
This is not happening!
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“Pranpriya Manoban,” Jennie almost said it like an incantation.



Wendy could feel the wind pick up and and saw that the once blue sky had turned gray. Stormy clouds had gathered above them. The cheerful chirping of the birds suddenly stopped and she could suddenly feel it.



The death of their maknae in Jennie’s hands.



“WHEN YOU SAID A WILD ADVENTURE IN THE LAST CHAPTER, I DIDN’T MEAN YOU BOOK US A VACATION IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!” shouted Jennie she chased away a frightened Lisa in the sandbanks.



Like what their original plan was, they did manage to go out of town before their comeback preparations heighten. However, they didn’t expect it like this.



They immediately boarded a plane the night after Wendy’s and Rosé’s event had finished. Two and a half hours later, they again boarded a smaller plane. The next 45 minutes was just them catching on some sleep and walking around. By that point, they have began suspecting their guide on to where their destination was.



Wendy had to grip Jennie's arm tightly so she won’t make a scene when they arrived at a very remote airport in the middle of the jungle, lit by that one dying lamp in the middle. How the captain was able to see their drop off was almost fiction. Then again…



Their whole night was just them trying to sleep in the van going to the only hotel. Lisa made it a mission to sit far away from an enraged Jennie and a pissed off looking Jisoo. The moment the sun burst from the horizon did they arrived at the hotel. Lisa sprinted out and a wild Jennie went after her. And that concludes the early exercise they had at 5 in the morning.



“But you said something new right? Like a team building exercise in a faraway place but like a vacation?!” said Lisa as she skillfully evade Jennie’s grasp and ran like an olympic athlete.



“Yes! Like the Bahamas, the Caribbean or Boracay even! I DIDN’T MEAN A REMOTE ISLAND WITH A KILLER JUNGLE!” Jennie said as the shorter ran harder, almost keeping up with Lisa’s longer strides. The three other members just watched.



“Can you feel it?” Wendy asked. She was adjusting her bag strap and shifted the weight of her leg to another.



“Jennie unnie’s hypertension? I can sense it from here,” Rosé said as she sipped on her newly bought coconut drink from the hotel’s store. She was thankful there’s a hotel, albeit a small one. And a population of 20 people. How Lisa was able to arrange for this is beyond Wendy could think of but she's much too tired to think about it.



“Besides that,” Wendy dismissed. “But yeah. I can see her vein’s going to pop.”



“Hmmmmm, I don’t know. What is it unnie?” Rosé asked.



“Why do I get the feeling that we’re going to regret going here?” Wendy asked as she prayed for the sky to turn blue again. “Oh unnie,”Rosé said as she watched the bare beach while tuning out the wild screaming.



“We would most certainly will.” Rosé said as she watched Jennie grab Lisa’s shirt. It’s the end.



“She’s on her own,” Jisoo said as they left Lisa suffer from Jennie’s wrath.










“Alright everyone, unlike most of you think, I actually have an itinerary for us and WE WILL ENJOY THIS VACATION,” Lisa announced. It’s hard to take her seriously when her hair is all over the place like she just had a wrestling match with a tiger. “Well, it’s not far off,” Wendy almost chuckled at the thought.



“Indulge me,” said a now calm Jennie. They were now sitting around the table in the hotel’s mini dining area at 6 in the morning after the extreme chase in the sandbanks. At least, Wendy was thankful they were not sleeping in trees using banana leaves as blankets.



“Before you say anything else,” she looked at Jennie. “We will have a proper guide on the island tomorrow and it may not look like it but this place is very in demand for thrill seekers and adventurers. Trust me guys, we’re going to have fun,” Lisa proudly announced. Wendy felt a little bit reassured somehow. She decided to cut her some slack so she butted in before Jennie could say anything else.



“Thanks Lisa. Since we’re already stuck here for the next few days, let’s just make the best of it. How about that?” Wendy said in the most convincing way possible. She heard Jennie and Jisoo sigh. 



“Fine, let’s just eat and go to our rooms. I’m hungry and I need a shower,” Jennie said finally letting go of the topic and waved to the staff to place her order. There was a collective sigh of relief. They settled themselves and waited for their order. As they were waiting along, Wendy could still tell something was wrong. Actually, she noticed it even before they boarded their first plane ride.



Jisoo is pissed. More pissed than normal if Wendy had to describe it.



She nudged Lisa who was next to her at the table. She eyed Jisoo who was talking to Rosé before she whispered, “Thailand, mind telling me what’s her deal?” while subtly pointing at Jisoo.



“I don’t know unnie. She’s been on a bad mood before we even boarded,” Lisa whispered back. “So, I’m not hallucinating. She really is pissed,” Wendy thought. They ate their breakfast quietly and decided to go to their rooms first before the guide fetch them after lunch.



“There’s only three rooms? Alright, I call for the single room. I need to meditate.” No one really protested as Jennie took the key and dragged her luggage to the room. Wendy was okay with anyone really and she’s sure she’d be rooming with Rosé or Lisa anyway.



“We’ll share the room together,” Rosé declared as she dragged Lisa hurriedly to the other side.



“Or not,” she thought as she cursed the maknaes in her head. Which leaves…



Wendy glanced at her new roommate for the next few days, the keys jiggling slightly as she shook nervously.



“Let’s go, I need a shower,” Jisoo said as she led the way to their hotel room.











“That Manoban,” Jisoo cursed.



“Only…one bed,” Wendy could feel the heat rise to her ears. “I’m not gonna save that girl’s anymore,” she thought as the two of them stood frozen. A few moments later, Jisoo finally sighed and went to sit on the bed, dragging her suitcase with her. Wendy hesitated. “Maybe I could request for extra beddings. I’m sure she’ll be uncomfortable sharing a bed with me,” Wendy thought. Wendy walked to the phone and dialed for room service.



“What are you doing?” Jisoo asked her, glancing up from rummaging her luggage.



“Uhmm, I’m just going to call for room service for an extra bed so you could be comfortable—



“Nonsense,” Jisoo grabbed the phone and put it back down. “We can share the bed,” she said as she grabbed a few of her clothes and a towel.



“It’s not like we never slept together,”Jisoo said as she closed the bathroom door. The room was silent, only the drizzle of shower echoed. Wendy stood there like a statue. She slowly sat down on the bed while grasping the headboard for support.



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Hi! I missed y’all! I’m sorry for the MIA. So here’s a chapter! Hahaha thank you for the feature again hahaha I didn’t think we’d get this far❤️


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I Miss this story and hoping for an update 😢
Chapter 29: I miss this story so much 😢
Hhm987 #3
Chapter 29: This series is so fun. I am glad you wrote this.
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 29: I MISS THIs, 😭
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 15: Hahahaha
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 7: Ohohohoho
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 5: I Miss this
yaemikosimp #8
once again visiting this book
Namamasko po otornim 🙏🙏🙏💙
author balik kana 😢