A lot of words

This is not happening!
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“You look dead,” Lisa commented.



“I’ve been rotting in hell since I’ve debuted with you lot,” Jennie said as she stared ahead, with a dead look on her face, looking at the door of the make up room, hoping the source of the problem miraculously walks in.



“Sorry…not sorry,”Jisoo said. Jennie wants to throw something at her but decided against it. They need each and every beautiful face if anything to mask the humiliation they will most likely get later if they underperform.



“Whatever,” Jennie said as she looked at her watch. She’s late. An hour until showtime and she’s still not here. They’re doomed. They still haven’t run through their song. The last time she saw Wendy danced, she was still struggling with the choreography. They haven’t practiced dancing while singing, and by the time Wendy arrives, it would seem they’re going to have to do that while on stage.



Rosé stood up from her chair after finishing her turn in the make-up chair. She was about to walk past but made a double take as she pass Jennie.



“Unnie, you do look dead,” Rosé said. Jennie just rubbed her temples as she stood.



“We all will if she’s not gonna be here sooner,”she said as she sat down the make up chair.



Someone knocked on the door and opened it. Wendy entered the doorway looking like she just brought the sun along with her. Despite that, the staff seemed to freeze, stopping what they were doing and looked at her with mouths agape. Wendy bowed and greeted them cheerfully and moved towards her members. She dragged a chair next to them and seated herself next to Jennie. She seemed to be the only one who finally got used to her. Sort of.



“Where the hell have you been?” Jennie questioned her. This seemed to break the spell and they all started moving again.



“The event went beyond schedule and by the time it was over, I was informed we have to perform earlier than the expected time,” Wendy cheerfully answered. She rummaged through a big paper bag and brought out several small transparent bags filled with chocolate chip cookies. Rosé and Lisa almost tripped over their own feet but stopped themselves remembering they still owe Wendy an apology.

Wendy handed each staff a bag with a smile.



“Aren’t you a little chipper today or have you forgotten we’re still not out of monster’s lair?” Jennie commented.



“Of course not,” Wendy said as she handed one to their manager. “Why did you think I baked these?”



Jennie would have strangled her if she’s not getting her eyeliner drawn.



This girl still had the time to bake in this stressful situation?!



And she’s not going to give us any? Her own members!?



“You bake?” Jisoo asked then clamped her hand to .



Wendy smiled. “Yes. I bake when I’m happy and I bake when I’m stressed,” Wendy answered.



“Wow! Wendy-sshi, this is great!”exclaimed their manager who is already eating halfway through the bag. A chorus of oohs and wows can be heard from the staff.



“Thank you, unnie! That’s for taking care of us and always fixing our schedule for us,” Wendy said as she went to her seat. Their manager almost choked on the cookie.



Her members seemed to eye the cookies everyone was eating. Wendy brought out another set of cookies. She gave Jennie a bag on her lap.



“Finally. I thought you actually forgot you had a bestfriend,” she said as she grabbed a cookie in the bag and put it in . Wendy looked at her for feedback.



“It’s fine,” Jennie said to Wendy. She held out her hand to her. Wendy was confused.



“Give me another bag,” she said.



“There’s not enough for everyone!” Wendy exclaimed.



“Hmmmp,” she replied as she puff out her cheeks. Wendy chuckled.


“You know we live together, right?” Wendy smiled.



“One of the worst and best decisions YG ever made,” Jennie said as she munch out the rest of her cookies, her makeup artist growing frustrated from all the moving.



Wendy then looked at her maknaes. She looked at them knowingly and waved the bags. The maknaes dropped to their knees and wailed.



“Unnie, we’re sorry!” they cried.



“We promise we won’t keep anything from you anymore,” Lisa pouted.



“We want cookies too,” Rosé pleaded.



Wendy laughed and patted their heads. She gave them each a bag and they devoured it quickly.



“Thank you unnie!” They chorused.



“Gluttons,” Jennie commented.



Wendy made her way to Jisoo holding the last bag of cookies. She gave it to her and leaned close to her ear.



“Hi ex,” Wendy whispered. Jisoo choked on her saliva and gave a coughing fit. Wendy patted her back. She glared at Wendy.



“I don’t want your cookies,” Jisoo said and shove it back to Wendy.



“Really? Give ‘em to me, unnie!” Rosé said with full.



Wendy was about to turn away when she felt the bag being snatched from her hand. She looked at Jisoo hiding the bag away. Wendy raised an eyebrow.



“But if you insist,” Jisoo said as she opened the bag and put a cookie in . She chewed quietly while avoiding eye contact. Wendy noticed her ears were pinkish as she turned sideways.






Rosé grumbled and tried to snatch a cookie from Lisa. Wendy went back to her seat as the maknaes engage in a battle of idiocy.



“So, what made you do this instead of coming here early?” Jennie asked.



“I told you, I was stressed,” Wendy said as a make up artist worked on her face.



“Why didn’t you just practice?” Jennie retorted.



“I did that too,” Wendy said, pointing at her damp hair. “I even read the script for today,” waving sheets of paper.



“What script?” Lisa said.



“The lines where we were supposed to say so we actually know what we’re doing? Like we actually use the phones? You know, to actually sell the product,” Wendy said as passed the paper to Lisa.



“Right, of course unnie,” she said as she read over her lines she so obviously didn’t study for.



“So, are you ready?”Jennie looked at Wendy. Wendy looked at her.



Wendy and Jennie had an entire telepathic conversation in three seconds.

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Hi! I missed y’all! I’m sorry for the MIA. So here’s a chapter! Hahaha thank you for the feature again hahaha I didn’t think we’d get this far❤️


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I Miss this story and hoping for an update 😢
Chapter 29: I miss this story so much 😢
Hhm987 #3
Chapter 29: This series is so fun. I am glad you wrote this.
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 29: I MISS THIs, 😭
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 15: Hahahaha
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 7: Ohohohoho
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 5: I Miss this
yaemikosimp #8
once again visiting this book
Namamasko po otornim 🙏🙏🙏💙
author balik kana 😢