Your Past, Present and My Future

After Party
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Getting up in the early morning, you snuck out of your room, careful not to wake up Yeri while grabbing your clothes and getting into the bathroom, looking at the pictures they sent on the groupchat from two nights ago when the nine of you celebrated Blackpink’s anniversary together.

A huff left your lips, doing your usual morning routine before getting dressed, wearing a white shirt with some tan coloured pants, you slipped on some boots before collecting your things and a black blazer, staring at your phone for minute before deciding to leave it.

You got in your car, setting off for Daegu after filling up your tank and getting some snacks for the drive, music playing as you rested your head on your hand, the other on the wheel as you got onto the highway, knowing you had around three hours of alone time with you, your thoughts and your music… perfect.




Yeri woke up, furrowing her brows when she saw your empty bed, deciding to pay it no mind as she got up and moved to the bathroom, everyone in the house slowly starting their day.

The five girls sat around, talking about their upcoming schedules, everyone excited for Wendy to finally join them again, “Have you guys seen Y/N?” “She’s probably at the gym or studio, maybe she had an early schedule?”

Irene shook her head, keeping up with the member’s schedules, both groups and solos made her aware that you personally asked Hyejoo a favour, “She asked for a day off today so that makes no sense…”

“Then she’s probably at Chaeyoung’s, nothing to worry about it…”

They agreed, pushing the thought to the side as they got ready for work, Wendy going to a checkup, Sooyoung and Seulgi joining her while Yeri went off to record a new episode for her show and Irene getting picked up by their manager to go to a commercial shoot.




You shifted your car into park, taking a second for some deep breaths before getting out of your car with your blazer as you quickly wore it. Walking into the cemetery with heavy steps, coming to a stop at the tombstone, feeling a thousand emotions at once but also completely numb all at the same time as you stared at the familiar name scripted onto it, putting down his favourite flavours.

“Missed you dad…”




Hours passed and soon enough they were already home, clock nearing five in the afternoon, Irene growing impatient when she saw your phone on your side table. “Are you sure she’s with Chaeyoung? Wouldn’t she tell us?”

Yeri groaned, rolling her eyes before getting up to hug the older girl, “Unnie, your age is getting to you, don’t stress or you’ll get even more wrinkles.” Irene hit Yeri on her arm while the younger laughed, “Chill out, Y/N-ah can take care of herself…”

They all sat around, Irene still clearly worried while the girls tried their best to distract her.

Finally getting the job done when they saw her shoulders relax and a smile grow on her face, laughing at Seulgi falling off the couch.

Your phone started ringing, growing confused when they saw Chaeyoung’s name pop up, rolling their eyes at the saved name as Yeri reached to pick it up, putting it on speaker so everyone could hear, “Hello?” “Hi Chaenggie!” “Yeri?” “Yeah what’s up?” “Oh, have you seen Y/N? She hasn’t opened my text since morning so I was wondering if she’s good.”

Everyone felt their hearts drop, growing quiet as worry started to take over them, “Hellloooo? Yerimmie?”

“Y/N isn’t with you?” “Uhm no… I haven’t seen her since our group anniversary. Why?” “Chaeyoung are you joking?” She could hear an awkward chuckle come from Chaeyoung, the girl growing confused, “Yeri what do you mean? Is everything fine, you’re freaking me out a bit.” “We haven’t seen her since the morning, we all thought she was with you…” “Yeri, stop playing, where is she?” “Chaeyoung I’m not-” Irene grabbed the phone from Yeri, hands shaking, “Chaeyoung-ah please don’t lie…” “Irene unnie I’m not.” “Get the girls and come over here as fast as possible.”




“What are you doing here?” You wiped your tears away, turning to meet the last person you wanted to see, “Hi mom, Hey hanny…” Your brother grew a smile on his face, running to envelope you in a hug, letting out a grunt as his body hit yours, wrapping your arms around him slowly as a smile grew on your face, “How you doing kid..?” “I missed you.” “Aww, is my baby brother missing his noona.” “Shut up.”

You moved back to look at him, pride swelling in your chest after seeing him, “Look at you all grown up…” You ruffled his hair slightly, making him whine, keeping your arm around his shoulders as he quickly fixed his hair with his fingers.

You looked back at the women that birthed you, putting on a tight-lipped smile while greeting her, “How are you?” “You suddenly have the respect for your father to come see him…” “I come atleast once a month…” “But you couldn’t show up for his funeral now could you?”

Your fist clenched, jaw tightening while Haneul realized the tension growing, “Mom…” You patted him, shaking your head, “It’s ok kid.”

She moved towards your father’s tomb stone, squatting down as she put her hand on top, you moving to stand behind while watching the two of them pay respects, not being able to help the roll of your eyes.

“Noona! Do you wanna come back to the house? We can get food and- and-” You smiled at him, nodding your head, “Ofcourse, I have to spend time with my brother now don’t I?” He smiled wide, your mom still stoic.

“I’ll lead Y/N back home!”

You wrapped your arm around him, taking him back to your car while your mom stalked on ahead of you two, listening to him ramble about school and drama, as you tried to keep a smile on your face for him.




“What do you mean she hasn’t been here since morning?” “Yeri woke up and she wasn’t in bed, and none of us have seen her since last night…”

Lisa was pacing around, worry obvious in her features, Yeri moving to calm her while the older girls sat around, Jennie hugging Irene and Sooyoung cuddled up To Wendy. Chaeyoung’s mind empty, heart heavy while thinking about the worse scenarios possible.

“Wait!” Wendy called for their attention, everyone’s head turning towards her, “What if she went to see her family?” Irene shook her head, biting her nail, “She always goes with me, she never goes by herself.”

“Doesn’t she? What’s the date?” Sooyoung grew confused, checking her phone, “.” At that Irene shot up, anxious at the little mumble Sooyoung let out, “What why?”

Irene was growing worried by the second, everyone on edge, “It’s her dad’s death anniversary.”




The three of you sat around awkwardly at the dinner table, eating some take out. Finishing up your meals, you moved to clean up, “Hanuel take the plates and clean up…” “But mom I wanna spend time with Noona-” “Haneul.” You sighed, sending him a smile, “Come on Hanny, we’ll play some games afterwards, just clean up.”

He pouted, gathering up the plates before walking into the kitchen, leaving you and your mom alone, “So… how have you been?” You took a sip of your drink, growing anxious at the tension in the room, “Fine. You?” “Good, just working.” “That’s good, any boyfriends?” “Nope, still a lesbian mom.”

Her face contorted to disgust, a disapproving sigh falling from her lips as she shook her head, “You’re going to burn in hell.” “And I’ll see you there.”

She slammed the table making you flinch slightly, trying to keep up your cool exterior, “How dare you disrespect me like that?” “You lost my respect when you isolated me and tried keeping me away from my own family. You know the only reason I wasn’t there was cause YOU didn’t tell me! I asked about him everyday and you didn’t say anything. You took Haneul’s ing phone so he wouldn’t be able to talk to me!”

Your voice was shaking with anger, hand set in fists as you stared at her with a fury in your eyes, “You didn’t deserve to be there!” “And you did?! You cheated on him.”

She slapped you hard, face snapping to the side, cheek turning red as you let out a breath, closing your eyes, trying to calm yourself and hold back tears at the stinging sensation filling up your face, “Don’t you dare raise your voice.”

You stayed silent for a few seconds, controlling your breathing as you blinked a few times before turning back to her, “Are the bills payed?” She sat back down, nodding her head as she crossed her arms, glaring your way while you went over the checklist in your head, “Haneul’s schools supplies taken care of?” Another nod, “Here’s the money for the month, it should take care of groceries and anything else you wanna buy. Text me if you need anything else.”

You stood up, sliding the envelope full of money to her as she took it quickly, opening up to count through the money, “We may need more, Hanuel needs a new football kit and I want to buy some things.” You rolled your eyes, knowing you already took care of Haneul’s kit, even having proof with the photo he sent you after trying it on with the new shoes you got him.

Taking out your wallet, you sifted through the notes and handed her a bunch, “Text me for anything else.”

With that, you grabbed your things, moving to the kitchen to see the boy drying up his hands, turning to you before a big smile grew on his face, “Noona I was just about to-” “I think I need to leave now Hanny…” His smile fell immediately, seeing pain cross his eyes, “Oh…” Your heart dropped, sending him a tight-lipped smile, “I promise I’ll be back soon.”

You hugged him, pulling his head to your shoulder while running your hands through his hair, “I’m sorry for being a bad sister…” “No it’s ok… I understand…” “How about next time, I’ll take you to Seoul hmm?” He nodded against you, leaning back to look at him, “Come on kid, I’m a phone call away, whatever you need.”

He finally smiled, making your heart lighten slightly as the both of you walked out, meeting your mom’s gaze, “You haven’t left yet?” “Just about to.”

Haneul took a deep breath, patting him on his back to try and calm him as you leaned in to whisper, “I’m good kid, no need to worry alright?” “But she-” “Haneul…”

He let out a sigh, nodding his head as the both of you walked outside, “Now be a good kid, take care of mom, don’t be stupid in school and work hard.” He nodded, pout still stuck in place, “If I knew my brother had turned into a clingy baby I wouldn’t have come Hanny!” He whined, pushing you away, “I’m not a baby!” “Oh so he’s a big man now!”

He pushed you making you laugh before you got him into a head lock, ruffling his hair as you rubbed your knuckles into his head while he yelled out for you to stop, “Please Noona!” “There’s the magic word.”

You let him go, a smile on your face as you checked the time on your watch, a sigh leaving your lips, “I really gotta leave now Hanny…” “Do you really have to?” You giggled, pulling him in for one last hug, “Yes, and I will see you soon ok?”

He smiled while you opened up your car, ruffling his hair one more time before getting in, and pulling out of the driveway, rolling down your windows to wave at him for the final time, “Love you Hanny!” “I know!”

You rolled your eyes, driving fast while trying to beat rush hour in Daegu, knowing it was already six and you had a three hour drive ahead of you.




The clock was nearing nine, sighing as you got into the building parking, rolling up your sleeves as you cleaned up your car before grabbing your blazer and getting out of the car. ing a few buttons while the elevator rode up, a sigh falling from your lips as the day caught up to your body,

Staring at your reflection, eyes shoot to your cheek that had the slightest tint of red on it, a bit swollen. Your jaw clenched out of habit, feeling tears well up in your eyes making you look up, blinking them back as the doors opened, the only thought on your mind being your soft bed, and a long sleep, hopefully one you would never wake up from.

Shuffling to your door, you entered the dorm, hearing pattered footsteps as you closed it, turning back to meet nine pairs of eyes staring back at you, a smile growing on your lips out of habit, “Hey guys…”

Lisa felt anger surge in her body, taking quick steps towards you as she pushed you back, eyes widening in shock, “Not the hello I was expecting.” She pushed you again, confusion evident in your face before the movement got more frequent, your back against the door as she continued to push you with every word she spoke, “How could you! ing. . I hate you. I HATE YOU SO MUCH!”

You heard her voice crack, seeing tears prick at her eyes as she kept pushing you, an angry groan escaping her lips before you quickly pulled her in a hug, holding her head to your chest while her fists still banged against your chest before falling limp.

You shushed her, feeling her shake against your body, a cry escaping her lips being muffled by your chest, “I’m here. I’m here.” You rocked her back and forth slowly, cries into whimpers before turning to look at everyone.

Irene was mad, walking away from everything before a door slam echoed through the apartment, all of them slowly moving away, last one being Chaeyoung, sharing a look with you, lips set in a thin line and arms crossed, her cheeks puffy from crying before she walked away like the rest of them, the familiar feeling of your heart cracking immediately consuming you.

You turned back to Lisa, holding her face in your hands as you wiped away her tears, “Why are you crying you idiot…” “I thought I lost you.” You sighed, cleaning up her face, “Well too bad cause I’m right here.” She sniffled, snuggling back into you for a few more minutes before finally letting you go, “I’m gonna kill you if you pull something like that again.” “I’m sorry ok?” She punched you in your arm making you wince.

You both walked towards the living room

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Hey yall, just wanted to say thanks for 700 subs. It truly means a lot and i know updates are kinda slow these days but im trying my best and i hope you enjoy them :))) anyways i love you guys and I'll try my best to make sure i dont disappoint you


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FinalStand #1
Chapter 37: I hope you are well. I just wanted to say again how much I love this story. Would love for more if you ever wanted to write again or am happy with how it ended should you chose not to continue but above all of that thank you for sharing this story with us
Chapter 37: Woow good story, and I hope you'll continue this author-nim, thanks for the story btw~
FinalStand #3
Chapter 37: I love this story. Thank you so much for sharing it. Would love to see more of it in the future. Hope you are well
Reinstalled this app just to reread this amazing storyyyyyy.
82 streak #5
Chapter 37: I miss this 😭
82 streak #6
Chapter 37: Cannn't waitttt
Latte908 #7
Chapter 37: I’m waiting for the couple to move in tgt.
Chapter 37: Hey hey heyyy!! Welcome baaaaccckkkk!!! 🥳🥳🥳 I’m still curious to how y/n would handle everything so please please pleaasseeeeeeeee continue writing cuz I’ll be waiting 🥺
4bpiya #9
Chapter 36: Aaaah didn't know i needed that twice interaction!
Chapter 36: I CAUGHT UP AGAIN LMAOO!! Slice of life chapter was *chefs kiss*