Welcome Party

Reply 2010

What is your most exciting day on your early university days? Most of the people will choose the fresher welcome party, right? It is the first impression of the newcomers from their seniors so it is one of the big events in university days. And it is the same for the refreshers who joins the Seoul University for 2010.

Today is the fresher welcome party as it has been a week since the school begins and the school is excited about the ball they are having tonight. Well, almost everyone of the school will come here tonight and they can find a chance to have a dance with them if you are lucky. The most excited ones are no other than the Queens who will be stars tonight. They are now all together at Momo's house and preparing for the ball.

" Hey, look at me. I think my make-up is a little too much? "

Eunbi asks as she is checking herself in the mirror. Sana pushes her away as she takes over the mirror to apply the lipstick.

" No, you are good and now, give me the mirror."

" No, I'm not done yet."

While the two is busy fighting over the mirror, Mina is struggling with the zip of her dress. Momo jumps down from her bed and she helps Mina with the zip.

" Aigoo, our Mina is so beautiful tonight."

" Yes, look at her. She is more mature than the way she looked in her first year."

Mina hides her face in embarrassment. Her three friends resumes what they are doing before and Mina sits on the bed waiting for them.

" Actually, I have a date for tonight."

" What?! Who is the lucky guy? "

" BamBam oppa from final year. He is also an exchange student and he asked me for tonight not long ago."

Mina explains and her friends are squeezing in excitement as Mina is finallly getting a date. While Eunbi is busy with her hair, Sana pushes her away.

" Yah, unnie, we know you are the greeting girl tonight, but can you please let me finish my lipstick first? "

Sana uses her deadly ageyo which makes Eunbi frowns and she moves to the other side. Yes, tonight is her night. As she is the final year student, she has to be the greeting girl at the entrance who will has to greet and say hello to everyone who comes to the party. It's their school's tradition.

" Well, since I am busy and Mina has a date, what about you two? "

Eunbi asks and Momo and Sana look at each other. And then they burst out into laughter.

" Haha, we willl find someone random and have fun."

" Yeah, there will be hot kids from freshers. I hope they are tall and muscular."

Momo remembers someone while Sana is daydreaming about her dream guy.

" Do you think that Son Chaeyoung girl will come tonight? I heard she never comes to any of her class for this whole week."

" Oh, that hottie.Yeah, I don't mind if she wants to dance with me."

" Yah, Sanake, you are making me throwing up. Stop your ageyo."

Momo said while rolling her eyes and Mina is laughing at her friends while Eunbi is finishing her final touches. The four girls are coming to the party with Momo's car like always. When they reach there, they can see their teachers, Park Chorong and Bae Joohyun at the door busy with the guests. 

" Oh, Eunbi-ah, you are coming."

" Nae."

Eunbi excitingly takes her place as she waves at her friends. And she starts greeting the guests who are coming to the party. 

Not far from them, there are several members of the photography club with their cameras. They are taking the photos of people who are coming and asking for photos. When they see the Queens coming, they run to there as they want to take photos of them.

The four girls are posing for the photographers and there is someone who is not interested in them as she is just standing at the corner with her camera in her hand. Hyewon takes a glance at them and she shakes her head. Why everyone wants to take the pictures of the famous beautiful girls only? Well, this is not my type.

While she is thinking like this, their photography teacher gathers them.

" Kids, take some photos of Eunbi over there. We need some good photos of her for the school's magazine."

" Nae."

All the photographers gather around Eunbi and they are taking her photos from every angles while she is posing for them. But Hyewon is just standing there and she doesn't even raise her hand. Sana, Momo and Mina who are still there notice Hyewon and her actions.

" What is that Kang Hyewon girl doing? Why she doesn't take Eunbi unnie's photos? Let's go ask."

" Hey, wait, Sana-Chan."

But before Mina and Momo can stop her, Sana is already on her way to Kang Hyewon. Eunbi also notices that Sana is walking to Hyewon so she follows to there with her two friends.

" Yah, Kang Hyewon."

Sana calls and Hyewon looks up her from her camera. And then, she points to herself and asks "me?". 

" Yes, you! Why you didn't take Eunbi unnie's photos? "

Sana asks and Hyewon laughs.

" Does it need a reason? I just didn't want to."

" Why? Isn't she beautiful? "

Hyewon looks at Eunbi and she shakes her head.

" She is beautiful but she has done over make-up. I don't like. I am not taking that kinds of photos."

" What a proud and arrogant one! "

" So rude."

Eunbi becomes angry because of Hyewon's reaction. She frowns and said.

" May be she has no talent to take my photos. Let her be. I have work to do."

She said and she walks back to her place to greet the guests again. The three friends also decide to enter the ball now. And they leave the proud Kang Hyewon at there. Eunbi has to greet the guests but her concentration is not here anymore. She keeps taking glances at Hyewon as she is not satisfied with that girl.

Hyewon furrows her eyebrows that she notices Eunbi keeps looking at her. What does she want? And she smirks as she suddenly gets an idea. Well, she is also angry with Eunbi because she just said that Hyewon has no talent.

She looks around and making sure that there are no one around. And she makes some funny face at Eunbi. Eunbi widens her eyes and bites her lip as Hyewon is now giggling with her own joke.

And she makes another one again, teasing the older girl. She moves her eyes to the inner corner, she pretends like she has buck tooth, she sticks out her tongue, she makes every funny faces she can think of and teases Eunbi. Eunbi becomes angry and she decides to take a quick revenge. 

She looks around and making sure that there is no one watching them. And she returns making a funny face again. Hyewon is waiting for this chance. She raises her camera and takes a quick snap of Eunbi. But Eunbi is too busy with her revenge so she fails to notice that Hyewon has taken her photo.

Hyewon rechecks the photo and she laughs. This will work. Let's see, Kwon Eunbi. Who is the one with the talent? And she smirks at Eunbi before she entered the party to grab a drink. The party is filled with all kinds of sweet smells and it makes people even dizzy. But this is University and who cares. Everyone is having fun.

Sakura is also in the party. She is with her usual round glasses and simple outfits so no one will see her or notice her tonight. She knows it clearly but she wanted to come here. She wanted to see Lee Chaeyeon and how cool she will be tonight. She looks around and tries to find her crush but there is still no sign of her. Doesn't she come tonight?

" Oh, sorry."

She is focusing on her front so she fails to notice someone who is coming closer to her from the back.

" You really are a clumsy girl, aren't you? "

" Omo."

Sakura is surprised to see Chaeyeon smiling at her. is opened wide and she is just staring at Chaeyeon. Her glasses falls onto her nose so she has to raise it again back to its place. Chaeyeon takes two glasses of drink from the waiter who passes them and she gives one glass to Sakura.

" Here, your drink."

" Thank you."

Sakura said with a low soft tone that Chaeyeon can barely hear. The taller girl takes a sip and she continues their conversation.

" Don't you want to sit? I mean you have no partner tonight, right? "

" Yeah, I- I guess so."

Sakura is excited as her crush is leading her to the table at the corner. They sit down together and Chaeyeon smiles at her.

" So, you are from 3rd year too, right? "

" Nae, I'm an exchanged student. My name is -"

" Miyawaki Sakura, I know."

Chaeyeon said and Sakura is almost choked on her drink. Chaeyeon laughs and she explains the surprised girl.

" You and I are in the same Maths class. You don't know? "

Of course, I know. Sakura wants to answer like this but she is afraid of Chaeyeon will notice her so she is just laughing nervously. She takes a glance at Chaeyeon who is laughing too while looking at somewhere in the crowd. Sakura becomes curious.

" Dont you have partner tonight? "

Chaeyeon looks at Sakura as she crosses her legs and takes another sip of her drink.

" I am not into ball."

" But you are a great dancer."

" Yeah, but I don't want to dance with someone at the ball in front of everyone. It's embarrassing."

They both laugh and Chaeyeon suddenly extends her hand to Sakura.

" I don't know if you know my name or not, but I am Lee Chaeyeon, your Maths classmate. Let's be friends."

Omo, am I dreaming? Sakura thinks. She is staring at Chaeyeon's hand with wide eyes and Chaeyeon pouts.

" My hand is starting to hurt."

" Oh, sorry."

Sakura takes it quickly as she is worried for Chaeyeon and the later laughs as she really likes the clumsiness of Sakura.

" So, are we friends now, Saku-Chan? "

Sakura can't answer anything as she is feeling butterflies on her stomach so she just nods at Chaeyeon who is looking at the funny ugly girl with a smile.

At that time, the band starts to play some romantic music and everyone is preparing for their dance with their partners. Nayeon and Jeongyeon are sitting at the table at the other corner of the room. This is totally Im Nayeon's idea as she deosn't want Jeongyeon to be popular in the party. So, she purposely chose to sit here.

" Jeongyeon-sshi, can I have a dance with you? "

But unfortunately to the bunny, the fan girls of Jeongyeon notice them as they walk to their table and ask for Jeongyeon. The basketball star is checking on Nayeon's expression but the bunny girl is too stubborn to show any. She is eating the chips and waves her hand like she doesn't care.

" Just go and have fun."

Jeongyeon feels sad as Nayeon doesn't feel jealous over her but she can't do nothing with it. She shakes her head and smiles at the girl who is waiting for her. She stands up and joins the others on the dancing floor. Nayeon pouts as soon as Jeongyeon is away. She throws away the chips outside the plate as she is watching her friend, having fun.

Jeongyeon is now dancing with a guy from nowhere. Huh? Look at that man's face. He even looks like a giraffe. Nayeon thinks. But Jeongyeon seems she is blushing. Her face is red? OMG, Yoo Jeongyeon, I can't believe this. You are enjoying.

" Ahhh, it's too tired."

Jeongyeon finally returns to their table and she said while she steals Nayeon's drink. She doesn't get a response from the bunny girl so Jeongyeon is dumbfounded. She looks at Nayeon's face and puts her palms on her wide forehead to check the temperature.

" What happened? Your face is dark. Are you ok? "

" Go away. Just ignore me."

Nayeon said while crossing her arms with a pout. Jeongyeon wants to laugh at the bunny.

" Yah, what happened? "

" I don't know. Go ask that giraffe."

Jeongyeon is happy in her mind that she knows Nayeon is angry because she doesn't like her dancing with that boy. It seems her plan worked. She pretends like she doesn't know and that makes Nayeon more angry. She moves closer to Jeongyeon and slaps her arms for numerous times.

" You bad bad bad bad bad girl. I hate you."

" Wae~~~"

" Molla! "

Jeongyeon laughs and she stands up from her seat to make up with her friend. She leans her body forwards and asks for Nayeon's hand for the dance.

" Shall we? "

" Yah~ "

" Wae? Don't you want to dance? "

Jeongyeon changes her face and she is about to take away her hand when Nayeon quickly takes it.

" No, I'm willling to! "

" My pleasure."

Jeongyeon pulls the bunny girl on the dancing floor. At that time, the music changes and it is time for a slow song. Jeongyeon smirks and she pulls Nayeon closer, grabbing her by her waist. Nayeon is blushing a little but she pretends like she is not.

She puts her both hands around Jeongyeon's neck and their bodies start to move according to the music. Jeongyeon smiles at the girl who looks up her and Nayeon frowns.

" Yah~ I'm still mad at you."

" I know. But how can I skip my best dance with my bestfriend? "

And they continue swinging alone with the flow. Oh, holy crap. Bestfriends again, they both think.





xxx                            xxx                               xxx




Chaeyoung is coming down from the upstairs as she is going to the party tonight. She can't wait to see that icy girl again. Her gaze, which was staring at her on that day was left not only in her memories but also in her heart. She doesn't know even if it is possible but she wonders who that girl is. She wants to know more about her.

" Chaeng, your father said you are skipping school this whole week. Are you ok at school? "

But she is stopped by a woman and her happy spirit is killed all of a sudden.

" That's none of your business. You are even not my mother."

" Chaeyoung-ah, I was just worried for you."

" No need. Go tell your lies to appa. Not to me. I know what kind of woman you are. Just leave me alone and stay out of my way."

Chaeyoung said and she walks passed by the woman who seems to be sad because of her behavior. But she doesn't care and she just drive the car to her friend's house to pick her up. It seems Tzuyu is already waiting for her. As soon as she stops her car, Tzuyu comes out from her house and enters into.

She checks Chaeyoung's face and sighs.

" What happened? "

" My stepmother. She tried to lecture me on my studies stuffs."

" But she is right about it. You skipped the whole week, Son Chaeng."

" You are taking on her side? Geez."

" No, I'm just talking for you. Let's go to school next week. Ok? "

" Whatever."

Chaeyoung said while pouting and Tzuyu smiles at her cute friend. Chaeyoung is too different from the way she looks like. But no one knows about it except her. She has become a spoilt kid since after her parents divorced. She was living with her mother in Taiwan but she became too bad to handle and her mother sent her back to Korea to stay with her father.

Tzuyu was her friend since they finished their high school together at Taiwan and she decided to come Korea with her friend when the shorter bad girl was sent to here.

Finally they reach at the party and Chaeyoung smirks at Tzuyu.

" What? "

" I'm looking for the ice princess of mine."

" Ahh, the girl from the parking lot? She seemed she was scared of you."

" I don't care."

The two walk into the party while taking. Everyone around them are looking at them and whispering about them as they want to ask them for dance. Tzuyu notices two girls who are sitting at a table near the dancing floor and she calls Chaeyoung.

" Aren't they your girl's friends? "

" Maja. Let's go."

Before Tzuyu can say anything, Chaeyoung drags her to their table. Momo and Sana are a little surprised when they see them beside their table. But they smile at them as a greeting and Chaeyoung sits there, leaving Tzuyu no choice but to sit.

" Hi, cuties, what do you want? "

" I want to know where your friend is."

" Who? Ahh, Mina? "

Chaeyoung's eyes twinkle in happiness as she hears the name of her ice-princess.

" Her name is Mina? "

" No, her real name is Myoui Mina. We are exchanged students from Japan."

Momo tries to explain but Chaeyoung is not interested anymore. She is looking around and trying to search for Mina while her hands are busy with lighting the cigarette.

" Where is she? "

" She is dancing with her date over there."

" Her date? "

Sana points in the middle of the crowd and there they see Mina dancing happily with BamBam. Uh oh, this will be the problem. Before Tzuyu can finish her thinking, Chaeyoung stands up from her seat and walks to them with wide steps. And she grabs Mina's hand and pulls her away from the boy.

" What are you doing? "

Mina is surprised as well as scared when she sees Chaeyoung. But the younger girl doesn't answer her as she keeps pulling her till they reach to their table.

" What are you doing? Let me go! "

Mina jerks Chaeyoung's hand away and she is now angry enough to talk back to the badass girl.

" Who is he? "

" My date. What is wrong with you? This is none of your business."

" This is my business."

" No, look, I don't care who you are. And I won't listen to you. So, please stay away from me."

Mina said and Chaeyoung seems she is angry too.

" Alright. Don't regret of what you said tonight."

She said and she blows out some smoke towards them from her strawberry like lips. Then she smirks and walks away, leaving all of them dumbfounded. Tzuyu makes a fake laugh as she tries to ease the tension.

" Chaeyoung is a short-tempered girl. Just leave her. I apologize on behave of her."

" Awww, cute. You are so sweet, baby. What's your name? "

" My name is Chou Tzuyu, from Taiwan."

" I'm Minatozaki Sana and this is Hirai Momo."

" Nice to meet you."

Tzuyu bows them and Sana squeezes in excitement. 

" You are so cute. Do you want a friendly dance with me? "

" Yes? "

Sana stands up and she leans herself towards Tzuyu's ear and she whispers.

" I mean let's dance, cutie."

And she is dragged by the hyper Sana to the dance floor. Tzuyu feels burning sensation from her face as Sana puts her arms around her body. Her body becomes stiff and her heartbeat becomes faster while Sana is leading the dance. Sana is laughing silently at the cute Tzuyu and she enjoys her dance night while looking up the blushing beauty.

Momo sighs as she is watching the two while leaning her head on the table. She feels sleepy already.

" Poor Tzuyu, Sanaconda is at her action again."

But she receives no reply from her friend so she raises her head from the table and checks on Mina, who is now crossing her arms and pissed off.

" Yah, are you still mad? "

" Yes, this girl is too annoying. And why me? I mean there are too many people in this school. But why me? "

Mina complains and Momo nods as she agrees.

" Your kid is really annoying. She is stubborn, short-tempered, aggrassive and rude. In one word, she is a brat."

" She is not my kid."

Mina fights back. She reimagines the image of Son Chaeyoung blowing cigarette smokes at her face. Aish, I want to scratch her face. She is not my kid. She is the problem. Mina thinks.

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hyemstar #1
Chapter 20: kangbi :(
Chapter 20: Ah shucks I was hoping eunbi would cancel off her wedding or say no to the vow even if Siwon is a gd guy.. poor hyewon but I guess this depicts life well..to let go of the past but treasure the memories made :/

Absolutely 100/100 story,, this needs to be featured!!🤧🤧
Chapter 16: Aww her parents being accepting and knowing their mistakes and yayyy they finally got tgt🥳🥳🥳🥳
Chapter 15: Ahhhhh so sweet the last part,, to treasure her youth at such a young age is such a mature thing to do and it fits tzuyu so well🥺🥰
Chapter 12: Ahhhh all the character development and relationships becoming clearer 🥰🥰🥰

(Omg wait so tzuyus been the one who’s sending the secret gifts to sana but sana thought it was Dahyun and liked her instead??😧 I think it wld hv been great to get fillers abt sana and dahyun to get a more detailed comparison between satzu and Saidas relationship🤔)

Loving the cliche rain scene,, the way I can totally depict each one of the couples 🤩
Chandria_ #6
Chapter 20: Like an echo in the forest~~
Yeah Life goes on~~~~
This is a masterpiece author-nim, it made me almost cry wondering what would happen to me if graduated but this is a beautiful story author-nim!
ooh twice and izone story, i'm kinda excited to read this one
bbyu_00 #8
Chapter 20: This is a masterpiece thank you so much
Maatt_booii #9
Chapter 20: i umh...
Idk? I just finish reading this and the ending is.. My kangbi heart T.T .. I want kangbi but the author say "NO" hahahaha
Chapter 20: Okay, I wondered why I never read this story before but I wish I should have read this sooner. This story was sad and heartbroken but is connected with reality because not all couples in the story would get together like in real life. Good job, author-nim.