Doubtful Thoughts

After Party
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Hyejoo stared at you from the corner of her eye, your eyes attentive while your lips were set in a thin line, nodding along as the PR team spoke, “You don’t have to worry about the stocks, ever since your little stunt in the morning they rose up by 30% but actions like this won’t be looked over in the future…” You nodded once again, still silent just like you had been throughout the whole meeting, it didn’t help that Sooman was quiet too, only observing how everyone was acting.

“Moving forward, you won’t be attending group activities for around a month.” Your eyes widened, the thought of not being with your members making your heart clench, about to speak up before you saw Hyejoo subtly shake her head, immediately shutting up and just nodding, “You’ll have to stay off social media as well, you can take the time given to…” the PR team shared a look, wondering what would be the best choice of words to use, “Well you can work on yourself. Think of it as personal leave.”

Your heart started beating, the last thing you wanted was free time, you wanted to drown yourself in work, distract yourself from everything that was waiting for you outside these doors, the pitiful gazes, the worried glances, people disregarding you as an attention-, your whole reputation in shambles.

But with a nod, you accepted their terms, “We’ll handle the public, you take care of yourself, make sure not to do anything attention worthy and just stay inside the dorms or maybe you could head back to Daegu and stay with your family, I’m sure your mother must be worried.” Your eye twitched, quickly curling your lips as you nodded at them again.

A sigh was heard from the head of the PR team, the man looking around, “Does anyone have any questions left?” Everyone looked around before you cleared your throat, sitting up and drawing their attention, voice quiet, “If… if I wanted to come to the company… use some of the facilities here. Would that be allowed?”

Everyone’s eyes were wide, sharing glances, before he cleared his throat, “While that would be allowed, you would need to be very careful while entering, making sure no one outside the company sees you. But I do think it’s in best interest that you take time off-”

Sooman stretched his arms, letting out a loud groan before he relaxed, everyone nervous while keeping their eyes trained on his figure, “I think she’s heard enough, don’t draw attention right? She’s a grown woman, stop treating her like a child. She’s the company’s biggest asset if you didn’t realize, even a hint of her not being a part of SM entertainment made our stocks drop to the lowest they’ve been in history and the news that she’s continued to stay with us made them peak the highest they’ve ever been. I think it would do us all some good if we show her the respect she’s earned.”

Your eyes were wide, glancing to Hyejoo as the woman held a shocked face herself, both of you frozen, mind lagging while trying to process the situation, “She’s not an idiot, she knows what’s waiting for her. It’s our duty, well more specifically, your duty, to make sure the media doesn’t get out of hand. She grew up in these buildings, she owns a high percentage of our stocks herself, she could be a board member if she wanted. If I see even one rude or disrespectful comment towards her outside or even within these buildings, I will personally handle it myself and make sure those people’s faces are known around the nation.”

The PR team and management was shocked, heads down as the air in the room grew thick, Hyejoo looked around before nudging her leg at you, quickly shooting your head down to try and follow everyone’s actions, swallowing the lump in your throat while your heart drummed against your chest, “Now if everyone could leave, I would like to speak with Y/N alone…”

They all nodded, standing up quickly as they bowed before leaving the room, Hyejoo and you about to sit back down before Sooman cleared his throat, “Hyejoo, that includes you.” The woman grew nervous, stealing a look at you making the older man smile, “Don’t worry, I won’t scold her.”

She slowly got up, squeezing your hand before bowing to him and taking her leave. With just the two of you left, the air thickened even more, to the point where you were struggling to breathe properly, mind running fast as your hands became shaky, quickly hiding them underneath the table, daring not to meet his eyes.

He let out a sigh, sitting up from his relaxed position, “Come here Y/N…” He patted the seat next to him, slowly getting up and taking the seat he pushed open for you.

“Now… I know you’re not gonna stop working.” You smiled sheepishly, closing your eyes tightly out of embarrassment while nodding at him. “Well in knowing that, I also want you to take a break from the industry, even for a short while.” “But my membe-” “Y/N-ah… your members are gonna be there. I won’t take them away from you.”

You nodded, letting out a breath before sitting back, the main worry in your head taken away.

“Now, tell me about this organization you’re starting.” Your eyes widened, clearing your throat, “Ah… I’m starting… well it’s for abused children… we’ll offer them a place to stay, almost like an orphanage but we’ll give them all facilities, take care of them… Offer them opportunities they wouldn’t be able to reach in their households….” “And how’s that going so far?” “Well, we’ve partnered with the police and created protocols, the only problem so far is schooling… it’s hard to fund and since it’s a non-profit it’s even harder… I have partners that are invested but given the fact that we’d want to give the kids all equal opportunities it’s a bit… difficult.” “I know you were building schools around the country in the past…”

You blushed, nodding at him, “I had to put that project on hold due to… unforeseen circumstances.”

He already knew the reason you stopped funding was because your father’s hospital bills were increasing with time, in fact he knew more about you than you knew, he knew why you were passionate about your organization, he knew you were supporting your family, he knew the only reason you wouldn’t stop working and continuously invested and made businesses was because you were supporting not only your family but others in need to, you could’ve had your own construction company with the amount of houses you built for families you helped in the past. You had grown up while he was still in charge of the company, he had seen you flourish, seen the way your mind worked, grow into your own self, he could also tell you weren’t complete yet, the way your mind battled against itself, self-doubt embedded into every thought you had.

“How far did you get? With the schools I mean…” “Well… we finished with the buildings, it was just in terms of getting everything started, like… make it actually functioning.”

He nodded, leaning back into his seat, “Well… what if I said I wanted to partner with you?” Your eyes widened, not sure on what to say as you fell speechless, “I’m sure you know about SM institute.” You nodded, waiting for him to continue, “Well, we have a plethora of facilities and a database of teachers who are more than experienced. If you would let me, I want to partner to get the schools running and establish them as well as invest in your organization to further build more branches throughout the nation and start things in motion…”

Your mind was frozen, feeling like everything was a fever dream, Lee Sooman was smiling at you while basically giving you a business proposal that could set all your plans in full motion.

You slowly sat up, letting out a shaky breath while trying to clear your head and get into the business mindset you used, “See the only problem with that it, I don’t want my schools to be associated with SM institute, they’re not meant to be schools specifically for performing arts and music. I want to give these kids a normal life unless they themselves want to go on this road. That’s why I want to have the best programs available, not only for music and liberal arts but towards science and literature and well… everything really.” He smiled, nodding understandingly, “You don’t have to worry about that, I’m not investing as SM, I’m investing as Lee Sooman…”

“I would need to see how much you’re willing to invest and also want you’d be bringing to the table but I can think over your proposal sir…” His smile grew, letting out a little chuckle, “Well before you leave, I have another proposal for you.” You let out a soft oh, nodding at him to continue, “Well, the president had contacted me about a campaign promoting mental health… and I chose you as the main face.” Your mouth fell open, eyes wide making him laugh before you composed yourself, a blush on your cheeks, “Well- I- Uh-” “Take a breath Y/N…” “I mean sir… there’s other idols who would be better don’t you think. Taeyeon Unnie, Baekhyun Oppa? Maybe-” “Other idols will be a part of it, but for the launch I want you promoting it, and on top of that I think we could also implement it into your own schools and organization…” You quirked a brow, not sure on what he meant.

“How so…”

He shook his head, patting your hand, “I’m sure you’re tired, we can discuss this all tomorrow.” You nodded, leaning back, confusion still evident, “I’ll send Hyejoo details, and try not to be late, the president doesn’t really like waiting.”

Your mouth fell open, blinking comically at him, “The- the pres- the president?” “He wants to hold a meeting with you, so I offered that he come tomorrow morning.” You nodded slowly, following his lead as he stood up, about to bow before he stopped you, pulling you into a hug, “It’ll be alright kid… Be that strong girl I saw years ago… she’s still in there…” You gripped onto his blazer, nodding into his shoulder, “Now come on, I’m sure your members are waiting for you.”

He patted your head, leading you outside to where your brother, Sooyoung, Yeri with Hyejoo were waiting, he bid you bye, your mind still stuck frozen as you turned to them.

You were cuddled up to Seulgi, the older girl holding you close while everyone busied themselves, the whole day you were passed around between members and coddled like a baby, hell even Yeri was being extra nice and the attention was starting to weird you out, completely taken out of your comfort zone after being taken care of for a few hours.

Haneul was stuck doing homework in your room while Yeri left for her shoot with Burberry, Sooyoung and Wendy gone to pick up Haetnim from her friend’s house while Irene was ironing clothes in the laundry room.

Seulgi was playing with your hair while you watched the anime you put on, the girl braiding locks of your hair lazily, knotting it and tying it up, some locks made into tiny buns but at this point you just let her have her fun, “Where’s Lulu and Lala..?” “My friend’s gonna pick them up from the vet and drop them off soon probably…” “Why were they at the vet?” Seulgi pouted, continuing to play with your hair, “They needed to get vaccinated and stuff but the appointment was the same time you’d probably come back so I asked her to keep them since yesterday…” You pouted, feeling sorry for the little kittens, “Are they fine?” “Yeah, she said they fell asleep so she’d drop them off at around six…”

You hummed, both of you falling back into a comfortable silence, “Unnie can we paint?” She peeked up immediately at your question, getting excited at the thought, “Really?” “I haven’t properly painted in a while… I miss it.” She smiled, quickly getting up and dragging you to her room, a smile on your face before you caught sight of yourself in the mirror, feet planting on the tiled floor making Seulgi lurch back and fall into your arms. Your eyes twitching while your mouth hung open, slowly shifting your gaze at her as she held an innocent smile.

On one side you had an awkward, terribly done messy bun, random dutch braids placed sporadically, and strands flew all around, “UNNIE!”

She got out of your arms, running into her room while giggling, Irene running into the living room with the iron in her hand, eyes wide while panting heavily, “What! WHAT HAPPENED!”

fell open slowly, blinking her eyes as she stared at you, her mind not believing the sight in front of her, staring at her with the cutest frown while your brows furrowed, cheeks puffing out. A feeling of nostalgia taking over her, the memories of you as a teenager flowing through her mind, when Yeri would tease you or when Seulgi would force you to run another dance routine with her, when Sooyoung would steal your food or when Wendy wouldn’t give you the hugs you asked for.

You were still the same stupid kid she met back then, still running to whine to your unnies.

“Seulgi Unnie messed up my hair!” She pressed her lips together, nostrils flaring as a snort left her lips, quickly covering , “Unnie I swear to god if you laugh!”

Seulgi came running back, a camera to her eye as she pointed it to you and Irene, quickly snapping the photo of you glaring at her, while Irene had a big smile on her face, iron still in her hand in the background, “I’m gonna kill you Unnie.”

She smiled at you, wiggling her brows, “Aww is the puppy mad!” Irene shaking her head, “Seulgi-ah, I’ll prepare you’re funeral casket.” Seulgi’s face fell, Irene walking back to the laundry room leaving the two of you while the side of your lip curled up, goosebumps rising on her skin at the look in your eye, “Yah Y/N-ah… my baby… I was playing… you know that right?” You slowly walked towards her, still not saying a word, “Y/N…. Y/N!”

You took the camera from her hands, carefully setting it aside before turning back to her, her lips set in a scared smile while a sigh left yours. Within a second, hoisting her over your shoulder, the older girl letting out a scream as she kicked her legs in the air, landing a rough slap on her , the sound echoing through the empty dorm making Irene shake her head, folding the last piece of clothing before the doorbell rang quickly opening it to meet Seulgi’s friend holding her cats, the woman greeting Irene with a bow, “Hi unnie, can you tell Seulgi I dropped by, I can’t stay but here you go, doctor said they’re completely healthy too.”

Irene nodded, taking the toybag Seulgi gave before holding the kittens, “Are you sure you can’t stay? Any water or food before you leave? Seulgi’s inside.” She shook her head, smiling softly, “I’m sure you guys are spending time with Y/N… I wouldn’t wanna intrude, tell the kid I say hi.” Irene smiled at her, bidding eachother bye before closing the door.

She was about to move back before the doorbell rang again, her brows furrowing, before moving back, carefully opening up the door to be greeted by the rest of your members and Blackpink standing there with smiles on their faces, “Might have picked up a few familiar faces on the way home.” She shuffled them in, her eyes wide, “The boys are coming too but they’re finishing up with schedules.”

She nodded, a scream of her name catching everyone’s attention, running towards the living room only to see you spinning around like an idiot with Seulgi still hanging over your shoulder, the girl screaming for help while you kept laughing, “Y/N!”

You immediately stopped, turning around with a pout on your face before you smiled when noticing everybody, “YOU GUYS ARE BACK!” “Put me down you dog!”

You glared at Seulgi… well her to be more precise, before tossing her on the couch, her little body bouncing a bit as she panted, “She started it!”

You pointed at her accusingly, pout on your face as you furrowed your brows, the girls confused by the unbelievable scene while your members just rolled their eyes, moving to set their things down, “I literally just made your hair funny!” “It’s completely knotted now!” You and Seulgi glared at eachother, Irene shaking her head at the two of you, “Yah we have guests now! Leave this for later.”

You both pouted, the girls of blackpink still in shock from what was happening around them, two of the strongest, most confident performers in the industry acting like cute kids in front of them.

“Sorry unnie…” “Sorry Y/N.” You shared a look before turning to Irene, the girl immediately recognizing that scheming look the two of you held, “I will break all your bones and make you eat them if you even think about it.”

Your faces fell, gulping the lump in your throats while nodding to her, Seulgi quickly grabbing your hand and leading you into her room to escape the glare Irene was sending the two of you. She let out a sigh, shaking her head at the two of you making Jennie hug her, the girl giggling, “I hate those two.”

They all slowly settled down, your dorm becoming a second home to them as they began talking about their schedules, you coming back with normal hair, ruffling it slightly and Seulgi trailing behind you, getting settled next to Lisa as the two began playing with the little kittens while you moved to sit underneath Chae, resting against the bottom of the couch while the girl moved her legs to sit over your shoulders, wrapping her arms around your neck to give you a kiss on the top of your head before leaning back..

Haetnim running over to get settled on your lap making you giggle at how cute she was acting, petting her with a smile on your face, “How are you doing though?” Your eyes shot to Jisoo, the girl quirking a brow at you, “I mean… I’ve been harassed with hugs, kisses and food so I guess pretty good.” You smiled, teeth peeking out just a bit while your cheeks bunched up making the older girl roll her eyes, “You were meant to get me chicken and come over!” “I didn’t know you guys were coming! But I was gonna text Lisa anyways that I can’t stop by.” “What? Why?! We were gonna take you to ours after!” You giggled a bit, letting out a breath, “I got an early morning tomorrow so it wouldn’t have worked out.” “Aren’t they giving you a break?” “Yeah they are…” “So then how do you have an early morning tomorrow?!”

You sighed, leaning into Chaeyoung’s thigh slightly, “I have a hair appointment at five and then I have a meeting with Sooman Sajangnim and the president.” Seulgi quirked a brow, casually continuing the conversation while the girls of Blackpink’s faces dropped, mouth wide open while staring at you with incredulous eyes, “Why do you have a hair appointment?” “Oh, I’m dying it back to black, it just feels off to have like, blonde with black streaks and meet the president you know? Not formal enough. Plus my roots are coming in so it’s about time.” “YOU’RE WHAT!”

Haetnim jumped at Lisa’s shout, a pout forming on your face as you cuddled the dog, calming her down before glaring at Lisa, “Yah, don’t be so loud. Hanny’s studying inside.” “Ok fine! You’re what!”  She whispered aggressively, making you shrug your shoulders, “My roots?” “No you idiot!” “Then what am I whating!?” “You can’t just say you’re having a meeting with the president and Lee Sooman casually and expect us not to be confused!”

You groaned, pursing your lips cutely while your brows furrowed, “Why does everyone keep reacting like that? You’re acting like we didn’t chill with Kim Jong-un! He literally said he was a fan of Rene- unnie! Do you know how scary that was! We’ve all been through weird !” Everyone grew speechless, Yeri letting out a snort while shaking her head at you, your eyes wide, letting out a groan before bringing Haetnim up to your face, “Haetnim I swear these girls are stupid aren’t they.” “Yah! I’m one of those girls.” Chaeyoung smacked you on the back of your head, gaining a sheepish smile from you, “Not you baby you’re special.” She rolled her eyes, settling back down while trying to hide her smile from you.

The conversation continued, letting Haentim go as the dog jumped out of your lap.

Lisa moved towards you, laying down and setting her head on your lap making you quirk a brow at her, “What’s the meeting about?” “They wanna run over some things with me, a few business proposals and stuff.” She hummed, prodding you on, “About?” “I’ll tell you later…” She pouted but nodded, the both of you listening into the other conversations taking place, time passing quickly.

“I’m gonna go check on Hanny, the kid’s been wor

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Hey yall, just wanted to say thanks for 700 subs. It truly means a lot and i know updates are kinda slow these days but im trying my best and i hope you enjoy them :))) anyways i love you guys and I'll try my best to make sure i dont disappoint you


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FinalStand #1
Chapter 37: I hope you are well. I just wanted to say again how much I love this story. Would love for more if you ever wanted to write again or am happy with how it ended should you chose not to continue but above all of that thank you for sharing this story with us
Chapter 37: Woow good story, and I hope you'll continue this author-nim, thanks for the story btw~
FinalStand #3
Chapter 37: I love this story. Thank you so much for sharing it. Would love to see more of it in the future. Hope you are well
Reinstalled this app just to reread this amazing storyyyyyy.
81 streak #5
Chapter 37: I miss this 😭
81 streak #6
Chapter 37: Cannn't waitttt
Latte908 #7
Chapter 37: I’m waiting for the couple to move in tgt.
Chapter 37: Hey hey heyyy!! Welcome baaaaccckkkk!!! 🥳🥳🥳 I’m still curious to how y/n would handle everything so please please pleaasseeeeeeeee continue writing cuz I’ll be waiting 🥺
4bpiya #9
Chapter 36: Aaaah didn't know i needed that twice interaction!
Chapter 36: I CAUGHT UP AGAIN LMAOO!! Slice of life chapter was *chefs kiss*