
This is not happening!
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“Why, oh divine spirit of fan fiction, am I subjected to this horrendous tale of misfortune that you have bestowed upon this poor hamster’s soul?” wailed a kneeling Jennie to the ceiling. 



“I doubt someone’s gonna answer you. The author’s barely alive as we speak,” Wendy said to the wind because Jennie has already lost herself in her monologue.



“Why do I have to get dragged into all of this? You could’ve written university flicks or the coffee shop trope but no! You just have to make things complicated don’t you? Right when I already have two giants and that bipolar, you just have to give me a depressed chipmunk too!”



“I can hear you you know!” Wendy said in the background. Jennie ignored her and drowned herself in self pity. This is definitely not gonna be the last time she’s going to see Jennie like that. 



“Leave her. She’ll get it together eventually. She’s just stress about all you people missing today. Right, when you show up, Jisoo unnie goes missing,” Lisa said as she tried to call Jisoo again for nth time that day. Rosé was holding her glass of water on top of the table, either listening to them or just spacing out.



“When was the last time you spoke to her? What did she say?” Wendy said as dread washed over her. This was all her fault. If she hadn’t been so careless and stupid, they wouldn’t be having problems. Now, Jisoo’s missing.



“Well, about—



“Jisoo unnie, move this glass of water if you can hear me,” Rosé said to the glass of water. Lisa and Wendy looked at her and the glass. Thankfully, the glass stayed stationary. As it should be.



“About three hours ago maybe?” Lisa picked up the conversation like something weird didn’t just happen. “Jennie unnie informed her about you missing/being kidnapped,” Wendy looked at her, eyes wide.



“What? You disappeared on them and got into a van with nothing on you, even your phone. How are we supposed to know what happened?” Lisa reasoned. Wendy sighed and let her continue.



“She said she’d go looking for you. We tried contacting her some time after but she’s unreachable all of a sudden,” Lisa finished her statement. Wendy let herself be filled with guilt—



“Oh not again,” Jennie grabbed Wendy’s collar. “I know you’re going to blame yourself which is partially true too b,ut I don’t want you beating yourself up,” Jennie said to her. “You messed up. We all did. Now, move on. We have to find Miss Korea,” Jennie finished as she let go and marched out the door.



“See? I told you she’ll get over it eventually,” Lisa said as she followed Jennie out the door. Wendy blinked a few times.



Right, there are much more important things to do than mope around. I have to find Jisoo.



“Unnie, I think it moved a little! Jisoo unnie, hang on! We’re coming to get you!” Rosé said to the unmoving glass of water. Wendy pretended that she didn’t hear anything at all.











It seem like they didn’t have to search far because the moment they step foot outside their dorm, a taxi stopped infront of the building with Jisoo coming out of it.



“I knew it Iit! knew she’s been trying to tell me something. That glass of water wasn’t full of bull after all,” Rosé said, beaming like a detective who found herself a clue.



“That glass of water is not the one full of bull here if you ask me,” Lisa muttered.



Jisoo approached them, each stride with a purpose. She was staring at Wendy with daggers. She stopped right infront of her and slapped her across the face.



Everyone was stunned. Wendy’s face burned and held her hand to her bright red cheek. She looked at Jisoo. She was waiting for a lecture, an outburst like Jennie did but Jisoo just looked at her hard. Somehow, it made Wendy feel worse. Jisoo walked past her and entered the dorm, leaving her members and a sulking Wendy behind. No one talked for a moment.



“I guess I kinda deserved that,” Wendy said as she massaged her cheek. “She knows how to slap, I give her that,” Wendy said and chuckled as she try to lighten the mood. Somehow, it worked as they started to shift from their rigid positions.



“Unnie, you okay?” It was Rosé.



“Yeah, I’m fine. I just, I didn’t know she’d be so upset with me,” Wendy said sadly. 



Great. You’re already awkward with each other, now you just have to make her upset. Why do you have to be so lucky, Son Seungwan. 



“Yeah. I don’t know about you, but you better apologize to her unnie. But maybe later. You don’t want another slap to match that don’t you?” Jennie said as she held on to her giggles. “



"Jisoo is being sensitive,” Jennie chuckled at the thought. She heard how frantic she was on the phone when they told her Wendy was gone.



“But unnie, did it hurt?” Lisa asked Wendy. 



When I fell from heaven? Nope. But this one did.



“I guess you can’t see the the bright red color shaped like a hand on her cheek, Pokpak. Of course, it in’ hurts,” Jennie rolled her eyes. Lisa just made a sour face at Jennie.



“You better put ice on that,” Jennie ordered.



“Yeah, I’m going in first,” Wendy walked back to the door. Her members watched on as she closed the door then burst out in laughter.



“Ooh, love quarrels are so cute,” Rosé said. She breathed in. “I smell love in the air,” she said dreamily.



“Nope, that’s just Lisa. When was the ladt time you took a bath?” Jennie said accusingly.

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Hi! I missed y’all! I’m sorry for the MIA. So here’s a chapter! Hahaha thank you for the feature again hahaha I didn’t think we’d get this far❤️


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I Miss this story and hoping for an update 😢
Chapter 29: I miss this story so much 😢
Hhm987 #3
Chapter 29: This series is so fun. I am glad you wrote this.
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 29: I MISS THIs, 😭
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 15: Hahahaha
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 7: Ohohohoho
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 5: I Miss this
yaemikosimp #8
once again visiting this book
Namamasko po otornim 🙏🙏🙏💙
author balik kana 😢