For You Now

It didn't take us a lot of time to come to the town, but I still didn't go to look for the gift, because we decided to find Minseok's family first. He was looking around to find them, meanwhile I was trying to find anything for Chanyeol. I didn't even know what would actually make him happy. 

"Oh, there they are!" Minseok pointed out after some time. There was a black car parked and three people were standing outside, impatient with waiting.

"You never told me that your sister was actually pretty..." I joked as I saw his family members.

"Don't you have a boyfriend to worry about?" he said and hit my shoulder.

"I was somehow joking, but it is true..." 

"She is pretty, but I am still prettier!" 

"I already feel uncomfortable... I am not so used on meeting parents of my friends... I actually wasn't used on having friends until I met Kyungsoo..." I passed through my hair. "I will leave soon anyway. I am not going to say much and I really have to find something for Chanyeol soon. He will kill me, if I stay too long..."

"He wouldn't kill you..." Minseok told me. "But he definitely would if you cheated on him on any kind of a way. I wouldn't be able to stand that, and I guess he also wouldn't... He likes you a lot, so don't worry!" 

"There is no way I would cheat on him," I narrowed my eyes. "He is enough for me... Like he is actually perfect..." 

"He isn't perfect," Minseok looked at me seriously. "You will find out soon for sure, actually you already know that even he has a flaws, but you don't worry about them. He is overprotective and it could be bad, and I don't think he is good at controlling anger..." 

"Why are you telling me that now?" I asked. 

"Nothing," Minseok said and rised his hands up in the air. "I am just saying facts! How long will you stay with me here?" 

"I don't want to spend too much time, with involving myself into your family business." 

"Do wathever you want," he put his hand on my shoulder. "I won't force you into anything, but we are going back to the campus together." 

"That was the plan," I said when we finally came to the . 

"You finally decided to come?" Minseok's sister spoke first. I remembered, that her name was Seulgi. She was quite tall for a woman, but didn't go higher than us. She was thin and pretty, but her look in her eyes made her less pretty. She had long straight and black hair, wich went down over her shoulders. She had a nice skin and some make-up, which was done perfectly.  "You are late!" 

"I'm sorry to make you wait, your highness!" Minseok said with sarcasm, rolling with his eyes. 

"You really have to do that as soon as you—" 

"Seulgi, that is not appropriate at all!" my friend's mother said to her daughter. "Minseok, is that one of your new friends?" 

"Yeah, this is Baekhyun! Byun Baekhyun!" he introduced me confidently and I was glad that I didn't need to say anything, because I really didn't feel comfortable with it. "He actually isn't in the same unit as me, but he is a roommate of my unit member, so we are quite close friends as well!" 

"Nice to meet you!" his father said and shook my hand kindly. 

"Same!" I answered shortly, trying to sound completely normal. 

"You seem a bit weak, but I like you," his mother said and smiled kindly. 

"I didn't think you will bring anyone with you," father spoke again.

"Oh no, he came here with other reason," Minseok turned to face me. "He has some stuff to get," he added.

"Important?" the older man asked. 

"Very," I smiled awkwardly. 

"Very well then. I decided we could have a meal here, so you tell us some things, news and this stuff," the man shrugged.

"Alright," Minseok agreed. Just as I was about to say goodbye someone spoke again.

"Can we just go back home?" Seulgi spoke again.

"I never said I want you here, so you can go right away," Minseok said bitterly.

"Minseok! She is your sister!" his mother reminded.

"Sorry," Minseok rolled with his eyes. "She is embarrassing me in front of Bae—" Minseok started, but got interupted by Seulgi.

"—I am so sorry, but I think nerd like him won't be so bothered by it," she said bitterly.

"What did you just say?" I asked. Her words really offended me. I was smart, but nothing close to a nerd, I even spent all classes in my books and paid no attention to lessons. 

"Seulgi, now you are rude!" her mother got mad as she heard Seulgi's words.

Minseok laughed a bit before speaking. "Baekhyun is actually a legend at the campus. He won against a major on the first day of school! Like, he was literally a freshman who didn't look nothing much, yet he won the challenge."

"Major? Who?" she asked. "I bet I could win as well if he did." 

"Major Park Chanyeol?" Minseok asked. "He is literally the most trained major at the campus. One of the strictest trainers! I am glad I never really needed to work on his trainings. Baekhyun literally has to train with him every day! This is something everyone at the campus would respect!" 

I stepped closer to Minseok and whispered silently. "You are talking like I don't like trainings with Chanyeol."

"It doesn't matter," he replied. "It makes everything sound better. Also sis, Baekhyun's shooting skills are perfect and he dares to fight bigger and stronger ones, then wins!" Minseok spoke before I could.

"That Park must be a failure too," Seulgi crossed her arms.

"DON'T TALK LIKE THAT ABOUT HIM!" I seriously got mad now when she said something like that about Chanyeol. Minseok pulled me away, before I could do anything bad to her. 

"Are you sure Park is just a trainer to you?" she asked. 

I wanted to speak up, but Minseok stopped me. "That's enough. Sorry for this Baek. Just ignore it." Minseok waved her off. "I think you should hurry up. You don't have all day..." he reminded me why I was here.

"Yea, I will go. Meet you here? I will text or call you when I am done," I said and then took my way immediately.

I liked Minseok's parents, but I hated his sister already. She would be pretty and awesome person, if she wasn't that rude. 

I headed to the shops where I looked for anything that would fit for Chanyeol's birthday present. I didn't dare to think about giving myself to him at night. I kinda wanted it, but I wasn't ready. I was unsure. Literally terrified of it somehow, so I searched for anything that would be enough for him. The stores were full of useless things that I didn't like and probably Chanyeol wouldn't too. I thought about the things Chanyeol liked — music, heroes movies, working out... — I was jogging around the city to find anything. 

In some time I took out my phone and texted Minseok. 


Me: I will go further into the town. I can't find anything here. Wait for me! 


I didn't want him to worry about me, because I was sure that I wasn't going to come back to him at the time we had dealt. I took my way on the streets that I didn't know yet and then checked other shops. 

I was already giving up when I heard a familiar voice which sent shivers all over my body. This usually happened in two cases, when I heard Chanyeol's deep melodic voice and when I heard Woosuk. The same feeling for completely different emotions and I wished it wouldn't have been fear in that moment. 

"Baekhyun?" Woosuk asked me. 

I turned around and faced the older one, who was slowly approaching me. He was serious and obviously surprised that he had found me here — alone. 

"What do you want now?" I asked trying to keep my voice calm like every time he had been in front of me. 

"I just want to know what you are doing here," He laughed and leaned to the wall of the store where I had been before. 

"I could ask the same," I said and walked away, but he followed me. 

"Well, I asked first," he shrugged, walking by my side. 

"I just came to get something..." I said and kept Chanyeol's bithday as a secret. Woosuk was the last person I wanted to know I was buying a gift for my main trainer, with whom I was dating, loved. 

"What is this all you are going to tell me?" he complained like it was my duty to tell him everything I was doing at any time. "We haven't talked in a while. I think it wouldn't be bad, if we started again. I tell you that every time I get to see you alone like that. Trust me!" 

I stopped walking and looked at him. I was bothered by him telling me to trust him. I wasn't even able to completely trust my best friends, nor Jongdae, not even Chanyeol, who was probably the person I trusted the most. Woosuk was the last one on the list of people I wanted to trust. 

"It is the end of the week and I have time. There is no classes, no trainings. You should know that as a trainer of martial arts. And by the way I am not alone here!" I warned him. 

"Then who else is here with you?" he asked with the same tune as before, but he was obviously bothered by it. 

"None of your business!" I said and moved away again, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back. 

"Is it bad that I want to know that?" he looked at me seriously and I had to make eye contact with him. "It won't hurt you. Your friend? Maybe that major? He is always around you for some reason..." 

"Friend," I said. "He is with his family and I am going to meet him again later, so we can go back to the campus." 

"Family meeting you said," he smirked. "What a perfect timing, we can do that as well. Mhm... You got time?" 

"Time for what?" I got confused. 

"Baekhyun, we are brothers. We should act like it. I doubt anybody at the campus even knows..." 

"You are not my—" 

"—Stop with that! You can't change the fact that we spent all our childhood together, playing games, going out for vacations, sharing the same parents, even though they weren't your real ones! I changed! Trust me!" 

I clenched my teeth and looked down to the ground. He really changed a lot. Of course he grew up and got stronger, but I could also sense that he was kinder, like his all personality had somehow changed.

I did a step away and looked at the ground, thinking hard what to do. My mind was full of thoughts, scenes that might happen if I went with him. Other way Woosuk really had changed....

"I- don't know," I pulled out of myself. "I really don't have time for any kind of brother stuff. I should hurry up! " I said and then rubbed the back of my neck. I pulled the turtle neck sweater higher on my neck and made sure non of the marks was visible. For now only my friends knew about the marks that Chanyeol printed on me last night. I didn't want Woosuk to see anything, because I knew his reaction wouldn't have been nice — well the old Woosuk's reaction wouldn't have been nice. 

"It's my birthday!" he said as I wanted to leave. "You can't take even a half hour for me?" he got upset and crossed his arms. It really was his birthday. I knew that, but I wanted to ignore it completely. I knew that Chanyeol and him shared the same birthday, except Woosuk was some years older. The first person I had thought about when Chanyeol had told me about his birthday had been Woosuk. I hadn't wanted it, but I hadn't been able to change that. 

"Happy birthday," I said bitterly. 

"That is all?" 

"Sorry, Woo!" I got upset. "I am currently under a lot of pressure and I really don't want to make it worse!" 

"Ou, you called me Woo!" he smiled. "I like that!" 

"It doesn't change the fact that I don't like you!" 

"Ah, come on it is my day! You could at least remember on it!" 

"Think that way!" I warned him. "One and a half year ago, all I got for my birthday, were anxiety pills from doctors! I didn't even get to see the light when I turned eighteen! Just a normal day there, warped in my screams, begging for everything to end! Half a year ago, my psychiatrist was the only one who gave me a small chocolate which made me a bit more relaxed for my nineteenth birthday. I don't think I need to give you any attention right now, because that was all your fault!"

"I am not like I used to be," he said. "I was thinking about you for your birthday, I was thinking about you a lot."

"I don't want it!" I rised my voice. 

"Please half an hour. We can start this over! It is almost lunch time, I can get you something to eat..." he begged. 

I looked up to the sky, because I felt tears in my eyes. They came to me, because of a thought of everything I had been through in last two years. I wanted to change it. 

"A restaurant?" I asked. 

"Actually I got my apartment not far away from here," he laughed. "I was so surprised to see you here, because you were so close to where I actually live now." 

I thought he would take me to a restaurant of something, but his home was something completly different. I didn't think about going there. No way! It was stupid to think so, but at the same time I didn't think it was dangerous. He didn't expect me and if he wanted to hurt me, he already would — way before. 

After a lot of hesitating I lightly nodded, even though I was still unsure. "F-Fine..." I said weakly. "But just for some time!" 

On that Woosuk lead me towards his place. I felt more and more uncomfortable with him, but I kept everything inside me. I didn't want to change my mind in that moment, because it would have made me look weak. 

"Can I just text my friend...? So he won't freak out if I won't be around?" I asked.

Woosuk smirked on the idea. He nodded and ten I took my phone out again.


Me: I need half an hour more. Don't worry about me. I am fine. I won't be around until then... See you~


I sent. Minseok still didn't see the message fom before, so I guessed he was bussy with his family. I focused on Woosuk again. In just a few minutes we came to a house on a street. It was not too big, in bright white colour. 

"Here we are," Woosuk said and then went closer to the door to unlock them. I hesitated a lot, but stepped inside right after him.

I found myself in a place which looked like a short hallway with doors on each side, leading to other rooms. There was also a staircase to the second floor and a window on the very end of the hallway.

"So what do you want?" he asked. 

Woosuk led me to a side room where he had a dining table and kitchen. I was looking around the room. It was quite big, with a separate part for a living room, where I saw a couch, television and right at the side of it shelves filled with different kinds of objects. I found pictures of us with our parents on one of them, but I looked away from them immediately, because I didn't want to see that. I left that in the past long ago. 

"Sit!" Woosuk said calmlly and pointed at one of the chairs behind the table.

"When did you get this?" I asked, still looking around. 

"The house?" he asked and I nodded. "I had gotten it before I got a job at the campus. Just on that day when I moved in I met you at the party," he shrugged.

"You were actually there?!" I widened my eyes. I remembered the night Chanyeol had gotten me drunk. I had seen Woosuk there clearly, but Chanyeol kept telling me that I had been seeing things that hadn't been there. I had known he hadn't been right. I had told him that.

"Yes. I expected you to be shocked on that. You were pretty much drunk and I didn't think you would remember it. I was shocked when you appeared there all of the sudden, drinking without any worries with your friends. I think I saw that major there as well... I don't like that dude!" He shook his head and I kind of felt a bit offended by that. I could understand why Chanyeol didn't like Woosuk, but I wasn't really sure what Chanyeol did to make Woosuk hate him. "I didn't think you would be going to the university for military training..." he took a moment. "It was really a shock for me!"

"I remember it, but... How did you find out that I was really there at the campus? I could be anywhere else..." I said.

"Guess," he said and glared at me. I knew just well, but feared to tell it.

"Y-You followed me and Chanyeol, didn't you?" I said and remembered the night when I had seen him while Chanyeol had been carrying me to the campus. That night I had seen Woosuk, walking far away from us, but it had been obvious that he was following us, but I had believed Chanyeol until that very moment. 

"Chanyeol...?" he asked. "...Whatever. Yes, I did. I just felt curious to find out where exactly you were, don't mind it, please! I didn't mean anything bad with it! Completely harmless!" he said.

I nodded. "You came to the campus because of me?" I asked and got a nod.

"I don't want to hurt you, Baekhyun. I just wanted to meet you again and talk with you," he said. He talked so calmly that I belive d him. I nodded, but then loked away at the ground. 

Woosuk took a way to the fridge and opened it. 

"Hmmm... Would you drink something?" he asked.

"Water!" I said immediately. It was the safest way. I was sure there was no way he could add anything to water without me noticing it. 

"Okay then," He took a glass and poured water into it. Having done that, he put the glass in front of me to the table and sat on the other side of it. "I saw you noticed our family pictures back there before," He said pointing behind my back. 

I turned around and looked there. "I have..." I said and clenched my teeth. "It would have been nice to see that if you hadn't destroyed everything!" 

I looked back to him. 

"Me?" he whined. "You should have just gotten used on it and stop resisting. It was also your fault!" 

"How was it my fault?" I almost screamed. "Stop mentioning it. It is making me sick and I am literally using my appetite! If you want me to stay here any longer then I want you to move on once forever!" I drank a water to clean my throat after speaking so much. 

"How long are you planning to stay here?" He asked me looking at his hand watch. 

"We had a deal half an hour and I also counted the time we were walking in that. I will go soon. I still have some important things to do," I reminded him. 

"Hmmm... You can stay a minute longer," he shrugged. 

"Why exactly would I do that?" I hissed. "I am not staying here anymore," I stood up and Woosuk did the same. He had a smirk on his face and scared me with it. I felt how stupid idea it was to go here. I should have known better and deny going with him on the first place. I wasn't safe. I was sure about that, but I wanted to stay calm and strong. 

I walked away, but he grabbed my hand again. I pulled my hand away and immediately used it to hit him. 

He backed away and used his hand to cover the cheek where I hit him with full force. "You know how to hit a person!" he complained. 

"I learn from a professional!" I warned him. "You should have seen the bruise that stayed on Park Chanyeol's face after I hit him!" 

"You mention him a lot..." my brother said. "What exactly do you have with him?" 

I got worried. He was mad and I really wasn't supposed to mention Chanyeol, because that made him even more mad. "He is the professional who learned me how to hit people properly," I pulled out of myself the best explanation for mentioning him so often. 

"Fine," Woosuk said calmly at last and crossed his arms showing that he wasn't satisfied with it. "Just go."

I got much more relaxed when he allowed me to go. I toom my way to leave the room and pulled out my phone to call Minseok. I was right about to leave the room when I suddenly got a bad feeling. I was feeling dizzy. I did another step I felt pain in my stomach, so I automatically stopped. I took a deep breath and leaned to the wall with my head, closing my eyes and doing my best to calm myself down. It didn't help. My breathing got heavier and I felt like I was going to faint. 

"What's this?!" I said weakly, still catching my breath.

"I think you know that feeling," I heard his voice, echoing in my head. I tensed up. I needed to run, scream for help or fight to escape. 

I heard Woosuk's steps. He was approaching me. I made a step on, but my legs were losing their strength, I tred to help myself with my arms, but I also didn't have control over them. 

I suddenly felt Woosuk's hand right next to my ear. "Drugs," He whispered and I could feel his breath on my face. 

Drugs? — Yes, I knew that feeling well... A bit too well. 

I turned around rapidly and uset the last bits of my strength to fight him. I hit him once and managed to make him bleed from his nose, but it wasn't much. He turned around, like he didn't even worry about me trying to escape — he knew, that I already wasn't able to move, and that I was getting weaker every second. My mind was floating and I wasn't able to think normally. 

My hands were shaking as I tried to use them, I was getting weaker every moment. I strated to feel pain in my muscles and my body started to tremble. 

"How? When?" I muttered. I was always stupid when it came to trusting others. I had decided to trust Woosuk, and in no time he had me in a trap. 

"Water," he explained, smiling. "It takes just a second. You looked away and I took my chance as you weren't focused. I knew that you were suspecting what I was about to do as soon as you told me to give you only water, but this will never stop me!" 

I had to do something as long as he didn't care about me. As long as there was distance between us. 

I used my phone and scrolled down a bit, but my view started to get blury. I couldn't control my fingers, so I clicked on he first number that appeared and called. Just afer that I collapsed. I hit the ground and heard Woosuk quietly laughing. My phone fell away under the shelf and I couldn't reach it anymore, so I just spoke. "H-Help!" I called, hoping that anybody would hear it. 




Long time since we uploaded. How do you like it?

What do you think about Baekhyun's trusting? Not really smart thing to do.

What will happen now? What will happen with Baekhyun?

Hope you like it! Wait for next chapters, comment, upvote and subscribe!

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!