
Status: Married

Hello friends! On the last chapter, TOP had prepared everything and left the divorce papers beside Anna. The only thing missing was her signature. Let's continue.. 


(one week later)


It has been a week since she saw the divorced paper. She hasn't signed it yet. It is in her drawer of her bedside table. Maybe the reason why she hasn't signed it, is because, she is still love him? Or maybe because she wants her baby to have a complete family. Anyway, she just couldn't sign it. She didn't want a divorce. 

She decided to treat him better, she didn't want to be so cold towards him. After all the work he tried getting her, that's the least she can do. She wants him to feel that she didn’t want the divorce. She still want him but she was shy to tell him that. 

She walked to the counter, sitting on the bar stool, just beside her husband. 

" Hey. Morning." she greeted him. He looked up from his smartphone screen and smiled at her. He got up and took a plate of scrambled egg with sausages along with 2 slices of bread out from the microwave. Placing it in front of her. This man has been making breakfast for her every morning. The breakfast would change. Different cuisines. 

" Thank you. " She smiled back at him.

He has been cooking for her for the past week and his cooking skills are getting better! This one week the couple have been leading their own life. TOP will not sneak moments to touch or hug her. He still took care of her. He was there at her every call but other than that, they pretty much lead their own life.

" Have you signed the paper?” He manage to cough out the question. She just looked at him, slowly shaking her head. 

" Once you do. Please place it at my room desk." he got up from the seat and started clearing up his own plate. She opened , wanting to talk to him, but she didn’t know how to start. She decided to place a piece of scrambled egg inside instead with a small sigh. 


She place her left hand on her tummy when she felt her Son kicked her. She then turned her attention towards her husband who was currently washing the dishes. She really do miss him. Although they are staying in the same house, she miss him. She miss him being sweet to her. She miss him being touchy to her.  She wants him. She needs him but how is she suppose to tell him? How is she going to start? She let out a sigh and decided to stuff more eggs in instead.


" Hyung. Stop drinking." Daesung took the glass away from him. He was just drinking whiskey. Plain whiskey. He just wanted to get drunk. Wanted to drown his sorrows. It kills him knowing that he might get a divorce within these few days. 

" I told you to think it over." They were all against the idea of them divorcing. Seungri was the one that kept nagging at him, asking him to think it over and over again before he made the decision. TOP took back the glass from Daesung and finished the brown alcoholic drink that was left inside in one gulp. 

" Hyung! " Daesung took all the glass away from the oldest. Passing them back to the bartender. He was already wasted. It was obvious since he was hanging his head low.

" Hyung! What is the use of sitting here and drinking?! It’s not too late to throw the divorced papers away!” Seungri raised his voice at the rapper. He had told the two boys what happened earlier today so they knew that the paper weren't signed yet. 

" Seungri. Not so loud!" Daesung shushed the youngest. They were in public. Is he crazy?! Does he want Big Bang or TOP to be in the headlines tomorrow? 

"Maybe she had already signed the papers."  He started laughing to himself. Oh, just the thoughts of it pains his heart.


Oh, poor guy.


" One more glass please." He ordered from the bartender again but Daesung stopped the order. 


" Sorry. He is drunk. Don't take the order." Daesung told the bartender. 

“ Why don't you let me drink?!" TOP shouted at Daesung but he ignored it. He needs the oldest to stop drinking before he blackout any moment. Daesung took out his wallet and ask for the check and paid. 

" Let's go." Daesung and Seungri both helped the oldest to stand and balance himself off the bar stool. He helped the oldest to get out of the bar with his arms around their necks. He even had problems standing. Don't even mention walking. 


Anna got up from her laptop and walked down the stairs when he heard her door bell rang. She walked towards her main door and touched the monitor that was in front of the door. It was their CCTV/peephole. She saw three guys outside her door. The middle one looked like he had fainted. He was just simply relying on the other two guys to stand. She quickly opened the door when she realize it was her husband and her two other good friends. 

" What happened to him?!" She was shocked. Why does he look like this? 

" Let us get him inside first." Anna immediately moved away to let the two members carrying him up the stairs, to the masterbed room.

The two simply threw him on the bed. He wasn't exactly a light guy. The two was panting the moment they threw him on his bed. TOP quickly finding a comfortable position and started snoring. The two members are still panting and they were sweating. 

“ Hyung is so heavy!” Both guy had to stretch their body. They felt as if they have worked out!

" What happened ?” She asked the two boys the moment she came in the room. 

" He drank way too much." Seungri placed his hand on his hips and bit his lips, looking at his hyung that was softly snoring on the bed. 

" I can see that." Her attention was on the drunk man. 

“ I guess we will have to sleep here tonight." Daesung suggested to Seungri while he nodded back in agreement. Does that mean she can't spend time alone with him? Can't take care of him? Anna quickly stopped them. 

“ Here? You guys are staying here tonight?” She asked earning nods from them.

“ How are you going to handle him alone?” Seungri asked. To be honest, she didn't really want them to stay over. She wanted some alone time with him. She wants to take care of him, maybe she could work some charm and not get that divorce? 

“ He is asleep now. It’s fine." she reassured them but the two members were still hesitating.

“ I can handle him.” Anna tried to reassure them again.

" Are you sure? You are pregnant.”  Daesung asked again. Really unsure of this plan. 

" Yes. I can handle. " she smiled and walked to the bathroom to take a damped towel to put on his forehead.

" but.." Daesung got cut off. 

" We will leave then." Seungri cut off whatever Daesung wanted to say, pulling him to the side.

" let them spend sometime together. " he whispered in Daesung ears. Daesung let out a sigh at his idea. 

“ call us if you need help." Seungri quickly pulled Daesung out the bedroom door after seeing Anna nod her head. She turned her head to look at her drunk husband. She went nearer to him and sat beside him. 

" You reek of alcohol. " She spoke gently to him but of course he wouldn't answer back. She went to the wardrobe to find a small towel before heading to the bathroom and wetting the towel with warm water. She then went towards him and gently place it on his forehead. 


" Let me take off your clothes. I want you to sleep better." She talked to him again before starting to slowly his shirt. He started to mumble something making Anna frown. 

" be happy baby .. Just be happy .. " He mumbled through his drunken state but Anna could still hear him.  

" I cause you so much .. trouble. Im so sorry." He continued. Anna could feel her eyes filled with tears but she quickly blink it off. 

" Seungri ah. Am I crazy?" He mumbled. This drunk man still thinks he is at the bar with the boys. 

" I am crazy. Next time, in future. When you get married,  don't.. I repeat.. DONT .. Get tempted by other girls. It will just harm you.. It will break a family." Anna's tears can't stop filling her eyes right now. 

" Seunghyun." She caressed his cheek gently. Damn his cheeks feels hot. He was really drunk isn't he? She blink her tears away again before taking a deep breath. She decided to continue what she was doing before. Her hands going to his buckle on his belt, unbuckling for him. When he felt fondling on his buckle, he opened his eyes and looked at her as an instinct. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked his wife in shock. 

" Go back to sleep."  She told him softly.

He then noticed something wet on his forehead so he took the towel from her forehead, took a small glance at the towel and threw it on the floor.

" Why did you do that for?!" She looked at him in shock.

" Leave me alone. Please. " He turned to his side, his back facing her. 

" Seunghyun. Please don't fight with me when you are this drunk."  she bend down to slowly pick up the towel but he shouted at her. She wanted to place back on her forehead but he pushed her arms and hands away. 

" Just leave me alone!” Damn, he was loud.

" Seunghyun. " she went closer to him and tried to hold his arm but he this time he turned to face her and shouted. 

" LEAVE ME ALONE! Do you know how hard it was for me to make that decision?!" He really shouted this time. 

“ Seunghyun. Calm down.” She tried to calm him but it was useless..

“ SHUT UP!” He shouted again. Anna gathered her strength and decided to shout back at him.

" How do you think I feel then?! You said it was hard for you? How about me?!" she shouted back at him. 

"Just leave me alone! Why are you making this so hard for me?!" The two was shouting as though they were miles away from each other but the fact they were just beside each other. 

"Choi Seunghyun! Why are you so selfish?!" She held on to her stomach when she felt kicks from her son in her stomach. 

" SELFISH?! I wouldn't get that divorce paper if I am selfish!" TOP sat up and stared hard at her. 

“ Do you think I want that?! A divorce?!" Anna got up from the bed with hands on her hips. 

“ I have been hurting you, divorce is a better option for us." he began to soften down.

" ! " She grunted a little when she felt more kicks from her son. She immediately sat on at the edge of the bed and place her hand on her stomach. She needs to calm down. TOP look at her with a frown. 

" What's wrong?" He could see and feel that something was wrong. 

" None of your business." She stood up wanting to walk away. Enough of the arguments and shouting. It's bad for her child but he grabbed her back. 


" Let me go if you want a divorce. Don't touch me." She struggled a little but he hugged her this time. His arms around her stomach. This time, he felt it. He felt their son, kicking his arms. He released her and place his hand on her stomach to feel his son's kick better. 

He felt it. He felt his son's kicks. 

" I can.. I can feel my son kicks.. " There was a smile shown on his face now. This was the first time feeling his son little kicks through his wife's stomach. 

" My son!" she corrected him. 

" What do you mean your son?" he looked at her, his hands still on her tummy. 

" After we get that divorce, he will be following my surname. Not yours." She was just spouting rubbish. She would want her son to take his father's surname but she just wanted to anger him. It's all heated and anger words. 

"He is my son! He will be a Choi! " he stood firm. Wait. Divorce? Divorce?! It felt like a slap to him. When he got back his senses, he let go off her stomach and he stumble out of the masterbed room. Anna watched him stumbled out. What is he doing?! He then entered the guest room and started destroying the room. Anna was shocked when she followed him from behind. All her clothes were on the floor, he was literally messing up the guest room!

" Choi Seunghyun! What are you doing?!" He was practically destroying her room. TOP would only stop when he finally saw the brown envelope. He took the divorce papers inside the brown envelope and showed it to her. 

" Found it. " He took the divorce paper and rips it into half making her eyes widen. 

" CHOI SEUNGHYUN! " To be very honest, she was smiling a little inside but she was still shock. 

" I am selfish. I am selfish that I want you and my son to be with me. " he blurted out.

" You.. oh my goodness. My room!" She wanted the shout at him but at the same time, her room was really in a mess! 

“ Get out of the room!” She literally went in the room and pushed him out. 

" Baby. No matter what you do.. Our son is going to be a .... " got cut off when Anna slam the door right infront of him. 

" Aww. Baby, Come on let me talk to you. " At first he started knocking , but he found out It was useless .. He could feel as though there were many punches in his brain. The alcohol he drank, is starting to give him a headache. He slide down on the ground with his back leaning on it. 

" baby." He mumbled and suddenly she could hear a few thud sound, believing that the sound might come from his head. 

" let me in.. please." He was having a headache from the alcohol, he thought that by knocking his head on the door, gently, he would feel better. Is he crazy?!

" Stop doing that! You will hurt youself." She spoke through the door. 

" I don't care." He mumbled but enough for her to hear. 

She have to admit , she is feeling happy. Happy that he tore the papers but her smile started to fade. Is he going to remember all these tomorrow? He might not remember a thing tomorrow. 

" Baby, tell me. Tell this idiot here. What can I do to make you love me again. I am running out of ideas. I feel so lost. " He leaned on the door and rest his head on the door as well.


" I don't think I have ever stopped loving you .. " she mumbled softly under her breath but she was not sure if he could hear. 

" I feel so lost without you." He wiped the tear that roll down his cheeks. 

" Just.. Realise your mistake." She answered. 

" Okay!" His response was almost immediate. 

At first he started talking making her leaned towards the door and press her ear on the door trying to hear what he is saying. The more he talk, the more it doesn't make sense. Her eyes widen when she realize he was on the phone. 

" Yes! Im an idiot ! I have a perfect wife but I ruined it .. I ruin everything because I sle.. "  before he could finish Anna opened the door making him fall back. She kneeled down to be the same level as him and took the smartphone from him and ended the call. She saw the name that he called on his smartphone and gasped. He called the press?! 

" Are you crazy ?! Why did you call the press ?! This could ruin your career !" She shouted at him. 

" I told you, It didn’t matter. I just want you to forgive me." He still was lying down when he spoke. Ugh! His head is aching! 

" Seunghyun. You are drunk. You will regret calling them. You will hate yourself when you realize what you did and can't remember a thing tomorrow. " she looked at him who looked stared at her. 

" What if I do remember? " he sat up now. 

" You won't. The call or what you said to me. I don't think you could remember." She looked down and speak. He used his fingers to lift her Chin up so he could look at her. 

" Shall we make a bet? " He challenged her. 

Anna saw his drunk and sleepy eyes. He can't even stand properly earlier. 

" Whats the bet?" She asked. 

" If you win, I will listen to whatever you say but if I win, you will have to forgive me. " He gave her a playful smile. 

She thought about it a while before accepting his challenge. He is drunk! 

" Fine.." she looked at him who looks like he was going to fall asleep anytime. 

" For now, please go to sleep.. " she said making him lazily pushed himself up with his hands. She stood there watching him stumble as he stand up slowly. Come on, he can't even stand! 

He stood infront of her but before she could do anything, He hugged her again. He used his arm and wrapped around her waist. His chin resting on her shoulder. 

" I don't know if you believe me but I love you. I love you so much. " He spoke softly. She had tears filling up her eyes but she was smiling a little. 

" I thought I could do it. I thought I could live without you but I was so wrong." He mumbled but clear enough for her to hear.

" Please .. Just .. Just give me another chance .. I.." before he could finish his sentence, he could feel Anna hugging him back.

She softly pulled out from the hug and she cupped his face. She pressed his lips against hers, she thought that since he wouldn't be able to remember anything tomorrow because he is so drunk. Why not just kiss him now? It would be too awkward if he is sober. During the kiss he could feel her tears rolling down, touching the dry spot on his cheek. When they released from the kiss, he looked at her, shocked that she would do that.

" I'm... Im.. Going back to my room." she turned to her room and closed the door with a uncontrollable smile. 

" I love you." He shouted through the door. 

Her smile soon faded when she knows that he won't be able to remember anything tomorrow. She sighed when she take a better look of room. Her messy messy room.


Not as messy as your relationship.

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15 streak #1
A story that i read 3 times
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Hello and welcome back I have been reading your stories since years ago and I’m delighted to know that you are back can I make a request please for a new story????
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