Ch: 12 No problem

Married to my Straight Unnie

"And to the next store we go" Sana said this for approximately the fifth time now, since it is already the fifth store where they have yet bought another pairs of clothing.


Upon paying from the counter, Nayeon halted her step making Sana whose beside her balancing all those shopping bags, slighly bump into her. 


"Sana-ah wait a minute. Restroom." 


Nayeon removed some of the bags at her hand and passed them on the younger. 


Sana did not notice the way Nayeon hitched her breath for a second.


Although she immediately regained her composure as Sana did not even notice any of her reactions as she's busy trying to hold all their shopping stuffs. 


"You can go Unnie, I'll wait for you here" Sana pointed in the near shop as she eyed Nayeon whose now walking her way to the rest room.


 Deciding to kill a few minutes she fished her phone and surprised to see a lot of messages from Mina. Well, rather call than type a long reply. 


--- no service ---


This is unusual. The younger raised her single brow as she waited for Mina to pick up the call. Normally, in the first or second rings, Mina would immediately fetch her call no matter what the girl is doing that keeps herself busy because Sana is Mina's priority and will always be. 


While waiting for the other girl to answer her call, she began to marvel her eyes at the boutique shops near her. What a coincidence that they end up in front of a lot of jewelry shops. Hehe maybe I can buy something special for a special someone. Still Sana's phone remained unresponded, no matter how much she already dialed the other girl.


Worried, Sana stopped attempting to ring Mina. However, as she began to read the girl's messages, what brushed her eyes is the word trouble which before she could read more, her phone dinged receiving a message from Kim Taehyung making Sana scrunch her face in confusion.


Not a second after, Sana's phone began to lit up once again now displaying Taehyung's name on the screen. What the hell is happening here? 




By the meantime, Nayeon have been fidgeting her hands to calm down her self. She do not know why she's even acting like an idiot in the first place.

First of all, hanging out with Sana is already normally normal between the two and its not a problem.

In fact, they are hanging out together more than going out with their family or friends and there is no problem with it.

Sometimes Nayeon's parents would invite them to have dinner in their house here and there but that's it.

Yes, she admits being with Sana is good but that's not the problem at all.

The thing that makes her really embarassed is the fact that she can't believe what she have done in the fitting room.

But mostly, she feels frustated as to why does she even think about something as trivial as this is the real problem here.


Nayeon then looked at herself in the mirror. What the hell Nayeon? Calm yourself together. 


"I am so sorry" Nayeon got caught in a shock after hearing a woman's voice.


That is also when she realized that the woman had tripped in front of her whose holding a lipstick in hand and the person's belongings on the floor. Looking down at her own shirt she also saw her shirt with a lipstick stain caused by the woman. With no hesitance, Nayeon crouched down to help the woman gather all her scattered stuffs before fixing herself. 



Maybe just maybe if she isn't daydreaming at the afternoon, she would realize that the woman who got the lipstick in her hand is actually wearing a mask to begin with.




Sana having a mixed feelings decided to pick up the call while wandering her eyes, seeing that Nayeon is still not yet back from the rest room. Sliding the green button, she put the phone in her ears and at the same time walks towards a certain shop.


"Hey Oppa what's the matter?"


"Sana-ssi you're in the mall, right? Listen to me. Go back home now"


Taehyung's voice is fast and forceful reflecting his desperation which added to Sana's fret sensing that the boy is panicking for a while now.


"But why Oppa? Oh, we got here on the bus. I told you today is my day-off and Nayeon and I are also... in a date so please" Sana emphasized how much she means each and every single date of them and yes Taehyung knows that but still chose to do what must be done.


(Is there something you need Ma'am?) 


(Yes, what's your finest quality here?) 


Taehyung hears Sana talking to what he hears like a saleswoman or whoever it is that doesn't matter anyway.


"Yeah where's Nayeon? I know Sana. Wait, did you just used the public transit?! Are you crazy?" Kim Taehyung swore he rolled his eyes hearing Sana hummed on the other line while Sana covered  to prevent a giggle so as not to break the seriousness of the conversation.


"Nayeon's influence tsk. I'm on my way to the mall right now... and Mina is too. You must drag Nayeon to the exit now. Once you see my car or Mina's car, just hop in. No more questions please"


In Sana's whole life, this is the second time that Taehyung sounds so hopeless in a pleading and panic state. Sana almost forgot how it feels back then. Yet she feels nostalgic to the events that happened before, when her favorite Unnie is still there with them. AND yes Miss Minatozaki Sana in a serious mode is dangerously activated.


"Explain everything later. Its been a few minutes and she isn't back yet. I'll go and get Nayeon"


Before Sana could even end the call, she heard Taehyung whisper the same words that he told her two years ago.


"Don't disappoint me Sana. I did not agree with this arrangement for nothing."




Taehyung further pushed the acceleration of the car. How could he even warn her that something or more like someone is going to be the reason for them to get wary of their plans?

How could he even tell her that all of their efforts might turn into waste?

And how could he even be of help to Sana when he's going to betray someone that is also important to him?

Yet, what's most important right now is how will he be able to help Sana and Nayeon out. Wait, what the?!

Taehyung did not care about the speeding rules anymore. Oh god, Nayeon is with her.


He then quickly dialed Mina's contact, while avoiding the racing cars of the street. After a few rings, the other girl in the line also answered. 


"Mina-ssi, do you hear me? I'm still 10 minutes away from the mall. How's your location?"


"Taehyung oppa," Mina started to voice out, her unsteady breathing also shows how much she's in panic at the moment. "I think something is wrong with our info"


"What? Why? I already told Sana" The man holding the steering wheel questioned in confusion. Is it more serious than we thought?


"I don't think, she would go to her this fast and in a risky spot of all places. Don't you think so too?" 


Right. Taehyung did not give it a proper thought and so is Mina not until she remembered who the other party might be and if she is correct, that is just ridiculously impossible. Both persons in different cars and routes have answered the same thing.


"Could this possibly be a trap?" 


Mina continued to drive as fast as she could. Taehyung sighed in frustation. He did not know which of whom dropped the call as he focused his eyes back on the road with eyes burning with fire. I thought its a one less problem now.




Sana widened her eyes as she clencehd her fists in fear and panic. Could it be that... No way! She then shaked her head vigorously and took deep breaths. Nayeon is my priority.


"Thank you. I'll come back again Miss" The younger smiled at the other woman as she turned back her stance.


Without further ado, Sana gathered all her strength to hold their belongings and walked to the nearest restroom where Nayeon could have been. While at it, Sana already stand her guard to whatever or whoever it is that may appear. She just prays to the heavens that Nayeon won't get in trouble until she catched up with the older.


She then began to check at the occupied ones. "Nayeon unnie?" No answer. Sana once again called for her unnie yet no one seems to reveal a person with that name. Not here. Sana's mind already think of the negative scenarios that could or must have happened. No, she doesn't have any time to think about anything bad right now rather than finding her wife as fast as she could. 


The Japanese woman is already in the verge of panic. She walked fast to the other side of the mall to check on the other nearest female restroom. Sana immediately fished out her phone in an attempt to dial Nayeon. 




Is that Nayeon? Sana smiled in relieved as she spots someone with the same clothes as Nayeon. She quickly strolled to where Nayeon have been standing for a while now.


Yet before Sana could even utter her name, someone pulled her in the moment she stepped in front of an opened elevator. 




Continuation on the next chapter!

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Update: Chapter 16 out :))
Enjoy reading MTMSU!


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Zulfah 0 points #1
But wait, i don't understand
Sana love nayeon and married to her but also having a girlfriend? Sana's life is so mysterious
Thank you for the update author 🥰
imtozakiz #2
Chapter 15: update, pleaseeeeeee
Chapter 15: ohh so jennie likes sana too? But jisoo is sana's gf? wait :)
Chapter 14: aww jisoo? I thought it'll be jennie cuz i shipped jennie and sana so hard 😭😭😭
Wivern #5
Chapter 13: Thank you.
Liked the flashbacks a lot.
Chapter 15: I'm so much invested to this au.. I'm looking forward for the next update cuz Kim's siblings kinda suspicious with Jennie too. I want to know their agendas. Character development for Sanayeon ayyiiee aayyiie!! Newborn feeling .... Thanks for the update authornim! (•.•)♡♡♡♡
Zulfah #7
Chapter 14: So far, this story are unpredictable and make me always curious on every chapt

Looking forward for the next chapt and thanks for the update 😁
Zulfah #8
Chapter 13: I thought there is an update TT
Chapter 13: Awww I thought it was an update ಥ‿ಥ
Keshar #10
Chapter 13: Update please 🤧