


Junmnyeon remained tight lipped like he didn’t want to tell them anything further because it could freak them out.

Kyungsoo though, could tell what he meant.


“Underground?” Kyungoo asked.


“Yes.” The son of poseidon said, “We’re going to need you on the ends tracking the grounds to see which direction they’ll be coming from.”


“Please tell me you guys will have ambrosia nectar at camp, because I will be passing out soon.” Kyungsoo groaned.


“Don’t worry, we’ve lined up an army, back at camp. I’ll explain everything when we get there.”


They finally made it to a large expanse of land where there was a huge hippogriff; half eagle Chanyeol hadn’t seen anything like it before so when he first laid eyes on the monster, he took a fighting stance. Junmnyeon chuckled before jumping on the creature and pulling on its reins.


“Easy, easy,” He told Chanyeol, “It’s not gonna hurt us.”


Baekhyun who seemed to recognize the creature, came near it and patted it’s head lightly, “It’s good to see you again, Kyon,” He smiled scratching the hippogriffs chin lovably before climbing on with Junmnyeon.


Baekhyun wrapped his arms around the son of Posiden’s waist, waiting for everyone else to climb on so they could go.


Chanyeol watched their interaction in confusion. Last time he checked Junmyeon and Baekhyun hated each other's guts. Or was that only when they were not in the midst of a giant demi-god war? Usually they’d be at each other's throats by now, but at this very moment they seemed to be getting along just well. 

It dawned on the son of Zues that perhaps Junmnyeon had learned about Jongdae-that he was alive. In fact, it had probably been Jumnyeon to break the news to Baekhyun himself back in France when he had his private iris message with Alec. 

Before Kyungsoo could be lifted up behind them, Chanyeol made an effort to climb up next. He knew there was nothing going on between the son of Poseidon and Baekhyun, but he didn’t want to risk it. 

He hesitated when he realized he was going to need to hold on to Baekhyun waist. Chanyeol bit his lip as he held his large hands that almost fit the entirety of the demi-gods waist. 

Did Baekhyun even eat food? He was way too skinny. Before he could scold the demi-god for his eating habits they began to leave the ground.

This made Chanyeol hold on tighter on Baekhyun’s waist. 


“It’s going to be a bumpy ride,” Jumnyeon reminded them.




It was sure as hell the bumpiest ride Chanyeol’s ever been on. Thankfully, being the son of Zues pretty made him immune to any type of motion sickness. However, Kyungsoo didn’t look so good at the end, his face flushing white and eyes daring to stay open.

Chanyeol frowned, he couldn’t imagine what it may have felt like being kidnapped and staying in a coma for days. It would have taken a mental toll on anyone. Yet, Kyungsoo was here like the strongest demigod ever, still trying to save the camp. Sure, Baekhyun was right, demigods weren’t heroes, but they sure as hell were good people compared to the gods.


Finally, they reached the same strawberry picking field near camp-half blood. Before the camp was usually concealed through its barrier, but this time from an aerial view the demi-gods could see little holes in the shield. 

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun to catch his expression, it was obvious he seemed sad from seeing the camp losing its barrier. It almost looked like he was going to cry, but he was holding it in as best he could.

The hippogriff softly landed on the training field which was basically empty at this point. It was only five am in the morning so no demi-god was that much of an early bird to come out and train. Besides, all the demi-gods were probably too nervous to train knowing that they were going to be under attack. Who knows when.


“First thing’s first,” Junmnyeon got off the creature first, “ You are all going to the infirmary.” 


Baekhyun frowned at this, “But-”


“I know, I know you want to go train- blah blah blah. Guess what lover boy, if you don’t get any ambrosia in your system right now there won’t be any training to begin with.” Jumnyeon replied.


That shut Baekhyun up.


Chanyeol raised his eyebrows, surprised that he hadn’t reacted negatively to the use of the word “lover boy” that everyone knew always ticked off Baekhyun. Perhaps before their hatred towards each other, lover boy would have been a form of endearment. Chanyeol had to keep reminding himself that there was so much he still didn’t know about Baekhyun’s life. Specifically the four years he’d spent at camp before Chanyeol had arrived.

He had a special bond with Junmnyeon and Kyungsoo-one that Chanyeol didn’t have. They knew each other like the back of their hands. They had this connection that Chanyeol envied. He wanted so badly to get to know Baekhyun and know about his family life and little minute things like how he preferred his eggs. Was that so much to ask?


They all were sent to the infirmary at which Kyungsoo immediately passed out when he finally got to lay on a bed. Baekhyun was only given a glass of ambrosia nectar for healing and Chanyeol tended to his previous leg wound from long ago.

Baekhyun started up at the ceiling deep in thought. His far away look made Chanyeol curious.

Both of their beds were beside each other. Chanyeol turned his body to the side to watch the demigod. 


“What are you thinking about?” Chanyeol asked.




“You’re thinking about him right?”


Baekhyun’s facial muscles tensed. Of course, he knew who Chanyeol was referring to it was no secret.


“I know he doesn’t want to destroy the camp deep down. He’s a good person.” Baekhyun whispered, perhaps in an effort to make it audible for Chanyeol.


“Weren’t you the one that said not all demi-gods are heroes? What happened to that?” Chanyeol said bitterly. 


“He’s. Jongdae’s different. If you’d known him all those years ago, you’d be shocked.” Baekhyun defends him.


Chanyeol hated it. He despised when all Baekhyun would think about was his childhood friend, Jongdae-this. Jongdae that. He was growing irritated. No, Chanyeol was jealous. 


“So what if it was me?” Chanyeol asked.


It was a question that was valid. Had anyone else joined forces with a titan, would Baekhyun be sympathetic like he was being now? Did he know how many innocent people Jongdae had probably killed-how many innocent demi-gods he’d brought into his organization. For what? Because he didn’t get the attention he wanted from the gods. Chanyeol begged to differ. He saw no redeeming qualities in his half-brother. He was as evil as it gets. 


“I don’t want to discuss this with you-”


“Be honest, if I went out and joined an evil titan like Oceanus, would you still believe that I was good deep down? Would you still accept me like you're accepting him?” 


Baekhyun used his silence to make Chanyeol grow more angered. Thankfully it was so early in the morning the nurses had gone from the infirmary and let them rest for a bit. 


“Hmph.” Chanyeol laughed out of spite, “Guess I got my answer.”



Authors note: Yep! Junmyeon/Suho is back! And don't wrory guys he not evil. Orginally, I was going to make evil, but I realized not all the demigods should be evil some of them should have redeeming qualities. 

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Interesting take - I love the Percy Jackson books but have been disappointed with the movies!
Geraltihista18 #2
Chapter 13: you published the end of the third part in the first part of the trilogy
Vampirella77 #3
Chapter 13: Beautiful Story ❤️
Chapter 13: Ooh the final?! It's been a while, so glad to have another chapter of this, it's been a fun story and i really enjoyed reading it. Thank you so much for writing, you did a great job <3
Chapter 11: I wasn't expecting Jongdae's death but it was necessary given the circumstances. I really enjoyed reading this book. It's well-written and loved chanbaek chemistry and the dynamics of other characters <3
Chapter 10: I hope Baekhyun would not do anything rash because of his overflowing emotions.
Chapter 9: Awwwww that confession. Pretty sure Baekhyun forgot his pain for a while 🥰
Chapter 8: It's a relief they're back at camp half blood even though they have to face an impending war
Chapter 7: I really like how the story is turning out to be; back to back surprises with great timing!
Chapter 6: Jongdae is ALIVE?? And why the tension? This is so good