Ch. 9: Parents appointment

Married to my Straight Unnie

Sana parked her car on a free space and reached for her bag. Entering the PCY Entertainment building with her camera bag in her neck, she walked straight to the authorized office.

"Hi Sana-ssi" 

"Hello Yeri" Sana greeted back as she ped a pocket from her bag retrieving a flash drive in hand. "Here. Pictures taken for Rose and Lisa's photoshoot at Australia." She do not need to stay inside the building  since she already finished everything she needs when they were still out of the country.

Yeri nodded then received the flashdrive shouting a loud "THANKS" as the girl handed it to Seulgi and walked back to her. 

"Great work Unnie." Sana smiled back at the younger who turned her head away before looking back at her.

"Well its still early, wanna grab coffee?" Yeri asked Sana, eyes glinting with hope. Of course Sana doesn't have the heart to turn down offers from pretty girls. Smiling at the girl whose waiting for her answer, she grabbed Yeri's hand as they went out of the building, "Sure baby".

Sitting outside the Black Swan cafe after placing their orders, Sana pulled a seat for Yeri as she seated in front of her.

"So, what's up Yeri-ah?" Sana asked Yeri the same time the waitress handed their coffee on the table.

"Just fine Unnie. By the way, have you heard that there is an upcoming photoshoot for the newly arrived popular model from Paris?" 

"Nice... another work to get paid" Sana looked confusely at Yeri whose raising an eyebrow at her with arms crossed as she took a sip of her latte.

"Does our work include expressing your charms, getting their number, flirting with them and hooking up on your apartment?"

"I don't have a say with that"

"That's what I thought" 

Yeri teased Sana's grinning face since the blonde accidentally made a mess of cream on her cheek. Just when the blonde pulled up her sleeve she was greeted by a smack from Yeri on her right hand. "Sana-yah what's that?" Oh no. The ring..

"Ehh? What?" 

"This" Yeri pulled Sana's sleeve looking at Sana's front. "Gosh Sana-yah is that what I think it is? The Jaeger-LeCoultre Grande Reverso?"

Sana awkwardly chuckle at the sudden mini-heart attack. She almost got caught yet what's funny is that the ring is on the left hand so there is nothing to get thrilled for. "Ahh yeah right it is. Why? Do you want it? I'll try to give you a watch next year then"

"This is one of the moments in life where I wish I can be your sugar baby. How will I be able to forget the Gucci button-down shirt you gave me on my birthday? Seulgi-unnie and Sooyoung-ah even begged for me to borrow it but I won't let them. What more if I wanna be the Im Nayeon? Hahahah look at your face Sana-unnie I'm just kidding"

They both laughed yet Yeri give a grateful smile to Sana as she remembered that shirt she wanted to buy so much that took her a lot of paychecks to save. She did not knew how did Sana learned about it, even suspecting that maybe Seulgi told the Japanese for it. Just then the next day, exactly her birthday, they were shocked that Sana managed to buy it within a day like what the heck, how.

"Come on, i just granted your wish. There's nothing special 'bout it. Its just right for everything you did for me. You know, referring me to PCY."

Sana replied back rolling back down her sleeve while looking outside. She then tensed up and smiled sadly at Yeri's words. "I'm gonna miss you." 

"Stop being dramatic"



Nayeon can't even keep count on how many times she glared at the two people beside her. She swears that if only these two aren't her friends maybe she already kick their asses out of her way, but she loves these two so much that its better to let them be.

"For the love of God, PLEASE" Still that did not stop Jihyo and Jeongyeon from teasing her. As soon as she got out of Sana's car, she saw Jihyo and Jeongyeon arriving the building at the same time. What a coincidence. So basically, they had been teasing Nayeon or what they rather say Mrs. Minatozaki-Im Nayeon since morning till lunch and who knows if she's going to bare with it till they went home. 

"Nayeon, how's the honeymoon?"

"Aishhh shut up"

Jihyo chuckled at the thought of Sana and Nayeon living together. I mean, who wouldn't, right? Nayeon a straight- girl and Sana a whipped-lovesick puppy for the latter, very interesting. She shook her head to Jeongyeon constantly mocking Nayeon who looks like going to burst any moment from now. Deciding to stop things from getting more heated up, Jihyo widened her eyes as she sees their Boss walking in front of them. 

"Stop you two, look" Jihyo immediately smacked both of their heads making them halt their steps and looked as to where Jihyo is pointing to.

"Good afternoon Mr. Nakamoto" the girls greeted bowing to their boss. Being appointed as their office is witihin close range to his office, its just normal for them to be able to meet each other at the vicinity. The said man then nodded his head towards them.

"Good afternoon, have you guys ate?" 

Standing straight, Nayeon as the oldest of the three speaked up "Yes Sir" to which he hummed and smiled back. 

"Ah by the way, congratulations Ms. Im..." The man said earning a confused expressions from the girls. If she's here I bet she'll blush from this. 

He internally smirked but decided to shut up afraid that he'll be dead to her if she knew about this so he just chuckled at their bewildered faces, looking at each of them as he speaks. " ...Ms. Park, and Ms. Yoo, your promotions were already discussed to you earlier, right?" 

Ahh that. "Yes Sir, thank you Mr. Nakamoto" This time Jeongyeon is the one to respond as she feels that neither of the two of her friends knows what to say. 

"Alright. Do well" The man smiled at them for the last time before walking away to his destination. Jihyo and the two looked at the retreating frigure of their boss. Its as if, the reason he talked to them just now is not about the promotions itself.

Jeongyeon watched intently their boss as she faced the two. "He's really nice. Giving us a 3-day break as a token for getting promoted"

"Let's get back to work Unnies", the two agreed with her pretending that what had just happened is just another coincidence. 

--- BEEP-BEEP ---

"And your chaffeur has finally arrived" 

Nayeon rolled her eyes raising her hand in a fist with an intention to punch Jeongyeon in the arm. Jihyo widened her eyes however, before she can stop the oncoming war, someone beats her to it, making Nayeon pause midway when she felt something warm land over her shoulder. She wasn't kidding when they really did not stop.

"Nayeon-unnie, calm down. We have much more important things to focus on tonight"

Sana slowly withdraw her hand, sensing that Nayeon is trying to recompose herself. The blonde then look at Jihyo with a what-on-earth-is-happening look. Soon after, they chuckled as Jihyo explained to Sana on how did they manage to piss Nayeon off throughout the day. 

Nayeon rolled her eyes facing Sana whose clutching her stomach clearly trying so hard her to regain from her coughing fit. "You won't stop?" The blonde suddenly stop acting like she amost did not rolled on the floor.

"Alright. I'm good. Anyway, Hyo-ah, Jeong-unnie, we gotta go We still have to prepare for tonight's dinner"

"Let's just hope that your parents will believe that you two are a real couple" Jihyo agreed voicing with anticipation.

Jeongyeon then widened her eyes realizing what Sana meant. "Hold up! You're going to introduce yourself to Nayeon's parents. Wow, Nayeon REALLY does need to prepare herself to comeout to her parents and you, Sana - dress to impress."

"Yes, I will Unnie" Sana awkwardly laugh confirming the news. She silently looked up to Nayeon whose looking anywhere but them. "Unnies, do you have a ride home? I can still drive you two if you want. There is still fair enough time."

I hope you'd never change Sana-yah. Kind, selfless, thoughtful. Jihyo thought as she politely shooked her head in refusal to the blonde angel in front of her who smiled back at her in response. They watch Sana guiding Nayeon to her car as she jogged to the driver's seat. Sana though hesitated just when she opened her car's door, glancing back at the two in the waiting shed. 

"Sana. Goodluck. You two need it." Jihyo smiled at Sana who took a deep breath, nodding her head to the latter.

Soon after, Sana released a cute beep as the engine roared. The two did not cut their gaze at the car who's now fading at a distance. Jeongyeon is the one to break the silence slightly giggling to herself. "You're worried" It was more of a declaration than a question. 

"Can't fool me. You do too."

Jihyo let out a sigh as she looked up the sky. "Let's just trust Sana that she knows what she's doing."


"Ready Unnie?" Nayeon shooked her head to Sana, slightly adjusting her clothes as the blonde opened the passenger seat. 

"Don't worry Nayeon-unnie. Its going to be okay. Oh and our mini script, don't forget about it eh"

Nayeon heaved a sigh, feeling the nervousness colliding up her self. This is it. This is what she want. 

There is no more backing out.

"We got this babe. Let's go?" Nayeon slightly laughed at Sana trying to cheer her up. We are both in this together, Nayeon thought as she breathe in and out. 

"Call me that again and you're dead" Nayeon pinched Sana's side as the younger pretended to not hear her. Walking near the gates of her former home, she immediately looked down as she felt Sana holding her hand. "Let's go wifey" 

"Nayeon sweetie, you're here"

"Oh and you bring a friend" 


"Eomma, Appa..."



Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. 

Shut up oxygen. Those are the three types of elements filling up the tensed air around them. No one makes a sound, that the youngest swore she can hear her own heartbeat - heck, she can even hear the way the two adults in front of them breathe in and out on what she tells like a mixture of suspense and pressure in the air. 

"So YOU are telling us that you're married?" The older woman asked the two of them as she did not blink her blank gaze to her what she unexpectedly discovered not-so-straight daughter whose sitting infront of her holding another woman's hand with a blonde hair. 

"Yes we are, mother-in-law" Sana answered full of respect and no doubt. As soon as they entered the house, specifically the Im residence, all that welcomed Sana are cold and unwanted. 

"I'm not talking to you, am I?" See? Abort, abort! 

Sana zipped as she slightly bowed her head to Nayeon's parents in defeat. The moment they finished eating dinner and now were seated at the living room, Sana can feel another thick layer of pressure and fumes as she handed them the sealed contract.

"THIS?! What kind of lunacy is this, Im Nayeon?" Sana did not miss the way Nayeon clenced their hands tighter as she rubbed Nayeon's hand with her thumb. They watch Nayeon's mom throw a look at disbelief as she slightly crumple the paper in her hands with a title written Marriage Contract in her hands. The same goes with Nayeon's father yet at least he tries to supress his bafflement of the situation. 

"This is insane. I would have slightly accepted it if she's a HE. Really a girl, Nayeon? What? You're gay, huh? You could've told us and we'll find some women of your taste..." Nayeon's mother scowled in anger as she turned her glare to Sana, scoffing as she sees the ring on the women's finger ".. that is suitable for you. somebody and not a nobody

No matter how many times Sana receives an insult from someone she tries to keep her calm demeanor. She should be used to it by now. Growing up with no parents since she was 10 years old, she already tasted almost all the poison of nasty words and verbal insults. Then so, she also learned that sometimes its way better to swallow a poison for a while before you spit it out not minding the damage it may cause you but because not all poison are toxic than it seems. Calm down Minatozaki, know your place.

"Mr. and Mrs. Im, I may be a nobody but I do love your daughter and she - she feels the same way with me" 

Sana uttered with full sincerity although what she just said is composed of half truth and lie. The blonde then internally embraced herself seeing that Nayeon's mom began to open to make another burning comeback.

"Dear, that's enough." This is the first time both Sana and Nayeon heard his father's voice for the night. Sana knows that the old man in front of them has been looking or more like observing them from time-to-time since dinner to which Sana caught making her act more cautiously. Better to not get caught, YET.

"As your parents, we have the right to tell you what we think is right or wrong for you Nayeon. But for now, I want to speak with you"

Nayeon's father had been looking straight at Sana the whole time as if he's testing if she will be intimidated. Well, Sana is taking it as an advantage for her since she already met people whose way way powerful and scarier than the man in front of them. Let's just say that the man is impress by Sana's strong will and braverity of talking to them face to face with no signs of backing down.

"I am Hwang Chansung known as Dr. Im Chansung, Nayeon's father. Who are you?" Hmm. Who am I? I know Doctor Im, I know.

"Sir, my name is Minatozaki Sana. 21 years old from Osaka, Japan." Way to go Sana.

"Date of birth?" Nayeon almost raised her eyebrow at his father's question. What the hell?

"29th of December, year 1996 Sir"

"Graduate of?" 

"I graduated 4 moths ago at SM University, as a Bachelor of Business Administration Dual Degree. I am also currently preparing to take the Masters of Business Management by the next few months" Just stick to the script.

Although shock is an understatement of what Nayeon feels at the moment, she can't help but be proud of Sana. She's younger yet she already achieved her dream. 

"Current career?" Nayeon's wife.

"I have applied to some big companies and already done my interviews. By now, I will be waiting from their response which I would be expecting by next week Sir. In the meantime, I am also working as a part-time photographer" Sana upped her game yet stay humble sensing that now he piqued the man's interest.

"May I know what companies have took you in?" - the script.

"Yes Sir. The GOT7 Global Company, ITZY Industries, and Nakamoto Internationals"

This time if then Nayeon's mom did not care if she's a bachelor, now she's pretty sure she got her attention back. Sana internally smirked yet decided to keep her angelic aura. Still, Nayeon's father keeps on interrogating her.

"Appa, please stop now - "  

"No young lady. I'm talking to this woman you marry without our permission. Don't forget that you are the one at fault here. So let me" Nayeon decided that its better to keep silent for now as she gaze at Sana whose doing great by the looks of it. Nayeon touches Sana's arm as if saying we are in this together.

"If I properly recall, you're 21. Nayeon's 25. How did you met my daughter?" 

Sana nervously scratched her neck at the thought of crushing on Nayeon the very first day she entered the university. Holding Nayeon's hand at her left she replied back to Chansung. "Sir, Nayeon and I did not met on purpose. I known her first at SM University" 

"WHAT?! So you young lady, got the nerve to have a girlfriend behind our backs? How disrespectful of you - "

Again, Sana mentally thanked Chansung for stopping her wife (who she thinks likes to rebutt on conversations) from saying more things that might hurt them both. Nayeon's father sighed as he put on his serious face once again. "Please elaborate"

Nodding her head, Sana tried her best to recite the things they memorized in the car earlier. "Nayeon-unnie is my senior. She's known for being the good student with many suitors in the business department. That time I was only a junior who likes to hang out by the rooftop until one day, we accidentally met each other there."

"Then how did you and my daughter... well - together?"


"Sir as cliche as this may sound, Nayeon-unnie and I first became friends until I asked her out and we begin dating - "

"And now you tied the knot?"

"Yes Sir" 

Chansung can't believe what he's hearing. All this time he thought Nayeon's lovelife is nonexistent or so they thought.

The blonde took a deep breath seeing that Nayeon is still quite scared of the situation they are in. "Mr. and Mrs. Im please allow me to take care of your daughter. I love her the way she loves me. I deeply apologize for the lack of respect that we got married without your consent. But please do understand that what Nayeon and I have is real. We would appreciate it if you will consider our decision of being together, the same way right now that she is presenting me as her wife. I will work hard not just for myself but for us and I promise to make her safe and happy for the rest of our lives"

On the other hand, he is quite impressed by the younger woman her daughter marries. The way Sana answered to her with full of respect and confidence, such good traits for her daughter. Scanning Sana from head to toe, he took mental note that the girl is good-looking enough - pretty face, physically fit, respectful attitude, confident aura. All that's left is Sana's way of living, specifically, work.

Nayeon thankfully sighed as he father finally stopped. The way her father talked to Sana seems like a truth or die way of questioning about someone's worth. Now the only thing that she prays for is for her parents to finally understand that she doesn't need anyone else. No. That she do not need to marry someone yet to be happy. 

Nayeon looked at her Mom who's still wearing that annoyed look with an obvious frown as if her mother is thinking of something so deeply. Crap. Nayeon thought that its too early for a celebration.

"Nayeon sweetie, the last time we met or shall we say last week, you're still single right?" Sana almost gritted her teeth hearing that Nayeon's mother emphasized that forbidden word. Single my . 

"What a day. Did you know that your cousin just landed at Incheon an hour ago? She was intended to be here since she's friends with your supposed to- be boyfriend. He is a son of a company's owner. Then you - married to a temporary photographer? And now this?! Oh please, stop this madness"

They kept quiet as Nayeon's mother doesn't have the heart to stop making her point clear. Sana gulped seeing her wife's mother throwing a dirty look at her. 

In a span of a second, she wore a confident smile as she raised their clasped hands together with Nayeon. "Ma'am I am sorry but Nayeon and I were already married for 6 months, as indicated in the marriage certificate"

Nayeon is currently in a very puzzled state yet decided that she would ask Sana about it once they got out of her parent's care, alive.

"With all due respect Mrs. Im, I will understand it if you will not accept me for your daughter, but Nayeon is still my wife. I'm hoping you'd understand that."

A few minutes had passed with no one speaking until Nayeon's mother suddenly took a step forward walking dangerously close to Sana. Just in time, something clicked on Nayeon as she stand up in front of the younger.

"Eomma please stop...I am happy with her. I am with who I want to be with." 



"And with that my parent's perspective of marriage changed in just one night "

Nayeon sighed in frustation. Sorry eomma, appa. 

She can't follow what else Jihyo says on the other line as she shut her phone off as well as her eyes. Landing her gaze out the car's window with Sana stepping on the gas, she glanced at her home in the side mirror

So this is the feeling of officially getting kicked out of your own house, disappointing.


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Update: Chapter 16 out :))
Enjoy reading MTMSU!


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Zulfah #1
But wait, i don't understand
Sana love nayeon and married to her but also having a girlfriend? Sana's life is so mysterious
Thank you for the update author 🥰
imtozakiz #2
Chapter 15: update, pleaseeeeeee
Chapter 15: ohh so jennie likes sana too? But jisoo is sana's gf? wait :)
Chapter 14: aww jisoo? I thought it'll be jennie cuz i shipped jennie and sana so hard 😭😭😭
Wivern #5
Chapter 13: Thank you.
Liked the flashbacks a lot.
Chapter 15: I'm so much invested to this au.. I'm looking forward for the next update cuz Kim's siblings kinda suspicious with Jennie too. I want to know their agendas. Character development for Sanayeon ayyiiee aayyiie!! Newborn feeling .... Thanks for the update authornim! (•.•)♡♡♡♡
Zulfah #7
Chapter 14: So far, this story are unpredictable and make me always curious on every chapt

Looking forward for the next chapt and thanks for the update 😁
Zulfah #8
Chapter 13: I thought there is an update TT
Chapter 13: Awww I thought it was an update ಥ‿ಥ
Keshar #10
Chapter 13: Update please 🤧