Rouge Demigod

Children of the Gods




    When they walked inside, there was the immediate smell of something cooking. Chanyeol knew he would look like a pig but he couldn't help it. He was a growing boy. He grabs a few croissants on the large table full of brunch items, pancakes, syrup, fruit salad. 


      "Hungry, hungry hippo, the food isn't going anywhere." Adrian says.


      The comment makes Baekhyun utter a small laugh. Chanyeol looks at the two of them in annoyance. Baekhyun quickly smiled at Adrian  before dropping back to a frown. Why was Baekhyun acting so nice to this guy they just met? Was it because he was an inch taller than Chanyeol? Maybe it was his perfect hair and body? Either way, he felt a little angry at their sudden closeness.

        They ate in silence, mostly because everyone was so hungry. 

         Finally Adrian claps his hands together and decides to show them around his cottage. Kyungsoo gets distracted by the huge plasma screen T.V that is somehow able to work in rural France. 

          "From my room you can see the view, and if you squint long enough you can see the Eiffel tower." Adrian explains.


          Chanyeol looks out the window, marvelling at the sight. He wondered what it took to live in such a magnificent place, all alone for 29 years.


         "I haven't always been alone, you know," the demi-god reads Chanyeol's mind. 


          Baekhyun tugged at the curtain to see better, getting distracted at a herd of cows walking west.


        "What do you mean?' Chanyeol asks.


        "Demi gods usually find their way to me. Some of them want to stay, even. Of course, they are too naive to think they could survive here." He says, "They think it's a dream land. But is it when you never age? When you're not really a part of society."  


Kyungsoo gazes at one of the photos on the fire mantel. It's the only picture of two people. On one side is Adrian, holding up a peace sign and on the left is a man, much shorter than him, with light brown hair kept his head close to Adrians. He smiled shyly in the photo.


“My lover.” he explains rather openly.


Kyungsoo almost drops the picture frame when he realizes it must be that important. Placing it back carefully, he wonders if he should ask further, where this said man was.


“Ex-lover you could say,” Adrian laughed, “Ezo, the son of Hermes, left a few years ago. Said I should run away with him. I told him there was no better place to live than here. That and...I’m cursed to be here.” He explained.



Baekhyun and Chanyeol both don’t quite get his words, perhaps he was too wise for them after all. They busy themselves with looking at photos along the wall of Adrian’s bedroom, some of his father who had similar brown eyes to him and a small little boy who was probably his brother.


“The pain, that worse of fighting monsters, is to never see the ones you love again. I’ve had to live here for twenty years, almost alone.” Adrian says


“So why stay here? Come with us, back to camp where you belong.” Baekhyun blurts.


Adrian’s attention is drawn to the son of Aphrodite, almost immediately, as if he was forced to turn his head. Baekhyun’s eyes falter, a slight shade of pink.


“Baekhyun, you’re charmspeaking.” Chanyeol points out, grabbing onto his arm without really putting much thought into it.


         The demigod, looks away, not sure what to feel anymore. Adrian, snaps out of the charmspeak, immediately he huffs a nervous, jittery laugh.


“I haven’t felt that inclined to do something ever.” Adrian says.


Chanyeol nods his head in agreement. Of course, when he got a taste of charmspeak he was punching himself to death, so maybe there was no comparison. 


“Sorry, I didn’t mean it.” Baekhyun looks away, his mouth twisted in pout, a sign that he was lying. 


“It’s an intriguing offer...but I can’t. The reason why I’m here. It’s a form of punishment I’m forced to complete. I was dishonest to the gods in my quest. They didn’t take a liking to it. To be specific, Zeus had a hissy fit and threw me in here.”


The demi-gods desperately wanted to ask why. They wanted to know the whole story, but Adrian said it was too long and sorrowful to explain. Chanyeol wanted to know why his father had done such a thing. Sure, Adrian had made a mistake, but wasn’t that all it was? He was human after all. It wasn’t like the gods hadn’t done immoral things.


“Come now, I must give you all the supplies you need to continue your quest.”




Adrian's garden outside his small cottage was beautiful. It had different kinds of native flowers from southern france all lined up in a perfect line. In the middle there was a circle full of red and white tulips. Surrounding the circle were lines of hydrangeas and lavender whistling through the wind giving off an unforgettable perfume.

The three demi-gods became mesmerized with the scenery, walking around inspecting the garden.


“Who are you all off to defeat anyhow?” Adrian asked.


Chanyeol had been preoccupied with a shy squirrel that was under and oak tree, but he decided to answer, “Oceanus!” He said.


Adrian’s face was amused. He looked up at the sky and then back at Chanyeol, “You must be a Zues spawn,”




“Oh please. It’s in the eyes- in the weird excietness about going to risk your life in front of a titan. It’s so...irrationally obnoxious.” He surmised.


Baekhyun held back from laughing, “Tell me about it.” 


Chanyeol pouted furiously, knowing if he fought back with the teasing, they’d just embarrass him more. It seemed that throughout his experience of being a demi-god, being the child of Zues didn’t make you that popular with other demi-gods. He’s surprised anyone even approached him.


“Oh come on, you guys are just being mean-Chanyeol’s a nice kid.” Kyungsoo defends him.


“I’m sure he is, but how is he in combat?” Adrian’s eyes showed with fierceness.


Chanyeol looked at Kyungsoo, perhaps hoping to speak for him-but the son of Ares looked back at the bashful demi-god.


“I-I’ve improved,” Chanyeol lied.


“I see. Let's test that shall we?”




Was it normal for demi-gods to want to fight with each other any chance they got because it was good practice? Or was this some kind of of ego they had going on. Last time Chanyeol had fought with a demi-god, namely Baekhyun, it had not ended well. Baekhyun had trained in camp half blood for more than four years, but Adrian...Adrian was a whole two decades older than him (theoretically).
It was no doubt the son of Athena would pulverize him in a practice match. 

Chanyeol looked to Kyungsoo for answers as Adrian walked them over to a plain area so they could easily fight without damaging any nature.


“What do I do?” Chanyeol asked, worry lines creasing his forehead.


Kyungsoo shook his head as if to reassure the demi-god, “This is going to be for you, you’ll get some good combat practice with him. Athena kids are heavily trained on this aspect. Take it as an honour.”


“And die?” Chanyeol gulped.


Baekhyun, who'd been watching Chanyeol’s sorry spiral from fear, covered his mouth yet again because he wanted to stifle a laugh. It always ended up with Kyungsoo whacking him in the arm to stop him.



When Adrian had strolled over a meter away from Chanyeol, he raised his hand asking if it was okay to begin. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun sat on the grass laterally to get a good view. 

The air had grown chilly, the sun was slowly setting. Chanyeol usually had good body temperature, but right now all he could feel was this shivering fear. 


“Ready whenever you are, champ.” Adrian winks. 


Chanyeol tried to swallow the bulge of nervous saliva that had been collecting at the top of his throat. He nodded hesitantly for the fight to begin.


Adrian was quick. Fast-zoomed at the speed of light. Just from the impact, Chanyeol fell on his back, disoriented and confused as to how the demigod had done that so quickly.

The son of Athena was behind him now and when Chanyeol wobbly stood back up, trying his best to dodge the next move, he was sad to discover that Adrian was already at his throat, a sword daring to slit his throat. 

For most demi-gods this would be a sign of defeat, but Chanyeol knew with Baekhyun and Kyungsoo watching, he couldn’t let them think he was any weaker than he already was. 

So by some force of nature he took out his own dagger, the one that Alec had gifted him and broke from his hold. They slashed their swords, clinking and clanking the metal and bronze. 

Just when Chanyeol felt that they were reaching a steady state, he felt himself roll over as Adrian kicked his shin. 


Damn, he knows my sensitive area. Chanyeol cursed. 


Ever since Chanyeol had been mauled by a gorgon back in paris, his leg never fully seemed to heal because whatever healing there was kept breaking from fighting monsters all day.


To avoid further contact with his right leg, Chanyeol held out his sword further defending his legs. 

Adrian caught sight of this and he immediately understood this to be a place where Chanyeol did not want him to attack. Using this to his advantage, Adrian jabbed his sword, slightly missing by an inch of Chanyeol’s leg.

Again, he his sword and Chanyeol’s nerves became static when his opponent was very close to touching his leg. If the sword even impaled him it would take longer to heal. So he did the only thing he could think of.


He held his bronze dagger high enough and did a silent prayer. 

Almost immediately he felt the lighting cover his conductible sword and since Adrian was going in for another attack Chanyeol pointed the lighting at his opponent who was blasted at least five meters from him.

It took him a few seconds to comprehend what had just happened with his hair sizzling from the electrical current. 

Chanyeol opened his mouth to apologize, but began to realize he probably should stop saying that now. 


Adrian stretched his neck as if recovering from the strength of the blow. He looked at Chanyeol and smirked, “See? The son of Zues.” He chuckled.


Chanyeol saw the demigod struggle to get back up after the lightning strike, but somehow managed to stand up. 


“A-are you okay-” Chanyeol was about to ask, but realized it was bluff.


Suddenly, Adrian tackled him to the ground, folding his arms one-over-another.


“Ah!” Chanyeol groaned in pain realizing he’d fallen for the little performance of pain that Adrian had done.

The son of Zues struggled for a minute, but realized this demigod was more trained and highly skilled that no matter what he did it would take years to beat him.

Chanyeol surrendered, giving the victory to Adrian.


Kyungsoo clapped like a proud friend even though Chanyeol had lost. While Baekhyun shook his head in disappointment. 

Of course, nothing Chanyeol did made that demigod happy.


“It was a good effort, son of Zues.” Adrian walked over clasping his hand tight for a hand shake.


Chanyeol raised his eyebrows, a little surprised from the compliment, “T-thanks.” He said.


“Why not go for another round?”


“I’m good thanks.” Chanyeol waved his hands in desperation, making Kyungsoo laugh.




Adrians fire fireplace was warm and cozy as the demigods all gathered around sipping on earl grey tea and hot chocolate. 


“It’s nice having demi-god company-it’s been five years since I’ve seen another half human being,” Adrian thought sipped on his tea, sitting furthest from the crew looking out to the window where there was a clear few of the starry night.


“You mean since…” Kyungsoo implied.


“Ah yes, Ezio. I’m sure you want to hear all about him. Well he was quite the trickster, a son of hermes and everything. He lived here for about two years, until-”


“Until?” Chanyeol asked.


“Until his father talked him out of it. He told him it wasn’t his destiny to live here. I don’t know after that...he just left.”


Baekhyun this time spoke up, swirling his tea carefully in the cup,”But I’ve never seen him at camp-half blood. I was there four years ago.”


Adrian nodded and sighed,” He didn’t go back. From what I know he’s been a rogue demi-god.”


“A rogue demi-god?” Kyungsoo asked.


“A run away, a deviant. Someone who doesn’t agree with the system the Gods have put in place for demi-gods. So they rebel. They make their own organization and train to abolish the hierarchy.”


“That sounds complicated.” Chanyeol said.


“I understand why it may seem unfathomably to you, son of Zues. You've only been aware that you were a demigod for a couple of months now. But I can speak for most demi-gods and say that the Gods surely aren’t our enemies-but they aren’t our friends either.” Adrian said.


“What do you mean?”


“I mean-would Oceanus be attacking you if the God’s hadn’t put him in tartarus?” He asked a heavy question. "The gods are perfectly imperfect. They have a perfect visage, but a flawed character. They are greedy, selfish, unruly, animalistic.” 

Chanyeol hadn’t heard anyone more passionate about this topic-well other than Suho from back at camp. There seemed to be a common understanding about gods, they weren’t as good as they were in greek myth books. They were inherently flawed and as time went by Chanyeol saw himself agreeing with them.




They slept that night soundly, only with the sound of crickets and birds within the fortress of mist that blocked them from the outside world of monsters. The stench of demi gods was a delectable to monsters.

Kyungsoo had quickly fallen asleep, having drunk enough ambrosia and used up all his energy to dig that tunnel, the boy deserved that much. 


Chanyeol couldn’t help but stay awake. His leg had felt like it healed with the help of Adrian’s handiwork in demi-god medicine. He had patched up his wound nicely, so much that he wasn’t limping anymore. The guy was a genius, Athena’s kids were no joke.

They were all sleeping in different rooms of the cottage. Chanyeol called dibs on the one overlooking the sea view. He knew he shouldn’t be distracted but his mind drifted to thoughts about Baekhyun and the recent dreams he’d been having about him.He wondered about his relationship with Suho if that meant anything now. After all, they hadn’t appeared to be friends at camp-half blood. What was the change? Still, Chanyeol felt an aura of hesitance come from Baekhyun everytime he wanted to fight him. It was like he still had a soft spot for him.. Why? Was there still hope in him that he was good? 

He felt uneasy and unable to sleep, so he got up to look at the white moon. The light glittered along the sea. It was beautiful.

For a moment, he felt at peace. And then, he saw Baekhyun there, sitting on the ground, his legs crossed, watching the moon from the backyard. His back was turned and his eyes were focused on the sky. Like he was talking to it, lost in his thoughts.


Chanyeol found himself outside too.


He came into the chilly night, just to sit near the son of Aphrodite and watch him vacantly stare out into the sky. His things were packed beside him, sleeping back under him as if he were planning to sleep there. His Bow and arrow were in his satchel to his right.


“It’s freezing, you should get inside.” Chanyeol says.


Baekhyun shakes his head, “I like it out here.”


The demigod beside him sighs. He knows how much Baekhyun loves being in his own thoughts, just sitting there, endlessly thinking about things. It would drive Chanyeol mad, he doesn’t know how the guy manages it. In fact, despite Baekhyun’s odd anger issues, there's a sense of patience about him. 


“You like it out here huh? Looks nothing short of a view in america really. I mean Europe’s just over hyped.” Chanyeol says.


Baekhyun finally cracks a smile. A genuine, true smile. Like almost a laugh, actually. Chanyeol feels accomplished.


“Would it be crazy to say that I want to stay here?” Baekhyun says.


His voice is a little quieter this time, shaking almost. Chanyeol’s feelings of happiness are washed away immediately. He feels his eyebrows knit together in slight bitterness. The scene, this environment was too perfect to last long enough for Baekhyun to ruin it. It feels like before, when they had first met. Except this time, Chanyeol was angry.

Don’t get him wrong, Chanyeol liked this Baekhyun-someone more open with him-actually talked about things other than combat. It was a refreshing side of him.


“Yeah, that’s crazy. And you know it.” He says.


“I feel like I’ve been looking for a place like this, in the real world, where I could...just forget about all my demi-god problems and live a normal life.” Baekhyun explains.


Chanyeol’s not having any of it. His stomach fluttered. Not in a good way.


“Normal? You call this prison normal? You’re never gonna age Baekhyun! You’re gonna live out here with some-some dude you just met! Forever. No-I didn’t expect this from you.” Chanyeol shakes his head.


He’s boiling. He can feel it in his bones, in his nerves. An electric current passes through him so forceful that he can’t even think clearly. Baekhyun was choosing to stay here? Sacrifice the entire quest, trivialize the mission at hand, for a selfish cause?


“I know, I’m being selfish but every bad thing that happens in quests are my fault. I’m a useless pawn that the gods throw around to make mistakes. I’ll always be useless! I don’t even deserve to go on this quest, I’ll just bring you all down!” 


“You’re wrong! You are strong, and smart and good at things I can’t even imagine. You’re not useless, Baekhyun.”


The gods were cruel to put Baekhyun in another quest with the son of Zeus. It just never worked out. First with Jongdae and now with his half-brother.


“You think too highly of me.” Baekhyun says,


“You just had low standards of yourself.” Chanyeol argues.


Baekhyun looks at the demigod now, his gaze trailing from his eyes to his mouth, but before anything can become of it, he looks away.


“My eyes are purple to you huh?” 


Chanyeol feels hot all of a sudden, like he’s being asked a very personal question. Of course, the colour of Baekhyun’s eyes had meaning, as Adrian had said. 


“It’s more...a violet.”


“They’re the same thing.” Baekhyun rolls his eyes.




“So what? You like girls with purple eyes. I don’t even think that colour exists.” he turns his head back up to stare at the night sky. 


Chanyeol wanted to say no, he wanted to argue that he didn’t even like girls to begin with. And on top of that, he knew that there was only one person in the world who had violet eyes, Baekhyun. So, of course, even an idiot could make out what this meant. Chanyol was falling for Baekhyun, falling hard.



They left shortly that morning, with new backpacks full of demi-god supplies. Adrian had packed non-perishable food items, fleece blankets and at least a gallon of ambrosia. He told them the best way to keep away from monsters was to not spread out too much from each other, that way monsters would be confused by their scent. 


Before they left, Adrian came out with a small box. It was a dusty black. It was like a larger than average wedding ring box. 


“It’s a special powder I was given in my first quest. It helps you teleport. You take the dust that’s inside the box and spread it around your selves. Then you think of the place where you most want to be and poof. You’re there. It will only work twice so use it in the most dire of situations.” He advised.


The box was given to Chanyeol who held it close to his chest as if he were about to drop it.


“What's the dust made of?” the newbie demi-god asked.


Adrian grinned mischievously, “They say the ashes of the last oracle.”


Chanyeol’s eyes widened, he held the box even tighter.



The three demi-gods thanked the son of Athena for his day of hospitality, wondering if the gods had sent them here for a break from their quest. Adrian was in a way, an angel who had swooped in to revive them from their terrible state. 

“Really, no thank you is necessary…” Adrian smiled, “But Baekhyun if you ever have second thoughts, I’ll see you back I suppose?” He said.


Kyungsoo caught this nuance as they were walking out from the barrier, “He was so into you.” the Son of Ares squeals.


Baekhyun ignores the comment. He knows that Adrian had taken a liking to him and even offered a place to stay in his little safe haven for demigods. The cottage was just big enough to house a family, and the rest of land, enough for a tiny village. He imagined life when the demi-god persuaded him, without fear of monsters, quests and the dreaded gods. 

Adrian and Baekhyun had one thing in common, they despised the gods deeply, but the next day Baekhyun had declined his attractive offer. His eyes, shifting to look at Chanyeol who had been staring at him. Chanyeol’s eyes widened, and he suddenly became interested in the dirt beneath him.




They followed the north star at night, to which Adrian had told them would lead them to the titan Oceanus. He explained that the divine being was building up a storm, and it was ready to hit any country at this point. 

Perhaps there were no intentions to his madness, no sappy back story. Titans were cruel in nature. Baekhyun argued the gods were like this as well. Except the cruel reality was they were doing this quest without the help of the gods-their dirty work.

Walking through the mountainous and naturistic terrain of southern France was a sight to see. There were different kinds of flowers- mostly huge stalks of lavender fields lines everywhere. Rows and rows of white and red tulips bordering those flowers, creating  nice contrast in colour. 

It was a shame they’d have to fight Oceanus soon, and who knows what kind of destruction he was mustering.


“We should Iris message Alec, now that we have some time.” Kyungsoo said.


Before Chanyeol can even look at what the son of Ares is doing, a shimmer occurs in mid air in front of them. Astonished, Chanyeol ducks his head closer to look at the image that begins to form before his eyes. First a rainbow, and then mixing around to make a photo-realistic picture of Alec himself. No, not a picture. A video?


“It’s nice to see you all are well.” Alec says.


He’s sitting on his porch, with a mug of coffee in his hand. Chanyeol can tell he'd been trying to act calm and contained. They all know he’s stressed and unsure about what is going to happen to the three of them.


“We are travelling to go find Oceanus, we should be there in about a day.” Baekhyun said.


“Good progress. How’s the ambrosia holding out?”


“Ah-we’re almost out, but just enough if something bad happens.” Kyungsoo says.


“And, you-Chanyeol?” Alec tilts his head, wondering why his pupil is so blankly staring at him.


“Oh-uh yeah sorry I’m just wondering how the world you guys are video calling with electricity right now.” Chanyeol’s eyes are inquisitive. 


Both Baekhyun and Kyungsoo sputter a laugh. It really is an asset to have a newbie on a quest. The comic relief is fantastic. It was nice, perhaps even at times when they were in dire need of something to cheer them up. 


“Okay, well if you guys are in dire need-I’m always here. And please, take care of yourself. Baekhyun-I must speak with you alone.”


Kyungsoo and Chanyeol looked at one another, wondering what Alec had to say that was so important that it could not be said in the presence of the other two demigods. Could be something secret only the two should know? Or was it information kept purposely hidden from the two because of the fact that it may insight a certain opinion. was something personal. 

Although the two were at least a few miles away from Baekhyun, Chanyeol could read his brooding face from afar. His mouth formed a tight lipped expression, while his eyes looked down on the ground. There was some news being laid upon him, and it didn’t look too good.

They watched him end the iris message and walk back with his face trying desperately to mask the emotion he wanted to express.


“Lets get ready, we have a long way to go.” Was all he said.



Chanyeol hated secrets. And he knew that Baekhyun was keeping something from them. He wondered if it had anything to do with the prophecy? Had they found the missing parchment where their dire fate was written? Was it a bad one? Was someone going to die? It freaked Chanyeol out, and what was more is that the son of Aphrodite kept his distance from the two, lost in his thoughts as they travelled by train towards the end of the land-near the sea-where they’d eventually meet Oceanus.

First their journey had started Paris, but slowly and slowly they were reaching the medditarian sea. This made Chanyeol wonder if they were getting closer and closer to the gods. After all they were greek gods? So would they all live in Greece? Would that be too stupid of a question to ask? Probably, and judging by the stress lines that were beginning to form on Kyungsoo and baekhyun’s forehead, it was best to be silent at this point.

The train finally stopped the farthest it could take them. They paid. Then hopped off the train. Chanyeol felt more lost than ever.


“We aren’t even close to the medditraian sea.” He whined.


Kyungsoo nodded,” That's because there isn’t any public transport willing to go there when there's a hurricane.”


The three of them looked up at the plasma T.V above the training station. A serious news reporter was saying something in french very quickly. Chanyeol couldn’t understand a word of it, but judging from the grueling video’s it was probably about the water-tornado that was happening in the south.

Baekhyun said “He’s saying people have to flee their homes now and all flights have been cancelled. It’s definitely oceanus.”


Chanyeol turned. His mouth gaped open at the idea that Baekhyun could...somehow inexplicably speak french?!


Kyungsoo smirked at the lost demigod and patted him on the back, “Aphrodite invented the language of french. It’s basically a right for her children to know it.” He laughed.


Chanyeol watched Baekhyun in awe. He wondered what else the demigod could do? Perhaps grow wings and fly all the way to Mt. Olympus? It was crazy, but there was still so much he didn’t know about Baekhyun and that bothered him. He wondered what it would be like to meet him around the first time he’d come to camp half blood. 

An excited, compassionate, curious demigod ready to do anything and everything. Someone Chanyeol could see himself as. Now, it seemed all the life was beginning to drain from him the longer he stayed at camp. 

Who knows, maybe even Chanyeol would turn out like that?


Perhaps his dreams provided him more accurate information.




He was at the point from last time, a stormy grassland, pouring in rain water. Young Baekhyun and Suho were drenched in water from head to toe, their tiny hopeful faces, watching up above as their comrade angle handedly fought a huge from above. 

Jongdae was somewhere up there, but he dreams didn’t allow him to see that far. Instead, his eyes are hyper focused on the expression of the young twelve year olds looking up at the sky. Baekhyun’s drooped eyes blinked away tears.


“We have to go help him.” Suho said urgently.


Baekhyun nodded, looking around for a solution,”We can’t fly up there.”


“There has to be a way.” Suho pleaded, almost looking hopefully to baekhyun.


Was this the point where their friendship broke apart? 


Before the two could think of a plan, a harsh wind blew them over as a huge beast hovered over them, a terrified Jongdae in its claw.

Chanyeol wasn’t so educated in greek myth, but he’d seen one of those in a book. A griffin they called it.This one  had huge black wings with a body of a steroidal lion and an oversized eagles head. It was magnificent and yet ever so terrifying knowing that Jongdae was hanging on the edge of his talon, fearing for his life.


Fly! Float! Chanyeol tried to yell, but his voice had no sustenance. He saw Jongdae struggling to keep awake.


The creature flew around,  three sixty routes, trying to shake off the demigod that was irritating his foot. Suho was quick to respond, gathering all the falling rain from the clouds and creating a surfing board under his feet. Suho flew up there, trying to keep up with the winged animal as best he could while he moved at an astronomical speed, shaking the life out of Jongdae.

Baekhyun’s eyes were wide, his throat closed in anxiousness, as he looked up at the sky in helplessness. 

Chanyeol watched the demi-god in concern. Baekhyun looked lost. Unsure of what he was doing here-or what he should be doing at that moment. He looked overwhelmed, undeniably lost as he stared down at his palms.

Then, he did something that surprised Jongdae and Suho.


“Come here! Come get me!” Baekhyun waved his hands.


The creature’s head turned almost immediately, forgetting about Jongdae and Suho, flying closer to the ground, giving Jongdae the opportunity to jump off the claw and cough from being up in the air so long. The power of charmspeak.


“Baekhyun no!” Jongdae yelled, running at lighting (literally) speed towards his comrade, as the beast bounded towards the small twelve year old.


Baekhyun’s lips were curled in tight, his eyes shut as he waited for the impact of the bird to hit him. He knew what he’d done was stupid, but atleast he wouldn’t have to feel the embarrassment of knowing that. He was going to die and the clam expression etched on his face confirmed that.


Baekhyun! Stop! Charmspeak him to stop! Chanyeol yelled again, knowing full well this was only a dream. 


When the beast opened his mouth to breath a withering green fire, Baekhyun could only feel the residual heat coming off from something else.


“No! Jongdae!” Suho yelled.


Too late. It was just like the prophecy had said. One of them would have to disappear. When Baekhyun opened his eyes at the sound of his comrades' name, his face twisted in confusion when there was no longer a griffin in front of him and no longer the son of Zues in front of him. Jongdae was gone. Like he had disappeared in mid air. He ceased to exist. 

Baekhyun stood there, frozen, staring at the ashes on the ground. He fell to the ground on his knees, tears falling from his face.


Suho ran up to him and grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie with such force Baekhyun snapped out of shock.


“You idiot! If you hadn’t meddled we could have destroyed the monster. But you did again. You ruined everything!” Suho yelled.


There was a subsequent punch that landed on Baekhyun's jaw.

When the son of the aphrodite fell to the ground and became utterly unresponsive at this point, Suho came at him again, throwing another hit. Again and again, until Suho had no energy left in him.


“ You shouldn’t have even come on this quest to begin with. Everyone knew you were too young and inexperienced. It was waste bringing someone who only knows how to be pretty-and love-and-”


I never asked for this!” Baekhyun screamed.


Now the atmosphere had grown tense. 


Suho glared at him, “Jondgae’s gone because of you.”


Baekhyun sat there, as his once comrade began to walk in the opposite direction, wanderleslly. All Baekhyun felt was loneliness. 




If anything, watching your brother die in a dream definitely scared Chanyeol for life. Not only did he know that was the entire truth he’d seen, but it was weird to be dreaming about Baekhyun who was standing right friken there-this wasn’t real.

Should he talk to him about it? No-but when then? Was it wrong? Was it any of his business to begin with, it was just a dream right? He’d been right about the fact that Suho, Jondgae and baekhyun had gone on a quest together so he presumed everything that his dream was telling him was true. He wondered why-or who was giving him these dreams and why it was so essential for him to understand Baekhyun’s past.


The three demi-gods quietly eat their breakfast purchased from a small town general store just off the coast, where they’d reach in the afternoon. Chanyeol knew french food was good, but with the nervousness building up about having to face Oceanus again, the croissant in his mouth tasted like stone.


“Italian food is better.” Kyungsoo said lightly.


Baekhyun finished his own small danish and decided to wander back into the general store to grab something else. Ever since he’d talked to Alec, the silence was daunting. It was like he knew something they didn’t-even his best friend kyungsoo was being left in the dark about it.


“Was Baekhyun always like this?” Chanyeol asked, ignoring his undesirable croissant. 


“Like what?”


“Quiet. Doesn’t have much to say-type of person. I mean sometimes he talks, but he’s so secretive about things.” He explained.


Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow, turning his head to the side to watch his best friend speak to the cashier about something. He pondered Chanyeol’s question, and although he had known Baekhyun for so long it seemed he only knew so little.


“Not before his first quest. The poor kid-was into a quest his first year at camp half blood. Didn’t even have time to have proper training- I mean I get it so did you, Chanyeol,'s different when you're not a child of the big three.”


“I don’t get it.”


“I mean, for one he was much younger and to top it all off he wasn’t exactly treated...well by other campers.”


“Cause he’s a son of Aphrodite?” Chanyeol guessed.


“It’s a weird thing, I know. But kids of Aphrodite are almost exclusively female. Greeks, they don't do well with things that are different.”


Chanyeol wanted to know more, for Kyungsoo to dive in deeper. Suddenly, Baekhyun walked out from the store, a small bell jingled as the door closed behind him.


“We have to start training.” He told them.


What he meant by training was beyond Chanyeol. He just didn’t expect the demi-god to purchase twelve gatorade bottles that they’d have to use as dummies. They found themselves in a wide open grassland with dead brassy grass surrounding them. Baekhyun walked over to one end and lined up some bottles 


Without much instruction, Baekhyun flung one arrow after another, purposely missing the bottles by one inch each time. Perhaps to not puncture them so he could keep using them.


Kyungsoo had commenced his own training on the other side of the field, attempting to carry a huge tree log back and forth without getting tired.


Then there was Chanyeol. He kind of stood there, a little jobless in the middle, wondering what on earth he should do. He’d trained before, but it was almost exclusively with someone else, namely either Baekhyun or Kyungsoo.

Since he was closest to Baekhyun, Chanyeol stared at him for what felt like five minutes before the demi-gods responded.


“What?” Baekhyun asked.


“Uh-I don’t know what to train for.” Chanyeol frowned.


Baekhyun closed his eyes, as if holding back the urge to kill Chanyeol.


“You have a dagger in your hand-use it.” He said matter of factly.


Chanyeol blinked. Just when he thought Baekhyun had begun to be a little nicer to him, his attitude had taken a turn. It was all because of that Iris call with Alec. After that he hadn’t been himself. 


“We should train together!” Chanyeol smiled.


Baekhyun opened his mouth to protest, but Kyungsoo got at him first, “Yes, lets do that. It’ll be more productive. Let's have a one-on-one. Each time someone forfeits, we switch.”


The son of Aphrodite didn’t like the idea at all, he sometimes even found trouble collaborating in capturing the flag, this was going to be more difficult.




Chanyeol sat the first one out feeling like he’d learn a bit more from his seniors. He’d never seen Baekhyun and Kyungsoo have one on one combat with each other. Part of him felt a little excited knowing that this fight was going to be more than interesting.


“Don’t break any bones.” Kyungsoo grins.


Baekhyun smirks, unsheathing his bronze dagger.


It had a nice shine to it, perhaps for the reason that Baekhyun rarely used it, only in situations where he couldn’t aim farther than necessary. 


Baekhyun charges first, the son of ares summons the earth beneath him and creates a small barrier such that baekhyun may trip over it. Thankfully, his reflexes are quick and he is able to jump over the obstacle.

  Just when the demi-god thinks he’s got Kyungsoo figured out, the man is already at his neck holding out his own sword. Baekhyun rolled his eyes and used his legs to swiftly kick Kyungsoo in the shin, making him drop on his .

While he had the chance, Baekhyun stepped back ,trying to think of a better strategy. 

Once again, the two equally strong and intelligent demi-gods were at each other’s throats. First Kyungsoo pinning Baekhyun to the ground and then Baekhyun somehow managing to overcome his body weight and flipping him around. It went on for about thirty minutes-even Chanyeol was getting tired of it.

Still, it was intriguing to watch the two seasoned demi-gods brawl it out. It was like a guilty pleasure-seeing two of the strongest people Chanyeol knew go head to head. 

His eyes were almost automatically drawn to Baekhyun almost every time. With his delicate and graceful movement it didn’t even look like the man was fighting. It was like he was dancing. His movements were small yet, so tactful. Every move, every jump it had its purpose. None of his energy was wasted. Baekhyun was a genius fighter. 


“I think we should stop and give Chanyeol a chance,” Kyungso was out of breath.


The two of them had been going at it for about forty minutes so it was only natural that 


Baekhyun threw his head back and ran his fingers in exhaustion. Chanyeol gulped down at the sight.


“I-I mean w-we don’t have to. You guys can take a break-”


Baekhyun raised an eyebrow, “Afraid?”


Kyungsoo grinned, seeing the look of terror cross Chanyeol’s face.




Chanyeol could attest to the fact that there wasn't much of a clutz. It only came out when he was in a really nerve racking situation. He deemed fighting Baekhyun-one of the strongest demi-gods he knew in combat, to be more than enough reason for his hands to turn clammy. 

He held his dagger out with his elbow bent to protect his chest, wondering if Baekhyun would kill him now that he had a chance. 

Remembering back to his first capture the flag game, Baekhyun wasn’t quite bent over the fact that he may or may not have aimed an arrow right at Chanyeol's heart without hesitation. Sure, he may not have released the weapon-but there were other non-vital parts of his body he could have aimed at! 

Crossing his arms over his chest, Baekhyun scowled.


“I’m not going to kill you.” He read his mind.


Chanyeol opened his mouth to say something, but was stopped by the sudden realization that Baekhyun was running towards- at light speed.

“W-wait!” Chanyeol held out his dagger, turning his head away and closing his eyes shut.


But his attempts to surrender were no use, Baekhyun hadn’t even used his weapon. Instead the man simply cupped his hand on Chanyeol’s shoulder and judo flipped him to the ground, earning a loud groan from the son of Zues.


“Ow!” Chanyeol sat up rubbing the back of his head from the impact.


Looking up he felt a little dizzy, but then Baekhyun came into the clearing.


You can do this Chanyeol. Don’t sit here like a sissy. Do what Suho told you-fight. Whoever it is.


“Yah!” Chanyeol stood up from a strange adrenaline rush.


Coming to an immediate halt, he was stopped by Baekhyun swift dagger skills that jabbed at Chanyeol.

Luckily the untrained demi god dodged. 

Baekhyun threw him another attack, attempting to trip Chanyeol, who’d somehow gained fast reflexes and jumped to block it.

Even Baekhyun’s expression faded with interest, wondering if Chanyeol was actually capable of holding out a fight long enough.


Lunging again, Baekhyun tried to jab at Chanyeol, who took his own dagger and clashed it against the other. Over and over again, it seemed like the same routine over toom them. Mostly it was Chanyeol who kept falling down and kept having to get back up to face the embarrassment-which was his lack of combat skills.

Then there was Baekhyun who was almost teasing him-purposely going slower, trying to match Chanyeol’s already slow pace.

Finally, when it seemed that Son of Zues was about to give up, he attacked again, his dagger tight in his hand.

Baekhyun turned to dodge, but was met with the cruel realization that Chanyeol hadn’t intended to hit him with the weapon, but used the weapon to hit him with...lightning.


“Whoa!” Kyungsoo pointed up at the sky.


Baekhyun's eyes grew wide too, knowing this wasn’t the first time the son of Zues had indulged in his elemental powers. After all, the big three children were powerful-it was only a matter of time before Chanyeol could overtake him.

Chanyeol aimed the sparkling dagger at his opponent. 

Baekhyun deemed it necessary that he use his charmspeak. He had two kinds-once in which he could control thoughts, and one where he could control body movements.

He decided on movement, because of how quickly the son of Zues was hurtling towards him. 

The only way he could do this is by somehow touching or having a body contact with his opponent though. 

Chanyeol was close to him now. Instead of worrying about the lighting-dagger that was about to pulverize him, Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol’s freehand behind his back and began whispering a chant.

Before he knew it, Chanyeol dropped his dagger, his eyes glowing a light pink.

Usually, after using charmspeak, Baekhyun’s opponents would slump to the ground, forget what they had been doing a moment before,


This was something he’d never seen before. It was like-Chanyeol was somehow growing more powerful with each chant he recited. When Baekhyun held his wrist, it was like a strong spark had ignited. Nothing like he’d ever felt before.

Suddenly, Chanyeol had picked up his dagger again, but instead of that same lighting coating it-in a light pink colour-the same dusty aura that came off of Baekhyun whenever he used charmspeak.


“What the-” Baekhyun stumbled back.


Chanyeol held up his dagger, out of the trance that Baekhyun had put him in. The dagger was going ballistic-moving on it’s own. Flying. His dagger was friken flying! It’s whirled around out of control.

Kyungsoo stood up alarmed at the sudden power that was flowing through the dagger.


“What's it doing!” CHanyeol ran after the piece of metal, trying to grab it from the sky.


Baekhyun realized that the son of Zues himself didn’t know what was going on. By a long shot, he took his chance and yelled, “STOP!”


The dagger fell to the ground.


The three demi-gods were stunned and speechless. 




That night as they camped out in the country prepping for their last day before they’d have to fight Oceanus. Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Chanyeol ate their dinners in silence, pondering about the events that had occurred hours before.

Was it pure magic? A god playing with them? Or had they discovered a new type of power.

Whatever that pink aura was-Baekhyun refused to speak about it changing the subject several times. It was almost like he was afraid to know what it was.

When they’d finished their cold stale sandwiches and drank the gatorade Baekhyun had bought earlier, they all grew exhausted.

Spitting out the blue gatorade after tasting it, Chanyeol reluctantly handed back the rest to Baekhyun who glared at him.

When their fingers touched for a moment after passing the drink, there was that spark again. For a split second there was a small glow of pink. Baekhyun swiftly, grabbed the drink, pretending he hadn’t felt or seen that.

But Chanyeol couldn’t stop staring at his palm.


“I’m going out nearby to fetch some wood.” Kyungsoo tells them, packing his weapon just in case,” You guys get a head start on your sleep.”


“Thanks,” Chanyeol was grateful.


Since they’d had to camp out for several weeks now at least one of them had to keep active at night and take rounds. Usually it would be Baekhyun, but on the off chance that Chanyeol did keep watch he dozed off several times. He wondered how a monster hadn’t gotten to them yet.


Baekhyun laid his head on the ground immediately, covering himself with his coat. With his back turned to Chanyeol it was hard to tell if he was actually sleeping or pretending to be.


“We should ask Alec about that shouldn’t we?” Chanyeol whispered.


Baekhyun froze. He was awake.


“What do you mean.”


“I mean-what happened a while ago. That’s gotta be some new power we unlocked right?” Chanyeol said. 


“This isn’t some video game where we unlock powers. We have them from birth. What happened then was a fluke.” Baekhyun said sternly. 


Chanyeol’s jaw tightened, he sat up from sleeping position.


“You’re afraid aren't you?” He said.


Baekhyun almost immediately sat up too, turning around in sheer annoyance. Thank the gods Kyungsoo had accompanied them on this quest. Without a buffer like him, it was hard to tell if Baekhyun would have killed him sooner. Right now though, Chanyeol felt chills all over his body when the son of Aphrodite looked him straight in the eyes.

The fire keeping them warm, quietly died down, but was still glowing an amber red. Chanyeol tried to be calm, knowing Baekhyun had extreme anger issues.


“Afraid of what?” Baekhyun asked.


“Afraid that you-or us together possess a skill. You’re afraid of trying new things,embracing your own powers. I get it. None of us wanted to be born a demi-god, but guess what- we were. And this thing-whatever it was-everytime our hands meet there's this unknown power that’s calling me- I know it Baekhyun. This wasn’t a fluke. This-”


“It was a flying dagger-”


“It was glowing pink!”


“Pink is merely a colour!”


“It’s your colour. It's the colour that radiates off you when you charmspeak. Why are you in so much denial that you’re part of this? Do you hate me that much? Do you value your pride so much that you're getting in the way of this quest.” Chanyeol asked, making the demi-gods go silent again. 


Baekhyun turned around, his jacket covering his shoulders.


“You’re being selfish.” Chanyeol says, attempting to make Baekhyun speak again.


It does the trick because the demi-gods turns around and stares into his soul. At first, Chanyeol assumes Baekhyun is going to charmspeak him to shut up, instead his eyes become glassy and far away.


“You have no idea what it’s like having these powers in the first place. You big three get to strut around with your elemental powers, while the I’m stuck with-with sweet talk. It doesn't matter what power I have-I’m always going to be ostracized for it.” 


Chanyeol looks down, wondering if it was even a good time to bring up his own issues, but knowing Baekhyun, he wouldn’t settle for anything no matter what. So it was worth a shot.


“I know how you feel.” Chanyeol admits.


Baekhyun narrows his eyes, “How would you know how I feel,” the demi god laughs bitterly, “You’re the son of Zeus Almighty.”


“I-it’s not about me as a demigod.” Chanyeol controls his voice from breaking.


“Then what?” Baekhyun pushes further.


“It’s about-remember that time you assumed I liked girls with purple eyes. Well I don’t-I-I like guys, okay. I’ve always been ostracized for who I was.” Chanyeol finally said.


Maybe it was the chilly night with the campfire glowing in the background. Or the mere timing of his words that made it feel like the right thing to say at the time-Chanyeol wasn’t sure

He felt vulnerable, like he’d opened a slice of his own body and showed it to Baekhyun himself. He hadn’t told anyone one this. Not even his own parents. Yet, here he was, revealing his most well kept secret in front of the very person who hadn’t even treated him right. 


“Why are you telling me this?” Baekhyun asked.


Although a dry response, it was opposite of what Chanyeol had expected. He’d expected a short “I don’t care.” “Shut up” or even, “You’re wasting my time.” Baekhyun had responded as if he were...interested. And boy...was he about to find out.


Chanyeol fumbles with his fingers, his voice mumbling and his cheeks glowing a slight red.


“I kind of-have had a crush on you for a while. A-actually ever since I came to camp. Don’t worry-it’s nothing creepy. I just...I don’t know-”


Baekhyun's face is struck with the realization that this demigod had just confessed his feelings,just like that, he was silent, unsure of what to say. For the son of the love god, he sure as hell had no experience in the ‘love’ department. Baekhyun’s feelings? He was numb to the idea that this big three child had any ounce of feelings within him.


Chanyeol rambled, unable to look Baekhyun in the eyes.


“Save it.” Baekhyun said.


He turned his head and lay back on the ground, shutting his eyes tightly, hoping that sleep could overtake him.


The confused demi-god who had just professed his love, was sitting near the campfire in confusion. Was this rejection? Was this...something? Anything.

Never did he expect this type of reaction. He knew Baekhyun was argumentative, that was for sure. Yet, here he was pushing him away, leaving the opportunity to fight him. Why? Was he angry with him?

There were many things he was expecting from the mysterious demi-god, just not this cold and curt reaction. 

Chanyeol was angry. Furious. 

He knew that he was being rejected, but Baekhyun out of  all people should know about love. He should know about how vulnerable it feels to open yourself about these types of things. This cold rejection...he wasn’t expecting at all. 




After staring at the firewood for thirty minutes straight, contemplating his self worth after confessing his feelings to Baekhyun, the fire died down, a little part of him broke too. Like his heart's raging fire was dying out as well.

He turned his back from the silent sleeping body beside him, wondering if the night would get too cold to survive. The fire...the fire…



Chanyeol sat up in a hurry, looking around to see where their third quest member was. It had been an hour….a full hour since he’d gone nearby to get firewood. The only way he realized he hadn’t come back was because the fire had completely died down. 

When he’d circled the entire area near them, his stress levels were raised at this point.

He shook Baekhyun from his sleeping state.


“Wake up!” Chanyeol shook him.


Baekhyun grumbled before sitting up in annoyance, his eyes in slits, “What?” 


“Kyungsoo not here! He’s not back!”


Baekhyun moved faster than he could have thought. The demi-god quickly grabbed his bows and arrow and slung it across his shoulder before taking the last bottle of ambrosia they had just in case.

Chanyeol lagged behind him, grabbing his dagger laying on the floor and leaving their sleeping spot almost instantaneously to find their lost friend.

Although the both of them...were on awkward terms, it seems that Baekhyun was too worried to care. He held his arrows close, ready to fling them out anytime.

They rounded into the dark and deep forest, wondering if there was a monster ready to entrap them and kill them for good. Chanyeol was shaking but Baekhyun was breathing heavily. 

Both of them elicited different reaction, but thought the same thing: how could they have been so stupid to forget about Kyungsoo this whole time while they were having their little petty arguement.


Suddenly there was a swift movement that came from their left side from where they were walking. A rustling of leaves behind a dark expanse. 

Thinking it was an animal, Chanyeol ignored it, but Baekhyun stopped in his tracks knowing better.


“We’re being followed.” Baekhyun whispered. 




Chanyeol’s mouth was covered by a cold hand. He was in complete shock to know that someone was indeed behind him, holding his trap shut so that he wouldn’t speak another word.


Baekhyun turned quickly to see Chanyeol’s eyes widened and an undeniable fear streaked through his face with a stone cold hand that forcefully held him. Behind him was a man that no demi-god to the existence of man would have pondered.

The man who was no taller than Chanyeol himself held a dagger to throat, watching Baekhyun’s careful movements.


Hands shaking, Baekhyun reached behind him to aim an arrow.


“It doesn’t have to be like this, Baekhyunie.” the voice coaxed him.


Chanyeol gulped, his eyes trained on the blade of the knife that was so close to his jugular vein.

His eyes found Baekhyun's who looked at the man behind him with pure disdain. 

Who was the guy that was holding him? Did Baekhyun know him,


“Let him go, Jongdae.”

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Interesting take - I love the Percy Jackson books but have been disappointed with the movies!
Geraltihista18 #2
Chapter 13: you published the end of the third part in the first part of the trilogy
Vampirella77 #3
Chapter 13: Beautiful Story ❤️
Chapter 13: Ooh the final?! It's been a while, so glad to have another chapter of this, it's been a fun story and i really enjoyed reading it. Thank you so much for writing, you did a great job <3
Chapter 11: I wasn't expecting Jongdae's death but it was necessary given the circumstances. I really enjoyed reading this book. It's well-written and loved chanbaek chemistry and the dynamics of other characters <3
Chapter 10: I hope Baekhyun would not do anything rash because of his overflowing emotions.
Chapter 9: Awwwww that confession. Pretty sure Baekhyun forgot his pain for a while 🥰
Chapter 8: It's a relief they're back at camp half blood even though they have to face an impending war
Chapter 7: I really like how the story is turning out to be; back to back surprises with great timing!
Chapter 6: Jongdae is ALIVE?? And why the tension? This is so good