For You Now

Chanyeol made his move before I could have stopped him.

I made my move as well, but I wasn't able to act enough rapidly. I didn't want him to risk his life just to save me from Woosuk. I just wanted to get over that day, without even more violence, but it didn't seem to be an option in that case, because Chanyeol didn't want to make a peaceful deal — well he was Chanyeol... What else to expect from someone like him?

I didn't know how was he able to move so quickly. He was literally beaten almost to the point of blacking out, yet he still had lots of strength saved for that. In a moment he was already right next to Woosuk, who still didn't get a chance to trigger. With just one move Chanyeol pushed the other ones hands to the side, so there was no way Woosuk could harm him with it. He twisted my brothers hand and in that moment I suddenly heard a gun shot.

The time stopped for a moment and I looked at Chanyeol with my eyes widely opened.

I didn't move. I just stood there motionlessly, looking at him, like I was frozen in time. The time literally seemed to move much slower in that moment. Everything seemed to be slower, like a slow motion and I wanted it to end.

Chanyeol didn't mind of the shot, because the bullet missed him.

That made me relieved. He was okay and that was all I wanted in that moment, but everything still seemed to be slowed down, like the world around me wasn't even real. 

Chanyeol made another move and pushed Woosuk to the side, making him hit a hard surface of a wall with his head, because of which he collapsed down to the ground unconsciously. 

"Don't you ever dare to wake up and touch him again! I will make sure you rot in a jail until you give up on your miserable life and finally get to burn in hell forever!" Chanyeol talked to an unconscious Woosuk, like he would still be aware of his mad speaking.

"Chan—" I tried to speak, but he ignored me and kept getting his anger off his chest. 

"—I told you I am making my own options! I have my own rules here! That is how I want it to end!" he went on. His voice was rough and mad, but proud at the same time. He was in his own world, talking with Woosuk.

I clenched my teeth and took a deep breath, before looking down to my chest. The view blinded me, so I looked back to the taller one. "Ch—" I spoke, but got interrupted again.

"—Did you see how well I made everything to turn out perfectly?" he announced proudly, still not looking at me. He was so full of himself in that moment and I somehow didn't want to destroy his moment of victory — it was about to get destroyed anyway. "He is a good fighter, I have to admit that, but you know that I hate that... I literally can't move my hand and I think my chest will break into pieces, if I make another step." 

"Chanyeol, I—" I breathed out to get his attention again. My voice was weak and even that little sound that came out of me was shaking. I wished I could keep up with his proud talking and the satisfaction he was holding in himself. I wished I could've been that proud and happy as well. I wanted to run towards him and hug him tightly, but I wasn't able to move, I wasn't able to be happy.

He turned around and looked at me with a smile, but it faded away immediately — turning into a confused one — then to a shocked one — a worried one — then a look filled with regret and pain, not physical one, but the pain which strike him after seeing me. 

"Baekhyun?" He choked out of himself with a voice filled with horror. His body tensed as he saw what was happening. 

I just stared at him for some moments just as motionlessly as he was. Even I wasn't sure what was happening, so I slowly looked down to my body again. I was holding my hand pressed to the lover side of my chest. Holding it tightly, but my hands were slightly trembling because of my weakness. Blood was dripping between my fingers, down over my bare skin, soaking into my pants. I was in an awfully terrible pain and it was hard for me to breathe because of it. It was an unbearable pain, but I kept it inside, like I was keeping and hiding the tears, keeping myself strong in that moment of disaster. I was going o break soon. Sooner or later I would break into a cry and wouldn't be able to hold anymore. It was too much for me. I was trying to deal with it just because of Chanyeol — I wanted to stay strong in his eyes.

"Chan," I tried to get him back to his senses, because he was just standing there, frozen and numb, after getting shocked like that. In that moment my legs gave up. I collapsed and he came to me just enough fast to catch me. His hands warped around me and protected me from hitting the ground and getting hurt even more.

"How?" He asked me with a trembling voice. His eyes were first focused on mine and then they traveled down to my wound where he used one of his hands, helping me to stop the bleeding. I whined, nearly screamed by the contact of his hands pressing on my wound tightly. His already bloody hands, which were covered with his and Woosuk's blood after the fight, were now completely covered in rivers of my fresh, dark and warm blood. 

It was obvious what had happened. Chanyeol had tried to stop Woosuk from getting a chance to touch me again. Leaving me alone in that situation on any kind of a way wasn't something he could've gone through. He had tried to stop that. Tried to make his own way of ending that all. I had gotten hit by a bullet, as he had knocked Woosuk's hand to the side. The bullet that had been meant for Chanyeol. It was now burried deep inside me, ripping me appart.

"I'm so sorry for not listening to you," I spoke out. My voice was weak and hoarse. After all I felt extremly tired and the pain from the wound did nothing good — like anybody could find any good side of esperiencing that. It was all just pain, regret and thoughts about how to end this all and say goodbye on a nice way.

Chanyeol pulled me closer to himself and placed me on his thighs, supporting my back while still trying to stop my bleeding. His other hand moved to the side of my face and I noticed that it was shaking as he came closer to touch my cheek gently. "What do you mean?" he was looking at me confused, while gently caressing my cheek and neck. 

"You-" I pulled out of myself and took some time to fight with the pain. "You ordered me to stay away. I didn't do it as you said. I'm sorry." 

"Baekhyun, stop apologising immediately! It wasn't your fault," he told me strictly, but he was obviously on the edge of going crazy because of that all. "At least listen to that now! You will be okay. Others will come. They will find us! Just keep it up a little longer," he rubbed my cheek gently, mixing a feeling of warmth and love with pain and fear. I noticed tears in his eyes, but he didn't let them slide down his cheeks. 

"You are beautiful, Chanyeol," I said quietly. 

"Wait, no!" he begged, realising what I was doing. "Stop saying that. Don't you dare to say goodbye on that way. Not on that way, not on any other way! Stop it! You will be okay. We have plenty of time left. You will tell me that one day, when we both will be okay, together, completely alone, watching stars in a moonlight while loving each other! Not now!" he found his phone, which obviously had gotten broken while he had been fighting. He called and started talking rapidly. Stress and fear was taking over him quickly, which I could hear from the way of his speaking. He was cracking a lot, which definitely wasn't something I was used to hear from Chanyeol. His phone that he pressed to his ear kept shaking from Chanyeol's fear and worry.

I passed with my hand over Chanyeol's, with which he was trying to stop my bleeding. Later I traveled up to his neck and gently touched his soft skin to feel the warmth of his body. He didn't mind and kept talking on the phone. My hands were bloody and left stains on Chanyeol's skin. I overheard his words. I didn't care about finding help in that moment. I just wanted Chanyeol's attention for myself, so I sized up and took a hold of his other hand, with which he was holding a phone. 

He stopped talking and looked at me surprised and confused as I pulled his hand away from his ear. 

"Chanyeol, please," I said and did my best to put a smile on my face, covering the pain and dizziness. "You will listen to me now. I have so much to say, but I don't think I will be able to hold much longer—" 

"—You can do it, Love," Chanyeol dropped his phone and pushed his fingers through my hair, rufling then a bit. "Don't say that. They will come for us," he leaned down and kissed me carefully and roughly at the same time, like there was no tomorrow. His lips parted mine and I kissed him back just as passionately, even though I was literally suffering because of the wound in my chest. I tasted the sweetness of him, but a bitter taste of his blood as well. Chanyeol's lips pulled me into a completely different reality. In the reality where I wasn't slowly losing my time and getting closer to an end every second. 

"Yeasterday it was the best day of my life," I breathed out, interrupting the kiss, but still keeping myself close to Chanyeol. "It was a perfect day and you made it special. I'm sorry for everything I've done... I mean for destroying your day. Happy birthday Chan," I smiled, but everything I got in response was a slight twitch on his lips. "And... Have I ever told you... Ah... Chanyeol... I love you more than anybody or anything else on this world?" 

It was too much for him to handle in that moment and he bursted out and finally let his teas slide down. "Baekhyun, my love, why are you telling me that now?!" he cried. "You've been avoiding it for so long and you say it now? When will you stop saying goodbye? It is not the end, I won't let it be the end! You will stay with me!" 

"I am not saying goodbye," I told him. I tried my best to keep myself as calm as possible, just so Chanyeol would calm, but I knew i was only lying to myself. I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold longer.

"You are all the time. I'm not gonna let you! Stop being like that and use that energy to keep yourself here with me!"

I put my finger over his lips to silence him down. "I will always be with you," I quietly said, but felt bad for saying it. I didn't believe I could get through that alive. I just wanted to tell Chanyeol that I would always be by his side even after my death. "I promise!" 

"Don't do that to me!" Chanyeol kissed me again, but ended it quickly to speak again. "I won't be able to live without you!" 

My view was getting more and more blurred and I was doing my best to keep my eyes opened and focused on Chanyeol. He was beautiful, even though there were was some blood sticking to his skin. I loved to see him, but his big and dark eyes were now filled with tears and I didn't like that. I wanted to see him smile, I even preferred his serious face. I just didn't want him to be sad. "Chanyeol..." I asked and swallowed to somehow limit the pain. "Can I ask you something?" 

"Anything," He clenched his teeth together and pulled me closer to himself. "Just ask," 

"Please, smile for me," I pleaded. 

His lips twitched and tears fell from his eyes again. He sobbed and took a deep breath while looking up to the ceiling for a moment, before looking back down to me. He forced a smile, but it faded away immediately. "I'm sorry, Baekhyun, I can't..." He said and moved his hand with which he was holding my wound, causing even greater pain. 

"AH!" I screamed out. 

"Shhh, I know it hurts," he told me, worrying. "It will be over soon." 

Over soon? Yeah, he was right, but he obviously didn't have the same thing in his mind as I did. I was seeing an end and he was hoping on seeing the future. I didn't believe there was any. 

"Then can you sing...?" I asked and hoped on getting at least that. 

"You want me to do it, because you want to hear my voice before leaving me, don't you? Baekhyun, don't ask me to do it. I can't!" 

"Please," I begged and felt tears collecting in my eyes as well. I loved to hear singing when I was in pain. I loved to hear Chanyeol's voice. Even before I had fallen in love with him, I loved to listen to the melody of his voice. It was making me relaxed. I wanted to relax, I wanted to hear him sing once more. I remembered how I had first heard him on the university's hallway, the day when I had fallen asleep in front of that window under the moonlight and he had found me alone there. When I thought about it now, I realised that he had always been nice with me, even when we were literally annoying each other day after day. It was the reason why I had fallen in love with him and I loved that.

Chanyeol did the best to calm himself down. He took his breath and started singing slowly and quietly. I knew the melody and lyrics of the song. I closed my eyes and just listened to him, trying to forget about the pain in my body and about everything that was making me worried at that moment. I had listened until Chanyeol's voice started cracking too much and the song eventually changed into painful sobs and cries.

I sized up with my hand, feeling the heaviness of it immediately. I went all the way to Chanyeol's cheek and placed my hand on it, he stopped singing and helped me to hold my hand up, but there was something wrong. As I tried to touch him and feel him, I felt nothing. I knew I was touching him, but my nerves weren't there anymore. I didn't feel him anymore. Even Chanyeol's hand that was caresing me felt just like a light feather, sliding on my skin. 

I knew I had only a few moments now. I knew what was going to happen. I wished I was stronger. 

I spoke up, but even then I felt like my voice was just an echo in my head, fading away, but I didn't stop. 

"Chanyeol—" I got his attention. "You know I will never leave you,"

"Baekhyun, please. You must hold longer," he begged, but I made him quiet to speak on.

"I am sorry, but you must remember—" I cracked again. I was literally feeling like deaf. My view kept zooming in and out and after all I didn't feel the contact of mine and his skin. "Chanyeol, I will never leave. No matter what I will be with you. I am already locked in your heart," I said, feeling pain in my chest making me whine.

I didn't want him to think I left him. I was going to be with him all the time. Never ever would I leave him. 

Tears fell from Chanyeol's eyes, just like mine did. He understood what I ment, but didn't want to accept it. He kept begging and pleading, but I had no power to satisfy his wishes. 

I did my best to get the air into me. I wasn't done yet. I looked up at his dark eyes and then weakly spoke the last I wanted.

"Chanyeol, I-I really love you," I said almost like a whisper, but it was strong and powerful.

Right after exhaled. I wasn't able to inhale again, letting out my last breath, not letting oxygen into me anymore. My whole body relaxied, muscles stopped working, not even one moving anymore. My eyes fell close and didn't open again. I didn't feel anymore, see anymore, hear anymore. The pain faded and I felt lighter. 

Eventually, I become nothing. No body, feelings, thoughts, nothing. Only pitch darkness, swallowing me far away.



I am sorry guys! 

Yes, I dare kill main characters! 

Who cried? Who cried already at the begginging? Anyone didn't cry at all? 

Let's meet Baekhyun in heaven now. 

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!