Best friends

This is not happening!
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“Tell me,” Jennie said, eyes focused on the road. They were driving for the past 20 minutes searching for a certain tall person that spouts thai and english with bangs glued to her forehead.



“Hmm?” Wendy hummed while sipping her juice box as her own eyes search for their maknae that decided to venture the night to get ice cream at the far end point of the city when she can buy the same brand in a convenience store 2 blocks away from where they were. The said maknae sneaked out of their dorm and only texted them because she dropped her wallet somewhere and has no money to return back. This resulted to an angry Jennie berating her on the phone, Wendy calming her down and 2 of them fetching her from a location too far away for their liking.



“You were jealous weren’t you?” Jennie asked with a smirk. Wendy choked on her juice that it almost came out through her nose. She gave a coughing fit that lasted for a few seconds and glared at Jennie.



“What are you talking about,” Wendy looked away searching for tissues in the backseat.



“Hmmm really? You don’t know? You weren’t sulking just now?” Jennie asked, glancing at Wendy.



“Not at all. As you can see, I’m preoccupied sipping my orange juice while searching for that child that ran off because she wants ice cream,” Wendy stated in a matter-of-fact tone.



“So, you’re not the least bothered that Jisoo has a date tonight?” Jennie finally went straight to the point.



So freaking straightforward. At least give me a chance to block your attack Kim Jennie.



“No,” she said. Wendy tried to avoid eye contact at all cost because she was in all honesty, very much bothered that Jisoo has a date.



What started as a typical day for Wendy ended up into something.. well depressing in her case. It only took a day of rest for three of them to recover so they finally had a decent practice session for their comeback. Wendy would call it normal because Jisoo started ignoring her again. She can’t help feeling sad about that. Jisoo was even trying to avoid eye contact with her.



‘I kinda miss the cute clingy girl the other day who can’t seem to do anything on her own,’ Wendy thought as she looked at Jisoo practicing with Lisa. Jennie, who was sitting next to her, sprinkled her some water from her water bottle. Wendy looked at her in disbelief.



“You look like someone broke up with you and they’re never coming back. I’m just adding the rain effect,” Jennie said with a smirk.



“She actually looks like a longing lover suffering from unrequited love. She kinda looked the part just now,” Lisa said as she heads towards them, with Jisoo right behind.



Perks of a playing that character trope for so many fics now, Lisa.



“Oh shush. Unnie is just tired,” Rosé defended her. Wendy looked at her gratefully.



Oh Rosie, my sweet daughter—



“She’s more like a puppy lost in woods,” Rosé said instead.



I take it back.



“So, unnie, when will you teach me the ways of a baking?” Rosé asked seriously as they wrap up for the day. It was about only 6 pm.



“After you fix the kitchen walls and buy a new oven maybe,” Jisoo answered her. Rosé looked mortified.



“But-but I think the oven still works fine and with the economy is unstable nowadays so it’s not wise we dwell too much on decorative stuff such as kitchen walls and buying new appliances—“



“Rosie?” Jennie cut her off.



“Yes, unnie?”



“Your due is tomorrow.”



“Okay,” said a sulking Rosé. She padded her way to Wendy and pouted. Wendy just patted her head.



“I’ll just make you my own brownies Rosie. We can do yours next time,” Wendy assured the younger. Rosé just nodded already calculating her expenses in her head.


They all heard a cellphone ringing as they were waiting for their manager inside the building. Jisoo took the phone from her bag and answered the call. She immediately made a bright face as she was listening on the phone. Wendy took notice of this.



Isn’t she a little bit enthusiastic.



Jisoo dropped the call and announced that they can go home without her and she has to go first.



“Where are you going unnie?” Lisa called out.



“I have a date,” Jisoo said as she wave goodbye. They all froze. Jisoo she went out of the building and grabbed herself a taxi to who knows where. Rosé tried not to look too obvious on being concerned over a Wendy statue, who seemed to have stopped breathing the moment Jisoo left.



“Unnie, are you okay?” Rosé asked Wendy. It was pretty obvious she was shaken. Wendy just looked at her and flashed a smile.






“I’m fine,” Wendy replied. The drive home to their dorm was quiet after that.



‘I mean she’s a grown woman after all. Who wouldn’t be pinning after a beautiful talented woman like Jisoo right? I’m not jealous or anything. I’m just completely depressed and alone and I wanna cry—



“Yah, unnie,” said Jennie snapped her out of her trance. “Huh,” Wendy answered.



“You don’t have to lie to me, unnie. It’s pretty obvious you like her,” Jennie said. Wendy seemed to shrink in her seat. She sighed and faced Jennie.



“Do I?” she said in a defeated tone. Well crap.



“What’s with that tone? You sound like you already lost when you haven’t even charged to the battle yet,” Jennie raised a brow.



“Well, it’s impossible she’ll like me back because first of all, we’re not even friends,” Wendy stated.



“Some people straight up went from strangers to lovers. If you haven’t seen it like in a hundred romcoms on tv,” Jennie fired back.



“But we’re not strangers either. We’re workmates for the better word. And she doesn’t even like me,” Wendy said as she rolled down the window. She’s feeling suffocated at the moment.



“How can you say that—“



“She told me that herself,” she cut off. Jennie wants to smack this unnie in the head. It’s normal for Jisoo to say those things because she’s Jisoo. Wendy must have taken it too seriously.



“And I don’t think I deserve someone like her. I’m too average and she deserves more,” Jennie slammed the brakes. Everything surged forward including Wendy’s soul. She was hanging on for dear life. Everything was disheveled and a wet tint if orange is now on her once spotless white t shirt.



“Ruby Jane! Don’t you just slam that goddamn brake or I will shove all of Roseanne’s left over brownies down your throat!” Wendy said as she grabbed on to the door handle.



“Don’t call me that,” Jennie said instead as she drove forward a little then parked on the sidewalk.



“What are you doing?” asked a confused Wendy. Jennie face her while crossing her elbows.



“Wendy unnie,” Wendy shivered at how cold Jennie said her name. “I do not tolerate self pity in this vehicle, understand?” Jennie looked at her. Wendy nodded. Jenny sighed.



“Unnie, you need to stop looking down on yourself all the time. The only reason you think people look down on you because you yourself believe that,” Jennie said to her. Jenny grabbed her shoulders and looked at Wendy seriously. She can still see the hesitation in her eyes.



“If you can’t trust yourself yet then believe in your friends. So you should trust me when I tell you that you were never average, unnie,” Jennie said as she let go and started to drive again.



Wendy can’t hold her tears. Jennie has a way drilling the truth in you and you can’t help but feel the embarrassment and guilt as she speaks it straight to your face. She’s also a softie who looks after you even if you’ve been so stupid.



“And you’re already saying things like ‘I don’t deserve her’? Please. Why don’t you all spill the beans first before being sappy?” Jennie rolled her eyes. Wendy glared at her.



‘I just complimented you, you savage dumpling,’ Wendy sighed.



“I’m not the only one being sappy here, you know,” Wendy huffed. The girls in this group must have a switch to change their moods so easily. “But thanks,” Wendy said while looking out of the window hiding her embarrassment. It had gone a little quiet again

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Hi! I missed y’all! I’m sorry for the MIA. So here’s a chapter! Hahaha thank you for the feature again hahaha I didn’t think we’d get this far❤️


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I Miss this story and hoping for an update 😢
Chapter 29: I miss this story so much 😢
Hhm987 #3
Chapter 29: This series is so fun. I am glad you wrote this.
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 29: I MISS THIs, 😭
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 15: Hahahaha
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 7: Ohohohoho
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 5: I Miss this
yaemikosimp #8
once again visiting this book
Namamasko po otornim 🙏🙏🙏💙
author balik kana 😢