Talk To Me

After Party
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You and her sat quietly in the car, heading back to your dorms after checking out of the hotel, Chaeyoung snuggled up against your chest, partition up and bags in the trunk. You looked down, seeing her droopy eyes as she let out soft breaths, fawning over how cute she looked but also concerned knowing she had busy days ahead of her, “Are you sure you don’t wanna just head to your place?”

She shook her head softly, mumbling into your skin as she pressed her forehead to your chest for a second, “The girls are already there so we’ll probably chill for a bit and then head home…” “Atleast take a nap, I’ll wake you up when we reach…”

She peeked up at you, a pout on her lips, “Are you sure?” You smiled softly, leaning down to leave a kiss on her head, “Ofcourse… just close your eyes and rest…”

She let out a little thank you, listening to your steady heartbeat while your thumb drew soft circles on her hip, keeping her close to you as you leaned your head back, mind going back to a few hours ago, both of you staring at eachother in the hotel room.

She could tell you grew nervous, her own heart beating against her chest as she slowly reached her hand out, offering it to you making you giggle as you grabbed both her hands in your own, bringing them up to your lips as you left a small peck on each one, giving a small squeeze before letting them rest between you two, “Ok?” “Ok…”

Truth was, she didn’t know where to start. There was so much she wanted to ask, does she start with your mom? Does she talk about your family? Does she ask about your childhood? Does she ask about what pushed you to take the leap? Does she talk about why you are the way that you are? Does she tell you how you broke her? How she has so many sleepless nights cause she can’t stop thinking about the fact that you may not be there tomorrow? Does she ask what’s going through your head? Doe she ask about how you’re really feeling? Would you lie to her again? Would you brush it under the rug or change the subject like you usually do? Does she-


She snapped out of her thoughts, meeting your round eyes as you stared at her with slightly furrowed brows, lips in a thoughtful pout, concern evident in your expression as you stared at her.

“How are you?” “Huh.” You quirked a brow, a confused smile on your face, growing even more disordered when you saw how serious Chaeyoung was, “I’m fine… how are you Chaeyoung?” “I’m serious.” Your eyes widened and she could see how uncomfortable you were, her heart pattering inside while watching you, “And so am I?” “Y/N.” You giggled, eyes still wide while looking at her, “What? I’m fine? What do you want me to say!”

She sighed, slipping her hands out of yours as she covered her face. Your smile fell, a frown drawing on your face as you scooted closer, starting to shake as you tapped her knee, fear building in you as you swallowed the lump in your throat, “Chae… Come on… Just tell me what to say?”

She took in a deep breath, taking her hands away from her face. Your heart dropping when you saw how tired she looked, her eyes barely open, her lips curved down.

“Y/N you told me to move on and tried taking your life…”

You stilled, heart stopping as her eyes met yours, growing quiet, unconsciously scratching your nape as you grew even more uncomfortable, “I thought we moved past that…” Her brows furrowed, mouth falling open, your heart dropping as she grew annoyed, “Are you joking?”

Your eyes weren’t meeting hers, growing small after hearing her snappy tone, your throat constricting up, pulling and scratching the skin on the edge of your nail. You could hear her sigh, pushing her hair out of her face as she took another second to collect her thoughts, “I’m sorry… I’m sorry. It’s just… why did you- why…?”

You subtly shrugged your shoulders, wanting to get this conversation over with as you cleared your throat, “It wasn’t anything specific… it just go the point where I gave up…” Chaeyoung just stared, no reaction to your words making you even more nervous, one thought on her mind that kept digging at her brain.

“Was it cause of me?”

Your eyes widened, head shooting up to finally meet her regretful eyes, staring at you with her lips set in a thin line, roles switching as she became small, “Chaeyoung ofcourse not!”

You shuffled closer, grabbing her hands and squeezing them tightly, “It’s not your fault, it was never your fault. I’m just an idiot! I’m sorry I’m stupid! I swear I don’t know how you deal with me!” You saw her lip curl up just a bit, heart calming down, “You are pretty stupid…”

You smiled softly, “Come here.” pulling at her hands making her sit up a bit as she shuffled closer, settling into your lap while your arms moved to wrap around her, “Why would you think that idiot?” She landed her head on your shoulder, mumbling out words as you listened carefully, “It’s just… we broke up and then… I acted like an idiot with Jaehyun and… and I-” “Chae.” “It’s just-” “Chaeyoung.” She grew quiet, moving away and meeting your eyes, her arms resting on your shoulders as you pulled her closer from the small of her back.

You let out a sigh, biting your lip in thought, eyes shifting away from her as you grew shy, voice quiet under her gaze, “When we… broke up…” You let out a hum, tilting your head to the side unconsciously before clearing your throat, “I’m not gonna lie to you and say it wasn’t… difficult.”

You took a pause, Chaeyoung waiting for you patiently as you formed your words out as best as you could, “You… you’re like…” You let out a sigh, growing frustrated again as you let out a whine, Chaeyoung giggling as a small smile grew on her face, “Come on, you got this.” Your lip curled up at her words, closing your eyes as you flopped your head back, leaning on the couch.

“It’s like… you… you have this hold on me… and… it’s really scary…” A blush crossed on her face, swallowing the lump in before she spoke quietly, “Why is it scary?” You let out a breathy giggle, eyes still closed as your head tilted back, “You literally have no idea how much power you have over me…”

She grew quiet, her heart stopping at your words as you peeked your eyes open to get a look at her, smile growing before you let out a sigh, “What’s that supposed to mean?” You shook your head, cheeks heating up as you took your hands away from her hips to cover your eyes.

“I don’t even know what I’m saying…” “Continue.” “Chae!” She smiled when you whined cutely a blush on your cheeks, your eyes still closed, refusing to meet her own while her voice stayed calm and quite, soothing almost as she beckoned you to continue, “What do you mean by that?”

You sighed, arms flopping to the ground as you rested your head against her chest, mumbling into her skin as your nerves grew, voice going small once again as your chest constricted up, throat tightening while trying to swallow your spit, whole body tense in her arms that usually brought you so much comfort, “You just… You… I don’t wanna say the wrong thing and scare you with how weird I sound.” She giggled, her fingers brushing through your locks, nails soothingly scratching against your scalp, “You won’t scare me…”

“You just… You mean so much to me… to the point where… I would literally do anything for you… and that’s really scary… Cause… it’s like- people leave… a lot of people leave me… And I just have this nagging thought… where… you’ll like? You’re gonna end up leaving me too just like everyone else…”

Silence consumed the two of you, Chaeyoung’s heart cracking as she froze at your words, “You think I’m gonna leave you?” “Everyone does at one point…” She cupped your cheeks, pulling your head up to make you look at her, eyes hooded, tiredness evident while your lips set in a line, the ends slightly turned downwards, that pain she felt before coming back again as her heart clenched.

“Y/N I love you… I want to be with you.” You grew a small smile, shaking your head subtly, “I ed up once… I’ll do it again probably… you’re gonna get hurt in the end and leave me…” “That wasn’t your fault…” “Wasn’t it? I lied to you and everything blew up in my face… I was the one that hurt you.”

She grew quiet, dropping her head down to rest her forehead against yours, “We’ve both messed up… that’s what happens in a new relationship… we kinda rushed into it right? And there were a lot of feelings being felt.” You giggled, nodding against her as your eyes closed, “We can get through anything ok? You’re amazing, I’m amazing, and together we’re extra amazing!” You giggled again, pulling her as close as possible, “I’m sorry for hurting you… I won’t ever do it again.” “Just don’t hide things from me… I’m always here for you, you know that right?” You nodded against her skin, your arms wrapped around her tightly, gripping onto her.

“I love you and I wanna be with you… I want to see you achieve amazing things cause I know you will, I want you to listen to my songs and tell me what you think about them, tell me you like them. I wanna hear you sing and listen to your music, watch you dance whether it’s on the stage or in a studio or just in the living room… I just wanna see you happy… I wanna make that happen.”

You had a blush on your cheeks, Chaeyoung staring at you with the most loving eyes you almost thought you were dreaming, your lips falling apart as you grew speechless, her thumb softly caressing your cheek as a smile pulled at her lips, before she watched your face fall for a second.

“I don’t want you to feel responsible over that… You shouldn’t have to care for me…” Chaeyoung sighed, tilting her head cutely, “Do you take care of me?” You pouted, brows furrowing, “I hope I do…” She giggled, leaning down to plant a kiss on your nose before leaning back, “You do idiot. And I wanna take care of you too.” “But-” She shushed you, your pout stuck on your face as you glared at her cutely, “It’s my choice, no matter how much you don’t want me to, I want to take care of you, all those pressures you have, all that stress, all the worries in your mind, I’m gonna take them away and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

You smiled softly, staring into her eyes as the lights reflected off of them, hues of golden and brown blending beautifully as they filed her iris, her giggle interrupting you as she leaned closer, her nose bumping against yours subtly, “You know if you keep looking at me like that I’ll only fall further in love with you…” “Well then I guess I should keep staring shouldn’t I?” She chuckled, her fingers sliding down your jaw before she tilted your chin up, eyes closing before feeling her lips on yours once again, body relaxing under her touch, your head tilting to the side to get closer before the both of you giggled, teeth slightly clashing against eachother before you snuggled into her neck.

“I really am sorry… for everything that’s happened…” “I just want you to see yourself through my eyes… Cause I love you for you… I love you so much… everything about you and that includes both the good and the bad…”

“What if there’s more bad than good…?”

“I know for fact that, that’s not true.” You hummed, hoping she was right…

“The sun’s going down…” You leaned away from her, her head turned to face the windows as the sun slowly began to dip into the horizon, sky painted purple and orange and normally you wouldn’t be able to tear your eyes away from the view but something about the way her eyes twinkled, her jaw pushing against skin while her hair flowed down her back, strands tucked behind her ear, small smile on her lips and her cheeks pushing up drew you in even more, “It’s so pretty isn’t it..?”

You liked it when she spoke in English, her voice was even more soothing if possible, her accent to die for and now it was even better since you actually understood what she was saying.


She turned to you, only now realizing that your eyes were on her, her smile growing shy while her cheeks tinted pink, shaking her head at you, “I was talking about the sunrise.” “And I was talking about you.”

She pecked your nose, a dopey smile growing as you giggled a bit before falling back into silence for a few minutes, the both of you staring outside, sun finally disappearing behind the tall buildings even though it wasn’t that late, a sign of the new season approaching.

You sighed, catching Chae’s attention making her turn to you with a quirked brow, “What’s up?” You stared at her, eyes narrowed suspiciously making her smile, “What?” You sat up a bit, Chaeyoung moving to get comfortable in your lap again, “Ok… Let’s get everything out… Whatever you wanna ask me, ask me. I’ll be as honest as I can, and nothing leaves this room ok?”

Chaeyoung’s eyes widened, slowly nodding as she let out a deep breath, “Ok… anything right?” “Anything.”

You didn’t even notice how much time had passed, the driver stopping before announcing you reached. You thanked him, shaking Chaeyoung awake as she stirred, “Come on, we’re here…” She slowly pulled away from you to stretch her arms before smiling cutely, cupping your face and landing a peck on your lips making your cheeks heat up and eyes widen from the unexpected action.

“Let’s go…”

You nodded at her, your heart warm while getting out of the car, waiting for her to leave before closing the door behind her. You thanked the driver once again, grabbing the bags from his hands before bowing, the older man bidding goodbye as he got back in the car while the both of you quickly shuffled into the building, mindful of keeping yourselves covered.

“Hey give me one, I can carry-” “Nope.” You pressed the elevator button, shifting the two bags to one hand as you used your free hand to grab hers, lifting it up to your lips to place a quick peck before intertwining your fingers, “You’re tired and I want you to rest ok? If you want you can go sleep in my bed and I’ll make sure the girls are quiet…” She rolled her eyes, resting her head against your shoulder once the both of you stepped into the elevator, “Thank you for the offer but Lisa texted me about something happening and I’m not missing out on it.” Your eyes widened while you quirked a brow, looking down at her in question making her smile widen, “You’ll see…”

“That doesn’t help calm me down in anyway.” “It’s fine my love, you worry too much…” You pouted, Chaeyoung stealing another kiss before the elevator dinged, the slightly shorter girl dragging you out with a giggle filling the hallway as it fell from her lips, quickly pressing in the pin code to your dorm making you quirk a brow, “If you know the code why don’t you just help yourself in all the time?” “It’s cuter when you answer the door.” You rolled your eyes, smile playing on your lips as she pulled you and by habit, you let out the usual call to let everyone know you were home, “UNNIES WE’RE HOME!”

You could hear the murmurs stop, Lisa bolting into view first as she jumped on top of the both of you, “That’s for this morning you s!” You and Chae giggled, your body holding her close to make sure Lisa’s weak punches didn’t touch her, “You’re fault for calling at the wrong time.” “Well I’m sorry I wanted to make sure you didn’t Chae to death.” You rolled your eyes, nudging her off of you while Chaeyoung giggled.

The three of you shuffled into the living room, greeting everyone with kisses on their cheeks and hugs, “I’m just gonna drop this in my room and change to something more comfortable…” They nodded, Hanny growing a smirk on his face, “Take your time Noona…” You narrowed your eyes at him, quirking a brow, “And why is that Haneul..?” “No reason…” You both fell into a staring contest the girls rolling their eyes at the two of you before falling into conversation, giggling when you kicked Haneul over before walking to your room, “Don’t pull anything Hanny!” “Wouldn’t dream of it Noona!”

You rolled your eyes, Chaeyoung’s widening before she quickly shot after you, “You guys just spent a day together do you really need to see her again!” Haneul blushed at Lisa’s words while Irene closed her eyes and looked away, shaking her head making the other girls giggle, “I forgot to give her, her actual present idiot!”

The girls giggled, watching Chaeyoung disappear into your room before the door shut behind them.

Your eyes widened at the loud noise, about to slip on your tshirt as you looked at Chaeyoung, “Yes princess?” Her eyes trailed down your body before internally slapping herself, “I- uh- I wanted to give you something.” “Ok…?” You slipped on the shirt, pulling your hair out with your brow quirked, watching her move towards the bag before you connected the dots, remembering the small box you found last night.

She pulled you to the bed, sitting side by side, “So… Cause… I got kinda distracted…” You giggled, nodding at her to continue, “May have forgotten to give you your actual present.” You smiled, rolling your eyes, “It’s ok… why, what did you get me?” “Well, listening to you… I realized roses are very important to you… and have a sentimental value…”

You nodded again, watching her pull out the box in front of the two of you, “And I also know you wear a lot of jewelry, and they have special meanings to you too…” You continued nodding, smile growing as she rambled, cooing internally as she blushed, her eyes shooting over your rings and the necklace your brother gave you just yesterday.

“And my name just happens to be Roseanne or rose for short too…” You giggled, brow quirking up, “As much as I love seeing you be all bashful and shy, where is this going princess?” She took a deep breath, opening up the box, her eyes glued to your face, watching for your reaction and she got one. Your mouth falling open at the simple necklace, white gold chain that twisted in certain areas like vines before your eyes dropped to the small pendent in the center, an upside down rose with two leaves, almost as if it was stemming from the chain, “Chaeyoung it’s beautiful…” “Just like you…” Your eyes shot to her, once again seeing only love while your heart did that weird flippy thingy every time you’d see her.

She pulled it out carefully, setting the box it came in aside before turning back to you, “Turn around…” You smiled, holding up your hair as her arms went around your neck, closing it before placing kisses on your shoulder, “Do you like it?” You smiled turning around to look at her, “I love it… almost as much as I love you…” You pulled her into a hug, thanking her once again as you placed a kiss on her forehead, “Thank you… for everything.” “Now everytime you look at it, you can remember all the people that care for you… and there’s a lot of them ok? Your members, the guys, your brother, your friends, your father and me…” You couldn’t stop the pink tint from taking over your cheeks, something that happened a lot when you were with her.

“Thank you…” She smiled softly, caressing your cheek before leaving a small peck, “You deserve everything and more…” You giggled, leaning closer, “Well all I want is you…”

She smiled, your breath ghosting over her lips before you connected them once again, it wasn’t soft nor too passionate, it was purely full of love and that feeling made the both of you feel at peace, to put simply, you found happiness in eachother that neither of you had ever felt before.

“We should probably head back…” She hummed, resting her forehead on yours with her eyes still closed, before getting one more peck. She smiled in satisfaction, pulling you up from the bed, “I’m just gonna get changed and I’ll come.” “You brought clothes?”

She sent you a smirk, brain connecting the dots once again as you rolled your eyes, “Ofcourse you’re gonna steal my clothes.” “Not my fault they all smell like you and I look cute in them, it’s a win win for me.” You sighed, shaking your head, “Yeah yeah you look good in everything.” She giggled as you pushed the door open, setting yourself down to your brother,

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Hey yall, just wanted to say thanks for 700 subs. It truly means a lot and i know updates are kinda slow these days but im trying my best and i hope you enjoy them :))) anyways i love you guys and I'll try my best to make sure i dont disappoint you


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FinalStand #1
Chapter 37: I hope you are well. I just wanted to say again how much I love this story. Would love for more if you ever wanted to write again or am happy with how it ended should you chose not to continue but above all of that thank you for sharing this story with us
Chapter 37: Woow good story, and I hope you'll continue this author-nim, thanks for the story btw~
FinalStand #3
Chapter 37: I love this story. Thank you so much for sharing it. Would love to see more of it in the future. Hope you are well
Reinstalled this app just to reread this amazing storyyyyyy.
82 streak #5
Chapter 37: I miss this 😭
82 streak #6
Chapter 37: Cannn't waitttt
Latte908 #7
Chapter 37: I’m waiting for the couple to move in tgt.
Chapter 37: Hey hey heyyy!! Welcome baaaaccckkkk!!! 🥳🥳🥳 I’m still curious to how y/n would handle everything so please please pleaasseeeeeeeee continue writing cuz I’ll be waiting 🥺
4bpiya #9
Chapter 36: Aaaah didn't know i needed that twice interaction!
Chapter 36: I CAUGHT UP AGAIN LMAOO!! Slice of life chapter was *chefs kiss*