For You Now

"Nobody is leaving the house today," Woosuk said. 

I wanted to argue back, but he acted before I could.

He pushed Baekhyun away, making him almost fall to the ground, but I managed to catch him in a right moment. His small and bare body fell into my arms. I sized around his chast and hugged him closer. He held himself up and lied his hands on my shoulders. I loved the contact with him a lot, but I wasn't able to wait for long. 

Just as my hands wrapped around Baekhyun's body, Woosuk acted and knocked away my gun.

It fell to the corner of the room away from all of us.

He took his way towards the gun and I knew I had to do something about it. I immediately let Baekhyun down. I did it fast and carefully at the same time, because I didn't want him to get hurt. After that I literally jumped on Woosuk and knocked him down, so both of us ended up on the floor. 

"You are heavy!" Woosuk growled, but I didn't mind for it. 

I climbed up on the top of him and then gave him a hard punch in the face. His head fell to the side and he gasped at the pain, which made me feel good once for all. "I don't think I want to stay here longer than needed..." I said and gave him another punch, making a small red wound right under his eye.

Woosuk got mad over it and acted back. I knew it would get to that point soon and I was expecting it somehow, but I wasn't ready. 

I felt how he kicked into my back. The pain that caused made me yell. I had been hit in my back two times already!! With a chair! He knew well what was my weakness at that moment. He managed to get me off him. We both crawled a bit away from each other.

"I want to keep my back in one piece!" I complained madly. "It hurts!" 

"It's just back pain. You are getting old!" Woosuk replied laughing a bit.

"And it is you who talks about age!" I yelled back, attacking him again.  None of us got the strength tto stand up completely, so I just attacked while kneeling there right in front of him. I got a hold of his shoulder and tried to punch him, but he prevented it with his hand. He was fast and knew how to defend himself well. Martial arts skills of course. 

"Well, how old are you, huh?" Woosuk asked, holding my hand tightly while we were staring at each other furiously. 

"You better wish me a happy birthday! You are ing destroying it!" I yelled and got the chance to punch him in the face. 

"Then do the same! It is mine as well!" Woosuk said and got an opportunity to hit me. His speed was incredible. He hit my jaw, making me get a bit dizzy, but I was able to keep myself quiet, even though I wanted to complain. If he was a student, I would actually praise him for being well trained, but since it was Woosuk, I just wanted to end him completely for it. 

"Well, speak up! You must be 30. It makes me younger!" Woosuk said. 

"25! 25 today!" I went furious.

"Stop lying!" Woosuk said and hit my shoulder. "No way!" 

"What are you really older?" I laughed at the thought of him loosing. Woosuk hesitated and gave me the sign that he really was older than 25. I laughed at it even more.

My laughter was ended by him fist on me. He punched my chin and my head fell back, until it hit the floor behind me. I lied on my back and groaned as I was feeling a bit dizzy.

"Chanyeol, what the hell!" Baekhyun screamed and I could see that he was trying to stand up and move closer to me. 

I took a deep breath and just tried to lie on the floor for some time — trying to relax a bit — but Woosuk made it impossible (what else to expect from an idiot who already destroyed all day). He punched my stomach and made me clench. I quietly cursed and then rolled on my knees. I helped myself stand up and Woosuk did the same. I felt dizzy and light-headed on my legs. I had a feeling like I was going to black out soon. 

I ran into him as soon and wished I could do more than just get a hold of his shirt. I clumsily pulled it, but did nothing with it.

Woosuk was in a better mood and position for fighting, so he acted much better. He held my shoulders and pulled me lower until I felt his knee burried in my stomach. He kicked up several times and made me lose my breath. 

I was gasping for air and burrying my fingers into Woosuk's shirt that I had in my hands. 

He didn't wait, but later punched my jaw again and made me trip to the side. I made a step to the side, away from Woosuk. I needed to catch my balance. I placed my left hand on my jaw, exactly where Woosuk had hit me. There was a cut made as my flesh ripped from his punch. I looked at my hand, which had tracks of my fresh blood on it.

I looked at Woosuk furiously. I hated how stubborn he was. I hated him for everything that he had done to me and Baekhyun. I felt the vawe of anger taking over me.

I went to attack again, ran directly towards Woosuk, acting like I was about to hit him with my fist, but once I was right next to him, I dived down and caught him around his chest and pushed him with me. I didn't stop, but speed up all the way until his back hit the wall. He yelled as I pinned him on it so hard that a crack appeared on it. I didn't stop there. I took his wrist and in just a few moments, pulled him over my back until he fell down to the floor.

"Oh, !" he groaned at the pain. I tried to do anything else than this, but he kicked up, knocking me away. 

He got on his legs in a moment, which was probably one of his martial arts tricks and got a chance to hit me again. I defended myself as he tried to do it again, but I still could taste blood in my mouth as the blood from my nose poured down to my lips and then lower to my chin. I just whiped it away and tried to not mind for it. 

I quickly took a glance to Baekhyun who was helping himself to stand up with the furniture around. I wanted him to run away, but he didn't seem to be really able to use his legs at that moment. 

In that moment, Woosuk took a hold of me. He held me by my wrist and pulled it a bit away. In just a few moments I tripped over his leg that swung under mine and made me fall on my back. Woosuk didn't let my wrist yet. He held it up, close to him, so strong that I couldn't pull away. He then hit into my shoulder and made me scream again. I hated screaming, but in that moment I could just pray he wasn't planning on pulling my bones out of my shoulders. They were just too precious to me. He pulled my arm up and body down, so I could fell horrible pain in my shoulder and my muscles tightened at the pull. 

Woosuk let my hand after this and I pulled it all the way to my body, groaning at the pain. Woosuk then kicked into my stomach, making me lose air in my chest and yell again. I clenched, but he kept kicking into me. 

Soon I started coughing as I saw how there came blood from my mouth. I felt like I was about to throw up, but I had nothing to get out of myself other than my blood. It was even harder to breathe as Woosuk kept kicking and I started to feel dizzier each second. 

I reminded motionless on the floor for some time and Woosuk stopped kicking after some time. 

My view was blured, but I could see how he took his way away from me. He headed towards Baekhyun who was mostly crawling away and fighting to get his strenght back. 

"Baekhyun!" I called his name. "Get away!" I panicked as Woosuk aproached him. I wasn't going to give up just yet and I needed Baekhyun to somehow get away and tell others where we were. 

I took a deep breath and then sized with my hand towards Woosuk's legs. I grabbed him by him by his ankle and pulled it back with my full force. He tripped and fell down in front of me, cursing at me. He hit his chin as he fell, but other way he reminded fine.

I did my best to move and act fast. I climbed to Woosuk, who was lying on his stomach. I went over him quickly and took his wrists, locking them on the floor with my feet. He yelled as I almost stood on them. 

"Does it hurt you already?" I asked. "Well I can show you that there are worse kinds of pain! And no one can compare with all the pain you caused Baekhyun to feel!"

I took a hold of Woosuk's hair, with my unharmed hand and pulled him up, almost bending his back. I kept my other hand, which literally wasn't able to move near my body, to protect it from more damage. 

Woosuk was strugling to stay on the floor this time, but I made sure he came all the way up until my head was next to him.

"Time to pay for everything," I whispered roughly at his ear.

His eyes went wider, as he realised, what I was about to do.

I forced his head all the way down back to the floor, face first and he crashed with the floor. He yelled as I hit him so hard, that he got nosebleeds.

"This is for taking Baekhyun from me!" I said and then pulled him up again. 

I didn't hesitate as I smacked his head to the floor again, harder than before. Woosuk kept yelling at it, fighting to get his hands from under my feet, but I kept him in place. 

"This one for hurting him!" I said. This time I could see Woosuk's blood messed around his face as the hit to the floor made it flow in all ways. 

I growled as I pushed his head to the floor for the third time. I was holding his hair tightly, almost pulling them off.

He kept cursing at it, but his voice was getting weaker and hoase.

I pulled him up again and now saw a dark red patch on his forehead as blood poured from it. His nose was for sure already broken and there was just a question when I would crash his skull. 

"This one is for annoying me and damaging my pretty face!" I said roughly.

"Chanyeol, that is enough!" I heard Baekhyun's voice, but didn't mind for it. I just wanted to revange. 

"And this ones for you being an as*hole!" I growled again and hit his head at the floor for several more times.

Woosuk screamed at the pain. I hit everytime harder, burrying him into the floor harder each time. He didn't look like himself anymore. 

He managed to get his hand free in some time and immediately took a hold of my hand on his hair. 

"STOP!" he yelled, spitting blood. 

He kicked around to get me off and backed away from me. As he was on safe distance he fell on his knees and burried his face into his hands. He held his face, cursing quietly as I ruined him. His hands got soaked in the blood from his face and he looked at me in horror. 

I felt more tired each second. I didn't even realise how very tired and on the edge of consciousness I was. My view kept zoomin in and out, making everything blury and confused. My mind was spinning and head ached. I felt horrible pain in my back also stomach. I wasn't able to move my left hand, because it obviously wasn't standing in the right place anymore. It ached a lot and I had a feeling like the rest of my body was in pain because of it. 

I couldn't feel a bit of energy left in me as Woosuk stood up again. I stayed on the floor, fought my dizziness and tried my best to get the pain fade. I was lost in my mind, but Woosuk got me back to reality again. He punched my chin and made me lie on my back. I just saw blur as I looked up, but I knew Woosuk was standing fight next to me, looking down at me with cruel eyes. 

"You are dead, now," Woosuk said, almost proudly. On that he rised his leg, until it was right on the top of me, less than a feet above. I didn't move. I didn't have the energy to do so, so I waited, not even knowing what he was about to do. 

In no time Woosuk's leg fell down on my chest, his feet burrying into me. I screamed as I felt my ribs breaking, pain spreading everywhere, making it impossible for me to breathe. 

Woosuk laughed at how he just crushed my bones in me. I tried my best to breathe normally, but the pain made everything hard. 

Woosuk rised his leg again, preparing it again, wanting to break me more. Just on that I heard a shout and Woosuk disappeared from my view. 

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Baekhyun yelled and jumped over Woosuk. They both fell on the floor away from me. Baekhyun held Woosuk together tightly, but it was not hard for Woosuk to fight him back.

"You fool. You can't fight me!" Woosuk roared and them got the chance to push Baekhyun away from him. "Even Park can't! And you think you could do anything with half of your body paralysed?" 

Woosuk lifted himself up on his feet and then aproached Baekhyun. He punched him into the face and made him back away.

I clenched as I had to watch Baekhyun suffer again. I was sure he would've been able to fight, if he had been in a good shape for it. I trained him well enough, but Woosuk was right, because Baekhyun really didn't have a complete control over his muscles in that moment.

As I took a better look at Baekhyun after the punch, he had ripped lower lip on the side and there came a bit of blood. I could see a bit of red colour on his cheek, marking where he got punched. 

Baekhyun took his way towards me instead of fighting Woosuk. He knew he had just little chances to win agains him. Even I just wanted to have him with me in that moment. 

Baekhyun was almost at my side as I heard Woosuk again.

"Get away from him!" Woosuk yelled at Baekhyun. We both checked at his direction and my eyes suddenly went wide open.

The gun, that I had brought, was now in Woosuk's hands, pointing at us. 

I glanced at Baekhyun who was the same shocked as I was. I groaned as I made myself stand up. I fought with pain and managed to straighten myself as much as possible. Baekhyun stood up too, but as soon as he tried to get right next to me, Woosuk yelled again.

"Away from him, I said!" Woosuk said and pointed at Baekhyun with the gun.

"NO!" Baekhyun complained and tried to get to me, but I used my hand to keep him away. 

"Move to the side!" I said seriously. 

He hesitied. 

"Listen to Park's good advice!" Woosuk told him and smirked. "He is finally making a smart move." 


"—Baekhyun, listen to him— No! Listen to me and get away! He will trigger, if you don't do as he says!" I said.

"He will trigger anyway," Baekhyun tried to argue back, but I stopped him again. 

"Move to the side," I said seriously. "That is an order!" 

He made a step away, but kept himself close to me. 

"Now stay there! Be at least good at this!" Woosuk said, obviously annoyed. "What did you get with fighting, huh?" he glanced at me, but I was just hoping he really wasn't going to trigger. 

"I managed to make you ugly," I hissed. 

"Pft- look lt yourself," Woosuk puffed. "It didn't take lots of work. Now, what should I do with you?" He looked at Baekhyun again. His eyes checked him from the bottom to top, looking at him disappointed. "I am still not done with you, Baek. I will end what I started. I will take you even if it's my last time!" 

"And you think I will just watch it happen?!" I yelled at him.

On that Woosuk looked at me furiously. His eyes were on fire. Almost ever bit of skin on his face was covered in blood. The blood started to dry on him. He had a bad and deep, dark red patch of blood on his forehead, which bleed down to his ears, nose around his eyes and to his cheeks. His nosebleeds went down passing his ripped lips to his chin and then slid to his neck. He looked ruined, messed and scary at the same time. On his clenched hands on the gun I could see blood which was his own, mixed with mine from punching me. 

For a moment Woosuk glanced at Baekhyun before looking at me again. He smiled widely, showing me his white teeth, which were now covered in red tracks of his blood. He kicked hit lips and teeth, to taste and get some of it away. 

"I can make it easier for you," he said, laughing a bit. "There are different options. First, you get away from here quietly, without causing any drama and I might be gentle with your Baekhyun—" 

"—That is not even an option!" 

"Chanyeol, calm down!" Baekhyun told me. 

"I am not doing that!" I looked at him seriously. "I am not letting him touch you!" 

"I can survive it." 

"No, Baekhyun, the only person, who should be allowed to touch you, is me! I'm not sharing you with anyone! Especially not that creep!" 

"Huh, couple problems," Woosuk got the attention back to himself. "That is why there is a second option. And I personally prefer this one, I don't know for you..." his hand, which was holding a gun, moved from Baekhyun directly to me. "I can get rid of you first, get from Baekhyun what I want and then end him too. Let's see, if you can meet in heaven..." 

"I'm not taking any of these options. I am making my own ways!" I said. 

"Chanyeol, don't you dare!" Baekhyun shouted, but I already acted, because Woosuk wasn't threatening Baekhyun anymore. I needed to do something to end this all on a different way. 



I'm sorry for ending this chapter here... No, actually... I am not sorry at all:) 

The violent part is over, now it comes something else.... You can guess what^^<3 

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!