Hello! My name is Nicole..

Status: Married

Hello readers! On the last chapter, the newly weds have just came back from their honeymoon. The first place they went to was Big Bang's penthouse. She distributed the souvenirs to them. Jiyong was happy to see her happy but he would be lying if he deny feeling a little sour. At night, the newly weds had a childish argument. Let's continue..


She stretched herself when she woke up. She started moving around the bed and turned to find out that the space beside her was empty, her husband must be at work again.. It must be one of those normal dance rehearsals, editing, producing or song recording. She sat up slowly but soon again, she felt a familiar uneasy feeling.. she felt that weird nausea feeling again. She pulled her blanket to the side and rushed to the bathroom, vomiting in the toilet bowl again.. 


“ What did I eat?!” She scolded herself.. trying her best to recall what can possibly make her like this?! Whatever TOP ate, she ate but he was feeling fine.. Oh dear.. She flushes the toilet, washing up before coming out of the bathroom. She saw her handphone on the table and she sat down slowly, stretching her hand out to get her phone.


" 1 new message" her phone showed.


My Seunghyun :If you are still unwell..Go and see a doctor. If you want me to accompany you,you will have to wait till 7 in the evening.. 


She smiled at the message. They didn’t have a big fight last night but she is glad that her husband still care for her. He still messaged her. They were both probably too tired and got grouchy. She crawled back on the bed with her phone, still with a smile on her face. 


Ah.. Newly weds..




Jiyong leaned back on his chair and stretched. He have been in this editing and recording room for 3 hours straight .. he was mentally stretched and drained. He needed to complete the editting as requested from the producer and his boss. Therefore, he had been on the same chair, focused on the computer and on his paper that was on the table with a pen, going back and forth to write and to type. 


" Hyung. Do you want to hang out and get a drink?" Seungri opened came out of the recording booth while looking at the leader who is almost drained out.. 


“ that is exactly what I need .. “ he smiled when he heard the word drink.. he could really use some alcohol right now. He needed to rest too. 


" Hyung..That include you too.. It's been a while since the 5 of us hang out together.. " Seungri held on to the oldest that was sitting beside the leader, practicing on his rap parts. He had only one earpiece plugged to his left ear therefore being able to hear them talk. TOP gave a small nod earning smiles from the youngest. Seungri was the happiest among the 5. He felt that he hasn't been able to spend time with together outside of work. It was always because of work that they were together. If it wasn't for work, TOP and Taeyang would be with their girls. Finally! Boys night out!


(At the bar..)


" take it .. " the youngest pushed the shot glass to Taeyang, while he made a face. Taeyang is the only one in the group that dislike hard liquor or shots. He would drink wine occasionally with the group but that was it. No shots. No hard liquor for him. He doesn’t like the feeling of getting a hangover. He absolutely detest it, so if there is a chance to not drink hard liqour or shots, he wouldn't even touch it. 


" i know you don't like but let yourself go once in awhile..." Seungri went on and went earning a sigh from Taeyang. He finally took the shot glass from the youngest. He knew the Seungri would probably annoy him for the whole night. He let out another sigh before gulp it down, slamming it down on the table before making a disgusted face.. 


This is probably the fastest way to shut the youngest. 


" Too strong.. " he coughed out the words and immediately chased it down with his orange juice .. Drinking it, hoping to flush the disgusting bitter alcohol taste away in his mouth.. Seungri let out a chuckle. Nagging and pursuading works! He leaned back on the backrest of the bar's sofa, slowly sitting back down feeling contented but just went he was about to talk to Taeyang, his attention was being drawn to a group to notice 5 girls smiling their way. This made him very happy. They were all beautiful!


“ I think..we caught some attention.. “ Seungri smiled back at the girls.. winking and showing them his drink.. 


Becareful. You are a celebrity.


“ Is he inviting them over?!” Daesung whispered to Taeyang who cannot be bothered right now. He was focus on trying to get the disgusting alcohol aftertaste that was lingering in his mouth.. Daesung knew he was right when all 5 girls came up to them.


" Hey" One of the girls with her hair bunned up greeted them. This made the youngest really happy. He stood up and welcomed the girls to the table. The guys was seated in a semi circle when they reached the bar. They wanted to be comfortable, therefore booking and reserving a semi circled sofa to relax. So it actually could fit another 5 more people. They just needed to squeeze a little. 


" Why do you look so tired? Allow me to pour you a drink to gain back your energy?" Although the bar was dim, they all could see that this lady had long wavy haired with almost D sized cup s almost popping out of her blouse. She had narrowed waist and not to mention her mini dress that was almost too short for her. She bend down to take the whiskey bottle in her hand, making her cleavage much more obvious. She poured the whiskey in the glass, passing it to him. 


" Bottoms up.. " she clung her glass together with TOP, drinking it with him. When she saw that he finished it in one shot, she smiled and leaned nearer to him, she pushed her lips on his cheek, going in for a quick peck, rewarding him.. he smiled politely but pushed her hand off when he felt her hand on his thigh.. Jiyong was staring hard at him.. 


Soon the gang became comfortable with each other. They played drinking games hosted by the youngest and within 30 minutes, TOP could feel like he was on a boat, as if the waves are going up and down. He felt so giddy and coincidentally, the girl that was beside him, sounded a little like his wife when she laughs.. TOP got too comfortable and he was drunk when he mistakenly swung his hands over her waist pulling her closer to him. She was shocked but quickly placed her glass down on the table with a smile as she turned to him.. 


" So, now you want me?" The gorgeous girl took it that he had signaled that he wanted her. So she cupped his face in her hands and kissed his passionately on the lips. TOP did not pull back or release, he just went for the kiss as well. Jiyong stood up and pulled them away, staring into the rapper eyes.


Okay, So.. Maybe TOP thought he was kissing his wife? 


" You are drunk now .. Go home .. " the fire in the leader’s eyes could be spotted.. It was fiery and stern. He was being very serious now. What is he doing kissing another girl?!


“ No.. Anna..” He mumbled enough for Jiyong to hear. Jiyong let out a sigh and  sat back down beside him and leaned closer to the rapper's ear. 


" She is not Anna.. " The moment TOP heard that, he shook his head hopefully to shake some senses back into him. He released her when he got back his senses. Oh my goodness. Jiyong was right. She is not Anna. Why is he holding another girl?! He apologised slightly and stood up but the same girl beside him held on to his hand. 


" I got to go now .. " he shove her hand off his. He knows he need to get out of the bar as soon as possible. He took his jacket that was throw behind him on the backrest of the semi circled sofa but the same girl stopped him. 


" Don't be such a party pooper .. " She literally whine and pout, holding on to his hand but Jiyong stood up and cut them apart with his bare hands..


" Leave him alone .. He has a wife" It was her turn to receive the fiery stare from Jiyong. 


" TOP has a wife? Really.. " she looked at him, a little drunk herself. TOP and Anna had publicly announced their marriage. It was a little weird since this girl knows them but doesn't keep up with the updates on them.  


“ Enough..” Jiyong ave a slight push to signal the rapper to leave but the same girl stopped it again.. 


“ He hasn’t finish the drink that I ordered for him” She was trying her best to stop TOP from leaving. 


“ I’ll drink it for him” Jiyong took up TOP's glass of whiskey and gulp it down, swallowing every alcohol in that damn glass. Slamming it on the glass table after it was empty. It was only then she didn't have the excuse to keep TOP back. 


Thanks to the leader, TOP was finally free! He made his way, stumbling out of the bar. He unlock his car, plotting himself on the driver's seat for awhile. He needed ro rest. He needed to understand what just happened. He needed time to absorb the fact that he just made out with another woman. What happened to him?! Was he that drunk?! He took out a packet of cigratte from his jacket, taking out one stick of cigratte and lighting it, quickly taking a puff from it. He needed a rest too since the alcohol was making him dizzy now. He was having second thoughts of driving. He could see double visions. The whole road was tilting. After smoking the stick of cigratte. He closed his eyes for awhile, while he rest his head on the headrest. It took about 20 minutes and only when he felt a little better, he the engine and drove back slowly. The sound of the doors and keys clinging together made Anna turned to the direction of her room door from her laptop. One of the reason she wasn't asleep because she was up, visiting the toilet bowl for about 5 times now. The other reason was, she was just plain waiting for her husband. 


" hey baby .. " he opened the door. Anna stood up from her chair and walked towards him but immediately notice the alcohol smell. He had the smell of cigratte and alcohol mixed together. 


" Why do you smell like that?" She asked with a small frown. Although he felt better and he was sober, he still had alcohol in his system. 


" Went out with the guys .. " She helped him towards the bed, she have to make him sit so she could undress him. She is not going to allow him to wear those alcohol and cigratte scented clothes onto her bed. She quickly took off his jacket and his shirt. It was easy for her up till this point. She had to unbuckle his belt and take off his pants but that is when she felt a hand on hers. 


" You want it tonight don't you?" There you go. The alcohol was definitely still in his system.


" Hubby.. You are drunk, go to sleep.. " she continue to pull his pants down.. Placing all the clothes on the chair at her dressing table.


"Are you rejecting me again?" he looked up and pouting at her, but she ignored him, it’s best not to talk with a drunk person. she pulled the blanket to his chest.. hoping he would just fall asleep tonight.. but something disturbing came out from his mouth.. 


"It’s fine if you reject me. You will regret it" Damn, he is really immature when he is drunk but this cause her head to snap at him.. 


What did he just say? What does he meant by that? What was he going to do or what did he do? Anna thought to herself. 


At first she thought he was spouting nonsense again, but she saw a faint shiny glitter spot on his cheek.. She moved herself closer to him to make sure she didn't mistaken what she had saw. Maybe it was a reflection of the light? Maybe it was a his sweat? She took a piece of paper from her nightstand and wipe it off his cheek to reveal a pink and shiny spot on the paper.."It's fine if you reject me. You will regret it" was repeating in her head. He really isn’t spouting nonsense. It’s true. There is lip gloss stain on his cheek.. Where did he go? Why is there a girls around when he said it was hanging with the guys? Who are these girls? Were they the backup dances? Were they his colleagues? Why was there a kiss? Was it because they were playing a truth or dare game? So many questions were running through her mind but she can't get any answers from him. At least not right now.


“ You..” She wanted to scream at him but stopped herself from getting crazy. She took a deep breath. “No point arguing with a drunkard. Keep cool and talk to him in the morning” She told herself. She was lucky that it took less than two minutes before she could hear his soft snores. At least she don't have to put up with more of his drunken words ..


(The next afternoon)


He sat up while pressing his head, massaging his the temples of his head.. wow. his hangover was really bad. His head was really throbbing and he really wanted to puke. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. When he got back his senses, he opened his eyes and looked over to notice his wife isn't in the room. He took his phone from the nightstand and got off the bed. He walked out of the bedroom and walked slowly down the stairs to see his wife wiping the marbled island. He stood behind her silently, crossing his arms and smiled when he see that her big shirt would lift up everything she tries to clean the inner part revealing her back thighs .. Showing a little of her boy shorts.. Oblivious of the mess her had last night, he went towards her from behind and hugging her, startling her a little.. 


" hey baby, cleaning?" He mumbled in her ear, asking the obvious.. 


“ Please take a shower .. you reek of alcohol .. " she shoved his hands away from her, while she continue to wipe the counter. 


“Yes ma'am.. ” he obeyed but before he could walk away from the kitchen. Anna stopped him.. It's time to flood him with questions that had been bugging her since last night. 


" Can you remember anything you said to me last night ?" he looked confused when she asked that.. what did he say? 


" What did I say?" he know he tend to speak nonsense when he is drunk. Oh dear.. what trouble has he gotten himself into now? What did he say to her? What did he ask her? What did he do.. ..


" Why are there lipstick gloss on your cheek ?" His eyes widen when he heard her question. How did she know that?! Did she see it? What did i tell her? Oh.. WHAT THE .. 


" oh .. I  .." he tried to explain ..


" It's okay ..You don’t have to explain. You were drunk.. " it hurts.. it hurts her but he is her husband.. she have to at least trust him.. right? Can she do that? Can she bring herself to do that? Maybe part of her didn't want to know the truth, afraif that she might get her although, the other part of her really wanted to know what he did. He was about to explain when he could hear a soft melody from his hand.. 


“ Wait for me ” he slide to answer the call, walking away from her while he started the conversation with the other person on the line. It was less than three minutes when he came back to her.. 


" Baby.. I'll explain everything to you once I come home later okay .. I have a dance practice in 30 minutes " he wanted to lean in to give her a kiss but was afraid of she might react. It’s better to let her cool down first.. She let out a sigh when she saw him ran upstairs. 



" you got me into trouble .. " he blamed the youngest member the moment he reached the recording studio. Luckily it was only Seungri that was in the room. Jiyong and Taeyang had gone out to buy lunch while Daesung was in the bathroom. 


" What did I do?" Seungri looked at the oldest while he scratched his head, getting really confused.. 


" Anna is mad with me .. " he stood in front of him. 


" O..Kay but what has that got to do with me? " Seungri was even more confused now. What does it got to do with him? Shouldn't he pacify her? Why is the oldest blaming him? TOP slowly explain everything to earning a gasp from the youngest.


" Hyung?! You did not clean the mark off?!" Seungri didn't think he was that stupid to leave it on. 


In his defence. TOP isnt stupid. He was just drunk.


" I was drunk.. " TOP let out a sigh. The 2 stopped talking the moment Daesung walked in. It would be better to have lesser people knowing about this situation he was in. It wasn't exactly a proud situation. 


" Hey.. Sally is celebrating her birthday at the bar after work, are you guys going?” Sean walked over to them.


Let me explain, Sally is one of their dancer. 


Great! Sally is celebrating in a bar. He couldn't not go. It is one of Big Bang's dancer's birthday, he has to go.. Damn.


"Yes! I’m going!” Seungri answered while he look at the oldest.. 


“ I’m not sure if I’m allowed to” TOP mumbled under his breath and glare at the youngest, only enough for only Seungri to hear.. 


“Pardon? ” Daesung asked.. he couldn’t really hear the rapper since he was mumbling to himself. 


“ He said yes but no alcohol” Seungri answered for him earning a glare. How could he not go. Its all right. Everything will be under control, just as long as TOP doesn't drink tonight and also, he knew he had to keep a lookout for the oldest. 


" Happy birthday to you!" they all gathered around the table, singing their dancer her birthday song. They gave her good wishes and clapped after she blew out the candles on her birthday cake. They have booked an private room for her. There were some of other idol groups around, her close dancers friends and Big Bang. 


" I will make sure you get drunk tonight! " Her other dancer  friends were waiting to make her drunk since she was the birthday girl. There were nothing but loud cheers and laughter that filled the room until TOP decided he needed to use the bathroom that was outside the private room. 


 " excuse me .. " TOP slowly made his way out the door. Heading to the direction of the gents but was stopped by a familiar lady. 


" Hello oppa! Remember me?" TOP eyebrow turned into a small frown as his brain tried to recall who is this familiar girl. She looked real familiar. His brows relaxed and his eyes widen when he manage to remember this was that girl that kissed him. Oh no.. 


“ Hey .." TOP greeted back slightly. He has to be polite right? After all, he is an idol. 


" Oh.. I realize I haven't officially introduced myself yesterday, you seemed like you were in a rush. My name is Nicole ... " she stretched out her hand waiting for TOP to grab it and shake. He stretched out his manly hand, grabbing her soft and smooth feminine hand, shaking it gently. 

" Nice to meet you oppa" she smiled charmingly. 

Damn girl.. 


" Nice to meet you too. I.. I'm sorry, excuse me. I need to go use the bathroom.. " To be honest, was feeling a little uncomfortable now. He cleared his throat, wanting to leave this awkward and tensed scene but Nicole stopped him again. 


“ I don’t normally do this but.. here is my phone number.. Call me .. " she passed him a name card while she bite her lips seductively, turning her back as she walked away. What a way to attract a man. TOP stood there, watching her backview as she sashayed back into the bar. He shook his head to get his senses back and once he got his senses back he kept the name card in his pocket and continued walking towards the gents. 

After he relieved himself, he walked towards the sink and looked at himself through the mirror. How did Nicole knew that i was here tonight again? Is this a normal place that she would normally hang out or is she stalking him? Stop thinking about her. Ignore. Ignore her. He the faucet and splashed his face with water a few times before turning it off. He need to get out of here. 

He walked out of the gents and walked straight to the private room. He didn't even want to glance or look around the room, afraid that he might see her again. He opened the private room and walk towards the birthday girl. 


" Hey Sally, I'll make a move first.. Once again, happy birthday.” The rapper wished the birthday girl one last time, giving her a friendly kiss on the cheek before heading home.  He really controlled himself tonight, despite all his friends and colleagues pressure on him staying. He didn’t drink a drop of alcohol that night and he is proud of himself, he couldn't make another mistake. That kiss was enough to scare him. He walked towards his car and drove off, driving back home. 


" Hey baby, I'm home .. " He opened his bedroom door slowly to see his wife was on the laptop, clicking on the mouse. 


" hey. " she acknowledged his presence for a second before going back to the laptop. He entered the room and closed the door behind him, walking behind her. The chair Anna was sitting does not have a arm rest or a backrest. It was a cushioned stool, the stool was actually a set with the dressing table. She just place her laptop of the dressing table and use the stool to sit out of convenience. To TOP's advantage, he could hug her from behind which was exactly what he did. 


" I missed you baby .. " he bend down to hugged her from the behind, quickly giving a few soft kisses on her neck.. Anna could smell the alcohol and cigratte smell on him again. She could smell a sweet smell from him too but it wasn't as strong as yesterday, it was milder but it was a similar smell. 


" You drank again?” She looked away from the laptop screen, released the hug and turned to look at him. She was facing him now. Just that she had to look upwards since she was still seated but he standing. 


" No..No.. I went to the bar, it was Sally’s birthday .. I didn’t drink a drop of alcohol" he quickly defended himself. Anna stood up from the stool, standing in front of him. Anna knew that he was a smoker and she didn't mind. She didn't mind that he smoke a few sticks a day but when it mixed with alcohol, the smells get stronger. 

" Don't drink too much" she advised before turning to cover her laptop and walking to the bed. 

" I really didn't drink a single drop of alcohol" he repeated himself earning a small smile from his wife. 

" I know. I'm just generally speaking. Go take a shower" she replied. TOP could smile now. He didn't feel so tensed compared to the feeling he had before entering his room. He thought Anna was still upset with him. He took off his jacket and left it on the stool, heading towards the bathroom when Anna called out for him. 


" Oh.. Could you help me wish her a happy birthday too? “ Anna knew who Sally was. They would have a few small conversation every time Anna was there. It was all good.. 


" All right. " he took out his phone from his pocket and started texting the birthday girl on the behalf of his wife. He walked to Anna's night stand table to place his phone down and gave a quick kiss on his wife's forehead before heading to the bathroom. 

Anna's eyebrow squeezed into a frown when she still could smell the alcohol, cigratte and the sweet smell in the room. Her eyes landed on his jacket that was thrown on her stool. She got off the bed and walked towards the jacket, and she was right. The moment she got nearer to the jacket. The smell got stronger. 

The jacket definitely needs to be washed. He was using the same jacket since yesterday. She lifted up his jacket, getting ready to throw it in the laundry basket that was sitted just outside the bathroom but a white card had fallen to the floor. She threw the jacket in the laundry basket first before squatting to pick up the white card. She flipped the card to reveal: 


Nicole Kim

Head of Sales Department

T.C company



" Nicole?" she bit her lower lip. Isn't his dancer that celebrated her birthday tonight is called Sally? Why is there a Nicole? She is a sales director. What is a sales director name card doing in your jacket? Once she heard the water off, she place the namecard back in his jacket's pocket that was currently laying in the laundry basket. She walked over to the bed and sat there. She didn't want to come off as a creep or a stalker. 

" I feel so refreshed" That was his first sentence the moment he stepped out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He had another small towel that was on his hand, it is use to dry his wet hair. 


" Hubby. Who is Nicole?" Anna saw that he stopped rubbing his hair dry. He simply stopped drying his hair and looked at her. 


" how did you .. " he turned to to his jacket that was supposed to be on the stool but it wasn't there anymore. He looked around the room to realize it was in the laundry basket. 

" I met her yesterday at the bar" he immediately explained. He was telling the truth! He went to the warobe to get any shirt and boxers he could find, wearing them. 


“ She gave you her name card yesterday?" She asked, really  genuinely curious. 


“ She gave me her name card today.. it was a total coincidence that she was there. We really went to celebrate Sally’s birthday, on the way to the gents, we just bumped into each other .. “ he explained, telling her the truth.. 


" and that’s the girl that kissed you?" she folded her arms and guessed. By the look on his wife's face. This is not going well. 

“ Baby, breathe.. I need you to calm down .. Nothing happened.. " He sat beside her and release her arms from the folding position, holding them in his hands. Securely. 

" Why and how did she kissed you.." she asked softly. She didn't want a argument or a quarrel. She just wanted the truth.


" We were talking. We played some drinking games. Everyone was either high or drunk. Somehow, she just kissed me on the cheek. That's all. She caught me off guard too" He explained everything out to her. 

" So.. she kissed you?" She reconfirmed again. 


" Sorry Baby.. but it's just a kiss..nothing else happened" He knew he said the wrong thing when he saw the disappointment and upset look in Anna’s eyes. 


" It’s only a kiss?" She looked at him with teary eyes. 


" please don’t overreact" He tried to calm her down but he kept using the wrong words or phrases. 


" overreact?" She stood up and looked hard at him. 


" okay okay .. Not overreacting .. I'm sorry..” he apologised and gave in, he didn’t want to argue with his wife . Not tonight.. he wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her nearer to him. 


" I don’t wish to share my husband” Anna soften down and explained to him.. He can't help but smiled at her cuteness. 


" I am all yours. " Finally, he said something right. He pulled her on his lap. Allowing her to sit on his lap. He then leaned nearer to her and kissed her on her forehead. 

Nice save.. 




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15 streak #1
A story that i read 3 times
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Hello and welcome back I have been reading your stories since years ago and I’m delighted to know that you are back can I make a request please for a new story????
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