For You Now

"Baekhyun?" asked Kyungsoo worried, when he saw me rushing into the room completly out of my breath. 

I walked away from the door and sat on my bed. I took some deep breaths to calm myself down completely, but my heart was still beating faster than it should've.

 "Where the hell have you been?!" Kyungsoo asked to get his answers. He was still a bit sleepy, because I had obviously woken him up.

"I- I've been wandering around a bit-" I answered slowly. I wasn't sure if it was right to tell anyone, where and why I had been there, but Kyungso seemed like the only person I could truly trust. 

"You were just wandering around and came back like someone tried to shoot you? Tell me more..." he insisted, fully awake and waited for me to answer, but I hesitated.

"I- Ummm-" I didn't know where to start. "I have been on the second floor...." 

Kyungsoo looked at me, like his soul had just left his body. "Are you crazy!!! Why would you be there? Isn't it forbidden for students to go there!? Didn't you hear all of the rules? You wanna die?" Kyungsoo stopped for a moment. "Or did you.... make out with someone?" he looked at me curiously. 

Now I got a feeling, like someone had actually shot me. "WHAT THE HELL MAN!!! I would never! Ewwwwww, how can you think about it!!!" I yelled at him and threw my pillow in his face, to get that stupid thoughts out of his mind and imagination forever. 

"Well.... Then why did you come back like that?" Kyungsoo asked, excited to hear the story.

"Uh, I fell asleep there..." I said and Kyungsoo was ready to say something more, but I spoke before him. "No! I did not fall asleep in any general's room!" I saw disappointment in his eyes.

"Okay, I got it, I won't mention anything like that in front of you anymore, because you obviously can't handle a simple joke..." 

"Yeah, better for you... By the way... I think someone knows that I was there.... " I continued and he waited for me to tell him more. "I- I- Uhhh- I punched the guy and ran all the way to here...."  

"You punched someone?" his jaw dropped. "I thought you don't know how to use your fists! I wasn't even sure you know that you can use your hands to actually punch someone... Are you sure you really did that, or are you just making this all out,to make it sound more exciting?"

"Do you wanna feel my fists!?" I threatened him. 

"Then you will feel mine!" Kyungsoo replied and the look in his dark eyes became much more serious and even a bit dangerous. I really didn't want to feel how it would have been, if he had actually decided to beat me for real.

"Okay you won this time," I decided to give up and play a safe game, where I wouldn't get hurt. "Just don't attack."

"Smart decision. Because other way round, I would cut your tiny neck while you are asleep!" He made a move over his neck, to show how he would have done it and I just laughed at it. 

"You aren't serious, are you?" I stopped laughing.

"Of course I am not," He rolled his eyes. "Who was the guy you punched?" 

I thought about it, but couldn't get the face in my mind. I hadn't been able see who it was and I didn't want to know. I just knew, that I was in a big trouble. "I am not sure...." I answered on my friend's question. 

"Ahhhh, you could at least check who it was!!" he said and shook his head in dissappointment.

"I don't know, but that guy obviously didn't like it! You should've heard his anger!" 

"Whatever..." he replied. "It is late, we should be asleep by now. You woke me up and that isn't nice at all. We will have to talk about this in the morning. It's actually 3am! Man, you could've gotten expelled!" 

"I know that,"

"Yeah, but you obviously don't understand," Kyungsoo sighed and covered himself with a blanket. I ignored him and did the same, because I really needed a good sleep.



The alarm, calling for all the soliders to wake up, came too fast.

I could barely close my eyes at the night and in the morning I felt extremly tired. I hadn't been able to calm down completely at night and I couldn't have stopped thinking about things, that had happened to me. It was Monday. The start of my second week at the campus. Another week of hard trainings.

Kyungsoo didn't help much, as I complained about my exhaustion. The replys I got, didn't make me feel any better. He actually made me feel even worse, because he was right, since it was only my fault, that I didn't get enough sleep.

I tried to do my best to keep eyes opened, but a week of hard trainings, classes and sleepless night got a little too much for me.

After getting ready, we both went to see where were our morning trainings before breakfast. We went separate ways. I hurried to one of the training fields ouside, where I had training with major Zhang. I was glad that he was the one, who was in charge, for keeping an eye on us, since he could actually understand students and he didn't torture us like major Park did most of the time. I envied Kyungsoo for having him as a main trainer. I would have probably even have a chance to survive here, if major Zhang had trained my unit more ofteen. But even though the training wasn't that intense, I struggled a lot and soon got exhausted.

After breakfast and short free time, I rushed out on another field. We didn't have classes that day which surprised me, because I prefered sitting there and pretending to listen professors.

Most of my and other unit's members were already waiting for major Park to appear and start, but he was late. 5 minutes had passed, but he still didn't appear. Everyone was already there, ready to start with the training, but. Next 10 minutes passed and then 15... Still no sign about him. Everyone got tired of waiting and soon most of the boys were sitting on the ground, talking to each other.

I also gave up and collapsed to the ground. I tried to get some rest there. I had a headache and my eyes hurt a bit, so I closed them and leaned on my shoulder to relax a bit.

Suddenly gasps and whispers came from others. 

I raised my look, but all I could see were members of both units getting from the ground and blocking my view. I stood up and moved to the side, to see what was happening.

Major Park was walking towards the field. The look in his eyes was seriously mad. Well that actually wasn't any different than the usual look major Park had... But this time he was really bitter. His face was the main thing, that got my attention. On the left side, he had a big and dark bruise, which was horribly swollen, like someone punched him very hard.

Many questions came to my mind and I knew the answer on all. I was the one who had punched him! I had done this to him at the night! Major Park knew where I had been.

I started cursing in my head. I didn't want to believe this was true, it couldn't be! There must have been different reason for him to show up like that all of the sudden. Maybe he had hit himself somewhere, because he was that tall... This sounded like something possible, but the fear in me was still raising.

I hid behind the group of boys, to avoid major's look. I didn't know what to do. I was in a great trouble. My legs and arms started to trembele, my breath got heavier and sweat appeared on my forehead. I wished I could be smaller at that moment, unnoticable and even invisible. 

More whispers and gasps followed as he came closer. He looked the crowd of boys seriously like always. "OKAY!" he called with his deep and strong voice. "Yes, I look horrible today, but your training stays the same!" 

"Sir, what happened to you-?" called one of the boys from my unit, before major Park could continue and start the training.

"That is non of your bussines, Lee Jinki!" he replied and the boy looked to the ground dissappointed. "If I hear any of you making comments about my face, I swear you will get the same bruise and a punisment!"

Nobody dared to say anything, so he told us to start. 

I had a feeling, like that day's training was much harder and intense than the ones before. Maybe because major Park was extremely angry, but the main reason was for sure my exhaustion. I was very tired and my legs barely carried me. When we were running, I couldn't catch up with others and my tempo was much slower that usually. Later when we were doing exercises, I felt my legs and arms getting even weaker.

An endless list of hard exercises was ripping me apart and right when we started doing push-ups my arms gave up. I fell on the dry ground with my face down, pressed on the rocky surface. My breathing was fast and I had a feeling like my heart was about to jump out of my chest.

I heard that major Park stopped everyone from doing more push-ups and walked towards me.

"Baekhyun!" I heard Jongin's worried whisper, but I couldn't help myself.

"Byun!" major called with his deep, strong and strict voice. He was now standing right next to me. "I expected you to do more push-ups than anyone else here!" he continued.

I slowly moved my arms and managed to push myself up, on my legs. I didn't look at him and kept my look on the ground.

"Do you have any good excuses for this?" he asked and glared at me.

I slowly shok my head to answer on his question without speaking up.

"I CAN'T HEAR YOU, BYUN!!" he said with stronger voice.

I remembered that he had used the same sentence on the first day we had met and I knew this wasn't going to end well. I waited a bit, before answering: "No, sir, I don't have any excuses,"  

Major Park stepped closer, so our bodies were now only a few inches appart. He lowered his head closer to me. "Next time you should go to sleep earlier and in the best case, in your own room and bed... don't you think so?" he said and glared at me, like he was waiting for an answer, but I didn't say anything.

My heart stopped and I completely froze there in front of him. I looked to the side and saw that the other boys were looking in our direction curiously, probably because none could hear what he had told to me. 

"Solider Byun, detention for you!" he announced.

More whispers came from the others. "Why detention?" one asked. "He didn't even do anything!" the other one called.

"SILENCE!" he stopped everyone. "Do you all want detention as well for speaking against my decisions and orders?" he looked at each one of them with a look, which could have cut everyone into pieces.

After a short period of silence he turned around back to me. "I was clear enough, Byun! Detention for you. I want to see you at my office later after this training! I will find extra work for you!"

I slowly raised my head and looked at him. His bruise reminded me of everything that had happened at the night. I had really punched him well, but I wished I had never been there.

I waited for a moment before speaking again. "Sir, I don't know where your office is..." I said with weak voice and Major Park looked at me with anger in his eyes.

"You aren't capable enough to find it yourself?!"  he raised his eyebrow. "Byun, I won't tolerate your inactivity!" he said.

I wanted to complain, but no words came from me. I didn't know what to say or do.

"I expect you there on time! Not a second late! Exactly at 1:30am." he said and for a moment stared at me with his furious eyes.

"Yes, sir," I answered.

"Great, it is end of our training for today!" he said after that. "Everyone is dismissed and Byun... Don't forget what I told you, because if you do, I will make sure you won't be here anymore by the end of this week!"

I nodded quietly and followed others who left the place. 

"I'm so sorry for this..." Jongin came to me after we were already further away from major Park. "Try following him... I guess this is the best way to find the place you are looking for..."

"Following?" I asked.

"Yeah, if he wants you to meet him at his office, then he has to come to there as well,"

"Thanks, Jongin," I smiled. "I didn't expect you to help me."

He gently hit my shoulder. "Why not? I have been defending you since the day one and next time you will help me. I need to beat Choi and become the captain of our unit!" Jongin explained.

"Minho?" I asked.

"Yes," Jongin giggled. "You will help me to beat his !"

He ran away and turned around before leaving me alone. "Don't forget what I told you! Follow Park!"

I decided to do as Jongin suggested me. I didn't go with others to lunch, instead I just tried to follow major and get to know where was his office located. 

Only after some minutes I lost him completely and I stayed without my best plan. Looking for this damn office, while everyone was having lunch annoyed a lot. I went to find Kyungsoo, to tell him what was my problem. I didn't really want to bother Jongin anymore, so Kyungsoo was the only one who I really could trust. He soon decided to help me, even though he had just started eating.

He was running around with me for some time, while giving me useless advices like: "Go, check in google maps." or "Maybe God will answer your prayers, if you do your best!"

Everything was helpless and I still had no idea where to go. 

After some time I told Kyungsoo to go back and I was left alone. I was about to run to the building, where general Kim had his office and hoped I could find the way to major Park's one as well. Right when I was about to enter the building, I bumped at someone.

"Ohhh, watch out, boy!" said a tall man with a kind but also quite strict voice. I looked up and recognised major Zhang. 

I apologised for my carelessness. Luckily he just nodded and went on.

I looked at him as he left and suddenly got an idea. "Ummmm... Excuse me, major Zhang!" I called him and he turned around to face me.

"What is it?" he asked and waited for me to continue.

"Where is major Park's office?" 

My hopes, that this could've been a solution, disapperared as soon as he just laughed on my question. "Ahaha, major Park doesn't have any office! He never used it last year, so general Kim gave it to someone else!" he said like I had just told him a joke.

I quietly cursed to myself. "But, sir," I insisted. "He told me to see him there." 

Major Zhang smiled and he obviously wasn't sure about it. "Major Park Chanyeol?"


"Park Chanyeol?"

"I guess that is his name..."

"I have no idea what you did to get called into his non-existent office, but I am sure you won't find it anywhere here. If you need to find him, try with his room. I usually find him there when he doesn't train..." 

"Really?" I asked and thought about that idea. 

"I would go there if I were on your place.... Second floor room number 16 if you don't know where it is."

I had been there on the second floor before, but the fact that I was there, was the main reason why I had to run around at that moment. "If I'm not wrong, students like me mustn't go there," I mentioned.

"You are not wrong," he agreed. "Just go, I see you are in a hurry. If anyone asks, tell them that you have my permission."

"Thank you, sir!" I nodded and ran away. 

I only had 8 minutes to come to the drooms on the other side of the campus and find major's room. I climbed the stairs and reached the top. Second floor didn't change much. The only difference was, that it got brighter and I could see all smallest details of the hallway. 

I checked the time and saw that I only had a minute. I continued my way as fast as I could and soon I was out of breath. I turned right in the next corner where I expected to find the right room, but suddenly I hit into someone. 

"Sh*t," I heard major Park curse.

I looked up and moved away as quickly as I could. I looked around and saw a sign on the door right next to us, which confirmed, that I was on the right place.

He was staring at me surprised. Then he looked to his hand watch. I had never seen him wore it while we had trainings.

"Sh*t," he cursed again and rolled his eyes. "You actually found me, Byun," From the way he said that, was obvious, that he was disappointed and annoyed. 

"S- Sir, you don't have an office..." I said. "You tried to trick me, didn't you?" My voice was cracking, but that wasn't really important at that moment. 

"Yes, I hoped you will be wandering around all day and later I could expel you for that!" He replied and a long and painful silence followed. 

I didn't say anything about that at first, but then I decided, that I should do something about it. "You would do that?" I asked.

"I guess you don't need to worry, since you came on time, don't you think so?" He raised his eyebrow and looked at me with a serious look. 

"Yes," I agreed. 

"Be happy, that I am playing a fair game here!"

"Fair? How is that fair? I don't even deserve this detenti-" 

He gave me a serious look and  I couldn't unsee the bruise on his face. I actually deserved the punisment.

"Let's start with your detention, Byun!" He said and walked away from me. 

I could barely cautch up with his fast walking and soon I had to start jogging behind him. I wanted to complain, but it probably wasn't a good idea to do so. 

Major Park entred one of big buildings on the side of the campus. I had never been there before and I was wondering what would my detention be like. Right when we entred I saw a big room full of different kinds of tools, weapons, protections and boxes lying on the floor and next to the walls, where they obviously shouldn't have been.

"Okay, Byun. Not long ago, units had training here. You will be the one cleaning up today!" he said and pointed at the weapon. 

"Can't they put this stuff back to the place where they got it?!" I quietly muttered to myself, but major obviously heard me.

"Good question, Byun!" He said, even though the question wasn't meant for him. "The only problem are undisciplined fresmans like you, who are told to do something useful on their own, but food suddenly food becomes more important than anything else!" 

"Stupid, I didn't even get to see what is for today's lunch," I whispered again to myself again, but got heard again. 

"Try to imagine the food and stop complaining, maybe it will make you less hungry," he sighed annoyed. "Start with your work, Byun!" He showed me the place around and then sat to the chair, from which he could see me well.

"You know, that these questions actually weren't meant for you?"

"Do I look like I care?" he raised his voice. "Less talking, more working! You don't have all day!"

There was a lot of work to be done and I felt embarrassed, because major Park was just watching. I took the first gun from the floor. I looked at major. The bruise on his face was very visible, which made me feel bad. I moved my look away and stared at the gun for some time. I noticed, that the charges in were fake and couldn't badly hurt anybody with a shot. "Sir, where am I supposed to put this?" I asked, because I didn't know what to do with it.

"It's all there." he pointed to the shelves on the other side of the place. "You will make it. You notice things very quickly, like the fact that I don't have my own office," he looked away, obviously annoyed because of that.

I walked there and put the gun to one of the boxes, where I saw identical ones. I did the same with the other ones and all the protections. Major Park just watched me, like he enjoyed seeing students, doing the work instead of him.

After that I had to carry all of the heavy boxes and put them on the shelves where they belonged. I was wondering, for how long I had already been there. I was tired and completely fed up with work, but major Park didn't look bored at all. 

I felt incredibly happy, when I saw there was only one large box left and I took it into my arms. It was heavy, but I didn't mind it too much. I went to the shelves and then looked for free place. Everything was filled up.... everything, except one of the highest shelves. I wasn't sure what to do. I wasn't enough tall to lift that heavy box to there. The only chair in the room was already taken by major and I also didn't dare to ask for help. I hesitated and glared at major Park, but regret it right when our eyes met for a second. I looked back at the shelves, pretending like nothing was wrong.

I couldn't find any better solution to the problem, so I lifted the box on my shoulders and then higher up to the last shelf. I was still too low, so I stepped on my toes. Still too low to slip the box onto it.

I was loosing my balance and in the next moment my legs stopped working. I was ready to fall on the floor under the box, but something caught me. 

Major Park was now standing right next to me, holding and protecting me with his strong arms.

The box fell to the ground and everything inside it was on the ground again.

He was still holding me tightly for some time. I could feel his heavy breathing right next to my body. His eyes were widely opened and he looked at me with a serious, but also relieved look. He helped me to get back to my legs and I just stared at him in shock.

"Can't you ask for help, Byun?!" He asked and I could feel his anger "It was obvious, that you wouldn't make it...." 

"I- I- uhhh- ummm-" was all that came from me, as I came back to my senses. I was out of my words. For a few moments silence fell in the room, until mjaor Park steped closer to me. 

"Byun, I expect you not to sleep on the second floor's hallway again! You are lucky I found you there, if it wasn't me, you would most likely get expelled. Understood?!" He asked directly and I slowly nodded.

"You didn't want me expelled, but today you wanted to trick me and throw me out of here..." I said and narrowed my eyes.

"Are you blind, Byun?" Major pointed on his bruise. "Look what you did to my beautiful face! I did everything to cover it up, but everyone still sees it from the other side of the campus!"

"Yeah, you better hide your face with a paper bag..." I said, but regretted it as soon as major got even more angry. 

"You have to learn how to shut up!" he said. 

I didn't comment. I just told him the truth. The bruise on his face looked awful and I was actually wondering how could I hit him so well. 

"There is no need of punching your saviour," He continued and glared at me. "I want an apology!" 

"Sir, I'm sorry,"

Major narrowed his eyes. "Fine," he said, but he obviously wasn't happy with that apology.

"I didn't know it was-" 

"....Me?" he interrupted me. "You would have hit me in any case. You would have hit even harder if you knew it was me!"

He wasn't wrong. I hit because I wanted to escape, but if I had known that was him, I would have truly hit even harder. 

"What were you doing there, Byun?" the tune in his voice change to a calm one when he asked that, but I had no good answer on it. 


"N-n-nothing?" he imitated my voice crack.

"Sir, these are personal questions, I thought we weren't supposed to ask those..." I tried to get myself from the trouble, but it didn't work.

He smirked. "First of all, I am the major and your main trainer! Second, don't tell me what I am supposed to do and what not! You are the one who broke the rules, which I clearly explained as soon as you stepped here! And third, don't you think you should explain, what pushed you into doing all that?"

"I don't have any explanation for it," I looked to the ground and hoped, that major would stop with giving me questions.

"I'm disappointed, Byun!" he stepped away and picked the weapons from the ground.

I was looking at him, when he put everything back to the box and lifted it like it wasn't so heavy at all.

"You said I was disappointment, when you first called my name and saw me," 

He looked at me surprised, because of my comment. "Whatch that you really don't become one!" he said. "I really do expect more from you! Your detention is over for today! Go to your room and get some rest!"

"Yes, sir!" I said and walked away.

"Byun!" major called.

I stopped in front of the doors and looked at him. "Yes, sir?"

"You weren't a disappointment," he said and continued before I could have responded. "Just go now! You are slowly getting me annoyed!"

I just left the place without saying anything. I really needed to get some time for myself to gain some energy and come back to my senses.



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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!