
After Party
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You sighed, staring at your ceiling again, not knowing what the time was, not knowing what the day was, not knowing how many days it had been since you took a shower.

You took in a deep breath before groaning as you sat up, your members gone out for work, your girlfriend’s group promoting and the guys working on a new single. Letting out a sigh you stood up, feet stinging against the cold floor while slowly making your way to the bathroom.

You closed the door behind you, staring at yourself in the mirror while taking in your features. Eyebags even darker, sunken into your skin while your colour had paled, lips slightly cracked from dehydration. Your eyes shifted to your toothbrush placed next to five others, fixated on them for some odd reason before your fists clenched, taking another look at yourself before relaxing your body, rinsing your face before leaving, to tired to do anything else.

You sat down on your desk, opening up your laptop before looking at emails.

The girls from Twice were all set, after getting all the recordings done in the past week, you had already figured out new formations to fit all the girls in after talking to one their choreographers but you still hadn’t heard back from your other track, another sigh leaving your lips as you rested your head on your palm, elbow pressing against the small wooden desk you kept in the corner of your shared room.

You finished up replying to all of them, some about your businesses, some about future investments, some about your current investments…

Another sigh escaped your lips before calling your accountant, “Miss Kim? How are you feeling?” “Yeah I’m all good don’t worry… I just wanted an update on…  well everything…” You flopped down onto the soft chair next to Yeri’s bed, listening to him drone on, face bored as you stared at the wall next to your bed, adorned in posters of your favourite singers and movies, photos of you and your friends, people who were important to you.

“…luckily you’re investments are all in tact and the restaurants are busier than ever.” “And what about that plot? The redevelopment’s starting soon?” “As soon as the price is at it’s peak, I’ll sell it off, I’m going to give it about two more days and then negotiate with the customer…” You hummed, clearing your throat, “Alright, let me know how things go.” “Will do Miss Kim…” “I’ll talk to you soo-” “Uhm… Miss Kim?” Your brows furrowed slightly, sensing his nervous tone, “Yes?” “Please let me know if I’m out of line here… I just wanted to make sure you’re ok? After all that’s happened, I mean… you can take a break and I’ll handle things here, I won’t disappoint you…” You smiled softly, a chuckle escaping you, “Don’t worry… I’m resting here, just wanted to check up… I trust you not to disappoint.” “I promise I won’t Miss Kim.” “Alright… let me know if anything happens then.” “Bye Miss Kim.”

You hung up, smile slowly falling from your lips when you took in the empty room.

You got up, stretching your arms as you walked to the kitchen, turning on the TV for white noise as you looked through the cupboards, humming lowly to the song that was playing as you poured cereal into a bowl. You got milk from the fridge, adding it in and watching it fill the bowl before your brain registered the song you were humming, your head shooting up before running back into the lounge, your girlfriend’s face showing up making you smile, quickly sitting down as you watched with pride.

You continued eating, getting comfortable before their performance ended, other groups coming on as you waited for their second performance, jamming out to some rookie groups you made a mental note to look into.

As the show continued you sunk deeper into the sofa, smiling when your girlfriend came on, your head bopping to the music as you watched them dance.

It ended as soon as it started, feeling proud of the four of them for coming back after so long.

You continued on with your day, deciding to make it easier on your members as you got to cleaning up the apartment, music in your ears as you moved the vacuum around the room, head swaying side to side while singing along as dust cleared on the floor.

Hours had passed, finished with the whole apartment, now spotless as you put all the cleaning supplies back, letting out a tired sigh as you stretched your arms, grabbing your phone while walking to the kitchen, you checked the groupchat to see if there were any new messages.

A pout fell on your face letting out a sigh.

When are you guys gonna be home?? : Y/N

Im bored :Y/N

Yerrimmie: Probably gonna sleep over at Holland’s


Yerrimmie: He’s literally gay and so am I

Soo Unnie: I’m gonna be late, I have a shoot at night

Did you eat lunch?? :Y/N

I can make something and drop it off?? :Y/N

Soo Unnie: Don’t worry, I’m all good

Soo Unnie: Take care of yourself for now

Mom: Have you eaten yet???

Mom: Y/N???

Yeah I’m fine rene-unnie :Y/N

I was about to make food anyways that’s why I’m asking :Y/N

Mom: You’re still on the diet right???

Mom: When’s your next appointment??

Mom: Have you booked it yet???

Mom: Should I book it??

Mom: It’s Dr. Jung right??

Mom: Send me the hospital’s number

Unnie calm down :Y/N

Appointment’s in a few days :Y/N

Are you gonna be home?? :Y/N

Mom: One of my old friends is in town

Mom: So I’ll probably be with her

Mom: Is that ok??

Mom: Do you need anything??

Have fun and it’s chill, tell whoever it is I say hi : Y/N

Yerrimmie: Me toooooo

Soo Unnie: ^^^

Bear Unnie: Im at tapaha with Seungwan

Bear Unnie: We’re gonna go shopping and have dinner later

Bear Unnie: So we’ll probably be late too

Seung Unnie: Do you wanna join Y/N??

I still can’t be seen outside :(( :Y/N

But you guys have fun :Y/N

I’ll probably invite Taeyeon unnie :Y/N

Good Luck on your shoot Soo Unnie <3 :Y/N

Yerrimmie: What she said ^^

Soo unnie: This is why Y/N’s my favourite Maknae

I’m the only Maknae ;)) :Y/N

Yerrimmie: You’re acting like I’m not just a few months older

Well with the amount of back problems you have it’s hard to tell :Y/N


Mom: Yeri language!!

Yerrimmie: SHE CALLED ME A

Mom: Y/N don’t call Yeri that word!

Sorry Yerrimmie :Y/N

You know you’re my favourite :Y/N

Yerrimmie: UNNIE LOOK^^^

Mom: Kim Y/N stop it

Not the government name… :Y/N

Yerrimie: Bro she mad

Mom: Government name??

Mom: It’s just your name??

Mom: Both of you stop it!!!

Yerrimmie: She might get a headache

I know but it’s fun using jokes she doesn’t get :Y/N

Mom: This is what I get for taking care of you??

Sorry unnie :Y/N

Yerrimmie: What she said ^^

You sent the emoji where the girl was bowing down just in case, a smile on your face before texting Taeyeon to come over, dropping your phone after picking a song and connecting to the speakers you had set up around the house, summertime in paris by jaden smith filling the room, humming along as you checked the diet plan and got to cooking.

You let the chicken boil, staring at the white flesh with disgust before looking at the spice cabinet you had, a pout on your face knowing your stomach lining was still too weak to properly digest anything with a hint of taste.

You watched as the chicken began changing from pink to white, grabbing some vegetables and boiling them in a separate pot, a disgusted look on your face while plating it after it finished cooking, sitting at the kitchen counter and cutting into the meat.

You began chewing, expecting something, anything but God really was punishing you with tasteless food.

You owned six restaurants, invested in many more, learned cooking from your dad and then from chefs you hired, you probably had the lowest self-confidence known to man kind but one thing you were sure of was the fact that you knew how to cook.

And so you sat there, all alone, eating your tasteless chicken and disgusting vegetables.

Were you being dramatic about being on this ty diet? Did it give you flashbacks to the days you starved? Did this make you naesous? Did you know that you were lucky enough to actually have food on the table?

The only answer to all those questions was yes.

But that didn’t mean you had to be happy about it.

You let out a sigh, taking another bite of the chicken, nostrils flaring while chewing mush, grabbing a spoonful of vegetables before chomping on it. Your head shaking profusely as you swallowed, “This is not what I expected to see when you asked to hang out.”

You looked up at Taeyeon, face sad as the women walked into the kitchen, a smile on her face, “How you doing kid?”

“I am literally eating chicken with no flavour, what do you think?”

She patted your head, letting out a sigh, “Only a few more days right?” “It was meant to be a week but they extended it.”

“That’s cause you drank and didn’t listen.” “How was I going to say no to the president?!”

“Fair fair… how’s that whole thing going by the way?”

You sighed, finishing up the food, getting up and putting them in the dishwasher before you got Taeyeon a drink from the fridge and yourself a glass of water.

“We talked about how the campaign’s going to play out, mental health in workplaces and school and stuff and then I talked to him about the equality law and changing the child abuse procedures that take place.”

“Equality Law?” You hummed taking a sip of water, “You know how it doesn’t really enforce any equality right?”  “Men are still at the top.” “Along with women not receiving equal pay, they could get fired for going on maternity leave, foreigners or anyone’s that’s not pale white receive racism on the daily and once again could be fired or not even get hired in the first place solely because of their skin colour, queer people are also discrimated against. Basically, the equality law doesn’t do anything…” She hummed, brow quirking, “So what are you gonna do?” “Well everything they promised but you know… actually making it happen.”

“How is that gonna work?” “The president gave me a crash course on law and the supreme court but most likely, I’ll need to be representing the public in order to create the amendment and from there on a few debate sessions blah blah blah, the court votes and we hope that they vote in the amendments favour.” She

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Hey yall, just wanted to say thanks for 700 subs. It truly means a lot and i know updates are kinda slow these days but im trying my best and i hope you enjoy them :))) anyways i love you guys and I'll try my best to make sure i dont disappoint you


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FinalStand #1
Chapter 37: I hope you are well. I just wanted to say again how much I love this story. Would love for more if you ever wanted to write again or am happy with how it ended should you chose not to continue but above all of that thank you for sharing this story with us
Chapter 37: Woow good story, and I hope you'll continue this author-nim, thanks for the story btw~
FinalStand #3
Chapter 37: I love this story. Thank you so much for sharing it. Would love to see more of it in the future. Hope you are well
Reinstalled this app just to reread this amazing storyyyyyy.
82 streak #5
Chapter 37: I miss this 😭
82 streak #6
Chapter 37: Cannn't waitttt
Latte908 #7
Chapter 37: I’m waiting for the couple to move in tgt.
Chapter 37: Hey hey heyyy!! Welcome baaaaccckkkk!!! 🥳🥳🥳 I’m still curious to how y/n would handle everything so please please pleaasseeeeeeeee continue writing cuz I’ll be waiting 🥺
4bpiya #9
Chapter 36: Aaaah didn't know i needed that twice interaction!
Chapter 36: I CAUGHT UP AGAIN LMAOO!! Slice of life chapter was *chefs kiss*