For You Now

My muscles ached and my arms were heavy. I was soaked in sweat once I ended lifting the dumbbels. 

I couldn't belive that major Park let me be in his gym and not the campus'. It made me feel like he didn't hate me so much at all, but I knew nothing had actually changed, because he gave me lots of hard work, which wasn't something I wanted at all. I was lifting dumbbels, doing push-ups and pull-ups. 

"Byun, are you even trying to pull yourself up?" he asked when I gave up after five pull-ups.

"I am..." I said. "I can't magically get muscles in one day," 

"And that is not what I want from you," He told me and walked closer. "You aren't even trying, watch and learn from a professional!" 

He took my place under a pull-up station and told me to move away.

I didn't hesitate, because I was glad I didn't need to work and I would be finally able to rest for a minute or two. 

Major got himself ready. "Now focus!" he said and started doing pull-ups. I had never seen him to work out before, but it was nothing less than I expected. He pulled himself up effortlessly and then down. 

"I don't know why are you even complaining so much!" he said and made a few more pull-ups like he was doing them on daily basis like something casual. Well that was probably true for major Park. 

"How much time do you actually spend here?" I asked. 

He dropped himself and landed on his hands. "If I think now, actually not so much, especially not these days, because I prefer doing absolutely nothing.... But that of course that doesn't mean you can chill like that! Get back to work!" 

I took his place, but hesitied before continuing. "Sir, what's the time?" I slowly asked.

Major Park took out his phone and checked the time on it. "Nearly 9, Byun," he answered and my eyes widened from shock.

"I have my classes now! And I still haven't eaten breakfast," I complained like the world was about to end.

"Are classes that important for you? Isn't it better here?" major Park rised his eyesbrow. I really didn't care about my classes, but I also didn't want to be here anymore. I was upset, because I had missed my breakfast and I could feel my stomach empty already.

"No, I'm not interested in my classes. They bore me and I am actually only losing my precious time..." I was honest with him.

"Oh really?! I thought you at least like your classes, since you are a fail on all trainings," he got the point. "So you are incapable and stupid?" 

"I didn't say I am stupid," I said a little upset. "Not liking classes doesn't make me stupid!" 

"Oh, don't worry," major laughed. "I will be able to see how well you will do on your exams. I will probably know all your results before you will." 

"Is that possible?" I asked. 

"Do you remember what is my rank here?" He asked. 

"The major..." I said. 

"That probably answers your question, because it is obvious that I have connections here!" 

Yeah he obviously had some authority, but I still wasn't sure if any professor would bother to show the results to anybody, before officially uploading them. 

"You liked classes?" I tried to put the topic on him and not me anymore. 

Major laughed because of my question, but still remained serious. "Byun, this is a personal question. I told you not to ask them!" he said, but I didn't care about it. I didn't see a problem in this questions and I thought anyone could answer them, no matter what rank they were in. "However," he continued "I liked classes a lot. I was one of the best students, Byun. You are actually the opposite of me!" 

I just shrugged with my shoulders. It was nothing new that he was good at everything. I took his comment as a joke, because I knew I actaully wasn't bad at classes nor trainings, I just wasn't interested into them that much or it was too tiring for me.

"You can go, Byun," major finally decided to dismiss me. "You can apologise for your delay," he told me, but this time I didn't do a move. I just stood there in the middle of the room, like my whole body got numb. Major Park got confused and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Byun, what are you waiting?" he asked. "You wanna me to kiss you and wish you good luck with your studying? I am not your mommy!" 

"No, actually.... Can I have breakfsat before classes? I will die if I don't get something to eat before lunch..." I told him and later put my hand on my stomach to caress it.

Major Park sighed and rolled his eyes, like he was tired and annoyed because of my presence. 

"Beakfast time is over! Do you think they will wait for you to appear and eat your breakfast? I don't think so, Byun," he said and I was slowly loosing all my hopes. I was upset and looked at the ground to avoid more contact with him.

He noticed my grief and sighed once again. "Alright, Byun. Come with me, since you want to eat that much," he changed his mind about my breakfast and already took his way to the exit of the room.

"Sir, where are you taking me?" I got corious and wanted to know what his plan was.

"Do you want your breakfast or not?" he turned around to look at me and shot me a serious look.

"Yes, I want, but—" I couldn't end the sentence.

"—Then be quiet for sometime, because I am near changing my mind!" he warned and I didn't ask anything more after that. 

He led me through long hallways in the direction where dining room was, but before we reached it, major entred a place next to it. He let me follow him inside right after he had entred and I suddenly found myself in a big kitchen. I didn't understand how exactly I was going to get my food, but major Park looked like he knew what he was doing, so I just followed every step he made.

He glared at me for a moment, like he was deciding if he did the right thing to bring me here. He walked further into the kitchen and left me behind. "Ma'am! I'm here," he called and made me even more confused than I already was.

"Oh boy, you came. I thought you won't come, so just started working already." A woman walked towards major and looked delighted to see him. "Well at least you came!" she continued. She still hadn't noticed me and I felt a bit awkward because of that. 

"You should wait for me," major Park told her. "I was bussy and couldn't come earlier..." He pointed directly at me and the women looked at me in shock.

"You got company!" she got excited and happy. She hurried to me and checked me from the top of my head to toes. "What are you doing here? Help?" she glared at me. I opened my mouth to answer, but major Park spoke first.

"He didn't get a chance to eat breakfast yet," he explained as fast as he could and the lady looked at me with sweet look. 

"How is that possible?" She asked. "I thought schedules for soldiers were—" 

"—Yeah it is my fault... " major confessed and I was surprised that he was acting so different here. "...I thought you could help with that?" 

The lady was happier within a second. She clapped her hands and nodded.

"Of course I can help," She said. "Others will come in an hour, so I still have time to get your food right away," she took my hand and pulled me to one of the chairs next to a wooden table. "Do you want anything special to eat? Chanyeol always let's me decide," she sounded like it was a bad thing. 

I looked confused around from the lady and then to major Park. "You eat breakfasts here?" I glared at him, and he just quickly nodded.

I knew that higher ranks had breakfasts at the same time as we had, but it confused me, because major had them differently. I thought I had always seen him at the table with other trainers and professors.

"Since when?" I asked. 

"It doesn't matter, will you decide or not? We don't have all day!" He lost his temper for a moment but got back to his calm self in a moment. 

I left the thoughts behing and tried to find something special to eat. 

I got an idea after some time, but major interrupted me before I could say it. "Ma'am, I want to eat the same as Byun, will. Even though I've eaten already, I put lots of effort in training today!" he told her. She nodded in agreement.

It was unfair, because he actually hadn't done anything much. He had just watched me all the time, while I was literally dying, because of his orders. 

She smiled to major and then looked at me a bit shocked. "I've just noticed that that I forgot to introduce myself! I apologise for this. I'm Sunhee, the main lady here. And you are?"

"Byun Baekhyun," I smiled and she nodded. She was so full of happiness, that I felt happy too, which was strange.

"Well, any wishes Baekhyun?" she asked and waited for me to answer. 

I hesitated at first because I knew major Park would be eating the same as me. "I actually do have one...  I remember eating this when I was younger," I started. "It was a toast with an egg on the top and peanut butter around it..."

Major Park laughed at it. "You ate that? Is that even food? Really good joke, Byun," he lauged even more. I just shrugged with my shoulders and checked Sunhee, who was confused from my wish. 

"I actually used to eat that..." 

"Your parents prepared that for you before you went to school? For breakfast?" He stared at me confused. 

I got a bit uncomfortable when he mentioned my parents, but it was true. "Yeah they did..." I answered. 

"Were they trying to poison you?" 

"Have you ever tried eating this?" I replied with a question. "It should be something like that. Or I actually got only toast with peanut butter and I usually placed an egg on it. I haven't eaten this in years!" I said and looked to Seon.

She nodded and I looked at major who was still without words. 

"What?" I asked. 

Major Park took a seat behind the same table as me and I could still see him laughing. "How can you remember eating that?! I hear about it for the first time," he glared at me.

"I don't know. It just came to my mind," I replied. "Sir, why don't you eat with others when its breakfast time?" I asked at last.

"You aren't my only punishment, Byun... " he just made me more confused. "I got to scrub the dishes here! Ahh, I really have to work here as a house-lady, but at least I get the best brakfast and the lady is really heartwarming!" he explained. I didn't know what else to say, so I just glared at the floor of the room. "It's all your fault to be honest," major spoke again.

"But-" I couldn't say a word. My body just didn't let me speak about what happened on the day, when I fell into the bloody pool.

"What but? Also... are you thinking about explaining why you acted like that? At least I want to know the reason and explanation for all my punishments!" he spoke with his deep and strict voice. "Usually people just laugh when something like that happens, but you had to freak out?" 

I still didn't have that strenght to talk about it and after all I didn't trust him. I had had talks with Jongdae about the things that were bothering me for a week now. He was helping me to recover and I got the time to rest. But I still hadn't been ready to open myself up completely when he had asked. I just couldn't. It was even harder with major, because I didn't trust him at all. It was after all his fault. 

I just shook my head and tried to escape from the question.

"Will you answer if I order you to?" he asked and I shook my head again. "What about if I expelled you after not answering me?" this time he got my attention. I looked up and our eyes met.

"Sir, you wouldn't do that, would you?" I was afraid this might actually happen. He would push me that much into answering that I would end up expelled from the University.

He looked at me, leaned closer and smirked.

"Try me, Byun," he said.

I remembered the time when I had said this to him. I had once challenged him to do push-ups, second for lifting dumbbels. Both times I had almost screwed everything up. It gave me shivers all over my body and I tried to push my chair a bit away, to get away from him.

The look in his eyes was giving me a strange feeling. I felt uncomfortable, but I didn't really want to leave. 

"I'm done!" Sunhee's voice came and major moved away from me.

She hurried to us with two plates in her hands and placed each in fromt of us and then nervously checked us both. On the plate I found just what I wanted. Well made toast with peanut butter spreaded over it and on a top of everything cooked egg. I was satisfied of how it looked, but then the smell of it hit me and I knew it was going to taste bad. It had mixed sweet-sour-eggy smell. I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to ask for this kind of breakfast, but it was probably already a bit too late to change my mind. 

"Enjoy the food, I guess... " Sunhee wished with a bit worried look and we both thanked her. 

Major Park glared at me nervously an then checked the food again. 

"Are you sure you used to eat that?" he asked once again and I nodded.

For a moment we both just watched our food. "I am not sure anymore...." I said. He looked at me angry with widely opened eyes.

"Seriously, Byun?" He complained, but I just ignored him. 

I decided to take a bite. Major followed my move. 

I wished I had never tried and tasted that. The toast was good, but the taste of peanut butter and egg mixed was horrible. I felt suden changes of the taste from sweet to sour and then to bitter. Everything was half crunchy and half sticky. I tried to find one good thing in the taste of the food, but it I just couldn't think straight as I felt that. 

Major Park threw the toast back on his plate and then hurried away from the table. He grabbed the nearest trash bin and spited the food from his mouth. I wished this wasn't happening. I totaly understood his action, because the food really wasn't good. 

"Ma'am can I get some water?" He called and the lady soon came to him with a glass of water in her hand.

"I tried my best," she said and he took the glass from her hands. 

"I don't blame you..." He said and took a few long sips from the glass. After that he finally sat again and glared at me.

"I will be honest with you, Byun..." He said. "...This is the most disgusting thing I've ever ate," he rubbed his neck and looked at the food with bitterness. 

"Sorry, I don't even know why I remember eating this, but it didn't taste like that," I looked at the ground with disappointhment.

"I can make something better," the lady said. "There are also some things left after the breakfast..." 

"No, ma'am," major said. "Other workers will come here soon and you have to do your work. Byun, will you eat this to the end?"

I quickly shook my head. I was still hungry, but there was no way I could eat this to the end even if I got paid for this. "I guess I will just go to my classes," I lowered my head even more.

"You won't eat anything?" Sunhee asked even more worried now. 

"Don't worry," major Park spoke. "You didn't eat anything. I've already spent a lot of time just for your breakfast and now you think you will go to classes with your stomach empty?" 

"Yes..." I said. 

"NO!" He said. 

"You will order me to eat this or something?" I pointed at my toast. Myor Park sighed and rolled his eyes around.

"No, Byun," he said and  then stood up. "Let's go, get you something else."

"What do you mean with this?" I was curious, but he didn't answer me.

"Thank you for everything Sunhee, don't worry I blame Byun, not you for this. Next time you will make me my usual breakfast!" He said with a smile and we left the kitchen.

He led me back to the yard. Again we passed number of buildings and I noticed that this was the way for major's gym. I couldn't understand how I would eat there, but I decided it was better not to ask.

We entred the gym and he closed the door behind me. 

"Sit, Byun," he told me and I did so. Major Park walked to the vending machine and my mind cleared.

I had totaly forgot about the big machine filled with snacks.

Major Park glared at it and then sighed. "Dorites, Oreo, Skittles, Twix, Snickers, Mars, Cracker Jacks, chips, more Lay's chips, other kinds of chips, a lot of candys,... Is here anything for breakfast?!" he looked upset and pissed over the machine. 

"I don't know most of these," I said a bit embarrassed, because I really heard most of this snacks for the first time. 

"What? You are joking. Soon I will actually belive that you lived under a rock!" he said.

"I just never cared what kinds of snacks exist and what their names are.. Is it even that important?!" I felt furious over his comments about me. 

"What do you do when you ask your friend to buy you something...? You just go: Hey here you go ten bucks, buy me something!" he imitated my way of speaking. "What if your friend would've brought you something you really don't like!?" 

"I simply just wouldn't ask," I said. 

"Get a life, Byun," he told me before turning and looking at the machine again. "Lay's? Ever ate it before?" he asked and glared at me.

"I told you, I have no ideas what these snacks are," I crossed my arms.

"Ahhh, everyone has ate Lay's at least once in their life!" he got two packs of it out of the machine and then placed them in front of me. He took one calssic Lay's chips and one with cheese. I was sure I had never seen or eaten this before... Maybe I just couldn't remember how it it was called. 

"What will you drink?" major asked.

"Cola?" I said without thinking. 

"You only drink that?" he asked with sarcasm.

"No, I drink a lot of other stuff too! I just like Cola the most!" I said proudly.

Major just shrugged with his shoulders and then got my Cola. He took a can of Soju for himself. It wasn't something new for me to see him drinking alcoholic drink, but I still felt awkward because he was still my trainer and the major here. 

"Here you go," He gave me my drink, chips and some chocolates. "We will make sure to burn all those calories in next days!" 

"Why do you have this in your gym?" I asked. 

"Because I can..." He answered and opened the bag of snacks. "Don't ask personal questions!" 

"That is not personal..." I said. 

"It is!" 

"No, personal question would be something like: When did you get drunk for the first time, or who was the first girl you liked..." 

"Well, whatever," He responded. "Don't ask questions on which I won't answer," 

"Okay..." I said and silence fell in the room. The only sound was our eating and I wanted to end it. "How do I know on which questions you don't want to answer... ?" I asked after some time.

He looked at me for some time and thought about the question. "I don't know, Byun..." he answered. "Maybe I should be the one giving questions..."


"Are you still planning on going to your classes?" He asked. 

I took some time to think. It was already late and I missed more than half of them, so there was almost no point in attending them today. "I am not sure anymore..." I said. 

"So you are playing truant?" 

"Sir, it is your fault that I am late," I explained. 

He looked at me and smirked. "It would be better if you quickly stop blaming me for everything that happens to you!" He said and looked at me serious. 

"It would if it actually wasn't your fault..." I said and looked away. 

"I am only doing what is the best for you, you know that, that-" I interrupted him before he could continue. "Doing everything in your power to kick me out of there is the best for me?" 

"Actually, yes," He pointed at me. "We both know that you don't really fit in that place. It is obvious that you aren't as strong as your mates, you aren't as fast and your endurance overall is not as good as well. Your mental health also doesn't seem perfect after everything I've seen." 

"You know nothing about me!" I said. I was angry. He didn't even want to give me a chance. He was doing this just because he had to and I had a feeling like I had made a mistake when I told general Kim, that major Park didn't mean to hurt me when we had had private training for the first time. 

"Okay, okay!" He tried to calm me down. "Look I didn't mean it like that. I guess that we maybe can do something with your strength and endurance after some time..." 

"Shut up!" I said seriously, but then he returned me even more serious look. 

"I am the major here!" He said. "I tell you to shut up and you do it! Look I am sorry I said that, can you calm down and eat your chips with Cola to the end...?! Don't ruin the moment when I actually want to help you! I could have let you starve to the lunch!" 

I just looked at him angry and made a sip of my Cola. He did the same with his Soju.

"I can do that..." I said. 

"Do what?" 


"I never said you can't,"

"No I really mean it, there is no way I would be able to end this all..." 

"You aren't even trying, maybe you should start with an hour of gym and three sets of running around the campus every day and it would get better after some time!" 

"You mean it?" I looked at him. 

"No, I am just teaching you how to improve your endurance. It won't work if you don't try!" 

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!