The Change

Reply 2010

Mina suddenly wakes up when she feels there is something on her stomach. She frowns and opens her eyes to see someone in her bed. At first, she is about to push her away but she remembers that she let Chaeng to sleep with her last night. Oh.

Mina's face turns red immediately and she tightly closes her lips to stop her smile. She notices that Chaeyoung's leg is on her stomach and her arm around her. It's so weird to stay like this with this girl but she finds it cute. Son Chaeyoung even looks like a little kid here. Mina smiles and she tries to take her phone on the table.

Oh, it's already 7AM. I need to wake Chaeng up. Mina thinks and she slowly pokes Chaeyoung's cheek. Lol, why her cheek is so chubby? Mina laughs silently and she pokes again.

Chaeyoung raises her hand to check Mina's fever without opening her eyes but she nods in relief when she finds it normal.

" You are not sick anymore. I know it is just a lovesick."

" Stop it, Baka."

Chaeyoung opens her eyes and she smiles widely, showing her dimple to Mina. Mina finds it really cute and she touches her dimple with her finger making Chaeyoung giggle.

" I love that."

" Jinja? I love it too."

Chaeyoung proudly said and she makes it to appear again and points it.

" Give me a morning kiss, unnie."

" Ahh, no. You become greedy."

" Please. Please. Please."

" No. Now get up or I will be angry with you."

" Nae."

Chaeyoung said with a pout and she gets out from the bed. Then she goes take her clothes and change into them again because she needs to go back to her house for school. Mina opens the window and she waits for Chaeyoung to climb down.

" Go now. Or my parents will catch you."

" Nae. Should I come and pick you up for school? "

" No! It will be embarrassing to tell my friends that we are dating. You tell them when we reach at school."

" Arasso."

Chaeyoung said with a grin as she loves to hear that they are dating. She hugs Mina tight and lets her go before she dares herself to give a quick peck on Mina's chin which is the only place she can reach. Mina laughs at the short Chaeng making the later frowns in a teasing pout.

" Now, go, kid."

" Ok."

" Minari, you are going to lake- oh, who is this? "

At that time, to their surprise, the door is suddenly opened and her mother appears at the door. The mother is surprised too when she sees a stranger in Mina's room. She is looking at Chaeyoung in shock and the later awkwardly bows at her.

" Anne- Annehaesayo Eomeoni."

" Hai. Hello. Minari, who is this? "

" This is my friend, Son Chaeyoung. She reached at our house really early and I didn't want to wake you up so I quietly let her in. I'm sorry, mom."

" Awww, it's fine, Honey. Come take your friend for breakfast. We will be waiting."

" Hai."

Her mother seems she is not buying their lie but she said nothing and leaves the rom after checking Chaeng from head to toe. Chaeyoung runs to the mirror and checks herself as soon as the door is closed.

" Ahhhhhh, look at me. Messy hair, untidy clothes, morning face without being washed yet. Unnie, I'm so dead at the first impression. And your mother seems she knows that we are lying."

" Alright. Alright. Don't be scared. Let's go down."

Mina said and she runs to the bathroom really quick, then she takes Chaeng to the dining room where her parents are waiting for them. Chaeyoung bows them nervously and she sits in front of them beside Mina.

" Chaengie, you can't sit like that."

Mina whispers all of a sudden and Chaeyoung looks at her obliviously. Ahh, Mina and her parents are on their knees and sitting in Japanese way. Chaeyoung lets out an awkward smile and  she changes her sitting position. She bites her lip and wipes the sweats on her forehead while blowing out some air secretly.

The breakfast ends silently and Chaeyoung feels really uneasy under Mina's parents stares. She knows they don't like her. She is doomed. Mina sends her at the door and Chaeyoung scratches her hair.

" Unnie, they hate me now."

" Don't worry. I'll talk for you. Go now."

Chaeyoung nods and Mina smiles at her before she closes the door. Chaeyoung sighs and she walks to her car on the other side of the road and she is about to start the engine but where is the key? Ah, I left it in Mina's room. Chaeyoung thinks and she runs back to the house and opens the door, sneaking in the house again.

" But Mina, listen. We are ok who you are dating with. It doesn't matter it is a boy or a girl but she is not ok. I mean, look at her design. She has no manner, she has no attitude, and she even looks like a bad girl. We can accept a daughter-in-law but not a bad one."

Chaeyoung stops her steps as she is listening to Mina's parents talking with Mina. She sighs and tries to smile again. Yes, this is her. She is that kind of girl in elders' eyes. Chaeyoung makes a fake cough loud enough for the Myoui family to hear.

" I left my car key in your room, Mina unnie."

" Oh, I'll go get it."

" Nae. I'll wait outside."

She awkwardly smiles at Mina's parents and bows them before she leaves the house. She shakes her head and wipes her teary eyes to hide her sadness in front of the older girl. Mina follows her not long after.

" Here."

" Thanks."

Chaeyoung smiles at Mina and takes the car key. Mina is wondering if Chaeyoung hears what they were talking but the younger girl said nothing about it. But she holds on Mina's hand and smiles at her.

" Unnie, I was really happy last night. And remember, I love you a lot."

" What are you talking about? "

" Nothing. I just want to say I love you."

" Love you, too. Now, go."

" Yes, sir! "

Chaeyoung shows her dimple again and she turns around before she lets out a sigh. She doesn't want to be a problem in Mina's parents' eyes. She enters into her car and sits there for a few minutes before she drives away. She needs to do something about it.




xxx                                    xxx                                        xxx





Nayeon walks out from her house and she walks to the bus-stop alone but she feels like someone is following her. She turns back and looks around but there's no one. Umm? Am I having halllucination? She thinks and she continues walking to the bus-stop. She has to wait for a few minutes till the bus comes and she hops on it like usual.

She can't get any seat as the bus is crowded and she needs to stay standing. Nayeon holds on the handle bar when the bus starts leaving. The crowd is moving and bumping to each other, making Nayeon to uncomfort as there are men around her. At that time, a shadow falls over her and someone pushes her to the other side.

 " ... "

Nayeon immediately turns her face to the ground when she finds out that it is no other than Yoo Jeongyeon. Nayeon now have to let go of her hand to the bar and she is standing there like a statue until the bus makes a brake. 

" Ohh! "

Nayeon is about to fall but Jeongyeon pulls her back luckily. Nayeon bites her lower lip and she is scratching her ear while Jeongyeon lets go of her arm and resumes holding on the bar.

" Hold on me or you will fall again."

She said and Nayeon looks up her. And she looks up the bar which has no place left for her to hold. Nayeon has no choice and she slowly raises her hand to hold onto Jeongyeon. But instead of holding on her arm, Nayeon just pulls Jeongyeon's sleeve. Aigoo, what she really wants? Jeongyeon thinks but she decides not to force Nayeon.

When the bus stops, Nayeon gets off the bus in a quick pace and Jeongyeon is left there. Nayeon walks really fast as she doesn't know what to reply if Jeongyeon tries to talk to her again. Ahh, I'm going crazy. She thinks but lucky to her, Jeongyeon never comes to her for the whole day.

As the final exam is drawing nearer, they need to study so Nayeon decides to go to the library to study after the class. She puts her things on one of the tables and walks to the shelves to take some books required. All of a sudden, she gets the feeling of someone following her again and she looks around to find no one.

It's weird. Nayeon thinks and she takes the book from the book shelf to meet a pair of eyes from the other side, staring at her. Nayeon stares back at Jeongyeon without knowing herself but she shakes her head and leaves the place as it is more awkward for her now. But Jeongyeon keeps following her from the other side and staring at her. What do you want to do to me, Yoo Jeongyeon? Don't do this. I'm holding myself at my best. Don't make me go insane. 

Nayeon turns around and she walks to the other shelf. She doesn't know Jeongyeon is still following her or not but she doesn't dare to look back. She looks up the top of the bookshelf where she finds the book she needs. Nayeon tip toes and she tries to get the book but her arm is short enough to troll her.

Suddenlly, someone pushes her gently and Nayeon feels the familiar embrace from her back. She knows Jeongyeon is helping her to get the book like always. Jeongyeon-ah, stop it or we will both get hurt. Nayeon feels like crying now. 

" Here."

Jeongyeon gives the book to Nayeon but the shorter girl doesn't dare to turn around and face Jeongyeon. She pushes Jeongyeon and runs away from there quickly as she doesn't want Jeongyeon to see her tears. Jeongyeon doesn't understand why Nayeon is acting this way and she is left there while still holding the book in her hand.

Nayeon takes her things quickly and she leaves the library immediately. She even bumps into someone on the way but she is already crying so she doesn't have time to apologize and she continues running away.

" Isn't it Nayeon? "

" Yeah. I think she is crying."

Hyewon said and Eunbi sighs as she is feeling sorry for her friends. Hyewon pads her arm as a comfort and the two girls resume to their walk to the hall where Eunbi will have the practise. Hyewon was waiting outside of her class when the class ended and it made Eunbi to extremely happy. She wants to stay with Hyewon like other couples do and when she saw her in front of her class, her abdomen was filled with butterflies.

Hyewon is just smiling and walking beside the older girl while listening to whatever Eunbi is saying and enjoying their usual date on the Main Road of the school. When they reach the hall, the students are gathering in a crowd and the teachers are telling them about something.

" Oh, Eunbi-ah. Come here."

Eunbi smiles at Hyewon and tells her to wait for her before she walks to the crowd. And she is surprised to see Chaeyeon with a cast. What happened?

" We have a problem. Chaeyeon has to apply the cast for two months and she can't play as Romeo. We need to find a new cast."

" I'm sorry."

Chaeyeon said with an apologetic smile but they all know it is not her fault. Chorong sighs and she talks to Irene.

" The festival is in two weeks. Everything has been prepared for Chaeyeon already. It will be difficult to make a substitute."

" Yeah. We need a new cast as soon as possible."

" Can I make a suggestion? "

Seulgi who has been listening said all of a sudden and everyone is listening to her. She takes out her phone and she is searching for something.

" Not long ago, Eunbi visited our house. And I saw them practicing in the living room. They are so lost into it and I took a video to tease my sister. Watch it."

She shows the video of Hyewon and Eunbi practicing in Hyewon's house on the day of Hyewon's absence. Eunbi's face turns immediatley red and she takes a quick peek at Hyewon who is now talking with Sakura and waiting for her.

" Oh, Hyewon is good. She has already known the lines."

" And her body is not that much different to Chaeyeon. We can fix a little and it will work."

The teachers are talking and Eunbi is just hiding her face because she is blushing of performing together with her lover in front of everyone on the stage. But it will be really fun. 

" Should we make her as a substitute? "

" Yeah, since we have no choice. All we need is to teach her some actions. She has already mastered at dialogues."

Seulgi nods and she raises her voice to call Hyewon.

" Yah! Kang Hyewon. Come here for a second."

Hyewon is surprised but she walks to them with oblivious look. She looks at her sister and asks her what she wants.

" What do you need, unnie? "

" You have to play as new Romeo since Chaeyeon is hurt and can't perform anymore."

" What! "

Hyewon looks at Eunbi in surprise with an open mouth. Eunbi looks at her back shyly and she nods at her. Uh oh, it seems Hyewon has no choice at all.





xxx                                    xxx                                       xxx





" Do you see Hyewon's face? That's so funny."

Chaeyeon is joking about Hyewon being Romeo and Sakura is laughing at her silliness.

" Yah, stop making fun with her. I bet Eunbi unnie is really happy now."

" Right. Saku-chan, I bet they are already dating."

" I think so, too."

They are walking back from school and Chaeyeon thought she should send Sakura home so they are now on their way to Sakura's house. Sakura doesn't like the idea as Chaeyeon is the one who is hurt but she wants to spend more time with her too so she agrees with the basketball star.

" Chaeyeon, what will you do after graduation? "

" Graduation? We are only in third year. What are you saying? "

" I just want to know."

" Immmm, let me think."

Chaeyeon thinks and she smiles.

" I want to be in a basketball team. I know I need to improve myself but I want to play in a professional team later. I will move to a better house and I will have a puppy with me. Wanna involve in my future? "

Chaeyeon suddenly asks and Sakura is blushing. Chaeyeon also notices that she has chosen a smart word and she is smiling nervously. Sakura is wondering if Chaeyeon really means it or not but she doesn't dare to ask her again. Chaeyeon knows that Sakura is still blushing and so, she changes the subject to ease the tension.

" What about you? What do you want to be? "

" Me? I don't know. I will find a good job and find a place to live by myself. I want to leave the house."

" Sorry, I shouldn't ask."

" It's fine."

The two friends are walking peacefully and finally they are in front of Sakura's house. Chaeyeon has been quiet since after the question about Sakura's future and the Japanese girl is wondering what's wrong with her.

" I'm going in."

Sakura said as she gives a smile at her friend. Chaeyeon only nods at her and she becomes really confused now. But she may be having a nonsense feeling, Sakura thinks and she decides to enter her house when Chaeyeon suddenly calls her.

" Saku-chan."

' Hmm? "

" I- I have something to tell you."

Sakura is really confused now. She has never seen the nervous and unsure Chaeyeon. She is looking at Chaeyeon and waiting for her to talk while the later is thinking how to start. Ok, Lee Chaeyeon, now or never. She encourages herself and takes Sakura's hand and holds with her hand, making the Japanese girl to blush again. What's wrong with Chaeyeon today? She is thinking.

" I have something to give you back."

Chaeyeon said and she is searching for something in her bag. Sakura is curious of what she is giving and Chaeyeon finally finds it. She smiles and slowly puts it in Sakura's palm.

" Do you remember this? "

Sakura opens her palm and she finds a hair clip inside, which is in Sakura flower shape. The Japanese girl looks at Chaeyeon in surprise while the later is smiling softly at her.

" Do you remember me? "

" You are- You are-"

" Yeah. We met in our childhood days. I was hoping to meet you again and it seemed the God heard my prayers. I could find you, Sakura girl."

Sakura is covering in joy and she still can't speak. She then slaps on Chaeyeon's arm and asks.

" Why you didn't tell me at first? "

" Because I was planning to tell you when I confess."

" Oh."

Sakura's face turns red again. Chaeyeon holds on her arms and she looks at Sakura.

" I was in some kind of interest in you since the childhood encounter between us. Now, when I found you again, I finally know what it is. Being a friend and stay by your side make me sure that I am in love with you. Saku-chan, I promise I will take care of you. Will you be in my future and love this pabo who is deeply in love with you for the longest time you can imagine."

" Chaeyeon-ah, I- I don't know what to say."

" Wae? Don't you love me? "

" No! And I have a secret to tell you too."

Sakura shyly hides her face and she said.

" I have a crush on you since first year but I didn't dare to come near to you because I was very ugly at that time. I was really happy when the God listened to me and sent you to me to be friends. I really love to have you by my side."

" So? You are accepting? "

Chaeyeon asks and Sakura nods shyly. Chaeyeon laughs and she hugs Sakura tight.

" Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

" Thank you for loving me too."

Sakura said and Chaeyeon takes the hair clip from her hand. And she puts it for Sakura, making the Japanese girl to smile shyly.

" I love you."

Chaeyeon said and she slowly leans down to her friend who is waiting for her touch with a still blushing face. Don't worry, Saku-chan. I will make sure that you will be the happiest person on the world from now on. And they both can feel that they are smiling in their sweet tender kiss which is filled with trust and love for each other.




xxx                                         xxx                                          xxx





Sana and Momo are in the canteen and having juices while her friends are busy for End Year Festival. They are making plans of this  evening shopping after their movie time.

" The exam is getting nearer. I hate to study."

" C'm on, Sana-chan. We will be fine. Stay bright."

* phone ringing *

At that time, her phone rings and Momo answers the call.

" Hai. Hai. Hai."

Sana laughs silently at her friend who is a good daughter to her family. She never refuses what they say and she always said Yes. Momo hangs up and she pouts.

" What's wrong? "

" I think I can't come to the movie with you. My mother wants me to go to Uncle's house and take the things she sent for me."

" It's ok. Let's cancel our plan."

" No, you want to see this film really bad. I know. Wait, Tzuyu-ah, come here."

At that time, Tzuyu enters the canteen and Momo waves at the younger girl to come to them. Tzuyu doesn't know what they want but being a good girl she is, she walks to them and sits at their table.

" Tzuyu-ah, do you have time this evening? "

" Yeah, why? "

" Oh, Sana and I were about to go to watch a movie but I have something to do. Can you please accompany her to go there? "

" Umm? "

Tzuyu blinks. Wait, they are saying that me and Sana unnie will go on a movie together? Oh, holycrap. 

" Will you? "

Sana asks with her cute voice and how Tzuyu can deny her. She tries to smile and nods.

" Ok, I will pick you up. Just tell me the time."

" Thank you, Chewieeeeee."

Sana is using her full ageyo and Tzuyu can only laugh nervously. Time flies really fast and they are now in front of the cinema and ready to watch the movie. They have bought cola and popcorn and enter the cinema. The movie is a hit movie of 2010, Dear John and Sana is too much exciting to watch it.

The movie starts and Tzuyu is totally not into it as she is too focus on the Japanese beauty beside her. She is holding the popcorn bag and watches Sana'a facial expressions which change according to the movie plot.

" Oop. Sorry."

She was so lost in her secret admiration  and her hand accidently touches Sana'a while taking the popcorn. Tzuyu quickly apologizes but Sana is shaking her head and smiles at her. Tzuyu shifts her gaze to the movie quickly and pretends to watch. Sana laughs and she turns back to movie too. And Tzuyu can now takes a deep breath due to the touch. It's too awkward. She can do nothing when Sana is around.

But suddenly, Sana slowly leans on her shoulder and she whispered.

" I feel really bad for them. The long distance relationship is really hurt."

" Are you crying? "

" Yeah, so what? "

Sana said with a pout and she links her arm to Tzuyu as she continues watching the movie and crying. Tzuyu wants the movie to finish quick as she is afraid of Sana to notice her screaming heart. Her body is stiff while she is covered in sweat and all she knows is the smell of Sana'a shampoo running into her nostrils and teasing her.

Luckily to her, the movie ends soon and they both are coming out from the cinema. Sana is now happy again as the actor and actress met again at the end.

" I really love the ending. True love is meant to be together."

" Really? "

" Yeah. I am a true love and destiny's fan."

" Haha. You are weird."

Tzuyu said but Sana doesn't care. She is still holding on Tzuyu's arm on their way back to Tzuyu's car. On the whole way back home, Sana is being Sana, talkative the whole time while Tzuyu is thinking about what Sana has said. It means she has a chance? She is not sure.

Finally, they are in front of their apartment and Sana removes her seatbelt.

" Today's really fun. I badly wanted to watch that movie. And it's worth watching."

" I'm glad you like it."

Sana smiles and she suddenly leans in to kiss Tzuyu on her cheek. Tzuyu looks at her in surprise but Sana is smiling widely at her innocently.

" Thanks for today."

And she runs out from the car and runs away. Tzuyu holds on the spot that Sana has just kissed and she smiles too. Thank you for today, too, Sana unnie. She knows she will be smiling like a fool now for the rest of the day.

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hyemstar #1
Chapter 20: kangbi :(
Chapter 20: Ah shucks I was hoping eunbi would cancel off her wedding or say no to the vow even if Siwon is a gd guy.. poor hyewon but I guess this depicts life let go of the past but treasure the memories made :/

Absolutely 100/100 story,, this needs to be featured!!🤧🤧
Chapter 16: Aww her parents being accepting and knowing their mistakes and yayyy they finally got tgt🥳🥳🥳🥳
Chapter 15: Ahhhhh so sweet the last part,, to treasure her youth at such a young age is such a mature thing to do and it fits tzuyu so well🥺🥰
Chapter 12: Ahhhh all the character development and relationships becoming clearer 🥰🥰🥰

(Omg wait so tzuyus been the one who’s sending the secret gifts to sana but sana thought it was Dahyun and liked her instead??😧 I think it wld hv been great to get fillers abt sana and dahyun to get a more detailed comparison between satzu and Saidas relationship🤔)

Loving the cliche rain scene,, the way I can totally depict each one of the couples 🤩
Chandria_ #6
Chapter 20: Like an echo in the forest~~
Yeah Life goes on~~~~
This is a masterpiece author-nim, it made me almost cry wondering what would happen to me if graduated but this is a beautiful story author-nim!
ooh twice and izone story, i'm kinda excited to read this one
bbyu_00 #8
Chapter 20: This is a masterpiece thank you so much
Maatt_booii #9
Chapter 20: i umh...
Idk? I just finish reading this and the ending is.. My kangbi heart T.T .. I want kangbi but the author say "NO" hahahaha
Chapter 20: Okay, I wondered why I never read this story before but I wish I should have read this sooner. This story was sad and heartbroken but is connected with reality because not all couples in the story would get together like in real life. Good job, author-nim.