Sibling Harmony

After Party
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The both of you stared at eachother, no smiles in view, seemingly emotionless to the outside view but upon closer look you could see the tension emanating between you two. Your eyes tired, not wanting to argue or even discuss the topic at hand meanwhile Irene’s eyes were full of determination, hell bent on getting her way.

“Unnie…” “Y/N, you know this is the best decision. I didn’t say anything before because I respected your boundaries but if it’s gotten to the point where…” She swallowed the lump in , eyes shifting away from you, falling upon the brown couch you had bought for the dorms when the first one started falling apart.

“I’m sorry…” She moved closer, grabbing your hand in hers, gripping it tightly, “Getting that call… hearing the nurse utter your name and say you’re… you’re in urgent care and in critical condition-” Her voice cracked in between her words making her stop as she once again swallowed her spit, taking a deep breath to calm herself, even if it was just a bit.

“You don’t understand what you mean to me… what you mean to us…. How much you’ve done for us… Y/N, knowing that you were pushed to that point-” She stopped herself, taking in a shuddering breath as your jaw clenched, “Seeing you in that state… it broke us… not cause you were weak but because we didn’t stop you…. We weren’t there for you… I wasn’t there for you and I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry I didn’t realize and I wasn’t there for you as your unnie-”


She grew quiet when she heard your voice, silence taking over for a few beats before you spoke up again, “You… you raised me… showed me love for no reason… and… you don’t realize how you- all the girls, Wendy unnie… Seulgi unnie… Sooyoung unnie, Yerimmie… all of you showed me so much love for no reason… all of you- all of you taught me so much and I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry I put you through that, I’m so sorry I was an idiot, I’m so sorry I was ungrateful for what you’ve given me… and I- I wish I could go back in time and not do what I did cause it’s caused so much … so much drama… and none of you deserved to go through that…”

Irene sighed, pulling you closer as your arms wrapped around her waist, head falling to her shoulder, gripping tightly as if she’d disappear if you let go, “We just want you to stay… we want you here, not because you’re just a member or you make amazing songs for us and work relentlessly just to make sure our fans love what we release but because we love you for you. You’re our family, you’re always gonna be. Even in twenty years when we’re all old, we’re still gonna be part of eachother’s lives.”

“But unnie… you’re already old.”

She smiled, smacking you on your arm as you pulled away, small smiles on both of your faces as you giggled, both of you dwelling in the moment before a sigh left your lips, “Just give me some time… please…” “Y/N-” “Unnie this is my family on the line… I only have two people left.” She sat silently, and you could see her thoughts swirling around her head, hoping she’d just let this go.

“I’m not gonna let this go,”

Well .

“But. I’ll give you time, I know there’s a lot going on and I don’t wanna add pressure… I know it’s not my place but I think Hanny deserves to know, talk to him about everything and stuff…” “Unnie he has college exams coming up, the last thing I want is-” “I know. But trust me, he’s more mature than he acts, you should know better than anyone what that’s like…” You rolled your eyes, knowing Irene was one of the few people that saw through your dumb front as soon as you met her, “Yeah yeah… I’ll see…”

She smiled, patting your head before standing up, “Just focus on yourself right now and… and we’ll figure it out together.” You smiled softly, standing up too before wrapping your arms around her neck, “Thank you… for everything… I promise I’ll never let you down.” “You could never do that, I’m always gonna be proud of you.”

You tightened your grip around her, resting your head on top of hers, “I’m still gonna thank you for taking care of me… basically raising me…” She giggled, nodding into your chest, “You and Yerimmie are basically my kids, always tiring me out too.” You smiled, leaning down to give her, her goodnight kiss on her forehead, “I’ll probably be out with Hanny tomorrow so I’ll see ok?” She nodded, smiling softly at you, “I trust you… You’re smart.” You smiled back at her, closing up the lights and about to head into your rooms.

“Wait Y/N?”

You turned at her quiet whisper, nodding your head as a sign for her to continue, “Me and you… we’re good right?” You scoffed, pulling her into another hug, “We’re always gonna be good, no matter what happens.” She nodded, both of you moving apart and getting into your rooms after bidding goodnight.

You got comfy on the mattress, Hanny and Yeri sleeping comfortably on the beds, moonlight slightly shining through the blinds as you hugged your spare pillow, closing your eyes and drifting to sleep.




You groaned at the added weight, Hanny body slamming you as soon as he woke up, both of you with puffy faces and half open eyes, “Morning Noona.” “ off.” You pulled your blanket tighter, thinking he’d leave you alone after that weight was gone before you felt someone grip your legs, letting out a scream as he pulled you off, your body flopping onto the wooden floor with a groan, the girls running in after hearing you with worried faces, stopping at the door as they saw Hanny smiling proudly while you grumbled.

You slowly stood up, the girls seeing your narrowed eyes as a sign to leave and go back to breakfast while Hanny stood there laughing. You quickly kicked the side of his thigh, the force making his eyes widen as he fell down, “Jesus!” “I took Taekwondo you idiot.” You rubbed your eyes, Hanny getting up with a groan while holding his thigh, “Meanie.” “Idiot.” “.” “.” “Little .” “ you.” “ you.”

The both of you glared at eachother, smiles threatening to break through before the both of you giggled, your laughs reaching the girls’ ears making them roll their eyes as they sat at the small dining table near the kitchen, “Those two confuse me beyond understanding.” Seulgi chomped on some avocado toast, shaking her head, “Even my brother and I don’t act like that.”

You both came outside, Hanny going into the bathroom while you came and wrapped your arms around Sooyoung while plopping your head on her shoulder, “What’s for breakfast today?” “Scrambled eggs, some avocado toast and orange juice.”

You smiled at Wendy, eyes creasing up making the girl giggle at how cute you looked, especially with your already chubby cheeks extra squishy in the morning and your puffy eyes, “I’m just gonna go brush my teeth and I’ll join.”

They nodded, watching you shuffle to the bathroom as you knocked, Hanny opening up the door with his toothbrush in his mouth.

You grabbed your own, putting some tooth paste on before looking at the mirror, your brow quirking, “Did you get taller?” He shrugged his shoulders, continuing to brush, “Standup straight.”  He rolled his eyes, standing up next to you only for you to see he was about an inch above you when you put shoulder to shoulder, “Hanny you grew!” He spat out his toothpaste, rinsing his mouth, “What did you expect noona! I’m gonna grow!” “You’re taller than me!” “Yeah that might happen!” He wiped his face dry, while you had a pout on your lips, “What the Hanny!”

He rolled his eyes, patting your shoulder while leaving, “Come eat.”

He closed the door behind him while you got lost in your thoughts, putting the toothpaste in your mouth after wetting it, your hand on the counter top, holding yourself while tiredly brushing the grime off your teeth as your thoughts drifted back to last night, thinking about how he really has grown up.

He was growing taller, his college exam was in a few months, the date marked out on your calendar, he had a girlfriend, someone who made him happier than he was before, he took care of his friends and himself. He was smart, his grades high, he balanced his social life and even did well in sports. He had his life together and he was ready for the world, atleast you hoped so…

You spat out the paste, rinsing your mouth before doing your usual skin routine, a sigh leaving your lips as you patted in your moisturizer, fixing your hair with your fingers as you joined the girls on the dining table.

You grabbed some toast, chomping down as the girls continued chatting, Hanny in conversation with Wendy, asking her about the recipes to her food making you smile softly before Irene tapped your shoulder, "I’ve let you have your fun for the past few days but starting tomorrow you’re strictly on the diet the doctor gave you." You pouted, whining slightly making the older woman roll her eyes as she patted your full cheek while getting up, taking her dishes to the sink in the kitchen after finishing up.

You continued eating, now with a slumped figure making Sooyoung giggle as she pulled you closer, her head landing on your shoulder, closing her eyes blissfully while you stilled your arm out of habit, making sure not to move on that side so she would be as comfortable as possible.

Your head lolled slowly, resting against hers while finishing your toast, “What’s the plan for everyone today?” Seulgi came out of the kitchen, wrapping her arms around Wendy’s shoulders from behind her chair, smiling brightly. Yeri hummed, swallowing her scrambled eggs, “I’m gonna hang out with Rie today, so I’ll probably be over at her place and I think Tae-seob’s gonna meet up with us for lunch or something and we’re just gonna chill at her place.”

“Aww I miss those two.” You pouted, taking the glass of juice Irene offered you as she came back, quickly thanking her before turning back to Yeri, “I’ll tell them don’t worry.” You smiled thankfully at her, taking a deep breath before resting your head back on Sooyoung’s, your eyes meeting making a tired smile grow, “And what about you Soo unnie?”

She hummed, closing her eyes, “I think I have a photo shoot..” Your smile grew, knowing exactly what photoshoot, “Pray tell?” “I’m gonna be on the cover of female magazine…” You hummed giddily, wiggling your body a bit making her whine, “Why are you being so weird!” “Cause you’re gonna be on the cover of female magazine!”

She smiled, nudging you after lifting her head while you smiled wide, “You’re gonna be amazing.” “I know.” You rolled your eyes while a coy smile lifted her lips, focusing back on your eggs. “What about everyone else?” “Me and Wannie are going shopping!” You smiled at the two, knowing Seulgi was overjoyed after Wendy came back to the dorms, the feeling of her soulmate missing weighing down on her but the smile on her face now was priceless, irreplaceable and you were happy that they finally had eachother back.

“Hyun unnie what about you?” The older woman pouted, thinking for a bit as her hands rested against the back of your chair making you lean back and look up at her, “I’ll probably get some groceries for the house? Read a book too? I’m just gonna be at home today.” You smiled softly, nodding your head at her.

“Hanny and I are gonna be doing a tour of Seoul so… yeah!” “Just be careful when you’re out idiot.” You smiled at Yeri, sipping your juice, “Everyone knows I have standards, no way would I be seen with someone as ugly as him.” He rolled his eyes, stuffing his face with eggs, “You’re just jealous!” “Eat with your mouth closed!” You kicked him under the table, the boy letting out a groan as he jumped in his seat slightly.

Time passed, Irene lounging around while the others left to get on with their plans, you and Hanny holed up in your room, the boy on your desk, working on some homework while you layed on your bed, laptop resting on your thighs as you scrolled through your phone, replying to Chaeyoung’s texts, smiling to yourself at how cute she could be.

You peeked up, seeing Hanny scrolling through his phone, “Oi, focus on work!” He huffed, dropping his phone before turning to you, “You’re on your phone too!” “Ok but I’ve graduated.” He mocked you, sticking his tongue out making you giggle.

“Alright, both of us work until twelve, three hours is enough for you to get your work done right?” He scrolled through his laptop, checking all of his deadlines before nodding at you, “Yeah more than enough.”  “Ok, focus completely until twelve, then we get dressed and we’ll head out.”

He nodded, both of you agreeing to toss your phones to the side and completely focused on being productive. Soft classical music playing in the background, your head swaying slightly as you scrolled through your emails, trying to prepare for the upcoming month, on top of album releases, you were also trying to get your own group’s comeback prepared.

With the company up a certain group’s this year, most of the other artists either barely got any promotion for their comeback or got their comeback pushed back and as much as you loved most of the guys, certain members just rubbed you the wrong way.

While you felt guilty in the beginning, thinking that it was maybe just jealousy after being on an unpronounced hiatus, you found out many of the other idols felt the same way. With a sigh, you scrolled through the songs that were sent back, being declined.

You scrolled through, two songs you really wanted to release making your mind freeze up, quickly going over a list of groups in your head before you grinned. Drafting up an email for two certain companies, purposing the idea of having the songs on their albums before sending a sample.

You got that done with, moving onto the next matter at hand as you looked over business emails, focusing on the organization as you sent over details for the opening press conference you’d be holding.

You ran your hands through your hair, realizing more than an hour had passed, looking up to see your brother completely immersed in his work, typing away at his laptop. You smiled, turning back to your laptop as you got refocused. Using the time left to focus on the organization and schools you were planning.

Three hours passed in a flash, both of you groaning as the alarm went off, stretching your limbs after taking off your reading glasses, slowly getting up while Hanny reached for his phone, “I’m gonna shower, so we’ll head out in about an hour?” He nodded, scrolling through his contacts, “I’m just gonna call Haru to see how she is.”

You sent him a smirk making him roll his eyes, “Don’t.” You giggled, leaving him to head into the bathroom to wash up.

The day moved on quick, both of you showered and dressed, you in your usual choice of colour, wearing your simple black sweater with a puffer jacket on top and baggy black jeans that you had painted over, random phrases and doodles covering the legs before you put on a beanie, finishing up by wearing some jewelry as you filled in the piercings on your ears and layered a few more necklaces on top of the two you were already wearing.

You slipped on your docmartens and grabbed a baguette bag, taking a final look in the mirror as you fixed your beanie, Hanny borrowing some of your clothes as he stood next to you, wearing a baggy white shirt underneath a knitted red sweater vest, the leather jacket Yeri got you on top and some black cargo pants, air jordans on his feet as he fixed his hair up a bit, “Is that one of my rings?”

He looked down, showing his fingers, some adorning his own and his pinky holding your simple silver ring, “No?” You rolled your eyes, nudging him before walking out, “Unnie we’re heading out!”

She looked up away from her book, waving at the two of you, “Have fun!” “Do you want anything? We’ll get it before we come back.” She shook her head, smiling softly, “You two go, make sure to stay covered.”

You nodded, Hanny putting on a mask while you quickly went over to hug Irene and kiss the side of her head.

She hummed, patting your while you grabbed one of your cameras as you moved away, you and Hanny walking to the bus station that was near, “So where are we headed first?” “Arcade so I can show you how you still can’t beat me in anything, then we can just roam around a bit then head to dinner?” He rolled his eyes, pushing you with his shoulder while you smiled under your mask.

You both reached the bus stop, taking a seat on the bench as you waited, seeing the empty area you smiled as you took off your camera, setting it up away from the two of you before running back, “Pose !”

His eyes widened as you fell on top of him, your legs in the air while smiling at the c

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Hey yall, just wanted to say thanks for 700 subs. It truly means a lot and i know updates are kinda slow these days but im trying my best and i hope you enjoy them :))) anyways i love you guys and I'll try my best to make sure i dont disappoint you


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FinalStand #1
Chapter 37: I hope you are well. I just wanted to say again how much I love this story. Would love for more if you ever wanted to write again or am happy with how it ended should you chose not to continue but above all of that thank you for sharing this story with us
Chapter 37: Woow good story, and I hope you'll continue this author-nim, thanks for the story btw~
FinalStand #3
Chapter 37: I love this story. Thank you so much for sharing it. Would love to see more of it in the future. Hope you are well
Reinstalled this app just to reread this amazing storyyyyyy.
82 streak #5
Chapter 37: I miss this 😭
82 streak #6
Chapter 37: Cannn't waitttt
Latte908 #7
Chapter 37: I’m waiting for the couple to move in tgt.
Chapter 37: Hey hey heyyy!! Welcome baaaaccckkkk!!! 🥳🥳🥳 I’m still curious to how y/n would handle everything so please please pleaasseeeeeeeee continue writing cuz I’ll be waiting 🥺
4bpiya #9
Chapter 36: Aaaah didn't know i needed that twice interaction!
Chapter 36: I CAUGHT UP AGAIN LMAOO!! Slice of life chapter was *chefs kiss*