Bad luck

This is not happening!
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Something feels odd. Jennie seems to think so. It was too quiet in the car. She understands almost everyone is sleeping but the intense atmosphere seem to come off from Wendy. Only the two of them are awake. She noticed her constant fidgeting every few minutes. It was bothering Jennie.



“Yah, what is it?” She finally asked Wendy. Wendy looked at her. She didn’t notice she was paler this morning.



“We’re going to record the new song today,” Wendy said. Jennie rolled he eyes.



“Tell me what I don’t know, unnie,” Jennie grabbed Wendy’s hand to stop her from wringing her fingers. It’s cold.



“I don’t think I can do it, Jen,” Her eyes bore into Jennie.



She knows she’s scared. Given her story, this Wendy has lost confidence in herself. She was dragged down so many times its understandable she would act so discouraged. She was afraid to be judged. She was afraid to be left out.



Not in my world you’re not.



“Listen here unnie,” Jennie grabbed her cold hands and pulled Wendy to face her.



“I know you’re scared. I know that you’ve been through . But all of us have been though that, just in varying degrees. Believe me when I say I’ve been in that dark little corner of the house before,” Jennie said grimly.



“And do you know who pulled me out of the dark?” Jennie asked with sincere eyes.



“They did,” Jennie she pointed to her members who looks so honorable snoring in the backseat. “And here I am now, bringing you out of that dark place. Because you deserve to see a beautiful world like I did, with beautiful people supporting you all the way.” Jennie smirked, flipping her hair for effect.



Wendy can’t helped but be touched. These people have been believing in her from the start. She can’t help but feel relieved. She smiled at her gratefully.



I’m going to do my best then.



“Besides, it’s not like were performing already ,” Jennie said as she pulled away.



I prefer that sappy Jennie back please and thank you.














They are now in the recording studio with the producers. They heard the song from the demo and everyone quite liked it. They were to record the song after and Wendy was the lucky little hamster up first.



Jennie thought she looked like she was caught stealing YG’s hat.



“Why-why me first?” Wendy asked wide eyed. This was not the plan. She was supposed to observe first and act like she knows what she’s doing. She already watched their videos online all night because she can’t sleep because of a certain drunkard. Wendy sounded a little more, what do you call that? Hip? And a little held back from her usual style. She already knows she’s a little rusty from being on hiatus for so long but she can’t copy a style overnight.



“You always go first Wendy-sshi,” the producer said.



She looked at Jennie as she entered the booth. Her face says it all.



What happened to that beautiful people support earlier, you little—



Jennie was about to protest to let Rosie go first but Jisoo told Wendy not to be a baby and just do the damn recording. Wendy looked ready to shove that hat down Jisoo’s throat.



Jennie did not contest anymore. Besides, she was curious about something. She knows their Wendy’s voice but she wants to hear this Wendy. She knows its not gonna be far off from theirs but they haven’t really heard her sing. It was a rookie mistake on her part because she was so consumed by the events that took place, they haven’t really tested if they work well together now. Jennie was worried all of a sudden.



We haven’t really thought that far, haven’t we? I mean what if—



Wendy was panicking. Not only is she going to pretend she’s going to sing like a YG artist, she’s going to pretend she’s going to rap like a YG artist too. How fun is that, right?



“Why rap too?” she asked horrified.



“Hmm? Don’t we usually do the whole song with you up first?”



“Of course. It must be my Alzheimers,” she whispered.



“I’m sorry? What was that?”



“Diapers. We forgot to pack Lisa’s diapers,”



“Yah! Unnie!”





“Its Rosé’s!”







She has no choice but to proceed. She pleaded to any god of swag and charisma that is currently listening to a helpless hamster in this ordeal.



Because she’s about kill this lovely song literally. How you like tha

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Hi! I missed y’all! I’m sorry for the MIA. So here’s a chapter! Hahaha thank you for the feature again hahaha I didn’t think we’d get this far❤️


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I Miss this story and hoping for an update 😢
Chapter 29: I miss this story so much 😢
Hhm987 #3
Chapter 29: This series is so fun. I am glad you wrote this.
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 29: I MISS THIs, 😭
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 15: Hahahaha
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 7: Ohohohoho
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 5: I Miss this
yaemikosimp #8
once again visiting this book
Namamasko po otornim 🙏🙏🙏💙
author balik kana 😢