For You Now

I hate headaches! I cmplained in my mind once I woke up. I sighed and rolled in my bed to sleep on even though my head was screaming in pain. I couldn't rememeber a lot from last night. Everytime I tried to recall the night I just felt the pain in my head getting worse.

I slowly opened my eyes and noticed the unfamiliar room. I didn't panick. Something told me it was alright for me to be there. I had no ideas what I was doing there or how I came to that place, but I felt safe in here. 

The room was big. The walls were white, covered with posters of Marvel characters, great singers and actors. The room had the same table as mine, but that one was in a mess. Papers randomly lied on it, a few pens were over them and over everything came a big tabletop computer and keyboard. Next to the table stood synthesizer, next to it were drums and behind everything I noticed 3 different guitars leaning to a wall. On synthesizer was a shirt, carelessly hanging on it. It obviously didn't belong there, but it wasn't the only cloth that lied on the wrong place. There was a shirt on a chair and one was just lying on the wooden floor. The room was messy, but still very nice, casual and relaxing. 

I suddenly noticed something else. Someone was walking around in the next room, for which I guessed was a bathroom. The sudden sound made me alarmed and I almost yelped, but quickly covered my mouth with a blanket. After I blocked my mouth from making sounds, I heard how the person headed towards the door and the latch was pushed down. I panicked even more when I noticed that someone was about to come out from the next room.

Think, Baekhyun, think! What sould I do?! The guy is about to enter! Why am i even panicking?! 

I was all confused, but then decided of what to do. I quickly lied back, covered myself with blanket and covered my mouth to prevent any sudden sounds. I waited until someone fully entred and on sight of me he sighed. Why the heck is he sighing?!

"Byun," I recognised the voice as soon as it called my surname.

It was major Park. I could have guessed this was his room.... I thought, but kept myself quiet and pretended to sleep.

"I know you are awake," he said with playful tune. How does he know that!

"Shut up, I am sleeping," I replied and stayed in the bed.

Major just quickly laughed at it and then stepped closer to the bed. He surprised me once I felt the blanket pulled up and major climbed into the bed next to me. The blanket fell down on us both again. He embraced my body and hugged me so I let out a yelp.

"Are you sleeping now?" he asked. 

"No! Not anymore," I told him and panicked as major kept squeezing me in his embrace. I kicked around and pushed his hands away from me. Once I was free I jumped off the bed and left him in the bed alone. I tried to back away, but as soon as I stepped on my feet, I fell. I actually didn't feel my legs. 

"Where did you go?" he glared through the edge of his bed to find me on the floor. He was amused to find me there and smiled. I struggled to get back up, but with no success. "Are you still drunk or something?" he asked once he noticed my struggles.

"No! I am not," I puffed. "Mhmm- I can't stand up," I complained.

"You need help?" he glared at me and.

"Eh... No, I don't need your help," I said and tried to stand up on my own. I didn't want to look weak in front of him, but he still walked to me and then with his hands lifted me up like I was weightless. He placed me on my legs and then helped me stand for some moments.

"I told you, I don't need help," I choked out of myself. 

"Thank me properly or I will leave you on the floor next time, it was obvious you wouldn't be able to stand up!" he said and moved his hands away, so I almost lost my balance. He backed away and waited for my reply.

"Thanks!" I spoke out that word. I was actually thankful, but I didn't want to show out that to him. 

My legs were getting heavier and I felt how I was about to collapse soon. I kept the weakness inside and acted strong. 

Major was satisfied with my reply. 

I passed through my hair and finally got a chance to fully look at him. 

Major was wearing black pants and blue oversized T-shirt. 

He was already big and that T-shirt made him even bigger! How?! 

His hair were combed and shined in the sun light. On sight of him I remembered, that I hadn't cleaned myself before going to bed. I quickly burried my nose into the same clothes that I had on a party and smelled them. I shivered on my smell. I had that sweaty smell mixed with a lot of alcohol.

"I stink!" I complained and my eyes widened.

"I agree. You made my whole room stink of you and I will have to change my bed sheets after everything," he agreed and with one hand held his nose, to prevent the smell.

"Stop complaining, you decided to bring me here by yourself!" I protested. "It's your fault too!"

"Oh, so you remeber that? What else do you remember?" he glared at me. I had to think hard, but the past night was just a blurry memory.

"Ummmmmmmmm... I don't know actually..." I said at last and looked at him curiously.

"Good! At least I made you forget things, you were saying nonsense all the time and my brains are still full of it. I feel bad for myself, but I did my best!" he said proudly.

I cleared my throat before speaking. "My head hurts," I complained again.


"Well it is not really pleasing," I sighed. 

"What else did you expect? That you would be all light after drinking that much?!" he asked. "It is normal. Especially for unexperienced boys like you!" 

I hated myself for drinking, but I wasn't afraid of it anymore. I was sure that bad things would happen to me if I got drunk, but I was still alive and safe. "N-No, but I also didn't expect that big headache..." I said and rubbed my head.

The taller one stood up and walked to the table. He took something from it and then handed me a plastic water bottle. "Here, drink this," he said and I did so.

I drank it, like I hadn't drunk in years. When I finally drank half of it, I took my time to just catch my breath again. 

"No 'thank you'?" major asked once I was done. I hesitated for a moment, but then still did it with a smile on my face.

"Thank you, sir," I said and then looked away to avoid eyecontact with him.

"Will you call me sir forever? Even when we are casualy together?" he rised his eyebrow.

"Ummm... Yea? Is there a problem with it?" I slowly asked.

"It's too formal. It makes everything strict and serious, do you want me to be strict and serious with you right here and right now? I can do it, just give me a second!" 

It really didn't take him longer than a second to get his serious, strict and salty major Park look back to his face. I didn't like it. I had been afraid of him like that since the day zero. 

"Then... Should I call you...?" I couldn't end the question. I felt weird to call his real name or anything else that wasn't 'sir' or 'major Park'.

"Is it hard to say my name? You said it already. Why can't you now?" 

"I did? I never called you by your real name!" I protested.

"Oh yes, you did! You just don't remember it," he smirked at me.


"Byun, you know you sleep-talk?" he glared at me.

"Hey! You don't call me by my real name too, so I don't have to either! Also yes, I know. I talk in sleep a lot. My friends told me that. But I mostly just say nonsense, so that doesn't count!" I backed a bit away and crossed my arms. Kyungsoo was usually complaining of my sleep-talking, but I couldn't help it. 

"Alright, sorry," he apologised. "Well, Baekhyun. You spoke my name in your sleep," he laughed and I felt how my cheeks heated again.

"Y-You are lying! Stop lying!" I shot him a mad look, but my embarrassment made everything hard.

"I am not lying! I am sure that was my name when you said it!" 

"I was sleeping! I could have ment anyone else with that!" I argued.

"Really? Who?" he glared at me. I tried to find my words, but they didn't come. "You know that you can only dream about people you've already met or seen in your life?" 

"I- uhhh- m-" I choked out of myself.

"You ment me, right?" he smirked. "What was I doing in your dream huh?"

"Y-You?! You did nothing! You weren't even there! You are a liar, so stop!" I protested. Okay, I actually did dream about him... It was something normal to dream about people I see a lot here on campus. I usually had my nightmares, but from time to time Kyungsoo, Jongin or even Minho appeared in my dreams for no reason. It wasn't weird that major Park also came there.

"I know what I heard. Call me a liar, but this doesn't change the fact that you said my name. Oh, let me mantion, you said my name yesterday too," he didn't stop making me more embarrassed. 

"Shut up. I was drunk. This doesn't count!" 

"Ahhh, but is it that hard to call me by my real name?" he sighed.

"Mmmm- N-No?" I wasn't sure about it.

"Then don't call me 'sir' when we don't have trainings," he said seriously. I hesitated for a moment.

"Okay!" I stopped. 

I can't call him sir! 

He waited for me to continue.

"C-Chan-Chan-yeo-ol," I choked out. He laughed on my answer and I blushed even more.

"Alright, you did good," he said, satisfied. He stood up from the bed and then glared at me once again. "Will you stand here forever or would you clean yourself up first?" he suddenly asked.

I just shrugged with my shoulders.

"I want to sleep on actually..." I told him and on that he walked around to find something. He came back with his phone in his hands.

"See yourself," he said and turned the phone in my direction. He had it on camera and I could clearly see myself in it. 

I was a living nightmare. The last time Kyungsoo slept with his make-up on he actually looked good, comparing to me. I had it messed up all over my face. My hair were standing up and over my messed up make-up I saw sparkles which were ment to stay on my hair. 

I covered my face with my hands and weeped.

"Yah! Ugly! You watched me all this time and didn't saw a word about it," I couldn't belive how he could stand watching me in the moment.

He just shrugged and laughed. "It was hard. You better clean yourself before I get a heart attack," he joked.

"Ummm- c-can I use your bathroom?" I awkwardly asked.

"Hmmm... Maybe I should let others see you before you wash that off..." 

"You wouldn't do that! It's too cruel!" 

"Do you even know me? Of course I would do it. I would enjoy every moment of that sight, also I did worse things before..." he reminded.

"I know, but can I still use it?" I pleased.

"It's all yours," he showed at the door which led to his bathroom.

I ran to it, suddenly feeling my legs better than ever before, with my hands still covering my face. I was too embarrassed to show myself again. Not like that! In the bathroom I quickly shut the door behind me and then found the key to lock myself. 

"YOU BETTER NOT LEAVE ANYTHING DIRTY THERE!" Chanyeol shouted. "I will make you work extra hard at our trainings, if I see anything alter that!" 

I didn't reply, but just looked around the room. 

Second floor bathrooms were all the same. The only difference was that this one had some of Chanyeol's clothes in it. I didn't mind them, but just rushed to the washbasin and looked at myself in the mirror. For some time I just stared at my face. It was a pure mess and it scared me. I the water and splashed my face with it. I washed my face until all the make-up went of. Once my face looked at least a bit like me, I decided to shower. Bafore I could do anything I heard Chanyeol's voice from behind the doors.

"Ummm... Baekhyun?" he called after some time. 


"I found some clothes which might suit you... You can take them after you are done, so you won't wear those from the party..." he offered. 

Was I really gona take his clothes? Ewwhhh, embarrassing! I felt my cheeks blush again. Common Baek. Be strong! He is offering it!

"T-Thank you," I awkwardly answered.

"I will leave them on my bed, okay?" 

"'Sure!" I blushed even more. 

"Fine, I won't bother you anymore," he said and then I heard how he left the room.

Silence fell and the embarrassment stayed. My mind was screaming of how awkward this was. I wanted to end the feelings and jumped under the shower. 

The hot water didn't help. I just felt more and more uncomfortable. I tried to push the feelings away and focused on the watter dripping of me.

I will still smell bad after I shower right? I should use something more than just water.... I can't shower just with water! 

I looked around me and found what I was looking. I found Chanyeol's soap and shampoo in the wery corner of the cabin. 

I can't use his! He will notice. My mind screamed at me. I still took the soap and just smelled it. 

Yea... definitely Chanyeol's... That's exactly how he smells... For some moments I just smelled the scent of the soap, but then got that awkward feeling again.

I am literally smelling his soap!! Shame on me! I placed the soap back. I will just use water... I don't need anything else.... Water is alright. I tried to convince myself into not using Chanyeol's soap.

I stopped the water and stepped out. I dryed myself and then noticed red marks over my skin. I always had sensitive skin and I obviously just steamed myself in that hot water. I ignored them and just puton a few of my old clothes, just to get the ones that Chanyeol prepared for me. 

I don't want any surprises! What if he is outside and I would come there in just a towel around my hips. No, I can't risk that embarrassment! 

I didn't care if the smell got back on me from the old clothes, but it was necessary in the moment. I only put on my shirt and pants, so I wouldn't get soaked in the bad smell.

I slowly unlocked the door and peeked out. The room was empty. I relaxed a bit and then walked out fully. On the bed I found the clothes that Chanyeol prepared for me. I didn't wait, but just took everything and jumped back to bathroom. There I locked myself again and threw the smelly clothes off me. I smelled myself.

Well, I guess I don't stink, but I don't smell noce either... I can deal with it....

I checked what I got from Chanyeol. I found a bright yellow T-shirt, which looked bigger than the one Chanyeol was wearing today.

"You said this clothes might suit me, but you gave me the biggest shirt you got?" I whispered like he was there, standing next to me. I sighed and rolled with my eyes. I tried it on and then looked at myself in a mirror. The short sleeves were huge and went down to my elbows. My already skinny arms looked even smaller and thiner in it. The bottom went down to my tighs and ended in the middle. I felt like I was wearing a dress and thought if I even needed pants under it.

Chanyeol also gave me blue jeans. This time he actually thought about my size and they weren't oversized like the T-shirt. I tried them on. It fit jsut perfectly.

How can he get the right size for my pants, but not for my shirt?! I couldn't help it now. I had to deal with whatever I got from him. 

I left the bathroom and found myself in deadly quiet room again. I didn't know what to do, so I just awkwardly stood there and thought of the best way to explain my standing.

It didn't last long until Chanyeol entred again. He was shocked to see me there standing, but decided to ignore it.

He smiled at me. "Ahhh, cute," he commented and made me blush for 937742th time that day. 

"Ugh... I don't want to be rude, but I am sure you got something smaller than this..." I pointed at the yellow T-shirt he gave me.

"What do you have a problem with it?" 

"You wear your shirts that show every single muscle on you, but you still give me one that is oversized even on you?" 

"Shirts that show my muscles?" He raised his eyebrows and smirked. "Well, I know that I look good, but I didn't think you noticed that."

"Well whatever! They look tight on you, but this one wouldn't! Don't you have anything a bit smaller?" 

"Yes, I do. But I wanted to see you in something bright and happy today. This one is the brightest. It suits you well!" he explained. 

"Bright?" I repeated.

"Yes, you are always in that dark clothes for training!" he complained.

"Like you ever wear bright clothes!" I protested.

"Whatever," he rolled with his eyes, but didn't continue arguing.

"Hypocrite!" I spoke out and he suddenly looked at me with a serious look. 

"What did you just call me?" he said with strict tune in his deep voice. "Say it again!" 

"You heard me!" I said. 

"Oh, yeah, I did! And I didnt like it! Will you apologise? Just think of everything I have done for you and then try to say it again!" 

"Okay, I am sorry," I sighed. 

"Fine," He cleared his throat after that and suddenly completely changed the topic. "Are you hungry?" he asked.

I felt awkward on the question. I really was hungry but hadn't noticed before. 

"Y-Yea, kinda..." I said and felt how my cheeks got warmer for no reason.

"It was lunch time not long ago.... You missed it," he shocked me.

"Lunch time?! How long did I sleep!" my eyes widened.

"It's 2pm now.... It's Sunday so you can sleep longer," he talked like it wasn't a big deal.

"You could have woken me up before. What will I eat now? Snacks again?" 

"What's wrong with snacks?" he shrugged with his shoulders.

"They aren't an actual food and are unhealthy!" I crossed my arms.

"Well... What about in the town. They got some fancy restaurants..." 

"I will get lost. I know just a few streets and Kyungsoo obviously wouldn't go with me just to eat," I lowered my head.

"That's why I will take you there," he said and gave me a smile.

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!