Ch. 2: Not our friendship

Married to my Straight Unnie

Idiot. Stupid. Dumb. head.

Those are the words Sana can't stop telling herself as Nayeon slams the door right on her face after exchanging goodnight-s to each other. She did not know if the older did it accidentally or in purpose but one thing she knows is that they did not end the night in a good way.

Stupid self now Nayeon would think that you're really a player or worse a ert ack!

Sana did not know what the heck the ice cream had that made her blurt something like that. Really? MARRIAGE? 

Maybe it was her bitterness of knowing that Nayeon can have anyone she wants if she would like to. Maybe its her greediness of wanting Nayeon to be hers instead. Maybe its her jealousy of Nayeon being happy with someone else showing her that she will never ever be enough. 

Now I'm expecting for the worse. Shall I ready my VIP card at The Solo Whistle bar? Oh good heavens anything but not our friendship.

The latter quickly fished her phone out of the pocket to dial either Mina or Momo or anyone free for the night to talk. She smiled sadly as the lockscreen was a picture of her and Nayeon, she took when they went to N Seoul Tower after her failed love ritual. 

The Japanese can feel her heart clenced in pain as "being friends" with Nayeon is the only best thing keeping her feelings at bay eversince she met her. 


---- FLASHBACK ----

Sana was on the second year of college while Jihyo, Mina and Momo are in third years. The Japanese trinity already knew about Nayeon and Jeongyeon as Jihyo's bestfriends through the stories of the latter but they really never get to see them in person yet since they have different class schedules. 

The four of them also have each sweet spots at school which they call their own. If Momo is missing, they will search for her at the cafeteria. If Mina is late, she will be found at the library either reading books or just talking with the first year student named Chaeyoung. If there is no one scolding Sana and Momo's behaviors, Vice President Jihyo must be at the Student Council Room together with the President Kim Jennie either doing paper works or just Jennie asking about her oh so tiny-whiny crush on a certain Minatozaki. Lastly, if there is no blonde tripping whenever she sees pretty girls, they will see her at the rooftop.

At first, Sana resists to tell them the reason as to why she always like to go at the rooftop. Whenever they asked her about it, they will always get the same response: "I am watching the pretty flowers at the school garden" - or more like "I am watching the love of my life from afar". And everytime Sana answers like that, the three of them will just sigh at her. 

Yes. Sana always sits at the top left corner of the rooftop where she can be able to see the University garden and stalk the prettiest flower she'd ever seen. Exactly at 3pm every monday, wednesday and friday, she will immediately sprint her way to the rooftop and her eyes will automatically search for a beautiful brunette sitting prettily at the center bench surrounded of tulips and lilies. Surely breathtaking.

No matter how much Sana wants to just walk to the pretty girl to ask for her number, court her, be her girlfriend, fetch her everyday, celebrate monthsaries to anniversaries, live together, get married and-- not going there just yet.

How can she even do all those things with the pretty girl when she doesn't even know her name. Another thing that keeps her from possibly embarassing herself is because the girl is her senior and poor Sana thinks she's probably straight or unfortunately taken.

One fine monday, the four of them were eating peacefully when suddenly the whole cafeteria were startled to see Yook Sungjae - the basketball varsity and campus cutie, kneeling on one knee in front of a girl. Slowly almost all the students in the cafeteria were surrounding the kneeling man. 

Ofcourse, the four of them doesn't care about whatever is happening but they are also intrigued as to who was making such a Cutie Yook Sungjae kneel when lots of girls in the university would be the one to do it for him. The whole cafeteria pitied the busted Yook Sungjae as the girl wearing a senior uniform just rejected him then and there. 
Mina and Momo does not know who the girl is while Jihyo just followed after the girl who ran away. They had not been able to see her face but Sana knows that familiar brunette hair.  

As the blonde made her way again to the rooftop when the afternoon comes, she hitched her breath  when she sees the same brunette sitting on her sweet spot. Shock was an understatement of what Sana feels that moment as the girl noticed her presence. 

"Ahmm I'm sorry Sunbaenim, I did not know that someone will be here. I'll be going now"


She in' laugh ahh my heart.. wait. Did I say something funny?

Sana looked like a confuse puppy as whe watched the girl's hands patting the space beside her. 

"You want me to sit beside you Sunbaenim?" The girl just nodded at Sana. She can see the girl's eyes that looks from a distance. 

The younger can't contain herself since this is the very first time she sees her up close.  

"Beautiful" The blonde immediately covered with both hands. did I said it out loud?

"T-thank you, you too you're really pretty and you smell so good"
The pretty girl did not know that her cute stutter almost made Sana breathless (again). Oh good heavens I'll always wear this perfume then.

The blonde can't help but worry at the lonely eyes of the pretty girl. "Thank you. Are you okay Sunbaenim?"

The girl was amazed at Sana's oozing kindness and smiled at her.

"Unnie. Call me Nayeon-unnie."  

Sana shaked the girl's hand. "Sana."

From then on they sometimes met each other at the rooftop. They've been telling each other how there day went and Sana can't help but fall for Nayeon even more. It did not go unnotice to Jihyo and the others as they were so done with Sana always going to the rooftop until they decided to follow her.

Sanayeon were eating when Jihyo accidentally pushed open the door at the rooftop not noticing the brunette at first.

"Yah! Minatozaki Sana you can't run away now. Just tell us already who you are stalking at the school garden and-- "

"Jihyo?!" Jihyo was shocked to see the two being that close.

"EHH?!! Nayeon-unnie? Sana? You know each other?" 

"Jihyo? Mina? Momo? why are you all here?"

"Nayeon-unnie is one of my bestfriends I always tell you guys." 

After getting to know each other, not too long they also got to know Jeongyeon and they started to hang out more.  

Ofcourse, Sana's heart eyes and lovely actions that is only for the oblivious Nayeon were then noticed by the others. 

Sana always walk Nayeon home. She always gives Nayeon her jacket even if she's more sensitive to cold. She always bring Nayeon extra food at lunch. 

To Sana, Nayeon is the love of her life while Nayeon just thinks that Sana is just being friendly with her. 


Everything went smoothly between Sana and Nayeon, until Valentine's Day happen - the memory where both of them decided to leave behind.

However Sana will never ever forget about it.

"Nayeon unnie, I heard Sungjae sunbaenim and Yoongi sunbaenim confessed to you."

"Ah yeah. But I don't like them in that way too so I rejected them."

"Its good that you did Nayeon-unnie." 

Nayeon decided to tease the younger whose face seems relieved. "Why? You want me to be single forever?"

"What? Ofcourse not Unnie, its just that I heard they're really not serious about you." 

"Aww come here, give unnie a hug." Nayeon spread her arms and as Sana snuggled to her neck, she started to get nervous. Sana slowly loosen her grip on Nayeon. 

"Unnie I have something to confessed to you too." The older just looked at the blonde with questioning eyes. 

"I know that we just became friends months ago and I'm thnakful for you giving me that chance and I wanna say ahm that I-I-"

"Come on Sana breathe" Oh how can I breathe Unnie when I'm about to throw everything out of the window.

Sana breathe deeply and looked sincerely at Nayeon while holding both of her hands. 

"Nayeon-unnie I really like you. From the first time I saw you at the garden, I can't believe that someone as beautiful like you exist. Unnie you're the prettiest flower I'm watching from afar. I know you won't accept me but its okay atleast I got to tell my feelings for you and only you."
"I'm sorry Unnie, just forget about it." 

Nayeon was too shocked to say anything. "W-wait. I'm sorry I react too late. I ahm, wow. Is this the reason why you rejected Jennie and Rose? So.. you.. like me, in that way?

Sana can't look at Nayeon's eyes so she just nooded her head while looking down.

"Sana I, I am sorry." 

I knew it. I knew you were straight all along but I still tried. I knew how many times Jihyo told me to control these feelings for you but I didn't listen. I knew that I will only and will always be a little sister in your eyes. I also knew that no matter what I do, you and I will never happen. 

"I told you Unnie its okay. You did not need to do anything about it. Let's just forget this, yeah?"

"Are you sure?" Sana just smiled at Nayeon while holding her hand as they walked down the rooftop. 

"Sanaaaa you always walk me home. Its getting dark now, I'm going to be okay" 

"Nope Unnie. You don't have a date tonight, do you?"

"I rejected them remember  -  "And me too, I just got rejected right?" Sana looked at Nayeon who immediately got silent. Oh dumb.

"Unnie I'm just kidding hahah let's go, ice cream my treat!"

After they spent the night together eating ice cream, Sana walked Nayeon home.

"I hope nothing changes between us Unnie. We're still friends right?" 

As they reach Nayeon's home, the older held Sana's trembling hands and smiled sweetly that melted Sana's heart. 

"Thank you Sana"

"Anything to make you happy Nayeonnie" Anything. 


Sana still wished that someday Nayeon will notice her undying love for her. 


But that will stay as a dream. A dream that whatever blood, sweat, and tears she exert will be never achieved. 


Nayeon. The most beautiful flower she'd ever seen that is for her to only loved and protect but will never be owned. Nayeon will never be hers even if she already vowed that she will always be Nayeon's. 

"-tozaki! Sana. Hey Sana, stop daydreaming. Damn it. Earth to Sana" Mina can't count how many times she rolled her eys for the night as Sana seems to be deep in her own world. 

She just got home when Sana called her but no one was speaking on the other line except for the horns of cars passing by. Mina got worried and found Sana walking to God knows where.

Mina suddenly thought of an angelic (evil) idea. She thought it won't hurt to try and Sana might snapped back to reality. 

Okay, one two three. "MINATOZAKI IM NAYEON" 

"Wahh- Nayeon?! Where? EHH Minaa?" Sana was startled to see herself strapped in what she assumes Mina's car and Mina shaking her shoulders.

"Ohh Mina thank God you're here," Sana started. "I need to tell you something stupid"


Sana just hummed while shifting in her seat. As always, it is about Sana's unrequited love for Nayeon. 

Mina sighed and begin to drive. Things I do for you Minatozaki Sana. 





"Are you drunk? WHY would YOU suggest something serious like THAT?!"

Mina just continued to walk back and forth. Momo straightaway gulped her drink as she choked on her food. As for Sana, she stare at the two who looks at her like how a criminal pleads help to their lawyers. 

As soon as they arrived at Mina's place, Mina called Momo and ordered food for the midnight. Sana story-telled them about her stupid proposal at Nayeon's place. 

"Sattang, MARRIAGE IS SERIOUS."  And so am I. 

"Sanachan you do not need to do it"  But I will do anything for Nayeon.

"Sattang let me remind you that YOU JUST graduated."  I know, I'm still young. 

The blonde can't decipher anymore whatever the two says as Mina and Momo continued to lecture her. 

She knows how much Mina and Momo loves her and they just want the best for her too. 

Mina and Momo was there whenever Sana tells them stories about the pretty girl at the university. Mina and Momo was also there when Nayeon rejected Sana. Mina and Momo was also there when Sana got another inspiration - her. Mina and Momo was also there after she moved on from her ex. Mina and Momo was also there when Sana admitted she still loves Nayeon. And lastly, Mina and Momo was also there whenever Sana learned that Nayeon's parents are introducing rich n' handsome men to her girl

They always feel bad to see their Sana this lonely all because of LOVE. 

Friendship is the only relationship Sana had with Nayeon and she swore to God she'll do whatever it takes to protect that bond. 

Besides, she knows Mina and Momo will always be there for her no matter what.  

Sana launched herself at the two Japanese and they hugged her back as tightly as they can.

"Minaring, Momoring, I'll find a way." Mina was about to open when Sana speaks again. 

"Nayeon needs me." Sana sternly replied. "Don't worry about me. Look at me, I am still secretly loving her for two years now and she hasn't, No, she still can't see me."

Momo wants to interfere Sana's decision but Mina touched her shoulder. 

Now Mina understands where Sana is coming from. She always admire Sana's bravery. And today is not an exception.

"Sattang, we love you." 

"Oh my gosh, my heart is fluttered. I love you two." Sana just cooed at her friend's sweetness.


Everyone knows that when Sana sets her heart into something she'll do it whatever it costs her. 

Mina prayed that this time, Sana makes the right decision as she sees the blonde drinking the night away. 

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Update: Chapter 16 out :))
Enjoy reading MTMSU!


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Zulfah 0 points #1
But wait, i don't understand
Sana love nayeon and married to her but also having a girlfriend? Sana's life is so mysterious
Thank you for the update author 🥰
imtozakiz #2
Chapter 15: update, pleaseeeeeee
Chapter 15: ohh so jennie likes sana too? But jisoo is sana's gf? wait :)
Chapter 14: aww jisoo? I thought it'll be jennie cuz i shipped jennie and sana so hard 😭😭😭
Wivern #5
Chapter 13: Thank you.
Liked the flashbacks a lot.
Chapter 15: I'm so much invested to this au.. I'm looking forward for the next update cuz Kim's siblings kinda suspicious with Jennie too. I want to know their agendas. Character development for Sanayeon ayyiiee aayyiie!! Newborn feeling .... Thanks for the update authornim! (•.•)♡♡♡♡
Zulfah #7
Chapter 14: So far, this story are unpredictable and make me always curious on every chapt

Looking forward for the next chapt and thanks for the update 😁
Zulfah #8
Chapter 13: I thought there is an update TT
Chapter 13: Awww I thought it was an update ಥ‿ಥ
Keshar #10
Chapter 13: Update please 🤧