Ch. 4: We Need Help

Married to my Straight Unnie

Sana swears that she can hear her own heartbeat even if she increased the radio volume to almost max. 

That or the way Sana managed to drive with one hand back to Nayeon's apartment and that the older was still holding her hand. 

Sana removed her seatbelt then shifted closer to Nayeon to the point that Nayeon can smell Sana's lavander honey perfume. 

"W-why did you stop?" >///<

If its not for Sana's face close to her ears she would have known that they already reached the parking space and -CLICK- that Sana just removed her seatbelt. 

"We're here Nayeonnie"  "Ahhh Thanks" 

Nayeon is still not moving an inch from her seat. Sana just let her be thinking that maybe Nayeon wants to talk. 



"You surely said YES a lot for tonight huh?" Nayeon felt her face heat up at the memories of what happened in the restaurant recalls to her. 

"Unnie let's get out of the car right now. I think not too long it will rain."

The blonde got out of the car. As soon as Sana opened the passenger seat for Nayeon, heavy drops started to fall upon them. Sana instantly removed her jacket and put it above Nayeon's head. 

They jogged to the front door together. Sana was still covering Nayeon while the older punched the code. 

"I-I will be going now U-Unnie. Goodnight" Nayeon held Sana's wrist, stopping Sana from her tracks. She frowned seeing Sana drenched from the rain because of her. 

"Don't. Stay here for a while or till the rain stops." 

"Alright. Thank you"

Nayeon got Sana and herself a towel. She quickly told the younger to take a bath while she makes hot chocolate. Sighs.

After a few minutes, Nayeon heard the bathroom door clicked indicating that Sana might be done in the showers. 

She saw Sana in fresh clothes and handed her the cup of goodness. 

"Nayeonnie your turn" Nayeon nodded her head while walking her way to the bathroom. 

Nayeon stripped her clothes and put her hair in a bun. She did not know why she is acting like this. She closed her eyes and hoped that the hot bath will help her ease her mind. 

A few moments later, Nayeon reached for her phone and mentally cursed. "What the - Sana has been waiting for me for 30 minutes?!!"

Nayeon quickly dried herself and wore her clothes. She saw Sana in her phone, maybe texting someone. 

"Nayeon unnie, can I sleep here for tonight?"

"W-why?" Nayeon you idiot just say yes. 

"The rain doesn't look like it will stop soon" Sana pouted at her own words. Nayeon also almost hit herself. It will be dangerous for Sana to drive when its raining cats and dogs. 

Nayeon saw Sana looking at her waiting for her reply. "Alright"

"Yay! Can we sleep together?" 

Nayeon throwed a pillow at Sana whose jumping happily. 

"O-Ofcourse not you little" Sana raised her hands to cover her face getting hit by a glaring bunny.

"Ah! Ouch! What are you thinking Unnie? Not in bed but in your room!"

It was Nayeon's turn to hide her face as Sana held both of her wrist to prevent her from throwing things from the couch. She quickly removed Sana's hand and marched upstairs. 

Sana just chuckled at the older. She also got in the room and saw that Nayeon already prepared a futon for her. 

"Goodnight Nayeon unnie. Sweet dreams mwah!"    "It feels good to not sleep alone."


And that's how Nayeon and Sana ended up sleeping together - in one room.

Nayeon woke up and looked to her left. She already left?

Good thing today was Nayeon's day off. She took her time in taking a bath and doing her morning routine.

As she opened the door to her room, she noticed two things. One, something smells good and two, there is a music playing downstairs. 

She saw Sana arranging the table with delicious foods. 

"Oh Nayeon unnie sorry for using your kitchen hehe. I cooked breakfast as thanks for last night!"

Sana pulled the seat for Nayeon. Such a gentlewoman. 

The blonde scooped food and put it at the older's plate as she watched Nayeon took her first bite. 

"You cooked all this? Wow. So good" Sana scratched her neck fluttered that Nayeon praised her. 

Ofcourse, Sana learned it from a certain narcissist Oppa of hers. She'll thank him some other time but for now she must focus on Nayeon.

After eating breakfast, Nayeon decided (more like argued with Sana) in cleaning everything reasoning that she did not help in making breakfast so she'll washing the dishes instead. And Sana just surrendered since Nayeon's eyes looked deadly serious. 

Nayeon walked back to the living room and stopped in her tracks. Oh. What now?

Sana noticed Nayeon's presence. Nayeon seated beside Sana. The two just stares at each other in silence. Neither of the two knows what to say. 

"Nayeon unnie"  "Sana" They looked at each other embarassed as they think they are being ridiculous. 

"You go first Unnie" Nayeon tucked a strand of her hair before meeting Sana's eyes.

"Sana, I accept your proposal. I agree to marry you." Nayeon stated even if she knows she just repeated herself from last night.

If Sana is not being serious right now she would have grinned widely while covering her reddened face with both hands but she can't so she bite her lips instead to stop herself from smiling. 

"Nayeon unnie, I saw the way you frowned when you read something on your phone. Why?"

"My parents will make me meet another 'man' next week."


Sana suddenly widened her eyes and swift her neck to the older's direction in realization making her startle the calmed Nayeon. 

"Hold up! So you're saying that we need to get married within like - 7 DAYS?!"

Oh fudge! This time the two did not care if they cursed in unison. 

Nayeon did not think of it beforehand and so does Sana.

Sana unintentionally proposed to Nayeon. 

Then Nayeon agreed in an instant.

The two are feeling in chaos. But they both had one thing in mind. "We. neeed. help."


9 girls are silently seated at KNOCK KNOCK resto. Four are being delighted, three are complexed while two are feeling axious.

"First, you suddenly announced to us last night that you're getting married and now you're sayin' that you have 6 days left to tie the knot?!"
Chaeyoung blurted (in behalf of Tzuyu and Dahyun who seemed to agree with her)


They started to tell them how the heck did it happen form the very beginning. 

"....Then here we are. Guys, we need help" Sana hold her hands out together begging for their help.

"Why not get married in Taiwan?" Tzuyu suggested,  "Or in Shibuya?" added Momo. 

"We can't be wed in Taiwan. Nayeon is a Korean. There is a no-no here in South Korea though. Shibuya requires resident registration."

The girls just sighed when Sana said those conditions. Come on Sana think! Think!

~~geogi neo I fancy you amuna weonha~~

Sana immediately excused herself while muttering 'Work Calls'. She looked at Nayeon and mouthed 'I'll be back' 

Jeongyeon noticed Nayeon's distress in getting married. "Hey bunny it's going to be okay" Nayeon felt herself calm a little bit at Jeongyeon's words

"I can't believe you can think straight sometimes" Nayeon replied which erupted laughter from the whole table

"W-wait. Sana has a job?" Jihyo carefully asked while looking at each of them

"Oh right Unnie I also didn't know Sana had a job" Stated Dahyun. Puzzled is what they are right now.

"What's taking her so long?" Jeongyeon and Momo silently squealed but not enough to irritate Nayeon with an obvious frowning face. 

All this time, she doesn't know a lot of things from Sana. The things that she knew is that Sana is younger than her, Sana smells good, Sana is made in Japan, Sana just graduated last month, Sana's bestfriends are MIna and Momo, and that Sana is close to her and she feel safe and comfortable whenever Sana is around. Other than that, she doesn't really know Sana well. 


Meanwhile, Sana hid her phone in her hands the moment her phone ringed. Great just great. 

                               Caller ID: Rose   
                            | Accept | Decline |

"Hey Sana. Finally you answered my calls"

"Oh hey Rose. What's up?"

"Nothing much"

"Ah so why do you call? I'm quite busy atm"

"Busy? Are you working at BigHit right now? Well you see. Hwang PD-nim has another job for you."

"Oh. No. I just finished at BigHit last week. I will be free next week tho. Is it okay?"

"Yes ofcourse honey"

"Alright just send me the details? Yeah?"

"Yeah but I'll tell you too. We're flying to AUSTRALIA!"


"Hwang PD-nim told me and Lisa to have our photoshoot in my homecountry and since you accepted we're all going"

"Aghh why so farr"

"Stop whining Tozaki. We'll just send you the details yeah. No more turning back. BYE"



As soon as the call was finished, Sana internally groaned. Oh come on. She begin to walk back to the resto but she stoppped on her tracks. 

Australia. Australia. THAT'S IT! AUSTRALIA IS THE ANSWER! 

Sana immediately fished her phone and dialed Rose. Thank God that Rose answered after two rings. 

"Why Sana? Excited?"

"YES. I mean no. But you say AUSTRALIA RIGHT?"

"Ahh yeah. So?"

"Tell Hwang PD-nim. I'm in. I'm free this week. Can we start tomorrow?"

"Really? YES! Ofcourse THANK YOU SANA MWAH"



Sana jogged back to the resto. Nayeon spotted her and she was bombarded with questions of 'what took her so long' and 'why is she grinning like a maniac'

"Yah Sana! What are you smiling about? Is there a pretty chic outside?" Jihyo was fascinated at Sana skipping her way to their table.

"YES and no. I'm the only one pretty outside" Tzuyu just snorted at Sana's response.

"Nayeon unnie, we don't need to worry about the place" Lots of WH's question were then heard from the rest.

"Alright everyone. Pack all your luggages and everything. We're flying to Australia tomorrow"

Mina whose quiet all this time is shocked by Sana's words. "Right! Australia allows anyone to marry there!"

Sana seated beside Nayeon and unconsciously held the older's hand. "But we are not alone alright" Sana started. "We are flying to Australia since I will work there but I also thought that why not get married there too. That way, we can show them the marriage certificate before your parents calls again."

Everyone in the table hoot at the two. Sana was holding Nayeon's hand while looking at each other's eyes the entire time. 

'Come on self, don't forget you're straight'

'Anything for you Nayeon'

Sana slowly unclasped their hands while beaming at the older. Nayeon internally pouted at the lack of warmth. 

Jeongyeon then smirked efore breaking the sweet moment, "AUSTRALIA HERE WE COME!" Soon the table were filled with excitement. 

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Update: Chapter 16 out :))
Enjoy reading MTMSU!


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Wivern 0 points #1
Chapter 16: Was late to read but still here. 👋
Zulfah #2
But wait, i don't understand
Sana love nayeon and married to her but also having a girlfriend? Sana's life is so mysterious
Thank you for the update author 🥰
imtozakiz #3
Chapter 15: update, pleaseeeeeee
Chapter 15: ohh so jennie likes sana too? But jisoo is sana's gf? wait :)
Chapter 14: aww jisoo? I thought it'll be jennie cuz i shipped jennie and sana so hard 😭😭😭
Wivern #6
Chapter 13: Thank you.
Liked the flashbacks a lot.
Chapter 15: I'm so much invested to this au.. I'm looking forward for the next update cuz Kim's siblings kinda suspicious with Jennie too. I want to know their agendas. Character development for Sanayeon ayyiiee aayyiie!! Newborn feeling .... Thanks for the update authornim! (•.•)♡♡♡♡
Zulfah #8
Chapter 14: So far, this story are unpredictable and make me always curious on every chapt

Looking forward for the next chapt and thanks for the update 😁
Zulfah #9
Chapter 13: I thought there is an update TT
Chapter 13: Awww I thought it was an update ಥ‿ಥ