
This is not happening!
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Wendy received the call the minute they arrived at their dorms.



She was tired and her shoulders were sore because the maknaes made her a pillow the whole ride home. She was about to enter her room when her very annoying ringtone blared. She picked up the phone without looking at the caller id.



“Hello, Wendy speaking, who is this?” she tiredly spoke on the phone.



“Unnie, don’t tell me you didn’t save my number?” said someone from the other line.



Jisoos cries



“Joy?” she quickly looked at the id and it really was Joy.



“Oh my god, I’m sorry, I didn’t look at the screen—“ she heard Joy chuckle.



“I’m joking unnie. Uhm Is this a bad time? You sound tired. Maybe I should call another time—“



“No! I mean it’s okay. What is it?” Wendy quickly said. She looked like an idiot shouting in the hallway by herself.



“Oh uhm I’m just asking If you’re free this morning unnie? I’d like to return your jacket. Irene unnie has been bugging me to return it. And if you want to hang out for a while too? But-but if you’re too busy…” Joy rambled at the other end.



“I’ll go, I’m free this morning. Where do you want to meet?” Curse her tired , she can sleep it off after practice later. She made a mental note on where they’ll meet. She knows the place. It’s near Red Velvet’s dorm. She dashed inside her room to freshen up and quickly bolted out. She almost knocked down Lisa along the way.



“Sorry, gotta go, bye!” Wendy shouted back.



“Unnie! Wait!” Lisa shouted back but the hamster was already gone.



“You still have toothpaste on your mouth.”










Wendy walked in the coffee shop and the smell of coffee burned her senses.



Hmmm memories



She looked around the coffee shop for the tall brunette but she was the first one there. Her phone ringed. A text message.



Joy: Sorry unnie. Be there in a minute.



Wendy messaged back.



Wendy: it’s okay be careful on the way.



Her phone ringed again. It was a message from Rosé.



Rosé: unnie, can I use my own cup in measuring flour?



Guns and Rosés



Wendy: No, use the baking things on our cupboard.


Wendy: and Roseanne


Rosé: yes unnie


Wendy: please don’t burn the kitchen while I’m gone


Rosé: alright, unnie! I’m going to bake you the most amazing brownies.



Wendy sighed and just let her be. She’s a grown woman she can handle herself in the kitchen, right?



Rosé: So unnie its says here that I have to pre heat the oven but it’s not heating. I don’t think we have gas left.


Wendy: You have to plug it in first. Its an electric oven Rosie




Wendy made a mental note to buy a fire extinguisher when she goes home.



“Your eyebrows are gonna fuse together, unnie,” Joy said with a smile. Wendy almost jump on her seat. She didn’t notice Joy was already infront of her.



“Sorry,” she said. “I’m trying to prevent our building from burning down because of Rosé,” she smiled back and hid her phone.



Joy laughed. “I hope it’s still intact when you get home then,” she said as she seated herself infront of Wendy. She reached out and wiped the remaining toothpaste on the side of Wendy’s mouth. Wendy blushed.




“I’m sorry about this. I was in my pajamas when I called you on a whim. I didn’t know would agree at all. I’m sorry if I dressed poorly,” Joy chuckled, embarrassed.



“You’re pretty in whatever you wear Sooyoung. Don’t be embarrassed,” Wendy smiled. Then she quickly remembered this is not the Sooyoung she knows.



Joy blushed at the complement. Wendy wanted to hide under the table.



You idiot, you’re being too familiar!



“Thank you,” Joy said in a hushed tone. “Here, unnie. Your jacket,” Joy handed her a paper bag.



“I’m sorry it took so long. We didn’t get any breaks on tour. Irene unnie washed it. I told her to put extra fabric conditioner,” Joy chuckled. Wendy smiled.



“You shouldn’t have,” she can smell the scent even though she didn’t open the bag yet.



Joohyun unnie and her infamous hobby.



“So, how’s the tour?” Wendy asked. She wants to keep tabs on them even if she’s not with them.



“It was great! We didn’t really roam around but performing for the fans always made our day,” Joy said with a smile.



“That’s good,” shes glad to hear they’re doing well. “So what are you up to right now?”



“We’re taking a break. Wait for the next comeback, I guess,” Joy paused. “Unnie, I’ll tell you a secret.” Wendy moved closer to hear her.



“I’m going to audition for a drama,” Joy whispered.



“That’s awesome!” Wendy clapped, disturbing the other customers but she didn’t mind them at all. Joy was surprised from the enthusiastic response. “You’re gonna do great!” Wendy smiled from ear to ear.



“Thanks unnie but I’m not going to go,” said Joy with a sad look on her face.



“Why’s that?” Wendy asked confused. Joy would you usually be overjoyed in these projects. Unless..



“I don’t want any backlash again like I had in my last drama. And I’m not really that confident. I’m too late to audition anyway. I even lied to the unnies,” Joy said, ashamed.



The waiter arrived with their drinks. Joy sipped her coffee but Wendy just looked at Joy.



“What time is the audition?” Wendy asked. Joy looked at her surprised.



“A-about 10am unnie. I’m not gonna make it,” Joy chuckled sadly.



“Okay,” Wendy grabbed her glass of iced tea and down it in one go.

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Hi! I missed y’all! I’m sorry for the MIA. So here’s a chapter! Hahaha thank you for the feature again hahaha I didn’t think we’d get this far❤️


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I Miss this story and hoping for an update 😢
Chapter 29: I miss this story so much 😢
Hhm987 #3
Chapter 29: This series is so fun. I am glad you wrote this.
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 29: I MISS THIs, 😭
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 15: Hahahaha
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 7: Ohohohoho
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 5: I Miss this
yaemikosimp #8
once again visiting this book
Namamasko po otornim 🙏🙏🙏💙
author balik kana 😢