Speed Dial

After Party
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You smacked your alarm, peeking your head up to make sure no one else woke up. Once Hanny stopped stirring, you let out a breath, slowly lifting yourself up with a breath before rubbing your eyes, tiredly shuffling to the door as you quietly left the room.

You shuffled into the bathroom, quickly going over your routine as you brushed your hair before heading back into the room, using your flashlight to help you as you packed a small bag, neatly folding some outfits and dropping some of your makeup in there before grabbing the already ironed clothes and putting them in the suit bag. You quietly left once again, using the meal plan the doctor gave you to quickly make yourself breakfast, grimacing at the tasteless mush in front of you gobbled it quickly, letting out a cough once you finished before the click of the keypad outside reached your ear.

You looked up, meeting Hyejoo’s tired face making you smile, “Hi unnie!” She squinted, grumbling as she sat down, “How are you up?” “Used to the routine…” She rolled her eyes, moving her hair back, “You ready to go?” You washed up your bowl of finished oatmeal before setting it aside, grabbing your bag while Hyejoo grabbed the suit bag, both of you moving out of the dorms and down to the parking, “What’s the bag for…?” “Nothing… Just needed to give back some stuff to some friends… Hoodies and like shirts…” She squinted her eyes, not convinced but didn’t push further, “Also, you’re gonna need to get a new car…” “What?!” “I went to the police station to see if your car had been towed away but they can’t find it and it’s not in the location either…” You sighed, running a hand over your face as you got into the van, hanging up the suit bag on one of the roof handles as you got into the seat, plugging your phone into charge as you texted Jaewon, the man most likely waking up soon as you told him to meet you at the company in a few hours.

“You have your hair appointment at five, that’ll take around three hours and then we can head to the company, you can get dressed and then have your meeting…” You nodded, letting out a sigh catching her attention as she looked at you in the rear-view mirror, “You ok?” You hummed, rolling your back, “Just a bit nervous…” “What? The president scares you?”

You giggled a bit, sinking into your seat, “I just don’t know what to expect, normally when I’m going into a meeting about business I’m leading it… It’s always just updates or you know? Planning some special event at one of the restaurants and I always collaborate with my partners on those… If it’s about my investments my accountant takes care of that… if it’s with the houses and apartments those are basic landlord things… It kind of works itself… I don’t really have to put a lot of effort in to make sure everything’s moving smoothly… The organization is probably the first time where I’m taking care of everything myself cause it’s special to me so I’m not just going to let anyone invest… but I also can’t be rude to Sooman Sajangnim… and don’t even get me started on the campaign!”

 Hyejoo quirked a brow at you through the rear-view mirror, prodding you to continue, “Unnie just because I’m not on my phone doesn’t mean I don’t know what people are thinking… I tried committing suicide and then had a picnic with fans… it’s not necessarily going to go down well in the media… Doing a campaign with the president about all of this might be deemed as another stunt for attention and may even ruin his reputation.” “Right now you don’t need to focus on the media, right now you need to focus on yourself, they’re not your problem ok?” 

You nodded slowly, slightly zoning out as your mind began to wander, “Y/N-ah…” You snapped back to attention, humming, “Do you wanna meet Minjun…” You groaned at the name, Hyejoo chuckling at your actions, “Do I have to…?” “You asked too!” You smiled softly, whining out, “I know but he’s such an …” After Hyejoo caught you up in the hospital, you knew at one point you’d have to meet the man that thought saving you after you jumped would be the best option.

“He is I can’t deny that…” “Am I allowed to be a ..?” Hyejoo smiled slightly, shaking her head as she pulled up to the salon, intentionally dragging out her words, “No Y/N! That would be terrible of you… How can the sweet maknae of Red Velvet be a ?” “They do say I look like a puppy… Just make some sort of appointment tonight, like ten-thirty, It’ll be like a twenty minutes meeting max.”

She nodded the both of you heading into the empty salon as you greeted your usual hair stylist, the woman gripping onto you, “God kid… You look like .” “Yah! That’s not how you should greet a customer!” She rolled her eyes, moving to bring out the hair dye while Hyejoo took a seat in front of one of the mirrors, the whole place filled with just you three in the early hours of the morning.

She began sectioning your hair, your eyes staring back at yourself as you pursed your lips before smiling at her through the mirror as she began painting over the locks of hair, “How’ve you been..?” “I’m good, just resting…” She hummed, continuing to section off your hair as the both of you fell back into silence for a few minutes, “I’m sorry you were pushed to the point where you had to… you know…” You swallowed back the lump in your throat, smiling at her, “It’s alright… it just got to me… made a mistake I would’ve regretted…” “You better not leave soon, I need my best customer to keep business booming.” “I’m the one that told you to open up the salon in the first place!” She giggled, her hands moving fast as she continued her work diligently.

Hours passing quickly before you stared at yourself in the mirror, hair back to black as she pulled out her kit, “What are we feeling today?” You sighed, tilting your head at different angles, “I’m thinking… semi-mullet? Like a lot of layering, thinned out bangs at the forehead that I can also push to the sides and we can keep the top layer kinda short and blend it into the lower layers, make the length almost mid-back? I need something formal but not boring you know…” She smiled, already liking where this was going, “You got it Ma’am…”

You smiled at her, rolling your eyes as you let her begin her work, Hyejoo joining in on the small talk as you checked for the time, sticking to the schedule as she began snipping your hair. You took a video, zooming in on your face as you posed cutely, “No posting!” You whined at Hyejoo, waving your hand, “I know I know! I’m just sending it to the members…” She calmed down, your fingers moving over your contact as you sent it the groupchat.

Setting it down before letting out a loud groan randomly, the two women sending you a weird look before your stylist continued to do your work, shaking her head just like Hyejoo as the both of them smiled at you, “Weirdo…” “I’m letting out tension.” You smirked wiggling your brows as the older woman shook her head again at your childish antics.

She finished styling your hair, letting it fall into subtle waves as they stopped right at the bottom of your shoulder blades, the layering making it more voluminous as you stared at yourself, looking at it side to side before breaking out into a smile, “It looks amazing!” She smiled at you as you got up, giving her a big hug, “Ok I’ll start up the car, you finish paying and then you can get dressed at the company.” You nodded at Hyejoo, the woman leaving the two of you as she began ringing you up while you pulled out your card.

“Meeting in the morning?” “Yeah, just some new business endeavors…” “Investment or your own thing?” “Someone wants to invest in this project I have, nothing big.” She hummed, handing you back your card, “Well then good luck idiot.” You smiled, hugging her, “Thank you.” “And happy early birthday… I’m happy you’re here.” “It’s tomorrow Unnie!” “It’s not like I’m gonna be there with you! Think of this as your present.” “I paid!” “Oh shutup, you’re rich.” You giggled, nodding at her, “Hope you have a busy day!” “You know I will!” You waved at her while stepping out, quickly moving into the van as you headed towards the company.




You stared at yourself in the mirror, buttoning up your shirt before tucking them into your pants, the slightly loose fitting item flowing down your long legs while your belt cinched it at your waist, you grabbed the matching blazer, putting the tan brown jacket on your shoulders after finishing up your makeup. You gave yourself a final look over, letting out a sigh as you pushed back your hair a bit and fixed your new bangs.

Hyejoo walked in catching your attention, “President’s reaching in about ten minutes, you wanna head in first?” You nodded, grabbing your stuff and shoving it in the lockers, “Wait is Hangmin there?” “Yeah he’s in another meeting room.” You were about to leave before your eyes widened, staring the small tattoo on your finger that matched Jungkook’s, the weird smiley face definitely not the most formal thing to show, “Do I cover it?!” Hyejoo rolled her eyes, grabbing you by your shoulders, “Calm down, you got this. You have this meeting with the president, after that you continue with Lee Sooman and then you’re done ok? His people set over a contract, Hangmin’s looking over it now for legalities, everything’s already set up.” You nodded, taking a deep breath before slowly letting it out, “Alright, come on.”

She led you outside, giving you a subtle squeeze as you walked into the room, taking a seat as your fingers began tapping on the wooden table, you slipped on your reading glasses just in case, the thin frame and wide lenses resting on top of your nose. As time passed, Sooman greeted you, getting up to bow to him as the man sent you a small smile, patting your back before sitting across from you, “Nervous kid?” You giggled, nodding your head, “Just a bit…” “Don’t worry, he’s fan of yours.” You blushed, swallowing the lump in your throat as you let out a sigh, “I can’t really imagine the president listening to Red Flavour.” He let out a laugh, calming down your nerves, “You’d be surprised at how down to earth he can be…” You smiled, hoping his words were true.

Soon enough, a group of people walked in, both of you quickly standing up as his bodyguards shuffled through along with his secretariat, your nerves building again at the amount of people before he walked in with a soft smile on his face, quickly bowing to him as he greeted you, the older man shaking your hand as he patted your shoulder, “It’s an honor sir…” “I’m a big fan Miss Kim…” Your eyes went wide, blush crossing over your cheeks as you freaked out internally, all of you beginning to sit down, comfortably.

“I’m sure Sooman has caught you up with the topic of today’s meeting…” You nodded, pushing your chair in slightly as you cleared your throat, “Ah, yes, but nothing too into detail.” He smiled, nodding to his team as one of s stood up, the older woman handing files to the three of you. You opened it up, seeing the plans they had for this specific campaign as your eyes scanned over the details, the woman clearing to capture everyone’s attention, “What we’re intending to achieve is a higher awareness for mental health, we’ll be implementing programs throughout schools and workplaces mainly and also advertising about mental illnesses as well.”

You cleared your throat, sitting up slightly, “If I may, what would the programs entail exactly? Would it be just a week celebrating the importance of mental health? Are students going to have better access towards therapy or ways to cope with pressures of school? Are the school counselors going to be given importance?” You were staring at the woman presenting, your gaze unwavering, not noticing the smile Lee Sooman himself was sending you or the president looking impressed.

You watched her stutter, shuffling through her notes making you smirk slightly, “I would presume, if you wanted to make this campaign worthwhile and not something just to gain voters, no disrespect intended ofcourse,” You smiled at him, turning back to his team, “You would need to take into account the ways mental health can actually effect the psyche, it’s not always going to be someone who has a frown on their face, nor is it going to be just depression or anxiety. People may suffer from bipolar disorder, manic episodes, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and more. If you do want to commit to raising awareness for mental health then you need to take into account all of those…” The room fell into silence, his team left slightly speechless while a blush grew on your face, “Just something to think about…”

You sat back in your seat, cursing yourself for your outburst internally as you bit your lip, “Well have you?” Your eyes shot to the man next to you, he still had that smile on his face, looking at his team with a quirked brow, “Miss Kim is bringing up many good points, it’s a bit embarrassing we didn’t take these into account.” “Well our original plan was to hold a few assemblies in schools promoting mental health…”

You narrowed your eyes slightly, taking a deep breathe, “Please forgive me if I’m out of line here, ofcourse I don’t know the resources you have or the specifics in the budgeting you’ll be keeping for this, but I think the best way to actually promote with this campaign would be focusing on permanent changes. While we could use your idea of assemblies in schools to help start and introduce the campaign, we could also focus on school therapists or counselors and making sure they actually do their job correctly to help students, you would also need to focus on the workforce since I’m guessing that’s one of the main demographics you’re aiming for in elections?”

You give them a look over before turning back to the notes laid out in front of you, scanning them to see how you could change them or add anything, “By implementing some sort of mandatory psychiatric test in work places or making sure to maintain a certain quality of life for the workers, that could actually help them in some way. You could also add therapy to health benefits or ask insurance companies to cover it if that’s possible… But then again those are just a few ideas!” You nodded at them, keeping your head down as you placed the file on the table in front of you, letting out an awkward cough.

“Well we’d have to look over all of that obviously but those are some great ideas…” Your head quirked up, an awkward smile on your face, “Thank you…” “I think Miss Kim has given us a lot to think about towards this campaign…” You blushed at the president’s words, hoping not to offend him, “I mean, like I said I don’t know, your budgeting and, well much really. Those are just ideas…” You quickly spoke, voice now quiet as you snapped back to reality, the adrenaline that was pumping through you now gone.

“Sir you’ll need to leave soon, you have another meeting and your wife expects you for breakfast.” He smiled softly at his bodyguard, everyone standing up, “Thank you both for joining me at this early hour, we’ll be in contact soon and thank you Miss Kim for sharing your ideas.” You smiled, eyes still wide as you sent a look to Sooman, pinching yourself to see if this was real as you bowed. The man taking his exit before one of his secretariat members tapped you on your shoulder, quickly turning to her as you gave her your undivided attention, confused on the growing blush on her face, “Uh- Here- Here’s the number we’ll be calling you from, it was nice meeting you.” You bowed back at her, watching her scurry off before looking at the slip of paper, your eyes widening when the realization dawned on you, you just got a direct line to the president…

“Before we begin our meeting, I’ll just head to the bathroom for a second Y/N…” You nodded at him, hearing the door close before your head shot up again. You now have a meeting with thee Lee Sooman.

Hyejoo walked in, stopping when she saw you staring at nothing, brows furrowed and eyes wide while gripping the thin slip of paper, lips drawing down as you blinked, “Y/N?” Your eyes shot to her, still not completely processing everything, “You good kid?” “Unnie… I got the president on speed-dial…” Her face cracked, mouth falling open, blinking just like you, “What do you mean?” “I literally just got the president’s number on speed-dial!” You let out a laugh, smile finally breaking onto your face, “Y/N you’re joking right?”

You waved the piece of paper at her, shoving it in her face as she snatched it away, looking at the numbers as you paced around, a hand running through your hair, “Y/N…” You froze, looking back at her, “You got the ing president on speed-dial!” “I got the president on speed-dial!” The both of you hugged jumping around while squealing, processing everything that just happened before a knock interrupted you, quickly breaking apart as Hangmin peeked his head in, eyes wide, fixing your clothes and hair as you put a commercial smile on your face, “Hi Miss Kim…” “Hangmin! Come in!”

You swallowed the lump in your throat, the man bowing to Hyejoo as he sat down at the table, the two of you sharing a look, “Give me a second, I’ll come right back…” He nodded at you, turning back to his papers while you and Hyejoo shuffled outside, slowly closing the door before you squealed, jumping around like an idiot for a few seconds before stopping, smoothing over your clothes as you let out a breath, calming yourself down.

“Did I do good unnie?”

She smiled, rolling her eyes as she calmed down herself, “You did amazing kid…” You had a huge smile on your face, taking a deep breath as you rolled back your shoulders, tilting your head side to side as you hopped a bit, “Ok I got this meeting and then I’m done.” “Yeah I can drop you home.” “I’m sure you’ll be busy, I can just ask one of the other managers.” “You sure kid?” “Yeah yeah, don’t worry about it.”

You both shared a hug before you moved back into the meeting room, quickly sending a text to Yeri before you greeted your lawyer properly, sitting down next to him with a small smile on your face, “Uhm… how have you been Miss Kim?” “I’m good, just need to get back into the routine you know?” He smiled, nodding hi

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Hey yall, just wanted to say thanks for 700 subs. It truly means a lot and i know updates are kinda slow these days but im trying my best and i hope you enjoy them :))) anyways i love you guys and I'll try my best to make sure i dont disappoint you


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FinalStand #1
Chapter 37: I hope you are well. I just wanted to say again how much I love this story. Would love for more if you ever wanted to write again or am happy with how it ended should you chose not to continue but above all of that thank you for sharing this story with us
Chapter 37: Woow good story, and I hope you'll continue this author-nim, thanks for the story btw~
FinalStand #3
Chapter 37: I love this story. Thank you so much for sharing it. Would love to see more of it in the future. Hope you are well
Reinstalled this app just to reread this amazing storyyyyyy.
82 streak #5
Chapter 37: I miss this 😭
82 streak #6
Chapter 37: Cannn't waitttt
Latte908 #7
Chapter 37: I’m waiting for the couple to move in tgt.
Chapter 37: Hey hey heyyy!! Welcome baaaaccckkkk!!! 🥳🥳🥳 I’m still curious to how y/n would handle everything so please please pleaasseeeeeeeee continue writing cuz I’ll be waiting 🥺
4bpiya #9
Chapter 36: Aaaah didn't know i needed that twice interaction!
Chapter 36: I CAUGHT UP AGAIN LMAOO!! Slice of life chapter was *chefs kiss*