Ch. 5: Of Deals and Cuddles

Married to my Straight Unnie

"Are you going to get married once we land in Sydney?" Jihyo smacked Jeongyeon's head with her luggage on her other hand. 


"Idiot. That's why we are here in the first place"


They have been bickering non-stop that or just telling any random things that will stray their mind. Mina continued to play on her phone as their boarding time is getting nearer.


She looked at her left and saw Sana forcing Nayeon to wear a red scarf. From the looks of it she can tell that neither of them wants to give in. The two had been whisper-yelling at each other conscious not to get caught fighting over a single red scarf. 


45 minutes more ack! She sees Jihyo talking towards the two that finally made them stop. Later on, Nayeon walks away from them while Sana seems to protest yet nodded her head. Sana you little whipped. 


Sana watches Nayeon walking her way to the comfort room. She was just making sure that Nayeon will be fine. 


She continued to fold the red scarf thinking that she'll give it to the older later at the plane until she heard a chuckle from Jihyo and Mina. 


"What?" The blonde raised her eyebrow at the two. 


Jihyo throwed a knowing look back at her. "Lemme guess. Nayeon left hers so you're giving her yours" They cooed at Sana who immediately covered her face with the scarf while stomping her feet. 


Jeongyeon then suddenly dragged Jihyo away from Sana and Mina. Once Jihyo is out of earshot, Momo walked to them. 


"Sana, you - no, WE need to be careful." Or else we're doomed.


"I know. I'll stay alert. Minions can be everywhere" For me. For Nayeon. 


"Good thing you're booked together with them. Lesser the people, the more safe. Once you're married you--" The heck?


"BAAAABE" Sana had no time to turn around anymore as someone tackled her from the back earning some unwanted attention. Shoot!


"AHH my hand!" Momo and Mina pitied Sana who looks in pain. However what shocked them more is the person they least expected to see. Double shoot!


"Park Roseanne get up" Rose held her hand to Sana while muttering apologies. 


Rose wrapped both of her arms at Sana's neck looking straight at Sana's eyes. "I'm sorry babe" Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu stared in shock at the girl. Sana unnie has a girlfriend?


"BABE?" Nayeon did not meean to raise her voice. Who wouldn't when she came back from the restroom and she sees Sana being tackled then the accused also hugged her. Also what's more intriguing is that Sana smiles back at the girl, holding her oh so tiny waist. 


Ofcourse it really does not bother her - contrary to her heart's belief. She just thanked the Gods that instead of saying BACK OFF she rather questioned her.


"Roseanne Park. Sana's girl friend too." The said girl bowed in a perfect 90 degree angle and stand back up, giving smiles to everyone. 


"Rose?" Jihyo widened her eyes amused of the situation. "One of the popular cheerleaders at the university?"


"Yep that's me Vice President Jihyo" Rose said sending them a wink. 


Meanwhile, Sana can't look at Nayeon in the eye since she can feel the older's stare at her. Mina sensed the tense atmosphere. Now that Rose will also be there, things must not get out of hand or else.


Rose innocently looked at Sana. "Let's go Sana-ya?" Nayeon feels that she is being provoked or so she thought. Rose knows who Im Nayeon means to Sana's life. Starting when they met Sana at the Solo Whistle bar, the name Im Nayeon is the only thing Sana kept talking about at every bottle they chug. 


She saw something in Nayeon's eyes but she can't understand if those eyes were meant for Sana or herself.


Nayeon, the popular straight girl, couldn't be right? Maybe. Who knows.


Sana rolled own luggage walking together with Rose but she halt before making another step. She turned around earning a questioning look from the rest.


Sana went in front of Nayeon circling the scarf on the older's neck. "I know you're cold. Stop arguing with me Nayeon unnie" The older swore she heard Jihyo and Jeongyeon silently squeal beside her. 


"Good morning passengers. Announcement, Flight number NY2125 Seoul to Sydney please begin boarding at this time-" 


"Look that's ours too. Let's go." Jeongyeon did not wait for them anymore as she made her way to the boarding line. Sana chuckled the older's antics while mouthing see-you-later-everyone. 


8 girls are finally seated along with the other passengers. Good thing their seats are near to each other. Mina and Momo discreetly checked the passengers in the airplane then slightly shooked their head. Nothing suspicious.

Nayeon sees her friends whose smiling in excitement. She looked to the window as they take off. As she was about to sleep all the tiredness away, she held onto the red scarf wondering what Sana is doing right now with Rose. 


Arriving at the Sydney airport, jetlagged is the only welcome they received after sitting for almost 11 hours. 

Mina told them to get in a hired van going to a hotel. Luckily, no one questioned her who paid for the van and hotel since she won't like to lie to her friends. 

She texted the young Minatozaki of what's happening and immediately got a response asking updates about a certain Im. Mina internally rolles her eyes as she saw it coming.

"Sana texted me, they already arrived at their hotel." Mina waved her phone while giving each cards.

"Room 401 Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu"

"Room 402 Jeongyeon unnie, Momochan, Jihyo"

"Room 403 Sanachan, Nayeon unnie, and me" 

Everyone just nodded at Mina and did not argue anymore about their roommates. She let everyone get in the elevator first before her. 


The next day, Nayeon woke up to the sound of someone whispering. She opened her eyes thinking it was an intruder and got an eye-to-eye contact with someone. Grabbing a pillow she smacked the person until it landed on the floor. Nayeon went on top of the intruder forcing the pillow at the person's face


Nayeon was shocked at the intruder's strength who lifted her and landed the latter on its back, turning their positions.  She heard the person above her groaned in frustation, sounding like a girl. Still with her eyes closed she realized that she's roomed with Sana and Mina.


"Nayeonnie please for the love of god shut up!" 


"Sana?! Crap! You-you scared me! WHY are you even at my bed?"


"Have you forgot? You're the one who hugged me while I'm asleep oh yeah by the way you did not let me sleep" 


That's where Nayeon noticed the bags under Sana's eyes which aren't there two days ago as what she remembered. She saw Sana getting what seems like a camera bag and some batteries in the drawer. 


"I'm sorry Sana, I didn't know" Nayeon fet guilty at her sleeping behavior. She remembered that aside from their fake wedding, Sana is here for her job.


"Its fine Unnie. You're lucky I love you"  Sana whispered the last part. 


"What? I'm sorry I didn't hear you" No unnie. You can't see me.  


"I said they are already at the diner. Breakfast downstairs Unnie" Nayeon thanked Sana even if the younger already sprinted out of the room.


Tzuyu noticed Nayeon entering the diner. Greeetings were then heard from the rest. They began to eat those delicious waffles. Not long after, Sana stand up while drinking her coffee and fixing herself. 


"You're done, Sana-ya?" Jihyo questioned the latter. She's been eyeing Sana for awhile now and her curiosity got out of her. 


"Ah yes Jihyochan. I gotta work now. The sun shines so bright this early, perfect for morning shots at the beach. You can also go there later if you'd like." Sana smiled at them while hanging the camera on her neck.


"Nayeon unnie, sunblock is on my bag." Sana stared at Nayeon before turning her attention to the others. "Don't wait for me till afternoon. Enjoy!"


Nayeon watched Sana walked out of the diner. She felt someone nudged her side and saw Mina pointing at her food. She just hoped that they will really enjoy their stay here.



Sana spotted the whole team. Rose and Lisa are already in their Summer clothings waiting for their makeup to get done. 


"Alright let's get started so we'll finish early" Seulgi the other photographer stated to everyone. 


Sana ready her camera as Rose was the first one to get her makeup done. The model began to do different poses as Sana clicks the shutter. The blonde was so busy that she did not knew she was already being watched by the 8 dorks.


After eating, Jihyo immediately told everyone to get dressed and catch sight of how Sana works. The others wholeheartedly agreed and soon everyone are already in their swimwears running through the sandy beach. 


Momo pointed to a group of people with cameras and outfits. As they get nearer, they were amazed as they see beautiful models, some wearing cute garments while others have those y outfits. Truly enticing.


They saw Sana holding the camera while addressing the model correcting some poses in a professional manner. They also hear praises from what they assumed are staffs being throwed to the model and the photographer. Nayeon can't help but admire Sana's determination in doing her hobby. 


The blonde photographer then waved her hand indicating for the next model. Tzuyu saw a monitor and signaled the rest. They silently went behind the director's back. Surprised is an understatement of what they saw. Only an experienced and a professional photographer will got to take a shot so clean, clear and skillfully taken. Even the background and how the waves at the ocean, and the camera angles made it look expensive. 


"Wow. Sana-ssi is really talented."

"Yeah that's why she's one of the favorites"

"And that the models likes her too"


By the mention of that, Nayeon looked at Sana's direction and saw her removing her jacket giving it to a model - Rose. She began to wonder what kind of relationship does the two have being that close. She is familiar with Rose before as a cheerleader but never got a chance to know her at person. She raised her eyebrow at the other models talking to Sana while some offers drinks to the photographer. 


"Nayeon unnie let's go swim there." Nayeon saw a red line surrounding the whole team indicating off limits. She nodded her head at Jihyo and walk with the younger.


Jihyo notice the way Nayeon's eyes never left a particular blonde. "Sana is amazing, isn't she?" 


"Yeah. I knew that photography is her hobby but I'm not aware she's THAT good" Nayeon continued to watch the blonde from afar as they get nearer to the calm waters.


3 points for you Minatozaki!

"And there is still a lot of things you don't know about her" Jihyo purposely stated with a matter-of-fact tone. 

Nayeon furrowed her eyebrows at that thought. She's going to marry Sana - a close friend of hers yet it feels like she's a stranger to her. Sana. Sana knew almost everything about her but what about Nayeon? What does she even know about Sana at all?

Bullseye! Jihyo smirked as she saw Nayeon in deep thought. She just hoped that even in the slightest bit, Nayeon's perspective of Sana might change - in a really good way.


Sana is in the middle of finishing her last shots for Rose as the model insisted on taking pictures of her to be posted on social media. After a few more minutes, she packed up her things and slung the camera on her neck. Since she is a gentlewoman, she walked Rose back to their hotel room before heading back to hers. 

The blonde continued her journey walking in the sandy beach she took a picture of the sunset. The way the aqua blue clouds matched up with the yellow and orange strikes of the sun lighting up the horizon amazed her. Sana is always a fan of sunsets which is why whenever she sees one she does not waste any second to hold her camera focusing it on the beautiful view. 

I hope Nayeon unnie likes this too.

Aside from the beautoful view in front of her, she also took a glimpse of some things. Couples are almost everywhere, some are sitting beside each other while leaning on one's shoulder, while others do some lovely stuffs with their partner. She also saw couples running around chasing each other giggling happily. She began to wonder when would she experience romantic stuffs like others have. 

Sana sighed in sadness as she tried to forget all the fluffy things surrounding her. She ran back to their room before she can even forget the thing she'll need to have a talk with Nayeon. 

On the other side, Nayeon tossed a lot in her bed trying to sleep. She sat up ruffled her hair in frustation. She saw Mina already asleep in her bunk. I wanna sleep peacefully too!

The oldest heard the door clicked indicating that someone came in. She saw Sana TRYING to quietly enter the room maybe to not wake the her sleeping roommates. 

Sana turned around and let a small groan. Nayeon laughed at Sana who looked like someone who saw a ghost. 

"Unnie~ you scared the crap out of me"

"Hehe sorry not sorry" Sana laughed at Nayeon's childishness. Stop being so cute. Have mercy on my heart.

"Can't sleep Nayeonnie?" Nayeon hummed at Sana, laying back on the bed. 

"Oh Unnie, can we talk? I mean if you don't wanna sleep yet but tomorrow is also fine" 

"Its okay, we can talk now. What is it?"

Nayeon smiled at Sana. The younger is not forceful instead she always had a long patience. She's always selfless and thinks of others sake before herself. Such a very good person indeed. 

Sana quickly placed her camera at the drawer and pulled out a pen and paper. Nayeon raised an eyebrow to her curious as to why they need those stuffs. 

The younger sitted beside her while writing something. Terms and Conditions. 

"Ehh? What is this?"

Sana put the pen down before speaking, "Nayeon unnie. Mina and Momo already arranged everything for our f-fake marriage. We're getting ahh m-married tomorrow."

Nayeon nodded her head letting Sana know she's listening carefully, "And I ah thought that we need to agree on some terms as we do this fake marriage."

Sana rubbed her hands together. She taste the bitterness in he mouth every time she speaks the word fake. Nayeon is also not far from Sana's state. She almost forgot that they are getting married not because they love each other but because Sana is helping her.

She suddenly felt all the guilt, pride, greed, and selfishness that disappears whenever the younger is around, resurfaced to her. Yet once again, she looked directly at Sana's eyes and all of it instantly washed away for the nth time. Sana is always there for her, whatever happens. 

After almost 3 hours of arguing, bickering, persuading, and teasing each other the two people still awake at this hour finally stopped. Finally!

Nayeon stretched her whole body feeling the stiffness got into her. Sana tiredly sighed and lied down to their bed. 

You worked the whole day and still you got the time to talk this with me. Why are you being like this Sana?

Sana forced herself to stand up and put the confidential sheet of paper at the bedside table. She slumped back to the bed and fell asleep the moment she closed her eyes. Nayeon went to the restroom and when she got out, she saw Sana already asleep.

As Nayeon put her phone on the tble, she saw the confidential sheet there. She looked at Sana before deciding to read what they had written.


Terms and Conditions
Operation: SaNayeon's (fake) married life

1. Both parties will NOT tell anyone about the fake marriage except the 7 dorks. 

2. Sana will move in together with Nayeon to make it believable.

3. Both parties will only be wedded for a year.

4. Both parties will sleep on the same bed.

5. The fake marriage will be cancelled if one fell in love or started to like another person. Both parties shall agree with it.

6. SaNayeon will hold hands at public especially around the Im family.

7. Surname to be used is yet undecided. Minatozaki Nayeon or Im Sana?

8. Both parties shall treat each other the same way. Nothing will change.

9. SaNayeon will stay as friends, whatever happens. 


Nayeon stared a little longer than usual at the paper before putting it back to its place. She carefully layed beside Sana.


Before she completely follows the younger to TWICELAND (dreamland), she heard someone whisper "Goodnight Nayeonnie". Nayeon unknowingly smiled at her sleep and forgets (for the second time) around that she is not in her own room with her cuddling pillow.

A few moments later, Sana opened her eyes and cuddle with Nayeon the whole night.


Another sleepless night with you. You're lucky I love you Nayeonnie!



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Update: Chapter 16 out :))
Enjoy reading MTMSU!


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Zulfah #1
But wait, i don't understand
Sana love nayeon and married to her but also having a girlfriend? Sana's life is so mysterious
Thank you for the update author 🥰
imtozakiz #2
Chapter 15: update, pleaseeeeeee
Chapter 15: ohh so jennie likes sana too? But jisoo is sana's gf? wait :)
Chapter 14: aww jisoo? I thought it'll be jennie cuz i shipped jennie and sana so hard 😭😭😭
Wivern #5
Chapter 13: Thank you.
Liked the flashbacks a lot.
Chapter 15: I'm so much invested to this au.. I'm looking forward for the next update cuz Kim's siblings kinda suspicious with Jennie too. I want to know their agendas. Character development for Sanayeon ayyiiee aayyiie!! Newborn feeling .... Thanks for the update authornim! (•.•)♡♡♡♡
Zulfah #7
Chapter 14: So far, this story are unpredictable and make me always curious on every chapt

Looking forward for the next chapt and thanks for the update 😁
Zulfah #8
Chapter 13: I thought there is an update TT
Chapter 13: Awww I thought it was an update ಥ‿ಥ
Keshar #10
Chapter 13: Update please 🤧